Clinton News-Record, 1947-12-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR IL • r`(aii nded for last week) Tschool reading, Ruth Hewitt, Aubur n 1I, and Mara. Lorne "Weston, Bruce- school, Dutch dance, Donna Gow andLois � field, visited' Mr. and Mrs. George Har- Taylor. A veto of thanks was extended t vart: '� r Stewart. nes. the pupils and to twl tori to't it a o Thus a .,P rr n d y George Yu n gb 1ut, who has beaui Plunkett, Mrs. Aubrey Toll, Miss •West- a , visiting her son, Roy Mugford, and Mars, lake' and Mr, Little ,for splendid enter- Mugferd, . Goderich, has returned house. taitmteut.' The evening was, brought to a Anthem. Store H`onrs aIose by singing the National An The stores 1,411 remain open evenings The Public Library, which has just re - of December 22, 23 and 24 and will be 'eently been redecorated was open to the closed December 26, Boxing Day. (public Saturday •afternoon when after. ti home Prom Hospital noon tea was served. A great many Mrs George Hamilton: \who underwent availed themselvesand•express'ed pleasure a uilljor iieseratiou in Alexandra Hospital, at the beautiful appearance of the• Lib- Goderieh, base returned home. Her sister, rely. Toa was, poured vy Miss Margaret Mrs. Broadfoot, Bruceftette is caring for King. Those serving were Mrs. W. T. , Robison, Mrs. Edgar' Lawson and Mrs. Fred Rose:. The walls of the Library have been varnished, hhe Woodwork painted ivory, the chairs green, a•' new .rug' has been put on the floor and new drapes on the win. clews. The Library belongs to the Huron County Library Association and receives an exchange of books every three months besides having a great many books of their own. All public school children re. `sive free reading, W.M.S. Meets Polio Victim Home $illy Andrews, son of Mr. and Mis. „Awes Andrews, who has been a patient 'Vietoria"Hospital, London, since' early in ;September, has returned, Billy was a victim of polio. White Gift Service , The annual White Gift, Serviee was hold in Knox United Cherh du Sunday with the'children of the Sunday 'Sehol taimrg'part, in the service. The Snuday School:Orehestro accompanied in the sing- Ring'of the Christmas enrols. Rev. A. G. ,iioivitt were a message in ,keeping 'with the occasion. The gifts presented by the children will be given to the Childr'cu'e Shelter, Goderieh. Library Concert The. Public Library .'Board sponsored their annual concert on Friday evening in. the Foresters' Hall. Rev. A. G. Hewitt saying that peace depends on brother- hood'and love, and thatthe peace of the world now depends on food: Mrs. Taylor gave an account of her recent trip to England and Seotland and of the condi- tions , there. She spoke of fie many churches which were bombed. Mrs. Houston voiced words of apprec- iation to the speakers, audyyas seconded by Mrs. W. Good. - The president, •Mae. W. T. Robison, presided and ,the devotional period was taken by Mrs. Edgar Lawson. A Christ- mas greeting was read from Miss M. Small, Toronto. Miss Mary Houston gave Mire historyofltbe-bymn."O Little`Town CLINTON NEWS ItECORD, rr A ;VYallhred Dog I N$AXA4 "So you like my Dobbin" 'beained ...Olo ePortily atti-sed gent'., Christmas ,'3otvices It costa thousand dollars.:Very rare' breed. Part schnauzer. Part bull," Special .Christmas services, were held r,A zing,"rglueked the lady, he had In, the 'United" ()Mirth,Beard], l3un'day, just Met, '• Which.partistbull? The December 21, At the morning service gent broke down, "The 'part about there was a . regular Christmaa service the thousand dollars," he confided. f worship, choir presenting • Christmas uuthems. The evening service was a aat(llolight service in which the choir; THE BITH OF OUR LORD (Centutued front Page 3) 0 e members of the Sunday School and con- gregation,' combined in a service of Clu'istmas anthems' and carols. (Intended for Last week) Officers EhMted The Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary of Carmel Presbyterian Church held a supper meeting in the schoolroom of the church Friday evening, December 12. At the conclusion of a most delicious supper the meeting mas held nutb Miss Jean McQueen- in the chair. The following officers wore installed by the minister, Rev. P. A. Ferguson: Past President, Miss jean lte4lueon; President, Mrs. _Glenn Bc11; let .. vice ,president; Mrs. William. Brown; 2nd vice yourfielf. , president, Mrs. A. D. Mellwan; secret- Besides joy, Jesus brought love to ary, lfrs. Stewart Bell.; assistant, Mrs. the world. If we had that love in IRoy. Bell; treesnrer, Mrs. F. 0. Booth- our hearts we would realize that ton; pianist, Mrs. Herold Ball; aseis- our faults were even more,: grievous taut, ,Mrs. Charles Forrest; Welcome and ,than, those of our friends whom' we Welfare, Mrs, P. A. Ferguson, Kennedy; C. condemn. We would have a sympa- Kennedy; Horne Helpers, Mrs. A. It. Orr„ Mrs. Gordon Bissett of Goderieh, pies ident of Huron Presbyterial, and Mrs. Albert Taylor, also of Goderieh, were guest speakers at the ;Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. of Ittnox Presbyterian Church, 'held at the home of. Mrs. W. T. Robison, on Thursday. Mrs, Bissett chose as her theme "The Prince of Peace", was 'e3airman ` for the programme ' put • on by pupils of Aubtu'a 'Public School, No. 16, blast Wawanesh, No. 2, West Wawanosh (Prosperity School), No. 3 Mullett. The' proven,. opened with a clients by the Auburn school,, reading, Ruth- Mess, No. 2 school, Sailor's born - pipe, Donna Gow and Lois Taylor, No, 16" School, recitation, Ruth Daer, No. 9 school. saxophone, number by Lloyd M:e- Clinettey, Auburn school, dialogue, (I The Three Bears", by No. 2 school, reading, Ioabel Deer, Auburn school, solo, Donald -Jardin, No, 16, school, dialogue by Au- burn school, •recitaactiou,, Joan Mille, No; 2= Bayfield Bus Depot at • Corrie's Market Lunch PHONE CLINTON 631r6 Bus leaves for London: Saturday 8.00 a.m. Sundays and Holidays 3.35 p.m. Bus leaves for °bderieih Fridays and Saturdays ' 8.15 p.m. FA.RE�7S: Hayfield to London, single, $2.00; return, $3.60 Hayfield to Goderieh, single, 40c; return, 75c Huron Coach Lines 51-52b THANKED FOR STAMPS' Mrs, "Mi G. Beatty, Varna,, who since, 1943 has collected and pent to the British and Fgreign Bible So- ciety 27,, 55Q used stamps,,„which are sold ,gn,the market in ondon, England, the proceeds being, ,turned over to the. Bible Society; .has re- ceived the following letter from the society: "Dear Mrs. Beatty; "Thank you for you*.letter and,further con - of Christ came that we might have tribution used poeta a stamps. forbearance with one another, in p l tend `of that there is hatred and doe deeply appreciate all you hv e sdone toohelp in h i firs way, and you murder; in place of pity there is will no doubt be interested to know critical judgment; in preference to thews one of the organizations'sup- giving freely of tatfothdhl have- become graspinourgsubsand. mnceiserly;we ofpor. used rposmtageeproceestampss, of Etneraqsauee e'golden” � u1 i a.' he encs of t r s being Bolivia,soldsome 60 000: "whateoeverye would that men Hasan of .thscriptures s , copies of the scriptures last year, should do to. you, do ye even so to We pray, that you may, have contin them" has become, "Do others before ued health and ;strength to help in they do you." "Such `a world we t11is Way have made out of what should' have With every good Wish, yours faithfully, Rev. J. H. Armor, been pure joy. In =order to have M,A." that. element in our lives we •must According to Mrs. Beatty, even ouraelves last. Joy—Jesus, others, put ,Jesus -first, others, second and, torn, s tamps are . converted into cards and sold, and in 1942 over. $5000 was -realized for old, u sed and torn , stamps. Rector 'Returns Holy Communion was observed in St. John's Anglican Church, •Sun- day morning. Rev. L. Morgan was in charge of the service. We welcome Mr. Morgan back to the parish as he has been absent through illness for the, past few m onths. L. Lloyd Lake of Huron College, London, has sup- plied during his absence and ,has won many friends. Mrs. Jamieson and sons of Cen- tralia, visited the lady's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Sopher and family visited with relatives' at Strafford- ville. Auxiliary Meets Mrs. • Maude Redden was hostess for the December and 'Christmas meeting of the Evening Auxiliary Mondayeven- ing,. December 8. Miss Margaret. Shep- herd zeas co -hostess, The president, Mies Barbara Michie, was 'in the chair, and conducted the singing of Obviattlias carols. In response to the reit call many lovelygifts were donated- to be•forward- ed to the, London Protestant Orphanage, ?else Margaret Shepherd:,and Mrse Ned - dee to attend to the peeking and for- warding of same. The various reports showed splendid progress .throughout the year, The Aux- iliary Bazaar which was held recently was a decided success and• netted $123. Miss Margaret Glenn, Treasurer, gave an encouraging report, and was instruct- ed to forward $150 to' headquarters; also to give the Women's Missionary Society of Heiman United church, $50. It also was decided to 'present the two,, past presidents of this the Evening Auxiliary-withelife^memberships, in- the near future. Miss Gladys Luker, 'Mss. J. Flynn, Mies 'Margaret Shepherd were natned. a nominating committee for tbe, purpose of submitting at the January. meeting tbe slate of officers for 1948. 0 Ch nces Good? thy . tgwards, them • rather than spend, our time judging them We would consider 'that money we have is the Lord's and nit our own and would be 'ready' to share It with the needy and -those who,:do.not knew the Lord. Then Abe, corning ,. of -Attie, Lord brought Peace. The reason we have not, get it to, -day and, never, have hod it is .the fault of each one who has lived since; that time , including each one of `us. If we have not, got peace Patient: "Doctor, how are my chances?" • Doctor: "0 'pretty good, but I wouldn't start reading any continu- ed ontinued stories," in ,our • hearts we will be constantly at enmity with those about us. That sainC: spirit of hatred goes beyond our own district end it is that fierce power which is causing such a crisis in the world to -day. If even the representatives of the Big 4 meet- ing in Britain bad the love for which Christ' died, in their hearts it would in all probability bang a peace of at least; a sort which the hatred worthy of the gifts of joy, love, peace and salvation which were meant for us when Christ came to earth. We _give gifts toone another at this season, but the vast majority of us give nothing to our Heavenly and who asks only th at we should believe on Him and accept His free Father, wha has given so much to us there displayed cannot and will not do. There is not one 'of us sato is gift of salvation. just at this time will we not give ourselves to' Him -and thus have the assurance that we will spend Eternal life with Hine Thus we will be give ing Him the gift,. He ,wants: and we will receive the greatest of all re- membrances for Him. Do not let the Beason go by without renouncing the world and taking our stand on . the side of the Prince of Peace; 'the nn- niversary of whose advent into the world we are about to observe. NO ROOM No room for the Baby at Bethle- hem's Inn only a cattle shed. No room on this earth for the dear Son of God— nowhere to lay His head. Only a cross did they give to our Lord— only a borrowed tomb. To -day He is seeking a place in heart, you still say to "No room"? of Bethlehem" which Ives afterwards sung. A duet was rendered by Mrs. Ellis Little and Mies Mary Treaeton. A feature of the meeting was tbe presentation of a life member certificate to Mrs. Fred Ross, from Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison, for her faithful services in the work of the W.M.S.•Mrs. Rose expressed her appreciation of the gift, Following the exehange of gifts the meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Lawson and refreshments were served by the bootees. THURSDAY, DXU14BtR 251, MRS, DAVID LEITCR �y our, BpryjieW err spon4c t The death ociiu'rred at her home in thevillage on Sunday, December I4 of Ltrcinda Charity L$wrason, widow of David Leitch, following a long •illness.' The deceased woman who was eightycfive;years of age, wag' born in St. John, Michigan, a daughter of the 'lade Mr. and •Mrs. George Law - resort. She came to Canada' in 1864,; when her ;parents' moved to Hibbert township, Where she, received her education. On 'S 'September . 15, 1880 she was married to David Leitch in ;Mitchell and in 1890 they moved to Bayfield where she has resided ever since. She, is survived by three daug WORLD'S BUSIEST MAN KNOWS WHERETO PAUSE TRADE MARK 3EG. Pre-wdr Price Wartime Taxes 6? Orders. 2i You Pay 7t Ash for it either way . , . both ,trade -marks mean the same thing: 'STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY Authorized Bottler of under contrast with Omit -Cola, Ltd. Toe rate St. Mone 18 HULLETT TOWNSHWP urs► Farm Forum Meets The Farm Forum meeting of S.S. No. 1 Mullett was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glazier on Monday evening, December 8 with 21 in attend- ance. Three groups were formed to discuss 'The Teacher in the Community'. The remainder of the eventing was spent playing progressive euchre, after which a delicious lunch Wali served by the hostess. The nest meetingwill be held at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. William' Holland. your Him, "0 Lord in my heart there's a wel- come for Thee— gladly I now would say: "Come in, blessed Saviour; my heart and my life henceforth would own Thy sway. Long past . Thou waited and long knocked in vain outside my heart's closed door; 0 cleanse me from sin; then, dear Lord enter in and dwell there forevermore!" OF DETROIT FACING GRAND CIRCUS IARC Thi Taller, it modern hotel far Mole who want the bull Con- venient to Offices, Theaters. and Shops. Fnendly, courte- aus service and real 14,1.1 Comfort. The Taller Coffee Step 0' Cafeteria for your 4. I � prices Pt pays at modstay al 0/1 prices, it .pays to stay al Hotel 'fuller. • VISIT OUR COClTAIt LOUNGE ONS 05 DETROIT'S FINEST it 800 ROOMS S175 WITN RATN FROM T HOTEL U ■ LLE It RICHARD C. HODGES, Mgr, ' \, r� 94 hters and two sons, Mrs, M• Me Leod, Detroit, Miohe Mrs. C. Tweed -- le, Goderlch, 'Mee. P. Snider, ' Toroe..-•- to and William , and Albert' Leitch,, Goderieh; a •':half-brother land 7taalti sister, Samuel Lawrason, Mitchell,. and Mrs. Nelson Beard, Hayfield. In religion the deceased woman. was a Presbyterian. The funeral' service which was held from here late residence on Tuesday afternoon December' 16, at, 2 o'clock was con- ducted by RevD, 3. Lane, Pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church. Pallbearers were: Chris. Parker,,; John Parker, Wm. H. Johnston, E'.: Schnell, William Hoh`ner and 'Wel. ter Westlake. Interment' was made. in Bayfield cemetery. s,. �IEETiN( NOMINATION Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a -meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the offices of Reeve, Co0neh Pars and Sehooi Trustees for the year 1948, wimi be held in WATSON'S HALL, KIPPEN, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1947 between the hours of 1 and 2 p.m. AND IF NECESSARY,' an election to fill the above n awned offices or any of them, will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1948 at the following places and by the following officers: Deputy Returning Officer P.S.D. No. 1— D.R.O. -- Harry Chesney P.C. -- Harold Finnigan P.S.D. No. 2 — S.S. No. 8 D.R.O. -- Roy McGeoch P.C. — Edward Brown P.S.D. No. 3 -- S.S. No. 4 D.R.O. -- Roy Brown P.C. — Frank Walters P.S.D. No. 4 S. S. No. 3 D.R.O. J. McIntosh P.0 -- . Norris Sfilery P.S.D. No. 5 -- S.S. No. 1 D.R.O. — M. ir'aquair P.C. -- Glen Bell P.S.D. No. 6 — S.S. No. 9 D.R.O. — W. S. Broadfoot P.C. — Ivan .Forsyth Polls shall be open from nine o'clock hi the forenoon till five o'clock in the afternoon. E. P. CHESNEY, Returning Officer Earn while Learning Clinton hosiery Mills Limited HAS OP>TGS IN ALL PHASES bF HOSIERY MANUFACTURING -' KNIT'TE % LOOPERB WANTED ESPECIALLY * * ta, 44.HOUR WEEK — GOOD WAGES 'REST PERIODS MIRO-CELL will • give uniform and constant INSULATING VALUE the year round. • Reflects 95s t of 'radiant hest • Protects �t heat, cold, noise and wand • Pravidesa vapor barrier • Weatherstrips wails and ceilings • Fire-resistant, veiunlu and tersnite-proof AT LAST ... you can fix your leaking walls or cellar with NEW ... Scientific AQUELLA A scientific mineral surfacecoating used to control water seepage and dampness() . . used inside or outside, above or below ground. Try Our CEDAR SHINGLES (Obtained from War Assets Corporation) Mitcheal McAdam GENERAL C0NTRAC1'OB alia Street, East Phone 694J DEAN'S DRY CLEANING AND DYEING AGENCY CHANGED We Slave appointed CLIFF LOBB as our agent for Clinton and 'district, and will pick up every Monday and deliver Friday. Articles may lett at his store at your Con- venience. Phone 40 FOUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST Suits and Dresses Only 9Se ALL HATS GLEANED AND BLOCKED AT McGIL.L THE HATTERS ., ,49-5otfb CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS OR BY APPOINTMENT WITH Mr. J. J. ZAPFE PRONE 103 MEMORIALS AND CEA/EMERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON CLINTON - BXETEU — SEA.F'ORTR PROCLAMATION Municipal Elec tions TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Election Monday, January 1948 Nominations Monday, Dec. 29 1947 Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of candidates for the positions of Reeve, Coun- cillors and three School Trustees for the ensuing term will be held in the Township Hall, Varna Monday, December 29, 19471 between the hours of 1 and 2' ,p.nt. TIRED S. WATSON, Returning Officer and if necessary an Becton to filar the aibo're named 'poS- iti'ons or any of them will be held on Monday, January 5, 1948 at the following plaices, and by the following persons, that is to say, in: Deputy Returning Officer Poll No. 1 — S.S. No. 1 William McEwen Poll No. 2 --- S. S. No. 10 T. B. Baird Poll ' No. 3 — S.S. No. 14 Wim McKenzie Poll No. 4 --...Township Hall George Johnston Poll No. 5 -- S.S. No. 5 Robert Robinson Poll' No. 6 -- S.S. No. 4 Leonard Talbot Poll No. 7 — U.S.S. No. 1 Louis Durand Poll No. 8 Town HaU, Hayfield Fred Weston FRED S. WATSON, Clerk and Returning Officer 51-52'b.