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Clinton News-Record, 1947-12-25, Page 1
WWII WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE CLINTON NEW ERA—ESTABLISHED 1865 No. 52-- 69th Year, Whole No. 6284 eneareaseraeneseraseseneaSasesesseassreer The /✓ akisMit * * HIE• "EARLY COPY, PLEASE ! " IS again our watchword for our New Year's issue next week, winds, like the Christmas issue, will go to press two days earlier than usual. As was the ease this, week,, all copy, including advertising, corre- spondence and contributions, must be in our hands by Monday night, December 29, to assure publication .. CLINTON'S CONSUMPTION OF EL- edtricity must be reduced at once by 15 per cent! . . Those axe the instructions reaeivcd by the local Peblio Utilities Commission from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario . , . It looks as if householders must do 'their part to save electricity which is in suck such short sapply in the Province .. . * • A D'ITAL PURPOSE WAS SERVED BY a small informal shutter gathering Hotel °Buten Thursday evening I when male roprosentecives of sem Clinton organizations gathered to a farewell to Group Capiahi E. A. Gowan, retiring Commending Offi and extend a hearty welcome to 'Gbr Com mander A. Chester lIul, DEC, n Com:amnding Officer of RCAF State Clinton . . Mayor A. J. MoMurr presided and organizations represent included Town Connell, Huron County Council, Canadian Legion, Chamber Commerce, and Lions Club, all of w representatives spoke regretfully I a/O Gowan's departure and in welcoming vein concerning W/O Hui assumption of command at the Station .tt was .a bappr thought on the p of Rio Worship . • * THE COM SEASON E•bit CH ron'o Christmas •concerts has just lipase ▪ Before schools closed last Fred TOWN COUNCIL CLEARS DECKS FOR NOMINATIONS Clinton Town Council held its an- nual statutory meeting in the Coun- cil Chamber, last week with all mem- bers present except Ali, C. J. Livermore: Mayor A. T. McMurray presided. Town Treasurer, M. T. Corless, presented the financial statement until December 15, and a statement of tax collections and arrears. Mayor McMurray reviewed the sewerage project to date, including progress and costs of the work. Two claims for damages were re- ferred to the insurance company: C. G. Middleton, Clinton, repairs to car, $24.48 (Huron and Erie) Dec. 12); and G, H. Sperling, Walkerton, $13.86 ,(Dec. 8). Financial statement was summar- ized as follows: "The balance in the hank as at this date is $2,884.81, with cheques outstand- ing to tbo amouut of $418.75. "The Pnblie Sehool has an overdraft of $500 which we can count as a Bills Receivable, yet it does not on the face m show well in our final accounts for the art ran ral "Your Treasurer at this date can only extend estimate how we will wind up the year Me- and has prepared the following estimate. ocr, Recelpte ug Bank balance as at this date, $2,884.81 ew Overdraft of Public Saladen, Account 500.00 a7 Estimated collection of taxes ed • by Dec, 31 2,000.00 i of $5,884,81 loss ! Expenditures of Beak of Montreal, Loans . , 4,000.01) a Transfer to Cemetery Perpetuity Ps Account 1,283.00 • Estimated December accountsart payable - 2,000.00 418.75 $7,052,25 $2,800 ILD - ed Estimated deficit aY Cheques outstanding for the Christmas vacation, school co carte wore held in all parts of rural sections ending up with Cain Pablie School concert Friday aftern • Three Sunday School concerts to pird lace in Clinton Moav evening w' large, enthusiaetie audiences at 5 Pane's Anglican and Ontario St. au Wesley -Willie United churches . , . Oth successful concorte included that at RC. AF Station Wednesday afternoon Ins with 288 ehildren in attendance, and th Canadian Legion concert Thursday ev ing last . , . The Baptist Sundny Schee concert took place Thursday evening an the Presbyterian Friday evening , Santa Claus was present in person ieraotically all of them .. Miss Grantent .Ontario St.. Girls' Club The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church held its Christmas meeting at the home of Miss Court - ice, Miss Grant read as a call to. worship a few verses from the Book of 'Isaiah. Mies Courtice had charge of the Devotional 'period and was aselated by Miss Judd. 'After the business was discussed, Rev. Woolfrey presided for the elelec..tilt of officers which resulted as follows:' president, Mies 'Grant; first vice president, Mies Courtiee; sehond vice president, Mks. M. Bat - kin;: third vice-president, Mrs. N. Tyndall; recording secretary, Mrs. Maltby; corresponding secretary, Miss' R. Pickett; treasurer. Miss E. Pht risteel; Missionary leader, Mrs.' Fa sham• assistant, Miss E. Wiltse; *teat, Miss Wiltse: flower eonven. er, °Mrs. C. Ashton; work committee, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Crittenden, Mrs. R. Plumsteel. The following programme was given: solo. Mrs. McLean, reading, Mies W. Thompson; reading, Miss W'sitse. Lunch was served by Mrs. C. Ashton and Mini Judd and a social time was enjoyed LOINTDNISBORO. n - the ton oda ok Ith t a er 1, c en - 1 d a Mies Fera Watson, London, is home for the Ohrietmas holidays. Howard Shobbrook and Gordon,'Sea. forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Shobbrook on Sunday, Miss Margaret Tarnhlyn, Lon'tion, is spending the holiday,, et the home o4 herr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Tam- The Mission Band will hold its meet- ing in the basement of the church on December 28 at 10 o'clock. Please bring in mite boxes. 1. The Week's Weather 1947 194 Dthember 18 30 11 22 19 15 1” 91.. 20 99 6° 28 21 34 > 28 31 22 31 18 33 23 • 29 23 36 - 1Zninfa11 or snow Nerfe.1%eraitde'd `Snow 8 in ,e below zoo., 6 13 13, 10 ,2a 24 Bina Department Highways Headquarters Here V. D. Falconer, local merchant, on Monday disposed of his property on the west side of King street, just north of the CNR tracks, to the On. tario Department .of Highways. The property consists of a two-storey ware house and surrounding land. The Department plans to make Clinton headquarters for a consider- able area and will station a diesel- powered snowplow here as well as other highway equipment, and pos- sibly a snow blower. Harold F. Glew, will be in charge. CHURCH DIRECTORY St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1947 t'i 1tlidl �):vii'�III I,IuOw.IIIIII_inllnWIpl�p44• Austin Nediger, Toronto, is a holiday visitor at the homeof his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M, Nediger. Robert Hanley, Toronto, is spending tha.Ohristmas vaeation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanley. Miss Hattie Turner, Toronto, is spend- ing the Christmas vacation with her par - oats, Mr. and Mrs. George Turner. Miss Coronna Wenaorf, Cheeky, is spending the Christmas vacation uitli her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wendorf. Artlmr Aiken, University of j'Pestern Ontario, London, is a holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. - and Mrs. W. M. Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cook and daughter, Windsor, ate the guests of the 'former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook. Mr. and Man. Glenn McGill, 13amilton,' aro holiday guests at the home of the former's parents, 1\1t. and Mr's". James A; MMGil1. John McIntyre, 'Cniversity of 'Toronto Medical Settool, is .spending the holidaa- 'with Iris parents, Dr. and Mts. B. A. McIntyre. Mrs. I. M. Nay was called to Wood- atddearth ok last week on aosount of the de of her sister-in-law, the late Mrs. George McCartney. Mrs, W. I.T. Bellyar has returned to her home after spending the past few weeks with her sou and daughter„iu Thames - ford and Ingoraoll, Fruuk Fingland, Jr,, University of. 'reroute, is spending the Christmas holi- day period with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. frank Pentland,' Roy Churchill, University of Western Ontario, Londou, is spending the Christ- mas vacation with his parents, efr. and Mrs. Thomas Churchill, Miss Mary E. Lane, To - vote, of To- nte, is spending the Christmas vaca- tion at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Lane. Mrs. Irene Henri is epending Christ - nuts in Windsor with her mother, Mrs. Bondy, and daughters, Mrs. J. Reynolds and Miss Shirley Henri. Miss Phyllis Manning, Albert College, Belleville, bate arrived to spend the Christmas vacation with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Manning, Joint R. Cook, Public Sehooi staff, Ingersoll, is a Christmastide visitor with ids mother, Mrs. Lueila. Cook, and grand. mother, Mrs, Martha MoClinebey. Mr. and Mrs. IL J. Wakfor spent the weekend in London whore they were guests at the sensual Christmas barmiest of Snap -Oa Toole •of Canada, Limited. ' Mrs. H. 13. Combo and Miss Agues ]eft Tnesday to spend the holiday season th the former's son•in-law and dough r, Mr. and Mks. Pletcher Troop and roily, Toronto. Misses Helen Herman, Brampton, and cilia Herman, College of Education, ionto, aro spending the Christmas yes tion with their pareicts, Mr. and leers,. T. Berman. Dr. J. W. Shaw, Dr. T. ,A. Addison, rye W. Draper and John A, Sutter tended the funeral of the late Dr. R. bbs Taylor in Dashwood on P ideg t, on di to 4a Rena. J. G. MaeBinnon. dhoir Leader a SUNDAY, D300BM13ER 28 e 11 a.m.,--Sunday Mud and Morriing e o Service. I'GV. 7 p.m. --Evening Worship Wesley -Willis Church'. REV..A5N,btitd'1W LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Moir Leader SUNDAY, D1:0f1M13ER 28 New Year's Services 11,00 tem. -Morning Service 72.13--8unday Sebool 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship REV. D. J. !LANE, 'Minister Mia. B Hire ader week and ChoiS'ON»A1r, iitai 1Gi.I3liR '28 15:00 A.M.—Sunday 'SekooI 11,00 A.rs—Dieine Worship '`Memories''' 2.30 p.m. --Service at "Hayfield All Welcome Ontario St. United Church YtL'V. W. J. WOOLFILEY, Minister B. J. Gibbinge, Choir Leader Mss. E. Wendorf, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 98 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.1.5 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 pen.---Eveniug Worship Baptist REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs., E,trnee7t -Adams, Organist Mrs. W. A.rktenhead, Choir "leader. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 11.30 aina.--.5enday 8ehool: 7.00 'p.m.-••Evenisig Wot4hip — Bveryone Weldenoe Ca at H 0 las Mira 3,4010e MacKinnon, Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. G. MeeKin- lion, and her 'Hunt, errs, Jack• son, for the Christmas season. On Sun day, Miss MaeKinnou will assist the: their of St. Paula Anglican Church at, the morning serviee when elle wilt sing "How Beautiful are the Feet"from The Messiah. Miss atheneum sang with the Mendelssohn Choir, Toronto, on,Time- day evening when they presented the entire oratorio, "The Messiah". OBITUARY DAVID ROSS Word has been received of the death at Strasbourg, Sask., on Sat- urday, 'Nbv:erhber 29, 1947, 'of David Ross •in'his '66th 'year. life•. nese was a former district resident and will. be remembered by many here, Fun- eral was held from Knox Presbyter- ian Church, Strasbourg, on Monday December, 1, 1947, with 'interment: following in the family pint in Cres- cent Road Cemetery. Mr. Ross was born at Brueefield August 8, 1882, only son of the late Rev. and Mrs. John Rosa. He went' west as. an engineer on the survey of the original railway from Kirkella to Strasbourg and in 1905 set up a homestead east. of Strasbourg. Until this summer Mr. .Ross had always s enjed excellent enthol health but at that time suffered a stroke wihch after a long and 'severe illness re- sulted in his death. On November 28, 1910, he was married to Elizabeth Huggard who survives as well as nine children-= John and Charles both of Saskatoon; Ellen, Lima Peru; Mrs. D. G. Bi - kink, Hazlet, Sask.; Betsy, a nurse - in -training in Mania; Grace, Vida, Leslie and Duncan, ''all of Stras- bourg. One son Archie, predeceased him in 1929. ,Also ,eurvi'ing are four sisters,,)Ei �. 7.4 'Fife, leteeriaseneina Ont and 'Mks, V. W. Mackay, Tale- •e sue, Formes*. 1 �AfUJL\'JR!1.9l+JRyIILy/J!14JI.V_1%IlJ�JJ:�+�JS_l.lJ,ls-V.VJ :tom%{ sal!LH\�lJ0.I.,':.�.-y,V':14J'�a/JL�'U+ ..lip\�14\�/'L\R/IlV. C jr tma eft aged w. , 'rein the Clergy • • iu ffj.Yr�rnr.7i' soVr ire a iMisra irsotirrrtrastrincr.ores 'earsrfreert . r.W i . ° THE SPIRIT OF CHRI STMAS By Rev. E. R. Stanway, Minister off Brucefield United Church, and Ch'a'lxxnasi Clinton Council of Churches. As one looks .out upon the world today, at'least two thoughts arise •—'that the world is in extreme need of the true Christmas Spirit; and that just how many people, caught in the midst off the hurry and flurry of Christmas, really know or ex- perience the true spirit of Christmas. So often at this time of the yea, we ,becoBle so (burdened down with the business of shopping .and celebration., of festivity, and of giving to one am - other, that we are to great danger of becoming lost in the midst of tJhings that axe in direct opposition to the Christtnas Spirit. How then shall we describe the 'Christmas Spirit? I am reminded of a story I read the other day. A little boy sitting upon his father's knee on Christmas Eve, gazed in wonder at their ,Christmas tree, al taglaw ht candle light. As the hour was late, 'he finally fell asleep and dreamed a dream, An angel came and snuffed out all the candles on the tree except the one oast the very tap. This one the angel took, sand lgivihig it to the little boy, said, "Here is the ,candle of Christmas light •awed love, Never let it Igo out". Arousing ]From his sleep the little boy said, "Don't let the angel go away, daddy; and don't let the candle go out." There s the point. On that Christmas ano'rn so long ago, Gad 'sent His IChr0*tl Ras .lilght and love into the •w'ox'id. Christ carried that Christmas light and love into the earth with an exceedingly great. brilliance, He .has passed iihart light on to us that we'sthaills nie 1'lao*1t iia 'go'ant, but rattier send.it forth to the uttermad parts ,of the nth, There is our task. To have the Christmas Spirit is to be filled with tate light and love of the Christ. Unless we do this, our celebrations and our festivi- ties, our giving ;and receiving, will be as soundingbrass a �'�g cymbal. Let that light shine out upon the earth ,and xnen will be bound .together in the fellowship of Christ, and 4±e conferences of men will echo to the sound of the Christen' in the unity of 'brotherhood, as bens n © Q CHRISTMAS, 1947 By Rev. S. J. McDonald, Reetor of St. Joseph's Roman Carbholic Church, Clinton, anti! 'St. Michael's, Blyth In a world Which 18 about to celebrate the Birth of Christ, there is admittedly much 4ihat contradicts all that Christmas stands for. Suspicion attt'i distrust among nations, the failure of international conferences, civil war and riots, the spectre of hunger 'hanging over• a !good part of the human race .-- all are a direct denial of that peace, order and good -will which the .Prince of Peace came to bring to mankind, The disillusioned say: Why celebrate Is not that a mockery of Christmas It would be indeed, if you consider only the human ele- ment. But itt is to forget Christ. For. jdnst as at His coming at Bethlehem He brought peaceto men of 'good -will, so to- He continues to point, for all. who care to see, to that way wvhihh 'alone leads' to ,peace. In return He asks the homage, f and love which are His due. That'service rendered, we shall be as apostles in a world which s'a'dly needs t o follow the Star that led the Wise Men to the feet of the world's. Creator .acrd Lord. To all 'reader of The NEWS -RECORD, may I extend MS Christmas Greeting: that as we twain recall the (blessed mid- night scene when. Stepped into time from ev May He, the Lord of Might, el lastiuUgiwell ,g4r , floe you His Jay, and may you dwell forever in the sweetness of His Peace. LONDON ROAD The December meeting of the London Road Club was held at the horse of Mrs. ,M. Wiltse with.13 Members present. The president, airs, R. Plumsteel was in. the • chair. A carol "Silent Night" Was sung and all repeating the Club's Creed Opened the ,meeting. Reports of the vaerious eoiaxnit- tees were given. Mrs. W. Swinbank' then conducted the election of of- fieers which resulted as follows: re-elected president, Mrs. Roy'Plum- steel; vice president, Mrs.. J. Clegg; secretary, Mrs. W. Managhan; treasurer, IMrh. Anderson; social convenor, Mrs. J. Nott; buying con- venor, Mrs. M. Wiltse; pianists, Mrs. Manning, Mrs. 'Bennett press secretaries, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Swin- bank. A programme included singing of Christmas carols, a reading by Mrs. Bennett, a word contest, the winner being Mrs. M. Wiltse, and two piano selections by Dorothy Managhan, The meetin closed'byall repeat- ing P ing the; Lord's Prayer. The hostess served a lovely supper and a social half hour was spent,' The next ' meeting will be'held at the home' of Mrs. Swinbank and Mrs. R. ,Scott, ER TCFFICLD The Sunday liehool Christmas eineert was held on Monday evening and was a decided aneseas. The 'Y,P:31, woe ie charge of spawn! Chrietrnns service .i» the, Vatted Chureb n .Snriday night • when rnrsic •was ,sops, pied by a nasal elaoin Mrs. Sam Castle Heads Presbyterian Girls' Club The Girls' Club of Clinton 'Pres- byterian Church held its December meeting in the Bible Class Hoorn of the Church when an enjoyable Pot- luck supper was enjoyed by 18 members. After a e, hot business meeting, Christmas gifts were exchanged by the Club members and everyone joined in a arol singieg• Mrs. Frank Mutch reported the Christniaa parcel of food donated by the Club mem- bers had been posted to Scotland. Mrs. Lane then t ook the chair as the slate of new officers for the coming year was presented by Mrs. W. Cook and Mrs. E. J. Jacob and adopted as follows: honorary presi- dent, Mrs. D. J. Lane; president, Mrs. S. Castle; first vice_president, Mrs. D. MacDonald;- secretary, Mrs,- W. J. Mantel; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Mutch; social committee, Mrs. Prank MacDonaldMrs D. Jacob,Mrs. D Murray, Mrs. S Bertram program,; Mrs. J. Leiper; visiting, Mrs. T. W. Morgan; flower, 'Mrs: Ni. Quare. TI?C1ER£SiMITH NO'M•1leTATIONS On Page Four of this issue appears an; advertisement for the Township of Tuck- errand' re the nominations and election; in "that 'tov nteh p. "1n Palling Sub -division, 1 .there is no,plaee mentioned where the. voting will take pines; this should be at 1<-elhar's house. School. trustees John; McCowan and James efelatesh are the retail -1g tangos,'but • ere eligible''torIre: cachou, The Home Paper With the News BAYFIELD Mrs. Grant Turner and Master Ted spent the week -end in London. Donald McAuley :s spending Christmas vacation at his home in L don. Miss Elizabeth Reid is with her'sist Mee, J. Webster, in Seaforth, for Chris 1.11113.Keith Brandon, who sustained a free ture to lies left wrist, is at his hom in the village. Miss Beverley York, wird is attendin Normal Sehool in London, is home fox the Christmas vacation. Airs. William Howard left last week to spend the Christmas season with her daughter, Mrs. 0. Wallace, Detroit, Rev. and Mrs. LaVerne Morgan re- turned to Ottorrille• on Monday, after having spent the week -end in the parish. '/O Dempsey, who is stationed at Trenton, motored to the village on Sat- urday to spend the week -end with his wife and baby. Mrs. S. 0. Pearse left ter Sunday with her son, Ross, who was with her over the 'week -end, to spend the winter In Leamington. Misses Merry and Phyllis Mack ,who are attending the Ursuline Convent ,,The Pines", 0hatham, ..are .open ' the Christmas vacation with their par Mr, ants, , and Mrs. T. H. Mack. George Bell, who sprat the sailing sea- son. aboard the "SA. Quedoe", which is now in berth at Owen Sound, returned last week to spend the winter with lesparents, err. and Mrs, Charles Bell. LIONS CLUB MEETING Bayfield Lions Club hold its regular dinner meeting• at The Little Inn on Wednesday evening, December 17. The meeting was well attended, there beery; 28 members present. After a very enjoyable dinner trod the usual sing song,. a.short liminess session was held. Some of the chairmen of the committeesvarious committees reporter! their active - •tion, The president, George Castle, who now resides in Guderiele was present and remarked 00 the onthrieinem of the rent - bora of .the Club and the Work that line been done under the loadership of each eomtntittce chairman. The outdoor rink has been levelled and the water pipet! from the well to the site of the rink. It is the lope of the eonunittee in charge of this work to have au eleetrie rpnmp installed to force water ater to the rink. After the dose of the meeting tate Lions joined Rahe school children's party at the Tow, Hall. The ehildeen presented a very enjoyable evening's entertain- ment. Much credit is tine to the two teachers, D. McAuley and Mrs. William Parker, for the splendid way in which this program was presented. Santa Claus arrived and distributed presents from the well -loaded Christmas tree. '- Lo C. OF C. PLANS Tedd • TO GET ELECTORS the l TO NOMINATIONS Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce held a well attended er, meeting in the Council Chamber, t•l Wednesday evening last .with President I G. Ralph Foster, presiding. Reporting on the Wartime Hous- e ing project, V. D. Falconer, chair- man of the committee, stated that 30 homes would be ready by Febru- g ary 1, 1948. On recommendation of Wartime housing, the Chamber approved ap- regarding occupancy of the houses, pointment of a committee of four repreaenting,Town council, Canadian Legion, RCAF Station, and Cham- ber of Commerce. N. W. Trewartha is the choice of the Chamber. Town Council was urged to ,take early' action to assure that the con- necting link between Bayfield and intersection of Highways 4 and 8 is ]yard surfaced. Cost is estimated at $4,000 by the County Engineer. Five highway signs will be purchased at up to $200. Committee reports were given:: Tourist and publicity, Ellwood Epps; Santa Claus parade, J. A. Sutter ' Retail Merchants, W. A. Aiken. An drug nual fees avers placed at $5. per persoItn. was decided to carry on a cam paign to get as many people as pos sible out to nominations on Monday, December 29, and to vote January 5 Letters of felicitation were order- ed sent to Group Captain EA. Mc- Gowan, retiring Commanding Of. Beer, and WIC A. C. Hull, new Com- manding Officer of RCAF Station, Clinton, o – MURRAY ROY HEADS JUNIOR FARMERS FOR ENSUING YEAR - VARNA Varna Y.P.U. held its meeting at the home of Gordon Coleman. Miss fern presided in the absence of the residen P t: The meeting opened with hymn 249, after which Miss Here read the scripture and followed with prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the roll call answered: by fourteen members. Hymn 281 was sung and Gordon Coleman gave the topic which was "Success". This being the annual meeting the election of officers was held. -The of - Boers for 1948 are President Arn- old Keys; vice -pros., Ivan President, secretary, Charles Reid; press see., Mary Beatty; treas., Doris. Reid; organist, Joyce Stephenson; assistant, Jean McKinley; Topic for Jan. 5, John McConnell; recreation, Margaret McClymont. The next meeting win be held Jan. 5, at the home of Charles Reid. B Hymn 228 was then sung and Mary Clinton Junior Farmers held their regular meeting at the Clinton Colleg• itute with a spiraled attendance.tenaance. G. E. Nelson ,gave a very iutereating talk on the (anemones at Palmerston. The most important part of the meet- ing was the election of officers which resulted as follows: president, Murray Roy; past president, Stewart Meliwen; viee-president, Jim Lobb; secretary, Glen Wise; treasurer, Bob Allen; nude. tor, Gordon Miller; news, Jim Snell; directors for Townships: Hallett, 'Ross Trewartha; Goderieh, Fred Gibson; Tuekersmith, Ken Rogerson; Stanley, i -rank Falconer. A vote of thanks was tendered to the retiring president, Stewart McDwen. The meeting then adjourned so that the joint meeting of the Club and the Junior 1:n stitnte eould be held. At the joint meeting of the two clubs, Stewart McEwen was in the elrsir. The meeting opened with the singing of "0 Canada". The minutes of the last meet- ing wore read and adopted, Joe Potter read a very interesting club paper which was much enjoyed. A .pre. sentation to Mr. and Mia. Ken Mee Kenzie, newlyweds, followed. Murray Roy gave an exeellent :report ,on his re- cent trip to Chicago. 'STANLEY es STANLEY The most successful eoneert in a au - her of years was presented ay the pu- pil, of No. 1 Stamey (Beira's School), on Friday night, December 19. The pie- gramto/lasted of a variety of dialogues, drills, songs and recitations, and much credit is duo the teacher, Miss Juue Miller, and the meekteacher, Mr. Sara Ronnie, for the way the children were trained. The school was gaily decorated for the oceasion. The chairmanship was ably taken by :Mr. Stewart Mc1wan, anti et generous Santa Claus distributed pre- sents after the program, eatty led in recreation after which 1 was served TOUR DUTY' AS A CITIZEN Is CLEAR! If you desire good mwrdeepasi government in Clinton in 1948, you should attend --• and influence others to attend ytuninuioiclpal norninaittens int the Donnell Chamber next. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29. commencing alt 7.30 p.m. THEN -- if you wis'lt to make it doubly effective -.: you should vote and urge others to vote, at the eleeflions an MONDAY, JANUARY 5 (front ' 9 a.m. °to 5 :pan. This advertisement is ptlllxladied ill the interests civic government, by .reisol iuttiou, of CLINTON AND DISTRIC'F CHAMBER OF COMMERCE +G. RALPK FOSTF]E $.IS.I.'OC){iLING1:eON, President Seeretary-Tressurer