HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-12-18, Page 7"T l7BSDAY, DECE1VtBEIt 18, 1947 CLIZINVON NEW -itEC012D HOLIVIESVI'LLE Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Roes, Goderich, spent Sunday with Mrs. McMath., Charles Wilson is a patient hi London Hospital. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. WMS and WA .]deet The W.M.�.. and W.A. of Rolmesville 'United church met Tri the basement of the chureb on Tuesday, December 9, with Mrs, Palmer in charge of the Miss- 'ionary Programme; The meeting opened with responsive readings "the angels and the ehepherds" the singing of hymns 299 and 310, fol- lowed by prayer. The topic, "The Real Spirit of Christmas" was taken by the leader and the following questions were answered by: 1. Why do we put lighted •candle in our windows? MTs. E. Grigg; '2, Why do we plan a very speeial Christ- mas dinner and other hospitality? Mrs, W. Teo; 3. Why do we give gifts and call them Christmas boxes? Mies Dell Finlay. A duott "Star of the East" was sung 'by nota Yeo and Molly Finlay and was much enjoyed. ' Christian Stewardship was taken by Mrs. Walter. The meeting closed with the hymn "Silent' Night". The W. A. meeting was taken by the prudent, Mrs. Bond. Minutes of the last meetingr were read by the secretary, "ltlrs. Palmer, who also gave rho reports 'on the meetings. There ere 29 members we.e mow home Of,Mr: and. MTs. Fred 'Lobb., The ° EBis'NEZER meeting ryas eondueted by Josephine 1Muir, with the tope taken by Jack "be"e"ee Merrill, and the devotional topie given TPU Meets by Jaek Tebbutt. JimLebb gave the Tho Y. P. U. hold its meeting at the Scripture reading, and Rev. C. Tavener led in prayer. The meeting was eloped with the Mizpah benedretion.;' and 12 meetings were bald This organ- ization had a very sueeeesfuI financial Ebenezer W. A. Meetsyear, full reports to be given at the The Deeember' meeting of the W. A, January meeting, was held at the home or Mrs. Bert Lobb. With the presitleft iu •charge, the A short business meeting closed the meeting was opened by' the singing of year's work. The meeting was turned' the hymn "Silent Night", ,±showed by over to Mr. Tavener for the election of the Lord's Prayer in unison..: The roll officers. Mrs. E. Trewartha and Mrs. call was answered by rte reeipe'for our Freeman served a dainty lunch. favourite Christmas Candy".' ' ' Officers elected for the coming year Tho minutes of the previous meeting were: W. -MS.: president, Mrs. F. Mul- wore read and approved. k'ollowing.the holland; first vice president, Mrs. E discussion of business, the `'Seripture Grigg; second vice president, Mao.'Cud- reading, and prayer were taken by 'Mrs. more; third vice president, Mrs. W. Tavener. Readings were -yeti" by Mrs. Norvtan, fourth vied president, ma. Ira Merrill, Mrs. Carman Tebiitt,'Mrs. Freeman; secretary, Mrs. W. -Yee; trees - Following Merrill, and Mrs, A, liabden;' ` urer, Mrs. A. Bond; literary secretary, [ allowing the program, Rev. -0, Tav Mrs. E. J. Trewartha; press secretary, eller took charge of the installation', of Mme. C. Wilson; Christian stewardship, now officers for 1943, viz,, President Mrs, Frank Jones; 1st. VieMrs. Walter; temperance, Miss Dell —t- President Mrs. Carman Tebbutt; 2nd. Vice Pres - Finlay; pianist, Mrs, E. Grigg; assist- — ant, Miss Beta Yee; Flower, Mrs. W. -cleat Mrs, Ivterviu Lobb; Secretary— Mrs. Bert Lobb; Assist Secretary Mrs. Jack Merrill; Treasurer — Mrs. Stewart Farquhar; Pianists—Mrs. Irv- ine Tebbutt, Mrs. Frank joins.. Flower Committ — ec ]:Ccs. Irvine' Tel). butt, Miss Josephine Muir; Buyi g Com- mittee—Mrs, Arthur Hebden, Mrs." Wil. feed Bigghi; Program Committee —• Norman; superintendent, Mission Band, Mrs. Tavener. W. A: president, Mrs. II, J, Trewartha; vice president, Mrs. A. Bond; secretary, Mrs, Palmer; .treasurer, Mrs. t s. Walter • flower, Mrs. MeMath; buying committee, Mrs. W. Yeo, Mrs, Walter, Mrs, E. Grigg, Mrs. Bond. AT YOUR SERVICE RAIN OR SHINE ANYTIME —'ANYWHERE Call ASHTON'S TAXI PHONE IIo Reasonable Rates OFFICE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Residence Phones C#iff Ashton 372,1 Harvey Ashton, 174r •.�mw,mamnw Mrs. Chas. Williams; Press Secretary— Mrs, Ira Merrill. Following the election of officers. the retiring president, Mrs. Bert Lobb, thanked the members for their eo-oper- ation during her term of office, and Mrs. Tavener commended the society on their splendid co-operation during the past year. The meeting was closed with the Mifpah benediction, and Mrs. M. Jones was in charge of a contest. Refresh- ments wore served by the hostess, assist- ed by Miss Margaret Lobb. lAiverage family expenditure on fuel is about $40 a year for all Canada. JFuel bills for the central provinces and for larger homes will average ntueh more while farm homes .using wood cut Mt the farm will be much less. 1948 course starts January 4th, at centrally located schools Narttilton poroma provided Kingston •• Uniforms Fre while ort tion • Certificate on graduation . Free transportation • employment • Good PS05Poets of interesting emP 40 years Gr uireairtents - Age 1S' to &ntrra Req Education - Good Health Grade VIII d six months' d the Course. months' classroom instruction a {n hospitoh ripen successful consolation -his Course consists o4 Three m° the Department of Health. Practical s will ion certificate from nth less m nt of salt Trans fro Oraduntus will raeivo n er m° of and taIlOtrcln{na YOU r<Np° gee.eq P , 1o11on is Pnid from Y°Ur Pltce °4 ros{donce to 1Fa central w ° uniforms ore, provided the Apply immediately to Registration of Nurse Reg Toronto Division Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, .., ,. MADT Henry Smith and his wife have been able to retire to a little cottage in the •country. Tom Storey, a laboring man all his life, is putting his son through college. Mrs. Little ' and the youngsters have been able to keep up their home since John died. Canada Life representatives are THE es01 ea, a kks i,ic<-e 100 YEAH$ 000 SEE often privileged to help bring about such results. Because of their thor- ough training and experience, these representatives are well equipped to prepare an insurance program to suit yoiir•individual needs. They are sound counsellors, trusty friends. They are the kind of people you'll be very glad to meet. X88 UR ANC E COXI- P4.N'Y' COLIN C. O'NEIL, C.L.U. Manager D. R. WHEATON W. J. PLUMSTEEL. PQRTER'S. RILL The pupile of SIB. Ivo. 5 mill present. their, annual Christmas Concert in the school on Friday' eveniirg, December 19. The Christmas concert will ,be held on Friday evening, December 19 at Porter's 1.611 school Mise Me.Doneld and her pupils ;are busy preparing, A short play'. is to bo presented by Expupils; The W. A. of Grace Church held their December meeting at the home of Mrs. john Torrance. The provident, Mrs, Leslie Cox, was in Marge of the meeting and eleetiou of officers :for the new etear, 'All the past year's officers were re-elected with the exception of seeret- ary-treasurer which was taken by Mrs, V. Elliott. A quilt was completed dur- ing the afternoon. A dclieions pot luck supper was enjoyed by all. Tho meeting opened -with Carol sing- ing. Mrs, Les Cox, president, read the Scripture lesson followed by -prayer. Lorne Coleman W M L.O.L. 1035 hold lts annual meeting and election of officers for 1948, which resulted as, follows; W,M., Lorne Cole- man; 1.P.M., Russell Consitt; D. M., John Ostrom; Chaplain; Fred McCly- mont; Ree, Seeretary,, Robert Taylor; Seerotary, Ralph Turner; Treasur- es', Harvey Turner; Marshal, Murray Ilolmer.;, let, Lecturer, John. Aldington; 2nd. Leeturer, Anson Coleman; 1st. Com- mitteeman, T. J. Stinson, Carl Diehl, Harvey. Coleman, G. H. Johnston, Russell Consilt. Elect Eimer Webster R. B. P. 1025 held its eketion on Dec. 9 and the following officers were elected for 1948: W. P., Elmer Webster; D. P., E. E. Talbot; 'Chaplain, John Sturgeon; Eleanor Cox read the minutes of last Reg., Charles Gemeinhard; Treasurer, meeting and gave a good report of the Charles C. Pilgrim; lEit L. ,Sen Ml,tmeri year's work which was very gratifying. ri It was decided to pay 07.00 to the Stew- ards, $5 to. M and M Fund, e5 to Bible society, leaving a balance of $97 on hand. Mrs. James Lockhart was asked to con- duct election of officers whieh reeulted in the present officers. carrying on for. another year excepting the Secretary - treasurer Eleanor Cox, who is away from home at present. Tannery meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Les Cox, • ad L., W. R. Stepho son; 1st Oen. John Rohner; 2nd Oen., 4.'J. Stinson; let. Stan,, Harold Stinson; 2nd Stan„ G. Il. Johnston; Mar., William AleDool; Pure., William Mcllwain sail Frank Smith; Commie/to, J. B. ltathweil, Murray Roh- ner, Geo. F. Johnston, William R. Steph- enson, John Helmer, C. Talbot, H. Stim. son. Tho officers ware installed ed 1 by Past Preeptor J, B. Rothwell. After the installation a social time was spent to- gether. PROCLAMATION Municipal Elections TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Nominations Election Monday, Dec. 29 Monday, January '5 1947 1948 Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for die Nomination of candidates for the positions of Reeve, Coun- cillors and three School Trustees for the ensuing term NAB be held in the Town Hall, Varna Monday, Deceinber 229, 1947 'between the hours of 1 and 2 p.n1. Fred J. Watson, Returning Officer and if necessary an election to -fill the 'above named p'os- itiolIs or any of them will be hell on. Monday, January 5, 1948 Fred J. Watson, Clerk and Returning Officer 51-52b FARE AND A HALF Good going:—Saturday, De- cember 20th, 1947, to and including Thursday, January ist, 1948. Return Limit:—Leave desti- nation not later than mid- night, Wednesday, January 7th, 1948. ,Tlckets•and cornplcte informa- tion from any Agent. SERVING CONE IS HOSPITALITY _ IN YOUR HANDS Ask far it either way ... both trade -marks mean the same thing: STRATFORD ,BOTTLING COMPANY„ Authorized Bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with. Coca-Cola Ltd. PAGE TUCKERSI T H $501, Voted to Hoepital • Tuekersmifli Ladies' Club held its December meeting at the home of Mrs, •Warton Qabbings with 19 members,' 14 visitors and 12 children present. Annual' reports were read and several' items of business were diseuseed. It was decided to give 450 to Cliuten 1 Public Hospital and $1,9 to the T. B;'. fu40:- A filbert (program followed the business meeting. Mrs. fi, Johne gav some house -hold . hints. Mia. Bunts gave two humorous readings, Douglas Gibb - lugs a recitation, and Mrs. E. Whitmgre a contest of which MTs. F. Pepper and Mrs. A. Crich were tie.winnere The meeting closed- with a pot -luck supper, whieli proved to be a most del. ieious meal. CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP S OPEN FRIDA'Y'S OR BY APPOINTMENT WITH Mr. J. J. ZAPFE PHONE 103 i1iE1VI0ltIALS Ay� ND CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON. CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Hog Concentrate Dairy Supplement Pouli'ry-.— Quality Feeds Concentrate They Pay Laying Mash • Phone 114 Highest Quality Feeds Shortest Road to Lower Costs. Qa'ai itty Feeds are formulated not for cost, but are nlixttd, with the Best for Resfu'lts. Try our feeds and be another satisfied customer. We have mixed feeds ''or twill mix and balance your own grains to make a complete balanced feed. Come in and talk over your feed problems at any time. Minerals, Bone Meal, Grain, Whole or Ground, Concen- trates, Fertilizer, Seeds, Poultry Tonic SAMUEL RIDDICK & SONS For Body and Fender Repairing SATISFACTION' GUARANTEED C. R. Crossman Body Shop Rattenbury St. W., Just . West of •Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 594 STILL MONEY IN IIIOGS' The Shur -Gain Way Wise, Finers •sate all taming to SHUR-GAIN 15% HOG GR®WEB; Every- bag contains .the required amount of proteins, Minerals, and Vitamins for , • Faster Growth O' 'More Select 'Hogs — AT LESS COST — &MR -GAIN 15% Hog Grower is • FRESH ® PALATABLE • A • BA'LANCT D FEED TRY SHUR-GAIN TODAY— IT MAKES S AND SAVES YOU MONEY Drop in and stalk over your feeding problems today Price—$3 per cwt. hi producer's bags CLINTON FEED MILL Y011u SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE MILL PHONE 580 CLINTON