HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-12-18, Page 5'rwHURSDAY, ,DECEMBER 18, 1947 OLIN ON NEWS -WORD PAGE PIVD CASH RATE -.,(If paid by Wed- '+mesday following date of insertion) vO-n£• cent a word .first insertion (min . mesa 30 cents) ; subsequent inser- 410eils, one cant' a word (minimum 25 ,cents); 10 cents extra for jroz nnm- "ber or for directing to NEWS - Office. IF CHARGED -20 cents extra. I9LEAD INE -9 p.m., Wednesday. FOR SALE -BOY'S OVERCOAT, WOULD FIT 12 ,or. '13 year old. Phone 263 51p , •COOKSTOVE FOR SALE. BURNS -both coal and wood. Apply W. J'. Miller, Ontario St., Phone 46 • 51p -USED SKATING OUTFITS FOR • :gents, ladies, boys and girls. Aiken's, ,:iphone 2, Clinton 51.52b '"SHELL JEWELLERY -- GET THAT last. minute special Christmas gift for i0f Her". Bargain Prices. Mrs. Boy Mann, phone 173 ‘1p PINK BUNNY BAG WITH FEET, IN good condition, $3. Mrs. Roy Fitzsinions, ;;phone 365. Glp GASOLINE APPLIANCES -TWO H.P. Briggs and Stratton, air-cooled motor; five-eighths H.P. Johnson Iron Horse minor; four Coleman lanterns; ,two Cole- man lamps; one Coleman iron, Apply Mlliray Roy, Londesboro, (phone Blyth 28r6. 51p TWO HALF S.P. GAS ENGINES, Cecil Cartwright, Londesboro, phone 28r7, Slyth 51p TUXEDO, :SIZE 37, EXCELLENT condition. Phone 375r 51p BOY'S C.C.M. BICYCLE IN GOOD •-condition. Apply A. H, Warner, RM. 1, ..Bayfield, phone, Clinton 909r34. 51b FARM FOR SALE 100 ANTES $1,,000. GOON PASTURE land and 13detimm supply of firewood - Lot 21, Concession 7, Hallett.' Apply Fred. Lawson, S'1 Rlythwood Rd., Tor- onto. 48, 49, 50, 51b TEACHERS WANTED THE STANLEY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL area requires a . qualified Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 14, Stanley. Sehool is fully equipped, just one mile off No.. 4 High:May. Applicants please Estate ex- perience, qualifications, name and ad - dross of last inspector if experienced. Salary, $1,600 per annum, duties to com- mence January 5, 1948. Apply to George L. Reid, aeerotary-treasm•er, Varna, Ont.' 51.52b LOST AND FOUND LOST OR STRAYED FROM REST - deuce of undesigned on Saturday, De- cember 13, small yellow dog, woolly face. Percy Riley, Rattenbury St., E., Clinton, phone 464, 51p NOTICE GOLD LEAP STAMPING -INITIALS or name embossed on all typos of leather goods. Personalized stationery a spec- ialty. T. A. Dutton, Braeefield. 51p. SAW FILING, ALL ISINDS DONE at Hoare's orchard, a mile north of town. Corrtaot G. H, Hoare at your convenience. 47-20 I AM CARRYING ON THE FUR ibuying of my father, the late Nor- man East. See me before seeing else- where. Murray East, R,R. 1, Clinton 46-52b FULLER BRUSH CO. REPRiE!SF1N- tative for Clinton and district -spe- cial Christmas gifts. Winnifred O'Neil, phone 75J. 43btf '"THREE EVENING DRESSES, MISCELLANEOUS • .one evening skirt, never warn, HOW'S THE SIZE OF YOUR •:size's 12-14-16, colours blue, hat and coat? If they are the •arhi'te black. Phone 191w. least bit snug=•droll everything 50751-13 'and race out and get 'em let out k'I3 OATS FOIL SALE. 100 BUSH- 'cause you met room for ex - ',as of good heavy oats, priced reason- pansion. Here's why --A brand able. 1'. W. Andrews, phone 33 new a rdle-but, that's nothing ,rtton, 48btffb -it's VITA -LIF'`(' in RTO. Sizes 6 to 19. You'l like the price too -417.95. Mrs. Harold Critten- den, "Orange St., Clinton, Box, 153, phone 173. 5obtff ANTE -FREEZE ' IN • GALLON cans, $1.60; retreaded tires, 16 600, $9.25; new tubes, $3; full; choke siingle barrel shot gun, ^$10; ten sinal' pigs, five weeks •o!d. Apply W. B. Thompson, two Taos west of 'Clinton on No. 8. Highway. 50-51-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 'ONE JERSEY COW, FOUR YEARS -old, duo in a week's time. Apply Edgar (Rothwell, phone 909r4, Clinton 51p TWO BEAGLE HOUNDS, ONE MALE •and one female; two general purpose horses, quiet single or double. Leslie rapper, R.R. 5, Clinton, phone Clinton, ,815r16. 51,p FOUR HEAD OF DURHAM CATTLE :about 700 pounds. 'Would 'also like old horses for mink feed. Appll Jaynes East, "1R.R. 4, 'Clinton, phone 800r6, 51p WANTED TO BUY -VIOLIN, WITH BIG, DEEP, ROUND -'Lone, having back made from one piece of highly grained Curley maple, sides, -nock and scroll matching bask. L. Leoper, "Hayfield, Ont. vlp "OLD HORSES and DEAD ANAM]AIUS :suitable for mink feed. Will pay 2c a pound for horses and call and pick -up same. Dead animals according to -liable. If dead ,phone at once. Phone 'collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21, or Fred CiLbert, 956r32, Goderieh. 45I WANTED GOOD USED TREADLE SEWINGIITA- chine, Apply Joe Flynn, ILR. 1, Clinton, phone 801r4. 51-p SKATES AND BOOTS FOR. small boy. Would need size 13 or 1. Phone 357. 50-51-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN IN GOOD running order, five good ,tires; also 18• little pigs. W. D. Wilson, phone 658r33, Soaforth. 51-52p ONE 1932 MODEL B FORD COACH with 600 x 16 tires, two now tires; one 22 Sa.vago model 29 repeater rifle; one good panel door size 6 ft. 9 ins, x 3434 ins.; one pair Ford wheels and tires 528 x 18. Apply Percy Riley, Rattenbury St.; D., Clinton, phone 464. 51p 1934 CHRYSLER SEDAN, TIRES like noW, heater, all winterized, in good running condition, reasonable. Apply at Stanley Bros. Meat Market. 51b 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN IN GOOD condition with radio and heater. Phone 186, Clinton. 51p PULLETS P011 SALE 100 LEGHORN PULLETS, PHONE 907r12. 51b pen Sunday, December 21 AND EVERY NIGHT NEXT WEEK Winter Accessories including GOODYEAR TIRES, CHAINS and ALCOHOL ANTI-FiREEZE Connplimenit>s of 'Ale Season Reg. Ball's She:LI.Service Station. Ontario St. Phone 5, Clinton As AtaitiMAIR 1 ViAV. �� 116 Christmas hoppers.. (3 There is no finer gift for " HIM this Christmas than 1, a good shirt. We carry •, branded lines Arrow; Tooke, BVD and Dominion. See our selection now and 1, choose one to his particular'G�j taste. A4'1 sizes 131/2 to 17, Special Men's Heavy Ali Wool Plaid Shirts, just the ticket for • 'Cc the outdoorman or sportsman. Assorted colours and plaids. Specially priced ,at each $6.75 Christmas Suggestions ATies - Socks - Pyjamas - Scarves - Gloves Hat's - Robes. Jackets Belts iancl Braces - Handkerchiefs is BEAUTY SHOPPE and a full line of other erbibles suitable for men or boy' Pickett and Ca pbell .. is l Ili Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, e. , Permanents Scott Monate' Shoes ETHEL THOMP,SON ill PHONE 25CLINTONy� �� �y r,y�� Princess St. East„ Phoneb85llt ^ itis Jc ` momm�'�/c�I emystiigAo w +Jc. `.b 6983E iassifled BIRTHS ADDISON=In Iroquois Falls, Ont., on Tuesday, December 16, 1947, to Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Addison, (nee Esther, Trewartha; Clinton), a son. JOHNSTON-lit Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Tuesday, November 25, 1947,' to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston (nee Edith Leppington, Clinton.), a daughter (Ruby Esther), PICSETT-In Clinton Public Hospital,' on Friday, December 12, 1947, to My, and Mrs. Roy Pickett, Clinton, a song (Ivan Roy). COMFORT -In Clinton Pcblie 3lospital, or Wednesday, December 17, 1947, to Sgt. and Mrs. Alvin Comfort,' Clinton, a daughter, (Linda Elizabeth-. DEATHS KENNEDY -Suddenly, at his home, Mary St., Clinton, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 16, 1946, William David Kennedy, in his 55th year. Resting at Ball Brothers Funeral Home, High lit., Clin- ton, where service will he conducted this afternoon at 2.00 o'clock. Inter- ment in Clinton Cemetery. LEITCH-At her home in Bayfield on Sunday, December 14, 1947, following a long illness, Lucinda Charity Lour - anon, widow. of David Leitch, aged 85 years. Funeral from her late residence to Bayfield, Cemetery Tuesday after- noon, December 16. M!eCARTNEY-In Woodstock, on Thurs- day, December 18, 19.47, after a lengthy illness, Lottie Wheatley, beloved wife of George McCartney, both formerly of Clinton, Funeral arrangements have not veer. completed. ROSS -In Strasbourg, Sask., on Satur- day, November 29, 1947, after a linger- ing illness, David Ross, formerly of Brumfield, in his 66th year. Funeral from Knox Presbyterian Church, Stras- bourg, Monday, December 1, to Cres- cent Road Cemetery, ROZELL-Suddenly, in Seaforth, Wed- nesday, December 17, 1947, Charles Ernest Bozell, Clinton. Resting at .Ball Brothers Funeral Homo, High Street, Clinton, where service will be held Friday, Deaomber 19, at 2 p.n. Inter- ment in Clinton Cemetery. STEEP -In Clinton Public Hospital; on Thursday, December 18, 1947, Mary Lila Campbell, beloved wife of the late James Steep, in her 60th year. Resting • at tho Beattie Funeral Home, Ratten- bury St. E,, where service will be hold on Saturday, December 20, at 2 p.m. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. TAYLOR -Suddenly, at his late resi- dence in Dashwood on 'Wednesday, De- cember 17, 1947, Robert Hobbs Taylor, M.D., ALL.A., beloved 'husband of Lettn Guenther, and father of Anne Kathryn, in his 54th year. Resting at hie' late residence in Dashrood, from whore private service will take place Friday, December 19, at 1,30 p.m,, fol- lowed by public service in Evangelical U.B. Church, Dashwood, at 2 p.m. In- terment in Exeter Cemetery. Federation Discusses Grain and Calf Clubs Goderieli Township Federation of Ag- riculture had a very successful meeting in the Porter's Hill school on Wednes- day evening, December 10, when a good number was in attendance. Considerable discussion arose over 3110 forming of a grain club which would be open to all, farmers in the Township. Another topic which brought out much discussion was the question of a for- mation of a calf club in the Township with the Achievement Day to be held at Bayfield Fall Fair. It was decided that anyone interested should get. in touch with any of the directors or officials. Plans were made to hold the next meeting in S.S. No., 11, CARD OF THANKS I should like -to take' this opportunity of expressing my heartfelt thanks to my. doctors and nursing -stuff of, Clinton Public Hospital, for many kindnesses shown while'( WaS a, eeont patient there auil also to all my friends who sent gifts and other eiclytesaions of 'goodwill. Wish- ing all a MoitryOhristmas and a .Happy New Year.' Signed: Miss Eva Stackhouse 51p IPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE also Changes in Train Service Account Christmas and New Year's There will bo certain changes in train service between December 23rd and January 1st. Consult your local C:N.R• 'Agent for full particulars. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves AUCTION SALE of Choice Dairy 'Cattle .;at Porters' Hill, 4 miles • west of Holnresvillo, on Monday, December 22nd; .at 1,30 •p.nl. sharp., eon-' sistiug of: 25 good dairy cows; 4 fresh,,baionee due January, February, and Marsh. 25 pasture bred heifers; same •'are .choice Holsteins; and springing. 6 yearling Holstein' heifers. 10 Holstein heifer calves. This will be .the last sale this season, so do not fail •tattend as they are a good lot of Battle, and will be sold under the usual guaraartee. TERMS -CASH ''Sale will be ]geld inside A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer.. IN MEMORIAM • LOVETT-In, fond and. loving memory of 14Lother-Elizabeth Maud, who de- parted this life, December 14, 1938. They say time heals all things, And helps us .to forgets So fan, 13 only proves How much we miss her yet. Inserted by her husband and family: ■ ■ u%k ResuIts ROXY THEATRE•° CLINTON Now Playing (Dec. 18-20) ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME BAND In Technicolor - Mon., Tues., Wed- (Dee. 22-24) "THE VERDICT" A spine tingling mystery drama star- ring Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre. Added attraction, the sport sensation of the year! Joe Louis vs. Jersey Joe Walcott fight pictures. Blow-hyblow! Thur., Fri„ Sat. ,flee. 25-27) Lon McCollister, Peggy Ann Garner and Edmund Gwenn With its beautiful settino. In the high- lands of Scotland comes rhe poignant drama of a boy and his dog. A. holi- da film for the 'entire family. Thunder in the Valley . In Teehnieolor - Coning (Dec. 29-:3.1) Franebot Tone Shirley Temple in HONEYMOON' CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now -Ginger Rogers in "HEARTBEAT" Mon., Tries., Weil. Two 'Features Merle•Oberou, George Brant and Paul Lukas with Lenore Tibrin in the east, telling the story of Eden in ultra- modern style. "TE'MPTATION" Adult Ent,:rdssincnent Jo Anne Marlow, Eve Whitney and Marc Cramer bring a oemie strip to life in, the hilarious "LITTLE IODINE" Thur. Fri., Sat. Juno Haver, Mark Stepens, Martha Stewart, It's in teehnieolor and it's jam-packed with fun, music and en- tertainment. "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now-"ABIE'S Irian ROSE"' with Maurice Cheko'v Mon., Tues, Wed. - Two Features.- Joo LOUIS vs. Jersey Sop WALCOTT The complete fight films, with slow- motion coverage of important high- lights. Decide for,yourself (whish Joe won 7 Dana Anclrews, Jane Wyatt and Lee Cobb telling the 'story of a fearless prosecutor and his struggle to serve justice. "BOOMERANG" Thur. Fri., Sat. Lon McCollister, Edmund Gwonn and Peggy Ann Garner. A, tremendous story lives in its fighting reality against the beauty of teehnicolor backgrounds. Thunder in the Valley Coming -Lynne :Roberts in `‘WINTER WONDERLAND" CHRISTMAS BARGAINS at JOHNSON'S Grocery NAVAL ORANGES 1.76'S- 55c, 2 for 1.09 220's - 39c, 2 doz. 77e Mixed Nuts, 1 Ib.. , .. 39e Budded Walnuts, lb. 53e Brazils, 2 lb. 19e 252's - 33e, 2 doz. 65e Pecans, lb. 288's ,-- 29e, 2 doz. 57c Mixed Candy, lb. 344's - 23c, 3 doz. 65e Devon Tangerines,1 cloz..... 39c Tomatoes 39c 49e 28 -oz. tin 25c Oxydol 33e Chipso 33c Ivory Snow 33c Kirk's Castile , .. 2 for 17c Sunlight Soap , . 2 for 1'7c Ivory Soap 15c Phone 286 DATES 25c lb. Free Delivery A Real Treat CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM PIES This week -Strawberry and Butterscotch Brick Special --Cherry Pineapple Try our delicious creamy Hot Chocolate Clayton's Ice Cream Bar Rattenbury St. E. Phone 134 HOSPITAL AID' Christmas Bali Town Hall, Clinton featuring Norman Carnegie Orchestra Friday, December 26 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Favors, Refreshments, Specialty Dances, Elimination Dance Sadie Hawkins, Multiple Dane, Santa Claus Tag, Balloon Admission --•-• - - $•1 per person Dress Optional Help the British. We live in a land of plenty. The least we camdo is to 'sh'are our good fortune with the gallant British peopl(a. Help Swell the (Legion: -Lions Fund to buy food for Britain by Ileavitivg your donation at The NEWS -RECORD office. It will be ,o;cloowdedged in the paper. LAUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING • Business 244 Phone Residence 470 An •r Iof�€l��yy i icing It r New Location Huxon Street, between Agnew's Cigar Store and Mel Crich's Barber Shop * * * HAMBURGERS Golden Brown FRENCH FRIES HOT DOGS SANDWICHES TEA COFFEE, MILKSOFT DRINKS CIGARETTES TAKE -AWAY CONES to TAKE AWAY HOME! 15c 10c 100 PARRY'S SNACK BAR Huron St. Phone 696J isrmitszonswaralmeoponinwitammaw BELIEVE IT OR NOT - Tho Bible is the word of God -"Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" II Pot. 1:21 AND IT SAYS- . //Me must be born again" John 3:7 "A11 have sinned" and aro in need of a Saviour..Rom. 3:23 t'Christ came into the world to save sinners" I Tim. 1:15 COME UNTO HIM AND RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE 1FUNE IN - Hear Chas. Fuller, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Cal., on STATION CKLW Windsor, 12-12.30 ES.T., Sunday noon Christmas for Smokers Pipes New assortment Just arrived * * . Ronson Ligaters $5.00 up, Cigarette Cases, Table Lighters Flashlights Humidors Wallets Cigarette Rollers, • Shaving Sets, Watchstraps, Chocolates' Penlights Pocket Knives Cigars Cigarettes Tobacco Pouches -Rogers Aimtiste in Christmas wrap and others •,,_ CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY • Christmas Presents tor Everyone • - Buy the family :a radio - the ideal Christmas gift Northern Electric Radios and Combinations at $37.25, $58.95, $1'79.50, $189.50 Stewart Warner Radios $3'7.50 and up Christmas Tree Lights while they last, at $1.29, $1.55, $2.19, $3.15 Also a complete line of North- ern''s smaller Electrical Appli- ances such as toasters, heaters, Irons, shavers, egg cookers, cof- fee makei*s, table damps, floor lamps, bed Tamps, heating pads and several others. Radio REPAIRING Our SPECIALTY Merrill Radio and Electric PHONE 313 Christmas Sug esti. ns For Men and Boys Dressing Gowns Bath Robes Smoking Jackets Wagon Coasts Parkas, men's and boys' Windbreakers, men's and boys' Forsyth Shirts, Pajamas, Scarves, Ties and Handkerchiefs Biltmore harts Wearwell Hose Fancy Scarves, wool and silk Brace and Garter Sets Belts, initial or (tongue buekle Scarf and Glove Sets, white and yellow Gloves, lined and unlined Davis & Herman