HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-12-18, Page 3aereereg T13TiRSDAY, DECI7xtfBER 48, 191 CILiN,TOt q - NEWS -RECORD PAGE !l7iR1 ommeth In The g JoyCMorning. By "fir There are many reasoue why people become so depressed that they find re• lief . only in tears, ,Connected with our lower eyelid there is a .duet known to the laity as a hear duct. Some people have shed so many, tears that this passage is well oiled and it ttnkes Tittle to cause, a stream of mater to run down their face. Others have sueh [perfect control of themselvee. that they are seldom known to cry. Perhaps if they could it would ease their trouble. The first of these can become a burden not only to themselves, but also to those who deal with them. People should never allow themselves to sob over everything which may distress them but there ,are many times when tears are justifiable. Perhaps never in the history of our country ,have there been so many elderly people who are left alone to finish their days as•best they can. If in financial difficulty they receive some government aid but not one of the members of their family would consider trying to live on it. Yet especially in our cities these poor souls have to live in one room: After paying the rent they have very little loft for food. It is true there are h'onies where they can go, but to find accommo- dation in them they have to wait years. The question often arises as to what is the natter with many sons and daugiit- PUBLIC NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of January, 1948, the Munlchlpah Electors of the Town of .Clinton will Ibe asked. to signify by ballot whether tliiey desire the Sewerage Systean of the Town of Clinton to be managed by the Pulbnib Utandties !Colmmtissikon of by the Town Council. Dated this 11tiI day of December, 1947. M. T. CORLESS 51-52-1-h Clerk mime FURRiI ...FOR, HER.. ors of today who will not shoulder the reepousibility: of caring for thoeo who havo'in many 'urstauces given practically t'.,oir all for their fancily. Iu days genb by it was• It d011'11 right disgrace if an elderly parent was not eared for proper. ly. Mono was always grandma's end grandad'o chair but those days are past and gouo bat tea hope not forever. Child- ren wore taught to respect the old people. Very often' now they speak to them ‘just as they 'please and they are not only' supported by the parents but are consid•' erect in the way. What a tragedy! Ie it any wonder that these elderly souls sob themselves to sleep? The only cora- fort many of them have is that the Loth who has cared for them all'these yeare• will do so to the 5111: CJob must look down in aurrow on them as they at times erg to Him to take them to their Eternal dome. Tins does not by any mesas apply to every family. We all know of many homes where parents are well eared for. Should we belong to the atom of those who are neglecting our parents let us wake up before. it is too late, Grandmothers and grandfathers are not by any means always responsible Por all the troubles in homes. Lot us give them the tender care which is their due and not have them to sob their hearts out in lonliness. If they have taken God as their companion they will fiat( much consofatio,r in the thought that for their "joy eomoth in the 1)0S ring',. Then there are times when sorrow has entered our home and the Angel of Death has suddenly or perlurgs following a 'long illness taken roma ono who is near and dear to us. I'To matte, how kind frte.as are there is aaT ■ bank We have perhaps at first been able to give .FOREVER! BULOVA $4950 "Her E:cadency 4•' 22 Jewcti „,a&° AT iJI.RA?.�i CELLENICY "AA' i 2r Jmvel; 1 TIME or ANYTIME I. IS YOUR HEST IUJY 61, OVA A.- M. JACKSON Phone 794 - Clinton urry: Hurry! Hurry! That Gift Problem dOWed with A Cherished Portrait by 4ewIe4 /34a4. To assure Christmas delivery make your appointment to -day TIME IS SHORT Clinton vent to our<foelinge, but is weeks '• go by the souroe of our - tore dries up and there is left that terrible lonliness which 110 0110 but our Saviour oar comfort. There is a space in our heart which has been tinea by our loved one, but now except for ,memories it is empty, We may empathize with our friends, but if we have not 'Iexperienced such Matinees, and who has not, wo have no idea,vhat it is like,. At such times if we would let our Minds Travel back 2,0.00 years to the time Christ hung on the cross to make atone- ment for our sins, and where for two hours He was alone, forsaken .even by God, who could not look on sin, we would probably receive some comfort from the thought of the agony He went through, au agony which was much worse than anything which wo will 'ever ex- perience, God will never forsake us, He is with us whenever we are ready to take our troubles to Rim. in prayer. There aro tames when we fee] diseour- aved and are ready to show our feelings. We have had certain plans for our life and God has seen fit to change those plans. Perhaps although we cannot, just understand these '.things we have trust enough in Ris good judgement to go ou from day to day trying to make the best of things, but we all know there are tines when it is hard to keep above everyday events. We do know our diffi- culty, whatever it is, will not go on for over but there is a joy which "cometh in the morning" which will be ever- lasting. What a comfort to any who are so afflicted) There is one thing we should be careful of, that is to never let our discouragement give place to despair. Take it to God in prayer and He will help us. Have we ever cried in anger? Shame be on us if we let ourselves get into sueh a state. It may be this condition has re- mained with us ever 0inee we were little children and went unpunished when we got into a rage and stamped: our little feet. Many grown iron and women today would thank their parents if they had oheeked them at that early stage. Spare 011e rod and spoil the child has been the background . for, many of the terrible crimes' we have today. In some of those eases it is the patents of .the culprits and not the law violators themselves who are shedding tears. What is more pathetic than the appearance in a amt. room of aged parents trying to testify' in some way to stove a son or daughter from the gallows ;or life imprisonment for having committed some atrocious crime? God pity them. It is to be hoped that they know to whom to go for com- fort. om-fort. . Now we.ean speak of a time to which we all look forward, a time of joy and happiness. 'There are many who do enjoy life. They appear to have a great deal of joy tri their daily' routine and how nide it is to see them in these times of stress and anxiety in the world. Goal untended that we should be 'happy and we 'would have hem 'so had sin not come into the world. Thorn are still many, things wo eau bo happy about but of - times we pass this happiness by and through worry dim our eyes to it all. Why not accept what God intends we should have and leave the rest to Him? We have seen "tears course down a blather's cheeks as her little oue jumped on her knee, put its arms around her neck and said "1 'eve '00 Mununy". The joy of a godly home is unsurpassed except in the Great Beyond, If we believe 01 God and aeeept Him as our personal Saviour there will come a time in the life of each one of us wlron joy will truly have comein the morning. Peace may never . bo ours in this world but it will be in the Heavenly Realm over which Christ rules, God •has prom- ised us that. THANK YOU, VERY MUCH March 5, 1903 -- - December 13, 1947 • Thank you for the first customer Who bought a pickle cruet in silver when the store was first opened in my name. Thank you for :the first customer who, had his watch revered—a mainspring. Thank you for the loyalty, courtesy, good will, help - fullness and understanding during and these years. Thank you then, to call the folk in Clinton and this district. Very gra'tefuily W. IL HEL• LYAR Here it is, Giris! Your Chance to Join The Happy Family who work at Clinton Hosiery dills Limited APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT +a<✓ /:1i112'l ARJs'el1YJMague Christmas trees * • e Ft111 assortment of NORTHERN SPRUCE BALSAM are arriving thus week V. D. Faiconer PROMPT DF]T,,I.VEIt:Y StIRVICE Phone 97 Clinton nagaltAry s rMM p s'5O- 1-b MIRo-CELL will give uniform and constant INtS1JLATINNG VALUE the , year round. • Reflects 95nJ of radiant, heat • Protects against heat, hold, Boise and Wind • Provides positive vapor barrier • Weatherstrips waits and ceilimpa • Lire-r'ertlalist, VOY9n l' and ,termite -proof AT LAST , .. you can,lflx with NEW A'QU A scientific mineral surface seepage and dampness . . or below growtd. • youleaking wails or cellar EL L A (hotting used to eonfroi water used inside or outside, above Try Our CEDAR SHINGLES. (Obtained from War Assets Corporation) 1 Are those in line for this joy 'who have neglected Him and have chosen the way of the world, those litho have no. gleetod 13'is House and have made a playtime of Hie Sabbath Day', It is not for man to say but God says "No". for. HER The only emidition withal will ensure'na !Paternal Life is acceptance of His free gift of salvation. Is it bard to do thatt No indeed, it is just as simple as ac- cepting the love and care of our earthly pareints. Brush, !Comb and Mirror Sets from $3.95 to $25.00 Cosmetic Sets—Evening in Parris, Dorothy Gray, Yardley, ' . Vitt, R'aly, Max Paat:r, Shtaun, Tuja, Woodbury, Cashmere Bouquet, Petal Tune, Three Secrets, and Lentheric, from 55c to $25.00 Pro-phy-Lac-itis and Keystone Hair Brushes Perfumes, .Colognes, Barth Salts, Bath Powders, Talcums, 'Scalps, Nail Polish. Seto OCutex, Revlon. • • • ,„ for HIM Electric Razors --Schick, Packard, Remington Parker Pens, Billfolds, Shaving Brushers, Hair •Bru:sthes, Leather Pitted Cases, Pipes,, Cigars, Cigarettes Shaving Sets—,His Excellency, Lenitherio, Yardley, Old ,Spice, Colgate, Wblltamvs, Pinauds, Mennen, Fitch, Palmolive, Woodbury, Thirty -Five Razors--Etodlts, Wilkinson, °Melte,. Autosttrop; Schuck, Gem Cameras, Electric . Heat Pads, Hot Water Battles, First Allo Kitts PARKER 51 PENS NI of F. B. PENNEBAKER PHONE SERVICE DRUGGIST I?aliI®III11111f111a11Iaiii1S11a110111a111691app laltlaf mu* il,)Ila)Mililaliialilad11111M landNV Season Tickets SKATING 1947-1948 Now avaiiabe in ,tile following ossifications: 1. Wednesday afternoons only $2.00 2. Students, 16 years and under $3.00 3. Regular, Adults $ i.00 at Pennebaker's Drug Store We hope to have skating by Christmas Day Watch Signboards CLINTON LIONS ARENA i1 .inaliveootalllalllensillalllallla11oloalalll its IIalllattniumainmil utailmu aN1a, For Christmas Holidays Young Mutton by the half per Ib. 16e Choice Breakfast Bacon, sliced or in piece, per ib. , .. , 580 Smoked Cottage Rolls, per tib. 550 Boneless Picnic Hants, per lb. 50c Short Shany, Picnic Hams, per lb. 45e Boneless Smoked Tenderized Dinner Hams, per )b. , , 65e C. D. Connell Clinton's Leading Meat Market r BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL 1H. T. RANGE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Representin 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND; K.O. BARRNOTTAARY- Pi BLICITOR Albert St. Clinton ARTHUR E. PARRY COMMISSIONER; ETC. ETC, By Royal Warrant H. C. MSIR BARRISTER -AT -LAW Solicftor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner Office: Hotel Gunton Hours: 2 , to 5 . Tuesdays and Fridays CHIROPRACTIC D. H.`'MeINNEB, D.C. C111ImoPRAc' xC FOOT CORRECTION '. . Heron St Phone 207 AUCTIONEER -MG EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at Clinton News -Recons or by phoning 203. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specialist in Farm and Household sales, Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable, satisfaction guaran- teed, For information, etc, write or phone Harold Jackson, 11.11, 4, Seaforth. Phone 14-661. oribritETTit A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderiah - Phone 33 RUTH HEARN, K.O. Optometrist Huron St. Phone 69 Clinton ACCOUNTA tic— R. G. McCANN ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR Phone 4783 Albert St. Clinton ERNEST W. HUNTER CRA.R ACCOUNTANT 57 Dloor St. W. Toronto ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, ate., Alin Street Phone 365W =ETES ROY N. UENTL'E1 INCOME TAX — (Buelness, Private or Farm Reports) Bookkeeping Services --.(weekly or Monthly) Typing—(Private or Commercial work). 36 Regent St., work). 58, Phone 2313, Goderlch, Ont. olti3ITXr DE. D. C. GEDDES DENTIST Mitcheal Mc. AdamLovTeepho. 27mason alb0 Y3WERUNARIAN GENERAL ( 1N RACXOR Rest Pau 494,1 DB. G. 8. &LLIOIrF VETERINARIAN Phone 263 Clinton MEMORIALS Cemetery Memorials T. PRIDE & SON Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays See 3. J. Zapfe. Phone 103 INSURANCE L E. HOWARD Bayfield, Ont. Phone Clinton 624rSa Car—Life—Fire—Accident Wind Insurance If you need insurance, I have a: policy THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ; Head '011ioo. Seatorth '1 OFFICERS, 1947—Pres., Frank Med Gregor, Clinton R.R. 5; Vice -Pres., Chris Leonhard)', Bornholm, R,R, 1; Manager and Secy.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. • DiRECTORs—Hervey Fuller, Gad- erlch, R.R. 2; Chris Leonhardt, Brod. hagen; E, J. Trewartha, Clinton; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth;John HMaw lexdr�xgoAexan,WaltoS. L. Clinton; Sea. . forth. AGElNTS—John E. Pepper, Bruce - field, R,R. 1; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth; 1 11. 'E. McKercher, Dublin, RR. 1; J. F. Prueter Brodhagen. Parties desiring to effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. Losses insest pected pe ted by the director living Mier - point of loss.