HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-12-18, Page 1News -Record
Adlets Pay
No. 51 69th Year, Whole No. 6283
1947 The Home Paper With the i' ews
Dr. Hobbs Taylor, MLA, PassesSudden1y From Heart Attack
The 1,114 t
Officers' Mess of RCAF Station, Clin-
ton, proved a highly successful affair
of Saturday evening last when the
lounge, billiardroom and dining room
were - appropriately decorated
The new Commanding Officer, W/C
A. Chester- Hull, DFC, welcomed the
guests who numbered 100.
• -• *
the evening' was the presentation of
a tine fountain pen set to,Mrs. Mc-
Gowan for her husband, G/C E. A.
McGowan, who retired the previous
day as Commanding Officer... S/L R.
day as Commanding. , . . S/L Robert
51 Mooney president of the Mess,
made the presentation and both re-
plied suitably..:. Although G/C Mc-
Gowan is gong to RCAF Station, Tren-
ton, and later will receive his dis-
charge from the service, Mrs. Mc-
Gowan and children will continue to
reside in their home on the Station.
* * *
' of ours informs us that the Income
Tax Department is insisting that farm-
ers assessed at $4,500 or more must
make a return for 1'946.... It seems
that all municipalities are affected
* *
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Clinton,
is recuperating at the home of his
parents after recently suffering a
fractured and impacted left hip bone.
. it happened while Charlie was
employed with the Hydro Electric
Commission at Burlington.... They
thought Clinton was the best place for
him, especially since his father is a
* * *
had four lovely sliver and platinum
fox pelts ondisplay in ClintonSatur-
day night. He has 50 of them at
home and has been in foxes for about
20 years.... Two years ago a plati-
num fox was worth up to $100 but
today the price is only about $15. ,..
At the same time, feed costs have
gone up tremendously.. , . Fox -raising
does not seem to be the bonanza today
that it once was. _.
1,11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
Prelude, Christmas Memory and Carols
Procesionai l'iynni 47
Lord's Prayer
Hymn 57
Responsive Reading 747
Anthem, Arise Shine, soloist, Miss Jean
Offering, Berceuse
Offertory Prayer
Trio, Christmas Lullayy, Mise Jean. Elli-
ott, Mise Corrouna Wendorf, Miss
Florence Aiken
Hymn 58, verses 1, 4, 5
Sermon, The Word Becomer Flesh
Anthem, While Shepherds Watelred, solo-
ist, Mrs. Douglas McLean
Hyman 65,' Verses 1, 5, 0
Pestle/le, Hallelujah Chorus, from; the
12.15 Sunday School..
7.00 p,m..0hristznae Carol Service
Proludo, Angel's Serenade
Processional Bysnn 55, 'congregation
singing '
Invoeatioa, Rev. W. J. Weolfrey
Choir, The First Nowell, soloists, (aeorge
Cooper,- June Middleton, Bill Gould
Male Chorus, Wo Three Rings,: soloists,
Gerald Nelson, Willard Aiken, B•
win Merrill
Choir, 0 Come all ye Fairbful'
Solos, Florence' Aiken, Jean Elliott
Hymn 59, verses '1, 8, eon„Qregation sing-
Scripture, Rev.' W. J. Woolfrey
Offering, Organ and piano, Jesu, Toy of
Man's Desiring, Af.rs. Wendorf, Miss
Choir, Waite Shepherds Watched
quartette, There's a song in the air,
Marino Millar, Edith Popper, Wil-
lard Aiken, Gerald Nelson
Choir, Silent Night .
Male Chorus, God Rost Ye Meriy.Gaulle.
Hymn, 51, versos 1, 3,, 4, eongregatioa
Choir, Shepherds in the Fields Abiding
Caudle£ighting" y '
Recessional: -Hymn 04, congregation sing-
ing,; . -
Postlude, by Teehaikowaky
Monday, December 22, Christmas Enter-
. • tainmeat
CO's Change at RCAF Station
Command of RCAF Station, Clinton, documents to hand over theStation
changed Friday morning, wben the of- to W/C A. Chester Hull, DEO, the
ficial "handing -over" ceremony took new Commanding Officer, who looks
place. In the photo on LEFT, WC on,
E. A. McGowan, retiring Commanding In that on RIGHT, G/0 McGowan
Officer, is seen signing the required is seen congratulating LAC P, N. J.
�,,aiA10.•/A>a_• • • . •MP" • \•J •A1P}A8•A$\•l-4•/1' •. •14, 111\%�0.•421R\'LJsS\•;.11,41-S°.1q_A•221:.
erbicai in Me Om*
tmc,�.5 _ uu a
Ontario St. United Church
REV. W. J. WOOLFRE'Y, Minister
B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader '
Mrs, E Weadort, Organist Candlelightin g Service
Proves Most Impressive
Wesley -Willis United Chureh, artistic-
ally decorated with Christmas groans, a
beautifully -lit Christmas tree, and other
gaily -coloured Christmas lights, was the
scone of the annual Christmas carol and
candle -lighting service at the regular
evening service on Sunday evening, The
church was crowded to eopaeity. The
service was sponsored by the Young
People and the choir was composed of
over 30 Young People corning from the
three ehurehes whieh join together for
the union services,
Mrs. Agnew presided nt the organ
throughout 'the service, Before the senior
choir Came into the ehturin, the jenlor
choir, who sang from the gallery, her-
alded the service with " Lt Came Upon
the Midnight Clear". Tho senior eboir
entered 'rho church singing "0 Come
.40 Ye Faithful" as the processional
hymn. Rev., Andrew Lane presided at the
pulpit 'and gave the. luvoeation Prayer,
the scripture' lessor. ' ani prayer.'
Soloists wore Mies J4tie Middleton,
who a ng "Silent Night, Holy Night",
with Ole ladies humming an'aeeompani
went to one verse; Miss Jeau Elliott,
who chose • °What Child is this", Wil-
liam B. Conran, Wingham, whosenumber
was "0 Holy Night" and Mrs, Eileen'
Robbins who sang "Night of 'Nights".
The Junior Choir, a new venture in
the life, of rho Sunday School, whieh is
nuder tlie di action of Eilsert Robbins
and Benson, Sutter, ;sang two numbers
led by 'Mre. M. Nediger and Mrs, W, 'C,
Jervis. These numbers ' were "While
Shepherds 'Watched, : Their, Fleck by
Night" and "O Little Town: of Beth-
lehem" Numbers ' by the senior ehoir
included "Showy Elakee-', "Sheipberde
iu the Field' Abiding" and "The Birth-
day of. the King" with Walter Little
as .soloist. A..niele chorus "We Throe
Kings", was also given with Arthur
Davies, Leonard Crocker and Eels,,**
Sutter inlring the solo parts.' ,
A. lovel1 'jiart of the 'ser vice' wwas the
violin solo ' "Angels; Serenade", ' gives
atthe' of'fe'rtory by ,Bob Terson. Carols.
sang by 'the congregation, were a Angels
from tire reahns of Glory", Christiane
Awake" 'and "Joy to ,the World"
rhe final 'feature • of the serviee was
thecatidieIiglitirig ceremony which avas
conducted by Benson .Sutter. The senior
choir, all carrying candles, went around
the ohureh singing "The First Nowell".
TIM indeed made a beautiful sight which
was most impressive. The reeessional
hymn "Hark the Herald Hymn", was
sung as both the Senior and Junior
choirs loft the church, the latter leading.
Rev. Andrew Lano renounced the, Bene-
The Week's
We other
1947 1946
High Low High Low
December 11 31 8 41 27
12' 29 24. .55 32
13 29 22 40 19
14 31, 21 22 15
15 36 26 23 19
' 16 34 24` 27 17
17 28 20 40 -10
Snpwfal1-6 inches. Rainfall -1,16 in,
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and
• Choir Leader
10.00 LAM.—Sunday School
11.00 A.M.----Divine Worship
Sermon, 'Phe Gift of God
Songs of Praise
O Come ally e . Faithful
Away hi a Manger
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Joy to the World
As with Gladness Men of Old
There Were Shepherds, Simper
A Christmas Song for a Now World,
Francesco do Leone
Selo, A Ohrietmuo Song, Beverley Soyes
2,30 p.m. -Service at Bayfield
Ohristmas Service of 'Praise
Comae and. Worship the .ting of Kings.
Wesley -Willis' Church
Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
11.00 a,m.-Morning Service
Organ Prelude, Pastorale Symphony
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Bach
Processional Hymn 47 0 Come all ye
Confession and Lord's Prayer
Hynm 55
Benedietus and Gloria, 753
Anthem, Christians Awake, Maunder
Offertory, Violin and organ,
Solo, Night of Nights
Hymn 62
Serino., Christ or Paganisur
Ascription of Praise
Recessional Hymn 59, Hark the Herald
Angels sing
Postlude, Christmas 4tareb, Merkel
12.15 -Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship
Theme, Cbristmas in History
Organ Prelude,. Nazareth, Gounod
Processional Hymn 64, Angels front the
Realms of Glory
Scripture '
Inti em It Came tlpon a Midnight Clear,
Sullivan .
Chriatmas in the Early Ohureh
Hymn' 47, Adeete Fidelis
Christmas in Old Europe
Hymn 65, The First 'Nowell'
Offertory, Genn Bambino, Yon
Christmas in the Early Protestant Church
Vocal Trio, Away in .a Manger
Hamm 53, ,Silent Night
Christmas in Our Own Day
Solo, In the. Bleak Midwinter
Hymn. 51, 0• Little Town of Bethlehem
Recessional Hyman'•60,:As.With Gladness
'Mien of 'Old, '
Organ Poetiude, Eandel's Largo
Monday, December 22 .at 7:$0
Christmas Entertainment
• REV. A. FORSYTH, MinisterMss: Ernest Adams, Orgnrdat
Mrs. W. Aikenheada Choir leader
11.3.0- a:m.--Sunday' Sohgol
7.00 para—Evening Worohir i
Spools) Chr,stiataa Service
- Everyone Welobme
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. 13ULTEEL,' Rector
Mrs. Theodore Frtuvlin, Organist
d'rs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader
11,00 a.m.—Carol Service -
7,00 .p.m.—Christmras Service
Monday, December 22, 7.30 p,m,—Sunday
School Entertainment
Christmas Eve, Weclnesinlay, Deemeber 24
Moly Communion, 11.15 p.m.
Christmas Day
Holy Communion, 9.30 a.m. ,
Logan,, Edmonton, Alta„ . recipient of
a 'Mentioned in Despatches" certifi-
cate for his work as a Flight Lieuten-
ant pilot June 14, 1945. Ile is now on
course here. i
—RCAF Photos.
Legion and- Lions
Appeal for Funds
Food for Britain
Clinton Branch of the Canadian
' Legion and the Clinton Lions Club
are sponsoring a joist effort for
raising funds for food parceE for
Great Britain. 'Many people hear
from friends over there of the very
meagre and monotonous ration at
present obtainable.
The cost of a 20•pouad food parcel
delivered • in Great Britain is about
$142nfeiany of -tis IMMO' afford to
spend this much nioney, but by
pooling our efforts we can do a lot
to help. -
WILL YOU HClLPi You can do
this by leaving a cash donation at
The NEWS -RECORD Office or at
either bank in Clinton. List's of do-
nations will be published in The -
NEWS -RECORD from week to
Great Britain saved the world dun
ing the war; now, let us do a little
bit on our part to help save Great,
Santa Claus Corning
To Town • Next Tuesday
Santa Claus is coming to town--
own—next Tuesday afternoon, December 231
Further particulars may be found in
an advertisement published elsewhere
in this issue.
Santa's Visit to Clinton is being
sponsored Jointly by the Chamber of
Commerce, Lions Club and Town
Council, and. -all ''school -children .from
town and district are invited to come
and see him. He will arrive from the
north, and escorted„ by .Clinton Citi-
zens' Band, will : head a parade on
Albert St. to Post Office Square where,
he'wil1 distribute gifta'to,the children.
Later, the youngsters will:. attend.
special matinees at the Boxy Theatre.
Mrs. Ruby Haddy Again
Heads Legion Auxiliary
Mie. Ruby Haddy was re•eleeted
president of the Ladies' Auxiliary of
the Canadian Legion for the thirdterm.
at the regular •meeting which took' place
at the Legion Homo on Monday evening,
This was the annual Christmas -Party
and the. Home was prettily decorated
with a lovely Christmas' tree; gaily lit
with coloured lights.
During the business period it was de•
ciderl•to send one Food Patrol to Britain
each month during the winter semen. It
was also • decided t that Christmas. Boxes.
would' be sent the boys .in .the vanone
military bospitais, Plans wore -amide ' to
beli3 furnish ' drapes for the Huron. Pav"
inion of Weetmineter Hospital. - •
The main business of the eveningwas
the election of officers which' resulted
as follows: • president, Mrs, 1t. Heady;
first vice -president, Mrs., A. Inkley;
aeeond vise 'president, Mrs. M. Mae,
Donald; secretary -treasurer, Mrs,. M.
Brown; flag bearer, bars. M. Cook; eoe-
ial committee, Mie. M. - beott, Mrs, 1),
O'Connell, Mrs. M. Carter; flower Com-
mittee, Mrs. H. McIntyre, Mrs, M. Lane;
press secretary, Mrs. A. Wiley; prop-
erty committee, Mrs. R. Roddy, Mrs. M.
Brown, Mrs. V. Heard; programme eont-
Le n on, Mr
mittao, Mrs T ppr gt s' J•
Butler, Mrs C. Orossman; pianist, Ivlrs.
N. gremlin
A very interesting reading on Christ -
teas' carols and their origin was given
by Comrade ' -Lane.
Games wore • enjoyed and then; .Mrs.
Santa Claus appeared and gave each one
a lovely Christmas token from the Christ-
mas tree. A most enjoyable social hour
followed wben a bountiful lunch was
served and -Mrs. Santa Clans poured tea
.from a very tastefully eecarated •table.
Tax collections; with arrears, January
'1 to December 15, 1947;
Collections January T to Dee. 15, 1947
194.4, aa'rear•s $ 11'1.19 -
1945, arrears, 0 300.58
1946, arrears - 1508.98 $ 1,986.75
1947, current year .,.., 40,61$.03
Add casheon hand (riot ir1-
eluded inbank belnnee) •-3,1.86.88
Arrears of taxes as at Dee, 15, 1947
1945 ..:............. $2432
1.94.0 218,59 $ 242.91
Current year, at this late .... 4,244.59
1946 Tax Levy $45,768.49
1947 Tax Levy 57,049.50
atT. Corless, Treasurer,
'Group Captain 2. A. Mc Gowan's
last • official act' as Commanding Of-
ficer of -RCAF Station, Clinton, was
to present a "Mentioned in De-
spatches" certificate to LAC P. N.
J. Logan, Edmonton, Alta., the oc-
casion being the graduation and
handing over -command ceremony at
the Station, Friday morning last.
LAC Logan won the award as a
Flight -Lieutenant Pilot on June 14,
1946. He is now on course here.
Seventeen young men graduated
from Radio Operators' course 5 after
4'7 weeks' 'training and immediately
A. W. Stinson was in charge- of the
were posted all over Canada. F10'
graduating class on parade,
The graduation took place at the
regular parade in the drill hall at
which GiC McGowan addressed the
graduating class and also made his
farewell speech to the Station Per-
sonnel He said he would miss very
greatly the RCAF and especially
this Station.
At this point, GIC McGowan made
the presentation to LAC Logan
Handing Over Ceremony
After receiving their certificates,
tlie. graduating -class marched' - off
and GIC McGowan assumed com-
mand of the parade.
The handing over ceremony was
quite impressive, during which the
retiring CO turned over the parade
and the Station to the new Com-
manding Officer, Wing Commander
A. Chester Hull, DEC, who comes
from Air Force Headquarters, Ot-
WIC Hull graduated from Roy-
al Military College, Kingston, and
Joined the RCAF in 1939 and serv-
ed overseas with much distinction
as a pilot during the war. He is mar-
ried with two children, a boy and a
girl. Eventually, it is expected that
the family will take lip residence on
the Station.
Ask Farmers
(Grow' Morel
Feed Grain
With nearly 100 farmers from ;all
parts of, the County in attendance,
it was stressed at the annual meet-
ing of Huron • Crop Improvement,
Association int the Board Room, Ag-
ricultural Office, Fridayafternoon
last, that Ontario.: farmers should
produce more feed grain on their
own land rather than depend on
Western Canada for a supply.
Harry Strang;. Exeter, was re-
elected president; Elmer Robert-
sons R.R. 5, GodeQrich,•ist vice -Pres.;
Alvin Betties, 1i,.$., 2, ,Bayfield, 2nd
vice-president; Leroy 'G, ' Brown,
Clinton, secretary - treasurer; and
W. R. Dougall, Hensall,, and Allan
Walper, 'R,R.3, Parkhill, auditors.
Reports Ori Tests
During the 'past year several .ex-
tensive tests were made in the Coun-
ty including the following: hybrid
tern for 'husking and ensilage on
the 'faith' of. Ebner •Robertson, R.R
5, Guderich; yield tests with ten
varieties of hybrid cern on the farm
of Richard Proctor, R'•R.5, Brussels;
soot*bean variety tests an farms, of
Boss Proctor', tali 5, , Brussels, . and
W. C• Bremner' R.R.-8; Brussels;
hybrid corn' ensilage ' tests by Cliff
Key's, Varna; drill -width testsof four
varieties of .oats by.: Alfred Warner,
RIR. 2, Bayfield, and Huron County
Horne, Clinton; drill -Width tests of
foul; varieties of barley by Harry
Bolger, R.R. 3, Walton, and Russell
Bolton, R.R. 1, Dublin. '
LeRoy G. Brown reported that a
site had been chosen for a problem
pasture demonstration on the farm
of Ephraim Snell, R.R. 1, Clinton.
The 'field has -been plowed and fall.
worked and is to be fertilized and
seeded early in 1948.
Projects on -which the Association
is now working are a proposed
county p rid .: campaign to Huron of
barberry, the host bush for stem.
rust of oats; a publicity campaign
to encourage early cleaning of 1948
seed grain; and plans ,for a seed
fair to be held in the spring of 1948.
Main speakers included Prof:
Robert, Keegan, OAC„ Guelph; • Don-
ald Huntley, research assistant to
Prof. Keegan; Hannah Murphy,.
Ontario Department of Agriculture;.
William R. Dougall, Hensali, Huron
County weed inspector, Andrew Me•
:T.avish, Paisley, zone director, Ont
alio Crop Improvement Association,
Funeral at Dashwood
On Friday Afternoon
Legislator Passes
M.L.A. for Huron since 1943, who
died very suddenly from a heart
attack at his Dashwood home Wed-
nesday morning. Funeral services
take place Friday at Dashwood, with
interment in Exeter Cemetery.
Group Captain E. A„ McGowan, aom
mantling ofieer of RCAF Station, ::1in-
ton, for the past two yews, gave his
farewell to the commuutty at the reg-
ular meeting of Clinton Lions Club in
St. Paul's Pariah Hall. last week, when
he was a special guest. Ho retired as (°d0
friday last to be succeeded by Wing
Commander Chester Ball. alto Itis bcori
at Air 'orae Headquarters, Ottawa. Af.
ter •tbe Now Year, 0.10 McGowan and
family will take up resideuea in Victoria,
B. 0.
Introduced by President Perdue, O/C
McGowan stood that the mined services
are necessary for tite country. Thep are
nn oxcelent trainiug gronud for young
lads and aro becoming an organization
of scientists. The character of tine men
results in an appreciation of their res-
"There Ms been a good spirit on the
Station and a good spirit ni relation to
the town and I hope that will improve,"
be declared. He. had been very pleased
to get his posting here overtwo years
ago. "I think it's a lovely frit of
country round here. The people of the
comunity have been fine to me and my
family and all the men. with me. Good-
bye and thank you for all your con-
sideration to myself and familyand the
Men on the Station. I hope the relations
between the town and Station eoatinue."
In • thanking 61-/0 - McGowan; G3e-
pes et C. MoLay said the ,,*
of Clinton most certainly do appreciate
the RCAF Station and were Sony to
lose him as Commauding Officer he had
'engender'ed a. better spirit.'
A. Satter, uhaiitnan of Oonm,nnity
Betterment. Committee., 'stated that a
Christmas party for. the children would
be held in the Roxy.'Theatre at 2 p.m.
Tuesday; - December 28, -with the Town
CouncilandObamber of Commerce par-
ticipating, -as well as a parade.
Rev. ]l. M. P. Belted. reported that
the Lions Club was cooperating with the
Canadian Legion 'in collecting funds for
the purchase ef.parcola for Britain. Ea
forts of the two groups would be pooled.
C. H, Epps, chairman of the Arena
Committee, announced the ,following
teem captains for the winter season: C.
W. .Draper, 13. B. Pocklington, 11. R.
Hawkins, T. G. Malay, Frank Fingland,
C. IT, Epps, The coin antes haa:empioycd.
Don Switzer as ° ioomaker. Iee - will , -be
frozen assoon as possible.
Frank Pingland suggested that fin
athletie director he employed 'for t14
eginnvimity. Tbo Department pf Educa-
tion a rouid•pay'half, and the community
the remainder:
Treasurer Frank Pennebaker wqs pro-
seated with a beautiful silver tray ;n
recognition of his recent marriage. He
replied suitably on behalf. of .his wife
and himself: ' ., ' .
Others reporting were Charles 'Jahn -
son, Attoncleneel, Lorne Brown 'Teen
Age; R: S. Atkey, Mempership. ,
Lacking only three,, days of his
64th birthday, Dr. Robert Hobbs
Taylor, Progressive Conservative
MLA for Huron since 1943, died:of
a heart attack- at his home in bash -
wood Wednesday morning.
A .popular figure throughout the
County, Dr. Taylor had been in ill
health for spine time. During - the
March 1945 session . of the Ontario
Legislature, he was taken i11 on the
floor of the House and removed to ,
hospital. In June 1945, he con-
ducted his election campaign front
his room in Toronto General Hos-
A few months ago, after 29
Years medical practice in Dashwood,
Dr. Taylor sold his practice • and
hospital to Dr. Donald B. Ferguson,
London; stating: "From now on 'I
am going to take it easy". -
Following a private funeral ser..
vice at his Dashwood residence at
1:30 p.m. Friday, a public service
will be held in Dashwood Evangeli-
cal Church at 2 p.m., conducted by
Rev. J. Hunt, Mitchell, and Rev, J.
H. Getz, Dashwood. Interment will
be in Exeter cemetery.
Born in London, Dec. 20, 1893,
son of the late William Taylor,
reeve of Westa Nissouri for six
years, and Alicia June Fobbs,Dr,
Taylor graduated from London
schools and University of Western
Ontario in 1916. He took post -grad-
uate courses in medicine and sur-
gery at - New York Polyclinic, Phila-
delphia and Chicago hospitals, and
Victoria Hospital, London.
In Dashwood he was chairman of
the Public. School Board for 16
years, village trustee and Past pre-
sident, Noon Day Study Club. He
also was a member of Albany Club,
Toronto; Huron County Medical So•
ciety; Osler Society; and Ontario
and Canadian Medical Associationat'
Surviving are his widow, formerly
Latta Ruth Guenther, Dashwood,
Brother John, Huron County; a sis-
1928; a daughter Anne Kathryn; a
whom he married September 10,
ter, Myrtle, London.
Dr, Taylor was elected as a Pro.
gressive Conservative member for
by a greatly increased majority in
Huron in 1043 and was re-elected
June 1945.
"No member of the Legislature '
has„ Riven more unselfish and de-
voted service", Premier Drew Com-
mented. "By his death the people of
Ontario have lost . a great .public
As the NEWS -RECORD will go to
press two days earlier next week on
account of Christmas falling on
"Thursday, all advertisers, corres-
pondents and contributors are re-
quested to govern themselves ac-
cordingly. Copy, including classified
adlets, must be in the office by
Monday night to ensure publication..
'*Cour cooperation will be appreciated
Postmaster G. M. Counter an-
nounces that Clinton' Post Office win
be closed all day Christmas Day and -
New Year's - Day—both lobby and
wickets. Rural mail delivery will be
suspended for the two days.
Due to Christmas dance of Clinton
Collegiate Institute, • Thursday even•
ing, this week's,. meeting of Clinton,
'Teen Town' will not be held.
ata. rind Mrs. John T. Reid, 168 lent
Street, London; Ontario, formerly of
Brueefield and Cliatou, will mark - the, ,
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding on
Monday, December 22. -
Clinton Junior Institute
Hears Fine Report
Clinton Junior Institute held its
Christmas meeting in the Ciiuton Col=
legiate with a large number' in atten-
dance. The. meeting opened by . singing
the Institute Ode followed• by the.Lord's •
Prayer. The .loll' Call "What' we like
beet about Crrietmas') was answered by',,
10 members.
Itwas decided to send $5 to'both'the
War Memorial Sick Children's Hospital,..
London; and the Tuberculosis Campaign. •
'Lois Wiltse gave,; a report 'on the
Junior Farmers' " Executive Training
school held" at Palmerston, December 6,
A Christmas poen*,', '!Let' every heart
be glad'', was given by Mary Hudie..41
the close of the meeting an interesting
exchange of Christina' gifts took. place, •
The meeting adjourned aid tbe, re
meander' of the evening was 'spent vita
the rumor Farmers.
In aecordatnee with 'a resolution passed at a regular meeting
of Winton Town Council, x hereby proclaim
Friday, December 26
Boating Day, a public holiday, and call upon all citizens to..
observe it as such.
Clinton, Oiitario
December 15, 1947
(Signed) 'A. a. Illi. MTJRRAY '
Town of Clinton