HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-12-04, Page 81rs O1!iN1'011;,, NEW-SS='R+LC 0RD lVew Join Badminton, ClUb Clinton Badminton Club held •ening; platy on the two courts in the Town hall Tuesday evening and again : tonight, with an excellent .tiurnout wiii • ger; W c1r line zs well for the success of this new organization. 13e- girtners especially are welcome. <. *bout t 20 members' to date have paid their $3 fees and when";euf ticierit members ;have paid,' organiza- tion of .the new club will be com- pleted. Play is scheduled for .every. Tuesday and Thursday evening, in the 'Town ha11. Earl H.,. Leyburne (phone 42) is secretary -treasurer Pro tem. Iennbei'ii•.Invited ,••• • : ”LetThe N1;,'wS-RECO'Rl7 quote on Sur' next printing requirements. ITS THE OA T." Two Running forMayor Of Clinton .'Teen Town It was the chance to catch their meri last. Friday' might when Clinton Teen '•Town held a :'Sadie Hawkins nrght.,.at :;the , Collegiate, Cam Maltby and Joyce the won the statue dance, while Don .MoNal1 'and lVfarlorie Mustard captured the elimination, dance. Teen-agers go to the polls this Friday night to choose their new mayor, The Council 'urges all meni bers to attend for this important event, The two candidates es runnin for; office are: Bill Hearn and Don Mi118r, • There is' no better time to learn. to use your citizenship rights their• wh2n, ,a 'teen -ger so be there to east, yen,' ballot i • I�'rvG+S/ • er gift, Yes Sir! Just look at ' that smooth Streamlined Taperite rite finest pen• of all, Waterman's ,Stateleight .i,4.kt,:gold hand -ground nib,Jlexible or fir,,n,„broad or,fitte. personalized for ,every Ivr.•iting- style; 1.cilways visible, you never write "blind”! Gaye ikaurs in matching pen acid pcfi "•'" eel sets The lasltn gift of quality cx'elliSive. writing •features, yours to give in a 'Watermau's Taperite! +utici518I& Taperis, p,•n Bli (16'ect $22,00; • �' A19o..'ilea°-�uktitum; ` :. pen $1041 sec $15,47. , Iltio;ywatermau'e :goeseWfrom 55.06 ut,• .McE WA.N'S Christmas Suggestions -dor, Meti: and Boys Dressing Gowns . Bath Robes Smoking Juliet's Wagon Coats.:.:: ' Parkas, men's and Windbreakeri, men's and boys' Forsyth Shirts, Pajam , Scams, Ties and Handkerchiefs • •Biitrriore Halts • Wearwell `JElose Fancy ,Scarves, wool and .silk Brace and Garter Sets 'Belts, initial or tongue buckle Sof and Clove Sets, white and yellow Gloves,'>;iued and unlined Davis & Heiman . . Timely Hints Dobbin. has taken second place. The farmer notw depends on his Traotior. We ean'it doctor horses, ,but we can put your TRACTOR in 'first dais shape. NOW is the time to have a complete overhaul wnhie the tractor is 1emporarily land up ' 'V'.EEDOL '(1X1.=A'slcarcliy:.of oil; is f'oreca'st., Bettor stock up:'' W e have a small supply Of Veed61. Oil in 5 Olen pads:, • DAD'S GIWi' •We nt'ay„ telp you Solve the problean. A De- frosting frosting Fan, Cigar . Lighter, ter, H3eatter, Side Mirror, .Klein Holder, Trouble Lamp—any of these would be app rectalterl „ For safe °twitg :nes dxi'vhig Bring your ear. 7n ?orw;o, 13:raJ e . check, motor tune-up, Carburetor or Starter ovebpul All work guaratTte1e'd. Lorne Brown Motors Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service Specialists in Auto Electric D9:Y 36'7-W PHONES NIGHT 367-d Dress Goods, Suitings and Coatings also w Trimmings BROWN' S One, door north 4•of the Royal Bank „ BQWI,TNC` ENGRAVED PLAQ4E 4947.4$ Olive Carter 294.'•r'i a Bob,Cariicic $82 MEN'S BOWLING LL+'*Q1,J',E ..,. W L HT Pts. A11 Stars ,. 15 6 ?,:, ••$5 "Barriers .13 '8 .•, G „ale Alley Rats ..18 8' 4 30 Mao's Best.............12 ••9 •;,'4 ; 28 Blue .Bombers ..;10 11 ,1,,,n. 21' Blue Again .. '9 12' 3 21 Whitesox...................8 '13 20 ' ''Greenhorns.c• i'4•^ 17' • ' 2 • ..`10 High triple .I+larl Fulford 790.1 (Hai, niers) High si l •-•llert 1'J 1 ns e tzte 381• ;(whitesox)'. )SI7 !:N S`SGIRLS' ' ' � R T: e snmsteads ,: . 9 . 3; 3 21 1 Ozark Ikes <'„' 7 5 : 2„.„,,,16 togpatchers. 5 7 '8 i3 Yokums " 3. 0 ;0 ..(i I, High triple[ --;,,_l3, Iorgit cp Ailcen 57,3 rix„ E High single Lots loun>:11 2,4' mi:steads) k. WJ34JtW L•-01 ir$' LEAgIt', W I 1II Pts 1?elican4 18 6 5,44 HawksB ''12 1 ft 10 14 2 22 ;?snore 2, 3 2 , Hig�i% j}i aoljve Carter; Pelicans LONN5I3 MEN'S' LEAGUE Si e W I, BT Pts.' 41(M Stilrteri, 18 ' 0 7 43 Tallyhp4r t^10 li 5 37 B. 'A.'61,':',ux. 11.i.16•'2 24' l7+xtreiud•t t tl :8 t,s • `a ' • • 21' :. Illg t141 - ack , F .ib 'strong 779 (Tallyhos) Hig1,.. Sing1§ 4Iack .41 prgtrong• .409` (Tallyhos) .. :....., . _ • GODERICILTOWNSrIP • Feder'ation of Agriculture Elms will be shown on Wedtles'day, • •Decembett 10. School children will•• see ,tha..filma st Holmes'ville sobool /at 2;30. in •,th'e :afternoarl and'rthte adult• showing will be at" Pcir,tbr s ,Hili` schc'bI at 8.30 P,M. :e • 14eq,.1th Discussed : Members,of;SS No,•,4 Farm Forum discuMed• "What's- new in -Health" When they met Monday eveni'n'g at 'the home* '14).aifd rs; Robert Tliomp- son, : dth 5 prosect "S. S No -.4 rs a group winch .ie in, the Ruron; Count,+ po-operativeHospitalization plan ;which started '•'last August: _,)3t1 in• Thompson was discussioncadet':he te recreation.. period, consisted of games, 'following which lunch was served.., The meeting next week will, be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb Young. • Bandsmenhaw, 'Talent on Instrumental ttectiori� b i e y e er bandse: men wird have been' "b`r4ught along•"` during^the• past few••months,'•feature.' ed a very, enjoyable concert rende2'<i ed by Qlinton Citizens' .band in, the` Town', hall. SUnday evening, under, the direction of Bandmaster A. C.; nr"' hobinso" • :• A special feature was a solo play ed on the clarinet..a difficult instru>; •0n ]4.-,- , bye ten ycar-old, �5'li'iela iBow., seonlso>. wb `f'� e• ar- old wX{aennaetshaxAphtoon ;ther pecial numbers included a, carnet: "trio, "Ellena Polka", by Bill and. Dan Anci ewar,and &illi ,Jieftrn;' cornet' with band accompaniment,:' rand, a ,cornetailartette 7',he Bells hof St. Metys"I Tey Ridhard`•Andr(;ivs John Bartley, and Lewis Tebbutt. The' Banti `Z l,'iyed ,';very, aceeptabry' sgveral sacred numbers, marches'aind' fox trots, i nclu ding "0 Canada',“; mah� guard' Hark ,. tike %Ieralil 4!ngels`° Sing"; selectro `tltneilctdti.' Patrol'; selection, "Merz:' W,klow , ,Waltzrt+, maae,h "dblonell, I'f x tool gt Sola'o'n'maz'eh, ' Concoor`d', hymn, "Silent Night, Holy Night •A r } P14e4iy'tt041) Colleagues Mourn. Minister's Death The Hr r�oii`eMa�l•�lati"tl'• Presbytery's+;`. of the Presbyterian Church in Cana da met in St. Andrew's Church;, Wiltgham;gon y!esda wrth,a large:; attendange,i,of, meinb rs:, The Pre�s' b�ytery placed itself of 1 record at` the great loss sustained in' then cath •of4tb R„gv �Genneth a c Lean;' thel'inuc1 beloved' iniriiste of Caveir CliiirrcbrzExeter, wird, passed away stid'ddeNk •on Monday :Irecetai. bei 1st „1VT a lllacLegp, 15r'merly ofE' Wrnghan•( b5j: b angi::the effieientl i;Jer'S of Presbytery for a number of years `the federal, under the au spibes''o ``the presbytery, will take, place- on••Thursdaywith the • Moderak, for the Bev. Richard H,: i 'ilhams,i presiding ..- , ' Thd following coligregogpns aro. at present vacant: Knox”' Church; Goderich,'I('tnox L8iirch, Teeswate! and Auburn and Blyth It taexpect. ed that Within a vei.y short time all will he be Presbytesettled ry of I ur'on Mai : land has gathered niote than a. ton of.food and clothing "tvlt4ch is' now oil s •way to the"P.?etbyterian congre.: cation nil:.,:Campobasso,µ Italy, for dietributioii. siVisfanY-WILLIE G!RtS' CLUB and the: recreation will be in. charge Wesley -Willis '(x'itls' club Christ - of Carnien Telibutt and Robin mss Parity will be held at the 7ioate of Thompson.' Mn.sC. 10, Shearing', Pups*Dec- o ..ember 9, et 8 Jst Arrived' A full stock of Pipe, Galvanized or Black ;%z in., f% in., 1 hi., 1'/ 'ln , 1%z in., 2 in. Also 1 Beatty Eleotrie Washer, new; 1 new 'Combhwtion. Electric Stove on display HUGH R. HAWKINS PLLUMBING and HEATING . Al i CASH ' AND CARRY 'SP•ECALS You Save Money at Shearing's Dec. 5 and 6 , GRANULATED OR BROWN AYLMER GREEN PEA, SUGAR • 10 lbs. 87c ,.SOUP 6 this CORN ARROW SYRUP <IPEAS 5 Ib. tin 69e - . • 1�" �� 2 tins 25e • PURE LARD lb: pkg. 25c 4 cakes 25c HEINZ TOMATO SOUP lin 10e RED and WRITE TABLE GOLDEN NEP RED COHOE ,SALT 2-pkgs. 17e SALMON % ib. tin 31e PRIDE OF NIAGARA TEXSUN.GRAi'12FRUIT TOMATO' JUICE tin 1.0e JUICE 2 tiros 23e AYLMER COOKED KEL APPLE SPAGHETTI . jar 10e JUICE ' tin lee SHEARING'S RED AND WIITTE FOOD MARKET Phone 48' FREE DELIVERY ---- Clinton (05=550,.,.,..-40)5005 -0) D 4 •i' • .� ashers it oil's ' Famous OWBIRD" CLINTONIAN : GI VES WORD PICTURE OF ENGLISH LIFE • (Continued from 'Pave One) of ,coal for thecoming. season , • Mentioning;, the :other side othe Picture, Mr.. Paddington stated that England had enjoyed the hottest and. driest summer in living memory with the result that crops outside ,of potatoes, which were hit,by:drouglit, were excellent. • Tourists are0 I p pu az jn•.Engtand,, Mr.:Pocklington said. They are an- io s u fa • ur' � r t o r i Sts and it is a good p ace to, visit. Anyene; visiting Fug;: land who • wishes' to buy clothing, May buy it without'coupons' lii°ovided the' clothing is shipped directly; to the point ofexit:•" Automobiles are very, very 0,1;,.: pensive :;and Very • difficult: tb''bbtair' at any price. With regard to con- struction work 'lireference is given to,- housing; accorxnmodatioit• .for cultural workers an deters there is no, preference ,fol waY' veterans as ;in Canada • :,)•• %Mr. Pocklington witnessed a great deal of damage in Hull, Yorkshire, and the 'west end of London All the rubble had been cleared ,dwayy"but there had beenavery Rttle 6new em structior-, most of the lots, being used for ear parks. Open Sunday,Dec. 7 p and Every dight ,Next Week rib- retie Timet.• HOTS. it:O T.: ALCOHOL GET YOURS NOW WITH* ;q`l][E LAS Service Inkley Station Supertest "Service with a Smile" phone 784 Clinto HAVE YOUR RADIO REPAIRED BEFORE CHRISTMAS Once again we aL5c you to act now and have your redo repaired before the ,Ohristmas rush begins. Avoid talcing ,tile chance of not having your radto working well far the Christmas music. We now have a fine selection of Christmas Gifts in the electrical line at the price before the tax nir Outstanding . Per'f cornu nch and, Appealing Beauty of Line and mesh take combined' to• an pnust J extent 0. in this lVhichine o ' Note These laterrestiing. Features: 1 Polished aluminum wringer I' 2 2W.inch soft rubber rolls . 37—Wringer swings sand stops 'aatomatieaUy in eleven o 4—Big, porcelain enamelled tub, corrugated and finished in tWo,:'t ales 5 --Smooth die east gyrator rwashes fast, clean and safely o 6—Moving parts submerged' in oil 7—AU spur gears—requires fess •ower p 8—Rubber mounted motor never needs oiling 9—Moving 'paints completely en'clased—safe, simple and 10—Built to last a lifetime TWO MODELS PRICED AT $147.50 and $179.50' SEE THESE WASHERS TODAY TER --PERDUE 0 (O1CiQ 01:00`, 0Cai01 400000. SPECIAL BARGAINS One 011 Space Heater and Several Radios MERRILL RADIO AND ELECTRIC PHONE 313 CLINTON TIHIUIRSDA,Y DECEM}lilRE 4, sE'SORE TO EAT TS. ,TRS-' A� .. EAT ,TQ:;:.-E;A.'�'', OUR ME • •, A.T. Fresh Young Beef C u ts-: FreshiystiozenaIidnySfe ; per b.‘ .. , 25c Meaty lean Pot Juicy boneless rolled=Primo°+Aub Roast/5i per.'1'b... 46e' ,..,;}fresh reshYoun Young Pork ,. 5t iof PRdroukn, dweonegdh , t.p acero a nd b: '75 lbs.:..peh" ...�...+ . ... 26eJia of Pork 1 Shank end»Cor• ibr. .•":.4452c • ;Centre cut,Per ,FreshPicnics, shank off ,i 'er 1 . 34c:• Cooked Meats , .`1 ,.`Fresh'homemade Corned' a rout ',Oak, l,,er lb., 55b_,Cooked Ham, per Ibr ., ,. .., 73ecs i q. Choice Mincemeat Mother's Mincemeat, per lb. 25c Maple' Leaf, Minceia'ca t, 2 Ib. tin ,, , r,, ! 43e Fresh Pitted. :pates, per lb. (t 5c Fresh Sultana Raisins, per ,Ib. • , , Place your order early foryour choice -ChristinasMid' r Inquire about our choice sugar .cured 'tenderized hams real Christinats gg1t for ,tile: toile. • Special pviee, ani ev ros. • • . '(Successors, to :Ross•: Fitzsimons)., ' ,,r• '•MODERN MEAT MARKET''c)' ,., Victoria St 1, •Phone'',6 .t Clinton 41. u.r,,• • • I �= _ ;, • . � ..- _ ®n eye.; r(s• i A Few. Pairs Ladies' Skates with ,White Shoes, per pair $9.50 ■Y Hardwood Skiis-a.: Six to seven feet long, per•pair $6.80 >t3t Hickory Skiis Six and seven feet long, per pair $16.50 Complete Line of Harness, Poles and Waxes in Stock BADMINTON SUPPLIES .TOINT. CT.INTON BADMINTON CLUB TODAY 1_E± '7 rift 7 CLIHTOK Codd E R S). •NTA:ftl• SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY 15, CLITION a-; - 011A111A111�IIi111111111101111111911I11�III11III1111•1111111�111A111�1t11o111rIIIB111401 IlII11MItl•lllllll u PHONE 42 Christmas Gifts for Auto Drivers'! A complete lisle otanite:accespOrieS,„esseatiai tO safe winter• driving, that 'anatke44eal. Oliriatmali;gifts for the niatorist!. VVIci(ie you're,gettifIg.triera for others, be sure to buy in 'duplicate . 'i r dice yau; see them, you'll. realize you need thein. yourself. Used Car Specials 1946.Chevrolet half -ton pick-up Truck, with tar- paulin'iwcks 1939 Dodge Deluxe Special Sedan, in A-1 con- dition 1939 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Coach, like new 1937 Dodge Coaxer, in good condition 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Ford Model "A" Coach Multi -Tone • • • horns White Rose Gasoline and Lubricants Car Washing and Greasing • * Seat Covers Amber Fog Lam1 .• Chrome Bumper Guards White Rose: Gaiaag HURON STREET PIIONIE 783` Gordon A. for er, Lessee curanoN