HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-12-04, Page 371E114DAY, IEFlMBAR!4, 1947 CLINTON • NElWSIRECORD • PAGE). THIL7 Lord HelpUsOur Guard 'Tofig ues By "PEG" At times we say "1 really Should net Dave said that but I spoke ;before l thought'' In reality ,we always think before we speak and how often we live to regret what we have Said. It may be we get we an the morn- ing we have been rap late the night Before ' we before andf b weare tired, leave the house we have said seine thing unkind to a dear one. All day and perhaps for the rest of our lives we, will regret those unkind words. There is; .a possibility too that we will have no opportunity to ask par- don tor wheat we have eaiid for before we get home again either that loved one or ',ourselves has been called to the Great Beyond. If the one to whom we have spoken has rveceived the sum- mons the regret of those words will remain with us to the end of our days. 1 t; adday even be to a stlianger to when, we have Spoken 'unkindly, but we twill never -know how trite that word will go nor what 4uufiuenee it will have on the ;person spoken to. Have we ever meet a person who has become diseoin aget and who feels that everyone is against him? Et may be he has lost his home &lough spec- ulation or some ice h thing. Ire has e all that been aoan of het enmY w, is gone. God has never had any place in his life and he has no one to whom to turn for comfort; It may be we have just met him on the street. His downcast look has given ut the feel - leg that we would rather just (pass thio by. Waled it not lie better for US to step him and say a few words to him? We might be very agreeably surprised at the difference in him when we ipeated. If when we are talk- ing to God in the morning we ask Him he give us opportunities to help others amid to pass on to others the love which He leas ,extended to us He will -open anaevellous doors to us. Or we allow eisaeeltres'to be thrown into ,heated iaoguments? What is;: !the use? ,.As mein rime all argue evitli-tlre thought dh.0 , whorl , we::, are , finished we will have the same opinion we had when we started. Take for insitanee the ipelitaeah question. There have been more ,argomlenits' .,about the different platforms Of .the opposing sides:+than` there has •been, about any other prob- 1em. Ail a consequence many friends have becoene enemies, In the end, we each one went out and.; voted as we thought best, es was our privilege: One of t' 5 he worst struggles tzu ie " aft of dimes was the .church union question of 1925. Alt dihat 'tine friendships of years were •broken. ')there was );title' ditfi1ieulty in oonnectloh with the ;Methodist and Congrega'tiona):ehurch- es,asthey went in as a denomination, but dine Presbyterian church was split in twain, Ohnrches were divided and conduct whch was a disgrace to any church had a very prominent part. Cities, towns and even villages Buf- fered from it. ,Some of the guarrels which started then have never been mended and in all probability, never. will be, but we are very thankful that to a large extent, the two churches • Ilurry! .Hurry! Hurry! That Gift Problem sawed with A Cherished. Portrait by /34ai. To assure Christmas delivery. make your appointment to -day TIME IS SHORT! A • Phone 84 Clinton C KE EAS' T ME IN HANDY CARTON Pre-war Price 25¢ Wartime Taxes & Orders 11¢ You pay 36¢ PLUS DEPOSIT 4 PER BOTTLE 'STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY Authorized Bottler of Chea -Cala under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd., '700 Erne St. Phoine '78 c -t7 ,,are working together. again: for'• t' common cause of • bringing the worl ,to`'Christ. why ,vas there'suchb ltmouble? Just he hof Mr. am 'Mrs. 'Alvin ),SRiley. Fed SECTIONWORIf;ER HURT d CONSTANCE lowing luno; hour, Joyce and Alvin were called to the front and 141rs C" CkI- Sti7oek ,in ilio eye %y Gr, b s and John Thompson pre- Riley with a hamaner, Alia Larder, CNK' simply ;because we, did That, realiz that each one had a'right 'to bis or her ;;own opinion and that they were enititled to vote es they'thought best, Perhaps too there was' a great de of • talk antong alibi lr members and not enough prayer. NO mattter what the subject, we have' our own idea of what is rig or wrong and we ih!ave' a right to ex s 't rest but 'w p when o are stalking t some one and. we feel that the argu anent, is going to get out of bounds le res just' think' ,there is nothing goim to be gained by tibia and we wi- chan.ge the subject. - We should' all be very careful wba we 'say in front of little children Meer mindls rare very inupressionabl and they are not used to the wa of the world. A' story;, is' told of a boy in his early teens. He was a regular attendant at (Sunday School and was very fond off 'hie teacher who hada a great deal of infdluenee for good over him, 'One day the teacher• spoke to him about accepting °heist es his personal 'Saviour. The ,boy said.he would) think it over and would eall at his ehouse during the week to let him know. He decided that if Christ had'sueh a firon place in his teacher's life he ".would like to ;have Him with hint ,as his constant Companion, so he went to his teacher's Thome. When he got to the door he heard his teacher's voice, raised'. in angry tones,' saying things which he did not believe pos- sible. He hesitated, then knocked. The man came to the door with a look on his face which did not belong to any Christian, The boy was heartbroken, his Earthly idol had fallen. Young as he was, he felt that if a -Christian could act like that then he was just as well the way he was. Has high hopes were all diaehed to the ground. lie simply said he ,had decided not to do anything further about the matter uet then, and went away. The teacher. knew what had happened, but his iii- fluenee was gone. The boy in later years became a fine Christian enan, ut the lesson he had )enured that day remained with him although he real - zed that no matter how closely we try to.follow Christ we fall under. the power of the tempter many times. We should be careful that we do not put too much stress. on what others ay to ne. We do not always know the rcumstances under which they are rying to live -their daily life, for eople 4 not always wear their inner elings outwardly. Let us try to meet Situaltions au Christ taught us to. If 'e are in trouble of any kind let us ake the whole matter to Him and He ill direct us in what we should do. my 'through Christ helping us to eep our tongues quiet in difficult tImes can we hold our friendships and work ;for Him. If we have had trouble w ith anyone can we not keep the mat- er to ourselves and not talk to others bout it, in that way bringing them Ito a position whero they have to ake a decision. If we do as Christs ants us to we will go to the one with whom the ifficulty has occurred and 'talk the matter over. Perhaps we have not sen in the wrong but even so we will levate ourselves by so doing. We re much happier and So is the other erson. We have shown to the world hat we are Clhi•istians and can take things in the way He would want us Then we can, and If we are -Chris ;eons must, uCe our tongues to speak or Vim to ethers, What is the use us bearing about with:us the name of 'Christ If we do not spread abroad is love to others. We can tell them at salvation is free. All we have to is believe on Him, and accept Rini s our own .Lord , and Master. We are of being truly Christian if we do of try to bring others to Him. How e We sympathize , with Frank ' who. ie in Scott Memorial I4ospital. Seaforth,=.for treatment of .his face,. al we; hope for a 'speedy recoverp. kiss Frances Doone Ajax spent y, Ajax, P t the week end) with ;Maas: ' Ethel all 'Stephenson, ht Fred Riley. Hiitichener, and Mr. and r111's. Alvin illiley, Seaforth, Spent the week r end with M . s.: and 'tire. e Charles - Riley. t ;Mr. and ,Mrs, Leo Stephenson were xg visiting in Toronto recently; also'' at lI Niagara and'Fort Erie. ( Newlyweds Honored t A reception was held recently in , Foresters' Hall, Constance, in honor e Ys In Hospital r ash' b rmoldiby read an address. extending xver of s eel while he was en est wi&he gaged in removing a railway, spike b s ci t P f v t w 0 k t a i m b e a p ,o of H do n will we fees i8 we appear before Chert of the Judgement Day and have to stand' alone having no one with us whom Ove have brought to Him? Let IIS give that our serious consideration. If we have used our tongues largely to drive people away from flim let to change our way. Never be ashamed to speak about. Him to anyone. He not only spoke for us but He'died that we might ,have everlasting life with Him, If I knew that a thought of mine, Disloyal, ungrzateful, untrue, Would grieve the love in the heart of a friend I wouldn't think it -would you? IR I knew that a word of mine, I Spoken in taste :and untrue, Would wound the heart of a brother !man, I wouldn't say it -would you? IT I knew that an act of mine, Thoughtless, unkindly, untrue, Would add ,to the grief of an aching heart, I wouldn't do it -would you? " Peg" RULER/A' 54950 Her Excellency "A" 21 Jewels 'PERMS A. M.. Jackson Phone '794, Clinton • .••,.••.+mar..ow,...,...n...nse�«.....m.,mw.wr. Calling All Giris! Earn While You Learn A New Trade JOIN TRE PARADE TO WORK AT Clinton Hosiery Mills `Limited APPLY TO SUPEIUNTENDENT ....11101.4•01.0011110.1111490.11100•••111111.91.40.1111, MIRO-CELL ,will give uniform and. constant INSULATING VALUE the year round. O Reflects 95% M radiant heat • Protects against heat, cold, noise and wind 0 Provides positive vapor barrier • Welutfiesrstaips wails and ceilings • Are -resistant, vermin and termite -proof AT LAST ... you can fix your leaking wails or cellar with NEW ... Scientific AQVELLA A• scientific mineral surface mutiny used to control water seepage and dampness used inside or outside, above or below ground. Tier Our CEDAR SHINGLES (Obtained from War Assets Corporation) 11�[itcheal McAdam GENERAL CONTRACTOR Yurinq- Street,Eaat Phone 694J seated the couple with two beautiful chairs and a ntworlcea taken a5.painfill ,iii.• n envelope 'of money. juryand a e Alvin, on behalf of his wife thanked e T s takef -ho St, eee t t.-, gall for beings d Iiuspi.al, Toronto, for ,�urbhok�'. tiroeate•' and owedding o thoughtful, Lunch menta, The e4,an` was enga ed in, eake were served, and, taking .up •a crossin lank on l' that grand'meth enjoyed by all. trug p ',tracks four miles from Godericlr, .w Evening in Paris PERFUME 40c, 75c, 90c, $1.35, $2.35 COLOGNE .,,,;,...,. 75c, $1,35 BATH SALTS $1.50 TALCUM 50c BATH POWDER . . . ........... $1.50 TRIO LOTION 65c GIFT SETS $1.35 -- $1.50 $1.65 -12.00 - $2.50 - $2.85 - $3.25 $5:00 - $6.00 - $8.00 - $10.00 - $15.00 - $25.00 Lentheric for Men SHAVING CREAMVM :... ,,55c SHAVING BOWL $1.65 SHAVING LOTION 85e, $1.35 COLOGNE ' 85c, $1.35 TALCUM 75c SCALP STIMULANT 85c, $1.35 DEODORANT POWDER 75c GIFT SETS $2,05 - $2.85 - $3.25 - $4.05 - $5.40 THREE MUSKETEERS $2.75 ELECTRIC RAZORS SCHICK - REMINGTON - PACKARD PHO OE F. B. PENNEBAKER PH SERVICE DRUGGIST Boneless Dry !Salt Pork, per 'lb. 300 Boneless Delimited Steaks, per lb. 42c Choice Home-made Sausage, per lb.....,,..... 25c Boneless Tenderized Dinner Ham, per ib. 65c Boneless Smoked Picnic Hams, per lb. 50c eee rack* Orders Now in Y. at C.D. Connell's Clinton's Leading Ment Market BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL Ii. T. H•ANCE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office Clinton FRANK FINGLAND K.C. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Clinton Albert St. ARTHUR E. PARRY COMMISSIONER, ETC., ETC. By Royal Warrant H. C. MEIR BARRISTER-ATeLAW Solieltor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner Office; Hotel Clinton Hours: 2 to 5 Tuesdays and Fridays CHIROPRACTICS~ AUCTIONEERING EDWARD W, ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly answered: Immediate arrangements can be made - for sale dates at Clinton News -Record. or by phoning 203. Charges moderate' . and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER. , Specialist in Farm and Household)seite • Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties - Prices reasonable, satisfaction guaran teed. For information, etc., write oe phone Harold Jackson, R.R. 4, Seaforth,. Phone 14-661. OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderioh - Phone 33 D. II. MCINNES, D.C. CHIROPRACTIC. FOOT CORRECTION Huron St. Phone 207 ACCOUNTANCY - R. G. McCANN ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR Phone 4761 Albert St. Clinton. ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bloor St. W. 'Toronto ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, etc., Ann Street Phone 355W EXETER ROY N. BENTLEY INCOME TAY- (Business, Private or Farm Reports) Bookkeeping Services -(Weekly or Monthly) Typing -(Private or Commercial work). 36 Regent St., Box 58, Phone 2311, Goderieh, Ont. oma, +...� DENTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES DENTIST Lovett Block Clinton Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 1.30-6 p.m. Telephone 170 , VETERINARIAN DR, G. S. ELLIOTT VETERINARIAN Phone 203 Clinton RUTH HEARN, R.O. Optometrist Huron St. ' Phone 69 Clinton MEMORIALS Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE & SON Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays, See J. 3. Zapfe. Phone 103 INSURANCE J, E. HOWARD Hayfield, Ont. Phone Clinton 624r51 Car -Life -.Fire --Accident Wind Insurance If you need insurance, I have a polloy: THE MelEILLOP MUTUAL 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY' Head Office, Seaforth OFFICERS, 1947 -Pres., Frank Mac- Gregor, Clinton R.R. 5; Vice Pius:,., Chris Leonhard'' , Bornholm, RR, Manager and Secy,-Treas.,, M. A. Reid,t Seaforth. DIRE,CTDtS--Harvey Fuller, Gedi- erich, R.R. 2; Chris Leonhardt, Brodl- hegen; E. J. 'Trewartha, Clinton; W. R.. Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing,, Blyth; Frank McGregor Clinton; Hugh: Alexander, Walton; J. 'L. Malone, Sea-•. forth. AGENTS -John E. Pepper, Bruce field, R.R. 1; Geo, A. Watt, Blyth; R.E. 1; R. F. McKercher, Dublin R,R, J. 1'. Prueter, Brodhagcn. Parties desiring to effect insurance. or transact other business wt'�,)1 he• promptly attended to on application to': any of the above officers, addressed to) their respective post Offices. Losseot inspected by the director living neare eet the point of loss, e-