HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-12-04, Page 2PAGE > TWO ot,INTou : NEsite-RECORD 'ISEUIIbSDu1,Y, DilpCiEIMiBEdit 4, ' 1947 .Clinton News'Record ti The Clinton: New 'Era The Clinton News=Record Established 186.5 Established 1878 Amalgamated 1924 P1LSEEiE BiII1DEVERY THURSDAY, AT CLINTON, ONTARIO, CANADA.. in the heart of" Huron County An Independent Newspaper devoted to tike Interests of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District • • ME1VL$11R Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario -Quebec Division, CWNA. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance — Canada and Great laritain: $2 a year; United States and Foreign: $2.50 a year. Authorized as second- class mail, Post ,Office .'Department, Ottawa A,dvertising Rate and Detailed Circulation (lards on Request Sworn Circulation as at October 3,1, 1947 — 1,846 (77% concentrated fn immediate trading armor 73 S. A.TKEY - - - Editor and Publisher THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1947 - SOME COMMONSENSE ADVICE EORGE SPINNEY, president of the Bank of Mont- real, in his address at the 130th annual meeting of :the institution in Montreal Monday, /gave some comnnon- sense .advice to 'Canadian's in every walk of life when he :urged a .sh'a'rpened sense of res'pon'sibility 'among groups ;that make polcies' which bear on prices ,and Costs. "Self-imposed restraint from charging what the itraiL -ic .will 'bear, either for goods or the skill required to produce them, is as necessary, as practical and es prudent gas fire insurance on a highy infllammable structure," he %declared. Possible Raids to a more stable economy were sugges- ted. by Mr. Spinney ney as being an immediate, selective im- migration program and a reduction in government spend- ing. These suggestions s'hou'ld meet 'with the Wholehearted ;approval of Canadians of all Walks of life. Emphasizing the danger of the belief held by some ,economic theorists that, by monetary manipulation and ..state control,:a community could indefinitely consume more 4iban it as able or willing to produce, Mr. Spdhmey said tthat now, "even ,the „most ardent proponent of compensatory public spending would agree tthat we have arrived at one of those points in the economic cycle 'where old-fashioned virtues of frugality are thoroughly consistent With the clic ,tastes of the most a'dvan'ced economic theory. / ; • t: "The course now indicated is the difficult and more ,courageous route of remorseless elimination of luxuries of !•goven nienttal expenditure which represent an unnecessary ,demand on the .taxpayer and on our productive resources," :he started, In other word's, 'Canadians should be ready and -'wliting to pull in their belts and make some saerilioes. • © © 0 OVERCROWDED CIVIL SERVANTS REPORTING PROM OTTAWA, Kenneth Cragg, sluff correspondent of the Toronto Globe and Maid, recently wrote of ,the bad •conditions in which civil servants have to work. "Shabbiness," said Mr. Gregg, "is a mark of a great many federal offices. But there is ,alio overcrowding, far beyond accepted standards, inadequate ventilatibn, conn •, :dition's of doubtful sanitation and plain dirt." Mr. Cragg did not feel 'called upon to suggest a remedy, as he was writing a news story, not an editorial. 'ant some of his readers, who knew vvh'at pleasant working conditions were enjoyed by the Ottawa civil servant before .the war, must have wondered wily, more than two years since the war ended, there should still be complaints of overcrowding, comments The Prnaxuted Word. There are two main factors in overorowding, wher- ever it exists. One is too little space, the other too many people. Before the Dep'amtmen of Public Works begins a ' new buildihig programme to provide more Working space for Ottawa's civil servants, the Auditor -General's depart- rrient might be asked to make a 'survey to see whether a number of the employees on the public payroll are not luxuries that the taxpayers can no longer afford. The Minister of Finance is authority for the statement that as a country we are 'liv'ing beyond our means. A conscientious survey, if its recommendations were implemented, might well bring about two savings. It would stop a building pro - :gramme, and would relieve the taxpayers of rbhe necessity of supporting thdae civil'servants who are no longer needed. There i's, however, ',one drat back to the proposed reform. The survey would require employment of extra -stiff and 'consequent overcrowding in the Auditor -General's :department. O © 0 EDITORIAL COMMENT Thought for Toda3r 7.ihe ultimate result ofshielding men from the effects of folly is to Sill the ,world,with. fools. © .0 O Only 17 :more shopping days until Christmas., Do O © 0 n'ot delay. The 'town of Clinton will hold its annual nomuma dons on Monday, Deceanlber 29, wItili polling, if necessary, -one week later on Monday, January 5: © 0 Utilizing :the opportunlitty which presented: itself on. Sunday when there were no cars parked in the business "section, Harold F. Glew• and his Ontario Depas rnent of Highways arbarff made .atn excellent job of snowplowing the main. 'street for the first •good clean-up of this young winter :season © 0 Although lack of a municipal election in S'e'aforth for 1948 ruled out +the ipassibilty of holding na vote on the issue, Seaforth Town Council is 'going ahead 'anyway with a poll of the ratepayers (regarding the setting up of''a mini- citpal garbage system, a matter .w• h was browglift..up,,be- fore the annntal 'nomination fneetinfg. iCoun+efl. 'appointed .a .special oommaittee .to arrange for a pall of rattepaye'rs Re turn -postcards -cards will .be forwarded ,and propelaty ollyth2r6 real' he asked to shote whether or not they desire a eolfeeitnon •.'. invstituted. 'Cosrt is estimated at 2 per year an a'',$1,00b ra4ssess'slmen't which: seems very reasonable: , "7 ;i ,.). TEMPERANCE FEDERATION RESOLUTIONS Resolutions passed' by Huron Coun- tyTempenance Federation at its an- nual meeting here, were as follows. "That this Federation ,ask', the Ont- ario Temperance Federation to take steps to the eyed' that the amrotMe of food stuffs—sugar and grain—used the manufacture' Of intoxieating liquors be deastically, reduced seeing that food .is in short supply and millions are :hungry. "Than tibis Federation assure the Attorney -General of 'this Province of its gratification over -his declared purpose .that the measure of the Can'. oda Temperance Act shall be enforced in this country; "That this Federation urge the Attorney -General's Department of this' /province to take more dsaste action 'against drinking car drivers= i.e. to inflict' more .severe,,penalties when eonvioting "That this Federation remind the AttorneyaGenerw:l oi~, ,this province that the liquor interests are carrying on a very subtle advertising oam- paign under the guise of a, public service, and that a protest be' lodged against such .advertising as bath legal and detrimental to the, cause of Temperance; "That this Federation instructs that a letter of commendation be sent to the members of the Ontario Provincial Police in Huron County congratulating them on having eff- ected improvement iieathe matter of law ersforcement and the lessening of lawlessness. ' "That this Federation requests all its members' to send to the office of the Ontario Temperance Federation all authentic information in regard to any infraction of the Canada Temper -1 ante Act i -e Huron County. -. "That this Federation bring to the attention of gall' representatives of •this county in both parliaments that; this county is under a restrictive temperance law and that it is expeet- eq of them that they will Loyally support such county legislation. "That this Federation assure the Premier of ,this Provhnee of its war -1 eness that the highest prerogative of l his office is to promote the public good—rather than to increase ,the' province's revenue and that he be en- couraged to give the most serious consideration to that .primary res -I possibility; , + I : "That this Federation go on record es bolding that every increase in :the number, of outlets for the sale of in- toxicants is ,accompanied ,by an in- crease in boealegging, intemperance, waste, traffic ,accidents and crime anal that for the public good /the Premier , of This Province and his Attorney- General be urged to plan for the re- duction and not the increase of out- lets; "That this Federation request all ministers in the county,t;te,Jsrge eburc'h members and adherents to ,abstain from the use of intoxitabing bever- ages .and to resist the pressure of the growing custom of social drinking; 1 "That this Federation petition the minister of Finance of the Dominion Government to lighten the tax 'burd'en of the public by levying higher taxes on the enormous /profits of the brew-• ing industry;, "That this Federation assure the Ontario Temperance Federation and Dr. Denville and staff of its apprec- iation of the leadership being given in the cause of Temperance and in spite of ,heavy odds; "That this Federation express to Mr. Cooper its heartily thanks for his vise and alert guidance through many pears; also Mr. Lloyd for his corn Our Early Files 25 YEARS AGO THE CLINTONNI'7WS-DECORD Thursday, December 7, 1922 L O. O. F, officers are: N. G. W. Mlrutoh; V. G., N.L. Mitten; Ree. See, H. :W. Gounids tin., Slee., J. Wasenar; Wesley -Willis Mothers' Club Entertains WMS Irrespective of snow :storms and' 'Locule .1. Ajikenitead++, Mary Aa+gent, poor walking facilities in town, a Anna Pearl .Douglas, Etta Hardy, r•eemel etched gathered in the Church Fanny tee and Lily Knox Boys: Parlour of Wesley -Willis United Obar'emice Ball, William Livingstone, Church\on Tuesday evening Noveanb- Mtvin 'Cauatwaght, Fraser 'Stirling, er 25, when the Mothers' Club enter. Arnold. Jamie -eon, and Charles Shdp- tained the ruambers of the W 1VP S ley Torrance—Ivison— At, Kippen on Wednesday, •November 29, 1922, by Rev. J. L. Foster, Gretta Marie, l /Trees.., ,11. B. ,Chant; Physekeee, `Dr. C. W. Thompson. iCharlegwonth•-aienkins—In Wesley Methodist Church, • on Wednesday, December 6, 1922, by Pee. D. N. McCalmus, Nellie Gertrude, daughter of Mie.. Jenkins.and 'the late John. Jenkins, to Honey William Charles- wortih, son. of Mrs. Charlesworth, Los' Angeles, 40alif., and 'the late Martin Ohaile_aworth. ' • Further students enrolled at .the agricultural short courses are; girls; Throught the eapab+le ,preparation of the programme by Mrs. Howard Currie .and ales. Archie Douglas, a very effective evening of devotional daughter of air, and IM'as. Henry 'diEletillieiOrkel and soeial exercises was I'vison, to James Reid Torrance, God - participated in enri' enjoyed by •tlre eridh Township. M. J. Paisley, G. D. McTaggart, F. Jackson, J. B. 'Reynolds Col. H. T. Rance and Dr. J. W. Shaw, at- tenden the funeral of Senator Proud - foot 3n Goderioh. ✓ 4 * THE CLINTON. NEW ERA Thursday, December 7, 1922 ' Chief Bert Fitziianons' has been confined to his house with, blood poisoning in his face caused by a tooth. Ice has been so 111 as to re - A warm 'welcome to the visiting quire the sereiges of a nurse. soriety was, kindly expressed by Mrs. Deputy Returning Officers and Pall Currie and Mrs. Trewartha. The sec Clerks appointed at the Council retary'e report of the October meet- 'meeting were G. El ,Saville, G. Hicks, ing was read and adopted. The very A. F Cadmore, -C. Johnson,- E. G. able rendition ea a Scotch reading by Courtiee, J. B. Levis, S. J. And- 33rs. F. Fingland of the W. M. S., rews, J. Cuningharne. Mr. and Mrs. Warwick Cole have left far Detroit. Arthur Cook has been in Toronto the Christmas party •committee, re- .visiting his family. His- son George commended the date, Tuesday, Dec- left last Saturday to resume his ember 30, ,which was accepted. To duties ,a3 foreign buyer of the Robert all mothers and their young children Simpson Cb. a kind invitation was extended for this 'Christmas gathering. Collection amounted to $5.15. At The conclusion, a real social ,hour was enjoyed; when members of the Soc- ieties became better acquainted which in future will add to a deeper church spirit. Tea, served by Mrs, W.Jervis another game of carpet balls with and assistants, always serves as a the former wiinning with six points. helpful means to an end, and thus Playing were: W. O'. W. --,O. Gri'ch, eppressions of appreciation and en ItBell, J. B'. Hoover, T. Cottle, H. jays/tent were heard on every hand B. H•, James 'Cook, Will:lam Ladd which terminated a very successful and G, W. Cook; I. 0. F.—George evening, IluantneII; C. H,elyar, J. Cook, J. W. ° Irwin, P. Brown, J. J. MacDonald, Mr. and. Mrs. C. Stewart ThomeGraelis and William Walker. I Deputy returning officers tend poll Honoured On Marriage ,elerka appointed by the Council are: T. D. Johnson, Jennie Sheppard, John About 25 friends and neighbours Ireland, John Shari+,/, -S. J. Andrews, gathered on Tuesday evening of last John Cuninghame, N. Robson and E. week at the home of.'"Nrlr, and 'Mrs, Saville. Charles Stewanalto honour diem on Officers of the I. O. O. F. are: the occasion of their recent mar- N. G., Norman Kennedy; V. G., H. /sage. The evening was pleasantly spent -with grates and music. At the close every one gathered in the living room when Mrs. Wesley ,Shobbroolt read an appropriate ad - dross, and ,Mrs. Roy .Connell pre- sented the couple with a beautiful electric table loam). Although .taken completely ,by sur- prise. Mr. Stewart thanked them for ,their kindness and gift and ex- tended a heady invitation to come again. members of both societies. 1VIrs. N. W. Trewartha briefly , ex- plained the special objects for Baby Bends, gamely, sul/iorting of Kind- ergartens for African ohiiidfen, Jap- anese Canadian children and Trini- dad children; also five hospitals in British Columbia—Bella Bella, Bella Coola, Burns Lake, Hazleton and Skis'agate; and lastly, The Babies' Home, -Central India, Literature for Indian Mothers and Children. caused a moat amusing break during the discussion period. Mrs, G. W. McGee, convener of • * . 40 TEARS AGO THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, December 5, 1907 W. O. W. and the I. 0. F. played devotion to .the cause while in the President's 'chair; ,also to I$evv. And- rew Lane and his board for the use of their church. These resolutions "Were .accepted. DEAN'S DRY CLEANING AND DYEING AGENCY CHANGED ' We have appointed OLIFF LOBB as our agent for Clinton and district, and will pick up every Monday and deliver Friday. A'rti'cles may be left at 'his store at your con- venience. Phone 40 OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST Suits and Dresses Only 980 ALL ]FIATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT McGILL THE HATTERS 49-50tfb INGO TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBER Saturday, Dec. 6 at 8 p.an. ' GOO i; IZ S Auspices Clinton Branch No. 140, Canadian, Legion Sanitary Sewerage Services HAND DUiG, AND BASEMENT' WORK Completed to Phunbinng FOR INFORMATION as to depth required at property line for cellar dra'in'age', and 'sewerage CONTACT i s McKay Contracting Co. Princess St. W. • ' CLINTON . Phone 373M,. Alexan'aer: Rec. see., B. J. Gibbings Fin. see., J. Wiseman; Treas. H. 73. Chant„ *E010 a dUABANtEfD PERFEGt Loss `INSURED FREE AGAiN`'t W. Ne Counter Counter's For Finer Jewellery For` Over .Half a Century in Eiuron, CLINTON NEW ERA - Friday, December 6, 1907 ,Among those successful in their November exams at the Model school were: William', Manning, Nixon Welalt Hobert •McKenzie, • George 'Elliott, William Elliott, Knox Nair, Elgin fM,ason, Bay :Cantelon, Edgar Tor- rance, Wellington Cook, Wilmer Wallis, Eddie Niskei, 'red slssnaam, Edgar Pattison, Fred fiord,' Manley Shipley, Elmer Beacom, Fred `Thom+p- sorli D• A,•''Oaatelerr, Austin Nedigerr 'Hartley Managliate, Percy Wheatley, Frank Peniiebaker, '1t ervia Elliott, Herbie +MeKemzie, . Gifford Beaton; Egsltdne Evan, Wllbat Welsh, Fred.. , to Wainsi• E'cnest. Ha11', Harvey Davies is 'having the *at- ing rink put into shape, ' /Friends sympathize with aur. anal Mars. Look Cree in the death of their fiTIaseLve-tnontha old daughter, Norm For Christmas Give MAIO Yes—lighting can be exciting: eaxtieui:,ri> when it does such wonderful things to enhance the beauty of your home. These Aladdin tamps i are lovely to look at—and a well lighted room is lovelier to look at, too. See us about Aladdin's latest fable sod floor letups, the next time you r�•rP Exclusive with BEATTIE FURNITURE STORE Geu. R Beattie Geo. B. Beattie To Bring Real Christmas Joy to Your Family and All Through the Year .. . Give a "Harmony" Westinghouse Radio in Colors! Red .... blue .... green , .. , brown .... your favourite colors in a beautiful, modern plastic radio . designed, engineered and built by Westinghouse to add a refreshing note of color harmony to your room. 5 -Tube Superheterodyne Lucite Selector Dial Molded Plastic Cabinet Automatic Volume Control Attached Ante= Clinton Electric Shop PHONE 479 WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS D. W. CORNISH RES. 358 APPRECIATED FOR CHRISTMAS Toiletries Are Tops! ak * * Adrienne — Yardley — Evening -in -Paris are Tops in Toiletries - Beautiful Cases -- All prices and priced right * YOUR REXALL DJIUG STORE tit,+ �+ ���;� ,u r • ® y.• a, jE United States currency available for use in pleasure travel is now limited to $150. per person per year. As in the past - a Form H permit is required by anyone taking out of Canada more than 810 U.S: er wore than a total' of $25 in Canadian and foreign currencies. See your hank for full details. C�QQAn1 "y pyo yy,, NtthiDs '' '�