HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-12-04, Page 1News Record
Adlets Pay
No. 49 - 69th Year, Whole No. 628'I
4, 1947 The Horne Paper With the News
Local Utilities Commission. t
Aerate Sewerage System
good, especially if they 'are cooked
just so You can take our
Word for that because .John Wilson
made good his promise and present-
ed us with sieeable portions from
the young eiiiinal he shot while hunt-
1 t lag, .near Parry, Sound recently ... .
i err flavour is excellent and the
ks fromayo ng babylust beef. like
M '* b
mar this current winterweather
• lasts for' another three weeks, be -
Firemen's Quick Action
Saves Local Residence
Fite' originating in the chimney did
extensive damage to the interior of
the frame and stucco residence ce Mr.
and Mrs. Hiarry Watkins,, Mary and
Erie Sts., in the west end of Clinton,
about 8.30 am, Monday.
The blaze was confined pretty well
to a storeroom on the second floor at
the south side of the building where
substantial damage was sustained by
structure and contents. Loss was at
least partly covered by insurance.
Mrs. Watkins noticed the blaze and
immediately turned' in a telephone
alarm. Quick responses were made
both by telephone stair and Clinton
Volunteer Fire Department, the latter
arriving in a matter of minutes to
save the residence from complete
ewe Christmas '1s jest three week.. --'
that an early snow, falling iia Nov
from today! Progressive
ember, is more likely -etc/ "Ilintegal< '
bq�fore Christmas ' . than one that,
t,on;es later ..', But time will tell.!,
Ontario fanners would be well ad -
algid to produce more coarse grains
for feed in the future . , For this
reason the annual meeting of Huron
County Crop Improvement Associa-
tion in the Agricultural office here
on Friday, December 12, •assumes
all the more importance .. , Every
farmer in the county is a member
because the County Council supports
'the Association with a grant , . .
Therefore all .farmers are welcome
at the annual meeting . , .
year The NEWS -RECORD would ap-
preciate earliest possible "copy"
from advertisers, correspondents and
contributors, as the Christmas rush
will be great - .. Thank you! ,
its streets clean in the winter sea-
son it should see to it that during
certain hours of the day and night
parking is not permitted .. Sea.
forth Tow, Council has prohibited
parking on . all streets between 2 a.
m. and 8 a.m. to permit snow algae-
ing to be carried .out... It seems -to
us like a good move ,
• 1 *
Clinton, is gradually 'strengthening;
hie fine herd "cif Aberdeen: •Angus.
Cattle At a recent saTe.at'Ed-
wards Bros., Watford; he 'phrchased
a fine heifer which is bred to the tion we have had: in the past . few
. ,mid champion bull ...Stewart 'wee days." The lifting of price ceilings
, hrbieularly pleased that Aberdeen and ending of subsidies en feed
Angus) entries "cleanerl up" in the grains, Mr. Cardiff said, is resulting
eofirloreial classes at the ,Royal Win. right now in the slaughter of live -
Fars stock by farmers who can not afford
to feed their animals.
Additional speakers included: Dr.
OWNERS OCCUPY R. Hobbs Taylor, Dashwood, M.L.A.
83 P.C.HOMES for Huron, J, Fred .Edwards,,Paim-
et stop, M.L.A, • for Perth- ' and' John
IN MUNICIPALITY W. Hanna,•Winghaitt, . M.L.A. • A-
mong those also on the platform
were Mayor Merton A. Reid, Sea-
Eighty -three per cent of all frth, and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha
houses in Clinton are occuppied either Clinton; CIark Fisher; Exeter; and
by their owners or by them owners W. 'H. Blackstone, Goderich.
and tenants. •Liberais,Blamed
According to .a survey made by Responsibility •• for , the current
Town Assessor J.- W. Manning;' for shortage of hydro-electricower in
Central Mortgage and Housing Cor- Ontario'was,.put at' the doorstep•of
'iteration (War -Time' Housing Llntit- the Hepburn Government by Prem
ed),, houses .total 579, of which •309 ler Drew.. -Farquhar. Oliver, ; t now
are' occupied •bytheir owners; 81 by, leader' of- the Liberal' opposition in
owners and 'tenants; and 99 by ten-. ;the Ontario -Legislature, was a mem-
ants, only. • , , ber; of the- Government, that repudi
Of the.total 140 • ore in Ward 'bile, 'aced power :contracts : Premier Drew
168 in ward two, 149 in ward three, said. y
and 122 in ward four. The "399 oc- " "I can't help but,gee a•:g reat••deal
copied by ownersenciu'iTe 90 in ward of amusement," said T?remier•Drew,
one, 122 in 'weed .ta .two 109 in ward "gees of Mr, 'Oliver's suggestion that
three , and 78 in w rfour. Thee$1 this' party' has soniethiiig toadoWith
by owners :and. tenants indicate 27; the shortage. .of 'h dro-
y, elsetrio,:p the
in ward one, 20 each in wards' two er. in Ontario." The cause,. of the
and three, end 14.in .ward four. The shortage, Mr, Drew said, lay in.the
' 99 'ay tenants constitute 23 in ward actions of the Liberal ' Goveri)n'ent
one, 26 in ward two, •20' In • ward of which; Mr. Oliver was a member.
•'three; and 30 in -ward four. "His'leader ..whom he supported,
In addition, apartments' in the and 'suppor'ted consistently"-;repudi..
buisiness district • `number : •31,`, of:a. ed the ` uebee
which, 12 are.. in ward', one, one in` 'n Q , power r contract's,
and •endangered the power situation
ward two, eight in Ward three and in this province for many years to
ten- in ward ,,four.. •; • - ' .4ome. 'That' Government at that time,
'Assessments for .houses are as; state'
Mated' that this• province didn't need
follows: ,up :to.'$500, 67; $500 • to ens!''cons ruetion
t of any new';power•
"!tly000, 2772 $1,000 -to. $1,500, 149; plants for years `to .come,"
• $1;500 ,to..$2',000, i52; 000to -
',$2 2
. $ > Agriculture is one of the sub's cls'
•'500,., 25;• over $2 50'0 y, mne e '
.Premier` -brew said, In ':which juris=
• -is
, by'the
'British 'Na
hm-H ren Old Plan Act alleged both to h"' minion(overnnent and to thepro-
:Annual meetingDec.11 vittceThe Ontario Governmatt; e
e oe
said, has not vet. been:, able to ., get
Hear Premier
Hon. George A. Drew, Premier of
Ontario, was the chief speaker at
the annual meeting of Huron and
Huron -Perth Progressive Conser-
vative Association which was held in
Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, Friday,
evening last. President Elmer D.
Bell, Exeter, was chairman.
Prior to the Premier's arrival of-
ficers for the ensuing year were re-
elected as follows:'
President, Elmer D. Bell, Exeter;
secretary, Clark Fisher, Exeter;
treasurer, W. H. Blackstone, Goder
ich; vice-presidents, C. W. Draper,
Clinton;.• Alvin Siliery, Seaforth;
li'Irs. N. W. Trewartha, •Clinton;
George Armstrong, Exeter; Fred
Carberl, Staffa; auditors, Russell T.
Bolton; Dublin; Peter Eisenbach,
Grand Bend.
Thomas Pryde, Exeter, welcomed
representatives of the town of :Mit-
chell and the township, of . Logan,
euipsa etas oe peppu oxen. ge mm
Huron - Perth at the last redistribu-
tion. "i •am sure they will be a tow-
er ..of strength to the riding of Hur-
on -Perth," Mr. Pryde said.
Recent Acta Condemned
"I don't think anything has hap-
pened in the last five years" said
L. E. Cardiff, Brussels,{ MJ'. for
r .. s o '
Fliiron 1`Torth, tha'� has 'hest so de-
trimental to farmers as the legisla-
The 47th annual meeting `of the the eo-orieratiee •it would like to
Heron 'Old Boys' 'Association of. Tor• have Wale the ;I3ominieri Department;
t e . ;on urs a De's y,
Maritime, Girls Make ' Good in Knitting Trade
Six young ladies 'recently came from ,service and being well -liked by their girls, Jean Mariacci, being instructed
Halifax, N:S., to Clinton to learn their fellow -employees. Thomas,Churchill; in some of the finer points of looping
trades at Clinton Hosiery Mills Limit- superintendent of the. plant, reports by, her: instructress, Mrs, Edna Pul-
ed. They. have been here for a num- they are quite satisfactory and seem ford. The young lady has made good
bee of weeks, and -all but one of the to have fitted in very; well. progress in her short apprenticeship
sextette are still here, •giving good' ABOVE picture shows one of the and. Is now eon her own."
,i •
1VI•a or •to ••Stand Again; Y 9 C�QNCERT PROVES
F lc n• r
a o•
• Brown, own Reeve ..
Clinton Town Hall' was pncked'•to
Huron :Ptesb e
yt rY met in Cavett
United Church, Winthrop, in charge
of •the Chairmen, Rev, Wm. Mair,
In an address, Rev. George .Wr
Webber, General Secretary of the
Lord's Day Alliance of Canada, said,
that concessionaires had violated the
Lord's Day Act at some of the hum
Trier resorts, one of which Was
Grand Bend, in Huron County. He
also stated that certain athletic clubs
were •agitating for an open Sunday,
with a view to financial gain.
capacity. on Thursday, November 27,
etpal election in Clinton on Monday, 1
anuary 5 with a contest for the
Reevesbip at least assured.
As : ie the. ueual custom, members
of the old council pressed their
views`: at the Decemberrinieeting Wed-.
nesdae evening.
Mayor• A. J.,McMu ray, .•who has'
held office the last time in 1946-47,
said that there leas only one reason
for him to' offer his' services for
next year—that he more or.less had
been • connected with the sewerage
project since: its inception.
"It it is the wish . of ,the People
it is okeh; if not, it's tip to"them"
he' declared.
Two For Reeve •
Reese "V,' D. Falconer said he had
It locks as if there Will be a muni when t to pupils of the Public School
Presented their annual entertain-
ment. Principal G. H. Jefferson was
master of ceremonies.
The programme was divided into
five sect's/rm., as follows:.1. Rhythm
Band 'was'takeii by'the rooms
of Misses L. Johnson and J. Webster
arid the conductors were Christine
Melelis, .Gordon Swan, Katherine
McLay and Marion Dales. The se-
cond section of the programme was
a' series of. part songs given by three
different rooms; (a) Mr. MeKee's
room the numbers being 1. The
Cornish ,May Song and 2. Stars of
the Summer Night; (b) Miss Jamie-
. son's room with 1. Land''of Spain
arid 2."The fairies, as the numbers
chosen; and • (c) Mr. Jefferson's
room singing 1. `Gliding through the
'meadow .and '2. From the Village
Steeple peeling. ,
The third section •of, the' program.
was given, over to, the pupils of Miss
D. Adams' • and Mrs:.. Jefferson's
rooms 'who did a series' of Mother
Goose 'performances, . Taking' , part
were Little Miss. Muffett, Carolyn
Ashton; Jack and Jill', Dennis Grif-
fith and June Steep';. Old King. Cole,
Peter Pocklingtoneealtele, Bo Peep,
Elaine 'Ball; also 'a nuinher of Child-
ren took part in, Bobby Sjiafto, The
Muffin' Mao and ;Here we' come wit.lt
our • ponies..
Next. game a drill: bereeers. 'Ball's;
room. Bells, end Beller which •was
quite cleverly done.'
The last :ennui • on 'tile program
was a:. three act operetta `'Tom Saw
yer" wllich was;'based on' the story
of the Baine 'merle by Mark ''Twain.
This was well' Performed by the:pu:
pili.. of Grade VIII. •
'Much iedit•for the concertgoes
to the musico director,An
1,A. 'W,
'derton,".Goderieh "Who had 'coached
the children in theirinuinbere.
. Ara one stage :a. ,the,' •game• ; this.
week, it •looped as if ; Mee: NEWS-t-
ItiiECORD would not`be,published..The
i�trotype. ma'clunee oei •'which;. all the
for rho er:'is se a tine
t pap t, n 1
b bled i pan � ati" in is-%
t 'owl 'i w out, laf' Cal m
sion'far. the best partiaf two days beet
aft edit of town sneeba'nie was able to
tt ' going.. temporarily., with the
i a. -in. mind ;.o1 making. a ?finishdde
job Meet this week, elld. Id yoi c; y
is;.,let•:this r'week .ro , las•
r •1 ken: ,lett'.
reeently, .please bear+•with
bens u�f the staff are agaiiip'ting to
meet the sitivation,but we have found
—` — thai inachbiies;'as well ,;es,+Weans, can
be ve'r'y touchse at billies.
-Rev. Anson'C. Moorhouse, of Tor- been Reeve•for five years but' he
onto, demonstrated the use of re- didn't want to "hog" this job. ,
cords, and sound films, in missionary "It takes along time to be eliga
Work. 'Presbytery decided to puleble ,fox the wardenahip.; .For that
chase a aet'of records, and give full reason 'if the people see fit to• elect
support to,the Nlissi:onary Education Inc. ib. is. my intention" to run for the
Committee, in promoting the use of warden,hip :£or 194'8, 'Those running
sound films in stalne. for it usually get acclamations . in
Presbytery, sustained a call to Rev, other municipalities.' •
S. sbero tharg, oft. al, fiatxi Lon er muniest Brown stated ho, had
$2sboro';Charge; salt; a' salary :of been a councillor foul•' years. Gen-
$2200° '' ea" four ; weeks hadeaays' evilly, when a man has . been chair -
and `moving expenses paid. Rev.., Id, man of the •Streets omtnittee;.ho'guit
G: Wilson was appointed temporary but if he ran for anything it would
Chairman of Ethel: Charge,, during be for the Reeveship. ,He • said he'
the eketincy, would likely , contest that, .office.
Ceculim t was granted •to the trait
' Recalling the extraordiita' 'hes �,A1d. Albert Shaddigk'said he did-
' �? n t know what he would do but-lik@ly
snowfall' of last winter, the Otrtarto would run. Department of Highways„intends .to Ald. C. J. Livermore: said:he had
keep Western' :Ontario wccordioteet •
been very undecided on account of:
ed this 'e'oining winter, according to business reasons, but he. •rafght be
Dr. R. 'Raabe Taylor,' ; ' Dashwood, in the race.
MLA for,Boron:_ Heavy. equipment
A1dc :Mel Crich, ending°his third
available will `include four rotary was definit l .•int e
mazy-p'lews and extra -large eaterpil•. Sear in Council say h
lar .plows for :the County ; of Huron. Meld, . and if the citizens s w fit to
This heavy, equipment will be. moved elect .hien he would do his best:
in. where the Mew is heaviest and .Ald R. Y. Hittite completing his
o' a first year, said he had been asked by.
left •.there, provfd'ed, bhere is a' heat four mon to run for, :Mayor, . three
ed,garage to-rupfor 'Reeve, but wouid'run•for
e . wa
now stated s
into,, shied by, G iealt r fT Isom
old . J 'Ag . Ij .
P y. e . , . r n, c ” in .,to to '
Canton, as.ti ° a yiCdltuttt[''rrepr@ klad the Mayor was g0 , g a v,
sontat ve for'Fl$tion,''Sta3'vai't Mc ;whether he Was or: not. It, was .:not
Ewen,;' representsllig Clinton Junior advisable"to'change skippers. :now.,
5 armevs,. and thirett represenfatives' of Ald, Agnew• said he himself :had. the
Clintou .J'uni'or a shute, will attend longest continuous service in, Coup
a,trainingssehoa fol. exeeetfve°oft, . Cil, ten or eleven years.
era •ofilocal • clabs'.ef the: Jtinioi Fat•mc .. "I, have had' some, approach; .me to
ers' Association of . Ontari'o:•in Palin: 'run dor Mayor and ,also for: If'eeve,
erstpn Saturday,'• December 6, for and I might lee in there,•too" he.de
roGlared: He said le had' donated; his
ei n, Wellington,Waterloo; Perth, c.... I a
B 50 • honorarium ' as councilor, t
onto will be held Th d D ' 'of Agriculture, Luce .lied Gley; Couutice. $
oember:11,,;at West End ,.:-YMCA., Clinton Public Hospital:;.
• •corner College and .'D v e u ' College, o eco rtRoad ;. s..'~ • tic q
Toe nto ;Election :of: ffieere • Will,.be 9l . a •, ••
#�. �#,t;lves F><r�t �ar�d':i�c��unt ;�'•
'held' at 8,30 and euchre and :bridge. •n ,
will commence, at .9, p.m.,
'Three turkeys will be: the prizes,;:1:'..9. # 'Conditions Eads#in ;atria Fi s`iin
•one for, the .,hest :euchre .,,player; • one '
es. for bridge and•:a special .draw. All : Basil B,,.•Pocklingtost,',local M~ a father had" tated' -" is
Mime, le .that th s e
former Huronrans.will be made wel- sentaiive' of'THe Dominion Life As- practically cholced'to deiith with re,
, i,. carne. Refreshnlents•will be in the surance•Company,. r,eturned;,recetltly gulations •. coVerzng•;':the :'atctreme
old Huron style alter visiting his father in England. 'shortages and rationing of grain of
W�BLEYVIhiLLYS:,W.M.S, Now 79, the latter is engaged in the all -description e
grain'busfness.,i.n: Louth;+;'• Lincoln- Wild game is quite plentiful
The W.M.S. and'Evening,Auxtliary
shire; •a town of about 12,000 popu- m,orer^so than •lists=and it is not r -
of Wesley -Willis `,'United., church will dation, It. i .more than. • 17: , yearsa
hood a ioint',Christieas..meeting .on i f . tioned:and there is n 12efong price.
•WWednesday; ,December 10, at 8 P.M. theonce atelier 's d pa saw each other, of pheasants. C iling$fe for 'chicken
at er'sdeparture.for Canada, of:pheasants. �Cerlm • for, chick
in the"Lecture room ',of the ..church. g e en
Please note' chane f date, Although street rationing anda- $ $4.:.btlie.black'market price is
g .o at , A; goodat shortages are making Iife less pleas-. $6 to -17.
tendance is asked for. ant than it might be; the English`e "
h g g i In tat, even.. the mu t
rrv.. eo a do ri
P of a ear e t
p to b starving; ' 'dis
PP, dispose fall a'
g', o their grein n a •a
Mr.Pock a t
and can
1 >a on o set edThe
b N bi o purchase 0only n e
g ase'ths. back t
y p 1 as feedstuffs
est shorta @
i in 'meats o '
{_s fs
g s Pall de- fo'
g r their cattle and chickens
The � eunless
e K 8
seri ton
t s particularly rl a
la fats, -Ration
P rp they''ae
v'have been Inc enough'
to ob-
ingallows „Mu„�;e+«..+e,,;,,«+�+•, ape, ounce of lard and two thin coupons which will enable thein
ounces of.butter 'and four ounces. of to retain some of 'the' grain `they
1947 19;40
mav>arine,aweek, and one strip. of have harvested or allow them to pule
• llf"h 'LOW High. Low
g g bacon, ,When,; available, one '.egg per: chase � it.. from grain merehan
eNair. 27 ••,31 10 40 e8 person er '.week i . allowed.ts,
P s we How-:. There seems to be a lot of barter
, 28 • ,, 31 :. 20 36 25 ever,' he felt that the Members of the
29 27 10 • 41 26 .o ,
w rking class' ate as'weli, if not .bet-'
30 . a7 19 42 26
ter,,than they'ever' did; nev i d d but the.. mid-
Diss', 1';. $l . ..16 40. 11 die an u etas
85• d Ali r sesdefinitely were
29 •19 6 'in a worse' position 'and could only
, 3 40., 33 30 9, ;offset thein situatien•to some "degree
t ow. 3' inebee ; Snow:.1112 'inches es Patina q
are ut, .;a
1 t restaurants.
ent r
ee ipfdil'' .44 inches • ; ? o
Mrs, Pocklrnetoe ,declared: that his
Minimuma Charwordge • •S0c -:
Bazaar Onearrlo .St. Girls' ,Club;.
Town 4E311, {Saturday, December . 6,
'Featuring dressed dolls,- Christin:. ' good show; :.and often • did well, finan=
gifts, :home baking, afternoonreg. (By C Mortimer, Bezeau, Kitchen, daily, • e •
Open at 3 p.m. •'' 4$p; arc formerly of Qltinton) One lisle about 18'90, "a white man
• The present popptiiatity of barber- carrying a'case d'�p1?di
nto Emmert -
quartet singing revives mem- an b'arberahop'and began playing a,
ones of fifty and sixty years ago, guitar: In every respect he was :dif-
when almost every barber was a ferent from the -usual type pf wand:
musician; and every barbershop a ering minstrel—and •sow he •played!
0 o s i s
melon t r a
f nu ie or polities i n it
o ra a
Sp Po hasea h
s that •is o
PA p aYing t ttv
{ansa • thousands years old: "No ntan ever.
In ,those early days it was a •cam- played as did this man". For the most
mon thing for ;donne `wandering min- part he played music that.. was pope-
atrel" • to drop into one of' these bathe lar in that day, and muds ef which
ershops, open,a•case afid'start'plays is stile ,popular -songs of Stephen
ing a banjo be gutter. The 'majority Foster and Negev ev mueic•o , the Sunny
f y
Of these were'eo)oured',boys; ard'.they Southlead..But it was dtlferent from
had quite a repertoire and, as mueic. anything •we had ever heard; it Was
fans, many were equal teethe' : best ill enthraltines. Looking back over' the
vaudeville. They Would:: Stay one or years S eannot think of a better. 'way
two .nights in a : town, piaynig in. },o describe the effoot on the hearers
barbershops .and hoteis,::'litd ;passing than to quote ' Oliver Goldsmith's
:$.1.00' per person.. Dress; optional:c the hat: for whatever, the aririienee detoiillPA'• iott .of •the' schodl master ter in
;'49.50.6-52•b • eeluid.to give: Same 'pet o1i':C'ie !. (,Continued: on page pave)
If Electonrs Approve.
By-law Next January 5
Deadline. Dates Set
Christmas Mailing
After Considerable discussion and
explanation, Clinton Town Council, at
its Decembee meeting Wednesday
evening, gave three readings to' BY -
law No. 15 for 1947 --to authorize pro-
G. M. Counter, Clinton Postmast- vision for the levy and water rental
er, announces that there will be no in. respect to the new sewerage :eye -
mail delivery on Christmas Day, and tem.
advises that outsldb mail should be The following resolution was
despatched before the following adopted: •
'dates: United States (especially par "That the question of the adminis-
eels to allow for customs examine- tration of Bylaw No. 15 for 1942—a
tion), December 10; British Colum- bylaw to provide for the management
bia, December 15; Alberta and Sa- of the municipal' sewerage system by
skatchewen, December 16; Manitoba the Public Utilities Commission—he
and Mealtimes, December 17; . On- submitted to the electors at the time
tario and Quebec, December 18; lo- provided tor holding. the next munict-
cal delivery, December 19. pal election (Jaunary 5, 1948)."
If posted later than the above Among other things the bylaw pro.
dates delivery by Christmas '1s vides that two-thirds of the costs 'of
doubtful, operating and maintaining the system,
including costs of retiring debentures
issued, shall be raised by sewerage
Form V olunteer rentalsou
equal to amble the gross
water hill charged to each house-
holder. The remaining one-third will
Fire Brigade
be borne by general levy and included
in the tax rate
The bylaw will go into effect when
At Bayfield aPproved save and except clattse 14
which will be ellective January 1,
1949. This will allow one year's grace
(By Cur Bayfi0ld '•Correspondent) to property owners to get rid of their
A group of citizens of Bayfield methodsic tanks,
sewage disposaools, l, other
met at The Little Inn, Monday Dec. connecting up with the sewerage Sys-
1, to form a Fire Department. tem as a whole,
Followingt were elected officers: Considerable Discus'sioh
president, Ernest Hovey;' vice Ares- Clause 14 occasioned considerable
dent, Gr treasurers Leslie Elllo'ttR g. discussion, several members objecting
to the provision that septic tanks,
rectors, Percy Weston, G. •(White) cess pools, etc., would have to be
Weston, B:. Gilmour, Charles Toms, eliminated at once.
Lloyd Scotchmer; • Crew, 'Fire Chief, Town Solicitor Frank FtugIand was
Walter Westlake, fast Lieutenant, called in to explain the bylaw, espee-
George Little, second,. Lieutenant; tally Clattse 14, and he said it had
Grant Turner, enghreers, Merton been approved by the Ontario Depart.
Moeller, Arnold Makins, Toni Castle, ment of . Municipal A•ffaira which
Jr., Reg. Fr•ancis;`chief maintenance made this clause effective an appr
man, Walter Westlake; electricians,. of the bylaw,
A. •Makins, R. Francis. The remain- Finally, however, one Year's grace
der of the 19 men present are to be was written in to the bylaw.
grouped toe ladder,, hose, etc. men. Seating Day Holiday
All these -men are volunteers and ' Council" passed, a motien, without
are working independent of the frit disetisston, that e Mayor proclaim
lage Trustee Board, They are ask- 'Ftitle.y, December 20, a civic holiday
ing for cash donations of niterested '
$600 Band Grant
citizens and others to buy much As contained in the estimates,
needed hose. They purpose to lease Council made a grant of $600 to Clin-
with s view to buying the pumping ton Closets' Baud,
equipment recently purchased by Last Meeting Jan, 6
v TownGoder-the rllageafspm the. ofThe statutory -meeting
rah. CotuicllC i g , Dec m.
. vitt lie, hold Monday, Decant -
The' 'Village Trustee Board ber 16, and the last regular g meeting
changes from year to year and • the on ,Tuesday, January 6, 1943, the day
{nen who have recently 'organized following the municipal erection.
feel that 'by•having their own asso.-
ciation they can do much :more ef.
fective work in the preservation and
upkeep of 'equipment, : drilling and ER
1ighting the demon five in the vil- RAISING FUNDS
sage than if they were under the C
direction of the changing Board of FOR FOOD PARCELS
The' organization :askes that all ,. Plane for, raising
property owners take the precaution to'send parcels to funds with which
of havingeither a: well ,or largep Great Bititao
were broached. to the members of
cistern available from which to Clinton Lions Club at their regular
pump water in case .of fire,. • meeting in St. Peel's Parish hall last
Iii the writer's humble optntan, it week •)ty -Rev. R., M, 1', Bulteel • fol. -
would'be •fine gesture if the Village lowing receipt •of •ti letter, of re �u' s
Trustee Board responded by buying President, W. •E, Perdue added hi
the much-needed•hose and' either .d9' endorsation of the Project.
noting the whole a ui men, to this
or aiiisation or iv in pit on. a 'ton creta y, li Il0. L had said grace,
g g g g Secretary, l% •C,� Lawson conducted•
term lease. After ail't me-' m'en -ate a roll' call, •'and reside
iviu of their time and, services P nt . Feuded
g. S weleome8 ,lie' guests •, who included
(and tt takes a good-- deal .of time)
several repnesentetives
to protect: your property. and • mine,: Council and churches of Clinton
why should they.. also stave to raise Foster, president of' G. Ralph
the., :Ione:: for ••their. •endeavour.', triet, Chamber el
;Commerce, ••
What about it, Mr,, Mrs. and Miss Geo$ge ;Durham, of Clinton,and
Citizen? Let's ,get, behind them::. - Town.' Dr. D. C. Geddes, chairman 0,..,_=,
--- of the eratorial..and Teen Age Com-
S'eason's >�illest S#arms , tntrodueed t :.
>� he Main Spealr-
el, L. M. Herbert, secretary of exp
Blocks'Highway 8 tension,,Natioltal Council,
X nth—.for such-a'.time. as this"
Siic inose= loges were kept'husy on was the suhject of My,.Herbe '.. '
rti aa-
Huron coon a ''Highways; ee I4iday dress, which dealt with rho history. .
last during the 'first' storm of . an g'rowth and worldwide outlook of
early' winter season. In, the' ,vicinity the Y.M.C.A. It's influence .had
of Auburn some of the roads'were been felt greatly since the first'"Y"'
blocked to"a depth of one aiid a half' on, this.. continent had been establish -
lea. ed in Montreal in 1853.
Heavy'di'ifting'�now. to 'd depth Tlie. work had s read Sn
P to set
of cavy ed bleated - ei •8 Highway eountrfes of the world Benet Harbert
earl i t'he tla , m a' - elute
y •n. y, So a of -the it P d, dot;, ;with ail; ,internatfonal
men of Clinton Radar School, who' proirranune. Thirty per cont. of
live• its: Goderfch,, were unable to'get, work today wax. coeducation
thropt,lli. to `Clinton,,iii hwa No. 21' girls. and' wonion.'`' jai with
in fie ,. "the 'I' Warks
was reported `open `from Bafield. to with youth, not �E'arvoubh" h
kmberley.` . . phaaizett. "We ;falls a lot about . jn- '
i. .
e delinq•uenoy,'; but let us
CHRISTM'AS'�SE'A nentber:
SEAL �433PEAi. ` that: 98 per cent:
Clinton anis 'District Committee do got e ' " of :youth
m ittee get into trouble, he armed
of'e Huron` County Tuberculosis: A'- out p
tys .. ,
iodation is makingits aniiu'al
Three vers:
m ortattt .
.�tm` ' a thin•"
Oh}ts as 8eal through .'a.P,..., gs to
remember' em
direct mail effort, Peak Finglana, ben: were :) Youth 'must
have saes e n.
:T�.C.,:• Clinton,. ligain •is ,chairman. : g activity .in its
Count ob"solve i 6 4e0. 0 leisure' time; (n Lamm ti
Y J. s$, ini..47 p of
free,Xrayclinics were held. •iri God 'adults is heedeeeeot dominating but
erich`and 'Win ham whena . noxi setfa t slang live youth; (3)Ideals
g pp
mate: y .8,0 U• peop,e, were x:raye ,set forth and lived- Eby Jesus Christ`
are uppermost
Orval Lobb Rxpressed ..the .thanks -
ef-.•bite;• •tub .
C mHiclt
Was echoed'by'
Dr. Geddes and • President" Perdue. •
The next meeting, of Tuesday;
December 9, will be rn charge of the
Membership Committee with Flt.,
Lt., Alexander RCAF 'Station ,:lin..'
tan, as chief 'seaker, - •
The president announced that de-
rangements had been'conipleted with
the Hockey 'Club. The draw, made
Mr. v I3'erbert,'was wei, "b "
Dui-limn,i" :Y George
: a 'Teen Town guest, ..
The Echtor 1 0 1 d
Barbershop Musician'HaliCenturyAgo
Left His Local e
are»s;Raithcr .Cold`
Annual C. C. L Commeneement,
Thursday and Friday, .December 11.
and 12, in the Call. Auditorium, at 8
P.M. Admission 50c. Seats reserved
s. 49-b
at MoE'wan
Huron County Grop ' Improvement
,Association annual sheeting, Agricul-
tural office, Friday, December 12, at
1.39 P.M. All welcome. 49-50x
Christmas Dance, 0.0,1, Auditorium,
Thursday., December 18, Dancing 9-1;
Mucic--Ross'Scott, and his orchestra.
especially, in rural distriets, when 49 b
people willexchange scarce articles,
notably feed. . The farmer seems to Hoabtital •A9'd ;(ihristmas.Ball, Town
be the beat off. Hall, Clinton Friday, December 26.
The heating situation is 'yen- bait. Norman Carnegie orchestra. Favors,
Each family in Louth ,le allowed Refreshments; Specialty Numbers,
only $0 hundredweight i, ('133 tons)
(Continued on Page .,elighl)a.•
A Situll
or' :T
scotch Remedy
ileturning',to •Glas alter few
g`a'pe t a
months'-absenee, Sandy called 'at'the
impoitieg of ice'. to ehat t with his
fmiend, A g;us: GI:
"ally. g iseleese Ah sl"
gu he exeliaim•.
ed. "Ye hae ";lost yin- terrible . stutter.
{'low did ye aceontplish et7't'
`Nocetsityt Sandv, neces�tyf „A
gus rapped, lI line been telepltoein
America's• lbtt lately,,; .•