HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-11-20, Page 6PAGE SIX
Interesting Items. From
Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31,
J. J. Finch lab on Tuesday to spen
the winter in Stratford owing to it
health. •
Miss Beverley York, London, spent
the week end at her hates in the
I1V r. and Mire. E. A. Westlake are
Spending this week in London and
Sts Thomas. •
IDr. and Mire. E. P. Lewis., Toronto,
spent the week ends at the hone o
Meas. 1M. F. Woods.
Harry Baker, London, is spendingfew days with 'his parents, 'Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bakes,.•
' Mr. and 'Mrs. Waiter Rohner .and
baby Kenneth spent Sunday ab
and Mrs, Nelson Heard's.
1 j'r. and Mts. Oharles Snelling and
;lvulhh, Brutaield visited with Mr. and
Mns. Neilson Heard on Sunday.
Wielilaun. Wight -man heft on Satur-
day to spend the winter in Goderich
where his wife is HI in the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Stothers and fainly
Grosse •Pointe, ankh. spent the week-
end ait the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Wee*. •
FL,ny. Stotesbury, 1aterhazy, Sask.,
spent Tatursdey and Friday of last
week 'with his father Rev. P. G.
Sto4esbury. Mr
Mr. and s, Harold Bing, Sarnia,
M..8, and Mrs en Stith, and family
of London, spent the week end 'with
14L'ta. Charles: Parker.
Ms. Edward, Sturgeon returned
home :after spending last week at
Preston with her daughter Jean and
hes son Stuart and his wife.
School Holiday
The school children' had a holiday
ort Tuesday as their teachers were
attending a ,Convention Meeting.
Passes Suddenly
• The village 'was shocked to learn
en Saltueday morning. of the sudden
death of John mRiehard ,Castle. Mr.
Castle suffered at :hetet attack late
r1 mediately.
1 He was born in Hayfield September
25, 1898, the third son of elm • ]alto.
George and i Teethe, Heard -Castle and
lived here all his .life. He was a
commercial fisherman and also con-
ducted an ice !business. He wwas a
member of the Anglican church, also
a member of the Clinton .Masonic
Lodge and LOlL No. 24 Bayfield.
f Surviving are his wife Mao. Jean
Weir Castle and one son John Jr.
a Toronto; three brothers: George,
Goderich; 'Sydney, Siencoe and Thom-
as Bayfield. His parents and one
sister predeceased him several years
Friday evening and died almost inn
wbThe funeral took place on +Mon-
day afternoon at 2 pm. Rev. F. G.
Stansbury officiated,' Members' of
Clinton 'Miasonie Lodge' No. 84 con-
ducted a service at the cemetery.
Pallbearers were John MaeLeod,
Charles Toms Thomas Castle Jr.
Nelson Heard, John Parker and Wal-
ter Westlake.,
avellers: Mr. and etre. ,Tames
Humrphriee, Windsor, ' with Mr. and
Mrs. William! Humpbries}. Mr. and
Mrs. James Ritchie, London, 'with
friends; William Holman, Toronto,
withhis parents Mr. and Mrs. P.
Holman. Doug. Frazer has returned
home from Winnipeg; Mr. and MTs.
Russ Mark and George Taylor on a
hunting trip to Noatthere Ontarir o;
Mr: and Mrs. Tenechtel, London, with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph: Bewley.
War Memorial Unveiled
An impressive service was 'held in
Duff's United Chusoh, Walton, when
a war mennorias tablet was placed
in the '.church by W. C. Bennett and
•As't Bewley. Rev. Mr. Hazlewood
preached Trout the text, "For the
builders every one had his sword
girded by his side, and so bedded."
Here It Is, Girls!
Your Chance to Join
The Happy Family who work at
Clinton Hosiery Mills Limited
Huron and Huron -Perth
Progressive -Conservative Association
Friday, November 28
• 8.30 o'clock
Cardno's Hall, Seaforth
Speakers: COL. GEORGE A. DREW, Premier of Ontario,
and the fol'lowa'nlg: Dr. Hdbbs Taylor, M.L.A.•, L. E. Cardiff,
M.P.; J. A. Bradshaw, M.P.; J. W. Hanna, M.L.A.; Thomas
Dent, M.L.A.; J. Fred Edwards, M.L.A.; Thomas Pryde.
The address of Col. Drew will be recorded and broadcast
over CKNX at 1 o'clock on Monday, December 1
E. D. BELL, President CLARK rfSiiDR, Secretary
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. )Salkeld, Luck
now; were guests on Thursday last
Of Mr. and, MTS. Fred' Middleton.
tee. and!Mrs. Fred Middleton were
in London • on Saturday . and Sunday,
the guests • of Mar, and Mas. Ritchie
McNaughton, While in the 'city they
attended the Varsity -Western rugby
Newlyweds Honored
Mrs. M Reid 'spent the past yrcek.
with i•e'aitives in Louden.
Mrs. John "Rsthweil visited with
reaati'des in London recently.
1418ss' Gertruclo Smith, Winghasn
spent' the weekend at the parental
S. eiedesif, Wunghamt, called, on his
cousin, Janes 'Stephenson, one day
last week.
•i. pleasant eocial evening was seem Flo. T d McAsh Toronto, romitb, spent the
by the members of 'St. James :Ohureh weekend, with his. parents, Ma. and
Middleton, at the home of Mrs, Wil -,Meas. Johe McAsh. •
Mr. and Me. ,Bclbeiit -Reid have
moved into their apoa+tments at Mr;
and :Mrs. O. Weber's •house
Baan Wse en Monday, November 17.
The reit feature of the .eveatling
was a double pitesetuteuton to two
newly -married ,couples; Mr. and'Mas-
Lorne. Tyndall and Mr. and 'Mrs.
Kenneth MacKenzie. The, brides were.
the former Harriet Wise and Jessie
MnCbllough respectively both valued
members:members:of St. ,Tames Church,
A suitable .a'ldress was read by
Stewaat Middleton and 'Mr. and Mrs.
tynden were ` given an aluminum
shower, Mr, and Mrs. Mae:Kenzie a
beautiful Iaege mirror. These gifts
were accaptedi vat speeches of
The remainder of the evening was
spent in playing euchre Mrs. Wilfred
Cblelough and Mr. Donaid Middleton
winning the most games. A splendid.
lunch was served.
Farm Forum Meets
Farm Forum of S. B. • N. 4 God -
etch met Monday - evening " at the
home orf Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Telbbutt
with an attendance of 19. Following
the broadcast the •discussion period'
was led by Irvine Tektite Tit was
decided that Farm Organization
meetings could' be made n>ore inter-
esting for the ladies and young sPeapl,;
by addition of .a melee hour at the
close of the meeting. Miss Helen
Crich was re=elected secretary for
the following term. Games were Plan-
ed during the recreation, period and
lunch was .served by the ladies.
The meeting next Monday night
will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Hebden with Ma•. and Mrs, Jaek
Merrill and Josephine Muir on the
recreation committee.
(Intended for Last Week)
Mrs. Ira Merrill and Elwin visited
this week with friends n Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs Morgan Jones and
sons, Lawrence and Alvin, spent the
week end with relatives in Windsor.
Walter Wallis has returned from a
few weeks' visit -with two ,brothers
and their families at ,Rudyard, Mahe,
and Sault Ste Marie, Mich. •
&Ir. and Mao. Wilbert Johnsen,
Deer Lodge, accompanied by the Intr-
ter's parents, Mr. and 14fr.•s. Ed Boyos,
Brucefield, spent a few days last
week with frends in Arthur.
Erected Tho Cottages
'Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Dunbar who
have spent the past six months at
Lane 0' Pines Beath, have returned
to their home in Lambeth. During
the summer, 'Mr, Dunbar erected two
summer cottages, his own, and one
for Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes of
Suffers Accident •
Miss Emma Elliott of the Blue
Water, suffered) a painful accident
on Sunday evennig while tnilli]ng.
The cows sbarbed fighting and she
suffered a fracture of the hip. At
pxsenent she is a patient n •Clinton
Community Hospital. Her friends
wish her a complete and speedy re-
. 8. S. No. 4 Parra Forum meeting
was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
Jack Merrill an Monday night, Nov-
ember 6. The topic under discussion
was "The Farther takes a Brien" the
broadcast being dramatized. There
was an interesting discussion under
the leadership of Irvine Tenant -b. A
recreation Period followed the dis-
cussion, and lunch was served. The
next :meeting is to be held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tefbreett.
Should You Have Completed
and mailed This Card?
'--'•.mal .. ,y xcYN t•" �-
.IF you are entitled to repayment of the Refundable Savings
Portion of your 1942 Income Tax, AND—
IF you live at a different address, or have changed your name d ue to
marriage or other reasons since filing y0110.942 Income Tax return,
if you have not yet done so please act now ...
All cards should be in the Department by Nov. 30th
Remember! There are complete details of what to do on the cards
delivered to each household in Canada during recent weeks. If, for
any reason, you did not get your card or an insufficient supply was
]eft at your address, go to your nearest district Income Tax office or
your lDeal Post Office, where cards are available.
If you have a change of name or address to report do it now.
It will assist :n the proper delivery of yotu•citeque!
Taxation Division Ottawa
Uon. James J. McCaten
Minister of National Reissue
Mee. Tendeon and two Sons. Cent -
melee ase spending :seine time with
her ,Metter, Mrs.',Gertrude Reid.
there. 11i'. Geodfellow, Toronto and
John Glenn Hensall were guests
at the thoune of their eoueim, Mrs. G.
George Poster Windsor spent the
weekend with relatives, returning
Monday accompanied' by 'his sister,
Mrs. C. ,Stelek, who intends 'spending
the winter in Windsor,
Mrs. Robert Woods and IMdss
C'harlatte Jolhnoton, 'Sla. EelenS in
canupany with Mee. V. Taylor, ;Bruce-
fiehl, were renewing acquaintancesin
the Village recently,
Property Changes Hands
D. A. Galbraith had purchased the
prepenty of Mrs. A. Austin but owing
to ''weather conditions, the sale of
her etfeets was postponed until fur -
;biter matte.
Bazaar Planted
Varna United''Chureh WA is earn.
plating arrangements for holding a
bazaar and sale of .home cooking
in the Town, hall, Varna, on Satur-
day, November 21, from 3 to 5 pan.
and 8 to 10 p.m,
Rural. Correspondents
L eiDJ J3-, I o
Mr, Aubert; Radford has purchased
the house in Blyth formerly owned
by Tont Mason.
Miss ,Doris Cooper, Clinton, spent
the weekend with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mao. Tom Fadrserviee.
Mr. aced Mrs. • Albert Cardiff and
family, Brussels, and Mr. and +M'2;,.
George Pearson, E'thei were .Spnday
vlisitors alt the home of Mors. W.
Enjoy Social Evening
Thirty-one enefubere of she - Live
Ware Farm Foram of the Nth con.
of Millett enjoyed a tmlcey dinner
and 'mole' evening at thein• Best
meeting, ,in Londesboro 'Community
hall, lest weak.
W. M. S. Thanpofforing
The Woman's Missionary .Soeiety
of the United Chureh, Loondesbare,
held a successful Thankof,fering
meeting with !the ladies of Burns and
Constance societies as their guests.
Rev. UNITS. .2tamvay of Brueefield
gave a wonderful address on condit-
ions in China where she and her
husband served es missiona'ta;es. The
psogrant consisted of a solo by Ms.
B, Lindsay, a coronet solo by Miss
Marjorie Waist, =a reading by Mrs.
William Britton and a solo by Miss
P:hyllds eneCool. A social half hour
was enjoyed at the close when lunch
was served by members with Mrs. M.
Manning and Miss B. Kirk pouring
tea at tea tables.
Mission Circle Meets
The Ainvwell Mission Circle held
Miss Mlargaret' McEtwen has taken
a. position en W ingham.
The Iced Cross will meet this tont-
inig Thursday afternoon at ehe home
min Tana Baird visited miss Mary of Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, There will be
Gilmour, .Bayfield, last week. quilting.
Miss Eleanor Fiber, •Gravenkutst, Walter IMehlwen, who is employed'
visited her sister, Mrs. Welter with a lumber company in London
Moffatt. visited at his home near Brucefield
Mrs. S. E. Hodgson, of Saskatoon, yer the week end.
Sask., is visiting at the hone of her Considerable interest was evident
brotherin,ilaw and sister, Mr. and in. the football game between Varsity
Mas W.!$parks and Western in 'London last Satur-
Mx and Mrs Chester Neilans and day. Among those 'who took a trip
baiiy returned to their home in Lend- to London to see. the game were Miss
on on Sunday after spending the past Blanche Zapfe and Miss Ruth .Scott.
week at 'the theme of the lady's par- Move to Brucefield
ents, Mr. ,and Mas. E. C. Glen. Mae and Mrs. Stackhouse and Eva
Mr. and 'Mrs, Chester Neilans spent are now living in the village: They
Thursday of last week in, Kitchener moved there last week from the
and on their intern were aicompanied farm. We 'hope they will enjoy life
by Nies Ruth Case, tvho spent the rn ,their new home.
weekend with them at 'the parental Ministers Exchange
home, Rev. E. R. Stanway conducted
services in Varna Sunday evening
last. Lt was the Thanlcaffeeing meet-
BLYTH ing- of the W,iM8 Ii v ,Reba Fieat'n
preached to 'Bruce;freld .Church the
Call For Tenders - same evening, `"
Receiving no response •to';a caul io•• , i .vhititc•Treasures
tenders for the installation of toil tare v.' E Stanway on'.:WAdnesday
and ,pump at the public school, .the e yen ng : 1.l exhibit his '"'Chin ese
treasure€ in the church basement.
This will be under the auspices of the
organ committee.
school board at a special meeting
named J. Armstrong and N. Hamilton
a .committee with eutli¢ority to let a
contract far installing a deep well
Business Changes
Several ehanges of burliness' and
new ,businesses opening up have been
taking place in the village. Grover
Clure has opened a new restaurant
in the sawyer of his hotel;' and a Sew
beauty parlor has been opened in the
residence recently bought from A.
-Stead by Mr. .and Mrs: E, F. Chap-
man, Listowel. Irvine Wallace hall
bought the general drygoods stock of
Mess Olive McGill,
Contract Let For . Well
A special meetng of +the Public
•Sdhool ,Board named trustees J. Arm-
strong and W. Hamilton a committee
with authority to tet a contract for
installing a deep well pump, tank
fittings and piping.
A contract for a drilled well, which
had been let la'slt lAlpril 10 P. Davis,
Wingham, is being renewed. alt had
been tabled pending the result of the
varte on the proposed' evaternvorks
Practical Assistance
Mr, and Mre, Russell Cook were
pleasantly sntrpeised recently when
15 of their neighbors took possession
of their woodlot; where they felled
several trees and hauled thein out of
the blush to where Doyglas'Oampbell's
circular saw outfit soon out them
into 12 -inch shove lengths. The result
wag 20 cords of wood in the record
time of four hours.
Mr. Cook, who is a veteran of the
least wary was seriously injured in the
Mg and he has had to spend a great
deal of time in various hospitals-, both
overseas and since Ms return home.
Rare Fruit Gro n n
The &teen melon, a "rare fruit 111
Ontaelo, was grown successfully in
the garden of Emmerson Dennis
•Blyth this year with succors. Onie
of the larger fruits reached a weight
of 50 pounds
The eiielotr which has a flavour sim-
ilar to citron when canned is a mem-
er elf the gourd fainly and a native The bazaar and home cooking sone
oa British Columbia. ' Seeds' of the 'held in sit. Andrew's United Chur'o
fruit are all bunched in the centre I{ipperr sponsored by the WA was
analnug it favored for caneiaa,g, Tak-,very sitccess'ftul despite ,the l��ten-
ing artificial coloring readily it is ; ent weather with over'e200' .realized.
designed as a decorative canned fruit Assisting in the borates were: fancy
f work—idles, L. Mellis, Mrs, C Wat-
son, 'Mrs. W. Kyle, Mrs. 11 M Peck;
Mrs. Ra cGregal Me.er
M. Cooper; fish pond' -Mrs, W 13e11,•as
MC'ooper'; vegetables --Mas, :III
id'e, Mrs. A Parsons, Mrs. J.
Anderson, .Mrs. A lli'reMim'trie; home
cooking ---M s. E Jars.ata 'Mrs. Ii.
Jones, 142hs. Iarold Jones. Mrs. A.
Johnson. Mars, E Anderson Mrs. E.
have to be hand -pollinated. Whitehouse; tatueh-anddtalre—IMrs. E.
So rapid is the growth of fruit Cihipchase Mrs. W. Workman; tea—
that 21 days after the fruit is set Bernice Me0linchey, Moria C'al'dwell
the 50 -pound melon was 'picked.:In Betty ]:ion Watson, Joyce and Teem
its native slim rte .the melon will 1 etroadfeot. The children ' were in
reach 100 -pound' weight. I&'barge of the candy 'booth.,
Mrs. John Harris' and Mrs. Dewar
Talbot spent the last two weeks with
M. and Mrs. Riggs Feagan.
Do'. and Mee. A. P. 'Cooper and two
sons Grant and Bruce, Toronto, spent
the weekend with ehe former's sister
aril brother-in,lnuw, •Mr. and Mrs. A.
E Bond.
Mrs. A. E. Bend spent a few days
last week in Taranto and on Friday
attended the Convocation In Convoc-
ation Hall when !her nephew, Grant
Cooper, received his B. A. Se. degree
from the University of Tenanto.
Happy Workers Meet
The November meeting of the
Happy Workees Club was held at
the home- of Mrs. Arnold Jamieson.
The meeting opened by singing "Blest
Be the Tie" followed by the lord's
Prayer: The ,treasurer's and secret
.cry's reports •were then given. The
(text meeting is to be held wt the
Moine of Mrs. Warren Gibbings. The
lucky ticket was Avon by leers. William
The afternoon was spent in quilting
atter which a dainty lunclt was served
by group
Missing Husband Pound
Mts. Thomas Monroe, Fox Point,
Northern Ontaro, while visiting with parents 14Ir. ancli Mrs. William
Deutz' ICi]'pen' 'reeeived word that
her husband luras missing in the bush -
land while :hunting deer and was 'i
missing for three days. Mrs. unvoe
immediate! y left for home on Monday
rind slater a message received groan hes
said that her husband was otnad and
Successful Bazaar
os the Ohnannis season,
M'r. Dennis bought ten .seeds of
the odd fruit •nod •anter starting the
plants indoors planted them in the
garden in mid-June.. The vigorous.
growing plants reached a length of.
50' feet.
The blossoms are white, two inches
in diameter, but 'they open only at
night and for successful eevelopnnent
their. Autumn Thankofffering meeting
on Tuesday evening. November. 11 at
the home of leers: Pamgrad with the
president Mire. Sohn Pipe, 'presiding,
The sheeting opened. by
hymn 286,- followed ,by the;singing
nt the last meeting, roll cell and
treasnrer:s' report, The business 'was
their discussed after whfeh the pro-
gram committee ,took charge of the
meeting': The Scripture was :read by
'Gladys Gosling. Psi't of the study
book was 'then given• by Edith Bem-
ent, Gladys Josling mut Nona Pipe.
Phyllis iMkC'ool favoured us 'with
a caronet solo While the offering was
being taken. Mrs. 1'angrad then led
us in prayer. The; rest of the study
book was then given by Mrs. Pan -
grad and Nona Pipe, The mneeting
closed by singing hymn 888 mane -all
t.Vetting the Lord's Prayer in .unison
The hostess .then served :a very, de-
licious brach which was enjoyed by
Successful" Social'
The London Road Chub held a very
sue,cessfue social" evening:; on • Fa'iday
November 14, in the Board Room,,;
Ontario Agrieulltural oefice .Oliiiton.
The evening was spent' in progtes...
sive euchre. The high eoun't
Wentto .Mrs. Wilbur bur Welsh
Clarence .Sturdy; the low count to..
Mrs, Norman Ball and Fred Nott, A'
sneerer prize for 'the most lone -hands
was won Illy' iMr.. 8aeeman,-. vele wore
11 lone hands.
A quilt had -been prepared and
offered' for sale during the evening.
Eddie Elia' wase called en to, auction
it off and -was sold to Mel Orioh.;
Coffee, sandwiches and cake were
served by the ladies and a half hour
of sable chat' wee enjoyedl The
ladies mealiead' a substantial SUMP
towards. theriehospittal fund..
Mr. and' Mts. T ,Mason, formerly
of Sun unet+hill; heave- eelct'Oahe home:
in Bl'ytih• and have bought a home in
Windsor- where they are moving
a couple, of weeld's;time.
Clerk's Notice
of Ffrst Posting of Voters' List
Municipality of IiULLETT TOWNSHIP, Huron' County
Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section
3 of The Voters' List. Amendment Act, 1937, and that 1 'have
posited up at any afice, Londesboro, on the 28th day of
October, 1947, the 'lists of all persons entiti'ed'to vote in the
said municipality for Members of Parliament and municipal
elections and that such fists remain, there for inspection, and
I hereby call upon ,all voters to take immediate proceedings
to have any errors or omissions corrected' according to 'law,
the last date for any appeal being the 21st Baty of Novem-
ber, 1947.
George W. Cowan, Clerk, Ilu Ilett Township
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