HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-11-20, Page 5'THERSIlikt• ,NOVEISIBER2OE3..toa (3144TreN WD News -Record Classifie CAISH RATE ---(111 &raid by Wed - der following date of insertion)— �e cent a word first insertion (min - mime 30 cents); subsequent inser- etIonseone cent a word (minimum 25 emote); 10 cents extra for box num- ' ber or for directing to NEWS - r RECORD Office, IF. CHARGED -20 cents extra. in., Wednesday!. FOR SALE " TWENTY CORDS OP WOOD, DRY and green. J, H.^Brurnedon, phone 15, t Clinton. • •47b IMAM GOOD CONDITION, $5. Mrs. J. B White, Clinton. 47p PRINOE;SS PAT srrovm, GOAL OR ' wood, hot water front and reservoir, white enathel, trim only used a short time. Reg, Ball, phone 356. 417p 'CEDAR PsoiSTS FOR SALE. APPLY T. Booth, .R.E. 3, Clinton, phone 911r tee, 46-47-48p DEVETTE SUITE SIX PIECES, buffet, extension table and four chairs in cream and green; large 'tete Dutch oven; all in good condi- tion. Phone 67. ' 47p ELECTRIC AND GASOLINE Wash- -.ere, immediate delivery, from $139.50. -Transportation prepaid, B u d g e t terms, specie' discounts to dealere. e•Christian's Electric and Hardware, eOrehawa, Ontario. 45-48b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE , PUREBRED REGISTERED HERE- . ford bulls. Rosny Farms, Goderich. 46 47 48 49-b 'TEN HEAD OF DURHAM 'CATTLE each between 600 and1700Poietclee014 or disabled horses wanted for nuxtk feed. James Nast, phone Clinton 800r6, „. e's 47p FIFTEEN PIGS FOR SALE, SEVEN . weeks old. Apply Frank 'Tendall, phone Clniton 805r33.. . . 47-b 20 GOOD, EWES, OEN EleAlVf. APPLY ;Reg. Sturdy, R.R.A, Goderiele phone ".933r32,-.Goderieh.. • • 47-44 GEINCINE • " JERSEY COPT, ' SIX yeaaa old, milking, -.good ;.ereamere net bred, weight 900. pounds, quiet and ;nice dei every way. Apply Thomas ' Leppington, bone 587W. 47p TWO PRERRED POLL HEREFORD hulls of serviceable are also one black gelding, six years old, weighs -about 1706 pounds. Apply Ray Cox, 'Concession 7, Goderich • Township, phone 9031'25 Clinton. 47-48b FOWL FOR SALE :1YRJESSeil) , -GEESE AND. DUCK kr Christmas. Phone Mrs. George 'Coictough, phone 'Clinton 805e31. 47p AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE 1937 PORiD V8 SEDAN, DELUXE Model, in good condition, Apply T. E. Mason, phone ma, Myth. 47b HELP WANTED INTELLIGENT YOUNG 011AN FoR light .manufaeturing work; inside work; good wages. BULL FOR SALE ROAN, TWO YEARS OLD, IS FRO accredited herd of Stewart Dale,. end si grandein .of Douglas "Lar- . bert Templar" imported. Apply W. • T. Livingston, iRle. 2, •Seatfarbh, phone 847r31, Seaforth. 47-e • WORE WANTED TYPING DONE. AT HOW OR would help in Mice, Phone 478w, 47, 47, 49 -ie WANTED TO BUY OLD HORSES and DEAD ANIIIMAILS .suitable for nink feed. Will pay 2c a pound for horses and call and pick up same. Dead ,animals according to value. If dead Phone at'once. Phone collect Jo/etc Gilbert, 936r21, or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderich. 45btf PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR. SALE IN THE VILLAGE; OF Enfield one storey dwelling, living' roam, with natural fire placee dining room; hardwood More; modem, kit- chen; three bedrooms three -Piece bath (new); full basement; water pre.ssere- system; newly decorated in- side and outside; 1(4110 by 100 feet' with garage and building suitable for eabin; good location, one and-aehalf blocks from Lake .Ifinon; ideal sum- mer dwelling or year 'round helm; immediate possession. Apply H. C. Lawson, Real Estate -Broker, phone 261W, Clinton. 47-1111 SHED 75x44, PROPERTY OF GOSH - en United ,Chureh, framed structure, sidedwith inch hemlock and finished with pine shiplap painted, situated on Goshen Line, five miles north of Zur- ich, or three and three-quarters south of Hayfield Road. Sealed tenders ic- cepteci by the undersigned up to, but not later than. Noveinber 24, 1947. Aill tenders subject to *discretion of board. W. J. Clark, RR. 1, Varna, Ont. 46-47p SMALL HOUSE RECENTLY moved to Kirk $t. 'Would make .t comfort- able home for. a small. family and could be made liveable in a month's trine. Apply to James Elliott, • • • ' 39btf 100 ACRES LEVEDTECKERSIVIITH county road farm All tillable, Brick house,. furnace, hard and soft water ;pressure systemedrilled well. Garage. Driveshed. Barn and strawshed, base- ment for cattle mid hogs, litter car- rier, water bowls, eleeteleity. Rare opportenity. C. Pearce, Realtor; Exeter. 46 47-p ' 'NOTICE WINDOW SASH MADE TO ORDER. • Immediate service. Also glazing done and glass for sale. Bring in your measueernetits Ito Bete Huller; Phone 3194 47, 48, 4e, 50-p APHRA ;STEEPE, 'CORSE'TIERE, specializing in Spirella made -to - measure garments. Individual ser- vice tin the privacy of your home. P,hone 288, Ontario St„ Clinton. 47, 48, 49, 50-p SAW FILING, AIL KINDS DONE at Hoare's orchard, .a mile north of town. •Contmet C. II, Hoare at your convenience 47-2,p To, THE BARD OP HEAleiNG, the New 1/410°115M -con "Imperial' hearing aid. Fully guaranteed. Free. demonstration given without obli- gation. Call ov write T. A. Dutton, hrucefield, agent for Huron and Ruth- 47-b I AM GA:RRYING ON 'lam FUR buying of my father, the late Nor- man East. See me before seeing else: where. Murray East, ReR. 1, Clinton 46-52b FARM FOR SALE --- • - -100 AORES ON NO, 4 HIGHWAY, h mile north of Brumfield fa* se of buntings, farm now in pasturs, be ideal fo ibeans and gee* next year. For paetieulars apply James • Walker, 230 7th St.; Brandon, Man, Or Prank Wilson Breceeield. 41, 48, 49, 50-h --WANTED TO RENT • -ANYONE HAVING A GARAGE 'for ren please notify Ross Fit& •simons. phone Clinton 32, 47-e • TRADE'OR EXCHANGE ONE-QUARTER HORSEPOWER electric motor, ha v yduty, in new condition, for smell gasoline engine air cooled, Box "A" NEWS -REC- ORD. 47-p e'eeeieeElghtreeS5E4!WaVe*Xeel:ee,ee10Eeetieeee-ee. Re - Vitalized DRY CLEANING 3 -PIECE SUITS $1.00 4 -PIECE SUITS $1.50 TOP COATS $L00 WINTER COATS $1.25 UNIFORMS .85 LADIES' DRESSES .90 • COATS $1.00 WITH FUR $1.25 SUITS $1 00 SUITS and COATS DYED $4.00 For Sale --- 1 Suit and Raincoat, size 36 1 Winter O'Coat, size 38 FULLER BRUSH CO, REPRIESEN- tative for Clinton and district—spe- cial Christmas gifts. Winnifred ph one 75J. 42,1atf MISCELLANEOUS OLD. DISABLED HORSES FOR mink feed. Some cedar kindling for sate. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5. 43-48P conSErns — CHARTS GARMENTS for your individual figure needs; Full* hips, average hips or narrow hips; one-piece models with inner •adjust- able control if needed. Girdles and brassiere. Price range $4.45 to. $21.50. Mrs. Harold Orittendem Or- ange St, Clinton, Box 183, phone 173. 441itf. ..eeeeteeeeeteeeeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel'teeet0t GLIDUCS PRESS SHOP i 1. "We Press While You Wait" . PHONE 115 CLINTON 1,1 AT YOUR SERVICE ANYTIME ANYWHERE can ASHTON'S TAXI PHONE *10 Reasonable Rates * * * 1:- . OFFICE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Cliff Ashton, Prop. Residence Phone 3'72J • BIRTHS , 110LIVLES-4k yieterie Hospital, Lo don, on PeichlY, November 14, 19 to Mi. and Mrs. Cecil R. Helene formerly of Clinton, a eon (Pete James), KELLY—Jo •Clinton Community Ho vital, on Sunday, November 1 1947 to IMr. and Mrs. A. C. Kell 3921/e Richanoncl St, London (form only Helen McGill, Clinton), a so (Paul Roger). LOWELeIn Clinton Community Ho pital, on Saturday, November 1 1947 to ter. and Mrs. Stewart Lowe Brussels, a son, (Douglas Stewart) YeERNER—In Clinton Comenunit Hospital, on Sunday, November 1 ' • reTURSP',INJITRED • GOD 11013—elise Grace Mason ne ' Reg. 11.» is in Alexanclaa hospital here 47 suffeeeng with serious. injuries re- s, eeived. in an amident. She was the r occupant of e. ear, said to have been driven by Wise Solorno' n Lueknow, -who allegedly.lost control of the car 6, on wet pavement near Dunlop on the Y' way. into Goderich. The ear crashed - into a ibeidge, tearing away the pillars n on the side of the Otrudure, The „ impact threw the occupants out of ',T. the car and they landed 20 feet awaY, °' in a field . • Let The NEWS-RECoetty quote on Y your next printing requirements. 6, r.e 7-e" . • . 1947 to Mr. and MTS. Merton 'Kern- er, Bayfield, a sem; (Garfield Mer-• ton). PEARSON—In Clinton- Community Hosptal, on Sunday, November 16, 1947 to Mr, and Mrs. Nelson- Pear - sop, R. R. 1, Dungannon, a son (Stott Thomas). MARRIAGES BAST—MaITTIE—en Knox United Church manse, Auburn, at 11 a.m.. 'Saturday, November 8. 1947, by Rev. A. G. Hewitt, Alice Marjorie, eiclest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Williani illeVittle, Westfield, to Ed- ward Charles East, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles East, Auburn. METCAL8'-4DEIWAR--At hayfield on Saturday, November 15, 1947, by Rev, F. G. Stotesbury, Elva Frances, daughter of MT. and Mrs. David Dewar, to William Levering 'M'etealf, son of Mrs. iMetealf and the late Dr. W. P. Metcalf. STEWART—EIRIC—Quietlf, at Low - vile United Chureh, Halton County, on Saturday, November 15 1947 at 3 pm. by Rat-.. AL D, Permian, Miss Rebiria. West Kim Londesboro, to Charles William Stewart, Clinton, • DEATHS CASTLE;—Suddenly ±0 Bayfield on Friday, November 14, 1947, John "Richard Castle, beloved husband of Jean Weir, in his 50th year. Fan - mat from his tate residence, Bay- feld, Monday, November 17, to Bay- field Cemetery with Clinton Lodge AF and 'AM No. 84, iu charge. • CARD OF THANKS The family of the' late Mr S. Wel- lington Johnston wish to extend the* sincere gratitude to their relativesi neighbours and friends for the kind- ness and 'sympathy hown them in their'recent bereavement; also for the beautfnl floret tobiutes. •Special hanIcs to Re. vReba Hern, Dr, J A, Gomel and to those who so kindly loaned ears. 47-p • CARD OF THANES The Castle family wish to take this opportunity of thanking the many friends and neighbours for their, mapy. kindnesses dining their ;recent- bereaveeent, also te those who sent floral 'tributes and loaned cars, 47-p CARD OF THANKS Capt. Gladys Smith, Goderich, in behalf of the Salvation Army wishes to express her sincere thanks to the eitzens of Clinton for their Contri- butions to the recent Red Shield Campaign, tobailing $264.52. 47,p • VACANCY AT WI,NGHAIVI WIN:GRAM—The resignation of Night Constable Ted•Whithy was re- gretfully received by town council, meeting in special session. The clerk es to advertise for a new constable, duties commencing December 1. ' CEMENT U.S.A Portland, Cement available in carload lets Direct from UnRee, States,. Quick Delivery Principals only Direct confirmation en all orders Also other 'general Building Materials such as Steel Nails in large quantitle,s 'WIRE — WRITE — PHONE '74 Richmond St. E. Toronto, Ont. Wa. 143'7 Open Evenings till 8.00 p.m. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66a' and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. Eaat., Phone 685 • 66-a APPRENTICE WANTED. TO LEARN THE PRINTING TRADE BRIGHT YOUNG MAN WITH SOME HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION A real opportunity for an ambitious youth to learn a skilled, mew. paid trade. HIGHEST WAGES Clinton News -Record BOXY THEE' CLINTON esults Now Playing—(Nov. 20-22) ' "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" ' All Stai Gest Mon., Tees., Wed., (Nov. 24-26) Dual Featuees • "THE WEB" •Adialt Entertainment Ella Raines, Edmond. O'Brien and Wililain.Bendix. Also--"SUSIE STEPS OUT" • Sixty-five minutes of melody and mirth, bubbling over with ballads ' sung by David Beam, Thur., Fri., Sat. (Nov. 27.29) Double Bill Dana Andrews, Jane Wyatt and Lee 1. Cobb "BOOMERANG" Added Attraction— "LITTLE IODINE" The anschievous little lass from the comic strip manes to the screen CAPITAL THEATRE octniiRIC 11 Now Playing—Shirley Temple in "HONEYMOON" More Tues., Wed.:— TWO FEATURES Laraine Day, Brian Aherne, Robert • Mitchum- and Gene -Raymond Teeing the story of a deceptive Woman, who • steals jewels and hearts with equal • . "THE LOCKET" An added feature attraotion is now being selected. Thur., Fri., Sae— "Abie's Irish, Rose" Anne Nichol's celebrated story. Pive year cm, Broadway, now on the sereen dra its entirety. Michael Cheichov, Joanne Dru and Richard Norris Coming—"LOVE STORY" with • Patricia Roc REGENT THEATRE s ' SEAFORTH Now Playing—Chips Rafferty in 4THE OVERLANDERS" with "DANNY BOY" Mon., Tues., Wed.— Adull Enterteinm,ent Humphrey, Bogert, Lizabeth Scott and. Charles Cane A tenee, taut and terrific drama centred around a bad -gal, Who, stayed that way to the surprise ending, DEAD RECKONING Thur., Fri., Sat.— Sydney Greenstreet, Martha Vick- ers and Dana .Andrews A unique story, a superb cast, a picture •eranimed with suspense, comedy and love %tweet. "That Way With Women" ' Men, Women.Over 40 Feel Weak,Worn, Old? Want Mina! Pep, Vim, Vitality? DM weak, rundowu, exhausted condition make You, feel tainted out, old? Try Oetrox, Contour) tonics, general stleawauts, 01100 needed after M) or 40. Supplies(000, talow....PhqpbortP),,vit.Tiq 3.3hiteTRITY:tilttr, 74i,Ve;aligiVareiTeYs:Fo sale at 011 irood drug stem everywhere. Now Open! DO YOUR WEEK -END SHOPPING at DIXON'S PASTRY SHOP1attenbury St. W. . gamminimmfflumimimiMimmuMmummummiummummisifiammE Be Wise - WINTERIZE! GENTLEMEN — If you haven't yet purchased your Whiter 'Overcoat, we suggest Ili you do it now, ' while the Selection, of cloths, colors and sizes is complete. , An ounce of prevention is -31 worth a pound of cure they say, so don't let yourself be I - caught without a coat. Men's and r. 1.3r s' Sizes $17.95 to $39.50 it I . Men's and Boys' Winter Underwear ni STANFIELDS—All wool heavy rib combinations or shirts ,= and drawers.' •Iled ,and Blue I.abel. Men's sizes only. -..1! • 4PENMANS 95—Men's ,Saxd boys' sizes. . • • 1 1 8 4 4 4 PENMANS PREFERRED—Men's and boys' sizes combin- ations or Shirts ddrarwers. PENMANS 71—Men's and boys' sizes. Combinations or a:dons or shirts and drawers. TIGER BRAND FLEECE LINED—Men's and boys' siZes, Smelt shoppers lore doing their ,Christmas shopping early this year, so why not drop in and brouse around. We have g a fine selection of men's and bays' Socks, Ties, Shirts, r=" Sweaters, Handkerchiefs and other useful items to choose LI. from. Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott McHale Shoes .r.--. PHONE 25 ' CLINTON ri i mulaitInetisixtentadinitmitilmantiimlislaiiinliminiw(M111101111n1110111111011101 Announcing --- Our New Location Huron Street, between Agnew's Cigar Store and Mel Crich's Barber Shop * * * HAMBURGERS 15e Golden Brown FRENCH VRIES ....... t . t . t tttt 100 HOT DOGS 100 SANDWICHES TEA COFFEE MILK SOFT DRINKS CIGARETTES TAKE -AWAY CONES to TAKE AWAY HOME! PARRY'S SNACK BAR Huron St. Phone 696J Coming—"WICKED LADY" ARE YOU BRINGING YOUR CHILDREN TO CHRIST' JESUS SAID— "Suffer little children to come unto Me." LMark 10:14 "I am the way and the truth and the life." —John 14:6 Parents have a great responsibility to guide their children to the One Who alone can save them.; "He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life." —John 6:47 "Rho that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out" --John 6:37 - MUNE IN — Hear Chas. Fuller, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Cal., on STATION UMW Windsor, 12-12.30 E.S.T., Sunday noon Duo4Therm FUEL 011 HEATERS SIU6PMENT JUST RECEIVED • A:Ilttil* Beautiful Home Heater To Give 'You Workless, Dirtless Warmth YOU:SA.VUUP3TO 25% ON FUEL BILLS because power - driven heat is the secret of lower coSt, as well as greater comfort. BOTH RADIANT AND CIRCULATING HEAT • NOW ON DISPLAY The Royal Circulator The Thrift Circulator Available with or without Power -Air J. H. Brunsdon DANCE RCAF Station, Clinton ' . Featuring , Eric Scott, his Trumpet and his Orrehestrp. Wingham Friday, November 28 Commencing at 9 p.m. Dance Prizes ADMISSION - - $1.00 PDB COUPLE Tickets on Sale at Door • • 0 .Lots of Hostesses Lots of Refreshments CLERK'S NOTICE Of first posting of VOTERS' LISTS for 194'7 MUNICIPALITY of CLINTON, County of 'Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT and I have posted up in my office ,at Clinton on the 28th day of October, 1947, the list of al persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspeotion. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day, of November, 1947. Dated at Clinton this 28th day of October, 1947. M. T. CORLESS, • Clerk of the Town of Clinton New Samples JUST ARRIVED! JACK'S UPHOLSTERING W. L. MOORE, Proprietor WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Huron and Orange Sts. Phone 62 Clinton