HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-11-20, Page 1News -Record
No. 46-,69th;Year, Whole No. 6278
The Home Papel- With the News
Chamber of Commerce Votes
aisees in .Clinton and district today,
'for' the wedding of Princess' Eliza-
. 'shah and •Lieut. Philip Mountbatten
.leas broadcast starting at 5:46 a.in,
Apparently it was a colorful pa-
,';geant which .cheered the austerity-
•• .t.onscious' British.
t •
Doug .Bartliff an opportunity to
"strut hisstuff" as an artist in icing
a 'wedding cake In the win-
clow of .•Bartliff" Bros. store, the
centre of interest is a very attrac-
tive four -storey wedding cake, with
all the trimmings thst one could
imagine ineluding a nuptial couple,
In addition, there are several
"b'ridesmaids", appropriately dressed
to support the piece de resistance.
• • .. * *
how the job is done in another
school' and to benefit thereby, an
exchange of public school teeacliers
took place. The staff of Victoria
School, Goderich, visited Clinton on
Thursday, while the staff of Clinton
Public. School returned the visit on
Friday. Exeter and Goderich Cen-
ural ,Schools also figured in a simi-
lar' exchange. . •Principal George
11. Jefferson' stated the arrange-
ment had been quite a emcees. . .
Pupils of the nubile school' are stag:
ing a concert • in the Town hall,
Thursday evening next, November
* * •
that is true! .John' Wilson of • S
Riddick and Sone, Clinton, was on
of a party of seven members o
Windsor Rod and Gun Club whic
was hunting up north at Spide
hear Parry Sound, last week
They have proof that the bears ar
and haven't holed up Yet.
climbing a precipice on one occasion.
when he spied four black bears—two'
old bears and two cubs—over, the
top ' .; He' let go a tree and slid
eo the bottom—and the bears,
friendly like, came down too, but
apparently didn't see . He
shot one .Cub and a Windsor pal shot
one of the -old nnimats.:. Net result
is that they each brought their wives
home a hear rug—in the making .
The cub is now safe in the fastnesses ;Tam
Clinton Locker Service, and m
has promised the editor a nice bear
steak one of these days. . . He got
his `deer, too, the first one of the
party to register.
that is true, the evidence . being.g•
lodged. in The NEWS -RECORD win-
dow. George Wilson, R.R. 1,
Brumfield, •president - of• Clinton
Branch, Canadian Legion, .echo' , has
kept bees all his life, has •never seen
the like of this before; although' he
has seen small combs built. It
is a •collection of five combs built
on a maple tree. about, three, inches
in 'diameter- The Unite about
20' feet from the ground, • was on a
tree: on Mrs. James "Simpson's farm
near Baird's cemetery, Stanley
Township. .
w ,*
� I'•Plf tot
If you have guests or have
been or are goktg away, let
The NEWS -RECORD know.
Phone 4. •
* * *
Mi. and Mrs, Williams McGuire
spent the week end visiting friends
ht Detroit.
Rev. and Mrs. Fred Ciysdale, Eder
ton, spent Friday last as the guests
of .Mrs: Ernes Adams,
• Oar. and Mrs. 3. 0 ;Swan and son
Brian, Hairston epent the week end
with the Amer's family in town
FRO r and Mrs. Gordon lCerr, Lon
don, vsited the 1alter's • father, J
Howard Hrundson, over the weekend
Mrs. Lucy Swan left yesterday to
spend the wiener in Victoria B.C.
with her sister, Mrs', Robert Cochrane
Mass Gertrude Holres, St. -Hyaninil"he
Gue, is spending a short vacation
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W S
R Holmes
Miss J. Hunt, London, England
arrieed om the Empress of Canada
last week. Mrs. F. Hanley met het
3n Toronto.
"Gottron W Harwood end his son,
G Melville, Toronto, 'called an the
former's daughter, 1Mre, Benson Sut-
ter, on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy :Douglas, Mea-
ford, spent the week end with Mr.
and. ales Franey I,aytin end Mh•. and
re. Fred Petpper.
Al tbhur ;Aiken, University of West.
ern Ontario, London, dent the week
£ end at the home of his parents, Mr,
h and 1VLis, W. Olt: Aiken
er Mrs,' ,Georgo Beattie and daughter.
Miss Beverley, returned on Wednes-
re• day last after spending a few days
with Mr and (Mrs,. E Ef Paterson,.
Wiarenn. '
Mrs. Viola Lantpuan and daughter,
Miss Betty, sdent the week end in
Woodstock, visiting the former's
uncie and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. L.
Mr. Sadie Muth an dbwo children,
Chortles and MargaretAnnie, have re-
tutmeeel to their ]tome n batroieaf,
ter spending 'fait week with- Mrs
Fred Mita.
Benson Sutter spent the week end
in Woodstock where be attended the
fall executive meeting of London
Conference YPU of the 'United
Chssroh of Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghams
ane now in Owen 'Sound wehre they
will make their hone for the winter
months with heir son, ohn' E. Cup-
inghame, of that city..
iMr, and Mas. Dia Cornish have re-
turned atter Visiting Mr, and Mrs.
Claud Elson, Detroit. •Other guests of.
Mr. and Mrs. Bison included Mr. and
Mrs. Spicer, Helene', Mich.
Mrs. Jean Kyle and Mrs, N W
Trewartha spent Saturday in Kippen.
Whilethere they 'attended the annual
bazaar- of the. United IChuteh and ree
mewed many former acquainancese
sAlnsong the guests at the Warden's
banquet held in the British' Exchange
Rotel, Goderich, Wednesday evening,
!wet N. W. Trewanha an ex -warden
of Huron ,County, ;Reeve, V.. E. ' ktl. .
eoner, LeRoy G. IIrowu and :Gerald
Nelson,' agricultural reprpisentatives,
and J. W. ,Crich. r
(Mir.. and Mrs. ,Gree •'Cook bane. re.
turned atter visaing their eouts', 'Lorne,'
'Chicago and Stewamt, Windsor and
also :visiting relatives 'in • Detidit
While away tban. attended"•the- Floor•
Sanding Convention in 'Chicago and
purchased some'.' of the ''latest finer
sanding equidment.
was' a" ,uiaivay swamp of bees
which cathped•on`this limb, likely an
June, and they were .not his own:
The five' combs -entire largest two 12
inehee• by 13 inches. and121-: by
12% inches- wean .built in . •the
summer from the ,.secretion of the,
bees. The queen bee was very
vigorous becauee there were no•
drone cells. , The; first' frosts in
early' October aerved to put • the bees
in a• stipp, or, leaving them to the ra-
vages Of othele•bees which robbed
the combs.sof their, 'honey. ':• The
combs are : full of•. •dead: young bees,
mature art$ ammatuye .
C6 t of ted
1; ',-teen?
for • .,,�.
into •''Town
4 >a,
Clmhoitp ' .'eetir. bwitSbtva soil iiias'ap-
pointed • the` fallowing, standing COM'
rriilttees. for the "�esir lest. 'i{aAp:lied be-
y r•�
F ins chatrinan
O", •
mot. " be: -a permanent
committee 'and wiill be"'selected '.byy
.boor• -cordon Lane • ^Girls A.
}(vary P"'Shanahan, M. '1hicirrtipson,
N. ;Ford, "' J `'Grigg J "Andrews;
Bczyser Mstlt i • H A,ndraws, D.'
Andrews,: 'tenni*: ' • •
Im chea+ge of record jiletner--B.
Manahan, •• Ii. Petrie,° A. Wilson, D.
Ewa; IL Sheath*
Games and Spout's--J)oui Millfer, B.
AVIiller,. J: • Wilson;' 0: l'ingland, K.
Tyndall, 3;4M -on.'"
Record purchasing --Jean Kediger,
J, Rosell. • .. .
• Entertainment—,Roan Fines, Aud-
•ray Jervis, ;Bill %Nediger.
The Week's Weather
High Low High Low
1947, 1946
November 13 31830 45 36
14 37 27 45 0l
15 32 25 44 u4
16 81 26 53 ••32
17 35 20 50 z8
18 87 30 37 22
10 ' 30 30 50 29
Snow -2 inches. Rainfall .24 inch
Turkey Farmer Fist
with 31 -Pound Bird
Robert Wallace,: ",proprietor '.of' the
Wallace turkey fain", can, 8, Morris.
township, :was 'stiecesssuI in ,winning
10 prizes with. the 11.4.tvrkeys io.exe
iiibites sit :the: Es sex and Kent tur-
'.t -.
key shote at Ohathanr: Thursday and'
Friday. The'fixate prize bird ,'weighed
31; peundsO it was' hatched:" in the'
aptdng 0'1947, '+
` rlVMrec. Wallpeo went into the; ,Blakey`
buslatere an •194'0,• starting -With 'A'
flock.;*1'1155 which: he has irncreaeed
yearly,•,'.until ,this yeat• the had •a .flock
0,1,700. He has his own breeders
slid" •tblsoyear •hatched • 22;000nOrottltac•
10,000 of which he sold, He hopes to
increase ehe hatch to 20,000•in•:1948:
Besides! the broadebreasted' bronzes.
variety, lie also raises white Holl'ands
The birds are never allowed to roam
but are all pen -fed. All thhe;r•' feud
is specially prepared and 'short of it
is bought by Mr: Wallace •in• carload
lots. •
He hag installed a " mew" piolting
machine which should materially
lessers the work of dressing the birds
for market,
Mr, Wallace made 10 entries for his
birds at bite •ONE mod; won nine prizes
and of the 14 entries he made at n
Chatham "71e won 10 prizes.
Royal Newlyweds Holum ed`
the Tit
the R
;ainst Llfting Ban on Oleo
1Members -Hear Fine
Address at Banquet
heir Royal highnesses, Princess Elizabeth. 21.
Heirorre Presumptive to
cone, and rite Duke of Edinburgh, 26, formerly Lt.' Philip Mountbatten,
rnarried in Westminster Abbey, London, England, today, before nearly
spectators. An estimated 1,000,000 persona turned out tc do honour to
eye' couple. ABOV3I, they are seen in a, recent informal picture:
,Mayor. A J: McMurray has receiv-
ed ' an interesting letter• ,of thanks
wth reference to the elothing collec-
tion ;node under the auspices of
Clinton and , District Oharnber of
Commerce ' last spring,,
The letter, which ' is sighed by Mise
Elsa .Danbbr, ,head,of• the linnipire'and
iF'oreigrt' Department, Voluntary' :Ser-
vilces, 41' Tbthill' Street, Wesltmaneter,
S.W.1, • Eargland,'seeads:
"I feel that we here • in Britain
owe yeti .a tremendous debt of grafi-
•tude' for the weir in which you in
aintoi have railed round and sent;
over so inuch •olothing for the vic-
tims of the floods 'we bad earlier in
:the year. The clothing has now been
distribir'ted and Captain Donal:l on
the representative Over •here `of the'
Ontario British. Fiend Relief Oaan-
paign, tinned some of. the • ,affected
areas and was afble. see something
of the actual distribution and to meet
lame' of the recipients.
"He • will, 1 hope, be able to corn
Vey apicture of it •ail to .people in
'Ontario. - • • •
"It :isn't merely the .material gifts
Which so .hearten •people, but the
sympathy which underlies them. It
is difficult to express the value $f
this; but it is a very real thing."
Unveil Names of Fallen
AtHensall Seri*ice
(By our Henaall correspondent)
Hensali :Village and . sueroundang
convmunities observed .Bernembranee
day Tuesday,' ,Novemnber. 11, When a
ttervice of, unveiling,, honoring the
fallen of World War 11, was held et.
the G'etlotaph,, followed by a service
in -the Town Hall.
A parade consisting of the anneal
branoh, of the Canadian Legion, town
and township C'ouncil8, CIergy, Seho.
Board, Chamber of Comuteree, Gir
Guides, Brownies, Boy Scoots, Cubs
and school 'children. and headed by
Bannoelabutn Pipe Band, Varna, mar-
ched! from the pirbltc school to the
Trap 60: Red Fo*es
In Two -Week Period
In a brie two weeks' time,
Mervyn Markin and Joseph Beck-
er, Clinton, trapped no less +than
60 red foxes -50 in Stanley
Townsfliip and ten in Goderieh
Townslhip. They received a boun-
ty of $3 for- each fax caught in
.Stanley at •the; November meet-
ing oe ,Stanley Council This
:should relieve the pressure on
the chicken papulation; in this
connection one farmer 'hist no
Jess than 165 this past summer:
The two local trappers: report
that in a double set six or eight
feet apart, On several occasions
they bad a fox in each in one
morning. They •trapped 18 foxes
out of one faiener's� field, only
66 rod's front the barn. Teai'anorn-
ings in sueceeeion, they 'took
three out of this one field.
Since Mervyn Betide. sibarted,t
his Trappers Supply House, he
has had Iebters ordering goods
and making inquiries, from every
Province in Canada.
The fox pelts ,will be on dis-
play in The .NEWS-RECiOIRD
window this Saturday only.
In Township
held its statutory meeting in Holmes-
villa on Saturday, November 15,'
ofJ. A. Coombs sent his approval of
the Miller tender on the Bayfield
Line bridge, and Ontario Depart-
' anent of Highways approved of" the
Harold Emmerson tender on bridge
on concession 6. Bylaw No. 13, to
Provide for expenditure on these two
bridges, wee read and passed.
'•eTonders wee
sforvpfoivliig-weze `ire-'
ceived from Lloyd Picot, George F,
Elliott, Harold Emmerson and Lavis
Contracting Co. Council divided the
township into three divisions and ate-
cepted the tenders of: Harold Em-
merson, at $3.50 per hour, using
Township: plow; Lloyd Picot, at $4;
per hour, and Levis Contracting at
$4. per hour; with their own equip-
went, all 'to be under direction of
the Road 'Superintendent.
Couueil also accepted the Levis
tender of $7 per hour with•bufdozer
and wing, if needed.
Accounts paid: A. G. Grigg, coal for
relief, $17.20; Department of Health,
insulin, $5.13; Miss Acheson, use of
house, $G; i3. G. Tliompsan, $250, Ii.
Ii. Whitely, 52G0; FI. Sturdy, $150;
Reeve and councillors,' 5240; F. Mil.
,holland, school attendance offider,
$220e Elmer Petter,uso of•chttrch shed,
g Stetr, printing, $9.75; Board.
of Health, $102,; Superintendent's pay
rollNo..12, $3,151.92. • •
• 'Cpuneil adjourned„to meet on•...pe-
aemh'ei' 15 'at n:30.p.m. ,
town 'hall. At the Cenotaph Dr
re Hobbs. Taylor, M. TO P ” unv""ailed" $tie'
et�,et'�,alox�. new inscriptionof names, assisted by
Guide Onion Stephen, and Scout Ron
Adopts ,Many
Motions McKinnon. The banners were carred
by Donald McKaig and Dave Sang-
ster. The service was in charge of
the Branch Chaplain, Rev, P. A.
Reports from .the local towns and' Ferguson, and the hymn "Abide with
villages given at the annual convert -
me" was sung, and prayer was given
by .Rev. R. ,Ai. Brook.
The names of •the fallen heroes of
World 'War Irl were read by Rev. Mr.
Fergufon as follows: W. L. Nichol,
G. L. Passmore, A. Prior, S. Taylor,
81, Taylor,A. D. G. Bell, A. E.
Chipchase, B. G. 3A!ek, A. A. Ma -
Ewan, •Mr, Ferguson also read the
names of those who paid the ettpieme
serifioe in World War 1,
Wreaths were placed for •the Pro-
vinee of Ontario by Mrs. R. Taylor;
Township of Tuekersatrith by Counc-
Wor•Charles McKey; former Reeve;"
Township cif Hay, Reeve George Arm;,;
strew • Vililage 'of Hen:sall .Reeve, A.
W. , Kerslake; Legion, ;Mrs. A. Me
Ewan. ,. '..Last, Pahl' •, and, ."Reveille'
were sounded by Engler. Fred Beer.
,sorvioe followed in the town hall
with Reeve A W. Kerslake presiding.
Increased Activity
Car and Truck Sales
John R • Butler, local Ontario
Government motor license issuer,
has conclude .a busy season in.
which he has issued snore than
2,000 vehicle permits, or 10 to
stalled, it was believed more violate 15' P'ee' cent more than in 1946,
ors would be brought to justice. indicating .increased activity in,
It was pointed out that none of the ear and trueik sales in. this dis-
iifteen or more licenses to well liquor 4asiet. By 'grolepa, , penning were
issued as. fellows; automobiles,
2,496; eomanpieial, 198; trailers,
3601 total, 2,054. • - .
Mr. Butler also- .reports heavy
activity in variant _'type of 'pet --
mite to drive, ineluding- •the foil
owing: operators `1;'776; chauff-
eurs, new and renewals 880; tem
pomaty instr udbion, , 230; .trailer
fens, Omit/ate, 350;. dealers, 120"
tion of Huron County Temperance
t7ederation held In Clinton last Friday
were very encouraging. A. long list of
resolutions was passed:
It was stated that the Provineiel
Police, recently appointed, have made
a good start in stopping the illicit
trade its `liquor and with additional
facilities, such as radio attached to
their care; which is soon to be In.
under .the . authority of the Ontario
Government, can be .lashed In HarmCounty. '
The Catia'de:TemperenceAct, which
has been in force here alnce' 19.14, out-
laws the .publie s<ale•nf en kinds of
liquor .and confines 'its' ` use to legiti-
Mate' home's fol' 'public' end family
use only., • ,.
' Saito ' to Minors' '
Albert Jolenbon, Toronto, who was
present, referred to a request that
saleseto.'minors are not' covered ;by
the a.T A.,• He said that ,uo sale¢ et
liquor in the County are allowed ' by
or to any person, so that such a re -
poet conoeelitng'minors' wee not true.
Action Protested
The convention regretted, the action
of quterto Legislature "at Its recent
session by which they wish•to'deprive
the County of. further seentiietioge as
provided in the Ontario' litlbor acts,
and: - this Is to": -Ire •protested by the
Federation ,
,Royal Moulton,;, Toronto,. brought
greetingsfrom,, the rentnrio Temper=
anee ]federation andtepoke in an•op-
tlnistic way',.; abqut e pampaigns
thronghoat the,.prenirioe`ta• curb the
liquor evil. •
• He also rstat„" t
,ed , hat' a .ttumbor of.
Counties were 'watching'.the •sueitees
p1' the C.T:A; : in" Huron with 'envie*
ib improvement in their oven •don itles:
the report that the Canada Temp.
crane Act hasbeen declared cocain.
effective and iiq:'the Judicial•
'Committee of the Inipjetini,• 'Privy
Council was well received..
Ane •interesting report:- of the" cam-
•palgns :far temperance covering the
activities. of ,:the •".Federation since
1885, when the C.T.A. was first intro-
duced; was given by the secretary,
A. T; Cooper, Clinton, The C.T.A.
was in farce in Huron from 1886 to
1888 and re-enacted in 1929 when 14
of. the 26 -municipalities had already
carried local option.
Officers Elected
Officers of Huron County Temper.
once Federation were elected as fol-
presidents, en
Goderich; Miss Jean Murray
A T, Cooper, Clinton; president, Ho-
ward Campbell, Westfield; vies -
residents: 1st, R. 13. Cousins, Brus-
els, 2nd, Rev. 0 W. I3. Medley, Gott-
nich, 3rd, Mrs. George Johnston,
Goderich; 4th, Mrs, R. A. Brook, Hen-
sel', president County W.O.T.U.; see-
ratary, Norval T. Andorson, Goder•icbi;
treasurer, Freak Howson, Wingham,
Educational 'directors,' 'toy. Gordon.
Llaziewoocl, Walton;' youth secretary,
Rev, L. Jorgensen, Bluevale chair-
man of law and legislation, A. T.
Doper, Clinton; chairman of firianee,
Elastic Measure
Th is all enlightening anti diverting
expemience to -listen to a -certain rural
politician ,hamangtaing°: farmers to in-
crease their farm food. crops. Partic-
ularly interesting -is the ' ringing
command with which he 'conelades
his discourses:.. "Plant every acre—
'rank C
Howson, Wingham,
no onatter how small".
Ar"New Approach
"Darling;' said , George, as gently
and as dltplomaticailly;•as Ire• could,
"doesn't it seem to you there; might•
be selittle, somethingnejust a teeny,
weeny little eoaiethung'-•o lacking' in
this nmastliiig?"
"Yesdear, 'sitPnose fiene is "••
carne the unexpected .reply.- "Bat it's
your own fault I told*yen we ahould
have a totter radrco
"What's- the radio.: got to do- with'
it?" demanded George: •
"'Everything " wailed the. "little
Woman. "That's as;far as Feet with
the recipe befot"e the: dilairidateti old
thing broke down!" sc,
Ow got the, •neon radio.
Seed ...
Potatoes tatrtiea o �` •
f Hxgh
Quality Now Available
Emmen • and .buyers who require
peed- potatoes for planting next' spring
Legion Branches to Send may secure satisfactory ,stuPpliea now
ae many,.;seed growers in. Ontario are
now,prepered, to. grade andsell, re-
pents R.
e-pentsR., E. Goodin, fieldman for the
Ontario Department 0! Agriculture:
The quality of Ontario•potatoes is ex-
ceptionally good this. year, adds Mr.
Goodin, and buyers may purchase
their sitpp14es' with full 'confidence
that they will keep well in suitable
st0»ige. .
Food Parcels to Britain
• 'Feted' ,parcels to their comrades of
the British Logien, war, widows and
orphans, will be 'pat's af Mite Caned.•
tan L ion's wedding,,present tie 'rin-
co a i
ss za '.i
th i o
be t was a n
un e
r. .. ed hY
Major'General General C. 13, Price.
Tfie President, of the Legion stated
that •thio would' be a- regular campaign.
t Great Yilcitaini Theparcels will
be'ipureitased. through the nnu-,profit
Canadian` CARE organization'.and dea
livered` to the British Legion' from
CARIE',S warehouses'; in Greet Britain.
Ail of the 2,400 teranches and aux-
tlla;"ries of the Legionare bentaenaix-
aa4aelOtee support : this campaign
a+hich,:, will ' go on for at least the
•ivipter' menthe
Couaiter" Cheek• Books. at The
l5'E'WS,RB'CORD. " : •
Minimumr Charge 50e'
Dance, in Town Hall, Clinton, Fri-•
day, Novetnser". 21, auspices L. 0.13t.
A. Admiesian GOc. 46-47-h
Thine act play "The Improper" Hen-
ry' Propper" Tawe Hall, Bayfield,
Friday, November 21, Auspices Bay-
field Agricultural Society. Adonis-
'o Da a 17 '.
ion GOO and 35c. y ee f aws to
music of Bayfield Valley Five. Ada
mission popular prices. ' 46-47-x
Baptist Church Bazaar, Council
Chainbor, Saturday,, .Noyeai!cber 29,
home 13ogths—apron,ho ne rnade Halting,
produce, candy maid touclli and take.
Alk weleoine. Baking booth opens at
3.30 ,p.m. - 47-b
Euchre party sponsored by We-
anen's Institute. Board room of Agri-
etul'twral office, Tuesday, November
25, Linmoh. Admission 25c. 47-h
Dane, RCAF Staton, Feiday, Nov-
ember 28 at ;9 p.m. Bele Soma, his.
'erunspot and his orehesttia.. $1 per.
couple, ' , . 47-48-x
Public School ['anent, Town Hall,
Thursday, November 27 at 7.80 p,m.
Operetta zruusicalselections, ei;c. 47-b
A list of all:.potato fields in the
Province which' have met the • stand-
arcs for Foundstion, Foundation • A.
and Certified flee&has been prepaiedc
Copies .are available without change
from local . Agr:ie"uirtural ,Re,presont'a!t-
+. ives, ,.offices of the Dominion ,Seed
Potato Certification Service, or from.
this Crops, ,Seeds and Weeds. Branch;•
Ontario Departaaent of Agriculture;
Pearlier/rent Buildings, . pronto. This
• list gives, growers' names end', ad -
(tresses,' with varieties, .acreage and
CANADIAN MADE. superfine Merino
Blankets, a wedding gift to Princess:
Elizabeth from the Genadian Woollen
and Knit Goods Manufacturers Asso-
ciation, are shown. above. The gift
consists of two blue and six white
blankets hound in snatching satin. Miss
Iona Routley, T;C.A., checks the ship-
ment before it goes aboard a Trans-
Caesar:1h Air Lines plane for. England.
Clinton and District Chamber of
Commerce held its November: meeting
Monday evening, the gathering taking
tate form of a banquet in Hotel Clin-
ton, with a capacity attendance:
Main feature of the evening" wee ti
very enlightening address by •W.:"1,
Roberts, formerly a Squadron 'Leader
in the (RCAF, and. now farming `ia
Tuckersntith, who outlined sonte'.of
the wortliwhile activities of th'e'Board
of Trade of Hanna, Alta., and urged
Clinton to .use its Chamber of Cone
merge to the full
Mr. Roberts was introduced by Vice.
president 2. G. Melee, and was
thanked in behalf of the gathering by
Frank Fingland, with A. A. Pegg add -
Ing a word' of appreciation.
After Mayor A. J. McMurray had
said grace, President G. Ralph Foster
commented that Clinton Chamber was
now ten rnonths old and going "into Its
eleventh. He stated that it was nearly
time to talk about officers for next
year, and this would eine nli at the
December, meeting,
Santa Claus Parade
.7. A. Sutter suggested a community
Hee. Kingswell aSanta Clausarade
the Saturday before Christmas, Barry
Baiting suggested that the help of
other organizations be listed.
A motion of Mr. Sutter and Lester
Martin was passed that a Santa"Claus
parade committee be appointed: Per.
sounel of this committee were chosen
from the meeting as follows: J. A.
Sutter, chairman; Doug Bartliff, Ken
Pickett, Hai Hartley and Joe Murphy,
Oleomargarine Rejected
At the
he Canadian
Chamber of request.Commerce, t the Chamber.
discussed aresolution presented at
the annual meeting of the former by
Thorold Board of,Trade that the ban
be lifted on sale of oleomargine in
After some discussion in which tete
Pres and cons were presented, the
gathering, by a standing note or mem.
Maras' decided S1-15' against the sale of
-oleo. Some members did not vote.
Chief consideration in the vote
seemed to be that Clinton is the cen-
tre of a prosperous agricultural area
inlarge, whteh the dairy industry Monte
During the Iasi week of November,
thousands of Ontario farmers 'will
receive Live Stock and Poultry forms
with a requests to- filtin the. informat
ion coneerning the livestock operat.
ions on their ower farms, says S. 13;
H. 'Symons, Director of the Stattstiea
and Publications .Branch of the Chit-
arid Department of Agriculture. ., ,a
This ranch, in Co-operation 'evith'
the-Agrcultural Division of the
Dantinion Bureau of . Statistics, is
colleeting this , information. From
the returns received from farmer's,
estimates of the number of live
stock in Ontario at December 1, 1;947,,
will .be obtained., • and • information .
will be secured regarding the dispos..
ition of live stock during the last
six months, i.e., marketings, killed' on
farms , and natural deaths, Questions
ere also being asked as to future an-..
tetttions"to market,
• The slueeess of this survey depends
ulpon the co-operation < received from
farmers in filling Oust and returning
the forms. A large 'number of re-"
turns is .needed in order :Hint a re.
presentative sample of 'the live'stoclt'.,
numbers from. the 1peevious year.,
This year the Bureau is .introducing
a new; type- of form ••which Will be
easier for ,the farmer to complete.
The infosnia.tion from this surd'ey"
is used extensively during the year.
The world Food land Agriculture Or-
ganization depends,on the 'Bureau to
supply up,to-date figured on Canada's
ag'iicuitural rindusitry. The Bartell
also is the offieilal saurce.:of statiot
real inlformutio t ,which is ' Ased• by •..
governments, farm : organizations :and: •,
industry to plan•, nature operations.
It le in the farmer's -own interest that
n •true picture ,of far>cat: eondttions• be
obtained,and for .this reason: itis
dperation is 'solieited "to complete- and,
`return the form'•;tia;.soan are possibl1,;
The intforp atien that farmers pro -
Province. e Froair ;ads gamble
possible to..estimate blue changes in ,. •
de is kept strictly entfielential, IMr;,.;.•
Symons' points .out•. Tile farmer is
roteatedl• by,•law a of
against misuse; :
returns •and his individual form
Nen only, by workers,:in the Domeon and.IP'rovinoiai agricultural st-
&retry May he obtained for the '
istieal offices.
A Smile for Today
'Chat Extra Touch
Into a (busy telegraph office a,
smiling matron bustled, 'seated hen,
sell: at a writing` sabre; and, after
much penal-dhawing, produced a
'message. Handing it in .to the clerk,
tshe asked as en afterthought: "Will
it cast me anybhng to un'denscore the
words.; !Perfedltly loveliyr'?"
"Not a cent, •madam," the clerk
Whereupon tine cheerful lady re-
called the message, drew a line. under
the two special words and departed