HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-11-06, Page 6PAO,E SIX
THURSDAY ly0ivol2f13,ER; s, 1647
�erest n� Items from News -Record's
Miss Lucy. R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31
Mils. Robert Reid of Clinton pent
last week with (Mass E. Reid.
Mr. and Mr's. R. B. Johnston left
on Saturday to spend e week in Lond-
Mrs. J. Robinson, London, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. J. Howe fond baby
have "movedinto the house of ars,
Bruce Menery.
Jean Sturgeon Preston, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Sturgeon.
Mr. Howard' Burt, London, spent
the weekend with his grandparents,
MT. and Mrs. F. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwards Jr.,
London, spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs, Thomas Bailey.
'Mr. and Mrs. A. F. 'Futter and son
Bill of London spent Sunday .at the
hone of Mrs. W. J. Stinson.
Master Binnie Sturgeon entertain-
ed a number of -children on Saturday
in honour of this sixth birthday.
Miss Gloria Westlake left Tuesday
"for London 'where she has taken a
position with the Bell Telephone Co.
Mr. land Mrs. Keith Pruss, London,
Spent the weekend with .the latter,s
parents, INIT. and Mrs. John Parker.
am.. and Mrs. James Ferguson,
London, spent the Weekend with the
former's mother, Mrs. James Feagu-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert � MacLeod
Goderich, spent the weekend with the
. former's parents, .Mr, and Mrs, L. H.
Mr. and Mee. William Ferguson
left on Saturday to stpend the winter
in Sudbury with their sons, John and
Charles Ferguson.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Bail Norman and
family moved to Goderich on Sat-
urday after having resided in Bayfield
for the past three years.
Mr. and ,Mire. 'Spencer Irvine and
daughter left on Sunday to spend the
winter in Southampton where Mr.
Irvine has secured work.
Mr. and Mee. J. Webster of F1g-
mondville, and Mr. and Mrs. C.
Webster and family -of Toronto��spent
Sunday at the home of Miss E. Reid.
IMrs, J. all. Atkinson and daughter
Marion have returned to .their home in
St. Clair Shores, tMdch., after spend.
ing some time at their home in the
Mrs. R. J. 'Watson and son Edwards
Ieft on Friday for their home at
Broadview, Sask., after spending the
past four months with her mother,
Mrs. P. Edwards.
Hallowe'en Party
A Hallowe'en Party was held in
the Town Han on Friday evening- of
fait week for the children. Gaines
sponsored by D. S. McAuley were
The children in co s t u m e then
'marched with mask played by Mrs.
James .Ferguson and prizes were given
for the best costumes. The judges
were Mr. Barnsley, Mr. Dempsey, and
Mr. Crew. Orangeade, doughnuts,
apples and candy were then served to
the children.
S ce
A. Special Missionary Service was
held in ,St. Andrew's United Church
last Sunday evening under the ausp-
ices of the Women's Missionary Aux-
iliary. Rev. E. R. Stanway, Bru'cefiele
was the guest preacher for 'tihe oocas-
Residents of Bayfield District
I am pleased .to announce that I have recently purchased
the business known as "SCOTCHMER HARDWARE"
It is my intention to continue in the sale of Shelf and
Heavy Hardware, Farm and Building Supplies, and Con-
tract tg in 'Plwnbing, Heating and Wiring.
I plan to give you the 'BEST OF •MERCHANDISE and of
SERVICE at all tames and will welcome your patronage.
Ted Mack, Owner
IMr. and Mas. Vic ,,Elliott and Mrs,
Howard Cox attended the funeral of
the late George ,0larlee, Varna, on
Sueclny. •
MT. and Mrs. Bert Harms and two
children, who were visiting the past
month in the West, returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Watt and Carol
Anne and George and M•rs, George
Wilson and Helen, Post 'Stanley, visit.
ed with JIr. and Mrs. James Sterling
Misses Tosephine Nair and Marg-
aret Leib spent a couple of days in
London last week attending the West-
ern Ontario Womenis Institute con-
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tebbutt, •Godes•
ieh, Mr, and .Mrs. 0. L. Paisley, Clint-
on, and 'Mr. and Mrs. John H. McEwen
and Stuart McEwen, Stanley were the
guests on Sunday of Mi'. and Mrs.
Stewart Middleton. le'
• Bazaar Planned
A bazaar will ibe held in the Town-
ship Hall, Varna, Saturday, Novem-
ber 22, from 3.5 par: and 8-10 pm.,
under -the auspices of the United
Church 'W.A. There wil be a fine
display of articles in sewing', as well
as several quilts and home baking.
A lunch will be served.
ion. Ile delivered a very forceful
sermon. After having spent a number
ofurs a an ears missionary y nor in China he
was able to speak out of his personal
experiences and observations. -He did
emphasize how important it was for
our nations in the West to' be vitally
interested in the nations of the East.
Our well-being is largely influenced
by ministering to spiritual and other
needs of these peepie. The world is
a neighborhood now. He showed that
there was great need of modern social
reforms in these eastern countries and
he illustrated by describing the pri-
son system of China. The service was
well attended: and in charge of the
minister, Rev. F. G. -Stotesbury.
Federation Banquet
The Hullett Branch Federation of
Agriculture is holding its annual
meeting and banquet in Londesiboro
Community Hall on the evening of
Friday, November 21. Banquet tick-
ets may be secured from any school
section director on or before Friday,
November 14. Banquet will com-
mence at 6.30 pen.
The, program 'will consist of pie.tures taken on -a trip to California,
the County Federation field day at
Exeter, also many places of interest
in Huron County, etc., as well as
musical numbers from local talent.
A small admission will be charged
for the ,program to those who are
not attending the banquet. Everyone
1 /
"You bet it does, son. You'll soon be
racing down the old college gridiron."
"Will I really go to college, Daddy?"
"You certainly will , .. I'm making
sure of that, now. Muinrny and I've got
a Savings Account at the Bank of
Montreal that's growing just like you."
* `* *
Many Canadian fathers—whether
they had the chance to go to college
themselves or not—are now saving at
the B of M ... making sure their sons
will have that opportunity. They've
learned from experience. how helpful a
sound education is to. real success in
life . , . and they know that a Savings
Account at the 13 of M is'a'sound way
to provide for h.
Your son's col-
lege education is too.
important to leave
till tomorrow. Why
not start a Savings
Account at the 13 of
M today and make
it grow with him.
Clinton .Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager
Londesborough (Sub.Agency): Open ',Mon. and -Thurs.
working with Canadians in every walk .of life
C.atwbastt -
terse jou filo
hwow saw -*Nitre ' '
mom?,— orf Ai %M,t•
for tnmarrwW by 6,ehu,t
al the II of M. Yoe will if
very welcome in this
Rood trowpgy:.
,e t
111110 caftan
sine•e 1.817
Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Cornish vent
the weekend' at Sarnia.
Ken Helmer, London, spent the
weekend with his father; Jacob Hoh
Alex Patison, 'Marion and Jim,
London, spent the weekend at their
home -here.
Miases Ellen -and Iiia Scott, London,
visited 'their brothers, Ross and Bill,
on Sunday.
Mr. and +Mrs, Hartley Smith, Wing -
ham, visited Mr, and 'Mrs. H. F.
Berry on ,Sunday,
Mr. and IMrs. Williaan, Simpson,
Detroit, visited Mr. C. D. .Simpson
Saturday evening.
Mr. and tHrs James McCully and
Mary Lou, • Stratford, spent the week-
end with Mr. Joe MCCuily and Mary
A number from the village attended
the Anniversary Services at Egmond-
ville on 'Sunday. Rev. 113. Atkinson
was the speaker.
Boy Scout Apple Day
Saturday is 'Boy Scout Aipple Day.
Help the boys gather •up..same funds
for their organizatien.
Sympathy Extended
We extend our sincere sympathy to
the fancily. of the late Mrs. Alex
McKenzie in their loss of a loving
Old Resident Passes
The community was saddened to
hear that Mrs. Alexander McKenzie,
an old resident of the village, had
passed away on Sunday last. She died
at the home of her daughter-, Mrs.
Andrew o0
d env M r
e I o
E m ndville.
g Mos.
� e was a .favourite with all
who knew her and her death leaves -a
gap which will be hard to fill. The
funeral took place Tuesday afternoon
from Brumfield United Church to
Baird's Cemetery.
Mrs. Blair, who formerly spent
some time in this eommunity, is at
present visiting wNh [Mr. and Mrs,
Hard Times Social
The Hallowe'en hard times social
held in the church basement on Wed-
nesday night last was a success in
every way. Mrs. J. Aikenhead's group
of the W.A. entertained thee other
groups. There was a large attendance
and most of the ladies came in eos-
tume, prepared to enjoy a little mer-
riment. The prize winners we noticed
were: Mrs. R. Scott, :Mrs. O. Johns.
ton, Mrs. R. Allan, Mrs. George Swan,
Mrs. H. Aikenhead, Mrs. A. ateBride,
A deleiou hutch was served by the
entertaining group and all went home
feeling better for a night of fun.
We are glad, to report that Will
Hill who has been ill in :Scott Me-
morial hospital, :Seaforth, is consid-
erably improved, and Mee. O'Brien
also shows some improvement.
Travellers: Mr. and Mae. D. E.
Scrimgeour and Douglas with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank - Keclmie, London;
Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor, Goderich,
with Mr. and IMrs. Vern Rutherford;
Mr. and Mrs, William S&'.rimgeour
and grandson Billy, Palmerston, with
Mr. and 'Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour.
Successful Bazaar
The Woman's Assoeiation of the
United: Church held a very successful
bazaar and sipper in the schoolroom
of the church ,Saturday afternoon
Approximately $200 was raised.
Holidays Decided
The Board of Trade under the chair-
manship : of president, A. L. Kernick,
met to discuss plans, particularly
those relating to the approaching
Christmas season. It was decided that
all business ,places should observe
Armistice' Day as a holiday; also
Boxing Day, December 26.
Blyth Native Bereaved
Mr, and Mrs, rStan}ey ,Chellew at-
tended the funeral bf their brother -in -
taw, Arthur Egan, Friday afternoon
in Toronto. The widow, who survives
Was formerly Miss Pearl Chellew,
Blyth. :Ida I3gan also .Ieaves a daught-
er, Mire Muriel Egan, at home; one
son, Norman, Toronto; and two grand-
children. :
United Church W. A.
The Woman's Associeton of the
United Church met at the home of
the president, delis. Harold Phillips.
Poems were read by Mrs. Phillips, -and
piano solos contributed by Mrs. D.
G. Ilodd, Mrs. W. J. Petis told the
touching Story of the hymn -writer,
Joseph Ser'iven, who wrote "What
A Trend We have In Jesus." Mrs.
Charles Granby, convenor, reported
many gift?, flowers, and Bards sent
to shut-ins and .bereaved. She !had
also made nine eatls during the month.
Hallw,e'en Orderly
Hallowe'en was very orderly here.
mainly because of the foresight of
the (boys' and girls' committee of the
Decal Lions 'Club be sponsoring a Hall-
owe'en party in I1V3emorial hall Friday
evening. Games to piano music by
Miss Blieabeth Mills were enjoyed by
more than 100 children. Rev. W. 3'.
Rogers of tine United Chureh led the
parade, -assisted -by Rev. J. L. H.
Ilenderson of Trinity Church. Bach
boy and girl was treated to candy ancI
an orange.
I Court of Revision
The court of revision met in Meuc •
orial Hall to consider the only two
appeals made. Both were presented
by Councilor George ltreNWII, He
Claimed 'the' ,assessment on his resid-
ential property of $1,300,,was out of
prom}.tion. In his second 'appeal, he
said $41;760 assessment against ,Mrs.
Annetta Bainton's fou -family apart-
inert" on Queen street north was too
low at $i1.750. The 0ouit ruled that
the assessment on Councilor McNal}'s
property stand, but raised ;Mrs. Bela.'
ton's Ate $2,000.
SEAPO2dti'Ii --_; Snowploughing for.
this winter was discussed Jay Town
Council and the eontraert was awarded
to C. Carter.'
Joe ISliaddicic is in Windsor this
'week. .
Mrs. Clara Vincent.•is visiting in
Kitchener this week.
Rev. Mx. Watt, Whitechureh, will
occupy the pulpit on Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cornish, E'xoter,
visited Mx. and Mrs. John Riley, .on
Mr. and Mrs. Percy McBride, Car-
low, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shob-
brook -on Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bremner,
Ethel spent Sunday with Mrs. W.
Beaeem and family.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hunking,
with Mr. and - Mre, James Roberton,
Auburn, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mere. Wil!Iiam GGovier, Mrs.
Lillie Webster and Jack, visited
fr•ienclls in Paris on Sunday.
Mrs. Bremner, Ethel, returned
home on Sunday after spending two
weeks with her' sister, Mrs. W. Beac-
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lansing and
Miss Mina Hunter visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Robertson, Auburn on
Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen and family
opent Sunday with the letters mother
and father IMr. and Mrs. Walter Kers-
lake, Woodham.
Mr. and :Mrs. Bill Gillies and Mary,
St. Thomas and Mrs. T. Sampson,
Palmerston, visited friends in the
Village on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Pollard and Mr.
and M4s. Mervyn Pipe and !family,it
Bruesels; visited with Mr. and Mrs.
John Pipe on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James McCool and
Phytins and Mr. 'and Mrs. Tom Fair -
service visited with Mr. -and Mrs.
Begeant and family, Ingersoll, an
Mr. and ides. Edward Youngblut
and Leonard spent the weekend visit-
ing friends in Hespeler also visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Youngblut,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Woodman,
Tillsonhurg, and .Mrs. John Aiken and
Donald, Montreal, visited the former's
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Woodman, and IMr. -and Mrs, A. Clark
on Sunday.
Masonic Banquet
,Members of Londesboro Masonic
Lodge held their annual banquet in
the community hall on Wednesday
night, when about 50 were ,present.
Following the 'banquet the evening
was spent playing 'progressive euchre,
Aimwell Circle
The Aimwell .Mission Circle will
hold its Autumn Thankoffering meet-
ing on Tuesday November 11 at the
home of Mr's. A. Fangrad, the meet-
ing to start at 8 p.nc.
Mission Band to Meet
The Mission Band will hold its
November meeting Sunday, November
0 -at ten o'clock in the Sunday School
room. Please bring your Thankoffer-
ing envelopes. '
Hearty Congratulations
Mrs. H. Lyon Celebrated her 81st'
birthday on Sunday. IMl her fancily
were present except Ws. E. Holmes,
Dresden, They celebrated her birth•
day at Mrs. E. Hesk's and on Monday
she entertained some of the ladies of
the village. Congratulations.
WMS Thankoffering
The W. (M. S. Thankoffering meet-
Successful Anniversary
Successful anniversary services
were held at Benmiller United Church
on Sunday, with. Rev. R. G. Hazlewood
of Walton as the guest speaker. At
the morning service anthems were
sung by the choir. In the evening,
the choir of Knox United Chnurch, Au-
burn, assisted in the service and sang
an anthem, with Mrs. Emmerson
Rodger taking the solo part. A male
chorus also sang two nnnbers. The
church was decorated with baskets of
autumn flowers. A generous offering'
was received.
Tenders will be received until 12
Noon, Saturday, November 15, for
Township to be divided into three
sections one plow for each section.
Tenderers to supply truck, plow
and wing. (Lowest o ratty tender
not necessarily accepted.
For further information consult the
R.R. 3, Clinton,
Road Superintendent
Cometo ---
Saturday, Nov. 22
3-5 p.m. and S.10 p.m.
Bazaar of 'Sewing Articles
Quirts and Home Baking
25c Lunch will be Served
Auspices of the W.A. of
Varna United Church
ing will be held on November 13 in
the -Sunday School. room of the church
commencing at two o'clock sharp Mrs.
E. R. Steinway, Brumfield, will be
the guest &peaker. All the ladies of
the church are invited to attend.
Officers Elected
At the regular meeting of Loveles,
boro L.O.L. 863, held on Wednesday
night, the following members were
elected to office, W. M. Bro. &alln"-
dercook, D. 11P. Joe Lyon; chaplain,
Bro. E. Hesk; < Ree. -See., Rio. We -h
stet; fin. -see, and treasurer, Bro.
Nott; lst. lecture, Bro. Hunking;
2nd. lecture, Bro. Weymouth; Mar-
shall,Bro. . Mains. "'
'tEA 1311,00.
Wednesday, Nov. 12
Please Have Paper
on Curb by
1 P.M.
BRANCH No. 140
The Next Meeting of the
Huron County Council
will be held in the
commencing at 2.00 p.m.
• • •
All accotusts, notices of deputations and other business
requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands
of the County Clerk not latter than Saturday, November 15.
N. W. MILLER, County Clerk,
Goderieh, Ontario.
Introductory Offer
Ctiritoan News -Record
From Now until the End of the Year
only 25c
(35 cents in the United States)
"The Home Paper With The News
It IT i .,.
(Evenino Ptic al.
$ias, $a.00 I a: /j/�
dinp f:unemt Adm1 afen1 1s
' � vw' � ;�'