HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-11-06, Page 5IMMaINV/ ;': • NOVERB!ER 6`^',1947 CUNTON' •NENWREC RI)! PAckg: .1yD CASH- ;paid by Wed - :beadily folio' ling; 'date of tiusert on)— ine cent, a word first insertion (min- 'inum 30 eents')';' subaerpient inser- etions, one Bent a word (minimum 25 :;eenti); .10 centre extra for box num- ober 4t': for directing to NEWS 3016COaih• Office, 'O ARCED 20 cents extra. DE1ADDINE=9 p.m.. Wednesday. FOR SALE LA,1?Y:S BLACK "WINTER COAT with brown, fur tiara, size 88 fiaogd condition. Phone 687. 45p PROPERTY FOR', SALE BARN 72'x26'; KITCHEN 20'x12' ON oak foundation. Apply to James A. Dale, Clinton: " 459 : 9X1 tIRSTIO AND:CIDER APPLES for. sale, .All sprayed, Apply Lorne Woods, Rt.R. 2, Luoknow, phone 56r21. 45p W0'0li) FOR (SAL i IA! QUANTITY t• of dry; Maple and Beech body wood, 12" long. , Apply Charles E; Wise, phone 9044r24, 45-+iatf TWO WINDMILLS; ONE 50 FEET, eel? oiling Brantford, and 'one 20 -feet ',for sale or exchange nor stock. Phone Dom.:Hendricks, Clinton, 905n14 44-45p REGISTERED COCKER SPiANI•EL puppies, colors, solid 'black, and red and white. E. J. Grey, Raglan St., • phone Walton 19,1W: 44-458 MIXED GRJAIN, EAR!LEY AND Oats, $60 , a ton delivered anywhere ' in Goderieh Township. Also. Carter's seed oats, $1.25 per bushel. Govern. ment seed. Gordon Turner, phone 906e5. .45-b ELEICTRIC A1NiD GASOLINE Wash- ers, immediate delivery, from $1319.50. Transportation prepaid, B u d g e t • terms, special discounts to dealers. ' Christian's Electric and Hardware, Oshawa, Ontario, 45-48b KITCHEN RiANGE' "CLAfSSIC" IN good repair, with reservoir and heat- ing closet, burns coal or wood; kitchen • table; extension table; one congoleum rug 9x1010 ; one congoleum rug 7x9. "Toni Elliott, phone 9e1r32, :01intton. 45-46•p TABLE) MODAL jRADIO, tF0tUR- • tube super -heterodyne with large 8- ineh dy:manic speaker. Wonderful electric tone. Uses two "B" batteries. `Complete with nearly new two -volt "A" battery. W. J. Clark, Varna, or phone Hermall 871:12. 45-46p ' LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE GIGIIT WELL-BRED HOLSTEIN • Heifers due .to freshen in December. Apply Stanley Jackson,, phone 653x5 , "Seaforbli. 45p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1936 MASTER DELUXE CHEVRO- et coupe in excellent condition throughout. Apply Ray Potter, R.R. 3, ;Clinton, 'phone 9,llrld, 45b 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN IN k'AtIR ;',ehape. Good tires. Alamos East, R.R. '4, Clinton, phone 800r6, 44p WANTED TO BUY 'OLD HOBIOS AND DEAD ANIMALS :suitable for mink feed. Will pay 2i a pound for horses and call end pick up same. Dead animals according to value. If dead phone at once. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 986r21, or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderieh, 45btf SMALL HO.3ISE RECENTLY moved to Kirk St. Would Malta .e comfort- able home for a small` family and could' be made liveable in a month's time. Apply to James Elliott, Dublin. 39ble G'RO EIRY taTOIRIE, REFRESHMENTt booth and• service stattion on Blue. Walter Highway in Village of Bay- field; with modern seven -room dwell- ing, steam heated; fourfurnished ea/eine; eight acres of land with 1% acres in good cedar poles; ,price $7,000 plus stock and invoices. Apply H. 0. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton. 441tf lee STOREY DWELLING ABOUT two years old, living room with na- tural fireplace; dining. rooms den with electric fireplace; kitchen with built- in cupboards; four -piece bathroom with built-in tub and shower; two bedrooms; full basement; hot water heating system; good Donation; early possession. Apply H. C. Lawson, Real, Estate Rrokee, phone 251W, Clinton. 44btf HELP WANTED , WANTED—GOOD RELI'ABILE GSIRL as cashier. Thompson's Groceteria. 45p RAMMED/. is the easy way to big cash profits. 1f you have selling abi1 ity, a small capital and a desire to establish. a profitable business of your own, join us! . PRODUCTS ICJ4OWN THE WORLD OVER FOR THE31Rt QUALITY. Sell direct from door to door, full or part time. Pro- ducts sold throughout the year. De- tails and catalogue FREE on request. FAatiILtTX, Dept. D. 1600 Delorim- ier, Montreal. 458 WANTED CATTLE T'0' FEED FOdn THE WIN" - ter, by .the month. Apply Alex Wil- kins, R.R. 1, Londestboro, phone 24r8, Blyth. 45p NOTICE FULLER BRUSH CO. REPB3llSFAl- tative for Clinton and distriot—spe- cial Christmas gifts, Winnifred O'Neil, phone '75J. 42btf MISCELLANEOUS OLD DISABLED HORSES FOR mink feed. Some cedar kindling for sale. Elmer Trick, ,phone 907r5. 43.48p s'LENDOR TABLETS ARE EF'FfE1C- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks'. $5; at Pennebalcer's Drug Store. 45b CORSETS — MARTS GARMENTS for your individual figure needs; Full hips, average hipe or narrow hips; ono -piece models with inner adjust- able control if needed. Girdles and brassieres. Price range $4.45 to $21.80. 41frs. Harold, Crittenden, Or- ange St, Clinton, Box 153, phone 173. 44bti Rev. E. Stanway Heads Council of Churches Clinton Council of •Churches met -onWednesday, November 5, in the church parlor of Wesley -Willis Unit- ed' Church with Rev. W. J, Woolfrey presiding. As it was the annual meet- :ing, officers were elected for the naming year, Rev. E. R. Stanway, Prueefleld, was elected president, and Rev. P. 'G.",Stotesbnry, Bayfield, was re-elected sedretary-treasurer. A program committee was appoint- ed for the year and an hour of very profitable discussion was carried on. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Cann- dian Legion will hold its regular meeting in the Legion Homme, Monday, November 10, at 8.15 p.m, The ladies are asked to meet at 10.30 a.m., Sun' day, November 9, to parade to the Baptist Church for Divine Service. Dress your boy for Winter naw, while stock of styles and sizes is complete. BOYS' PARKAS Windproof, Showerproof(, Pure Wool Linings Fur - trimmed Hoods, sizes 4 to 16 fears $10.50 to $16.50 each BOYS' BREECHES In Meavy Tweed, Hunnjhley Cloth, , 1Corduory, Tweeduroy Sizes 6 to 12 years $3.85 to $50.50 per pair BOYS' GOLF HOSE Assorted Colours in WdoIs, and. Wool and Catton. mhltures All Sizes '50c to 85c per pair BOYS' WINTER UNDERWEAR MITTS, SKI CAPS BOOTS, and RUBBER FOOTWEAR Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top. Tailors, Cambridge 'Clotho!, Scott McHale Shoes PHONE 25 CLINVON BIRTHS °AtR(PE --. In' Clinton 'Cornmeal.* Hospital, on /Friday, October 31, 1947; to Kr. and Mrs.' Joe' Carter, Clinton, a daughter, (Marion Faye) G.REER—Irig Clinton Community Mics- pita!, on 'tS'aturdoy, November 1, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert: (Greer, R„R. 2, Bayfield, a son. SMII2Ri 3n Clinton Community Hos- pital, on Thursday, November 6, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Smith, Clinton, a son. DEATHS CLA K — Suddenly, in Varna, on 'Friday, Oetober 31, 1947, George Clarke, in his -78th year. Funeral Pram this late residence, Varna, to Varna United Church, Sunday, No- vember 2, with interment in Bay- field' cemetery. Service under the auspices of Varna.L.O,.L., No. 1035. COOK—(Alt the home of her sister, 'Mss. /Adnan Faster, God'erich, on Wednesday, October 29, 1947, Miss Minnie ,Cook, formerly of Hullett Township in her 75th year. Funeral from her sister's residence to Clin- ton Cemetery November 1. 0 Sewer Levels F. J. Melnay spoke to Council re• gardirng:alleged discrepancies -in levels of new sewers and outlets from houses He stated that in many eases, the faII was very nli;ght. CARD OF THANKS Mr. W. J. Colelough and family, Woodstock, wish to take thin olrpoi'- tunity of expressing their sincere appreciation .to kind friends and neighbours for the many expressions of sympathy extended in their recent Ioss of a beloved wife and mother. 45p CARD OF THANKS The family of the late George Clarke web to take this opportunity of expressing their heartfelt appre- elaation for all acts of kindness, nil folral tributes and all messages of sympathy extended to them in their recent sudden sad bereavement. Spe- cial thanks to Rev. Reba Hern, Rev. H. V. Workman and the organist and soloist for their kind assistance at the funeral. 46b IN MEMORIAM LEP1'IINGTOtN-1n loving memory of Thomas William Edgar Leppington who passed away five years ago, November 8, 1942. Just a thought of sweet remembrance Just a memory sad and true, Just rtbe love and sweet devotion, 03 one who thinks of you. —Lovingly remembered by sister, /one, and brother-in-law, Albert. 45,0 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Mary Aim Diehl AR persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Ann Diehl, late of the Town or Clinton, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 16th day of October, 1947, are hereby notified to send it full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on oe before the 22nd day of November, 1947, after which date the .assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED et Seaforth, this 28th day of ootober, 1947, McCONNEL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. , 44-5-6b r CEMENT U.S.A Portland Cement ' available in carload lots Direct from United States Quick Delivery Principals only Direct confirmatiou on all orders Also other general standing Materials sueh as Steel Nails in largrivaaitities WIRE — WRITE — PHONE 74 Rielunond St. E. Toronto, Ont. We. 1437 Open Evenings till 8.00 p.m. reenreareanee.Aj5✓ CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 0943 Taxi Limens s Granted I.`Connell' approved the issuiii'g of a Caapi, lieemse Its Hervey,, Ashton for, one year 3#/w n/nee) r 24, 1947 This. is' a separate license from eh.at held by this brother, Cliff Ashton, AUCTION, SAL ' : Of C3ioice Dairy Cows: anll, Xeunc Cattle at Porters' am, ,3 Hailes *fat of II'olmesville, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER X'2 at 1.30 p.m. The following: 25 young dairy cows, 3 fresh, 12 due to freshen in November..aand. De- cember, and! balance due in February and tMlareh; 5 youngfarrow eaves; 3 young calves; 2 Holstein heifers due' in January;. 10 . year-old Holstein heifers; 10 Holstein heifer calves (vacci- nated); A well-tbred (%latero bull calf, 6 months old; 15 dairy bred heifers (vaccinated); 16 .head of stocker cattle; (1.8 of the cows tare well-bred HeLateins, of good size and quality). All the (tattle will .be sold subject to guarantee. TERMS: CASH. 112 weather is nnfavorabe, the sale . will be held under cover, A. E. Townshend, Proprietor. Edward W. Elliott. 468 Auctioneer Men, Women Over 40 Feel Weak,Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, .Vim,'Vitality ? Does weak. rundown, exhausted oo0d)lion make you acct tagged out. oldT Try' ostrex.. Contains general tomes, st)mula0ta, Orton needed atter.3o or BHSyTntlIlmmheDo 0000a good drug stores everywhere. ltataS, lllastthys..amPoo!e,,rE ROXY' THEATRE C,L I N T O N New PlayingeeNov. 6.8 "THE •OVERI,ANDERS"• and: "GOD'S. COUNTRY" in Cinecolor Mon., Tues 'Wed,—Nov. 10-12 JOHNNY O'CLOCK Adult Entteetaainmenit A melodrama packed with 'sus. peltser intrigue and romance mystery that keeps Yent wonder= ing till Mbhe end. • Dick Powell, Evelyn Kayos and Lee, J. Cobb Thur8., Fri., Sat.—Nov. 13-15 First show at 7 p.m. John Mills, Valerie Hobson and Francis L. Sullivan Charles .Dickens °lassie tale of life, love and adventure in London and• in a Kentish vifage .springs vividly to life on the screen. Great Expectations Coming—Nov. 17-19' "DEAD RECKONING•"' ■ CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE G,O D E R I C H $ E A F O R'J' Ii Now Playing— "NORTHWEST TRAIL' and "DANNY BOY'. ?Long, Tues., Wed..—Two Features 'Edmund O'Brien, Ella Rains' and William Bendix A dramatic plot; woven of adven- ture, intrigue' excitement, romance THE WEB Adult Entertainment Nanny Rees, Tom Neal and William Farnum Pre8enting a new canine star in tip -tap story. MY DOG SHEP Thurs, Fri., Sat. GENE AUTRY Peggy Stewart and. Will Henry With .the .singing .Case, County Boys in a riding, fighting story of the wild and rugged West. Trail to San Antoine Coming.__ Gene Tierney in "THE GHOST AND MRS. MUIR" Now Playing "The Return of MONTE CRISTO'. Starring Louis Hayward.. Mon., Tues., Wed. - Adtult Entertainment.: Diek Powell, Evelyn Keyes and Tod Johnson : A robteet character steps in with his chin• out and. is bumped around before he gets the gal, JOHNNY O'CLOCK Thurs., Fri., Sat. John Wayne, Gail Russell and Harry Carey With a girl on his .mind and 'a gun. in his hand he fought until an angel came along. The Angel and the Badman Coining— "CARAVAN” Adult Entertainment Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. APPRENTICE WANTED TO LEARN THE PRINTING TRADE BRIGHT YOUNG MAN WITH SOME HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION A real opportunity for an ambitious youth to learn a skilled, highly - paid trade. HIGHEST WAGES Clinton News -Record Open Sunday, November 9 AND EVERY NIGHT NEXT WEER • • • WINTER CHANGE -OVER OUR SPECIALTY Murphy Bros. Garage HUDSON and WILLYS SALES and SERVICE Huron and Oringe Sts: Phone 465 Clinton a,`M�.»:M 1"Y^0""+0'.�,.`.*rJ;?�t3�s.7`._�i«wi«::': w"rH::i .''!'�:I'.R` � .:L'i !+, L�g"X :�i"�'dw4'I!,*a�*,''.,•� Re - Vitalized x. .£+ DRY CLEANING CI 3 -PIECE SUITS $1.00 4 -PIECE SUITS.. , , $1,50 TOP COATS $1 00 , , WINTER COATS . , $1.25 UNIFORIVIS .85 LADIES' DRESSES .90 COATS , . , $1.00 WITH FUR $1 25 SUITS $100 SUITS and COATS DYED ... , $4.00 For Sale .- 1 Suit and Raincoat, size 1 Winter O'Coat, size 38 36 GLIDDON'S PRESS SHOP "We Press While You Wait" PHONE 115 - - - i CLINTON AT YOUR SERVICE ANYTIME -- ANYWHERE Call ASHTON'S TAXI PHONE 110 Reasonable Rates OFFICE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Cliff Ashton, Prop. Residence Phone 372J Announcing --- Our New Location Huron Street, between Agnew's Cigar Store and Mel Crich's Bather Shop * * * HAMBURGERS 15c Golden Brown FRENCH FRIES ... .. 10e . HOT DOGS SANDWICHES TEA COFFEE MJLK SOFT DRINKS CIGARETTES TAKE --AWAY CONES to TAKE AWAY MIKE! 10c PARRY'S SNACK BAR Huron St. Phone 696J w PIN ARE YOU BRINGING YOUR CHILDREN TO CHRIST? JESUS SAID-- "Suffer little children to come unto Me." - -Mark 10:14 • "I am the way and the truth and the life." .—John 14:6 Parents have a great •responsibility to guide their children to the One Who alone can save them.; "He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life-" —John 6:47 "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out" —John 6:37 II;UN1,v IN — Hear Chas. Fuller, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Cal., on STATION CKLW Windsor, 12-12.30 E.S.T., Sunday neon tea► !mnImIlllnmllminllllmmlillVlmaommilimlimllllllllllllllllmlllmllmllmlimllllllllmlinllllmllllllllllllllllllmlflllllnllllllilllnfllillimnmlmmmmem yni mn The Toggery .Shoppe' ALL WOOL :. DRESS SOCKS Color, Black. Sizes 101/„ 11, 111/, 10 doz. only --- reg. 75e pair. THIS WEEK -- 2 Pair $1.10 WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Rather seance -- Sizes 14 to 11 $2.95 Each JUST ARRIVED — NEW SHIPMENT OF TIES $1.50 each MEN'S MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS Leave your order NOW: 2 Great Brands FASHION CRAFT and W. R. JOHNSTON TheToggeryShoppe PRONE 324 (Beecher Streets in charge) CLINTON �ImlmmnnlUnilnllll(IiUIINIIHIillll611(Illlllillpl;JmiVillill1ln;In!!IIPiIt!'!'h;iCnillllllillUNlinIiliGVill!IiilGi;ll!Illi!(lillllilllllllmall!!!llilllllllllllilmllmllmllVlVmIV Tenders for Snow Plowing TOWN OF CLINTON Sealed Tenders .will be received by the tumersigned up to 12 o'clock Noon, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1947, for .the contract of supplying and operating a truck with sufficient power to operate the Municipality's plow, to. clear the snow from the streets. The lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. , Town of Clinton M: T. CORLESS, Clerk and Treasurer.. CLERK'S NOTICE Of first posting of VOTERS' .LISTS for 1947 MUNICIPALITY of CLINTON, County of Huron NOTICE is Thereby given that I have complied. with Section 8 of THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT and. I have posted up in my office at Clinton'on the 28th day of getober, 1947, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such dist remains there for inspection. ' And I hereby call vp'ou'alit voters to take immediate' proceedings to have any errors or ovndssiohss corrected according to Taw, the last day for appeal being the 21st day of November, 1947. Darted at Clinton , this 28th day of October, 1947. M. T. CORLESS, Clerk of the Town of Clinton Moths Eat The Year Round ! We are equipped to DE -MOTH your upholstered furni- ture, rugs, draperies. This can be done in your 'home or cit our premises. MOTH CRYSTALS, deadly to ni;oths and larvae, but harmless to human beings. Minor repairs FREE OF CHARGE during de-mothing. JACK'S UPHOLSTERING W. L. MOORE, Proprietor WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Huron and Orange Sts. PHONE 6,2 Clinton