HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-11-06, Page 1News -Record
Adlets Pay
No. 45 - 69th Year, Whole No. 6277
The Home Paper With the News
Proclaims November 11 Public Holiday In Clinton
The 4Z�►sd.
time in the Dili Hall of bhe Radar
School, wheri eine of .the .beat parties
'in years was .staged, with about -500
.attendance . The"huge hall was
appropriately decorated . •for the oe-
cahion, and the dancers ware attired
in "hard lienee'ametumes -- and howl
The RCAF Central Air -Com-
mend .dance band flew up from Teen-
toe- end played for the dance in its
own inimitable style • lit seemed
that nearly everyone :in Clinton was
there . . .
* M w
may remember J. Frank Jackson,
now living in Barrie, who visited W.
D. Elam and other friends in °lintel
this week . . . Mrs. J. B. Gibbings
is a cousin . He is a son of the
late John Jaekson, shoe merchant
here where Beattie's Furniture stand
is located, and was 'with Foster and
Hanley, photographers, before leaving
Clinton in 1885 . Mr. Jack e
,practised photography. in Barrie f
mote than 30 years before retirin
in 1920.
Farmers. Win Overseas Trip
If you have guests or have
been or are goerig away, let
The NEWS - RECORD know.
Phone 4.
* a*
Douglas G. Ball spent the weekend'
in Detroit, Miele
David J. Johnston, Kitchener, spent
Tuesday last with hismother, Mrs.
J. H. Johnston.
Mies Doris Weymouth, London,
spent the weekend with leer parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waymouth.
Miss ;Marion Gibbing's, Dundas, will
spend this weekend at the home of
her parents, Mr. and •Mrs. B. J. Gibb-
Guests at the home.of Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. MacDonald over the weekend
were Mr. and Mrs, L. J. Clark, Kin-
W. J. IMiller and daughter, Miss
Maxine, attended the funeral of the
late Miss Minnie Cook in Godericb on
n Frank Fingland, Jr., and Bryson
or Perrin, University of Torouto, spent
g •the weekend with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fingland Sr,
Rev. George Minielly, Monkton,
who conducted serviees in Wesley-
, Willis United church on Sunday was
ue the guest while in town of Mrs. And-
a rwe Lane and family at the manse.
Douglas T. Bartliff, member of the
- firm of ;Bartliff Bros„ bakers and cion
e feotieuera, returned Sunday night
- from Chicago, 11'i., where he took a
- fortnight's course in :specialised bak-
Recent guests at the home of M,
and Mrs. Fred Lobb were Mr. and
Mrs, �i Erie Forsythe °erre, Me. and
Mrs. John Caere, Rt. Hon. Arthur
Meigban and Henry Calwell, all of
arid" mean? .. , "Ontario? originals
was the Iroquois word "karraderie'
which means "sparkling or blu
It was used to deserib
the waters of the present Lake Ont.
ario. , , Later, "kanaderie" was coir
tinted to "Ontario," and the whit
settlers gave .the name to the land a
long the lake's shores for an ever
extending area . , ,
Enjoying its best attendance in
several months, Clinton Lions Club
held a bang-up dinner meeting in
St. Paul's Parish Hali Tuesday, O'c-
teber 28, to heer Past President W. L.
"Nick" . Whyte give a firsthand ac-
count of his trip to the Lions Inter-
national Convention in SanFrancis-
co in July. First viee-president J. G.
McLay presided.
Reports of committees were given
by the following chairmen: Fa11
Probe, J, G. McLay and F. B. Penn•
ebaker; Sight Conservation, Harry
Bartliff, on tag day for the "Blind,
indicating $205 raised; Health and
Welfare, George 13. Beattie, who
solicited donations of clothing and
shoes for a needy family, to be left
at his store; Membership, R. S. At -
key, who indicated t' et individual
members would be tponsible for
submitting the names Of prospective
new members; 'Belie and Girls, An-
toine Garen, who asked for sugges-
tions for a new place for the Boy
Scouts and Girl Gulden to meet.
The Extension and Convention
Committee, was in charge of the
meeting, and George H. Jefferson,
chairman 'of -the committee, conduct-
ed the rest of the meeting. -
Three sehooi girls --Jane. Hartley,
.olive Petrie' and Jayne Hawkins-
contributed guitar and„b;tnjo trios
which proved very. acceptable..
en his .talk, Lion -Whyte outlined
the wonderful trip 'he and Mrs.
Whyte had taken to the Internation
al Convention, travelling he special
train through Chicago ' and the
Grand Canyon, • with a side tour to
The convention at SanFrancisco
was the largest ever held, with more
than 12,000 in attendance. Austra-
lia was a new country. in. Liohism
this year. Texas,'tstole the §how" in
the big parade, spending $50,000.
'Canada did eat advertise •herself as
well as -she might have. The conven
tion will be held in New York City
in July 1948.
The return trip was by way of
Portland, Ore., Victoria, B.C., Van-
eouver,'13.C., Lake Louise and Banff,
Alta., Calgary Alta. where they vis-
ited Dr. and Mrs. R. P. • Douglas,
formerly of Clinton;, Edmonton,
Alta., Saskatoon, Sask., Winnipeg,.
Man.. and Port William, where they
caught the boat for• Pert McNicoll.
In all these places, the Lions treated
them right aeoyally.
In . the • 28s; days, " they covered 10,-
000 miles, learned a lot and travell-
ed with a wonderful bunch of
people. "Lioniam has more to do
today than when it was created,"
Lion Whyte declared in cone'lusion.
He was thanked by Lion •: Jefferson
in behalf of the club.
Frank Fingland, chairman of
Program Committee, reported .that
at the next meeting on Armistice
Nig}it. November 1.1, 3. K. Hunter,
Goderieh, who was captured at
Dieppe, would recite his 'experi-
ences. L. M. Herbert, Y.M.C.A. Ex-
tension Secretary, voted speak at
the meeting on November. 25
Thedraw donated by Harry Bart-
iifF end Bill Ball, was won by Jane
The Week's ek s Weathelr'
High Low High Low
1947 1946
October 30 , el 46 . 71 50
a1. 51 4+L 66 44
November 1 . 52 ' 35 51 34
2 65 36 57 , 45
3 58 .41 60 4E`
4 f2- '40
' 5 54 44
dtainealt -••,23 inch '
Me. and Mrs, R. J. Gibbings spent
last week visiting their daughter,
Miss Marion Gibbings, Dundee, and
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Jahn Gibbirngs, and family,
Guests during the weekend at the
home of IMT. and .Mrs. A. J, McMurr-
ay were Mr, and Mrs, Frank Whit.
marsh, London, Mrs. Thema& MoM'nr-
ray, Guelph, and Mrs. D. Ferguson
and daughter, Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy G. Brawn and
John, spent the weekend at the home
of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
J, D. Brown, Orono, and attended the
funeral of his aunt, .the Iate Mrs.
henry Werry, Enniskillen, on Monday
Misses Helen S•haddook and Helen
Edith Forrester returned Monday
evening after spending the weekend
with the former'& cousin, •Mrs. Albert
Wiliert and Mr. Willert, Sarnia, They
also visited friends in Port Huron,
Mrs. Annie, Srown celebrated her
85th birthday on ~Sunday, her , four
daughters, Mrs. William Hoggart,
Maas. E. 'Yungbllut, -Londesboro, Mrs.
Gordon Cures, Thedford, and Mrs.
Wesley Hoggart, .Seaforth; •being pre-
sent for the oceasion.
Mrs :David M. Geddes, Rosetown,
Sask., who is visiting her son, Dr.
Donald 0, Geddes, has been visiting
in Pert Ielgin end on her return to
Clinton 'was accompanied by her sis-
ter, Miss 'Bessie Currie, who is
apending a fens days here.
Miss A..:Sinclair, superintendent of
Clinton Community Hospital, and Mrs.
O,..McKinnon, president of the Hos
pital Aid . Association,' attended the
cocwention of the Ontario Hospital
Association theld this week in the
Royal York Hotels, ,Toronto,
Mr. and .Mrs. Gebige.'Campbell and
daughter, Dianne, . '. accompanied by
Stanley Kelleher, London, left Sun -
clay by motor ,for Kirkland Lake
where Mrs. Campbell and Dianne are
visiting the former's mother, Mrs. J.
Faragher, Messrs Campbell and Kell-,
eher continued .on to Nipigon to join
Ellwood Epps for -a fortnight's deer.
and moose hinting. .Mr, Epps ,pre-
viously had flown .to Winnipeg, Man,
on a business trip, returning by train,
as far as Nipigon.
Collegiate Initiation
for 72 New Students
cunton 'Collegiate Institute held
its annual "initiation night" in' the
school' on. Hallowe'en, Friday last,'
when 72 new satudmets went through
the rituals prescribed to make them
fall -fledged-. menbers of 'the institu-
tion. After the ceremonies, there
Were ,:a short entertainment program
and a . dance.
Boy initiates 'wefts required to wear
Glen McFadddin, Millbank, seated on the tractor which .won him
a free trip to.Britain, chats with runner-up Russell Hare, Nanticoke. Me-
Faddin won the Esso Champions class for tractors at thetlaternational
Plowing •Mateh at Kingston, and with it the trip and a gold medal, -both
provided by Imperial Oil Limited, which sponsored the class.: Silver medal-
ist Hare also gets a free, trip'and both hope to take palrt in British plowing
matches early next year.
Two Hullett Farmers
InjurInjured byTractors
ed actors
Two neighboring Hullett Township tween the tractor and `the plow and
farmers -John Branrptan, 85, and W. was dragged about twenty-five feet
G. Rae, 74, ere pa'tient's' in Clinton while the tractor kept on its way,
Community 'hospital with mere or with no one to stop it. Finally, after
less serious injuries sutained in tree- tearing through fences acid fields,
tor accidents while in the course of the tractor came to rest against a
their duties. fence, A farmer, who was to .relieve
Both will be confined to hospital trim, found err. Brampton lying on
and bed for some time while leg the field ,unable to move.
fractures are mended, Dr. J. A Ad- The victim felt he war feat -mate
dion rendered medical aid. Beattie's shalt the tractor, . which was going
ambulance brought the injured men around in circles, dd not run over
to hospital here. him again.
Dragged 25 Feet Stepped Off Trnetor
IMr, Brompton suffered a fracture , Mr. Russ, who lives on the same
of his right leg about .sir, inches be- road two miles farther east of
low the hip, and several fractured Londesboro, was nlul.a, about four
ribs and ether injuries, when the o'clock Thursday air . an when he
tractor with which he was plowing stepped from a tractor' and fractured
ran amok on the farm of Zanies his leg .above the line.
Scanlon, east of Londesboro, Wednes- The victim oe this ,accident was
day noon last, riding en the tractor with another
bit. Brompton .became wedged be- man when they came to a wire strung
across in front of them. The delver '
H�� dodged the ware, abut Mr. Ross chose
HU• ett Gets to jump from the anachine in order
to ntlss it, with :the result that he
broke his leg,
Prepared For
Nominations The mailing list of The MEWS-
'° has been changed as oP
noon, Wednesday, November 5, and
Hullebt Township Council held its your label should read correctly. If
reguar meeting in Community Hail, there are any errors, please notify
Londesboro, Monday afternoon, No. the office immediately.; If your label
vember 3, with the Reeve and en mead's 'any month prior to November
members present. 1947, then your subscription is in
On motion of Counts. Rapson and arrears,. and an early settlement
pate the body .adjourned as a •Council would be appreciated.
and opened es a Court of ,Revisiop on e
the 1948. Assessment Roll with Coun. NO. SCHOOL FRIDAY
George b C.Brown
t 8chairman.
,hcor ca sion •9, AT CI BECAUSE OF
was ordered taken off the roll, $$60,
Town Council, I
In Action1
Clinton Town Couneii held its No-
,veleber meetng n the Council Chane
ber Monday. evening'w141h all members
lereeenit,and Mayor A. J. McMurray
presiding. •
Building Permits . Granted
' Council granted the issue of buiid-
irig permits to ,Norman Lever for an
oiling and greasing &eking on Helen
St,, $125; and;'tto W. Burton for a
sumporehaddition to his dwelling on
Jaynes. St., $100, -
Query on Sewer Outlet
Town clerk M. T. .Corless was in-
structed to reply to a letter from
George Knights regarding the sewer
outlet from his propery,
• Sewerage Tax
miles Dolly Cantelon, Raglan St
wrote taking full reduction in h
sewerage tax. After seine discussio
the letter was filed.
House Conditions
Peter ,Simone of We ton Construe
tion Co., sewer contractors, urged
inspection of house connections wit
eewer 'service, and the clerk was di -
Tooted to •reply,
Badminton Club
Council received a letter signed by
eleven ideal badminton enthusiasts re -
retesting permission to rent the town
hall for two nights a week until the
end of April. The matter was . left
in the hands .of the .Property Commit-
tea •
Referred to Solicitor
Miss Elizabeth Becker complained
of ntili being incorrectly .assessed and
taxed on part of one of her lots, No,
805, on Osborne St, The matter was
referred to the town solicitor.
Urges Citizens Honor
Memory of `War Dead
Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat
Mark 25th Anniversary
,Mr. and Mrs. Walter IM'offat, IBruce-
fieitl, observed their 25th wedding an-
niversary e t their lime en Tuesday,
November 4, .with relatives and frI-
ends attending from Gravenhurst,
Seaforth, Brucefield, Kiepen, and
In the evening a delightful time was
spent with progressive euchre one 01
:bhe .highlights. Nine tables. were in
play' and the winners were: Ladies,
Mrs. 0. Moir, lienal]; Gents, Hugh.
Berry, Brueefield.
Dainty refreshment:• were served.
the table looking lovely centred with
the wedding cake,' uses and yellow
and pink minis; and pink .tapers in
rt, silver hodere adding .to- the attract-
ivenese. Mr, and Mrs. Moffat were
the recipients of many lovely and
cantly gifts. Attending tee celebra-
tion from Fravenihurs,t were Mrs. P.
ti Fisher and Miss Eleanor Fisher.
Streets Committee
Reporting for the •street Commit-
tee, :Aid. Ernest Brown stated that
the bulk of •bhe graveIIing was com-
pleted in certain Sections of the town,
but some streets still were in great
need of grading and levelling.
Finance Report
Ald,!M, ,L Agnew presented the re-
port of the Finanee .Cons nittee cover-
ing payments and receipts for Oc-
tober. The following accounts, re-
ceived .prior to the opening of the
meeting of Connell, were read and
directed by Cornell to be paid: Jack
E'ilett $2; Pickett and .Campbell
$105; Harold Adams $42.25; George
F. Elliott .$22,50.
Extra Payments
A notion was passed approving
payment of the following accounts to
Levis Contracting Co. for work in
connection with wartime 'housing and
streets: housing, bulldozer, 1441/ house
@$7, $94,50; 676 yards gravel @25
cents, $189; total, $203.50; Streets,
grading, 39 hours @:$3, $117; 936
yards gravel @52 cents, $486.72; total
$608.72; bulldozer, 114 hours @$7,
$10.50; grand total, •$877.72,
H'allowe'en Pranks
AId. C, J. Livermore commented on
Halloween, that apparently. there had
been "a whole week of it!! and that
iperhaps next year there wonhi be
two weeks of it." He didn't emote
whether there had been any effort to
stop."it, andrelatod':bhat he had: heard
that a man had been, tied up by some
youths as a prank. He thought this
was going pretty' far. Member:: agreed
that these statements were true.
Ball Congratulations'
Aid. Agnew mentioned that the
doral baseball team had represenrte'd
t he town very *ell during the past
summea' rind suggested that a latter of
apprecition from Council be forward-
ed to the secretary. This was Ordered
as barn has been sold, on emotion of
Reeve J. W. Armstrong . and .Conn. le/embed 01 the teaching staff of
W. J. Dale. Clinton Collegiate Institute, at Tues-
'Phe following' dogs also were. taken day evening's meeting of the Col -
off the roll: Harvey Taylor, Russell Iegiate Institute Board' in the school
•McDonald, one dog,• Count of Ile-. were given ,permission to attend'' a
vision adjourned as such to December teachers' convention for the district
15, and opened es Council, In Goderich en Flr:iday, November 7.
On moten of Couns, ,W. ,R. Jewitt The result was that there will be
and George 0. Brown, the Clerk was
instructed' to draw pp a bylaw to
raise a' seooed assessment en branch
o;f the TayIor.drain; also the tile per -
tion of the main Taylor drain.
A .second by-law, setting the •time
and place for nomination meeting and F2'ank Marshall, East Wawatiosh;
election; was paaased. Details apPear Frank Taimbiya, Hallett; R. D. Philp,
in a proelamastion gnsbiished on Page Blyth; J. E. McKinley, .S'tanley Town
Six of this issue,' strip; 'Mrs. N. W. Trewaatha,'Goder-
A petition from Peter Taylor for a ice Township.
municipal domain en lots 2, 3,,4; eon- Preliminary to the' meeting, Donald
cession 11 and 12,- was accepted and McLay, :Ripley, demonstrated the
sent' to the engineer,' on motion' of visual .systemof +teaehing with a ano-
Couns, Rapson and Brawn. tion picture. projector •
Sylaws 47-12' end 47.13 were given Atter some disouesion, ' it was de -
three readings 'tend prated. Accounts sided to •discerntinus _eh,• eeewin ..in
Were,oider'ed paid; and' :4°tirnment g
the diollegi�ate Institute, of the . Nen
node to December 15. • lienal nen Board: pictures ,by Human
lAICd0UINTIS: Fred A. Edgar, County Federation of `Agriculture.
drains, $35, Town' of Clinton, division
court fees;', $S.17; Village of Slyth,
division . court ' fees 820; 'George W.
Cowin stamps for tax Blips, $28; G. 214 or 84.3 per- cont. By grades en -
W, Cowan, ,part salary, $70; -Earl' rolment was es follows: X3I, �8; XII,
McLaren, grader repair., $12,76; Gor, 29; Ki, 44,• XA, 34; XB, 39; 'IiXA;
Bron Radford, gas and oil, $106,37; G ygl 'tea ggr
W.; Oowan, freight on snow fence;
$•2.3.50; ,Peter Taylor,, ditching," $15;
road rinten t
Cuter,a tnu a den
William d ,
Tor n
48• Bert Hoggart,eu t a d ditxnh� .
, ,
no sehooi that day.
In the absence of the ohairni,an,
Frank - Fingland, Sr., vice-chairman ,
A. M. Knight .presided for ,+ the :meet-
ing, other members present. ,being
Trustees J. W. Crich, Teickm:Meth;
Principal' E. A, Fines' report for
October indicated total enrollment of
227, with an average attendance of
4; Robert .Riley, ditch, $5;' Arthur
Weymouth, grader operator, $1.07.40;
Arthur Weyrenoteli, ditch, $6.60; Hugh
tefi1ler, culvert, $4;' Gordon McGregor,
girls' gymnasaatri suits and running culvert, $4; •Glen Carter, culvert, $4;
shoes, while girl initiates were uni- George' Dube, ditch, $'10.25; Verne
Hoz ed in s'
ire e
s ax incites a c
s bov
Daler br shn6, �1BarRiley,mower
.the knees, wore pigtails and carried' operate?, $4L50; Nelson Lear, Abele
dolls,ing Taylor Marin, $3; George Carter,
Until; ;a . fortnght has eirpsed, the: Jurors' lists, *3.40; John Arm,
freelhmen win have to wear short jurors' lists, •$3; G. W. Cowan, juurors'
a colored bloc .an bow
sea d
ties, while freshettes mill continue to
wear their luhort dresses and pigtails,
Mies Mary :Matheson represented
the staff on the initiation committee;
the other members being Joan Flees,
lists, $3; George -C Brown, Taylor
drain, $10; John Armstrong, Taylor
drain, $10; John Armstrong, reeve,
$120; J. Ira Rapson, councillor, $40;
W. R. Jewitt, cementer, 4100; Will-'
. 43 nam 3. Dale, .councillor, $100; Leslie
47 36 Jeanne' Caron, Don 'Moller .and Bill ,Reid, eouneillor, u xnbr cry
inch Hearn `Boar , $60; Asburxid,' grant, $10.
Minimum Charge 50e
8e a worn
LORA. ranee, November 7. Mur -
dock's •Oh i
uhestra 9-1.
Anneal Fowli r.••
Sm Wipe St. Joseph's
church, .Clinton, Tuesday. November
18. 42btf
Annual meeting and Banquet, ,.Mul-
lett Federation of Agriculture,
turtby Hall,Londesbort.Friday,
' No-
vemlber 21, at 6.80 p.m. . 45p
Recital of ,piano, organ and voice
by Wiliam H, Wiekett, AT.C.M., R.
and :Mrs. Frank Saunders,
Oedema, ' in Wesley -Willis United
Anurehe on. Monday, November 24,
194,7.: Specneered by Y,P.t3.• • 461
Goderich Twp.
Here Nov. 21
Godieriuh Township Council met in
Holmeeville on .Monday, •November s
Connell decided to advertise for ten-
ders for snow ploughing, tenders to
be for three seotions, a plow for each
section; also for a price to supply a
bulldozer with wing, if needed.
One ratepayer objected to the levy
for Federation of Agriculture, This
being a statutory .ehavge unless the
ratepayer notifies ,bhe assesor of his
Objection, the request •ruse filed.
W. It. Dougall, county weed inpeet-
or, wrote that he could not find any
owner for the Holmesville cemetery.
Council will 'corned the ;Board ' of
.Holmnesville Church, Oro the Synod
of Huron, to help take care of this
/neglected cemetery .before -another
By-law No. 12 was read and passed
to provide for election of a .reeve and
four councillors; also far the election
of three trustees for the school area;
nomination to be held in the Council
Chamber, Clinton, on friday, Novena-
ber 21, and election, if •any, to be
held December 1.
Accounts paid: Reeve, .clerk and
assessor, selecting jarors, $10; Town
of .Clinton ,our share of division court
costs, $5.66; News -Record, printing,
$1.20.55; . �Signel-(Star, printing, $3.60;
l4lis Acheson, use of house, $5: super-
intendent, pay roll No. 12, $5,762.70.
Council adjourned to meet on Sat-
urday, November 15, at 1 .p.m.
G. Allen Settles, . a3ay1ield, was
elected president of • Huron County
Rolaten Breeders' Onle for the ensu-
ing year at the annual meeting held
in the Board Rootn,•Qmtario Agricul-
tural office, Clinton, Thursday even-
ing' last. • .
Other officers chosen were: ;past
president, William Sparks, Bayfield•,,
Let viceepresident, Ross 114'Iarshali,
liirkton; 2nd vice-preident, Howard
Trewartha, Clinton; secretary trees
Iiume Cliuhrton •Godericin
a directors ;Roy McBride, Heinen;
B. Goudie, Seaforth; Lawrence Bax-
Bono,•user, .W. ,
Orangemen Celebrate ter Goderich• s5 Galbraith, Myth;
Fawkes Anniversary
Members and friends of 'Murphy L,
Ode 710, (Clinton,, celebrated the an-
niver•sary of Guy Fawkes Day and
the discovery of the lament "Gun-
ge/Wrier plot",• at /their ane'asal ban-
quet in the Sunday, &hoot room of
Ontario St,. United Church Wakes -
day eyenrng. The function was :very
well attended.
The tables were- appropriately de-
corated with • the orange and :purple.
colors of the Order, and Worshinful
Master William lFulford presided.
Singsongs were . led by Percy Liver-
more and .Sldwerd W. Elliott.
The main speaker, Joseph Garcon•
London, Past Grand Master for 'On-
tario West, was introduced by Past
Worshipful Master W. S. R. Holmes.
Mr. Hanson emphasized the high.
ideals of tihe. Orange Order as related
to the .Christian religion, and said
that its work augmented that of the
churches, He .•declared that •a man
could not do his duty as a citizen
don his t to God.
duty Y
'Rev. W. 3. W.00lftey, minister of
Ontario St. shuuroh, expressed the
thanks of the gathering to Mr. Car -
eon, rend recited some otitis own ex-
periences a
sauce s a member of he Order.
p b t
George' Paleoiner and Charles Nelson
moved and seconded 'a vote of thanks
to the ladies :who had prepared and
seined the banquet:.
The :ebairnman called upon Pact
County Matter 'H M: Hanlyr who
epoke:briefly, and R. S. *dicey, who
brought greetings from the press,.
William Goer, Sleet; .Nelson Sten -
lake, Exeter. ,
The retiring president, William
Sparks, and the secretary -treasurer,
W,,H..:Mutton, skated that the Clwb's
position had 'improved .and has shown
a _ gain for the f'ourt`h consecutive
year.: Mr, Sipat-ke thanked all for
past year
their fine Conyers, ion during •bhe
The new .president expressed the 1
intention to do veeryrbhing Possible t°
ensure a banner year in 1948.'
LeRoy 0. Brown, Clinton, agrieul-
tural reipresenbative for Huron Coun-
ty, .disonssedl how best to meet the
current feed shortage, and recom-
mended methods to. restore and re-
plenish the soil of the county to its:
highest efficiency, He was introduced
by Leonard'. Leeming, Walton, and
was thanked in behalf of theeclub by
Colin .Campbell, Bayfield.
Fieldman 3. a. Terry, Brantford.
complimented the Chub on the steady
progress, eat it .had made over a
period of bhe last four years in each
of which an increase in memben-thin
was :Armen .and dhecammen
ted on the
well balanced .program that the club
bad sponsored during the past year.
He, also drew attention to the excel-
lent finaneiel" statement that had been
prepared and' de bilbuted to all ,mem-
hens for
the first time and .which
speweda healthy balance
Howard Trewarbha, Clinton, web
appointed ;• as the.Club':s representative
to the Board of Directors of tae
County Federation of Agrentlure.
Leech was 'served, at the close of
the •meeting.
A:ating on instructions of Town
Council, Mayor A. J..Mo1VI'urraytyest- -
erday issued a proclamation calling
upon all citizens to observe next Tues-
day, •November 11, as a public holiday
in remembrance of than from this
community wisp Post ,their lives in
World Wars 1 and IS. This proela-
nation is published on Page 3 of this
In this 'connection, His Worship
urged all &Senna of Clinton •and din=
trial to :attend the public Remem-
brance Day sereiee in tihe Town Hall,
commencing at 1A a,m., ;and continu-
ing for one heti.
This service is sponsored by Clinton
Branch No. 140, Canadian Legion,
and Clinton Council of Churches. Rev.
W. J. Woolfrey, minister of Ontario
St. United .Church, and retiring chair-
man 01 Clinton Connell of :Churches,
will - set as chairman, and other
mnisters taking part will be Rev.
Archibald Forsyth, pastor of the Sap;
tilt Church; Rev. Andrew Lane, min -
tater of Wesely-Willis United Church;
Rev. Ronald Sutteel, rector of St,
Paul's Anglican Church; Rev. David
T Lane, minter of Clniton Presbyter -
ion Church; and Flt. Lieut. T. Dale
Jones, Protestant chaplain, R. and C,
School, RCAF, Clinton. Two minutes'
silence •will be observed.
' A parade will form at the Town
Hall and. will march to the cenotaph
at the Post 08fiee where :the wreaths
will be pieced by the various organ-
Legion and RCAF
Members of the Canadian Legion
and other veterans of both wars, as
well as a detaehment from RCAF
Station, •Olisiton, will pautieipate in
the eoarumun ty service .and ,parade,
which will fallow to the cenotaph.
Poppy Day Saturday.
Im his proclamation, the Mayor
called attention •to .bhe annual Poppy
Day which is .being conducted here
Saturday, November 8, by the Legion
and Auxiliary.
• Legion Church Parade
The annual tame!' parade of Clin-
ton Branch' 140, Canadian Legion,
will be held to the Baptist Church on
Sunday; November 9, at 11 sere Rev,
Archibald Forsyth, herself a 'MAC
veteran of World War I, will be the
Bayfield Lions Club held its regu-
lar meeting at Title Inn on Tuesday
evening, November 4, instead of on
the regular meeting night, Wednes-
day. There were 25 memberspresent,
with ,ten members from Seeforth
Lions CIub, to enjoy an evening of
singing and the showing of pictures
of the San Francisco Lions Interna.
tional Convention by Dr, E. A. Mc-
Master and James P. Scott, president
of . Seaforth Lions ,Club.
Dr. MoTaster gave a brief ,talk
de rribing the party of Lions end
their wives who made the trip to
Los Angeles and San Francisco, Ile
Vika of the several tours of .the
cities' they were taken on by the
varous Lions aa they passed through
en route to the. convention. There
were pictures of the Colorado Canyon
and of other just as interesting places
through the Western States. The
most interesting and! outsanding pic-
tures shower were of the Lions Inter.
national Parade of 5,000 Lions. These
pictures were all in technieolor. In
the parade -were floats from the sari••
oils States in the Union end ether
De, McMaster was thanked by the
President, George Castle, who re-
marked that the pictures made all
feel as ifthey had 'taken the trip
as web.
Dr;•.'MeMaster in replying stated
how -surprised he was to see Mob a
strong 'Lions Club im Bayfield and
of how much it had progressed, Jim
Scott also paid tribute the Bayfield
Club.. and mentioned the ,peppy sing-
ing under the efficient leadership of
Grant Turner. Lion Turner had num-
bers from the inarried men, .the 'single
men and the . married . men without
children, 'There were two Lion "Spin -
nye Irwin just being under the wire,
and a muo'h applauded duet was sung.
Lion C. Rogers, a summer resident
of • the village, some time ago, pre-
sented' the Club with a large ,black
and white ,plaque of "0 Canada". This
gift was fittingly received by the
A new member was added to the
rel) in the person of Mr, aleaok, succ-
essor to Charles 'Sootcinner in the
hardware store, '
The •Club will have another regular
Wednes a
d, Noire,
ember 19, when it is hoped to ,Have
another evening with entertainment
as enjoyable.
A Smile
Labor Marked Note
Baby sitters tome and. go, .
Webb- prices getting steeper,
But Grandma does bhe- "finest jos?,,
,And, nears; i say, mucin cheaper.