HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-10-23, Page 6Lois Wood then ledin the singing of
"O' Canada", followed ,by hymn 366,,
after which all repeated the benedic—
tion. The 'hostess then served lunch;
which was enjoyed: by everyone:
Awarded' Prize
Ralph It. Krueger, Zurich, :has' been
awarded the Helen M. Benson Prize;
in Astronomy at University of West-
ern Ontario Summer School, London„
and will receive the award et' the fall
convocation October 24:
tAcog s'x
jx�t�resting Iterr�s 'From News
• Representative
Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31
homeB:ever•ley York, London, was
e oven.• the weekend.
• Rev. F. G. Stotesbury left on Wed-
nesday to •spend' a few days in oron-
Glen Brandon has returned Monne
after having worked at Exeter for
Sound time.
Mr.. and Mrs. William Moran and
Mas, •Morgan, London, spent Monday
in the village.
Mrs.• D. A. Volame returned to the
village ea .Monday after leaping visit-
ed in Toronto.
Mr; and 'Mas. B. E'. Foyston, Byron,
spent the weekend at their .cottage in
JoWett'e Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. H, Bauer, Waterloo;
were at their cottage in the village
over the weekend.
Douglas Stotesbury, Wemys's, Ont.
spout Monday and Tuesday with his
father, Rev. F. G. Stotesbury.
Mr. andMrs. Robert Berry, London.
spent the .weekend with the former's
brother Charles and Mrs. Berry.
,Mk. and Mrs. C. Wright, London
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Berry over the weekend.
Mr. and (Mrs. E. J. Bauer, Waterloo,
Spent the weekend at their cottage.
They are having the • ground% land -
Mrs. G. S. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs,
Ceoil Hohnes, London, \visited M`rs.
C. W. Brown "The Briars" one day
r e
ee rutty.
.Mr•. and Mars. Maynard Corrie are
on ;holiday this week. Mrs, Canfield
has charge of the store during their
• absence.
Clarence Larson, accompanied by
'dics Lite Simpson, London, spent
the weekend with his mother, Mrs,
R. Larson.
George E. Little attended the or•
ganization meeting of the Maitland
' 'Fish and Game Chub in Goderioh
Monday evening,
Mns. F. Pearce is spending a few
daye with her brother Dave Campbell
and Mhs:
Campbell, B
am belt Bayfield field Line
G rhrsh Township.
Miss Peggy Burt, Howard and
Ronald Burt, London, spent the week-
end with 'their grandparents, Mr. and
M'us. F. W. Baker.
Mhs. L. •G. Bassett accompanied by
her sister, ;hers. G. Davison, Weed -
stook, retuenedl to her home in the
village on Monday.
Mrs. Elude Newton, Detroit, is visit-
ing her sister, Miss Elizabeth Weston
Her son, Kenneth Newton, was also
here over the weekend.
Mrs Spencer Devine and baby
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, returned
home on Monday after having spent
a week at Southampton, •
Misses M. and 3. Miller •and .Miss
A. Savage 'who was their guest for
a week returned to Detroit on Sunday
with Miss Jessie Metcalf.
Me. Albert .0atling, Port Stanley,
Cider Mill
Will operate for the
Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
and Evenings
Special Appointment
Onto -01
and son, Rev. James Catling, Dor-
chester, and Mrs. T. Decou, St. Thom-
as, spent Monday in the village.
P10'Douglas Sam, who is stationed
at the RCAF R. and C. School, Clin-
ton, •and Mrs. Sant 'are occupying an
•Muster •Gerry Wallis spent the
weekend with his granadmothee, Mrs.
Ambler Welsh.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lavin and children'
New Hamieeng visited, Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Thoaremon en Sunday,
M. and •Mrs. ;Robert. Welsh, Frank
Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
°tuff, motored to Tabermory lin Sun -
eller. at G. Mc14Dillaii's lone. `l r, and ,1VLxs'. Edgar RathwelI and
Drz•, ent at Cooper, Detroit, en- daughteas• •and'. ,M'r, and Mrs. T. Rath-
tentained a stag party of eight from ,well and Lois, nese guests -e Sunday
Detroit at Wave Cease", from of IVIr. and Mrs. B, .3, d2athwell.
Thur•sclaiy until Sunday 'last week.
IMi, and Mrs. C. R. Gibbs, Harry
Smith, .Royal Oak, Mr, and Mss. G.
Burlinggeme, Detroit, were guests at
the Albion Hotel over the weekend.
William R. Elicit returned hoarse
on Sunday from Stratford hospital,
where he wase taken last week when
he suffered a severe nasal hemot-
irb age.
Mies Mamie Henning amici Mrs. Alice
Woodward returned to Detroit on
Sunday after having been the guests
of Miss L. Keeley "Birrehciiff" from
Mrs. le. A. Edwards, Mrs. R, J.
Watson and Master• Edward's. returned
home on Wednesday of last week af-
ter having spent Thanksgiving in
Mhs. R. H. Middleton and Bobby
who spent last week with her mother,
Mrs. N, W. Moods returned to Hen -
sail on ;Sunday with Mr, Middleton
who was here for the day.
nd as.F.
H. Paull,
were the guests. of Mrs. N. W Woods
over Sunday night. They left on Mon-
day morning for Windsor where Mrs.
Paull attended the semi-annual meet
ing of the W. A. of Huron Diocese
Spencer Ervine, Charles, Jack and
Gordon S'eothchmer and Milton Tal-
bot have returned from their trip to
the ploughing match at Kingston.
They motored to eifontreal fell -tying
the event and report a most enjoyable
,Mrs', E. R. Milburn, Detroit, and
Meir. F. D. Hendrick, Birmingham,
IVeiche visited d Miss M. Patalrh
Weslnvmd .ever the weekend.is
M s
Fairbairn, who has closed her eobtage
for the season accompanied them on
their return to Detroit.
Mr. and ;Mrs. Cliff Pollock and two
daughters, Helen and Marjory, Lan-
don, spent the weekend with the for-
mer's sister, Mats. R. B. Johnston,
William Fee and Miss tMary Fee, Hen -
sell were also ,the 'greats of 1ifr. and
Mrs'. Johnston on Sunday,
Attended Convention
Mrs. Oliver Rhyme, who recently
left for Toronto after having spent
some time with her 'brother, William
L. Ferguson and ,Mrs. Ferguson, at.
tended .the meeting of the Womens
Hospital Aids A'ssoeiation of 'Manit-
obaand the Oanadian Hospital Coun-
cil, at Winnipeg last week. ;Mrs. My-
nas is Administrator of Public ;Relat-
ions of the Women's Hospital Aids
Association. of Ontario.
Speaks on Algoma
There was a large attendance at
St, Andrew's United Church when
Douglas Stotesbury gave a very in-
teresting illustrated lecture on North-
ern ,Algoma.
A naturalist, Mr. Stotesbury had
taken the coloured moving pictures
himself while travelling in the count-
ry as a student naissios'ary. They
gave a great insight into .the .life,
beautiful scenery, and also the 'hard-
ships of .travel in scenes depicting
hunting. the +trapping of beaver, mink
otter, fishing through the ice and the
preparation of meals hi hunters' cab-
ins, the mining of iron ere from bhe
mine to the boats at Sault Ste Marie:
ekes and waterfalls and the cane
'nside an ice bridge on Superior shares
and bhe railway from 'Sault Ste
Marie to Hearst which in many placer
s cut deep through the rock and over
which a locomotive does not travel
more than .twenty-five miles an hour.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ludlow, To-
ronto spent Thanksgiving with the
latter's' grandmother, Mrs. William
Mrs. William S. Wightman, who has
been confined to bed for many months
at her home in the village, was taken
to Alexandra Marine and General
hospital, Goderich, on Saturday.
Jack C'as'tle, who was. taken to Alex-
renidra Marine and General hospital,
Goderieh, on Friday last, when he was
threatened, vrith ,bronchial pneumonia,
has recovered and returned to his
home in the village.
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(Intended for last week)
Mr. and 'Mrs, F. McAllister, Lin-
den, - spent the week -end: at their
summer home at .the Bayfield High-
Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, De-
troit, and Mrs.` Olive Welsh, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallis, Mar-
garet and Carol, were guests on Sun-
day of Mr. and Mrs, George Addison
and Betty, Londsboto.
IM'r. and Mrs. Phil Heit'hchmer,
George and Neva, Stratford, had es
their Thanksgiving week -end guests
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hergott and
family, Barelyerg.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ,Merkley, Wing -
ham, spent the week -end holiday at
their enterer home at Lane O'Pines.
Their guests were Mr. and .Mrs, Bob
Hall, Miss Dorothy Pipe and Mr. Roy
Manuel, and Mr., and Mrs. Howard
Fuller, all of Wingham.
Mi. and Mrs. James Barnes anti
Miss Alma Barnes, Londton, spent
Thanksgiving week -end at their cot-
tage at Lake GRines beach, Their
s'on-in-liaw an -• '
d daughter, Ma, and
Mrs. A. Thomas' and Mary Anne
Chatham, were their guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phillips, Mr. and
Mrs. Philips .and daughter, Joy, of
Ulnae, Mich., Miss Violet Phillips, To-
ronto, Miss Jennie Irvine, Brigden,
anis Norman Ritz, O.A.C., Guelph,
were guests at the .home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Merrill .and family over the
week end. John Finlayson, Y pioneer residents of
Sumpter Homes Sold that ,township. After her marriage in
Mr. and .Mrs. Loren W. Burch have 1896, she lived in Tuckersmith. In
sold all their summer homes at the 1944, she and her husband went to
Bayfield Highlands, With the excep- Detroit, where Mr. Forsythe died,
tion of their own summer home, to Surviving are orate son, John F.,
the following '
families, les, who spent the Detroit; one daughter, ,Mrs. G. E.
week -end andholiday
their Bav
field • Highlands ;homes.;Me. and Mrs.'Saiih, Detroit, three bnothers, John
E. Al. Millsap and daughters,"Jill and F•1 Seaforth; James F., Tuckersmith;
Judy, and their guests, Mr. and Mrs.;and Wellman, New Westminster, B.C.
Wiliam IMeHugh, London; Mrs. G. '.V. l Mrs. Forsythe was a member of St.
Millsap, accompanied by her secre- iAnd``kew's United Church, Kippen, and
tary, 'Miss Isobel .Simpson, London; active in the Woman's Missionary
Mr. and, Mrs. Lemon, Base Line Road, Society.
London, accompanied by their family;
Mi. and Mrs. Oh Kippen East W.I.
Concert Well Attended
.A. grand musical concent was held
in Brncefield United church, .Monday
_October]. 20, Mr. IvfeGee, London, reg.
ularly P'L heard on CFLondon dem-
onstrated the Hatnmotnd' org'nn mecent-
ly installed in, the - c'hurc'h, He was
assisted by Gayle Gordon, noted Lon-
don violinist.
(intended for: last week)
Mrs. D. A. Cameron, Clinton, spetct
a few days with friends around B
There were many visitors i
around the village for the Th
giving holiday. .Among those n
were Misses Elizabeth, Ina and
May Scott, Miss Hazel Dining
Rossi billing, Mies Marion Patt
Miss Margaret Aikenhead', all of
Thanksgiving Services
Thanksgiving services were
attended in the United Churlh on
day, and the 'sermon by Rev.
Stanway and inu'si!c by the choir
BLYTH ' in keeping with the day. At the
7&FTUR'S'DJetY, GOTOBER,,23, j847'
Mas, Davis, Exeter, visited Mr. and
is, J. H. Shobbrook on ,Sunday.
Miss Eva Goodhue, Poet Stanley,
spent 'the week -end with Miss Bina
MT. and, elks. Colin Fingland spentSunday with the former's sister, Miss
Alice Fingeand,
rctee•• M. and Alis. Aathur Kerslake,
Exeter, •spent Sunday with Me. and
n and Mrs. Bagri Gaunt:
otieed Mr: and 'Mrs. Prank ;Rolbetton, Billie
Ellen and. Joan visited Mr. and Mi.'s. John
• and Nott on Sunday.
eelon, Mi. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford
Lon•- and family .and Miss Doreen Ann-
' strong spent the week -end in Ham-
iltonand Niagara Fall's.
gee. Ahniversary Services.
E. R. The Annniversaay ,Seaveces of the
were United Church will be 'held Saniday,
morn- October 26 at 11 a.m. and 7.80 p,mr
sang The ;Choir will render special music
and Rev, Dr. W. Fingland. Niagara
Fall's. will be the guest preacher.
Mission Circle Meets
The Aintwell Mission Cerele held
its regular monthly meeting .at the
home of (Mrs. Allan .Shaddick Tues-
day evening, October 14, with the.
president, M'xs, John Pipe, in the
chair, The meeting opened with the
singiaag of hymen 78, followed by the
reading of the minutes of the last
meeting, roil call and the treasurer's
re. ort. The
'business' was than dis-
cussed' after which the program com-
mittee took charge of the meeting.
The study 'book was given in different
parts which were taken by Thelma
Shobbrook, Frances Lyon and Leis
Wood. Hynin 380 was sung and Do•
leen Arnnsitrong read the Scripture.Phyllis MlCool favored us with a 'solo
and Doreen Armstrong led in prayer.,
ing service, Mies June Murdock
To Receive Degree a solo "Thanks be to God",
Three infants were baptized at the
Rev. John Lanceley Henderson, morning service: Caroline Mary Aik-
Blyth, has been granted the degree I enhead, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,.
of Bachelor of Divinity by the Un- Fred Aikenhead; Douglas Glen Me•
iversity of Western Ontario, London. (Reath, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex Me -
His will be one of 63 degrees and
diplomas which will be presented at
the Fall Convocation of the Univer-
sity in Beal Technical School Aud-
itorium, London, on October 24.
Passes in Detroit
Mee. Jean Finlayson Forsythe,
w iid'ow of Abe Forsythe, died Wed-
nesday night, October 15, at the home
of her daughter, iMac. G. T. Scott,
Detroit, titer cm illness of two weeks.
Born ''in Tecicersimlth, 'she was a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
nares Dalton and
Enmity, 'Chuck, Laity and Carol, Lan- The October meeting of Kippen
don; Mr. and Mrs, John Miller, theft ,East Woinen's Institute was held at
sons and guests, London; Mr. and the home of Mrs, W. McLean Wed -
Mrs. D. t. Douglas, also of London. Inesday, October 15, with 1VIrs, T. Ifay
Mr. and errs. Jack Griffin and as co-Shostess. Mrs. W. Kyle, dau hter, Margaret, Toronto, visited y peeS2-
at ehe hone of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred idertt, was .in the chair. The meeting
Biggin during the week -end, opened by singing bhe Institute Ode
followed by the Lord's Prayer. All
Community Club Meets .joined in singing "Way down upon
SS. No. 4 Community Club met at the 'Swannee ,River", Dr, Brady, See-
the home of Mrs, L. Pearson for their forth, was guest spoeeer for the ev-
Octaber meeting. The president the meeting with the Lord's Prayer
ed ening, and gave a splendid address
cl . „
in unison, folowed by the reading of 011 Hospitalization", explaining the
the minutes of the previous meeting. 'many advantages of this new scheme
Articles finished for the bazaar were Peee in progress. Miss Florence
handed in and marked. It was decided, Welsh, Retrial], favored with a
to buy more print to be made intopleasing solo, "Bless this house", ac -
aprons for ,the bazaar. Plans were 'companied by Mrs. Laird Micicle. Roll
made for the bazaar tea. r !call was answered by "a new health
A gift donated by Mrs, Vtrilliants,habit which I should r raebice daily".
was won by 'Mrs: Pearson, The next p Y
meeting is to be 'held at the home Mrs. J. McClellan and Miss Grace
cif Mrs. Stewart Farquhar. The meet-;Tremeer were appointed delegates to
ing closed with the N'izpab beneciic- the Western Ontavtie -Institute eon -
tion, The -hostess served a very de . vention to be •held at Hotel London
lichees lunch. October 28, 29, 30.
It was also decided to use the Insti-
tute sugar that is left to make Cheist-
ma's crake to be sent to England for
Christmas. The Institute is making
an appeal for donations of fruit, nuts
or ;butter to be 'eft at Ityde's or
Damon's stores in Kippen or with any
Institute member where it will be
distributed to the ccnnmuittees in
charge of making these cakes; all do•
nations to he left by November 1. 7t
was also. decided to have a euchre
and dance in the near future and fur-
ther .particulars will appear 'eater,
Letters of thanks were woad from
Mrs. W. Lean re ourin
St. John's Thanksgiving Toronto, •and Mrs. P. Kay. 1VLissran Helen.
Harvest Thanksgiving .services will Love favored with a piano, solo,
be held in St. John' (Anglican Church Tchaikowskey's' Conee-,to Nd. 1. The
on Sunday, ,October• 26. Rev. R. M. motto, "To mite ie the voice of the
P, Bulteel, of St. Paul's Church, Clin- 'past; to prevent is the divine whisper
ton, will lie the guest speaker at of the fature", was presented by ;Mrs,
11 -am, In the evening at seven Glenn ;MeLean in her most capable
o'clock, E. Lloyd Lake, Huron 01- manner. A recitation, "The singing
lege, 'London, will be in charge of the of that .hymn". was given by Mrs.
service. Everyone is cordially invited Ross Chapman. The meeting ceased
to attend ,these services. Service in with singing the National Anthem,
the United Church will be withdrawn. and Mee. Jack Sinclair roved a hearty
vote •me .thanks to the hostesses and
those taking part in the program
Lunch was served by the committee
in °barge.
Mrs. al. G. Beatty and Mist Mese
sop, in company with MT. Stephenson,
visited with friends in Cromarty and
Brussels last week.
Newlyweds Feted
A. very ,pleasant evening was spent
in the Township Hall on Friday When
newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. R. Reid
were presented with a miscellaneous
shower, followed by 'a dance. Lunch
was served,
(Intended for lett week)
Mrs. Willis, Toronto, is .a guest at
the home of iMe. and Mrs, W. Web-
ster and family.
Mr.. and Mrs. Will Clarke and
family are getting comfortably set-
tled in their new home. We welcome
tlseen to the vilage.
Mr. and Mrs. Lather and family
and Miss G Beatty, London, spoilt
the week -end and holiday with Mrs.
L. Beatty and 8biith.
Dr. Harvey and Mrs. Reid and
daughter, Toronto., were holiday and
week -end guests with the former's
mother, ,MVM'rs. M. Reid,
Mr, and 'Mrs. Argo and two sons,
Toronto; spent the holiday week -end
with Mrs. A.. ''McConnell. Mrs. Mc-
Connell returned with them and will
spend •so'ine time in the city. •
.Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs.
B Keys, Brumfield, with Ms's W.
Hart; 'Mrs E. Smith and daughter,
Mrs 13'odsworth, London, with Mr.
and Mars. W. Bell and children Mr.
Rickert and Mrs. E Cole, Tucker -
smith, with (Mrs. M G. Beatty and
Miss ',Cosset); Mr. and Mas. F Ca.ieve,
Bruceifield, with Mr aid Mee M.
Elliott and ttandly Mr. and iMis.
Carter and daughter, London, with
Mr. and ,Mrs. E. Orator.
Harvest Thanksgiving
Harvest Thanksgiving services twill
be held in St. John's Anglican Church
Sunday, Ocotober 26, at 11 a.m.
Special Services '
Rev. C. P. Tavener. Holmesville;
delivered two splendid aerm.ons in the
United Church Sunday last. The ser-
vices were well attended both morn-
ing and evening. In the evenng the
choir was assisted rby Lockart John-
ston and daughter, Betty, London,
The :latter sang a solo in a very cap.
Mile manner, which wen greatly en-
�eat'h; end John Eclevard, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Walker.
B. C. Couple Honored
Mr. and Mrs, James Forrest, 'Al-
berni, B:C., were the guests of honor
at a gathering 'held at the home of
Mr. and. Mrs. William Henry on Fri-
day evening, Ootober 10, (About 30
relatives ansI a few friends spent a
happy evening together. Mr. and Mrs,
Forrest return shortly to their home
in B.C. Mrs. H. Aikenhead and Mrs.
Henry are aunts of . Mr. and Mrs.
Forrest, and 18. D. Cameron, Clinton,
is an uncle.
Holmesville W. M. S. and W. A.
Holmesville W. M. S. met at the
home of Mrs. C. Wilson for the Oct-
ober meeting with 'Mrs. E. Grigg
The devotiona▪ l period• opened by
of Hymen ??2
Ym . , after which Mrs.
W. Yeo lead in ,prayer. A poem in-
t'[tred "Thanksgiving Prayers" was
read by the leader.
The scripture lesson was the 147th
Psalm 'An article on Christian Ste•
wardship: was given by Mrs. H. Cud -
more and one en Temperance by (Mrs.
C. Freeman. The secretary read the
minutes of the last meeting and roll
call else a letter of thanks for
Hewers from Mbs, Harold Yeo, All
joined in singing H.ynm 33, Tho topic
for the day entitled "The Bible for
the North American Indians" was
taken by Mrs.. E. Potter. Mrs. C.
Freeman and Mrs. W- Norman, fay.
ored with a duet,
Meeting closed by singing Hymn 156
The meeting of the W. A. followed
conducted by Mrs, A. Bond and' open-
ing with Hyman. 284 followed by pray-
er by Mrs. Norman. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and a-
doptod. The treasurer gave a report
on expense of decoration of church.
A lengthy business period follow.
ed with plans being made for bazaar
to be held October 25 in Clinton Town
•Ohrisbmas cards which Society are
selling were also on hand. All joined
in repeating the 1tVizpah Benediction
after which Mrs. N. Heard and Mrs.
C. Wilson •served lunch.
(Intended for Last week)
Mrs. John Harris is spending a few
weeks at the Bert Harris home.
Mt•. and Mrs. Bert Harris and two
:children left en October 6 by but
for the West.
Most of Porter's Hill attended an.
niversary services at Holmesville on
Sunday last,
Sympathy Extended
Sympathy is extended to Grant
Stirling in his hour .of sorrow through
the passing of his young wiufe.
The W.A. 'held its October meeting
ma, Thursday afternoon at the home
of ,Mrs, Jim Cox with 11 ladies' pre-
sent and Mrs. Les Cox in charge.
The meeting was opened with a hymn.
elf T1hanlosgieing. 'Mrs. Elgin Cox
read the lesson, followed by all re-
peating the Lord's Prayer. In the
absence of the seeretary, Mrs. Will
Cox read the minutes. It was moved
and seconded that we hold a crokinole.
panty in the church basement on
Hallowe'en, everyone- welcome. A
number of quilt blocks were -handed
in. .Some articles left over from the
bazaar were sold. A. lovely lunch
Was enjoyed,
Extra Copies
Clinton News, -Record
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Township of Hullett
The Council of the 'Township of Hulled will 'hold a Court
of Revision on the 1948 Assessment Roll, MONDAY,
NOVEMBER 3. at 2 p.m., in Community Hall, Londesboro,
GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk
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