Clinton News-Record, 1947-10-23, Page 5THURIS@A/Y, OCTO It., 2a 19411 CLINiFON NEIWS,Eacoun PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified ets Bring Quick Results CAM BATF -(If ',paid by Wed- .•needay'following date of insertion)- One cent •a word first insertion (min - mum 30 cents); subsequent inser- tions, one cent a word (minimum'25 cants); 10 cents extra for box num- ber or for directing to NEWS- . RECORD Office. IIP CHARGED -20 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 .in., Wednesday.. FOR SALE ••OINE+ D'IINING ROOM TABLE AND ••:si reeliaias--.all •solid oak. Phone 797W. 43b GIRL'S GR$Y TWEED ;WI/NTE1t ..cast warlmly lined, sire 14, $5. Phone 33W: 43p o +' NEW mamma PAID c'ool< stove, one year old. Ted !Sanderson, Albert St., phone 185J 48b GOOD- IM/1LGE C10 5C STOVE IN .good condition, white and grey enam- el, wood or coal, reservoir. A. Garon, .phone Clinton 312. 43-44p. ALASEA REFRIGERATOR, eapaeity 100 lbs. Has three !acts, oak finish; price $25. Apply A. D. Comfort at ILay • Conneil's farm. 439 LADY'S ELAOK . WENri'ER COAT wilhh Persian iamb trimming, new, .size 14, must sell immediately; also -monis blue ,pin -stripe worsted suit, -size 42. Phone Minton 475. 48p -CLOTHING - 5 LAMES' HdOAVY winter coats, -sizes 221k -16-14 (ehemaois lined)', fur trirrnmed, cloth -and tweed. Specially priced for quick • sale. Martins Department Store, 'Olin- • -'ton. • 43p . ANTI -FREEZE $1.75 per gallon; 5 -gallons $1.65; 19 feet line shaft with pulleys; heavy new 600x16 tubes, $3; 22 single shot rifle. Apply W. B. -'Thompson, two miles west of ''Clinton on No. 8 Highway. 43p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE.• TWO SHEEP AND FOUR LAMBS ':for sale. Apply Ninian Heard, phone Clinton 9017'41, 43p 20 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD'. APPLY David Campbell, Bayfield Line, phone Minton 909r31, 43b PROPERTY FOR SALE BARN 72'xr2&'; ILITCIIEN 20'x12' ON oak foundation. Apply to James A. Dale, Clinton. 48p SIX ROOM HOUSE, WATER., AND electricity, hen •house and Large gar- den. Apply Box'MS" NEIWS•h 5I50J RD,, BUPLDING LOT 012 RAGLAN ST., Clinton, with orchard and trees; will sell in one parcel or divided. Mrs. Ilene Henri, phone Clinton223. 4128p A 0NE'-STORIEY FRAi1VIE: DWELL- ing in .Clinton.; Hydro, water, ,barn on property. Innmediate possession. Apply to H. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, ,phone 251W. 3&btf SMALL HOUSE RE0EINTLY moved to Kirk St. Weald make a comfort- able home for a small family and could be made liveable in a month's time. Apply to James Elliott, Dublin. • 39btf FOR SALE ---WELL ESTABLISHED machine shop, fully equipped., cen- trally located. Purchase price includes building, equipment and stock. AAp�,ly H. 0. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251'w, 43btf - PROPERTY FOR RENT WELDING NOW OCCUPIED BY C. EX, E'xprees will be for rent the be- ginning of November. P. H. Powell, phone Canton 907r4. 48-44b SEILVIOEi STATION POR LEASE. The White Rose Service •Station on Victoria St., Clinton, Ont., will be for lease on November 1, 1944. Ap- pLieauts reply in writing to Box "W" NEWS-2E00RID. 48b AGENTS WANTED WE ARE CONSTANTLY RF3CE1V- in'g requests for our guaranteed pro- ducts in your locality. Wray not handle the agency and derive an in- eorne of $36. to $60 weekly? Exclus- ivity .assured. If you have selling ability, start NOW I FAMILEX, Dept. B..1600 Delorimier, rMnntreai.. 43-b LOST AND FOUND TWO PUREBRED ABERDEEN AN- LOST -<A. BLACK WALLET • gas belle, one of serviceable age. G.• R. <NNolVel, ,phone Clinton 633r14. 43-44p 'F,LVE DURHAM SPRING ,CALVES for !rale. Apply W. H. Teenston, No. 13 Highway, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone 901x2.' 43-44b PULLETS FOR SALE 125 LEaGHORN PULLETS, LAYING. Air Keith Tyndall, phone Clinton POULTRY WANTED 1-LIGHEST PRICES PAID POR No. 1 Dressed ahieirens, averaging five. to seven pounds each. Stanley Bros., phone .Clinton 76. 43b WANTED SOMEONE ANXIOUS TO MAKE A f ens extra dollars and to relieve • suffer err .from Head colds Ha Fever, Sinus, Deafness, Stiff Neck, Bronchial and • Ci garette Coughs by supplying NAMELESS Cold Retn- e dry, Send 60e for trial Show it to your friends and get started. It is pleasant to use• and quick to relieve. Address Purity Products, Exeter, Ont. 42-43-p ACCOMMODATION W ANTED URGENTLY NEEDED -• TWO OR "three unfurnished rooms by civilian couple. Phone 800r21. 43-440 HELP WANTED GARDENER WANTED •TO OLEAN vp garden for •winter, May choose own time. Good wages. Phone 81. 481 CON- taming valuable papers but no money on Tuesday, October 14, 1947. Finder please notify M. Madam and receive reward. 43b NOTICE SAW PLLING DONE AT HOARD'S Fruit Orchard one mile north of town on No. 4 Highway. 40-44p FULI3IiR BRUSH CO. REPRdEiSEN- lative for 'Clinton and dlstriet-spe- cial Christmas gifts,. 'Winnifred O'Neil, phone 75J. 42btf WE HAVE ON HAND FOR 1IIIIVIE- diate delivery the Harvey Reid Bead Hamner Mills both large and small sire We are also taking orders for spring delivery of Fleury -Bissell tractor discs. Hyde Bros., Hensail, Ont., phone 128W. 43h MISCELLANEOUS D AN• DOUS SLENDO,R TABLETS ARE EPFEC- tive, 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Pennebaker's Drug Store.' 48h OLD DISABLED HORSES FOR mink feel, ,Sonne eater kindling for sale. Ebner Trick, ,hone 90'7r5, 43-.4817 GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE in Clinton starting Monday. Weekly service, satisfaction guaranteed. Leave your name at Box "2", NEWS -RE- CORD. 42.43-) WANTED TO BUY -cid horses an'l dead enimais, siutable for mink feed. If dead, phone alt once. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21 or Fred Gilbert. 936132 Goderioh 25-btfh CkIRIST JESUS CAME INTO THE WORLD WHY? -- TO SAVE SINNERS. - 1 Tint. 1:15 WHO ARE THE SINNERS? - YOU and L • - Rom. 3: 23 'HOW CAN WE BE SAVED? --- Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. -- Acis 16:31 TUNE IN -Pilgrim's Hour, 7.7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR ME While they:last t .we are offer- ing -our conmplete stock of Fall TOPCOATS as a real saving Aro yof. Reg. $24 to $29.50 Now at $15 to $19 REALLY "TOPS" IN TOPCOATS! Pickett .and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailora, Cambridge Clothes, Scott McHale Shoes )P&TONE 25 , ,,, , a,, CU:WON BIRTHS ()LEAVE - In Clinton Community Hospital, on Wednesday, 'October 82, 1947, to Mr.:and iMns. Logan Cleave, Stanley Township, a dauglt •ter. TAYLOR --- In Clinton •Community Hbspatal, on •Saturday, October 18, to, .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Vaana, a son. 11ARRiES - In Clinton Community I Hospital, on Thursday, October 23, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harris., Bayfteid, a son. LIGH'FFOOT-In Clinton Oonsnun ty Hospital, on Thursday, October 23, to 1VPr. and airs. Adan Lightfoot, Stanley Township, a 'son. MARRIAGES 1VbcidAY41AWLO -.In Knox United Church manse, Auburn, on iS'atur- day, October 18, 1947, by Rev, A. G. Hewitt, F'erne Doreen LawwIor, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lawlor, Auburn, to 'Ger. old Thomas McKay, Gait son of IMr. and MTS. Thomas J.. IMcKiay, Galt, • , • DEATHS " )301/PON-In H•ensall, on Tuesday, October 21, John Bolton, husband of Josephine Ford, in his 69th year. Funeral frown -his late residence to 3teTaggart's cemetery at 2 p.m., Friday, October 24. WYATT-At the home pf dir. and Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor, Auburn, on Sunday, October 19, 1947, Mrs. Bertha Cunningham Wyatt, wife of the late William Henry Wyatt, in het 81st year. Funeral from the Taylor residence to Maitland ceme- tery, 'Goderieh, Tuesday afternoon, Cotober 21. IN MEMORIAM McClinchey-In loving memory . of William McLailttchey who passed away two yearns ago, October 25, 1945. God took him hosne, It was His will; But in our hearts He liveth still. Ever remembered by We, family and grandson, John R. Cools. 43-b IN 1VIBMORXAM us -miner -In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Charles Stewart, who 'passed away one year ago, October. 24, 1946. "Weep not for me or wish hue back, I now from pain am free. And in my Jesus' arms I zest, Where I have longed to be. You Neatened for me beside my bed And now I watch for you, And when you reach that golden gate I will come and lead yon through, Had He asked, well I know, I would havo said, "Oh, spare the blow" Yes, with weeping eyes would ntay: "Lord, we love her; let her stay." In love she lived, in peace she died; Icer life was asired, and itt'!em d. So we will be brave oar darling, n g, And pray to God each day, That when he calls us home to Hea- ven, Your loving smile may guide the way," Ever remembered by husband, daugh- ter and sons. 43-b FURNISHED APARTMENT or TWO rooms, for RCAF couple, at once. No children. Box "R", NEWS -RECORD. 43p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1931 PLYMOUTH •SEDAN, NEW tires, heater, seal -beam lights. Har- vey Ashton, phone Clinton 174R. 43-44b CANADIAN PACIFIC Timetable Eastward Westward No. 640 No. 637 Leave Arrive 4.85 p.m. Goderich 1.10 p.nt. 4.40 pan. M'eneset 1.04 p.m. 4.49 p.m. McGaw 12.57 pan. 4.58 ,p.n. Auburn 1249 p.m. 5.09 pan. Blyth 12.38 .pan. 5.21 p.m. Walton 1225 p.m. 5.32 .pan, McNaught 12.14 p.m, 7,19 pan. Guelph Jet. 10.00 am. 8.30 p.nn. Arr. Ly, 8.80 am, Toronto (Union Station) Merl, Women Over 40 Feel Weak,•Won a, OM? Wan Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality '1 buns weak, rundown, oxhauatsU condition mike 1050..1(01 150005 out, old?' Try 010,2x,. Costala9 Bnu00a1 tonics, stimulants, 000n nCnaed 4100.00 or 40. 40000104 loon 0415150,1, nkosp5050,, VlEamin Th. 73oi ),a .,oil and 000na1 pep, vim, vltall5y.. (105 Ostrew Toole. m5105, Two 4000010 mn1 alte9. For sato at all 00011 11r110 stoma 000rywhere. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLorrasT Phones: 66w. and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manieure Finger Waves .Permanents .ETHEL TBOMPSON Princess St. East., ' Phone 585 59-tf Bacon Hog Club TheBaron Hog .Club Policy of OM,• ario Department of Agriculture has been designed with a view to mraking high class boarsavailable in those communities where they are not be- ing maintained, +and where their use is •essential to improvement' in type and quality of the market hogs pro- duced. It is not intended to inter= fere with the activities of those in- dividuals who fallow the practise of parchasing beam endd offering them. for public service. In recognition of the eosstribution that ,palg testing has made to the improvement .of bred swine, the pur- chase of boars placed under this pol- icy will be limited to those tracing to encoders qualified in •advanced re- gistry. e-gis'try Regulations 1. This policy shall be applicable in any community eat the Province of Ontario. 2. Boars will be made av'ail'able' on a rental basis to clubs organized for the bandit of members and others in the coanreuniity. 3. A club shall consist of not less than .sax Members owning at, least 20 •sow. 4. The Ontario Live Stock Branch reserves the right tor refuse applied - ions from clubs located in close pro. ximity to clubs already established. It is suggested that caretakers should reside at least four miles aprart. 5. C1ube must assume responsib- ility for providing comfortable living quarters for bears and for maintain.. Ong them in healthy breading condit- ion at all times. 6. Clubs will be required to keep recerdis of sows • bred during the year and will be expected to submit re- ports covering same at the end of each calendar year. Books for keep- ing records and forms for submitting reports will be suppliedby the Branch. 7. Clubs e'upplied with young boars willbe needed to keep them at least two years. If mature boars are pia'eced, contracts wail cover one year terms. In the event that a boar proves unsatisfactory .art service, re- placement will be made by the Branch. 8. Boars will always remain ,the property of the Ontario Live Shock Branch and must be available for inspection by members of the Branch at all times. 9. Clubs will be required to assume responsibililty for marketingboars when their period of usefulness to the club is at an end, in accordance with instructions issued by the sup, envising officer of the Branch. Ail proceeds from the sale of boars or stage shall be remitted to the Branch ;following marketing. 10. All 'boars placed under this peliey shall have at least one parent and/or two grand parents qualified in Advanced Registry. Should the demand exceed the supply applieat• ions enay be refused or action defere ed until such time as suitable boars are available. 11. The Ontario Lave Stock Braneh will assume no responsibility for damage done to persons 00 property, that might atise front any action on the part of the boars. 12. The Ontario Live Stook Branch will pay transportation charges on bends to the nearest station of the club, except where the distance in- volved is less than 20 miles. In mai cases clubs will be expected to take delivery of the boar at the breeder's premises or some intermediate point. 18. Rental contracts •will date from May 1, and/or November 1. When boors•are pieced during other months of tate year each contract •shall be - cane effective from the first base date following the .placing of the boar. 14. Clubs -will be charged rental at the following rates: - When young boars are placed the rental for the •Burst year shall be $10.00, and for the second year $5.00 If a boar is retained for more than two years or is exchanged for, or re- ploced by a mature boar, no rental will be ehaeged. Rental rust be paid annually in advance. RESERVED SEATS ROYAL WINTER FAIR NOV. 16. 26 This year the Royal Witter Fair is bigger and brighter than ever, Reserve seats must be obtained immediately by out-of-town visit- ors, as there is only a limited number of seats available and the demand is great. Afteratoons' $1.50, $1.'y5, $2 and' including general Evenings J admission. Enclose a self-addressed 'envel- ope with your cheque or money order, to Mr. C. R. Nash, -, do Royal Winter Fair, Coliseum, Toronto. DO IT NOW 18BFOILF `IT'S T00 LIATB ■ ROXY ''THEATRE CLINTON' Now 'Playing. -.(Oct. 23.25) John Payne, Maureen O'Hara in "MIRACLE ON 34th STREET" Man,, Tues., Wed. (Oat. 27.29); - NOTORIOUS. Adult Entertainment A maxi and woman adventure ho a land of sinister shadows where every eye holds a challenge end every secret• has a price. Cary Grant, Ingril Bergman and Claude Rains Thurs., Fri., Sat.' (Oct. 30 -Nov. 1) Don Ameche, Catherine McLeod and Roscoe Karns The towering story of a turbulent. love told to the thunder of homes' hoofbeats, THAT'S MY MAN Matinees: Sat, holidays, 2.30 p.m. v CAPITAL THEATRE G O D'E R I C 13 New Playing -"HOMESTRETCH" in Technicolor Cornel Wild'e, and Maureen O'Hara Mon., Tues,, Wed. Adult Entertainment Margaret Lockwood, James Mason Patricia Roe Adventure that will thrall you, a story of intrigue, •paseion and vi- olence. THE WICKED LADY Thurs., Fri„ Sat. -Two Features Paul Campbell, Paul Henry and Harry Davenport In the rollicking story of the bang tails .and the people who raise them SPORT OF KINGS. Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake and Larry Simms It's the .Bun:Ideads again n a new adventure. Blondie's Holiday Coming -"DEAD RECKONING" Adult Entertainment REGENT THEATRE S E A F O R T H Now Playing-- "GREAT laying-"GREAT EXPECTATIONS" By Charles Daekens - The year's Tined prodnaotion. Mon., Tues., Wed. Admit Entertainment Merle Oberon, George Brent and Charles Korvin Sn which the duplicity of false friends is offset by a great loyalty TEMPTATION Thurs., Fr., Sat. - Don Ameehe, Catherine McLeod Presenting a comedy -drama about which you hear little, but will en- dorsa as one of ilia best you've seen. THAT'S MY MAN Presbyterian WA Has Interesting Meeting The W, A. of the Peeshytexiaii Church and on Tuesday, Ootober 7, in the S. S. room with it geed attend-' ante. In the absence of Mrs. Twitchell the vice president, Mos. Lane, took the ohair. A hymn was sung and then Mrs. Lane read the 9dht chapter of E'ccl'ess- iastes followed by a reading and a talk on "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to de, do it with alt thy Might" The see.'. retary's end treasuree's' repents. were read by afrs. Maxwell. Hostesses appointed for Novetiiber acre Mrs. Gook and Mrs. Gibson. I-1+aaMt- ine business was discussed and the ladies spent the afternoon quilting. Later IVars..MeTaggart and Mrs. Nott served lovely refreshments. The meeting closed with prayer. SHOWS PICTURES Ellwood Epps, well known Clinton sportsman, was the guest of Strat- ford Lions Club when he showed two eels of films which he took on trips to Northern Ontario. Throughout 'he showing of the pastures, interest - ng comments on and descriptions of articular scenes, were given by the peaker. a SHELL GARAGE I wall '7 da ' be open s a week P.Y and 24 hours a day. For a complete check-up bring your ear in to -day to Stanley's Garage C. L, Stanley, Proprietor MEMBERS of BRANCH 140 of the CANADIAN LEGION are reminded of the MONTHLY MEETING to be held in the Legion hall on Monday, .October 27, and are requested to attend The New 1 AP"LES A Nice Crop of SPYS Come to Orchard for best value for a supply C. HOARE FRUIT FARM OPEN Clinton's Newest Strop Specializing in: Golden Brown FRENCH FRIES .. , 10e, HAMBURGERS .. .. , ........ 15c HOT DOGS 10e SANDWICHES TEA COFFEE MILK SOFT DRINKS CIG iRETTES We axe well known to many of you through operations at Grand Bend during the summer PARRY'S SNACK BAR Fairhahne Dairy Building Clinton 1 Coming- `''WIC1iBD LADY" Adult Entertainment Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m, vje HALLO WE'EN HARD TIME DANCE RCAF Station, Clinton 'FEATURING a 'THE CENTRAL AIR COMMAND FAMOUS DANCE BAND ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 Commencing 9.00 p.ln. * * Dance Prizes Costume Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 PER COUPLE Lots of Hostesses Lots of Itefresimionts Moths Eat The Year Round! 1 • We are equipped to, DE -MOTH your upholstered furni- ture, rugs, draperies, This can be done in your home or on our premises. MOTH CRYSTALS, deadly to moths and larvae, but harnriess to human beings. Minor u . repairsItEE CI AY GE during d -m 0 othiaa g W. L. MOORE, Proprietor WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Huron and Orange Sts. PHONE 62 Clinton ulllllllllilll t lull•!IIIllill1116111111m!l lilllil!nlflllillliillldll8(Illlflll(IliIIIIIIIIlilillllllllllllllllllllllllllll!Illlillllllllllllllilllllllilmll@@111ID11111@iN , The Toggery Shop#«� e C }It E PLACE TO LOOK O o THIS WEEK - Animal Sweat Shirts to meet the Fall Season c 5 doz. only, sizes small, medium and Large. Splendid quality Spun Rayon, brushed to a nice even nap. Pullover 79, - styles styles with knitted bands, cuffs and neat fitting crew neck. Each pullover has animal, designs in contrasting L- colors to harmonize with ground n shade. Colors of Brown, Red, Fawn and Royal 'Blue. Regular $3.95 and $4.95 values, This Week $2.95 Eaeh Men's "Khaki Shade" Dress Shirts Officers' Style in a nice fine quality. Sizes 14 to 1'7 Each $3.50. 0 . E8 E Ladies' Skirts: A few more added to this rack "Odds" Your Choice $1.00 The To PHONE 324 (Beecher Streets in charge) ' CLINTON 011fllNNllllll(fIINII1111IIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 it We now have a supply of new tubs in new styles. Be sure to see them before buying. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING, Business 244 Phone Residence 470