Clinton News-Record, 1947-09-25, Page 6CLINTON NEws-RECORD THURSDAY, ,SEPTEMBER BIRIR' 25, 1947. LnterestingIt�rns From News= record's Rural Correspondents i NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 Mrs. J. It. Lambert is spending p g this week in. Detroit. Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, was homeover the week -end. D. L. Atkinson, Detroit, was at his cottage over the weelt-end. Mrs. Hamilton, .Sault 'Ste. ,Marie, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. Purves. Rev. F. G. Stoteibnry left this week to 'spend a vacation ;at Blind laver. ;1•I I-- I 1 IMrs. J. Webster, Seaforth, visited her sisters, Misses M. and E. Reid, last week.. Mrs. Ciee Cook, "Loohame", enter- tained' a few friend's at bridge on Monday evening. Miss Maude McGregor- and Her - bent ;McGregor are visiting relatives in Dad Axe, +Mioh. Miss 'Doris IMcElwan went to Lon- don on (Saturday to enrol in the third year biology course. Mr. and Mrs. J. ill. 'Stewart, Ham- ilton, were at their cottage in the village over the week -end. Mars. J. H.. Cobb, Toronto, arrived on Mlouday to spend a few days this week at "Sum -R Inn" -cottage. M. arid Mrs. I3. A. Pounder and. son, Jack, were at tier cottage in Lakeside Park over the week -end. Miss Jacqueline Parker, London, is spending this week with her par- ents, rMr. and Mrs. T. H. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Geerge M. Fisher, Water'loo', 'spent the welt -end with the. former's aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Aar. and .Mrs. J. P. Fergasn, Lon- don, spent the week -end with the formers mother, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson. .Tack Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Re- nouf Johns, (spent the week -end in tbe'village with Mrs. J. M. Atkinson, Mrs. .Spencer Ervine and Mary. Elizalbeth, spent last week with the fornxer s parents, 1VLr. . and Mrs, ',Rourke, Southampton. Miss Berthena 'Sturgeon returned home on Tuesday ,after ,having spent a few days. with her eieter. 'Mrs. lames. ,Cruickshank in Clinton. Mr. and .Mrs. Ernst Rehm returned *Ito (Detroit an Sunday after having spent a 'Week with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and adfs. David Dewar. Mrs. James R. 'Scott returned to Toronto on Sunday with her husband, who was here over the week -end. Don 'Seca was also with them over the week -end. Miss 'Margaret Ferguson 'has re- turned to Toronto to resume her stud- ies at the University) of Toronto where she is enrolled in third year honour law course. Mr. and Mrs. Waite': Westlake. Misses 'Gloria Westlake and Milvena Sturgeon left on Tuesday on a motor trip to visit Mir. and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake. Virginatonvn. misses F. and E. Fowlie aecobepa- Here It I3, Girls ! Your Chance to Join. The Happy Family who work at Clinton Knittillg Company Ltd. .APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT i�ifl■iiIlitlA1tl111111i11111A1131111Y11iy111RII IilU1111111111I1,111110111•IIIei 11/i111111111/IIIs111111I1111I111111111a r Have V....,.u. Furnace ,1 i I This is the cleanest method you could 1 i imagine—no dust nor dirt—and you get ii Pi • the job done very efficiently. - DON'T FORGET! WE WHITEWASH i AND SPRAY S!. _ lil E v O' I. JACK LITTLEil Phone ,335zv CLINTON URI 1111a 11111•iIIr1111111111III11141pY111111111kall1111111111110I111111110111 111■III111IIIAIIIA111111111•111111 VACUUM -CLEANED med rend Mrs. G. Koehler, Zuroh vied Mr..and, G. Koehler Zuneh to London on Sunday, where they spent the day with their brothers, Lawrence and Fred Fowlie.: Mrs. 17, ISuppnick was in the vill- age over the week -end, closing (Halley Lodge. Her mother, Mrs. Halley, who. has spent the. season here, returned to 'Detroit- with her daughter. Mr. and IMrs. 'Maleom Toms, Mr.: and Mrs. Grant Turner and Ted re- turned home on Sunday evening after having visited the former's son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.. Westlake, Virginiatown, Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Hendric and .Fred Jr., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ken McQueen and daugh- ter, B'avrbara., BirminghamMich., were the guests of Mrs. 'iiendrick's aunt, Miss a1. Fairbairn; "Westwincl", over the week -end. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey L, Smith, Clark Smith, Mountain View, Cal., Mrs. Jessie Swink, Vallejo, Cal., called on friends in the village on Monday. Mrs. 'Burnt( was formerly Jesse Biggam, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Biggart, Mr. and Mis. Dave ninon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson returned to To, 'onto on Tuesday after having oc- cupied "Cedar Nook" cottage, Jow- ett's Grove, while visiting'Mr. and Ates. W. Jowett, Mrs. J. W. Jew- ett and Mfr. and alms. L. R. Poth. PORTER'S HILL Mr. and Mme, Arlie Lodkhat and Gail •spentSunday with, Me and Mi.'s. WiII Manning, Lones'boro Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Lockhalrt spent the weekend with their son -in -lane and daughter Mr. and Mrs. R. E. R9+wden,. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jennison, and twirl daughters, Detroit, and. Meg Bell, .Saskatchewan were Sunday visiters, with their brother-in-law and' sister,, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison. k No Sevice Sunday There will he no .Service at Grace church on Sunday, 'September 28, but 'Sunday, October 5, 'Rev. F. G. States- brry will be back from kis vacation and 'Sacrament will be observed. W. A. Meets The WA held Ws Septeisbe meeting at the home of. Mrs. Jas.• Lockhart Thursday afternoon, Sept". ember 11, very few being present. No work was planned some quilt blocks werecut out. Lunch was "'served :liy the hostess, ' Conimnnity Club Meets The Com mnnnity Club held its Sept. ember meeting ;Wednesday afternoon September 17 at the (home of Mrs. Don Harris with 12 ladies present The afternoon was spent making. quilt blocks. No other work was planned as it is a very busy time of. the year for most of the members A 'very lovely lunch was served by the hostess. (lhrtended for last week) Rev. and Mgrs. L. (Morgan and Karen have returned to the Rectory follow- ing their vacation. Miss (Margaret L. Ferguson, ,Toxon- to, is visiting her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Williams E. •Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Webster and children Nancy :and Douglas, Toronto, visited Miss M, P. Reid this week. 'Misses M. ,and IL Klinke have closed their shop "The Village Guild", and returned to their home in Dearborn, Mich. Recent guests at the Atbio Hotel were: Mr. and Mrs. li H. Ormond, Mr, and Mis. David Ormond. Allan Ormond. Dearborn, Mieh, Dr. Hetrz- benger and son. Leo Hertzhenger, London. Purhases Lots George Bell recently purchased from Lloyd ISeotchmer• lots on the east side of Sydenham Street, on which he hopes to build at some fut- ure date. Away on Meter Trip Mr. and IMAs. Grant Turner and Master Teddy left on Tuesday on a motor trip to Virginatowm : and Kirk- land Lake. 'They were accompanied by Mr. and 'Mrs. Malcom Toms, who will visit their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Westlake in Virginiatown. Home from Hospital William H. Elliott, who has been in Clinton 'Community Hospital since early May, following a critical oper- ation, relnumed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Bell last week. Miss Berthena Sturgeon of the local Post Office Staff is on holidays. Mee. C. Knuckey is taking her place during her absence. Writes From 13. C. The following excerpts from a letter were written to,friends in the village by Miss Audrey Sturgeon who left on Labor' Day to visit her broth- er, .George ,Sturgeon, and family in Steveeton, B.C. :Audrey, who' has clerked for three years in the store heron need is mercifully served by THE SALVATION ARMY Whether it be the unwanted babe, the neglected or homeless waif, the erring' or unfortunate man or woman, or the aged person forgotten in the sunset of life .. . there is help and hope for the asking through The•Saivation Army. It is the understanding heart and the human touch that make The Salvation Army so powerful an agency in reclaiming human lives. And it is YOUR dollars that make this great work possible. . 13-47 HELP&HELPLESSI GIVE Donations may be left at either Cliint,on bank Newlyweds Honored A presentation +Was held in the salient Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Cox,- when they were re- cipients of a- .lovely tri -light floor lamp. The address was read flay Mrs. Ray Cox and presentation made by Joe Methers. Elgin made a suitable reply thanking all. The evening was spent in cards. A tasty lunch .was provided. by those present. , now owned by M. Corrie, is -missed by her many friends and evidenntly it is vice verso, even though there is so much new and exciting to take up herr attention. "Needless to say how beautiful Jasper was, but with the exception of the mountains, I was fascinated by the little pools of bright green water. It was so bright it looked as though .someone emptied gallons of lime concentrate for' soft drinks.. "Lt rained nearly all the time we were going through Jasper and was quite foggy, but .still it was wonderful and didn't' seem to spoil the beautiful scenery. McLeod River was very pretty and also Little Hell's Gate. "Finally the moment came that I'd been waiting for all during my trip— my first glimpse of the Rockies. I can't say how I felt as we went through the mountains; I just could lookat the beauty of ahem and wond- er if I was really there or if I was dreaming: It was very interesting going in and out of the tunnels but going over the high rain bridges just didn't feel the same, At Mt. Robson, the highest point in the Rockies we had five minutes to, get out and look at it. I think that was the most beautiful sight of my trip but it was so cold ,F could 'hardly stand to look around. Right where we stood we were about 12 feet below the oeean level." HENSALL Mi. and Mrs William Alexander entertained the Gn1'Guides to a corn roast Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs, E. N. Graham, Buf- falo, visited with the lathers sister in-law, Mrs. Gertrude Keen, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Stewart Bell. Back to Standard Time Reeve Alvin Kerslake, Hensall, has announced that the Village of RIensalt will go on standard time Saturday midnight, ,September 27 Arnold Circle Meets The 'September • meeting of Arnold Circle (Carmel Presbyterian .Clturoh) tools place at the home of Miss Jean McQueen 'Monday night, September 22, 'Miss Irene Glanville was ed hostess. To Present Concert Clinton Citizens' Band. under the direction ef A. C. Robinson, will pre- sent a 'sacred concert in Hensel! on Sunday evening, September 28, at 8.30 p.m. If the weather should be too cool, the concert will be 'held in the town hall. (tally Day Service ,RallyDay 'Service was 'held in the United 'church ]:•Iensall, Sunday morn- ing ,Septem'ber 21, with the Sunday School classes occupying the front seats of the Auditorium Edison For- rest, superintendent of the 'Sunday School, assisted the minister, Rev R. A. Brook, during the servicce. At the Baptismal service, Bruce David, .infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Alberti Shirray, and .Nancy Louisa, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David `Kyle, received the rites'of baptism. with, Rev. Mf. Brook in change. The hymn "Praise him, Praise him" was sung by the smaller children of the ,Sunday saliva. Story, "The church of the friendly Heart", was ably .presented by !Miss Lenore Nor-, rninton, and the scri.ptuee Teaching was read by ,Bill al -icicle. The minister addressed the children on "The Crum, axle lin.OGur 0lnuch S'eh:ool." The choir rendered an anthem "My Faith looks up to, thee". Hymen sung daring, the service 'were "0 Worship The Ring". "At the name of Jesus" "Nervi in the days of Youth" The offering taken will be used for a new boat for th,e Pacific Coast Mans- ion Work 'and to provide Christian Education iii e'hsn:ches, 'homes and schools throughout Canada New- foundland, Bee/nada, and S.n Overseas mission fields. The etiureh'was lovely with profusignte of autumn flowers. LONDES,BORO 'Meg. Mae, 'Brussels, visited her neice Mrs, 'Harry Snell, over the week Mrs.`E: tolanes, Dresden, spent the weekend with Me. and NT$. i3. Durnin: Mr: ani Itis. Young ,and Miss Ruby Young, --Loyal, visited Mrs. F, Wood quite recently. Mfiss.:iDerothy Little, Toronto, and ,Miss' Fern Watson, London, were home for'the weekend. Wa welcome Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen and aelitily to the village: Mr. Allen bought the "grist 'mill from 'Mr. A. Web's. Mr. and lam. W. 'Mountain amid M. and Mae. Robert Yungblutt spent Sunday with Di'. and Mfrs, L. Whitley in Gerrie. Mr, and: Mail. Archie G. ,MeHarry, Windsor, visited at the home of Mr. and Mhs. • Joseph Ynungblutt, one evening last week. 'Mr. and Mr. William Govier, Mfrs. H. Lyon, Mrs. E. Lyon, Mrs: W. Lyon and Bob Lyon visited Mrs. Mary Sant - risme at. Palmerston on Sunday after- noon. Sympathy Extended The; sympathy of the 'Community goes out to Mrs. A. W. Beacom .and family in their great loss of a hus- band and father. 'Miss 'Susan Hunking, Goderieh, is visiting at the home' of her sister Mrs. Charles Vedder this week. Mfr. and Mfrs. Bert Deer and family Auburn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pipe. (Don't. forget -to dome to the Com- EBENEZER Anniversary Services The anniversary services of Ebe- nezer United Ohurch were held on Sunday, 'September 21. Rev. W. J. Woolfrey was the guest speaker, and delivered• two very forceful sermons. At the morning service Mrs. Leslie Jervis and Charlie Wilson, Holmes- ville provided the music, with Mrs. Will Yea accompanist; and at the evening service a double quartette of Junior Farriers and Junior Insti- tute girls sang, and Marie Glidden sang a solo. with Eileen. Glidden as accompanist. Mr, Irvine TehbuIt was organist for the services. Good con- gregations .attended both services. YPU Resumes The YPU have resumed' their met- ings since vacation, and held their Bret meeting ,Monday evening at the. home of Mi. and Mrs, Bert Lobb. The president, Josephine Muir, was in charge of the meeting. T topic was taken by Jack Tebbutt, .and: Grace Lobb had the devotional topic, while Helen Crieh gave the scripture read - ng. Rev. C. Tavener led in ,prayer. At the close of the meeting, a short period was spent in recreation. The next meeting• will be held at the bine of lara and +Mrs. Hebden. W.A. Meets .Mrs. Harold Lobb. •Sinnmerhill, en- tertained the members ef Ebenezer W.A. at her home on Thursday of last week. The meeting was iso eharge of Mrs. Bert Labb. Mrs. Irvine Tab - butt gave a reading on the origin of the hymn "Jestis, Lover of my 'Soul", after which this hymn wes sung, fat- lowed by a short prayer by the presi- dent. The roll call was answered by "The date of my birthday". Minutes of the previors meeting were read and approved, and items of business were discussed. Mrs I. Mertlilt read an item on the origin oLL the hymn, "Onward Christian Soldiers", and the hymn was - then ,swing Mrs F. Jones gave a missionary reading. Mrs. C. Tavener read the scripture reading and led n prayer. The meeting was closed with a hymen and the Mizlpali benediction. The hostess served de- lieions refreshments.. BRUCEFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott are visit- ing. is ti ing this 'week in Trento. 'Mrs. Albert MacKellar, St. 'Charles Mich., isvisiting her 'sister, Mrs, Wesley 'Stackhouse. Miss (!Margaret IdIaoElwen spent the weekend in Sarnia attending the Lon_ don Conference Y. nu. convention. The Fhcecutive of the Y.P.U. met at the home of Blanche Zaphe on Monday evening when ,plans were made for the coining 'winter season. Rev. E: R. Stanway preached ann- iversary services at H:illsgreen ort Sunday. The .Brucefield pulpit was. occupied by Rev. C. W. Down, Rader. Wesley 'Ham has resumed his .stud - le at the University, of Toronto while George Mustard, !Stttart 'Mol3ride and Cameron Henry have, all returned to the Ueversity of Western Ontario,. Umbel. SES(TiffSERV! F. SKELTON Hamilton Si.'Phone 89 G'oderioh unity Hall on Wednesday, October '1 and see eon.* very fine pictures shown by the Federation . of Agriculture. They will be at 2.30 p.in, for school children ,and 8.30 for 'Adults, Mission Band Meets The Mary Guerson Mission Band held their 'September meeting' Sunday moining in the ,Swvnday School room with 21 present. Call to Worship by the president, Kenneth Wood. Hymn 162 was sung and prayer by :Mrs. B. Shssbbrobk. "A. Missionary Story was read by Vera Lyon, June Manning read the (Bible lesson. Roll Call, and the offering was ,taken by Bobby ,Sundercock. Temperance Story by Joyce Fassgrad.. A story in the study book "Around the World with the Bible: was given by Miss Kirk, Mrs. B. Sho'bbrook read a story on World Peace. Hymn 80 was sung and the President closed with prayer. 70DERICH TOWNSI'tIp' Mrs. E. T. Welsh, Ceinton, spent the weekend with her sister, „Mrs. Anthur Welsh. Mr. and Mme. Alf IScotehmere and sons spent the weekend with Robert Chaff, Bayfield Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Middleton and Family spentthe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. • Cl 13. Mhd'dIeton. • 1111ise Olive Johnson attended the wedding of her friend, Miss Dorothy Henderson, at Thorndale on Saturday Mr. and Bars. Cecil Marldey, Wing - ham, accompanied by Mr. and • Mrs. Robert Hall, also of Wingham, spent the week -end at Lane O+Pines beach. Mr. and :Mrs. Ed Boyes, Bracefield, Nrk•. R. Nickelson, Arthur. spent a few days Last week in Deer Lodge, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. John Franks and small son, Johnny, Buffalo, N.Y., spent the past fortnight with the, lady's mother, Mrs. James Barnes, • at their unnner hem at Lane O'1Tines,, Theualat7 Tea LADS' ORANGE PEKOE COURT OF REVISION Township of Goderich A Court of Revislon to dear and determine complaints against the assessment roll for 1948 will be (held in HOLMESVILLE Monday, October 6 itt 10 man. AiU complaints must be in writing and filed With the undersigned no later than October 3. This Court of Revision is for the assessment made during the summer and on which the 1948 taxes will be completed R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk R. R. 2, Clinton i 1111111 0101 111111111111111 Intal 11 111001 mu II 11111 Ii 1111111 1111111j11+ „nt1111 „I • DETROIT'S "FIRST" IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT • QUALITY G the heart of the downtown, office, theater, end shopping area. Friendly, courteous service to make your stay k Detroit o pleasant memory. The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel. lent Food modestly priced, The Hotel Tuller, Detroit's largest, is the place to stay. VISIT OUR eOCkt`ail.ou11ic ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM $275 Jiolel Zoller Pi„ 1i„ 11141 d 'r FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK + RICHARD C HODGES, Mgr. a 11 ' I ,. .,,1 nett'', , , ' tllnitl'' 'lIII 111,. ",Un„4,, ' "nn .til X111 010„„„,,, II I 011111101; Ul� ' 1llli IIIA 1 Introductory Offer Clinton News -Record From Now until the End of the Year Only 50c TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS (66 cents in United States) A. •1 EAL BARGAIN FOI' THOSE WHO WASH TO JOIN THE EVER-GROWING FAMILY OF' "The Home Paper With The:News” Clifton -11ews-Record, G11o11, Ontal-id Please fincl enclosed 50 cents (65 cents inUSA) to cover the cost of CLINTON NEWS -RECORD fr^om now intiff the end of 1941. Name Address I 3