Clinton News-Record, 1947-09-04, Page 1inton
No. 36- 69th Year Whole No. 6'69
The Home Paper With the News
Substantial Increase (Ileac
He School Enrolment
Ritz Hotel Destroyed.
But 35 Guests Escape.
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
Fire again caused excitement and
terror in the village of Bayfield when
the :Ritz Hotel burned ter the ground
and the northeast nide 'of the village
was threatened on Saturday evening.
Smoke was seen pouring through
the roof about 8.30 and the alarm
sounded by n rotor ear horns.
The business telephone line 631 was
out of -commission, which caused some
delay in spreading the alarm, but
helpers .were quickly on the scene
and men on the roof with a fire ex-
tinguisher and water. It was impos-
sible to get into the attic on account
of the dense . smoke.
Chimney Fire
There had been a chimney fire in
the afternoon about three o'clock,
which the proprietor thought • was
out as he had watched it careftvilly,
but a sipark must have gotten into a
partition or into .the attic and
smouldered, for as soon as thcr men
on the roof chopped a hole beside
the chimney to try and get at the
source of the fire, the flames shot
up and the whole roof was ablaze
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
Further contributions to the Pio-
neer Park Association, Bayfield, are
Previous total $546.50;' Mr, and
Mrs. H. H. Ormond $100; Mr. and
Mrs. H. Kalbfleisrli $25; Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. X. Pemberton $25; Mrs. Wm.
Purves $25; Mr. .and Mrs, Arthur
Reeves $6 Mrs, Frederick Kendrick
$50; Miss • M. Flairliarn $500; Miss
Grace Wolfenden $50; Mrs, Amna
Brown $50; F. Fingland, K.C. $136.45
-Tottil $1,062.95.
New Grocery
Clinton's newest grocery store will
open Saturday. 7t will be owned and
operated by George E. Rumball, a
Clinton boy with 17 years' experience
in grocery business, .in the stand on
Victoria St., opposite the Post Offee,
formerly oectupiey by ;Glenne Lunch.
in a metier of minutes. He recently bought the building from
35 Guests Escape Ross Fitzsimons. An announcement
There were about 35 guests stay- is .published in gage three of this
ing at the hotel over the week -end isMr. a Runtballwas born n Clinton,
and they got most of their clothing-
lothing second son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
out. Some laming allot contents fIlumbal], and attended public school
drevver's upstairs Here theown Dirt of and Collegiate Institute he"re. Ile
evdntloivs. Most of the fureiture down- started as a delivery boy' at 11 years
stairs was saved with the exception of age anct full time et 16. He served
of kitchen equipment.
Clutside Brigades' -IoIp three years in the Royal Canadian
Clinton and Bru:cefield File Bri- Navy' being discharged in September,
gales answered a Dail far help lord ]945, and returning to the groom
kept the roof of J. E. Hovey's stem business here.
and, ''Miss 3'. Fwlie's store wet. It
was a miracle bhat these two build.
Ings were saved. Hovey's was dein-.
sired by water. Mail matter and valu-
ables in the Post Office were re -
Moved es a safety measure. The trees
on Catherine at., which were seared
by the heat gave considerable pro-
tection to the building.
Raging inferno
Fanned by a breeze, the Ritz Hotel,
a trams building, was soon a raging materal until next week. .truat bore the legend "Mclleurrey
inferno and canned goods in the kit- e- ' Construction Company".
Chen popped off like guns even after WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB � . Awards were as follows:
the blaze- had died down. Visitors. The Girls' •Chub of Wesley.Willis I Business float -Hugh R. Hawkins,
and citizens alike worked :heroically church Will meet Tuesday, •Septen-tier •Hanover Tarnsport Limited, George
to fight the fire and 'figures were 9, at 8 p.n., in the thumb parlor. ;F. Elliott; farmers' float -Norman
silhouetted ageing :'the blaze on all Mrs. ;Stewant Middleton will be the Holland (this was outstanding); corn_
the roofs inn the path of the cinders. guest speaker. is band -+Clinton Ragtime Band, led
Burning shingles were carried great
distances by a southwest .breeze,
It has been remas+ked by many
that it was a blessing that the fire
did net break out during the wind-
storm in the afternoon or during the
night when half the village would
have been laid waste or lives lost.
The last big blaze which threatened
the village WAS in November, 1922,
when King's bakeshop, Greens)§des'
store and Dielsmann`s tailor shop,
vrhioh also housed the Post Office,
were completely wiped out.
Loss of $10,000
It has been a severe: blow to Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Bailey, the pro.
pnietors who have suffered a loss
estimated at $10,000 ('which is partly
covered by Insurance) besides losing
clothing and many personal possess•
ions and the lose is not only to them
but also to the village in the lack
of Summer Hotel acemanod'ation.
Some of the guests :at the Ritz were
housed over the weekend by the Aug.
lien Church Camp while others were
taken into enivabe homes in the vill-
The Ritz Hotel was formerly the
old Queens Hotel. alt -was built by the
late Wellington Connort to replace
the old Royal Hotel, a log structure
on the same location, part of which
Was shoved and incotaporated in the
house and store formerly owned and
operated by the date John Tippet
Cas. ,Meyers was the carpenter in
charge of building the vow hotel. It
was 'a. bit of rivalry which caused' it
to he erected, about sixty-eight years
ago. The late Wellington !Connor, so
the story goes, .couldn't get a license
for the old log Royal, and Robert
Reid who owned what was /then' gars
of the 'present Albion Hotel was in
danger of losing his Jimmie se Connor
disposed of the log structure and built
the Queens. Reid, eat to be out done,
retained .his license by enlarging his
building and so both men profited by
"the license"
The first man to operate the Queens
was Henry 'McCann, .then .E'dward
T}11ie tt'rsan it for a few years. It was
purchased about 54 years ago by
Jaynes Poliook, who operated it until
has death. Later it some into• bhep s
o -
eossion' f
o IIs an y Darrow,., rvw11o; Mar-
ried lams. Pelle*. It was closed for
a few years and used for. a time as
Mr. Rumball was married to Miss
Alice Lawson, Detroit, Mich., and Orchestra supplying. the music.
they have two children, Gloria, five The affair commenced with a grand
Parade which
years, and Blaine, nine months. �procoeded around the
e Math .and passed twice in front of
HOLIDAY WEEK. ISSUE ,the grandstand. It was led by Clinton
This week's issue of the NEWS- Citizens' Band under Bandmaster A.
RECOiRiD was produced under diff'- C. Robinson.
culty, the Labor Day holiday having! A humorous feature in connection
fallen on Monday. In order to get with the parade was provided by a
the paper nt on tine, it was necessary truck bearing several•members of the
bo defer publicatin of some •reacling •=overage construction gang. The
Old Landmark Levelle
by Fire Demon
Labor Day Celebration
Is Marked By Parade
Labor Day was celebrated in fitting
manner in Clinton Monday under the
sponsorship of Clinton Board of Park
Management, with afternoon events
in Community Park, and an evening
concert program of excellent calibre
in the 1won hall. A dance conc'luded
the celebration, with Ken Wilbee's
vis ....04 uMwasa•.a•.ues,.w
The Week's 5
' r
1047 1946
}lige Low 'Fldgh Low
August 28 78 88 73 58
29 72 55 66 46
30 80 60 67 42
8'1 72 48 73 60
September 1 72 49 6!6 50
2 76 58 69 41
3 80 52 61 89
Rainfall: .24 blab ah .36 incl'
Personal Items
Renry Garrett and Miss Lil-
lian, Hamilton, spent last week in
town visting friends.
'Miss Gladys Addison, Sarnia, sprent
the .week -end with her mother, airs.
Mar•'g'ai.'et Addison,
Mr, and 'Mrs. J. Bickerton, Wind-
sor, spent the weekend with iMe. and
Mrs, A. J, McMurray,
Mrs. George 'Stewart, 155 Roslyn
Ave., Toronto, has been visiting her
cousin, :Mrs. Charles Fraser.
Mr.'" nci Mrs. •G, A. McBride and
daughter and llvliss Lois Davison,
Harriston, spent Saturday wtih Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. McMurray.
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Woolfrey and
Miss Betty returned home Monday
night after spending several days in
Mr. and Mrs. .George H. Jefferson
returned home Saturday after spend-
ng :the summer et their. cottage on
Lake Huron, south of. Kincardine.
Mrs. Ida Chowen and Miss Lily
Kennedy have .been guests of Mdse
Florence R. Cuningbame :at Boyeee-
Mi. alai Mrs', Si. Stevenson, North
Battleford, .Sark., were week -end
guests of Mr. anti .Mrs. Frank Lay-
:Me. and aims. Jack bines returned
home on Monday: after holidaying
with friends in Toronto and Bowman-
air. and Mrs.,:Chaa•les Gibson and
family, Detroit, `,spent the week -encu
and Holiday with the latter's (brother,
John Mulholland.
Misses Marie and Margaret P11'18-.
Fong, Exeter, returned: home- Sunday
a residence, but 25 years ago Mrs.
Martha Ritz,Stratford,1urch ,asod i
from Henry Darrow and reenagned. it
"The ;1114z". Mrs. Ritz became the
wife of Thomas Bailey in 1925 and
together they have rut a successful
establishment, catering especially to
summer visitors, AA their clientele
grew they added cabins to the
grounds and had intended enlarging
the dining rocan his year. At pre-
their plans as to buildio 8 • .are
undecided. 'They erre occupying one
of the eabine.
11 hereby express my sincere grale-
tude to the Betzcefield Fire Brigade
and the nunte:thtis individuals whose
tireless efforts and willing co-opera-
o-operation sviceeeded in preventing' loss to
mry property +during the fire on Sat-
urday 'night
(signed) J, 13. Hovey
after two weeks' visit with their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
.mt. and Mrs. W. J. Elliott return-
ed :Monday night alter epending the
week -end in Toronto with their son
and daughter -in -:law, 'Miro and -`Mrs.
Fred Ii. EMI tt.
Mr. and :Mrs. David Kay, Don Kay
Snd 'Shirley Jones are in Toronto
this week visiting friends tend at
tending t .Ethe .Exhibition.
Mise Faye Love, Walton and Miss
Lillian .0arbwright, ,Stratford, nave
recent guests, of Mrs. William Walker
Misses; Helen. Grealis and Juan
Hearai Taft on alonday last to spend
two weeks' vacation in Bestn and
the New England States, returning.
home by way of Montreat.
Recent visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles D. Shanahan were
Sgt. and 'Mrs. James Turner and
Master ,Billy, Ottawa, J. E. McGon.
net, Lae Ste, Anne, Allta., V. I. Me -
Connell, Edmonton, Alta., I. A. Ma-
hon and son, James, Winnipeg, 1vIan.
mss. Norma Zapfe and daughter,
Misses Ethel and Grace Zapfe, incl•
Mr's. Oxley, all of Kitchener, were
week -end - guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John J. Zapfe.
Mr. and :Mrs. Hugh Fraser, Paines-
ville, Ohio, .spent the week -end with
the formeeis paeans, Mr, and .Mrs.
Charles Fraser.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston and
Ilene Pocock, spent Sunday visiting
at the home of iVrr. and Mrs. Ri'anic
Wildfting, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser, River-
side, spent the past two weeks with.
the latter's sister and brother, :Mrs.
M Jordan, and Ehnest Walton.
Mrs, E. E. Grown. Petrolne., Mr.
and 'Mrs, Albert Willer': and Bev.,
garalia., Carel Chester Neilans, .:Lon-
don ,spent Sunday with the former's
meter, Nth. Wilhelm Shaddoek. Mes.
Brown has beet eetuanedfzom a
sunk *tee months' visit atV detoria
by J. E. "Cap" Cook; "Littie Eng-
land", ieca by Bent Glidden; hardtirne
outfit - Loirie Itoy; clown - "Cap"
Cook; decorated tar -Ross McMi-
ohaet, John Button Tr.;decorated bi-
cycle - Mildred :Shaddick, Norma
Warnook, Bernadine bletelis, Robert
Managhan; decorated tricycle- Car-
lisle Atkinson, Jean Adams, Gail WaI_
dron, Wayne Grigg, Gerald Shaddick,
Jack Morgan; novelty dress---Canter-
on :Addison, Sandra Addison, Kather-
ine MoLay, Kay •Carter, Kay Sharpe.
Results of the races and other eon -
tests were as follows:
Boys, up• to 6 yeare-Ronnie Pear-
son, Dennis Griffiths; gists, up to 6
-4Caerie. Warnock, Sherry Warnock;
boys, 6-8 = d'a8kde- x?rOssc t, 13m.
Boyce girls 0-8•--.Glamtie Griffiths,
.mann Pienrd; bey,: 9 -12 -Hob Cnr•r.•iek.
Toni Lloyd; girls 9 -12 -Ruth. Glew.
Margaret Picard; boys 12 -15 -Gordon
Lovs. Ronald Carter; girls 12-15--
2-15-Nnrma 'Warnock. Riuth Glew;. boys
16 -18 -Cameron Maltby, Tom Lloyd;
lieyst bicycle, uncles. 14 -Donald Dees,
Alvin Fowler, Claire Maltby; marl's
open race Ivan Jervis, Ken Col..
quhoun; ladies' epon. race-iliariorie
Pepper, Jeannie •Colquhoun; three.
:legged race --claire Maltby and Tom
,Lloyd; Norma Warnock and Ron
;Maltby and wheelbarrow
Garter and Jack Oarter; pick -a -back
race -Tom Lloyd and Murray Col-
quhoun, Cameron Maltby and Ron
Carter; bathing beauty contest -no
entries; most graceful walker -Mrs.
Roy Wheeler; lcicking the slipper.-
Betty Fi•tsimons, Yvonne bales.
The younger generation, partieu-
;laxly entered into the parade and
races with great euthusiasun and
made the day a success.
it the single
�,e men an
The married g
men engaged in a red)lot softball
math, the former winning by 16-3.
Successful Concert
Rain 'falling early in she evening
prevonted the holding of the .sohe-
diled open air conceit in front . of
the grandstand. Instead, it took place
in the town hall, which was fairly
well fi'lled'. '
Staged by the Jessie Cameron Mc-
Gregor Troupe, the concert was of a
high order and ono of the best In
the town hall for years, including mu,
areal and aitnstic numbers of a high
order. Following the concert, mein-
hers of the company were entertained
at the home of Mayor and Mrs. A. J.
Many attended the dance in the
town hall toconclude the celebration.
C111 bit Lions Club wilI hold its first
meeting of the 1947-48 season in St.
Paul's' parish hall at, 6.30 pin. sharp
Tuesday 'next, ,Septernber 9. Meeting
metas will be/second and fourth Tues_
days instead of Thursdays, as ,previ
Warren Robinson, Binghamton, N.
Y., is the guest this week at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. John A. Sutter,
having come aver to attend,the Rob-
bins -Satter nuptials. yesterday.
Miss Joan Jordan: has returned to
her some after spending the ...minor
holiday with her cousin, Mrs, George
F a d � �s.. o
ell ws Rrveisn a SI a acc su t:naecl
, p
Mi. ,and Mss, Fellows and then
.children, Fraser and Piannele, on then
trip to Mannitouldn IsSliandand North:I
Ray and spent the least two weeks at
Three, district men: 7. W. Vann) -
mond and Ross 'Drawee -the, both of
Clinhon, and J,aanes Feag+an, Goder-
ich, attended the semi-annual meet-
ing of the Ontario Coneent}vted;Milk
Producers' held an th ,eKing Edward
Hotel, Toronto, an August 28. While
in .. m unto they , staved over for the
Cariadion National Exhdllirtron 1
Minimum 'Char e 5 50 c
3e a word
meavo...ramotlawernewomnvEnton.ana 110,7.4,M1.001
Olinton Liens Fichc, etLL: {liwton
,LionsA venar yWednesda, October 15.
t it
Bazaar et Tonin Hell, Clinton, on
Satin -day, September 6, sponsored by
United Church Womanis Association,
Porter's Hil . Balking, .handcraft and
film produce. - 25-36b
Hospital Sale, September 28, of
household effects, in Minion Lions
arena. For further inform.atioi con -
et Mrs. Prank Fingiancl, secretary
of sale. Will committee Ieindiy meet
Friday, August 29
at 7.30 daY, k'� , in council
chamber. ash
Ephraim Snell Winner
With Leicesters a4 CNE
Ephraim :Snell, R.R. 1 Clinton,
made an excellent showing with his
flock of Leicester sheep which he
exhibited at the Canadian National
Exhibition last week and this week.
He has ben exhibiting at the CNE
and Royal Winter Fair for marry
Prizes won were as follows:
Firsts -ram, shearling; ram Menlo
ewe she:eating; ewe lamb; ewe, tiny
age; pets of ram lamb and three ewe
lambs; pen of ram, two wee, one year
and under three years, and two ewe
lanrlbs; wether lamb; pen of five
lambs, ram and ewe, get of one ram.
Seconds --ram, two shears or over;
ram, any age (reserve champion)::
ewe, two shears and under three.
llhirds-•rem lamb; ewe sliearling;
pen of ram and two ewes, use year
and. under three, ands two ewe lambs. )
Other res -albs at the ONE included:I
Turkeys, broad -breasted bronze old
male, R. Wallace, Blyth; young male,
R. 'Wallace; white young male, R.t
Wallace; golden bronze medal for
Champion in show, 11. Wallace.
Collegiate Registration
Also Slightly Higher
Old Well Caves Io.
Miss Jean Lampnian narrowly
essapedinjury Monday afternoon
when an old wei4 on her mo-
ther's- property, Whitehead Gt.,
0.thich had been filled in and mo
one knew was there; caved in.
Miss Lawpman happened to be
on the grass when the cave-in
took piece and was thrown into
the old well. Her sereams attract-
ed Miss Betty Cooke, who was
there at the time, and she was
able to secure some airmen who
were living on the street to get
Miss Lamina: out of the ;well
without injaly, although she did
have a pretty bad scare.
Fans Pleased
With Races
Clinton's second' annual motorcycle
races attracted a large crowd of fans
to Community Park Saturday after-
noon with keen competition and in-
terest predominating throughout.
The successful affair vas promot-
ed dry The London Motorcycle CIub
and sponsored by Clinton Board of
Park Management, with Ellwood
Epps, local enthusiast, assisting.
Prizes totalled $500.
The dirt track was fest and in
perfect condition for the meet .re-
sulting in the fast time of 4 minutes
38 seconds for the fou mile race to
experts (eight times around the.
track) or nearly a mile a minute.
Time trials delayed bho start of the
The most serious accident of the
afternoon occurred during the 5th lap
of the 4 -mile amateur race, with C.
'Bowman, Brantford, the victim. Ile
lost control of his motorcycle 'while
rounding the north end of the half.
mile track and was thrown to the
ground his machine careening on
further over the raise. He was
knocked unconscious and was re-
moved to Clinton Community Heel).
Mel and inter to his home at Brant -
i ford.
Both Clinton Collegiate Institute
end public •school have an increased
attendance this year over last, aeeerd-
ing tto 3+ir•at-day registration figures
provided by the principals.
Principal E. A. Fines stated the
Collegiaibe's eneelment totalled) 222,
made rip of 88 boys and 124 girls, as
compared wilt 214 •a year ago, com-
prising 96 boys and, 118 girls. It
is expected that the registration will
reaeh 225 to 230 within a few days.
The new 'Commercial course has et -
traded' quite a large number in
Grades X and XI, the peincipal said.
Grade X hes about equal numbers of
emnsnercia] and non-commercial stu-
Details of CCI enrolment to date
are as follows:
Boys Girls Total.
Grade XIII 2 4
Grade XII 14 15 29 ,
Oracle XI 12 31 43
Grade X 32 39 71
Grade IX 28 45 73
Totals 1947 88 134 222
Totals 1946 96 118 214
Public School Higher.
Principal Cr. Ii. Jefferson stated
that first-day enrolment in the public
school totalled 304, as compared with
268 a year age, or an increase of
36 or more than 13 per sent, mostly
in the le;we rgrades. There are still
a few more to come in, notably three
French-speaking children who are due
to start school here today. (Their
father ie an airman :at RCAF Station,
Comparative figures with a year
ago are as follows:
Class 1946 1947 •
G. H. Jefferson 84 32
Miss Edna Jamieson 84 37
Lyle McKee 28 88
Mrs. Dorothy Ball 34 37
Mies Leek Johnston 24 ' 34
Miss Jean Webster 34 37
Miss Donalda Adams 35 47.
Mrs. Bessie Falconer
(kind'ergarten) 46 92
Totals 268 304
CCI Board Meets
Clinton Collegiate Institute Board
held its September meeting in the
school Tuesday evening with the fol-
lowing members present: Frank ring_
Wand, Clinton, chairman; J. E. Mc-
Kinley, Stanley; k'rank Trtmbhn, Hul.
lett; Frank rMarshall, East Wawa-
■ nosh; R. D, Philp, Blyth; Mrs. N. W.
Trewsrbha, Goder•ieh Township; A. M.
Late Summer Weddings Knight, :County of Huron. Absent time
W. Crich, Tueleersmith,
The Board received approval of the
contracts for bus :transportation as
arranged ;previously. All new teachers
were reported to be on hand. The
chairman and treasurer were author-
ized to make the necessary arrange-
ments with the Royal Bank to, borrow
when necessary. `
A. comprehensive public 1ab5Iity
and medical expense ,policy covering
accidents was approved, as well as
Workmen's Compensation,
PrincipalUpper Fines Scho:prelsented ,a table
showing the ,percentage of students
successful at the recent Upper School
examinations, by departments: Eng-
lish Composition and Literature, 82.8;
History 87.5; Algebra 714; Geometry
83.3; Trigonometry 81.8; Botany 66.6;
Zoology 45.5; Phyeiccs 66,6; Chem-
istry 62.5; Latin 37.5; French 7.9.2,
The home of Mr. .and Mrs. W. Mer-
ritt ,Nediger, Clinton, was the scene
of a very lovely ]ate summer bridal,
when their only daughter, Clara Mar-
garet, was united in marriage to
William Wi]sou Bragger, son of ,Mrs.
Thelma Bi•ugger and the tate Francis
Brugge:, Seafonbh, The double -ring
ceremony, which took place at 12.20
p.m. Monday, 'September 1, 1947, was
performed by Rev, Andrew Lane,
minister of Wesley -Willie United
church, Clinton.
The bride, given 'in marriage by
her father, was lovely itt a floor.
length gown of white chenille taffeta
with sweetheart neo).+line .and a short
toain. Her embroidered not finger•
tip veil was held by a cornet heed -
dress. Her bouquet, in the form of a
crescent, was composed of recd Briar -
cliffs rosier and etepbanobis. Her only
ornament' wasa ruby -set sat ,pendlant,
wornby her ,mother at her own wade
The bride's only :attendant was Miss
Patricia Ann Bragger, :Seaforth, sis-
ter of the groom. She was gowned in
blue taffeta with a tulle headdress.
Her boeet was of pink rapture
roses and baby mums,.
The best man was Charles Austin
Nediger•. Sarnia, brother of :the bride.
Before the ceremony began, Miss
1vilary Lane, ;Clinton, sang "0 Pf en't
Love". During the signing of: the reg.
anter,. Wilisut Capron, Wnghamy sang.
"Because". The swedding• music was
played by :Mitis 'Marton Mason, 'Sea -
'Standards of pink and white gladi.
old formed the setting forthe eerc,
moray and for the shit reception whieh
followed. The guests were received dr
by the :brides mother, used in Royal
Blue "crepe with black 'acceseariee,
She we a corsage of white gar-
denias. Assisting her wee the mother
the groom, gowned in a ttvo piece
dress of green and bdacic crepe.. Her
accessories were black and she wore
a corsage of ganrdenias.
The luncheon7n whi followed, was
c f
held at Hotel Clinton when 19 guests,
member's of the innnredinte eamilies,
were gresent. •
The young couple left on a trip
by motes' for Toronto end in a few
days will return to their cottage at
Lane O'p'ines, near Hayfield. For
travelline the bride do ned a black
and white jersey dress 'with grey
shortie coat with blank accessories
and a 'eosins'eosins'eosinsof seed roses' and ate
mhanctis. Upon their return the hap-
py couple will reside in Clinton.
Wesley -Willis' United church, eff-
ectively decorated with pastel shades
of gladioli and ferns made a fitting
setting on Wednesday afternoon, Sep-
tember 3, at four -thirty o'clock for
the marriage of Eileen Emma ;Slitter
and LAC Robert Perry Robbins, Cen-
tralia. The bride is the younger
daughter of Mr. and Mrs John A.
Sutter, Clinton, and the groom is the
only son of Mr. and Mrs, E. Albert
Robbins, Lind, Sask. Rev, Andrew
Lane performed the double -ring cer-
The wedcling 'music was played by
Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew who also
accompanied William B. Comma Win-
gham, the soioiet, who sang "The
Lord's Prayer" before the ceremony
and "Through the Years" during the
signing of the register.
Given in marriage by her. father,
the bride was charming in a floor-
lengthgown ofwhite satin. The dress
was fashioned With a tight bodice,
sweetheart neckline, long sleeves end,
ing in lily poinuts, and a full skirt
sweeping into a shoat train. Her
long veil of illusion net was held with
a Queen Anne headdress which was
studded with seed pearls taken from
her mother's wedding dress. She wore
a gold necklace with matching earr-
ings; the gift of the groom. She
carried a crescent bouquet of white
gardenias., Johanna Ilii] Roses and
Attending the bride was here only
sister, 3Miss Shirley G. Sutter, who
was lovely in a floor -length gown of
Blush pink satin with an overskirt of
err:bossed marquisette whieh was
fashioned .along the same lines as the
bride's driers, with butterfly sleeves
replacing the long sleeves of the
bride. Her headdress was a bandeau
of pink flowers with a shoulder -length
veil of metelrintr net. ]slid she +Esso
matching ing elbow -7
ength mittens.
Ilei flowers were a cascade bouquet
of white Iiillaaney ironies.
LAO Robert Beaton, Centralia. was
best man, and the ushers were R.
:Benson Sutter, only brother of the
bride; esti Cip1. Sam E. ])stwicic, 'Gem.
A reception followed at the borne
of the bride's parents, where Mrs.
MI2ribher neceivertevearieg a silver 'blue
frock with navy ace.eseerios. • Bee re-
sentirig the groom's mother who was
unable to be present, Mrs. V. N. Pe-
tersen, Exeter, wife. of Squadron
Leader Peterson, Centralia. oto re-
ceived. wrn'Irinr a blanir ensemble with
it 1 shirts' uwwarries. Beth wore eor-
sanes. 04 oink Baiereifife roses.
The 'ride's table, eoverod- with a
hand -made white lace 'sloth, was een-
Hospital Aid Plans
Bag Event September 26
A Manti:mouth Auction :Sale sand.
Carnival to be held in the Lions
Arena Friday September 26, : is the
first money making activity of Clin-
ton Hospital 1Aid this Pali.
Plans for the sale 'were made at the
September meeting Tuesday evening.
Mrs. L. M. McKineon bho ,president,
was in charge while plans for the
sale were explained by Miss. Mae
Ranee MadKinnon and Miss Win
O'Neil; while Men B. B. Poelclington
reported for the amusements which
will be ass attraction of . the sale.
Anyone with donations for the ;sale
is asked to contact Mee Frank Ring -
'Irs. .MscIZirmon also explained
that the ladies wishing to enter the
marathon Midge, euchre, five bund=
red and Osibbage, met get their
entries in not later than September
22. She also hoped that some of the
men of the town •might make separ-
to es.
ate entries. c tt'r Further cllatadis will he
found in adve ne ent elsewhere
in this teem:
troll welt .a three -tiered cake, with bud
vases of sweet peas, and ivory candles
i silver holders • s is/-
n err s of on aa;. Those a sr
Mg were Mrs, Wesley Holland, God-
erioh, Misses Ruth, Potter, 'Lou
Thompson, Mary Lane, Corosusa Wens
dorf and Florence Ariken, all of Clin-
For traavelling to points north, the
bride ,donned a beige ch.eelc •suit with
cocoa -brown, aocessories and is cor- /
sage orf Johanna. Hill roue. On their
ream they will reside in Clinton.
.Guests were present from Toronto,
iVaterdown, St. Catharines, London,
Stratford, . Rxeter, Gentrtuliit and
Bnngheantort, iN.Y,