HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-08-28, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' THURSDAY, AUGUST 2$, '1 47' InterestinL Items From News -Record's Rural Correspondents NEWS OF OAYFJELD Representative Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 63.1r31 Charles Guest and Glenn Brandon left on Thursday to work in Exeter, Mr. and Airs. Percy Dyment, 'De• troit, spent- a day in the village re- cently. John Duffy, London, spent the week=end with Mr. and Mrs, James R., ` Scott, M>r. and Mier. Ted Crane and fam- ily, (Detroit, spent last week in Deer Lodge Park.. • iimr. and Mrs. James P. Ferguson, London ane occupying Miss Rose Kennedy's cotbage- (Miss• Mina -Proctor has returned to Toronto eater having visited her aunt, Mrs. , George Icing, Mr; and Mss. Ross Kneeshaw, To- ledo, 0., are appending a week at their home an village. J. E. Brent, Toronto, is spending e few days with his wife and fanvlly at the Tills -earn' cottage. !Mrs. F. V. Martin, Detroit, is at her cottage, Boulder Lodge, for the remainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Weston and son Detroit, spent the weekend with the framer's aunt Miss Elizabeth Weston. !Mrs. L. Duffy and Ellen are spend ing this week with Mrs. Reeves and two children et the Kanter cottage. Miss 'Audrey Sturgeon lWent to Clinton on Sunday to spend a fent/ days with her sister, Mrs J. Cruick- shank. Mrs. Jam Dewar, Kingston came on Saturday to epend a week With cher eashand's parents, Mr. and Mas. D,' Dewar. Dr. and Mrs. I:, Duffy and Mies. Ellen, London, were the guests of Mr. and Mee. Charles R. Will over the week -end. Mrs. Len (Smith and daughter, Miss Maxine, London, have been visit- dng the former's mother Mrs . Chaa'les W. Parker. Rev. and Mrs. L, Morgan and little Mies Karen,•left on Monday to spend part of their vacation with relatives at Watford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erb and Miss Pat Morley, Birmingham, Mich„ vis- ited their aunt, Miss L. Morley, over the weeie-end. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lowis returned to Toronto. en Thursday after havingM. WANTED IMMEDIATELY DOMESTICS for the Huron Comity Home. Good 'es with board and lodging provided. Duties to com- mence immediately. Applicants please apply to Mrs. Martha E. Jacob, Matron, Huron County Home,, Clinton, Ontario. TWO 5a11a14 �iCth N. W. 1WLLER, County Clerk CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS OR BY APPOINTMENT WITH Mr. J. J. ZAPFE PHONE 103 MEMORIALS AND CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON CL1NTON — EXETER -- SIiIAFORTR visited Mrs. N. W. Woods, "The Hut", for ten days, Mr. and um. D. A. Stafford, Miss Mary Gray and John Mitchell, Lon - den, were the ,guests of Mrs, F, A. Edwards on Sunday. ,Mrs. W. Wooller and Miss Ethel Cameron rebarned to Detroit Mon- day after having visited their aunts, Misses 11., G. and, M. Cameron. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cuninghame over the iweekend were their son, John, Owen Sound, their daughter, Mess Jo -Anne, Sarnia, and Charles Lyall, Toronto. Miss Kathleen Reid, Windsor, is spending this week with tier parents, at the Paull cotage. Bernard Reid and Mrs. Sober Holt, Windsor, were also with them over the weak -end. Mae iMaeLeod,.iSarnia, .spent Thurs- dlay and Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. MacLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLeod, •Goderieh, were also with. them :over the week -end, Mra. 0. W. Mynas, Toronto, is the guest of her brother William L. and -Moss. Ferguson. Philip Rhynas who accompanied his mother to the village on .Sunday returned to Tor- onto. Frank Rurch has returned to To- ronto after having spent a fortnight wibh his with and two children at the Mustard cottage. His brother, Rev. M. E. Burch, eaimico, spent last week with -them, ,Mr. and Mrs.. 'Clayton Guest and daughter, IMorah, .spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ;Malcolm Toms, en route from Toronto to Terrace Bay, Ontario, where they will make their home. Mrs, R. Fulton who has spent the summer with her sister, Mrs. Percy Weston, left the beginning of the week to visit in London before taking the train .on Monday for her home in Biggar, Sask. i1Vlrs. F. Wright, Toronto, is the guest of Mas. F. W. Baker this week. Mrs. Wright, formerly Miss Queenie Martin, left here 35 years ago and it is 28 years since she visited her native village. Aims. (Cameron McNeil, Cleveland. and Master Hugh McNeil, who has spent the summer in camp near Min- den, came on Tuesday to visit her sister and brother, Miss M. Her/gins' and Prof. L. C. Hodgins, "Stone haven". James •Mighton and Roy Robinson, Woodstock, and Miss Elvelye Haley, Watford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Graham last week. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Hughes and two child- ren, Robert and David, Embro also spent a day with them. Mr, and Mrs. 17. Kirkham and Sher- man, and small granddaughter, Bev- erley Rossi, left on Thursday for Sharbot Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett left the same day for Quebec, where Mr. Burnett has secured work. Both mon have been employed in the construction of the new bridge at Bayfield. 99th Anniversary The 99th anniversary service will be held in Trinity Church en aranday morning at 11 o'clock. The special speaker will be iRev. John Graham, fF0 t �Ili ��h f 0000110 11Il g04101lgi1i�i.i I 1' 100?1� 0t 11 Ill 110601101$ 0 n6I01' II +� (00 li�InlP 1i171(d1,11,i flff� Incl• i o, d,• d .� C$a fi f� ,iP!! �f,r I , t �� � ,•1' w IIGr SII NIS I� ! � �,I I r ll3 m 0 J 115"1.011. `` i (lul. � I t3i l�v Pi .usNili,,, ,,l,, :ni ", 11.itz „tr• @@aec!�,,.",' iii• ,it _ ILII,R'-Y3" �� I! �.y., d III .13. i. .aa, ,,, itw,, ,, I e iii ,1 • 'II., l j' i ....1, il I,iN+ ':i: "ir tl 'iii tip iii i I ,, li r,,illiii‘0,10111g:1;614111t1.-"iwasar lii- � 0+nlmlI 1 i � Ii r ���Biu :.Y� f(�!I igiiiiili� RI�I1 i11111111i� "1113vI���ICIiNIIfiOhlNh�ilMf�. �iII11iI�Pl19t�IIIVf�iIC�IP`i,9!lllillgl 91a3ifi IpV �;,��,,, �• iVf iII�fVlfitl�I!�LF ltmgf l_ i ill 110111fl'PPIII'iFIV Fri' MIMI 1 - fill I Nunn tFifi tillmtPfi PIi1 �'�Iillf(+�1fifi�pfirP� I t B •� x 4��1f6nit4rtn-M-171194, 5,,, of 000 roti., of rouerrh are puny/ daily into thin dant 200 feet high, MI a a mile lona '4-4•A>14.1401%1(1 to Harnessing Another 81,00 Horsepower HOT IPI6,I,�PI IIBIIt�I'�i0 �� � -1�1iit IJV'( I fit - i ilpj(pllr ��fiPJ7�nigtom People sometimes. ask us what we are doing about providing more electricity for Ontario. Many know how dose we ore now to using up all our present supply. Since the end of the wor, Hydro's peak load demand; has increased approximately 500,000 horse- power or more than 25% of the highest wartime demand, and is still mounting. What are we doing about it? Above is a part, but only a part, of the answer. It shows the great power development at Stewartville, on the Madawaska River In Eastern 1o1 Ontario, which was started many months ago when materials and labor were in even shorter supply than now. It will give you 81,000 horsepower commencing next year. With other Hydro developments being rushed to completion, an added 500,000 horsepower will be available in the next five years. In the meanwhilS we most all use Hydro sparingly so there will be enough to go around. GODERICH TOWNSHIP D. A. Smith spent last week in Toronto. airs. Nellie Anderson is visiting friends in Ansherstbtm*g this week. Laurie Dyke, Nowa, spent a .few days with •.John Torrance and other friends, Misses Doreen and -Dorothy 'Mc- Guire spent last week camping at Bayfield. Mir. and Mrs. Russell McKillop and son, Ian, London, spent a few days in "WestElE", !Arthur Welsh's cottage at Lane O'Phnes beach. Threshing is the order of the day and some report great yields. Grant Stirling threshed 2,000 leashels of mixed grain off 30 acres. Last week at their cottages . holi- daying in Deer Lodge, were: Mr. mid Mrs. Bert Lobb and friends, Clinton; (Air. and Mrs. Nelson Heal, Selningville; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Williams, Mitchell; Mr. and ,Mrs. E. H. Wilson and family, .Seafortla; air. and Mrs. Christenson and fam- ily, Detroit, (Mich.; Mrs. G. A. Rose and family, ,Stratford, and daughter Mrs. G. C. R. Cook and baby, Mont- real, Que.; Misses Margaret Lobb, Grace Lobb, Edith Pepper, Dorothy McGuire, Doreen McGuire, Helen Crich and Velma 1105k; Mr .and Mrs. J. T. McElwain and daughters, Marian and Jean, all of Essex. With them were lair. Alex Dubs and Mrs. Gould, Sarnia; Misses Audrey Jervis, A. L. Thompson, Mary Thompson, Nancy Ford, Kit Fingland, all of Clinton. Back After 52 Years Mr. and Mrs. Alf Stirling and daughter, Mrs. E. Lawrence, Kenora, are visiting the former's brother, James Stirling, and friends for a month. It is 52 years since Mr. Stirling left here and he sees many changes in this country. Injures Ankle ,Mrs. Phil Heitbohmer had the mis- fortune to fall and injure an ankle while at her cottage at Lane O'Pines beach, whiah made it necessary for her to return to her home in Strat- ford and be under the doctor's care. Mr, and Mrs. T. Dunbar had as their guests at their 'summer home,. 14Ir. and •AZrs. Samuel Johnson and daughter, •'Edna, Sarnia; Barry Dun- bar, London; Mi•, and Mrs. Gordon Brodie and Donna, Wilton Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Brodie, Sr., Delaware. Watford, a former rector. Lions Club lc. meet The Lions Club will resume its supper meetings ut the Little Inn on September 3, when a full _financial report of the Frolic will be given. Back After 30 Years Mr. and ,Mrs. William Sanderson, Brantford, are guests at the Albion Hotel. Will, -who lived with his grand- pareets, the late Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as Sanderson, when a boy, left here over 30 years ago to join his father in Saskatchewan. He returned to On- tario five years ago and is renew- ing old acquaintances and visiting fa- miliar scenes of bis ehildlsood this uveal. i • BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A:ikenhead are holidaying a Goderieh. • Miss Janne Bruce mad Miss Betty June Lang, Delaware, Ohio, visited last week' with J. McCulley and Mary McCulley, Mus. Robert Dawson, who has spent the last two months wtth. her bro- ther at Alvinston, has returned home. Brother Dies in USA Word has been received of the sudden -death of Herman Wightmau, Fontana, Cal„ brother of Mrs. Wes Stackhouse, Brucefield, and Earl Wightman, Auburn, as . well as Miss Annie Wightman, London; Mrs. Al.• bert McKellar, St. Charles, Mich., and Mrs, Grace Henry, Vancouver, B.C. One sister, Miss Era Wightman, ,pre- deceased him, Bonn at Belgrave April 12, 1875,. second son of the late Mai. and Mrs. John Wightman, he operated a gen- eral store at. Sault Ste. Marie, On- tario, for 17 years prior to moving to California. Rio widow and one daughter survive, es well as brothers and sisters listed above. PORTER'S HILL Mrs, Les. Cox spent a" crew days with (friends at their rammer cottage near Grand Bend. John Torrance, who has not been feeing well, spent one day in a Lon- don, hospital last week. Mr .and Mrs. Jerald Newton and children,• London ,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mass. G. G. Newton. Mrs. A. Sterling and ,Mrs, Law- aence, Revere, are spending a month with friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. MoOregor, daughter, Helen, and friend, Londesboro, vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs. Arlie Lockhart Sunday. Church Anniversary Anniversary services will be held in Grace Church, Sunday, September 7, with morning and eventing services, W.A. Meets The W.A.. held its August meeting at the home of Mrs. Will Cox on Thursday seternoon. .A quilt was partly quilted. This meeting was not so well attended, as it is a very busy season, both in the home and outside. The travelling apron was opened, net. Ong the society over $12, A lovely lunch was served. 'The Community Club held its Au- gust meeting at Mrs. James Cox's with 15 ladies present. lin the absenca of the president, ,Mrs. Donny Harris, vice-president, took charge. The ineet. ung opened with repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mas. Bert Harris gave a very interesting financial report, showing $190 on hand. Two cf the five quilts have been sold; these netted $d1. The lucky draw on the Dresden quilt was won by Mrs. W. ,MeClinchey, Holmesvilie. Sale of tickets amounted to $41. An order for another Dresden plate quilt was reeeived, this to be ready within the next couple of mouths. A donation was made to Bayfield Fair to be used fon prizes for children's work. The September meeting is to be 'held at the home of Mrs. D. Harris. The hostess served a very tasty lunch. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Riley spent ,Sunday wibh relatives in God'erieh. Mrs. Annie Saundereoek visited a few days last week with friends in Goderioh. Mrs. O. Reichert anived home last week after spending a week with friends in ;Montreal and points east. Mrs. Casey Hudson and family, IGoderieh, are spending bhis week vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs George Hud- . Mrs. J. Henderson, Jean and Sylvia visited last week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and family, God - Me and Mrs. Sydney Beal, Cal- gary, IM±a., have been visiting their relatives and friends in Hensall and Vicinity. Mrs. G. Voth, Gwen and Jimmy, who have been in Heosall for the past number of months, left Sunday for Detroit. Mr. and fairs. J. Bo".'ton, and Mrs. 71. J. Dinnin, 'Sea -forth, are vacationing this week at the Clomas cottage at Grand Bend. (Miss Emma Johnston was taken all on Sunday and removed to St. Joseph's hospital, London, on .Mon- day, for treatment. Mrs. J. B. MMAree, Toronto, Mrs, L. Inwood, Montreal, spent a few days last week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton. ,Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cousins, Can- field, 0., and kir. and Mrs. Clem Geisler and daughter, Lois, Detroit, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, Kippen. !Mrs Dalrymple, Clinton, spent the. past week with her brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fairlawn, Mr.. Fairbarn, who has been ill for the past few weeks, is im- proving nicely. Interment took place in Hensall Union cemetery Saturday afternoon, August 23, for William Hoggarth, husband of the late Margaret Simp- son, who -died an Victoria hospital, London•, on Thursday, August 21, in his 84th year. A service had been held at the Harrison and Skinner Funeral Nome, •London. Mite Annie Hoggarth and Major W Bruce Rog - earth, Kingston, are daughter and son surviving, plll I N O INiNI iilI!II Ip►�lul Illi lull limo III DETROIT'S DETROIT'S 1CFI RST„ IN CONVENIENCE - COMFORT • QUALITY In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, Sad shopping ores, Friendly, courteous service to'make your stay in Detroit o pleasant memory. The Tulter Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel- lent Food modestly priced. The Hotel Teller, Detroit's largest, is the place to stay. ViSIJ OUR eackta/1,co/a`igc ONE OF ,DETROIVS FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM $.4 .Mate/'Caller FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARR RICHARD C HODGES, Mgr. oN DESBORO Mr .and Mrs. Robert Youngbiutt spent Monday in London. Miss Gail Manning has been at emir at Godearioh this past week. Roy Webster, Niagara Fails; vis- ited with Mas.. L. Wetter and Jack on Friday. Mr. and Mas. Oharlee Vod'den vis- ited with .Mr :and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Nile, on Sunday. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. Jack Snell in the loss' of her father. Miss Mary Grainger, Toronto, is visiting at•the home of Mr. is Peckitt and (Family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Armstrong, To- ronto, visited with Mr. and M1s. John. Armstrong and family last week. Mrs. William Wells and Douglas, Clinton, •spent a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Voungblutt. Mrs. Bert Daer and fancily, Auburn, visited at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vodden, for a few days last week. Bride -elect Honored .Ms's. Robert Faiz service entertained' Monday evening at her home in Hul- lett township, honoring her niece,. Miss Betty Fairservice, a bride-to-be. Tiere were 45' guests present, all cousins • of the (bride -elect. A mock, wedding was a feature of the even- ing's ;prograrn and provided much merriment. An umbrella prettily der- coraued in pink and white and laden with gifts was suspended over the dining room table, which was gay with swimmer flowers, streamers ands other gifts for the guest of honor. Lunch was served. One food• feature in the Weinen's: World" at the Canadian National Erahibition shows homemakers how they can have good food today at low cost for all sizes of families. The uglily Tea . 0 ANGE PEK • x..80 Mary will take up nursing after all !T LoorcED for a while as if a tem- porary financial problem in the family night keep Mary :from finishing "High", If she had to quit school to help. the family income that would have meant good. -bye to her Hopes of becoming a nurse. But here she is, starting her final year. Did her Dad suddenly come inta some money ? No,... and yes. He consulted his bank manager, who toldhim bow the bank, through personal loans, often helped people to meet just such situations. Arrangements were made, and now Mary will •take up nursing after all. In 1926 Canada's banks (made half a million personal loans to Canadian men and women. • E itkS ARCS of i Stu a NCanada's 3,200 brands of their part in the daily lifea,u1 tants wet work of Canadians. eorltofCanadians. •..rte SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK