HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-08-28, Page 5"1 URSDA.Y, AUGU>Slr 28, 1947 CLINTON NEVaaaIQ COPD Ne*sRecord CAISH, RATE-e(Lf paid by Wed- `• aesday following date of insertion)--- " Ore cent a word first insertion (mita mum 30 cents); subsequent inser- tions, one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 10 cents extra for box num. 'bee or for directing to NEWS - RECORD Office. TF OHARGED--20 centsextra. D10ADLINEa-9 Tam, Wednesday. FOR SALE 'PORTABLE ELECTRIC RECORD Player. Phone 517r22. 35db •€ ESTERFSLLD in good condition. Apply Box "W", .NSiWS-REGOIRD. 85p 1929 HAIRLEiY .MOTORCYOLE, just recently reconditioned, Call Sgt. Jer- •vis, Clinton, phone 197, 35p -,GOOD SUPPLY of Duchess Apples for %ala. All have been sprayed. Ap- ply Arnold Rothwell, phone Cartel% 905r32. 35i MOL>;EIRII SEVEN-PLEOE DINING -room :suite, walnut finish with velour -upholstering, Apply Proctor Palmer, 'RR 2, Clinton, phone 901x31. 35p ONE ELECTRIC STOVE, four burn- ers, high oven, $35; also spurs and belt for hydro or telephone work. Apply C. W. Brown, Clinton. 35p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12 YOUNG PIGS, six weeks old. lap- id, William. Steep, Clinton. 35,p PAGE THREE. 1 Clays Fied Adlets Brig Quick Results PROPERTY FOR SALE 13'5 ACRES ON EDGE OF TOWN of Clinton. Large 8 -roomed house with all modern eonveruiences, 10 acres of orchard, river rimming through teem, possession at once, Apply Box 474, Clinton, or phone 488-J. '33-4-5p 11/2 STOREY PRIAIIVTE EIGHT - room dwelling in village of Bayfield near lakefront. Suitable for sum- mer &welling. For further partiou- tars apPl' to H. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, Clinton, phone 251-w. 30-btfb NW HOUSE ON KINK: [STREET, modern conveniences, full size base- ment, hot water heating system, four piece bathroom, oak floors, one open firs place, one electric dire place; good location; price rsoacecl. Im- mediate possession. Apply Bert Dlull- er, Clinton phone 319J. 34-35p ACCOMMODATION WANTED TWO OR THREE RO011VIS furnished or unfurnished, by couple with .two children. Box "V", News -Record. 35p TWO OR THREE FURINLSHED OR unfurnished rooms wanted immed- iately by air force couple with two children, one school age. Apply Box "TI", News -Record. 34-35p WANTED TO BUY JERSEY COW, six years old; quiet WriteICE BOXES, r phone ANY Woods, and nice in every way, due to freshen hand store, 12 But St, Goderieh, "October 21. 1Alpply Thomas Lepping- phone Goderaoh 242.. 24tttfb -:ton, phone 587, 35P ONE HEREFORD BULL CALF, of :serviceable age. Apply :Stewart Schoenhals, Goderaoh township, prone Clinton 903r12. 35-36p EIGHT LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE. Weigh 35 pounds. Apply E. W. ,Mor- rison, phone. Clinton &38r13. 35,p POULTRY FOR SALE I-PU'LLETiS FOR SAILE - 200 Sussex x New Hampshire pullets, laying, Apply Arnold Rathwell, phone 90542. 35p LOST AND FOUNL LOST --Three-year-old brindle heifer due to freshen, strayed away Thurs • slay night, August 21. Harry Oakes, RR 2, Clinton, phone 902r41, Clinton+. 35-36b LOST - At the Brucef]eld Frolic, a gold bracelet with blue stones, val- ued as keepsake, Reward. Marie Glid- "dr+n, 1811 3, Clinton, phone 9011.6. Clinton, 351) LOST -.At the beach or on the street in vicinity of Herta cottage, Bayfield, un July 13, a lady's small gold Elco 'mortis watch valued as keepsake. Re- ward, Apply Box "2" Niu3WIS-RE- CORD'• 35b HELP WANTED CAS1I1i for cash-and-carry groce- tavia. Orval Lahb, Clinton. 35b FOR RENT TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT House keeping, non-drinkers, no children. For appointment phone 634r15, Clin- ton, or write Box 104, Bayfield. 34-35b LARGE laRONT ROOM -twin beds, all new; two Windows; cool in sum- mer, warm in winter; hot water in bath room all the time. Suitable for two gentlemen for room and break- fast. Reasonable. tApply Box "L", The NEWS -RECORD, 34-35p WORK WANTED HO'USEK+EEPER position wanted by experienced lady, at once. Apply Box "F" NEWS -RECORD. 35b MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 35b WANTED TO BUY -Old horses and dead animals, siutable for mink feed, If dead, phone at once. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936x21 or Fred Gilbert,. 936r32, Goclerioh. 25-htfh FREE 1SAMPLE-.Send 4c stamp for Personal Hygiene (rubber goods) imported product, hermetically seal- ed, electronically tested, Free price list. Mailed in plain sealed envelope. Adults only. W. Norman, Box 72, Station 3, Toronto. 28-35-b School Opens Tuesday, Sept. 3 Yes, Mothers, Tuesday will be one of the busiest and most hectic days of the year. To see that your boy is cmfortably and properly Outfitted for school is a real job, but you eau make it easier if you see us for BOYS' WEAR. Lightweight Cotton Trousers for warmer days and the well-known TWEEDUROY line for when the weather turns cold. Ankle and knee length SOX, Denim OVERALLS 6 to 16, wool and cotton SWEATERS, UNDERWEAR, and a full line of BOOTS and SHOES. SPECIAL This week we are offering. an assortment of Younger Girls' SHOES fin sizes 8 to 2, suitable for school wear. Regular price $1.95 to $2.50 To Clear at $1.65 per Pair Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott McHale Shoes PHONE 25 CLINTON OPEN SUNDAY AUGUST 31 AND EVERY NIGHT NEXT WEEK USED CAR SPECIALS 1942 DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN and several older models J. P. MANNING RED STAR GARAGE Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service PHONE 345 CLINTON Here It Is, Girls ! Your Chance to Join The Happy Family who work at Clinton Knitting Company Ltd. APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT BIRTHS nrwnria FAIBER--•In Clinton Community Hos- pital, on Priday, Aeguet 22, 1047, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber, at1R'. ;3 Kamen; a daaglhter, (Shirley m- ane). KAMAN - In Clinton Community Hospital, on Tuesday, Augu t 2'6, 1947, to Mr. and. Mrs, John lIasian, RR. 3; Clinton, a ran: NEI1LANS - Ini St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, en Thursday, August 28, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs, Chester Neiians (nee Alice Glen, Stanley Township) London a son (Murray Edward). TAYLOR - In Clinton Community Hospital, on Saturday, August 23, 1947, to Mr. and M•rs. Frank Tay- lor, Clinton, a .son (Joseph Fred). MARRIAGES HEPBURN - COLQUS3,0'UN - At •Christie Street Hospital Chapel, Toronto, :ori Friday, August 15, 1947 by Padre J. E. Fraser, Audrey Mao, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Colquhoun, Clinton, to George Henry Hepburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hepburn, Chesley. Mc1VIASTER-MARQUDS - In St. An. drew's United Churoh, Sioux Look- out, Ont„ on Wednesday evening August 20, 1947, by Rev. W. T. Brady, Clara Estella Marquis, ,Reg. N., daughter of the late Mr. and and Mrs. Wesley Marquis, Clinton to Basil Foster McMaster, son of Mrs. McMaster and the late Ern- est McMaster, Brighton. TYNDA,LL-WISE - Ian •St, James Church, --Middleton, on :Saturday, August 23, 1947, by Rev, L. Mor- gan, FI'am-lett Vera, daughter of Mrs. Wise and the late William W. Wise, to Lorne Elliott, eldest son of Mr. and IMrs, Roy Tyndall, all of Goderieh township. DEATHS T N C H Th F W' Wh A 35p ELLER - In Stratford, on Monday, August 25, 1947, Cecil Miller, be- loved husband of the late Emily Colley, in his 56th year. Funeral tom Greenwood-Gilbart Funeral Home, Stratford; to Clinton ceme- tery, Wednesday afternoon, Avg. 27. tn IeILV:EEN - In Bowanville, on Tuesday, ,Aatgust 26, 1947, Angeline i\loBrien, widow of Francis Me- Ilveen, aged 90 years. Funeral from Ball Brothers Panoral Home, High St., Clinton, this afternoon (Thurs- day, at 2 o'clock to Clinton ceme- tery. ELFORD - In Stratford. General Hospital, on Monday, August 25, 1947, Douglas William, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Tel- ford (nee Lorraine Talbot, Bay- field), Stratford. 0 IN MEMORIAM ARTER - In loving memory of a loving husband and father, J. Stan- ey Carter, who 'passed away on. August 27, 1948. Ho little we knew when we woke that morn e sorrow the day would foretell, oar it's hard' to part with one we love fllt out a last farewell. Bu t we think of you in silence nd oft repeat your name, at would we give to hear your voice nd see your smile again. -Sadly missed by his wife •and sons, Ivan and Percy CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mary Ann Crawford wish to thank their friends and neighbours for all the many kindnesses shown to •them in •their recent bereavement. 358 Low Rail Fares to the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION AT TORONTO AUG. 22 - SEPT. 6 FARE AND ONE THIRD For the Round Trip Good Going Thursday, Aug. 21 to Saturday, Sept. 6, inclusive Return Limit .-- Sept. 10 Full infoamatio nfrom any Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. v.COKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanente ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East.. '* Phone 585 50 tf Newlyweds Honored By Church Confreres A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and .Mrs. Keith Tyndall on Tuesday, August It, when the congregation of St. James church, Middleton, called to honor this popu- lar young couple. • The iug9hlig•ht of the •evening; rtvas the presentation of a beautiful oc- casional rrhele, the address bring read by Charles cooper, :ohureh warden. Mrs. Tyndall, the moaner Phyllis Middleton, was .a valued member and organist of 'St. Janes church. On behalf of his wife and himself, Mr. Tyndall .fittingly thanked those ,present for their usefal gift. A delicious lunch was served, AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE Furniture and household effects of the late John Ball, Regent, st., God- orieh, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 t Household Effaects:1.30 p.m, Electric stove, ice box, ivashing machine, chesterfield suite, 2 bedroom suites, chest of dtrawers, large mirror, living room rug, 2 congarleumt rugs, walnut gate-leg table, and 4 chefs, 6 cane bottom chairs, 3 kitchen chairs, small tables, 3 rocking chairs, studio couch, sideboard, radio table, piano stool, pictures, bedding, 2 floor lamps, kitchen cupboard, dishes, Booking utensils, wheelbarrow, quantity of tools, approximately 5 ton coal and wood. Real Estate At the same time and place [there will be offered for sale the beautiful Ball home on Regent street, red pressed brick house and garage con- sisting of 4 rooms and bedroom, down- stairs and clothes closets off the bed- rooms upstairs. Town wateETAONN age disposal, electric lights, goad roof and new hot air furnace. Garage with work bench and hen house. This is an exceptionally fine property in excellent condition. Property will be sold subject to re- serve bid. CHATTELS: CASH Executors for the Estate of late J. E. Ball -Mrs. J. E Ball, Oscar Ball. Clarence Bali Auctioneer, HAROLD JACKSON Clerk, E. P. CHESNEY. AUCTION OSALE Having disposed of my preperty on corner of Pulton and Dunlop •Sts., I have instructed Edward W. Elliott to sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 at 1.30 p.m. Sharp (DST) the following household effects: •Ohesterfield suite; studio couch, occasional chair; 2 wicker chairs; leather rocking chair; mahogany rocking chair; odd dining room chairs; mantle mirror; bridge lamp; oak hall table; 2 bedroom suites, in- cluding beds, dressers, chest of draw- ers, and 2 inner spring mattreses; Moffatt combination electric wood and coal range; Tudhope rangette, 2 -burner hat plate; electric heater; modern -breakfast suite in maple; 2 breakfast suites, 'including 2 tables (1 drop Ieaf), 8 chairs, and 2 eup- boards, 0 dining room chairs; lin- oleum 10'x12'; linoleum 9'x12'; con- goleum rug; scatter rugs; 'lawn mower; wheel barrow; garden hose; dishes, cooking -utensils; and numer- ous other articles. TERMS CASH, Lorne J. Drown Edward W. Elliott Proprietor Auctioneer 35-26b AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at the home of Mrs. George Cook, Albert St. N., on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10 at 1.30 p.m. Sharp (DST) consisting of the following: Dining room suite, consisting of 6 chairs, table and china cabinet; 3 rocking chairs; small table; whatnot; 2 day •beds, linoleum rug 12'xl5';. bedroom suite; mattress and feather mattress; kitchen table; sideboard and 7 kitchen charas; range, eatable for wood or coal; Quebec heater; a pairs curtains, nearly new; sealers; cooking utensils, and numerous other articles. TERMS CASIL Mrs. Geo. Cook Edward W. Elliott Proprietress Auctioneer ■ ROXY THEATRE CLINTO N Now Playing- (Aug.8.30 "STALLION ROAR" ) ' Ronald Reaganwaabhnd Alexis Smith Mon., Tues., 'Wed. • (Sept. 1-3) A Cinderella [story tolyl against a • background of national polities featuring lovely Loretta Young in the balmiest screen experience • of her Life. It's A Wonderful Life Thurs„ :Fri., Sat. (Sept. 4-6) The Farmer's Daughter Loretta Young, Joseph Cotten and Ethel B'arryntore: Coming- • (Sept. 8-10) "WAKE UP AND DREAM" John Payne and June haver Technicolor CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Nov.,. Playing - In Technicolor WAKE UP AND DREAM" with John Payne and June Haver Mon„ Tues., Wed. Loretta Young, Joseph Cotten and Ethel Barrymore The farmer's daughter goes to town and+ surprises the town-breds in many ways. The Farmer's Daughter Thurs., Fri., Sat. Tyrone Power, Alice Faye and Don Ameche Come and hear, again, come and cheer again, one of the screens greatest entertainment specials • Alexander's Ragt rrie Band Federation Scholarship Applications Sept. 10 Huron County Federation of Agri- culture offers an annual Scholarship of $100 to enable a worthy student in the County of Huron to enteti the first year at Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. In considering apjilicatione, prefer- ence will be shown to those applicants with farming experience, intending to return to the farm after completing education. Committee of award consists of president, first area •second vice-presi- dents; and seeretary.+treasurer of the County Federation of Agriculture and the County Agricultural Representa- tive. All applications should be made in writing, and in the hands of the County secretary not later than Se.p- tember 10. Work on County Roads Includes New Surfacing Under the supervision of county engineer T. 11. Patterson, Huron County Road Committee is having the county road south of Seaforth graded. An extra 66 feet of land was acquired for the widening of the road:. Trees have been planted on this strip, on which are hydro and telephone poles. ,When the road is finished, its sur- face will be five feet above the bed of ,the ditches. The side slopes will be graded' so that cars will glide into them without upsetting; and will also improve drainage and snow clearing conditions. The land required for the grading operations was wider than the 66 feet of the original road, and in some places therading occupies a width of about 80 feet, Notice to Creditors In the Estate of MINNIE CAMPBELL Late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased All persona having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the u ndensigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 30th day uf, August, A:D. 1947, anter Which date the assets: will be distnibdted amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claim§ of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 12th day of August, AD. 147. F. PINGLAND, I' C. Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate. 33-4-5-b Notice to Creditors In the Estate of ROBERT .TAMES MILLER Late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Esquire. Deceased. All persons having claims against the Eistate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the un- dersigned :Solicitor for the said Es- tate on or before the 30th day of. Au- gust, AD. 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled.'thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 12th day of August, A.D. 1947. F. FINGLAND, KC, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor far the eaid Estate. 33-4-5-b SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON Register for Fall Term ,Starting Sept. 8, 1947 Authorized under the D.V.A. for Training Veterans Courses Clerical, Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial M. A. STONE, Commercial Specialist B. F. WARD, BA Vice -Principal Principal 33•tfb .101 llllllllll The Heat is Terrific ! Watch Your Tires DROP IN AND SEE US AND HANE THEM EXAMINED, THUS SAVING TIME AND EXPENSE AND ASSURING YOURSELF OF A SAFE HOLIDAY TRIP. VULCANIZING (24 -Hour Service) Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSE GASOLINE and 'OIL Phone 460 VICTORIA ST. - CLINTON ■ NOMMIIMINON REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing - ABILENE TOWN starring Ann Dvorak. and Randolph Scott Mon„ Tues„ Wed. John Payne, .Tune Haver and Charlotte Greeanyood It's a riotous Technicolor medley of maids, music and merriment., Wake Up and Dream Thurs., Fri., Sat. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Maureen O'Hara, Walter Slezak With the .accent en epeetacie and splendor comes an Arabian Nights fantasy in Technicolor, Sinball the Sailor Coming -- "HUMORESQUE" with John Garfield Mat: Sat. and holidays, 2.30 p.m. THE FIRST COLUMN (Continued from Page One) and most carefree summers, em- ployed as a waiter in the vacation period while attending Owen. Sound Collegiate Institute . In those days, we knew every inch of the old shay, and can well remember one'In the neighborhood of the Soo, we gap" between Georgian Bay and Lake Huron when every Passenger on board was seasick through her Toll- ing about like a .thele. . . The waiters - yours truly included -thought it was swell fun because they did not have to serve breakfast 'to the pay- ing guests! . . . If we ever travel particularly stormy crossing of "the certainly will visit 'the old gal. "HOW SHALL WE ESCAPE IF WE NEGLECT SO GREAT SALVATION?" — Heb, 2:3 "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." -, Rom, 10:13 TUNE IN -Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RAD/0 STATION CSLW, WINDSOR OPEN SUNDAY AUGUST 31 and Every Night Next Week Try and be Convinced: BLUE SUNOCO DYNiAFUEL GUTTA PIERCHA TIRES DYNAPOWER BATTERIES WATKINS' SERVICE STATION Shue Sunoco Dealer Clinton Phone 18 Many Thanks ! 944 EFFECTIVE I have disposed of my Bracher he Businessin Clinton, lAY, ip on'to947 ORVAL and BERT STANLEY. I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my sincere thanks to all my customers for their loyal patronage in the past, and to solicit for my successors, your continued goodwill in the future. I ale," would like to extend to the Stanley brothers my best wishes for their success. ROSS FITZSIMONS 1 LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND • DANCING EVERY NIGHT. BIG MIDNIGHT DANCE SEPT. 1st, 1.2.05 A.M. LAST DANCE LABOUR DAY NIGHT! .Sunday, August 31st, 9 p.rn. "Variety Entertainers" -- The last Show of 1947 Season! LABOUR DAY, SEPT. 1st LADIES SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT — TEAMS - Forest, Goderieh Legionettes, Dashwood, Lncan You are promised the best .games of the season. Come out and support YOUR Town's Team. Many Thanks for your Visits to "The Bend" Season 1947 has been grand, and "The Bend" is offerinn, and will continue to offer, the newest and best in everything, making it tops amongst the leading resorts. Our aint-"Ontario's Finest"l Medicine Cabinets White enamelled steel, with plain, and decorated mirror. Just the thing for your bathroom, neat and useful Two sizes Each $8.95 to $12.95 HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING Phone: Uusiness 244; Residence 470 jllowniiitisitli IIIAIIIisHIsl 1Alisti rlistilnilil tisihlilrllll01INl11MiI1111111111Ir1111(111111111E a li i Have Your Furnace VACUUM -CLEANED e 1 ai 1 i This is the cleanest method you could 1 imagine—no dust nor dirt—and you get the job done very efficiently. - DON'T FORGET! . WE WHITEWASH AND SPRAY WEEDS! I JACK LITTLE Phone 335w CLINTON AI!BsouIAI uniim1A111 uarioINAl111 issilrill issi!IIH{(4111oIIIr11mlYsllllll ismii11111A