HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-08-28, Page 31 T (.IiRISDAY; AdliGTIISiT 28, 1947 CLINTON N Wb+-nnCOI:D PAGE THREE. WHERE WILL WE MOVED? By "PiEG" eeseme As a wile ,plane are made for fam of sorrow. •1'or somme reason or other Blies to move about the first of (May or early in the f01, but at the pre- sent time folks move when they get a chance. The delinquency of our youth to -dray is partially due to this deplorable condition. According to our papers and radios the fault lies do different sources. Wherever the (tro- uble is it is our ,prayer and hope that things will soon be straightened out. It is a deplorable condition that fam- ilies of three or four are huddled to- gether in as many rooms. we have made ourselves a nuisance in our neighborhood or we may have been an asset. (Speaking personally have we so aoted that people are glad to see us go or do they see us depart with a feeling of gladness? There are many reasons why it is necessary for us to move from the district where we have been located for sometime. It may be someone has bought the house in which we live but (according to the law 'as it stands at .the present time that makes little When we see a family moving from difference; probably if we are in an the district in which we live do we do apartment things ,have become so so with a sense 'of relief or a feeling strained (with radios, late parties or Ntettl .Ata.eitati9 f �f^eWw lariat T aa'a reatta sSH stailtsa leataWOettealeleittsesteissaVe1iiA! LABOR DAY CELEBRATION Community Park, Clinton MON., SEPT. 1 • • • Afternoon Grand Parade and Sports Full Programme for Children All activities within the Park 3.30 P.M. - FASTBALL - Married Men vs. Single Men Admission: FREE • • • Evening other objectionable things that we can stand it no longer; death may have removed a dear one 'with whom we made our home; there may' be some' trouble with our .children which hie reached a climax. Many things could beadded' to this list but that will suffice to give us a reason for anov itg, if we can find a place to go. There are someiereople who can live for years; In a dis£rict and riot have any trouble and there are others who are not( there a week before neighbors'. wish ,they would move away. We sometimes wonder why this •should be. Perhaps the answer is not hard find. It is the way we ,live. If lave consideration for ethers we " get along, but there are many ;poop to -day who have no consideration f anyone. The more they think the are annoying others the happier the are. If they can (pick -a quarrel Zvi someone they are in (their glory an many times they are not long in th neighborhood' before they are raisin trouble not only with their neighbo but with practically call, all with when they come in contact. Then there are those who are pe haps a little over (sensitive and wh things hie- : not.n pickt which up g tobe hurtful rtfu all. Perhaps som word is spoken in kindness and if w are not in good humor we bene offended and a never-ending gnvarre starts which culminates with th moving of one or the other party, o the people in the vicinity wish on family would move. It may be th other person's fault, but if we ar Continually having trouble with diff rent people we may rest assured th ault lies with us. If we have moved from a house erhaps we look back and as we give t a ,parting glance we think "If those walls could speak what would they have to say about us?" Ani very much afraid they would tell a great teal that we would not want the out- ide 'world to know, There would be the many acts of selfishness we have omnsitted there; the times when our emper had got the best of us while the outside world thought we are an example of all that .is good; (perhaps ey could tell of the odd, party we ave had when something stronger than water hadlbeen served even per- aps to those who old or young had aken it for the 'first time and who d thus started on the downward ath from which they might never, ertainly not in their own strength. gain a sure foundation for their stag- ering footsteps; they might tell of res when stories were told which ere not altogether clean, or of how we sat, read and apparently enjoyed ooks .which were not right for any ire minded person to read; it may e they could (tell of quarrels, between usband and wife, between parent and child, They, could tell much more which would certainly be a disgrace us, Christian or non-Christian, d yet we have in many instances ep(ped out into the world thinking one knew of these things, but we d and God did. Will we not think refully of these things and try to ave behind its 'when we move a use which will be clean and, where e walls do not hold secrets. It is ell they cant tik1._a1,1. they know. There are many sore hearts in .the world to -day because .angry words have been spoken and 'before the parties met again death has inter- vened and no chance has been given to join the (breaeh which has been made. Years'of remorse have been left behind. Our daily prayer should be that `God will . bridle our tongue and keep us from saying things which we should not at any time utter, There is one "good thing about moving' and that is that we discard a great many things which we do not need but which have been accumulat- ing from year to year. Moving from to one house to another may be likened we to a person leaving a worldly home rout 11 and moving into a Christien Home. le Semis is. Sleeking to go into the home or of our hearts but He will not enter Y as long as the world abides there. • We must make our choice. It is a th wonderful thing to be able to truly d hang up in our homes the text "Christ e is :the Head of this home," but be- g ware lest we hang it there and it rs should mean nothing to us, ii Veryoften , we • n forget the things which are essential in life. A minister r - preaching recently ,spoke on the ques- o tion which had been asked ' Jesus Where elles thou? div t u . Th e answer ns r of e ,c „ our S'avtoua was Come and see". He e then went on to explain that Jesus me, dwelt only in the ,homes of under standing, kindness, love, beauty of e character, sympathy and many other T. things which we should try•to make a e part of our life. How can we co - e operate with'the One who died for us e if we fail to follow Him in these - tiings?:Have we those qualifications e in our homes? No one of us is per- fect. Only one has attained that, ren. As well there are two brothers high quality. He ,is our Saviour Who :urd four sisters, Robert Freeman, has promised us such a home if we Clinton, and John Freeman, Hullett Township, Mrs. Henry Glazier, Hull- ett Township, Mrs. George ,Riley, Constance and Mrs, M. Montgomery and Mrs. Thomas Glazier, both of Clinton. e f ,P i 1 s t fo tlt •h h t ha P e g ti is w' b p 't b h to an st no di ca lc ho th w In Front of Grandstand, at 7.45 p.m. By a group of special entertainers under the 3 direction of Jessie Cameron MacGregor. ADMISSION: &Its 50c Children 25c Cars 25c Grandstand Free Merchants and others are requested to Participate in Parade and make it a Success Sponsored by Clinton Board of Park Management al ALL PROCEEDS TO PARK FUND Continues to Saturday, Avgvst 30 FROM ioq to 30% OFF Phonograph Records Cling at 4 for $100 While they ,last Pick them -. hear them - Buy (them HOT PLATES - Reg. $3.50 to $12.00 Now $2.95 to $10.95 PRESSURE COOKERS - Reg. $15.95 Now $12.00 TOASTERS - Reg. $6.95 to $4.50 Now $5.95 to $3.95 AUTOMATIC TOASTERS - Reg. $24.00 Now $21.50 Electric FOOD MIXERS - .Reg. $20.95 Now $18.95 Homy Altmann/in ELECTRIC FRYING PANS ---Reg. $8.36 Now $7.25 ELECTRIC IRONS - 'Reg. $11.95 Now $10.75 SEEM CO +FFEE MAKERS Reg. $4.25 to $6.25 Now $3.75 to $5.60 Tisermr . ex PICNIC JUGS - Reg. $8.50 Now $ 7.50 • TRI -LIGHT LAMP - Reg. $32.95 Now $28.95 NU -STYLE Mittolia41 BED LAMPS Eng. $3.85 Now $3.25 NEW 2IENITH BEARING AID - with Batton.+ies (guaranteed) Reg. $43.50 A Bargain at $30.00 Several good second hand CAR RADIOS - at the Right Price Be sure to see the latest in Northern Electrie and Stewart -Wagger TABLE model RADIOS and combinations also AEC WASHERS and Universal' VACUUM CLEANERS Remington Electric Shavers Dual, Triple and Foursome Reg. $19.95 to $23.95 Now $17.95 to $21.45 JUST ARRIVED, a shipment of Northern Electric (RADIOS at $32.50 RE "AIRS ,to ALL MAKIDS Of AUTOMOBILE and. HOUSERrIOLI) RADIOS SIMPLY PHONE 313 -- WE DO THE REST MERRILL R:;DIO and -ELECTRIC "YOUR NORTHERN ELECTRIC ,IC DEALER" Phone 313 Clinton ■ • ""°■ Bean church. ^f�' Following her lrusiband'e death, Mrs. White went to live with het daughter, OBITUARY MRS. MARY A. CRAWFORD Funeral service was held at Ball Brothers Funeral home, High. St., Clinto3u, on Friday, August .22 for Ma's. Mary Ann Crawford. Re. Har- old Snell, Eaceter, a friend of the family officiated. Interment follow- ed' in Blyth Union Cemetery. Pall- bearers were Fred McCool, Ephraim Snell, Thomas Adams, Ab Radford, Norman Grifffiths and Derwin Carter Another service had been held the Wednesday evening previous in the Blake F. Hetherington Funeral Chap- el, Niagara Falls, when another friend Rev. Dr. William Finglarel, officiated. (Mrs. (Crawford', the former Mary Ann Freeman, was born in • Hullett Township 87 years ago. She lived in (her native township practically all her life, moving to Niagara Falls ten years ago. In religion Mrs. Crawford was United Church, being a member of Londesboro United Church and also a life member of the Woman's Miss- ionary.(Society. S to y As a' young ung woman, she married Edmund Cranvford who predeceased her by a number of years. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. A. S. (Martha) Kunkel, 708 Armoury St., Niagara Falls, with whom .Mrs. Crawford had made her home and where her death occurred on Wednesday, .August 20. Also surviving are two ganddaught- ers, ,Mrs Russell Brindley, Auburn and .Mrs. J. Btutis .Phillips, Niag•• arc Falls, and two great grandchild - follow Him and do as He directs us. First of all we .must believe in Him end accept Him. He is standing .at the door of our heart, the centre of our earthly home. He stands and knocks, knocks" and knocks. The latch is on the inside and we must open it ourselves. Then; with joy He will eoine in •and' will dwell with us until the time •comes when He will call us to our home in the Heavenly Realm where He reigns supreme, CECIL MILLER Rev. N. A. Healey, of Central United Church, Stratford, officiated at funeral services at the Greenwood - Gilbert Funeral Home, Stratford, If we have not already given Him yesterday afternoon, August 2,7, for a place in dur life let us no longer Cecil Miller, who died at 'his home, hesitate. Someone has said "On bhe 336 -Cambria st., Stratford, Monday plains of hesitation, bleach the bones morning, ;August 25, in his 56th year. of countless millions who at the dawn Interment was in Clinton cemetery ofof victory, sat down to rest and rest- His death occurred just ten days died" after the death of his wife, formerly Do we belong to the group of those Miss Enema C'olelough. Goderieh who are resting by the way side? township. Let us immediately get up and pro- An employee of •Stra.tlord Brass ceed on the narrow way which leads Company Limited, deceased had not to Everlasting Life, Let us prove enjoyed good health for the past two from Due worldly home of anxiety years, due to a heart condition, but and worry to the happiness which is he had not been seriously ill until found only in Jesus Christ. He will go with us and help us to get settled for an Earthly home than we do h in 0u1,new hone. for -a way to enter the class of When we Move into new earthly those who are 'marching to our home do we dedicate it to the Service Heavenly Home, of the Master? We should and so our "He goes before you, 0 my heart! lives should be given over to Him. Fear not to follow where He Many of us spend more time hunting ]leads." MII1111111111I I111Ih11111111111111OII111111111IIMIA1111all�l!!•III11I iI•l1lJMI111011 Uilll�ll l/2Ill�lllt•Illt•III1 a MOTORCYCLE'. 1RACES ®11lillli!II/Illill I011!iilliillilllilll Community Park CLINTON 12 Fast Races $500 Cash Prizes CANADA'S FASTEST DIRT TRACK RIDERS An Afternoon of SPILLS CHILLS - THRILLS SAT, AUGUST TRIALS START AT 12.30 P.M. SHARP u RACES START AT 2.15 P.M. Promoted by, London Motorcycle Club u a Sponsored by Cyton Board of Park Masnag neat CMA Sanction 21 ia- ADMIISSION: Adults 60c; Children 30c (Tali included) 1= Mail all Entries to iE llwood Epps, Clinton Am• er 11sHi111111lEIiIIemee11111111meHniiIIeiiireiimi11�insullllAgl orro 1!ImII111111i11111 ie mil FOR TIMORROW. � Y irg filf/ fir! Follow the lead of mote than a millioa. Canadians who i save for tomorrow... open your B ofM accoeos today. ► BA•NI NOM aRAOldld A O MONTREAL working with Canadians in .ver} walk of life since 1817 ■ stricken 1Vlonday, Mr. Miller .had been a Stratford resident for the ,past 22 years, go- ing there from Goderieh township. 1e (was married to Miss, Ehnma G'o- lelougih 20' years ago. He was a mem- ber of St. John's United Church(, Born in Goderich township in 1882, the late (Mr. Miller wasa son of the late George Miller- and the former Miss Emily (Steep, his mother still residing in the township. In -addition to his mother, survivors Include five brothers and two sisters; Edward, Arnold and Lloyd, Goderich township; Howard, Kirkland Lake; Bert, Kitchener.; Winnifre8, Mrs. Davit( Pollock, Parkhill; Irene, Mrs. James Johnston, Clinton. MRS. THOMAS WHITE Mrs. G. E. Saville has received word that a former neighbour, Mrs. Thomas White, passed away at her daughter's ,hose on Saturday, Aug- ust s 2. Mrs. White will be remembered by many in Clanton as for many years her late husband conducted a grocery store in town. While hers they were valued members of St. Paul's Ang- Mrs. Clements, in Regina, itt 1930. Later she moved with the Clements family to 5 Hillcrest Road, Woodroffe Ontario, where her death 'occurred,; iVIrs. Clements survives her mother, FUNERAL OF W. G. NETH + )]Rg Y Funeral service was held Thursday afternoon, August 21, itt Trinity Ang Bean Church, Belgrave, for William. G. Nethery, who was (accidental) y killed last Tuesday .afternoon when the team he was driving ran away: with the binder. The church was filled to overflowing by friends and neigh- bours, and beautiful flowers eovered the casket and the ,altar', - .,Rev. J. L. R. Henderson, reefer of the church, officiated at the service, which was in charge of Loyal Orange od(ge 462 Belgrave, Miss Nora Van Clump sang "God cares for you", ace connpanies by Mrs. Clarence Wade. Pallbearers Were Harry Granby, Ernest Noble, Bert Jackson, Samuel Fear and Norman Walsh. The flower - bearers 'were Bert Fear, Jack Van Camp, Clare Van Caine), p , Glen Vat r CamAaron, . . Camp, Fisher and )Jiaal Noble. Burial was in Union cemetery, Blyth. T. H. hardy, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thort dilse and. Fred Thorndike, Clin- ton, were among those who attended the services. GLORIFIES HAIR LEAVES NO DULLING SOAP FILM Lips Radiant as 'Glowing Embers Use'DETTOL' THE MODERN ANTISEPTIC for CUTS, RITES SCRATCHES SORE THROAT Am" ALL PERSONAL USES 49c Kilts Germs Fast• Won't Hurt You ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS ' 1 lb. tin 59c KKOV,AII SALTS 29c and 79c WAMPOLES GRAPE SALTS 50c ENOS FRUIT SALTS 59c and 98c 44 FIZZ SALTS 59c ,k g' :g ANDREWS LIVER SALTS 69c (► 5 * ALKASELTZ + ' 30c and 60e OQOE F. B. -PENNEBAKER PH 4NE SERVICE DRUGGIST M•,rvw.v BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL. DIRECTORY LEGAL AUCTIONI+7ERING '11. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Minton FRANK PINGLAND, K.C, BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Albert St, Clinton ARTHUR E. 'PARRY COMMISSIONER, ETC., ETC. Ey Royal Warrant H. C. IVIF,nt BARRISTER -AT -LAW Solicitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner Office: MacKenzie House Hours: 2 to 5 Tuesdays and Fridays CHIROPRACITC D. 11. McINNES, D.C. CHIROPRACTIC. FOOT CORRECTION Huron St. Phone 207 ACCOUNTANCY ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTRRIiD ACCOUNTANT 57 Moor St. W. Toronto ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, ete., Ann Street Phone 855W EXETER ROY N. IIENTL'EX INCOME FAX (Busliniess, Private er Farm Reports) _. Bookkeeping -Services-.(Weeidy or Monthly) Typing -(Private or. Commercial work). 36 Regent St., Box 58, Phone 23IJ, Gdderich, Ont. OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 DENTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES ,DENTIST Lovett,Bleek Clinton Hours: 9-12 awn.; 1.,50-6 mm. 'eleplsQne 17A Cemetery Memorials T. PRXDE &• SON ClintonAMIN Showrooms Open Fridays See S. J. Zmpfe. Phone 103 EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at Clinton News-Reeord or by phoning 203. Charges moderate and satisfaction *guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specialist in Farm and Household sales, Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties, Prices reasonable, satisfaction guaran- teed. For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. 4, Seaforth.. Phone 14-661, PERCY C. WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Household, farm stock, implements and purebred sales Special training and experience enables me to offer you. sales service that is most efficient and satisfactory. Phone 90r22, Hensall. INSURANCE For Life, Oar, Fire, Siekness and Accident Insurance see ' G. D. ROBERTON Clinton J, E. HOWARD Bayfield, Ont. Phone Clinton 624r81 Car -Life -.+tire -Accident Wind Insurance If you need insurance, I have a 'policy THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seaforth OFFICERS, 1947 Pres., Frank Me.' Gregor, Clinton, R.R. 5; Vice -Pros., Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm, R.R. 1:^ Manager and Secy.-Treas., M. A. Reich Searth. DfoIRECTORS Ilarvey Fuller, God. erich, R.R. 2; Chris Leonhardt, Brod. hagen; E. J. Treivartha, Clinton; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; John Melwsng, Blyth; Frank McGregor. Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton; J. L. Malone, Sea - forth, t1GENTS-John E. Popper, Bruce. field, R.R. 1; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth; R.R. 1; R. F. Meldercher, Liul�lin, R.13 IJ J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen. Parties desiring to effieet insurance or transact other business will be, promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. Losses speepo ed isyt thofe direct•Ions.or living' near' rnest th si O i�I'ERINARIAN T' DR. G. S. ELLIOTT r'hone 203 VETERINARIAN 1lntoa