HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-08-21, Page 3TI tI OI1L'ISDAY, .AIIIGI310T 21, 1947 CdintrioN lawPb-ItJt't or, ".o Do We Want to be Unhappy? By "PEG" Some may say what a foolusli ques- tiem toask. That may be so, yet there are many of us who are trying to make our selves •unhappy. Brow can we bring ourselves into that state afi' mind? Happineet consists in being cone tented. Therefore the question eomies down to 'what are we going to do to make ourselves diseontented? Grumbling is one major way of making:ourselves unhappy, Olne of the first things y'e do in the morn- ing is to look out of the window and. remark, sometimes to the point of grumbling, about the kind of weabher God has sent to us. It may be our plans foe the day °are slpoiled, but there must, be some eeason for rainy weather or we would not have et. Sozne'one remarked recently ,that in spite of the wet weather we had this spring, when she went out to her plot of ground • a few days after the rain ceased, it was as hard as if there had been no rain at •all. ' Al pass. ing remark about the weather is al- right, but when it comes to grum- bling day after day !about it, we have tonne to the place where we are sin- ning. God rules the world, and if we were not intended to have rain or very ,hot, humid days, do we think they would • ,be sent to us? We have LABOR DAY CELEBRATIO Community Park, Clinton MON., SEPT. 1 • • • Afternoon Grand Parade and Sports Full Programme for Children All activities within the Park Admission: FIEF, • • • Evening In Front of Grandstand, at 7.45. p.m. By a group of special entertainers under the direction of Jessie Cameron MacGregor ADMISSION: .Adults 50c Children 25c Cars 25c Grandstand Free Merchants and others are requested to Participate in Parade and make it a Success Sponsored by Clinton Board of Park Management ALL. PROCEEDS TO PARK FUND no control whatever over the weather eo let us just accept it as it is, know•., ing that sill things : will workout in the best way for us. Scientists now are busy:trying to make a formula which will cause rain. One Of their- problems is that if they want raineto fall in Toronto it is quite likely to, rain in Ottawa,. and Toronto will be dry. However, whatever happens there ere always some who will want Dain' and somesunshine en the sante spot of ground at the same time. One rule for cite happiness is to '.just accept the weather as .it is. many who never sit d content hold body and, soul fault with what we ha e. What 'would we do if affected with that thea should appreciate our food. iMany of us :have taken or are tak- ing our holidays.. Have we been sat - idled with ,them, or have we made ourselves unhappy because we could not go to sonne of the places where perhaps our better -off friends have been able to go. Young men and young women, have we taken our holidays and gene away to have a 4 geed time, and have we left clue mother or father behind, us if they were able to go, Mothers have strug-_ gled along to get aur clothes ready and packed, have stood at the door OT on the station platform and have said good-bye to us and 'we have gone on our way without dhinking of the one who has done so much for us. We have given no thought to the fact that they need a holiday per - harps more than we do. Unhappiness comes into the ease when they have been taken from us 'and with remorse we think of the extra happy days we Wright have had with them if we only had been considerate enough to invite them to go with us, not on a paying basis, but as n great privi- lege. Another thing which will make us unhappy is the feet that we allow jealousy to become part of 'our being. Little by little it creeps in, at first unknown o us, and by the time we realize it is there it has grown to such proportions that without God's help we cannot: get mid of it. Many homes are broken up just because this element of iniquity is allowed rule. o Some little incident of really no ;t, account happene, the wife becomes 'There are many things :aot bo gn`<unible for which we w3ieh we should be thoroughly ashamed. Arnot h'e'r is OUT feed.iThereare comp'aratiy e1y few pe- ople in QUI' fair Dominion who have not enough to eat. It is •not those poor unfortunate people of whom we speaking, but it is arethose who have lu1'enty.;ta sustain th em. There are own -to a meal who linive not something to say about their food. it may be just too that They eauld� not bad be trans- planted to some of 'the countries 'ere. the people are actually elate. mwhere they are ntg,ent to go with a tin cup or anything else which is avttilable to get a pittance. to together. Shame on us if we aro i nclined to find'hate to eat her we were so d disease cancer and were in such a condition we could net be fed d except' through a tube? It may ba that then scene of its would realize . that we 1» «{aaja :sa ;a•`; l leer jealous of the husband or vaee versa• Bargains! bargains! FROM 10% TO 30% OFF -eg Bargains! ONE WEEK ONLY SATURDAY, AUG. 23, to SATURDAY, AUG. 30 Phonograph Records at 4 for $100 theyWhile last e Fick them -- bear them - Buy them 411111111111110 HOT PLATES - Reg. $3.50 .to $12.00 Now $2.95 to $10.95 PRESSURE COOKERS - Reg. $15.95 Now $12.00 TOASTERS --- Reg. $6.95 to $4.50 Now $5.95 to $3.95 AUTOMATIC' TOASTERS - Reg. $24.00 to $28.90 Now $21.50 to $26.00 mlectxic FOOD 'RIMERS - Reg. $20.95 Now $18.95 Heavy Alrnninnan ELECTRIC RIC FRYING PANS --Reg. $8.35 Now $7.25 Electric TRANS •- Reg. $3.99 to $1.1.95 Now $3.50 to $$10.75 SILEX COFFEE MAKERS Beg. $4.25 to $6.25 Now $3.75 to $5,60 'Theron, x PICNIC JUG'S' •- Reg. $8.50 Now $7.50 TRI -LIGHT LAMP -- Reg. $32.95 Now $28.95 NU -STYLE Mitchell BED LAMPS Reg. $3.85 Now $3.25 Electric FANS - Reg. $10.95 Now $9.95 NEW ZENITH HEARING 'AID - . with Batteries (guaranteed) Reg, $43.50 A Bargain at $30.00 tSeverai good second hand CAR RADIOS -- at the Right Price Be sure to see the latest in Northern Electric and Stewart -Warner. TABLE model RADIOS 'and coiinbinaltions also ABC WASHERS and Universal VACUUM CLEANERS Remington Electric Shavers Dual, Triple and Eoursonae Reg. $19.95 to $23.95 Now $17e95 to $21.45 IIU'ST ARRIVED, a. shipment of Northern Electric RADIOS at $32.50 and RCA Victor CAR RADIOS at $64.95 RE.P!IHIS to ALL MAKES of AUTOMOBILE and HOUSEHOLD RADIOS SIMPLY PHONE 313 -- WE DO THE REST MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC NORTHERN ELECTRIC DEALER" Phone 313 „ Clinton WILLIAM J. MGCULLOCH Alastair Conaeher, Secretary - Treasurer of the Ontario Asso- ciated ]3oards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce, an- nounces the appointment " of Mr, William J, MM]:cCulloch as a Director. . . Mr. McCulloch 'is widely known throughout Ontario, particularly in Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce circles for his outstanding leadership and ability in pro- moting the cultural business and commercial life of the Province. Recently Mr. McCulloch was elected Director of Sales for the Peller Brewing Company, Hamilton, Omen,. b T't goes on until in order to be -less unhappy one or the ether seeps out- side company with the result that theme is no longer any ,peace in the h -erne, and children or no children, the husband and wife forget their mar- riage vows and go their own way. Unhappiness will come to us at tines because we have sp:aken in -anger to someone, or' someone has lost their temper and leas said bhings to us which were- not by any means kind. There seems to be so much more of that in the world to -day than there was in past years. Every one seems to be so rushed, they arc over -tired and things bother them which would not have done so in pre-war years. Does it do us any good to ntalte others unhappy? We 'nay have the idea that we do not care, but we trust realise that Jesus cares. AA Ile looks on he must feel sorry for both par- ties. May- we always think, "would I have said that •if Jesus had been standing by"• One of the causes of unitappines.e is aur• own :selfishness. if we are self-centred and have no thought for others then we cannot expect to be will be for them. anything but unhappy. We cannot be The greatest cause of unhappiness Christians and think of no one but in life is that we are wandering far ourselves, for Christ says, 'Go Yo fronn God. In the Christian life the into all the world and preach the palm has always been used to sym- bolize joy, particularly that joy which comes [from vietoly. This may have originated from the -use of the palm branches to celebrate the triumphs of the Greeks and Romans over their enemies. To Christians the palm symbolizes the victory of serf over evil, The host .of the redeemed is represented as standing before the Lamb, cItthed with white robes and with palms in thele hands. We cannot expect to stand before God with the palm of victory in our hands if we do not believe in Christ and thus with His aid are able to overcome temeztation. Do we avant to be unhappy? Well we can do so if we wish. If we just follow any one of the ideas given in this article we will soon have'mow wish. The majority of people want to be happy. We can do so by following the 'words of the hymn writer "I am happy in Him". There is no other way to be really, truly happy. , Ii; is headed to us with our Salvation for whatever happens to us We have Christ as our Companion if -we just accept Him. HEAVY GRAIN RECEIPTS GODE0`uiCH-During ten days a- iubaut nine and three-quarters million bushels of ,grain have been unloaded by C:oderieh E'le'vator and Transit Co. With storage of .grain ;already started it itt estibnated • more than 100,000 bushels will be stored. ` * * * FRACTURES ARM S1EAFORTH. Whole playing on a swing at Seaforth Lions park, Judy Cvbch, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. .Crieh, Seaforth, fell :and fract- ured' her ani. She was removed to Scott Memorial Hospital where the bone was :set, and later returned to her home. • * * OVER A MILLION 10h ETE)R.-For the first. titre in the history of the village, Exeter's assessment has passed the million dollar meek. ti . * * * ABATTOIR STRUCK GOD'E'RfICiii--The -abattoir belong- ing to Thomas Legg, local butcher, a mile east of Goderich, was struck by lightning during an electrical storm and' damaged eo the extent of $50. A small timber in the interior vias split ,and shingles on the roof and a window were damaged. * * * POLICE BYLAW PASSED SEA.FORTH-Couneil has passed a by-law whereby the town may enter into an agreement' to have the policing of the municipality taken over by the provincial force. * * BRIDAL COUPLE FETED WE}SPFIELDAbont 100 friends and neighbors gathered in the school- room of Westfield United Chtn•ch i:t honor .of Mn. and Mrs. Russell Cook, con. 5, East Wawanosh, who were recently married. * * * YOUTH CONVICTED GOD•BR11OFI - Twenty-one-year- old David iMellardy,'was sentenced to throe months definite and three months. indefinite en each of two charges of obtaining money by false paretences by means of worthless cheeps. He was sentenced to one month definite on each of three other charges, all of which wil] be served concurrently in the Ontario Reform- atory at Guelph. Sixteen -year-old Gerald Spain, 'Ives greeted suspended sentence on the •same series of charges and placed on bond of $200 for three years. Ile must also make restitution of $45 obtained through the worthless cheeps. Gospel", bt is not possible to ;preach Clsnisb if we think of uo one but ourselves. Christ has no place in our hearts if that is the evay we are liv- ing. Do let us get this sots ree of un- hap;piness out of one hives. Can we go about with a chip on cur shoulder and not be unhappy. If we are in that condition we will, in these Jaye certainly have the chip l<necked off. People have no time Soy nee do they want to be bothered with people like that. Let us our- selves send the chip "flying and treat the people of the world as we would want them to treat us". Whateoever ye nvcuid that Then should de to you -do ye even ee to them" &Matt 7:12. 1Jnhappiness will certainly be our Iot if we allow time to drag heavily en our hands, There are those who want work and cermet secure it and their ease is Pitiful but if we choice idleness as our positipn in life we are much mare to be pitied. There 'is something radically 'wrong with a man or woman who does Sot want to be 'busy and' the 'sooner they get away from that idea the better it gsrmiIInImilll omillU10IIIiIN111111llll MilitaltallU 11IISiifdliIIIIN11141I1111I 'INIIIIIIHMIllg iMOT MOTORCYCLE i RACESJ 11 IRIIIIIII ilINIOININIIIIE ®IINII Iia Community Park CLINTON $500 Cash Prizes CANADA'S FASTEST DI'R'T TRACK RUMS S SPILLS ie Et Asir Afternoon of CHILLS - TI-IRI..,LSl 81 ree CMA kation 21 ALDMIS] N: AATIsrt;3. 600e; Qiilzoldren 3Go ('.fix . inelncled) 1111:ap1 ei81Entries to Ellwood Epps, Clinton ;c1tI11111n1librSlllnl ilillllll11lil�lligiiII�NIIOiil�l.tl6fllilHtillghf9&16i�lIIIt�11II 1d11�d311dC6(U1gtIIDl61�glpllll[I uta TIME TRIMS ISWART AT 12.30 P.m. SHARP RACES START AT 2.15 I.M. Promoted by London Motorcycle CIO Sponsored by Clinton Board of Pau'k l0 tuagemeart NO ACTION ON HALL • .O0LBOQhNE' - A delegation from Aeiibuen, consisting of Messrs. Asquith Sturdy, and Craig, waited on the Township eoureil to ask for funds to help build a memorial hall. Far the present no action was taken., Tax rates for 1947 were set as foijows: county, 8 2-10 mills; 'township, 6; general school rate,. 4; trustee levy, 2 5-10. * * * WINS $250 PRIZE SISAL OR, H-lUlis. Roy Kerr has been successful in winning second prize of $250 in a contest sponsored by a club in Flint, Mich. The ticket was sold Mrs. Kerr by her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Frank, the former Florence Chesney, Seaforth, * 'M WHEAT SHIPPED GODF1RICIH-Hunon county wheat has smarted to Cow out to Ontario flour mills•. In one week, between 12,000. and 16,000- bushels of Huron county wheat has, been shipped by railway, through the Benni}ller flour mills, to markets outside the county, s PA;Gi; 'PHMa BLINKER LIGHT COMING SEAF012(PTIi--•Tire blinker "light at the towner of Main and Goderieh its,, apprroved by Council only in the eprinug, came a little nearer insba11., abion with the arrival of the two steel poles :ordered earlier: in the year ora' meanting .for it. Rep;eetecl efforts have been made to have the Ontario Depart'ment of Highways in k e � Y install 'blinker a t r light caro the intenscti:on, which is a danger spot on the high.° kaY‘ AGED LADY PASSES GODEIR1OH-,Mrs. Lena Galt died at the summer home of her sen -in- law, Dr. Ivan B. Wilson, London, after a lengthy illness. She was daughter of the late iM, O. Cameron and Jessie McLean, and was •born and had lived all her •life in Goderieh. Her father was lieutenant governor of the Northwest Teri'bbories at bhe time of his death. Her husband; the late Jahn Gant,"' was postmaster at Goderieh for forty years. * *• 4 RATE UP FOUR MILLS SEAFORTH The 1947 tax rate for Seaforth was.eset at 41.5 mills for both public and separate school supporters an increase of more than four .mills over Iast year's- levy. * CLEANS TEETH * FRESHENS MOUTH + TASTES SWELL d cOL,G3G14S 4eGE oz DOTCte oseetet sato 0OV a.Ot1 fiVdott8ht4at e V ail the bol days• and dolotY through an Rosa Geranium SwetSptseaet Mimosa Sweet SptSouthern Htagaoit rad A i.010YED TIME oral DEODORANTS DOROTHY GRAY $L00 VITA RAY 60c MUM 39c and 59c >"'RESII 39c and 59c ARR1D 39c and 59c 'O 39e and 59e NEET�1390 AMMAN39c OIDORONO 39c and 59c ff HAVE CREAM 3,zl.ATHElMORE t 1E14► HUNQ of E Fe B. PENNBAKER PHONE 14 SERVICE DRUGGIST I BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AmMallImmiMmilminammar LEGAL II. T. TRANCE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Representingmpanire Insurance Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK i&'XNGLAND, K.C. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTAHY PUBLIC Albert St. Clinton ARTHUR E. PARTLY COhtMISSI0iNER, ETC., ETC, y Royal Warrant II C MEAL BARRISTER AT -LAW Solichor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner . Office: Mackenzie House Hour's: 2 to 5 Tuesdays and Fridays CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES, D.C. CHIROPRACTIC: FOOT CORRECTION Huron St. none 207 ACCOUNTANCY ERNEST W. BUNTER CHARTI,R.ED ACCOUNTANT 57 floor St. W. Toronto ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, etc., Ants Street Phone 8,55W EXETER ROY N. ]Ir+aNPL'.ET INC014I.E1 TAX - (Business, Private or Farm Reports- lieoklceepiiig Services -Weekly or Monthly) Typing -(Private or Commercial work•). 36 Regent St., Box 58 'Phone 231J, Goderieh, Ont. seeeeas OPTOMETRY A. L. OOLE, lt,Q. ,rOPTOM,PT RIsST Eyes,liux,amaned a'ttd Glasses Fitted Geeterieli - Phone 33 DSIIW L DR D. C.IDD14S ' nowri i' Lovett Meek Cantos Eburs: 9-12 a.m., .10,6 pan, Tpe�lfi paon^ypy7[e70•8 Ceanet lWemorid]s ' T < P ' 3�id l iv SON Glinton iA rooms Woo . Frldeas .. Sec J, J; Zaptc. Phone. 103 AUCTIONEERING EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER! Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at Clinton News -$score or by phoning 203. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. LICE*SOLD JACKSON El) AUCTIONEER Specialist in Farm and Household sale&°. Licensed in Huron and Perth Countiee, Prices reasonable, satisfaction guaran- teed, For information, etc., write off phone Harold Jackson, R.R. 4, Seafortlu. Phone 14-661. PERCY C. WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTION] R Household, farm stook, implements and purebred sales. Special training 'arid experience enables me to offer you sales service that is most efficient and satisfactory. Phone 90r22, Hensall. INSURANCE For Lite, Oar, Fixe, Sickness and Aneident Insurance see G. D. ROEERTON Clinton J. 17. HOWARD Bayfield, Ont. I'lhoiee Clinton 6241'31 Car--.Life--aliee-A ceiden,t Wind Ensurance illyea need insurance, I have a policy THE 1%TeICILLOP MIITTJAL P11110 INSURANCE COMPANY Bead Office, Seaforth OFFICERS, 194.7, .Pres., Frank Mc - ,Gregor, Clinton E.R.5; Vice -Pres., Chris Leonhardl, llornhohn Manager and Seay 1Tress., M. A. Reid. Seaforth. DIR2CTOR,S-Ilarvey FullQr, God. er1ch, le.R 2; Cbris Leonhardt, Beod- hagen; E. J Treivantha, Clinton; W. R. Archibald, SeaeOrth• John I•I, 1,1Rsiwiag,, Myth; Prank McGregor, Clinton; Huelt Alexander, Walton; J. L. Malone, Sea. forth, AGENTS -John 11. Pepper, Szucer, field, RR 1; Geo. A, Watt, Bijten; 1; it, F, ?icKeeelier, Dublin, .R•1:. 1* J F, Pittetes Beadhageri, Patties rlesn3ng to effect insurance or transact other business will ;be promptly attended to on ttppliceilen.ts may of tyre above aRficeee, addressed, to t1i, it reepectfve pbst ofii' s I ot)et msltecte°Pa lIy the dlrecttz hiving n est the point Si' loss, VPIT11RINARL, u, �.- Doc; G. s EIvLajcaTTm� v irons 205 V�ETEIiThat; tI4�2T