HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-08-14, Page 6CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Interesting Items From News -Record's lural. NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 Charlee Guest is .spending a few drays with ids mother. \ Sate and Mrs. W. Moran; London, were in the village recently. Mr. and Nies. G. 0hurc woad) are occupying their cottage on ,Colina st. Er. and MTs. J. L. Duffy, London, are guests at "Shangri-La" this week Mr: and .Mrs. A. [S. A.tlaneon, Det- roit, spent the weekend in the village B. A. Featherston, London, ' spent the weekend at the home of •Mrs. G. W. Parker. Rev. F. G. 'Stotesbury •spent a few days last week in Kitchener : and Toronto. Miss Norma ,Sturgeon spent Fast Week in. Detroit with Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Holmes. Mr and •MM. Faeneoml •end fam- ily, London are .00cupying •a cottage in Jewett's Grove'. Mrs A. Woodward, Detroit, Mich,, is the guest of Miss L. Morley, at Bireholitff Oobtage, Mr. and Mn:s. W, H. Little and fam- ily, Brantford, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tonus.. Mr. and Mrs, Sykes and -son Bruce, Hamilton, are visiting M. and Mrs. Prank Petersthis week. Miss Beryl Castle, Goderich, spent the weekend: with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Castle. Mrs. H. A. Lawson and grandson, David ,Cor•nie, left on Sunday to spend a few dais in London. Mr. and .1dus. A. P. Futter, Lon • don, spent Sunday with the tatter's mother, [Mee. W. J. Stineon. Miss Jean Milliard, Brantford, has been spending a vaoation in .the 'will• age with Mrs, Jamee Ferguson. Mr; and Mrs. Norman Toms, D'et- roit, are spending a vacation with the former's another, Mrs. E. Toms. Mir. and ,Mrs•. Ray and children; Stratford, vieitedl at the eottage of Ma•, and "Mrs, J. Radford last week. .Dr. and Mrs. El P. Lewis, Toronto, came 'on Saturday to spend a vacat- ion with Mrs. N. W. Weods 'The Hut", .Mr. :and Ms Rendon f Johns, St, Clair Shoran, Mieh., Spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson. . Rev. and Mrs: R. •C. Holmes ,and. two' children, Detroit, are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Pollock, of Byren, are •holidaying.in•Milso Laun•- ene Longford's cottage at •"The Poplar's". Mr. and Mrs. L Winholdit, Toron- to, ere spending a vacation with the litter's parents, Mr and Mrs Thom- as [Castle. Lawrence needle has returned to Londlon after having spent a .fort- night with his sisters, Misees 1', and Mrs. Robert Reid, Olintoa, Mr. and E. Towne. Mrs. James •McKein and family, Am- betlp, spent Sunday with Misses M and N. Reid. .ly _.' ;!#ioliee:F[K014"+� Iw!%4+I%QW4: 4:. _ .. _ _ _ _ ��€. 3• Firemen's Frolic Brucefield Community RUCEFIELD Thurs, August 21 Bannockburn Pipe Band in Attendance Dance Music by Murdoch's Orchestra GAMES - WHEELS - BINGO - ETC. i FUN FOR ALL ADMISSION F+REV1 32.33-b r. "1~« e 2,4 ; �. roe rrk ;.,.4 ...»;. M Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Leeson spent er's sister, Mrs. Harold King and PORTER'S HILL Mr. King, • the weekend at Sarnia with the lett- Bill Cameron, Detroit, who is camping, est Ilpperwash,-visitaed • his Aunts, •Misses E. G. and M. Cameron on Saturday. [Mrs. ;'E`.. G. Newton, -Sarna, the. widow of a former reetor`of Tninitv Church, -Visited friends in the vil- age on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ilmerseni Harper and sun, New Dundee, were the guests of i12r. and Mrs,. LeRoy Path over the week -end. Dr. and Mrs. R. *Inter, Toronto, have purchased the mate Samuel Ci' Houston's home hi the village from MTs. W. Moran. Miss M. Fee and William Fee, of Hensall, visited Mr. and Mme. R. B. Johnston and •Me. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart and three children, Montreal are occupy- ing "Grumblenot" cottage for the -math of August. Stewart Watson has been euccese- fel in passing his first year Pharm- acy examinations with honors, at the University of Toronto. Mr. and Mas. ,RL P. Jackson, De- troit., are in the MVIoCoinbe cottage for a fortnight. Mrs. Jackson is a sister of Mrs: C. R. Will. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Davies, Aum and Ronald Davies, Toronto, and Miss Dorothea Treleaven, London,- are guests at the Albion Hotel'. Mr. and Mrs..Eldl. MaCuanbe and two daughters have returned to Bir- mingham, Miele, after having spent a vacation in -the McCombe cottage. Mrs, L. I•I. MacLeod 'was in Lon- don on Sunday visiting her son, Bob, who is recovering rfnioan a critical ab- dominal operation in St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Reel, Hazel and Kenneth, MT. and Mrs. Long and small sun Johnny have returned to Toronto after hav- ing visited itlisses M. and E. Reid last week. Mus T. B. Howard, Toronto, is the guest of Rev, and iM•ns. P. H. Paull. J. L. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon, Brantford, were also with them over The bake sale and bataar staged by Porters Hill Community Club at Payileld on ,Saturday was a splendid success,: proceeds to go to the Hoseiu3tai Fhmd. The August meeting of the club is to he held on August 20 at Mrs. James Cox's` home. Carol- Ami and Den Loekhart, C7in- ton, are spending a few days with their grandparents. Jimmy Lockhart, Royal G'ak Mich., who has spent .two weeks here, re- turned home with hisparents on [Sunday. the weekend: [Roy McLeod befit on [Saturday for his home in Toledo, Ohio, after spend'• leg two weeks with his. mother, Mrs. Adelaide MoLeod •and sister„ Miss 'Cecil McLeod. • Bev. and 'Nits. J. Graham and Montea, Watford, are occupying J. Newon's cottage this month. Pat Graham, Woodstock, spent the week- end with them. Mass Margaret Ker!foot, ,Brockville, spent last week with .Mr. and' Mrs. R. B. Johnstan..:Mliss Helen O'Don. nell, .Sault Ste. Marie, was also .their guest last week: Robert J, Watson left .on Monday for Broadview, .Sisk., after having spent his vacation with his wife and son at the home of her mother, Mrs. F. A. Edwards. • Rose ,and Jim Unswoatth, Los An- geles, [California, Mr. and Masi Fred Davison., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fleming, Detroit, spent the week -end , with Mrs. John Davison. Douglas King, .Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kilty and! Bob, [St. Cathar- ines, spent a week -end recently with the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George King. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wehner, North Carolina, and the Misses Helen and ,Jaen Gemenhard, Shaine**, Mich., spent a few days with Mrs M. Gem- tinhard and family last wtek, MT. and Mas. Alex Rae 'and daught- er retutaaed on Friday from Redvers, L Ala HANDS .AT WOE -.K LEARNING REFRIGERATION ONTARIO'S productive capacity is the measure of her future prosperity. To assure this province a prominent place in domestic and foreign trade markets, skilled hands • are needed. Increasedproduction of refrigeration units willmean a greater need for skilled servicing. Veterans, basically trained in schools and ON THE .TOB, will fill •this need as they are absorbed into industry. For those who have mastered skilled occupations, higher wages, job security and better working con-, ditions are within easier reach. Through plans sponsored by the 'Department of Veterans Affairs and other agencies, hundreds of young workers are being trained for .refrigera- tion servicing. Graduates of training. schools are ready now to take their places in industry. Craftsmen of the future, they will -have a share in Ontario's progress—an important part to play in her industrial de- velopment:. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO spewrosavietrummarewsrenceawrzrasewszvaaralasonaciistesseit6noa ...1.450e.4uaea.s.os......4....8..6e66J.eosee.sesoseu, IIaIDY� ArEe~n1Rat�'1'T,>i4D1fT : • D. C. Guiry, 23, of Toronto, a veteran : of ISA months' service in the Royal Canadian Mr Force, is, shown checking ▪ the operating pressures on a domestic training unit. The Refrigeration Course gives the student a theoretical and practical knowledge of domestic, commercial and air conditioning units. • P.• , ezzaagnevarmattasienweemeaKtopkoOOMON Sask. They left on Monday for Byron where Mr. Rae will commence teaching duties when stehool re -opens, 'Mr. [and Mrs: Magenta Gray and son are occupying one of Echghoffe er's eabins. •Mr. 'and Mrs•• Wm. Gray and Alta, Detroit, are holidaying. at, the home of Mrs James Ferguson Mss. Henry MoOlinetey hasre- turned after spending several weeks in Plreston. As her guests she now has her San -in -'law and d'aughter, 1VIr. and Mrs. William Speed and family' for• a fortnight, Ma. and Mas. C. 'Wright,. London, visited the latter'e brother, Charles Berry and ,Mrs. Berry, reeently. Mr. and Mac. O. V. Cave • and family, .Mos, B. Gosling and daughter, London were also their guests fou• e day. Mo., and ,Mrs. A. Mahon and baby, Mr. and Mrs.• Fred Gould., Windsor, Mr. and IMM William Milne, Bud, Bill [and J]m Jenlmms and Bella Purdy, Toronto, were guests, of Mrs, Wiliam Greig, "Bali Aires" cottage, last week. [Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnston left on Wednesday for their home in Wilcox, $ask., after having spent si month at the home of Ma•, and Mrs. J. IRdehardson while renewing old acquaintances and) visiting old:, scenes in this their native village. , Ilk. and Mis. Chester Vellet, of Dear born, Meeh., Billy Bell, Jr., Mr. and 1itrs. Stewart Cook and daughter, Nancy, Windsor; Mr. and MTs, Ted Cook, Mr. and 'Mas. Lanuphier of Wyandotte, Miioh.; were guests of Ma, land Nis. Gree Cbok, "Lochaine" last week. Home from Hospital Mester Bobby Parker was 'able to come home en Saturday from the hospital •and is recuperating. There is the beet black bass fish- ing in years in Bayfield river this year. One eatoll of five weighed over 17 pounds. Anglican Church Picnic lAt picanie for the members of St. James Church, Middleton, St. John's, Varna, and Trinity Church, Bayfield. was held in Jewetts Grove on Tues- day arfternueon, and was very well at•• tended. A fall program of sports was Two off 'and, a softball game enjoyed. Window Smashing Epidemic There's been a regular epidemie of window smashing this simmer, ' hventy panes of glass were broken in the school, besides petty vandal- ism inside the building.' 'Dhen they started! at the windows in McPont- land's cottage. Several children have been apprehendedand constable Little has received the thanks and co-operation of some parents in dealing with the matter. But there is always the parent Who takes the part of little J'alnmy or Willie and literally attacks the lane because tine l Notice Clinton Junior Farmers A d4-pabsenger bus has been chartered by the Junior Farmers for the Canadian National. Exhi- bition on September 12. Any boys wishing to go, please contact Keith Tyndall; any girls, Edith Pepper. All names must be in by Au- gust 23. If the bus is not filled, any other persons may go. The fee is $4,25. 3:3-34b TifuRstno, AUFxvisiT 14, 19t4Rc Correspondents pet was caught. All citizens have a eight to the protection of •the law in these matters. llf they were the ones whose property [had been dam- aged, the shoe would be on the 'other foot and we venture to predict that no punishavent would be too" severe for the eelp'tiit. But boys will be boys, the world overt and same fall to the tempta- tion of. S'hoo'ting at electric light bulbs and windows will B.B. guns. If .the boys wish to retain these guns in Bayfaeki they had better cease such- aotivitiles, ancl also the pram tine of ' taking a shot at our song. birds or their guns' will be confis- cated .and they will be liable to a penalty. But what of the •big boys who tear sun of in autamoibiles, blowing borne. at fo!ua o'clock on 'aa Sunday paean hag ? And ;also tying down the home of parked eaars with hair pfns ec • that they blow until the battery is exhausted ;and ,awaken the neigh-.. boa:hood? It is really [such a childish; prank that :one wonders if cinch eduitis should not be treated by a psyohia,t int. PROCLAMATI0N Township of Hu11ett A special meeting of thethe'llatepayers of the Township. at Mullett will be held an Community Hall, Londesboro Monday, August 18' The Clerk will be in .the Conentunity Hall, Londeshar.o, from .1 to 2 p.ni. (E.S.T.), to receive aoa AnatIol!i5_, for. 1 Cooeioilllor, to fill the vacancy in Mullett Township Council, caused by the resignation of Leslie R. Reid. ,A Special Meeting of the Electors will be held in the Conrununiiy Hall, Londesboro, at 8.p.m. (E.S.T.), to heal proposed Candidates, and in case more than the requited number are nominated, and a vote demanded, a Poll will he held on t , ,, .: Monday, August 25 FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 5 P.M. (E.S.T.) at the following places: Poll POLLING PLACE, D, R. O. POLL CLERK 1 Forester's Hall Seeord Melirieux Ephraim Clark Kinbiu'n 2 School House S.S. No. 6 3 School House g.S. No. 2 4 Commwuty Hall Londesboro 5 Orange Hall Summerhill 6 Counmunity Hall Londesboro '7 Forester's Hall Auburn Dated alt Londesboro, Bert Beacom Joseph Elvin Thomas Miller Ephraim Snell Leo. Watt Bernard Tighe Emerson Res Orvail Rapson Frank Longman Robert Townsend Wil'liam Craig George Lawlor August 7, 1947 GEORGE W. COWAN, Township Clerk CLIFTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS OR BY APPOINTMENT WITH Mr. J. J. ZAPFE PHONE 103 MEMORIALS AND CEMETERY WOIU OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON CLINTON — EXETER --• SEATORTH s wV ao==rOQ OOI ..' Ic GRAND LABOR IAY CELEBRATION ONDAY, SE T. 1, 19 Z Li 0 tt� GRAND PARADE STARTING AT. 10 A.M., FROM VICTORIA PARD ALL PARADE EVENTS OPEN TO THE ENTIRE COUNTY OF 1{IJRON "-- 'orzso o r•- on= ro"""+....o^.H 41 Several Hundreds of Dollars in prizes for parade Industrial bloats Merchants Floats tat, $35 2nd, $25 31•d, $15 1st, $25 - 2nd, $15 3rd, $10 Decorated Cars Farmers' Display 1st, $15 2atd, $10 3rd, $5 l.st, $25 2ncl, $15 3rd, $10 0 Bicycles and Tricycles Comic Floats ist, .$'5 2nd, $3 3rd, $2 1st, $20 2aad, $10 3rd, $5 Special Prize for best Clown in the. Parade $15 All entries to be on hand at 9 a,tn., at Victoria Park for placement in the parade Prominent speakers will be heard frown'the bandstand on The iSgwar°e immediately following the parade uti After i Eel t,1{, M' 'agr A sparkling, vaslety program alt the grandstand will consist of: Magicians Musicians Impersonators Comedians Ventriloquists Male Quartettes ..d. Tug -of -War between Gode ich and a team selected from the townships There will be 11 fuel accts at the evening show by artists outstatindiaag in thseir respective fields 6A.= .,d'a orziol.— °'- ---zor so "` Q` nor".. e'=8E=t' =-------,--,•-.xo9 N o1= RAW FOR VALUABLE PRIZES Will stake place in front of the grandstand at .Agriculture Park eftrr the evening show HURON'S BIG DAY OF THE YEAR. SPONSORED EY TILE GOD1iRICH TRADES, AND LABOR; COUNCIL NELSON 0BICH, CHAIRMAN OF PARADE AND MOATS COMMPADDE Deming Girls Bilaneing Acts Singing Cowboys