HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-08-14, Page 5THURSDAY,' ' AUGUST 14, 1941 t7IiLNTUN : Iu1EIPSr 3-1GFl(IO PAGE FIV* News - Reco r d C assi�ed At�lets Bring ' CiAISH RATE.(Epaid by Wed- nMeaday'followingdate of insertion) - cane cent a word first insertion (min_ 'mum 30 cents); 'subsequent Meer - ns, one Bent a word (minimum 25. nts); 10 cents extra for box num or for directing to NIE:WiS vtECOIRID Office. 1F CHARGED -20 cents extra. D AiDLIN,E-9ni., 'Wednesday. FOR SALE ORN 11018 .SALE- (ANA'S' William Clinton. 33x. AIRY' MIXED WOOD. Apply Keith ller, R,R. 3, Clinton, phone 905r4.4. p3 WIS)ETINIG MAQHI1NN, new wringer, price $15,. Apply Most Long. worth, over Agnew's. Pool Room. 38p cowtrLmmo RASPBERRY Plants- Waite Box 754, Gampbellford, Ont. tom illustrated folder and growing "know how." D,on't delay. Supply limited. 31-32-33-34-p .SEIWING MACHINE, chest of draw- ers, pillows, eushions, etc. Picone 119 or 'call at residence August 15, 16 or 18, :between. 3 and 5 p.m. Miss J. itfill'er, Iii -ng st. 33h TWO W13$GHAM ' Q•LLPPEIR" COOK Stoves (used two months); two Mc - Clary Double Oven ,Ranges (suitable :for hotels or restaurants); 28 Boal scuttles; 25 lame galvanized pails; 51? roasbing pans; 10 moi :wringers; 150 lengblaa 7" stovepipe. Apply Di, rector, Huron Church °amp, three miles south of B'ayfdeld on 'Bluewater Highway. 33p ONE/ PEDESTAL PIAN, 20 inch, $?0; Aircraft engines complete with boxes $25, boseideat for chop boxes. Forty gallon• Phomite fire extinguishers. Link Trainer desks -ideal for light assembly benches or home workshop benohes complete with two drawers with locks, $10. Hydraulic Cylinders, vacuous sizes and oapaeitiee-ideal for buck rakes, hoists, arbour presses, ate., $2.50 to .$10. each, Hydraulic Hand Pumps, engine drive type, while they last, $15. Five 'Stage :Spencer turbines -Meal for bnildmg furnace cleaning equipment ow central vacuum •systems complete with ':�'eIhp. 26 er 60 oyele motors $75, a fraction of the original post. Two Link Trainers, Service Type I,`i, complete with desk send recorder, $150 each. These train- ers are at present listed at $400. Bat- tery Chargers, 12 battery oapaoity, while they last $25. Hundreds of feet 1 '/ and 21/2" Fire Hose, write for prtikes. New Respirators -ideal for In- dustrisi ;plants, $2, HURON ENGIN- EERING & RESEARCH CO. LTD., Box 309, 'phone 51, GODI9RTCH, ON - 33b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BEN CHUNKS, seven small igs, one sow H. Managhan, %M- on, evenings. 32-33-p 7 LITTLE PIGS, seven weeks old leo a goecart and an ice box. Apply William Jenkins, ,phone 80241, Clin- ton. 336 A GOiOD HIVE YEAR OLD Work Horse for sale, weighs about 1,400 pounds. Apply Andrew Lamson, phone $04r16, Oliin:toe 33 'Two SOWS, DUE TO FARROW in three weeks; 17 little pigs, six weeks old. Apply Harold Tyndall, phone Clinton 905r2. 32-33-b PROPERTY FOR SALE' SEEN-ffMi b4ED 'HOUSE, six acres of land, .situated du Bayfield. Priced reasonably. Apply Albert Leitch, South at., Godenich. 32-33-$, 135 ACRES ON EDGE( OF TOWN of Clinton.. Large 8 -roomed house with all modern eonaenienees, 10 acres of eachard, river .running through faxen, possession gat once. .Apply Box 474, Clinton, ,oe phone 48.8-J, . 38-4-5p We STOREY FRAME EIGHT - room dwelling in village of Bayfield near lakefront, ,Suitable for sum- mer dwelling. For 'further particu- lars apply to H. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, Clinton) phone 251-w. 30-htf/,b NEIW HOUSE ON KING STREET, modern conveniences, lull .size base ment, shot water heating system, four piece bathroom, oak floors, one aper fire place, one electric fire place; good location; price reasonable for cash. Apply Bert Huller, Clinton, phone 31.9J. 32-33-p ACOOIVIt14LODATION WANTED TWO 011 THREE UNFURNISHED huselceeping roonne by young air force couple. ,Apply Box "J" NEWS -RE- CORD. 33.34p HELP WANTED TWO DINING ROOM GIRLS. Board provided` good wages. Apply Bartel Clinton, phone 793. 32-33-b WANTED TO BUY ICE BOXES, ANY • CONDITION. Write or phone C. Woods, second hand store, 12 East St., Goderich, phone Goderieh 242j. 24-btfb FOR RENT . TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT House. keeping, • non-drinkers, no children. For appointment phone 634r15, Olin - ton, or write Box 104, Bayfield. 32-33-b HOUSE WANTED HOUSE WANTED IN CLINTON, Blyth, or Londesboro by elderly couple. Wanted as soon as possible. Would like about five rooms. Apply E13 Holtahauer, Clinton. 32-33-p LOST AND FOUND LOST=-•WOitJDD THE PARTY WHO took bicycle, Sunday afternoon, Aug- ust 3, 'whish 'was parked under a tree between the 14th and .16th con- cessions of Goderich Township on first road north of No. 3 Highway, please notify Box 329, Clinton. 32-33-p MISCELLANEOUS SLEiNDOtR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Pennebaker's Drug Store, 33b FREE :SAMPLE -Send 4c stamp for Personal Hygiene (rubber goods) imported product, hermetically seal- ed, electronically tested, Free price list. Moiled in plaits sealed envelope. Adults only. W. Norman, Box 72, Station J, Toronto. 28.35-b WANTED TO BUY --Old horses and dead animals, durable for mink feed. 18 dead, phone at once. Phone collect Tack Gilbert, 936x21 or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderidli. 25-btfb BOARD WANTED ASTHMA SUFFERERS - ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing GENTLFINLN TO BE IN TOWN a and choking, as others are doing, For couple of months or so requires free information write F. Howey, 144 board and room. Apply J. W. Piton, Catharine St. S., Hamilton. Hotel °Linton, phone 793, 83p 28-tfb "HOW SHALL WE ESCAPE IF WE NEGLECT SO GREAT SALVATION?" - Heb. 2:3 "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Shall be saved," -- Rom. 10:13 TUNS IN --Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7,30- E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR TIRED FEET ? If you are looking for the utmost in foot comfort, we suggest you try a pair of our MacGregor HAPPY FOOT SOCKS, with the pat - stilted double foot of pure wool. Just the thing to aid tired feet. Colours; Grey blue beige white brown and yellow Ankle length - 89e per pair , SHIRTS' - There aro stilt a few shirts left in sixes 131,4 to 17. Colours: White, blue or grey * * YARD GOODS - In stock are Sanforized broadcloths, prints, chintz, pyjama flannelettes, bleached or unbleached cotton, cotton sheeting, and plaid shirting. NOTE - The school bells ring again in less, than three weeks. See us for boys' school pants, overalls, sweaters- and socks. Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott McHale Shoes PHONE 25 - CLINTON Calling all Girls Earn While You Learn A New Trade JOIN THE PARADE TO WORK AT Clinton Knitting Company Ltd. APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT BIRTHS AIIYA Il$ --Ln Winnipeg, Man., Wed. nesday, July 30, 1947, to ,Mal.. and ,Mrs.. W. 11'I Adams "(nee Nbee Fremlin, Clinton), Winnipeg, Man., a' on (W'i'lliam MODoanald). COLLINS - In Clinton,0ommunity H'osp'ital, on 1Vlo-mday, August 11, 1947, to Mr. and Mus. Stanley Collins, a daughter (Viola CIVIariel. GAUEN - In Clinton Community Hosipi141, on Friday, August 3, 1947, :to Mr. and Mrs. Fred.Gabien, 'Olinton;• a deslglhter (Janet Kato leen Olivine). GOLDSWc 11THY-In Clinton Conn- enmity Hospital, on Thursday, Au- gust 7, 1947, to. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goldsworthy, iR31 1, Clinton, a daughter. H;EWITT--da Wingham Hospital, on .Mond'ay, Aruigustt, 4, 1947, to Rev. and' MTs. Al. G. Hewitt,,a daughter. KILLER - In Clinton Community Hospital on Sbturday, August 9, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Reg. 1VIdller, R.R. 3, 'Clinton, a eon ('Reginald Barrie). NOAICES--In Scott Memorial Iles - •p3tal, Seaforth, on Saturday, Au- gust 9, 1947, to 1VLr. and Mrs, Lloyd Noakes, H'easaall, a son. SPRAY -ern Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, ort Tuesday, August 5, 1947, to Mr. and :Mrs. Vernon Spray (nee Mary Geiger), London, a son, (Da- vid Allen), a brother for Martin• MARRIAGES •DENOMMEkt'OWWAIND - In Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, on Saturday, August 9, 1947, .Made- leine, eldest daughter of ram. and Mrs. Joseph Rowland, Mt. Carmel, to Ignatius, son 04 Mr. and Mrs. William Denornme, Drysdale. LOBB•+5LVb RTS0IN' -• In the Chapel of Bloor 151. United Church, Toron- to,'on Monday, rAlugust 4, 1947, by Rev, :Mr. MMLeod, Christine Marie, daughter of Mir. H. Sivertsan and the late ,Mrs. Siverbson, Winnipeg, Man, to Sgt. Everett McLeod, younger son of ,1VIr. and Mrs. Cliff- ord Lobb, Clinton. RAPSON-EV.&NS - In Whitechurch United Church, on Tuesday, Au- gust 12, 1347, by :Rev. W. J. Watt, Evelyn .Elizabeth, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mss. George P. Ev- ans, Wingltam, to Rabat Gordon, only son of Fdr. and Mns Orval Bapson, LondesbOro. CARD OF THANKS The Hudie family wish to take this opportunity et expressing their sincere thanks for all the beautiful flowers and cards sent and all acts of sympat3iy expressed during. their recent sad bereavement. 33p IN MEMORIAM WESTON-In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. F. S. Weston, who passed away August 12, 1946. When a mother breathes her last The stroke means more than tongue can tell, The world seems quite another place, Without the smile of mother's face. -- Ever remembered by daughters 33b IN MEMORIAM LAjWSON--dn loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Barbara Lawson, who passed away on August 16, 1945. Past her suffering., past her pain, Cease to weep for :tears are vain, She who suffered is at rest, Gone to Heaven with the blest. -.Ever rernmbered by all the family 331, Production of electric waster heat- ers in Canada has trebled in the past ten years. For Sale A CAR OF AMERICAN CEMENT PHONE 74-W FOR PRICES GRIGG COAL YARDS CIANTU'N 83p CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Ve COOKE FLORIST phones: 06w and 063 BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETREL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 `til-tf HONOR. FALLEN OF LATE WAR F AT BAY IELD (Continued from Page One) from the river bed "Were, ma, doubt, piled in the form of a 'pyramid. It may well be plat the custom of build- ing memorialsin the form of cairns such', as this one, has come down to us from such an ancient foamof monument as Tosdhti.a commanded to be built. 'glut rwe are concerned with the purpose of Joshua's cairn. ft ' was to stand forever as a memorial. Child- ren hiildren would 'ask the meaning of the pile of stones, and parents were ade monishal to have the right answer ready. And isn't this monument standing here ilor the .same reason. Here is a pile of stones. What is its purm.ose, its meaning? It is a memorial, a memoaual to valor and tunselfiehness and sacrifice; and, in particular, to those men 'who dlispleyed these great qualities, whose names are written here. "On that day in July, 1933, 'we dedicated this monument with the bronze tablet containing the names of that gallant company who gave their lives in bhe first great wear. "To -day we are to dedicate this AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE Furniture and household effects of the late John Ball, Regent, st., God- erich, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 at 1.30 p.m. Household Effects: Electric stove, ice box, washing machine. chesterfield suite, 2 bedroom suites, chest a drawers, large mirror, living room rug, 2 congoleuen rugs, walnut gate-leg table, and 4 chairs, 6 cane bottom chairs, 3 kitchen chairs, small tables, 3 reeking chairs, studio couch, sideboard, radie table, piano stool, pictures, bedding, 2 floor lanrps, kitchen cupboard; dishes, cooking utensils, wheelbarrow, quantity of tools, appro,cimatoly 5 ton coal and wood'. Real Estate At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the beautiful Ball home oie Regent street, red pressed brick house and garage con- sisting of 4 rooms and 'bedroom, down- stairs and clothes closets off the bed- rooms upstairs. Town wateETAONN age disposal, electido lights) good roof .and new hot 'air furnace. Garage with work bench and hen house. This is an exceptionally fine property in excellent condition. Property will be sold subject to re- serve Abid. CHATTELS: CASH Executors for the Estate of late J. E. Ball -Mee J. E Ball, Oscar Ball, Clarence Ball Auctioneer, HAROLD JACKSON Clerk,. E. P. CHESNEY,-:. • AUCTION SALE MODERN HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At the home of R. Scott, Clinton, corner of Fulton and Dunlop sts., one block south of Clinton Creamery. SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 at 1.30 p.m. (DST) the following: 1 soled walnut dining room suite, 8 piece; 1 (Stewart -Warmer 1947 model automratio &tango andl 17 records, plays 14 10 -inch records or. 12 12 - inch records; 1 Kroehler teething Mae blue; 1 Xroehler . oceasivona? chair large, and ottoman bo match; 1 Xiroehler Chester. bed 72 in.; 1 coffee :able solid walnut, Daman Phyfe; 1 living room table, walnut; 6 piece dinette :smite, .birch; 1 pram (like Harv); Ione studio bed '72 in.; 1 dresser and mirror; 1 bed, walnut; 1 oak dining room suite; 1 oak china cab- inet; 1 Quebec treater and p:rpes;_ 1 kitchen 'table; small cabinet; large kitchen 'cabinet; one dlavenport (large sleet; 2 folding nrominug boardis; good coal .oil 'Move; 1 dinette suite, wal- nut; 1 rocking chair; 1 leather-baeg rocking their; 2 chrome chairs; 1 elec- tric ironer (neve); 82 -piece set of dishes; child's play pen, other articles too numerous to mention. NOTE ---The: above articles are all modern furniture, two years or less old. Selling as the loonier is learving town. , TERMS: CASH It. SCOTT, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. ' 83-34-b Results ROXY THEATRE C L I NT ON` CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing - Dorothy McGuire' and Robert Young: as "CLAUDIA AND DAVID" Now Playing -•- In Cinecolor Jon Hall 1n "MICHIGAN KID" Now 'Playing - Ronald Reaan': and Alexis Smith in g `.STALLION ROAD" Mon., Tues., Wed. Adult enitertainmenjti Hayward, Lee Bowman and Marsha Hunt The etoty of a, woman, tempesbu- ioua, headstrong, and her fight against the dread of loneliness. Smash Up Mon., Tues., Wed. The LocketSusan. See how the .lives of a ,beautiful ' girl end the men who love her are ruined 'through a mental quint acgLar inea to Rrian, Laraine Day, Brian, Aherne and Robert Mitchum. Mon., Tues., Wed. " Dick Haynes; Celeste Hohn and Vera Ellon It's' in, Technicolor and it's packed With the glamour of Latin rApneri- can romance. Carnival in Costa Rica Thurs., Fri., Sat. William Elliott, Constance Moore and Eugene Pallette a There is plenty iof romance land nations in this tale of the old golden West. In Old Sacramento ThurFri., Sat. Gene:Autrey, Dorothy Brown and Gabby Hayes The screen's most 'popular cowboy troubadour returns in a. truly unique western yarn Sioux City Sue Thurs, Fri.. Sat. -William Elliott, Constance Moore and Hank Daniels A great outdoor drama, (lightning- f ast, thrilling sand thunderous In Old Sacramento Coming - THE SEVENTH 'VEIL Wirth" magic .melodies from the pens a the masters. Coming - James Mason in "THE SEVENTH VEIL"' Coining . Bette .Davis in `DECEPTION" Adult Euterta3nmen Mat.: Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 p.m. Mat: Sat. and holidays, 2.30 p.m. 1 second tablet, only recently affixed to this cairn. It must be the earnest prayer and hope of every person of good will, that, never again shall the scourge and curse of war afflict mankind. We have seen war's 'awful carnage and destruction, its devas- tating eonsequeiees, and its utter futility. "It is true that all life is generated by sacrifice and death. As the seed that is planted dies, and in dying produces 111e; so we believe that even those supreme sacrifices of war shall ultimately prove they were not in vain. The death of these men shall secure life for many Who mcould otherwise have perished. The su- preme example of this is the sacri- fice of Christ on Calvaryis cross. By His death He has opened unto us the gate of eternal life. By His dying we live." The hymn, "Unto the hills", was sung. Mr. Paull then read the names of the fallen and dedicated the Notice to Creditors In the Estate of MINNIE CAMPBELL Late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the ,above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned 'Solipitor for the said Estate, on or before the 30th day of August, IA)ID. 1947, after which date the Assets will be distributed amongst the parties ,entitled Violeta. •having regard only to rbhe claims of which notice shall have .been given. DATED at Clinton, this 12th day of August, A.D. W47. F..FINGLAND, LC., Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the :said Estate. 33-4-5-b Notice to Creditors In the Estate of ROBERT JAMES MILLER Late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Esquire. Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to fiilde the same with the un- dersigned 'Sol:leiter for the said Es- tate on or before the 30th day of Au- gust, A.D. 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the cdaisns of which notice shall have been 'given. DATED at Clinton, this 12th day of August, A.D. 1947. F. FIINGLAND, X C•, Olinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate. 33-4-5-b Lew Rail Fares to the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION • AT TORONTO AUG. 22 - SEPT. 6 FARE AND ONE THIRD For the Round Trip Good Going Thursday, Aug. 21 to Saturday, Sept. 6, inclusive Return Limit - Sept. 10 Full information frown any Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON Register for Fall Term Startling Sept. 8, 1947 Authorized under the D.V.A. for Training Veterans Courses -- Clearieal,'Stenographic, Comnalerdial, Secretariat M. A. STONE, Commercial Specialist . B. F. WARD, BA Vice -Principal Principal 33-tfb OPEN SUNDAY AUGUST -17 AND EVERY NIGHT NEXT WEEK SPECIAL 'SERVICE for Farmers Have your tractor tires serviced right on your faa3zi, saving you valuable thne in 'a busy season Tires Filled with Fluid using Portable Machine DAY 460 JUST PHONE NIGHT 469 VULCANIZING. (24 -Hour Service) Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSE GASOLINE ' and OIL Phare 4.60 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON (plaque: "In the name of the Father anti of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Armen." "To the glory of Gods and in fond and loving memory of the gallant men Whose names are inscribed upon it, we dedicate this second memorial. "Be pleased, 0' Lord, to (bless what we dedicate in Thy Holy Name this day, th:traugh • Jesus Cluist :our Lord, Amen." Nes. E. Wilton and Mrs. George Hopsen, mothers of two of the fallen, then rolled up the flag ,coverrng the plaque. Wreaths were placed by Miss A. M, Stirling, RISC, a nursing sister in the first great war, and Gorden Heard, who served with the Tank Corps in the second war. The Last Post was sounded beauti- fully by bugler William Rearm, Clin- tom. A minute's silence was observed and •then came the clear triumphant but meted bones of the Reveille. The service closed wilt the singing of the National Anthem. 'The bronze plaque, which has been set in the norbh side of :the cairn, reads: "In .memory of 'those who gave their lives for their countryin the second Great War - 1939-1945 Warrant Olfieer Richard O. Weston Merchant 'Seaman Rlobt. 'David James Hopson - Private Charles Stewart Cann "They died that Honour and justice might live." • Wreaths ,and floral tributes had also been placed on the north side a the cairn by relatives'. OPEN SUNDAY AUGUST 17 and Every Night 'Next Week GOODRICH TIRES ALL TYPES AND SIZES Murphy Bros. Garage HUDSON AND WILLYS SERVICE WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS Phone 465 Clinton 4 91111111111II1y11111111111111111111111H11111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111I111111111111NIg of iw 1 1 1_ t _1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 NOM TWO BIG EVENTS a11r. IN COMMUNITY PARK, CLINTON Sponsored by Clinton Board 'of Park Management SAT., AUG. 30 Motorcycle Races 1111111111111I111111l11111E UIMI t I I 12 FAST RACES $500 PRIZES MON., SEPT. 1 LABOR DAY CELEBRATION 1 P.M. - GRAND PARADE Floats, Decorated Cans, Cali4liwnpians, Bands Sports for Children • -- 8 P.M. -- Troupe of. Roller Skaters and Slackwire Walkers Ventriloquists, Musical Numbers FULL PARTICULARS NEXT WEEK R 1 1 11111 11 6 11 01111111111111111110111IrIllAlil/flnumIltllrll11 alihitanin11I1t1111II11U111imu The New Quiet Toilet ON`DI'SPLAY IN MY WINDOW IS TRE NEWEST TOILET ON THE MARKET FOR THE NEWEST IN PLUMBING FIXTURES See HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING Phone: Business 244; Residence 170 a!im1111111111m11111111111\111111UI1111t1AllldlIIAiIIr•11sisoUlil,mlilll[llYat el: a Have Your Furnace • VACUUM -CLEANED I This is the cleanest method you could "' ri imagine. ---no dust nor dirt -and you get w the job done very efficiently, ii DON'T FORGET! WE WHITEWASH =WI A 6 AM) SPRAY WEEDS! • • JACK LITTLE `_ Phone 335w . CLINTON a :riisoullan IIiosi 1N111111AIH111iliAwll4lrllnsmow HIioxiIiI milli tlI:imIlWlNIO11lRltit11fIRK