HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-08-07, Page 6PAGE SAX. CLINTON NRWSsREGORD Interesting Items From News - NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 34rs. L. G. Bassett spent a couple wf days this week in Woodstock. Rev. and Mrs. J. Graham, Wat- ford, spent Monday in the village. Mr. and Mrs.. E, A. Westlake spent the weekend with relatives in St. 'Phomas. Mr. and Mrs, George Hendry,: De- troirt, are spending this week at the Metcalf cottage. Rev. and Ms. H. M. Langford, Walkerville, are at their cottage for the month .of August. Clair Shores, Miele, are at their home in the village for a week. Mr. and Ms. E. Reekntzer, Lan- don, are occupying the [Metcalf resi- dence for the month of August. .htr. and [Ma's. William Bell, -De- troit, spent the weekend [with Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook, "Loabame." Miss Ethel Finnigan, Cromarty, is spending her vacation with Mrs: H. Ahrens, "Trail Blazers" cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook have re - turned( to "Lochame" after holiday- Mm, and 'Mrs. James Maitland, ing in the it7iuskoka district for ten London, were guests at the Albion daYe- Hotel over •the weekend. Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and daugh- John F11:liobt, IKaibchener, spent the weekend with his parents, Ma'. and ter, Barbara,,, and Miss Ada ,Bingley, spent several days lash week in De - !Mia. William R. Enka. trait. - Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merritt and Mr. and Mars. R. W. Bergen, KIWI - family, [Sarnia, visaed Mr. and Mrs. ener, are the guests of •Mr. and Mrs. William E. Parker on Sunday. LeRoy! Poth, Jerwett's Grove, this air. •and Mrs. Pott and son Allan, weak. , Detrairt, are ocoupying William L. Mins Mary Widoanrbe, Windsor; Metcailf's cottage this month. came on .Saturday to spend a week Amohie [Stirling and daughters, with Mr. .and Mrs. William E Rhea and Edna, London, spent Sun- Parker. day 'with friends in the village. Mr. and [Mrs: R. H. Middleton and Mr. and [Mrs. Jack Atkinson, St. Bobby, Hansell, and Dick Middlebon, li ��� —u LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY GORDON DELAMONT and his Orchestra MIDNIGHT DANCE — AUGUST 11, 12.05 A.M. SUNDAY CONCERT, AUGUST 10, 9 P.M. bGORDON DELAMONT and HIS ORCHESTRA Vina Smith, Vocalist Donating this special Concert to aid The Grand Bend Citizens Organization Silver Collection Please give us your support! - SPECIAL? BEACH CONCERT THE INGERSOLL PIPE BAND SUNDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 10 A Great Band RETURNING BY POPULAR REQUEST MART KENNEY and HIS WESTERN GENTLEMEN FRIDAY, AUG. Rh - 9 P.M. to 12.30 A.M. Mart's last appearance was terrific—those who heard Roy Roberts , singing "01' Man River" certainly will want to hear him again. This is undoubtedly Canada's No. 1 Band— Come hear the Best! Plan to bring the, fainly to "The Bend" again this season. I There's lots of free entertainment, and if you wish, pack your i awn lunch and use the Picnic Hall free of charge. There is so much to au and see! Have you .seen those beautiful new speed cruisers on the lake --and had a ride on one of them to get a real thrill? Roller [Skating — Bowling — Miniature a Golf — Movies — Merry-go-R+aunds - Games Galore :Swimming Swings — Baseball — ,Saddle Horses— Bicydies Dancing. The Sadly will enjoy every second of it! Ma t IICIS TENDERS• The Huron County Home Committee re- quest tenders for the supplying of 100 tons. of Stoker Coal for the County Home. Prices to be quoted for coal delivered on 1 the tracks at Clinton, Ont. - 1 Analysis of the coal to be submitted with the tender. Tenders to be in the hands of the County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario, not later than TUESDAY, AUGUST 12th N. W. MILLER, Clerk, County of Huron r 32-b Excess Profits Tax Act Standard Profits -Aeons Wei d°r `p' Recent amendments to the above Act provide that all standard profits claims must be filed with the Depart- ment .of ,Natwzial Revenue before 1st September, 1947. All applications are required to be in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed by the Minister and.the Minister may reject an applicatioxt that, is not made in such form or' that does not. contain such information. :• The prescribed forms (S.P.1) are available at all Die- -tract Income Tax offices of the Dominion Government. All pertinent information.required on the form must be included or attached thereto in schedule form. Ten- tative or incomplete forms or those filed after 31st ` August; 1947, will not be accepted, Dep;*';rtment of Nation[ Revenue . . Ottawa , l Jaime. J. McCann, M.D., Minister of National Revenue. Detroit, visited [Mrs. N. W, Woods on Sunday. iMr. and •Mrs. D..Stotesbury spent Thursday end Friday with the for- mer's father, Rev. F. G. Statesbury, at the: Manse. iMrs, P, A. ,Featherston and nephew, Glen Smith, London, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs C. W. Parker. Mrs. George Davison and Miss B. McIivor, W4odetoek, spent the week- end with the former's sister, Mrs. L. G. Bassett. A Mr. and Mrs, Chris Howard, Windsor, visited the former's sis- te!r, [Mrs. 'Charles Berry and Mr. Berry last week. Howard Blurt, Kitchener, and Rem- old Burt, London, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker. Reginald Hodgins, Toronto, is visiting This sister aaul brother, Miss Mabel Hodgins and Prof. J. C. Hod- gins, ",Stonehaven." .Mrs. Brace Menery, Detroit, spent- a few days last week at her home in the 'village and also visited rela tives in Bmucefield. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and family, Landon, were with the far- mer's parents, [Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker, over rbhe weekend. Mr. and ,Mrs. Kenneth Castle and fannily, Kitchener, spent the week- end with the former's parents,.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Castle. Kisses Ruble Fisher end Barbara Pollock, Kitchener, were the guests of the foraner's aunt, Mrs. F. A Edwards, .over the weekend. Dr. and (Mrs. R. Hunter end .two children, Toronto, are holidaying with Mrs. Hunter's parents, Mr. and Mme. [Charles F. Rogers "Char -Min." Guests at the home of Misses M. and E. Reid this week 'are: .Mrs. Reel, Hazel and Kenneth, 'Mr. and Mrs. Long and son Johnny, Toronto. 'Miss (Marilyn Miller :and Miss Helen Lynd have returned to. Wind- sor after spending a weak at the Trail Blazer [Cabin with. Mss. H. Ahrens. Dr. and Mrs. H. Smith and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob (Bud) Brown and email son, Detroit, are at the family cottage, "Boulder Lodge. !Mrs. [Claude Robbins •and Claudia and Mrs. A. Sullivan, Detroit, are staying with Mrs. Grant Turner, while spending a vaeabion in the village. B. T. (Stephenson, Toronto, is spending a vacation - with his wife at their cottage in the village; Marg- aret and'Donald also spent the week end ,here. Col. Lincoln 'Ries, Mrs. Rice and son Ted, St. Marys, were the guests of Mr. and ,Mrs. Jini Scott on Tues- day. Ted Rice remained to spend a few days with thein. Mr. and dfrs. Jack Rankin end four children, e i ld Goshen, Indiana ar- rived on [Saturday ,to •spend a fort- night with the former's aunt, Miss C, P. -Rankin, "Glenbaig" 'Miss Margaret Ferguson Ieft on Monday to take a position in Tor- onto for the month of August after having visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William L. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and daughter, [Mary, ,have returned to Toronto, 'after having spent a fort- night's vacation with Mrs. Knight's mother,' Mrs. M. [Gemedn'hard. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr, :Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orr and small son, Strat- ford, are •occupying their cottage •on Huron Terrace. [Ma's. C. Burt, Mary Ellen and Arthur Bort were also with her parents over the weekend. Mir. and Mrs. Arthur Ford, who pent the..month of J•nly in the vil- lage, returned to Landon on Thine - day, Mrs. Ford's mother, Mrs, Wool - way, who spent the month with .them, returned to Kitchener. Miss Alice Hastings returned to the village on Thursdayt after having undergone treatment in Victoria Hospital, London, and ds recuperat- ing et the home aS Miss Elsie Thompson. Garfield Westlake left last week for Vancouver, B.C., after having spent a vacation 'with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake. Lie was accompanied on the return trip by Wilfred Castle and Beverly Mc Clincher. Willian , Greig has returned' to Toronto -after . having spent his vaca- tion with his wife and daughter Jean at their cottage, "Bali Acres," in the Poplars. Their guests over' the week- end were Mr. and illus. Frank Jen- kins, Toronto. Mrs. D. 11. Jewett, Mr. and Mrs. Les. Jowett and family, Mr, and [Mrs. iiarald Jowett and family, Miss Ed- na Jewett, Port Huron, motored to the village on Sunday 'and. amid a faanily re -union • in The Grove with memlbers of the Jawebt Salinity rest- dent in Bayfield. Guests et,; The Albion Hotel. in- lude; Mrs. O. G. Bi holm, Breta, Corrina and Felicity, Miss M. V. Hagart, London, Me. and [MTS. Gor- don Skeiley, Detroit; S. and T. Cochrane, [Mrs. M. 'Cochrane, Mrs. 0. b'. Kook and son, Frederick, Miami, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. H. Devereon, Donald iDiiohd, Royal Onk, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas H. Elliott anti the following members of their famity, Archdeacon and •Mrs. W. Townshend, Miss Betty Elliott, Lon - ion, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hunter, Ed- nionton, Alta., and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wise, Clirvton, spent Wednes- day [of last week In the village and' endoyed an outing ,at the beach below Lire property which was formerly' the Ellaod t homestead. THURSDAY, AUGUi2f 7, 19a , ecord's Rural Correspond GODEItICH TOWNSHIP Donald .Smith, Toronto, [spent holiday with his father, Ms D. A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs• .Steiw�irt iliddletmt • spent ,Sunday with Mr.' and [Mrs. Rdbert •Aechrilballd, •Sealdntlh. Misses -Gwen end June Mi'11er spent the weekend visiting' at .the borne of their friend, Helen Turner. Miss June M>cOartney,' Toronto, visited( over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and :Mrs. H. [McCartney. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sterling, 'Mani- c*, spent .the holiday weekend with the cfonrner's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. James .R. [Stirling. ,1VIr. and Mie. Ii, Sillefant, ,MT. and Mrs. George Hammer, [Stratford, spent last week in'"West EE" at Lane &'Nines Beach. iMr. •and Mrs. Wiil Hall and dough tea's, Shirley . and Laurel, .Sitratford, ere vaca[ti,oning i'u their summer home at Paradise Vista. Bertram Miller, Kitchener, spent last [week vsitiing with the Miller familes and renewing old acquant- ances in Gacllerich Township. -Mrs. .Gordon Brodie' anti small daughter Donna, are ]holidaying with her parents, Mr. •and. Mea'. Thomas Dunbar at Lane O'Pines Beach. Miss Doreen ,McGuire spent a Sew days in Toronto la.at [week. She 'was accompanied home by 'Charlie • Thompson who spent a few days with the family. Mr. 'and tilos. ,Phil Heibbohmer, George and Nava, spent the past past week •at Lane O'Pines Beach. They had as guests Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, also of ,Stratford. Mar. and [Mrs. Cecil •Merkley, Wing - ham, had as their weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall, 'Mr. and Mrs. Hoe'avd Fuller, also of Wliarg'haaar, at their summer home at Lane O'Pinea Beach. Mr. • and .Mrs. Thomas Dunbar [spent the .weekend in Lambeth. They were aracemeanied by their grand- children, Barbara and `Jimmie Walk- er, who have been their guests the past fortnight. Among those who are oaeupying cottages do Jowett's Grove for the north taf August are: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. •Barlow and family, Detroit, Mr. and IMre. F. 'Gem* and daugh- ter, Detroit, !Mr. and Ms. E. Pon- graez ,and, family, Detroit, Mr. and 1Sfrs. J. O. aiuighes andrson, Mrs. T.inghes, Sr„ Detroit; Mr. and Ma's. E, H, Blair and, fesnriy, Windsor; W. •Murray and daughter, London. Child Injures Foot Little Miss' Beverley Foote had he .misfortune to out her foot on piece of glass awhile walkauug bare, root. f1 required 'stitches' to ,nose the gust). Successful Bazaar A successful bazaar 'and sale of homrearraclle leaking [vwas held on Sat- urdny afternoon in M•aleone Toms' hop, under the auspiaces of the adies of at. John's Church, Varna, and Trinity Clhuarich •.13ayJield Holidaying in their summer cot- tages in Deer' Lodge last week were; iVir., and Mrs. H. Tester and friends, Toronto; Mr. and !Mrs. N. Gook and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Prittohit end family, Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Berritt and 3aamtiily, all of Lon- don; fortnight guests were Mr, and Mrs. K. 0. Woolner, [Mr. and Mrs., H. Williamson, all of Kitchener. Also holidaying are Mr.' and Mrs. P. Oolligan .and [family, Hamilton; Mr. and .Mrs. G. Meyers and family, Strathroy; Mr. and [Mrs. S. Chtun- berlin, London; iMr. and Mrs. R. Jontzi and family, Tavistock, and brother her iVir, sand , Mrs G. Jontzi and faintly, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Zurbrigg [gamily and Mrs. George Blum, all of Stratford; 'Me. 'and Mrs. W. M. Knapp and 'son with Mr. and alVfa s. Claude Hevigne, all of the Radar 'School, -Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. D. Sichwazterehreebee and /amity; Kitchener, TUCKERSM.ITII Successful Picnke Turn's [Church held its Seniday School picnic at Jowett's Greve, Bayfield, on Tuesday, Angela 5, with 80 members present. Results of the sports were as fel- lows: Boys race, 5 years and under, Mervyn Pepper, [Douglas Layton; girls race, 5 years and under, Carol Pepper, 'Barbara Layton; bays, 0 and under, Ross Grid]; boys, 12 and -un- un - ler, Bert. Pepper; boys, 16 and un- der, Freda Pepper; girls, 16 and un- der, Helen Rogerson, g Lois Crich; young men, Frank Falconer, Mervyn Falconer; young ladies, Helen Crich, Helen Rogerson; married men's .race, Bert Garrett, Walter, Pepper; mar- ried ladies' race, •Mrs. ,Mervyn Fal- coner, Mrs. Walter Pepper; fat ladles' rase, 'Mrs. Leslie Pepper, Mrs. Alden 'Crich; •grandmother's spot race, (Mrs. Newman Garrett, Mrs. Gifford Crich; grandfather's time race, Albert Pepper, Roy Pepper; wheelbarrow rase, boy's, Frank and Mervyn Falconer, [Stanley Johns and Fred Pepper; three-legged race, girls,. Lois Orio'h, Helen. Rogerson, Eleanor Pepper,. Helen Crich; clothespin race, Lois Crich; graceful walking, Jack Tuiner;' Mrs. Warren Whitmore, Alden Crich, Mrs. Bert Garrett; .dinner calling, Mrs, Bill Pepper; Mrs. Hosvard Johns; calling cows, Albert Pepper, Howard Johns; kick the slipper, Mrs, Bert Garrett; Helen Caleb. BRUCEFIELD Miss Betty Woolley- and Miss Aniy Aikenhead, London, spent the week- end at their [homes, after holidaying at Grand Bend ,the past week. Miss Olive Hearken and Bill Al. ams, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Aikenhead after holidaying et Bayfield the past week. ANISMINAMMOIVIsibitliiP WALTON Mr, and Mrs. A. ,McNichol were in I)�unswille, David Harkwell was with Clar- ence McNichol. Mrs. Laura Wilson visited with her .mother, Mrs. 17. Hoy[ Robert Holland, Jerry Ennis •and Donald Wilson [were in London; 'Mrs. W. J. Zoeger, Toronto, anal Mrs. Firma °lark, Hollywood, Cal., visited :at the home of thein brother, 1. Mi1.1e'a'. , Iia and firs. J. L amont and Kenneth, ,Mr, and Mrs, laernaghan, Rae and Eleirne were the guests of Mr. end Mas. L. Porter. Walton' Gills Win The girls' softball (beam clefoated Coder/oh girls on `-Blyth grouinds' Priilay evening to the tune of 9 li. Minister Returns ;Rev, +R. 'G. Hazlewood', who has been ie Port Carling fee a month's: vacation, has returned and 'occupied the pulpit in Duff's United' Church o0 .Sunday eno[nim.s'. Mee H. Small - don sang : "Make Me Hind," Etushed to Hospital r he underwent an emergency • opera - Master Bobby Parker, second son tion for removal of has ,appiendix. of Mr. rand .Mrs. William .Ud Parker, He is making.ggoed progress towards was 'Laken eo Clanton Community recovery. His Many friends will be aozeittal on .Monday evening where glad When he is tulle recovered. JIOLMESVILLE ilolenesville United Church will be: Closed ' until Sunday, August 31, Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Ross spent` Sunday visiting relatives in'the vil- �e,' The WA. ,and WIMS. will meet at the ihothe of Mrs. A. L. Bond on Tuesday, August 12. Miss Gertrude Bond; Lndon, 'spent the weekend at the home of her parents, (Mr. and, Mrs, A. Bond. Rev. .and ,Mrs. 0. P. Tavener are visiting this [week in Biluevale with friends .before leaving for Toronto, where they will spend' the remainder of their :holidays. VARNA [Mrs. J. Mossop visited last week with her daughter, Mrs, W. Ball, Clinbon. ' ,„ Miss Ann M. Foote has returned to Detroit after 'spenclimig her holi- days with her brother Andrew Foote. .Orville [Stephenson and family, aamiette, Met., are visiting relatives and friends in .the village and com- munity. [Mr. and airs. Alvin Elliott and family, Brantford, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, in emu/prey with Ms.'.aaid Mrs. Bezaunt, Windsor, were [holiday and weekend guests of [Mrs. John Rathwell. Rev. James and flare: Foote, Carle- ton Place, returned 'hone Friday af- ter spending the past month at 'the home of Mr. and (Mrs. Andrew Foote. ,Mr. and Mrs. Will ,Moffatt, Clin- ton, and ,Mrs. -McDonald and daugh- ter Margaret, Hensall, were recent visitors at, the (home of Mrs. John -Bath.well. Mrs. J. Ferguson and family re- turned to [Sudbury Monday after spending the past two weeks at the parental home .ane with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson, Bayfield. ' Successful Bazaar The ladies of St. John's Anglican Church hold a successful bazaar in Bayfield Saturday afternoon Joint Picnic Planned The members of 'St. John's 'Church, Varna, St. James. Middleton, and Trinity Church, Bayfield, purpose holding a picnic in Jowett's Grove, Bayfield[, Tuesday afternoon, Aug- ust 12. - DLVTJI Miss Eileen Robinson, Toro nto visited with Mr. -ail Mrs. Harvey Robinson. • iM'r•. and [Mrs. Orville Cook and family, [Mitchell, were with Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnston. Mr. and (Mrs. Fred G. Somers and Mrs. Sadie .Curring visited with Mr. and (Mrs. Haigh [Canning, Lucknow, !Miss Linden Marks, younger sister of Joe .Marks, is expected to arrive by plane Pram England, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McClellan, Donald and -Bob, Tidlsonhurg, visit- ed with Mr. [and [Mrs. L. M. Scrim - gorse. 1 Mrs. Benson Cowan, Judith, -Con- nie, and Jimmie, Stratford, were with Mrs. Robert Wightman and Mr, and [Mrs. George Clewan. Austin Spafford, Woodstock, Mr. and"Mre, Howard Wilkinson, Charles and Clayton, Belgrave, were with Mr. •and Mrs. Arthur Barr. Mr. 'and Mrs.' E. Johnston attend- ed the Cook -Garrett wedding at Benmiller Fridalyt the groom bung a brother of [Mrs. Johnston. Ethel Minister .Isere Rev. S. Brenton, Ethel, had charge of the morning' service in the United Church on Sunday. During the Sunday School :session, Miss Shirley Radford sang, aeconrpanied by Miss Idarjorie Doherty. Trousseau Reception- Mrs, eceptionMrs, Harold Phillips entertained Saturday afternoon and evening at a trousseau reception, [honoring her oldest daughter, Anne, whose mar- riage to Gvltrnet Ernest McCreary, Merrsckville, will take place in the ITnited •Chnnsdh, Blyth, on Saturday. Mrs Philldlps was assisted by her sister -in law, :It4rs. Jack Phillips, Mdnk'tont Roses ; ;and delphinivan formed .the centrepiece en the tea table, with pen( ['and white candles in •silver holders. Pouring tea in. the afternoon were ,Mas. -C. D. lCilpiitiicic and Mrs. N. P. Garrett, while Mrs. -Gerald Bar- ris and Ma's.' Jaek Medd, sisters .af the bride-to-be, greeted the guests at the doer, and [Mrs. Elliott Fells, Kapusk'ts!ng, a •former colleague of Mies Phillips, .and Mrs. Margaret Anderson displayed the trousseau, Page Phillips, easter of the briele- eleat, and Joy:csa-P1tl119psy,.Monk-tone a niece, had. eh'arge of the guest- bookr, which was .signed by more -then 100. En the ovenang, Mrs. Frankie[ Bainton.:and Mas. George Caldwell poured tea. ,Miss [Shirley Phillips greeted, the guests, and: Mrs. Mac, Osa'diff, of Brussels, -displayed the trousseau. Guests were present from Stratford, Monkton, Listowel, Luck - now, and, Hampstead. KaLc:..4. EN • KKippen: East W.I. ICippen Elast W.onnen's 1nsti'tute met 'at the ]conte oe M1. and M•i's. Wilmer Broadfoot with 40 members present. Mrs. Gamin ,McLean pnesicl- ed. The business inieakided a discus- sion on 51 slroa'b course that hal been [applied fon'. It is not available in this distinct, I:Iowever it could be t,alteir [with Hurondale, A letter of appreeiatian was read frons a sol= doer, thanking the instteute:'for gifts. A dennongtz ation was given by ,Mrs. Hugh' McGregor en "Soanething new tfrom manethintg .old." The program consisted of a nraan bar of [selections,'includiig a quer- tet by Jogree ;and Edna Broadfoot and Bernice and, Virginia •MeGlin shay; Mee, 'Ross Broadlent andifi s ViagiailIa, Piano •duets; a health quiz wets given blv Miss ,Margaret Mc- Kay followed by an rnstrunneetal by -Mrs, Charles Forrest, of Hensel'. A description of "your bridal gown" was •geese as Myst W. &I. McLean. had [the oldest gown on display. Mas. If,. Simpson, of Hansell, then gave a paper on "Fares Life." LONDESBORO MM. W. ,L• 111 -air epeeat a few days recently with Mrs. L. Webster, Ma. and Mee. Bill Riley, Hensen, Misted with Ms. N. Watson on Mon- day. Mrs. Hearn, Toronto, spent the past week s'iith Mr.' and Ms. George Moon. Mrs. Parker, Toronto, 'spent the holiday"weelc-end with iVIr. ,and, Mrs. Sidney Lansing. Dir. and Mrs Leonard Whitely, of Gerrie, visited relatirves an the vill- age on .Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs, John Fingland are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Grier- son, (Sunderland. Mr. and .Mrs. Jim ,Meader, D.etrot, called at the bonne of M. andl Mrs. Fred Prest on Friday. Mrs. Harry Durnin and Mervyn spent the weekend ,with Mr. and Ms. A. Kerslake at Exeter. [Mrs. Townsend and Miss Dorothy Little returned home [Saturday after a .trip through the United States. Miss Margaret ,Crawford, Kitch- ener, spent the week -end at the honno of her mother, Mrs. (M. Crawford. I)VLrs. William Brown, London, vis- ited with her parents, Mr• 'and lairs, Wa'illiam Gbiffi!bhs, for a Sew days last week. iMr. and iM s. id. Knox andfani le, Kitchener, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Knox. Williaan McNiely and Miss Mc• Moly, Hamilton, and Mrs. J. Mel- ville, Toronto, visited with Mrs, M. Melville on Friday. Mr. and 1VIrs. Basal& Dunean, of " Paris, Mrs. Ring and Miss King,: of' Taranto, visited with Mrs. Webster and Jack an .Sunday, Ms and Mrs. William Carie, Au- burn, Mrs. M. 1Viealvil-he and Aiian, Hesselerood spent Sunday 'with Mr.. and Mars. Jaek Hes•selwood, Sr. The Aineiwe'll Mission Circle will: hold its regular monthly meeting at the bone of Miss Bette Br -undoes! . on Tuesday evening, August 12, at eight .o'clock. Mrs, Elizabeth Tilton and son Walter, Bradley Beach, N.J., and Me. and Mee. Thomas Eaton and true - chilcyren, Peggy .and Gail, New - Brunswick, N.J., left Saturday after spendung a few [says with .Mr. and.; Mrs. Harry Blcor, Londesbero, Recovers in Hospital Mrs. A. Flang'rad, Loudesboro,. isr recovering in Wingham hospital after a major operation Her moth- er, Mrs. ,Selby Carman, and Murraly- Corman, Stratford, visited her in- hospital Saturday. - --o Do you happen to ]snow a kid with an extraordinary crop of freckles? Tell him about the freckle -faced kids competition at the Canadian National E3xhitrttion this year, He can make his entry now. Oil yes, girls are eligible too. '1 he uality Te lr�. a 3k e3eiele:=: rrri»: helile :i3fiH' +i 3 tw' tr Brucefieid. Community 41 ire Yt f 'sd� d BRUCEF1ELD hurs., August 21 Bannockburn Pipe Band in Attendance Dance Music by Murdoch's Orchestra -GAMES - WHEELS BINGO - ETC. 1� YJN FOR ALL: ,r £2»t�-,..... !moo, .+P+ 1 M 2 3 ADMISSION FREE 32-334b .. :M.«tt+�:+j,lefW.i!MMtaerat_`.M`*a;'�L''ktit�'+!Sai.4 CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS OR BY APPOIJNTMEIN:T WITH Mr. J. J. ZAPPE PHONE 103 11IF1VIURIALS AND CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON Cd.INTON -- BXETI:R — SEAFORTH 'ilif;eer..0the "CONS TR C TION"