HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-08-07, Page 54ateRgADAY, AUGUST 7, " 1047 0IGi1NTrON NBW 430RD PAG( I'VD News-ReCordclassified Adiets Bring uick result CASH RATE --+(If paid by Wed- esday following date of insertion)- Arte Beet a word first insertion (min - mum 30 Cents); subsequent inser- tions, one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 10 cents .extra for. box num her or for directing to NEWS - RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -20 cents extra. D,EIAiDLIN.E--9 p.m„ Wednesday. FOR SALE P,ABY CAitIR1jAG13 M A-1 condition. Priced reasonable, Phone 803x31. (Minton. 32-p POTATOES,, NO. 1, Home .Grown, 15 ib. peck 58 cents. Thompson's Groceteria. 32-p TOMATOES, HOME GROWN No. 1. 2 lbs. for 25 cents Thompson's ,Grooeteria, 32-p 100 LBS. FL0'WERID'ALE TEA @ $1 per pound. Limit ooe pound to a customer. Thomrpson's Grocetetia. 32-u THREIE, 4 BURNIEIR GASIOiJ VE Love in good condition,. APply J.E. award, Bayfield, phone Clinton 3241.81. 31-32-p; ONE ISIEX-F00IT-CUT DEIERSNG binder; .one six -foot -cut Massey - Harris hinder; one new amlbber-tire wagon. I3. W. Charlesworth, phone 199W. 31-32-p 'OERThelteiD RASPBERRY Plants— Waite Box 754, Campbellford, Ont, :for illustrated folder and growing "know how." Don't delaySupply limited. 31-32-33-34-p RUBBER P55555 WAGON, $55; 'three -section spring tooth cultivator, $40; two -furrow tractor plough. Will trade for livestock. Apply W. B. Thomson, two miles west of Clinton -on No. 8 Highway. 32-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NiLNETEEN O11iU KS, seven small pigs, one sow H. Monaghan, 'evenings. 82-33-p FIFTEEN LITTLE PIGS; two collie pupas. Apply Robert Welsh, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone 906r22, Clinton. 32-b DURHAM ,OOW DUE TO Freshen an August. Apply Elgin Porter, R.R. 4, Bayfield, Thome Clinton '650r21. 32-p TWO, SOWS, DUE TO FARROW in .three weeks; 17 little digs, six weeks oldL Apply Harold Tyndall, phone -Clinton 005r2. 38-b PUREBRED RED ROAN SCOTCH 'Shorthorn bull of serviceable age. Apply Edward H. Quinn, R.R. 3, ;Blyth, phone 24r10. 32-0 'TEN EWES, ONE AND TWO - year old, one ram, all Leicesters. Appkr Elden O'Brien, R.R. 5, Clin- ton, phone 045125. 33-32,p ' HOUSE WANTED HOUSE WANTED IN CLINTON, Blyth, ' or Londesboro by elderly couple.; Wasted as soon as possible. Would', like about five rooms. Apply Egli Holtehauer,,Clinton. 32-83-p FOR RENT TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT House. keeping, non-drinkers, no children. For appointment phone 634r15, Clin- ton, or write Box 104, Bayfield. 32-b PROPERTY FOR SALE SEVEN -ROOMED HOUSE, six acres of land, .situated in Bayfdeld. Priced. reasonably, Apply Aibeet Leitch, :South i84., Goderich. 32-b 1t/a STOREY FRAME EIGHT- room dwelling in village of Bayfield near lakefront. Suitable for sum- mer dwelling, For further particu- lars apply to H. 0. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, Clinton, phone 251-w. 30-btfb NEW HOUSE ON KING* ,SIIREET, modern conveniences, full size base- ment, hot water heating system; foul' piece bathroom, oak floors, one open fire plane, one elontrie dire place; good location; price reasonable for cash. Apply Bert Huller, Clinton, phone 319.7. 32-33-p HELP WANTED TWO DINING ROOM GI1ILS, Board prdvided, goocl wages, Apply Hotel Clinton, phone 791 32-33-b WANTED TO BUY TOE' BOXES, ANY CONDITION. Waite or phone C. Woods, second hand store, 12 East St., Goderich, phone Goderioh 2425. 24-btfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED FOR FIRST of September, room and, board for lady High School teacher. Phone 98 (St. Paul's Rec- tory) . 25-32-p LOST AND FOUND STRAYED -e -RED, 'DURI{AM Heifer, tagged :in one ear for T. B. test, strayed to the farm of FI. J. Thanep• son about two 'weeks ago. Owner kindly contact Mr. Thompson, phone Clinton, 904r13. 32 •b LOST --ROUND, LAPEiL PbN WITH Maple Leaf on top, Given owner by Government when son was killed overseas. Lost on Sunday, August 3, between Inkley's Service (Station and St. Paul's Anglican Church. Re- ward. Phone 904r31. 32 -p LOST—WOULD THE PARTY WHO took bicycle, Sunday afternoon, Aug- ust 3, which was parked under n tree between the 14th and. ,16th con- cessions of Goderich Township on first road north of No. 8 Highway, please notify. Box 329, Clinton. 32-33-p MISCELLANEOUS "FORGET YOUR FEET ----,Walk on air, give 'them Lloyd's- .Corn Salve care," 50 cents at .Pennebaker's Di'ug Store. 32-b FREE i SAMPLE—Send 4c stamp for Personal Hygiene (dubber goods) imported product, iheimetically seal- ed, electronically tested, Free price list. (Mailed in plain sealed envelope. Adults only. W. Norman, Box 72, Station J, Toronto. 28-35-b WANTED TO BUY—Old horses and dead animals, siuteble for mink feed. If ,dead, phone at once. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21 or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderioh. 25-btfh ASTHMA SUr'r'h.EERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choldng, as others are doing; For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S,, Hamilton. 28-tfb COMING --A DAY OF RECKONING "Vengeance is mine: I will repay, saith the Lord." Roni. 12:19 BE ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE THE JUDGMENT TC COME—HAVE FAITH IN CHRIST, NOT • in good works • in any living man • in Mary or any saints • in joining any church' or ,organization BUT in HIM who alone can save. / TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR THIS WEEK'S SPECI In keeping with our policy to sell summer summer .time, we are offering, while they last, at slashed prices, the remainder of our summer stocks, including: 'MEN'S ALL -WOOL SPORT COATS in diagonal weaves or checks. • just the ticket for year-round wear with your odd slacks. Regular $21.50, 17.50, 7.95, 9.75 SPECIAL AT $17.95, 13.95, 6.50, 7.95 MEN'S SLACK SUITS, brown and sand shades, sizes 30, 36 and 38. Regular 10.95 each SPECIAL AT 8.95 each MEN'S and BOYS' BATHING TRUNKS—Pure yool, good quality, SPECIAL AT 20% OFF MEN'S and BOYS' SUMMER PLAY SHORTS, suitable for beach or sports wear Regular 4.95 per pair SPECIAL AT 3.95 per pair ALS goods in the LADIES.... Yard goods in stock this week include prints, broadcloths. bleached or unbleached cotton, 69" sheeting, and a real assortment of Yama cloth for pyjamas, stripe or floral patterns. Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge. Clothes, Scott McHale Shoes CLINTON PHONE 25 We Use a WAKFER - IGNITION. TESTER to help us solve our ignition problems, and recommend it highly. We find it the bent on the malrket, and sngges4 you drive in and lent us correct your motor troubles. We heartily congratulate. Waller Electronics Company on the excellence of a product manufactured right here in Clinton. Murphy Bros. Garage HUDSON AND WILLYS SERVICE WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS Phone 465 Clinton BI-RTHS GRANT — In 01inton Community Hospbbal, on ,Saturday, August 2, 1947, to Fit. Lt. and (Mrs. Douglas Giant, Clinton, a daughter, (Nor- ma Anne)., I-LOLLAND--•In Clinton Conimenity. Hospital, on Monday, ,August 4, 1947, to !Mr. and Mrs. William Holland, RM. 4, Clinton,. a son, (Harvey William). MARRIAGES ABEL-CAMPBELL—Irk Knox Unit- ed Church, Auburn, on Saturday afternoon, August 2, 1947, by Rev. .4. G. Hewitt, Jean Alberta, young- er dangi ter of Mr. anc, Mrs. W. Albert Campbell, Auburn, to Stan- ley J inc . I'.i cf Mr and Mrs, Samuel . W Abel, St, Thomas. COC1K-GA1ldSETT—iAt the home of the bride's parents, by Me. Welch, London, on Friday, August 1, 1947, Marian Christina, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alvanley Gar- rett, Colborne Township, to Clar- ence Russell Cook, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Cook, Con. 5, East Wawanosh. DONA,LDSON - SAUNDEROOCIK — iAlt, the home of the bride's moth- er, by Rev. R. A. Brook, Hensall, at high noon on Saturday, August 2, 1947, June Marcella, youngest daughter of Mas. Annie •Saunder- co'ok, Hensall, to Radford Willard Donaldson, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Donaidy'on, London. DEATHS FOR1lfEEST •— At his residence, Hen - sail, early Tuesday morning, eug- ust 5, 194", John B. Forrest„ in his 't6th year. Ituneial fere Carmel Presbyterian Church. lIensall Thursday afternoon, August 7, to Hensalt '(inion Cemetery HUD4E — In Clinton .Community Hospital, on Thursday, August 7, 1947, Margaret Jean Campbell. beloved wife of tote late John Hudie, in her 59th year. ;Resting at the Beattie Funeral Home, ,Batterbury St. E., Clinton, where service will be held Saturday, Aug- ust 9, at 2 p.m. to Bayfield Ceme- tery. NICHOILSON --- In AIerandra Hes- ptal, 'Goderieh, on Friday, August 1, 1947, Miss Elisabeth Nicholson, Auburn, daughter of the late Mr. and ,Mrs. Thames Nicholson. Fun- eral from residence of her sister, Mas. James 'Hutch, Auburn, to Blyth Union Cemetery, August 4. SCBUTON—IA4 St. Thomas on Mon- day, August 4, 1947, Hannah S'eruton, beloved wife of the late John Scruton, and dear mother of Prank, London, •in her 81st year, Funeral from the residence of her son, Frank ,Scruton, 567 Oxford street, London, tto Clinton Ceme- tery, Wednesday, August 6, 0 Robert MacLeod Taken Suddenly 1'11 at Bend (By our Bayfield eorrespondent) Mr. and Mrs, L. I3. MacLeod re- eeived, word on Sunday evening that their eldest eon. Robert, who resides in Goderieh, bad been taken suddenly ill on the . beach at Grand Bend on Sunday afternoon and, rushed to St, Joseph's Hospital, London, where he underwent an emergency operation. Although his condition as sbin mite. eat, ,latest reports unrbicate that he is Iholdisug his own.' I -lis wife is visit- ing her parents in Nova .,Scotia and Bob was spending the day with friends at Grand Bend, His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Wepfer Electronics Now Producing Testers (Continued from Page 1) lane of garage equipment." Naturaiby, it would be taken for granted that Murphy Bros. are the first garage men in Clinton to have a Walder Ignition Tester iit opera tion on their floor. And they wouldn't be without it - Mr. Walefer was married to Miss Betty Rice, Hamilton, in November 1932, and they have three children: Bobby 12, Paul 9, and, Lynda 3. Mechanical Designer Ma. Christmas, who is a partner with .Mr. Walder in the Welder Electronics Company, is a native of Elnlgland,, who came to Florida in 1930, but has been a resident of Clinton for the past year. He re- ceived very thorough early training in meohanical engineering, and has had many years' experience in me- , I chemical design. IN MEMORIAM FANISF)ILVIOE — In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Gerald Glenn Fairservice, who died August 2, 1941. "Often and often our thoughts do wander To the grave not far away, Where we laid our dear Glenn Just six years ago to -day. The flowers we place en that grave May wither and decay, i3ut the love for him who sleeps beneath Will never fade away. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Tears in silence often flow, For memory keeps him ever near us, • Though he died six years ago." --+Sadly missed by parents and family. ' 32-p HOLIDAY NOTICE Our Shoppe will be closed Saturday, August 9, and will re -open Monday, August 25. Henri Beauty Shoppe at4 , 50,60?» — Mala, You're Crazy Vergol: your agel 'thousands are mem at 70. ilry "Pepping up" with Ostrea. Contains tonis for weak, rundown feeling duo solely to body's look of iron which many mn and women call "old." Be delighted; 00 get your money back. Try Oslren Tonle Tablets for now pep, vigor, Cim and ,years younger fueling, this vory day. or sole at all drug stores everywhere. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Cv.. • a COOKE FLORIST Phote`s: 66w and 66j EAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETI'IEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tt ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE G ODERI C H REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing (Aug. 7.9).— STREET" with Randolph Scott Now Playing—Ronald Reagan and Alexis Smith in "STALLION ROAD" Nov Playing — Walt Disney's Uncle Remus story 'SONG OF THE SOUTH" Mon., Tues., Wed. (Aug. 11-13) Ronald Colman, Peggy .Cummins and Vanessa Brown -A powerful and moving elramva of a man who would' not admit that he was wro' The Late George Apleyff mom, TUDS., WED. Joan Crawford, Johtt Garfield and Oscar 'Levant lAl musical drama of top calibre concerning a woman with a storm heart. `'HUMORE'SQUE" MON.,TUES., WED. ' James Cagney, Annabelle and Richard Cotte—Telling a dram - aide story of the diplomatic service and the menace of a notorious house. "13 Rue Madeleine" Thur., Fri., Sat. Jon Hall, Victor McLuglen antiRonald Rita Johnson..—,r1. Bex Beach star in cinecalor takes us back to stage coach days for thrilling advetrttue "MICHIGAN KID" Thur., Fri., Sat. Reagan, Alexis Smith and Zachary Srsess-iiomt out where the wiQd horses range comes a tale of the lien who -loge them. "STALLION ROAD" Thur., Fri., Sat. (Aug. 14.16) - "Claudia and David"a From the pen of ,Idose Franker comes the touching, heartwarming story of young married hove -- Dorothy McGuire, Robert Young -- Mary Astor Coming—Susan Susan Hayward in g— Y "SMASH UP" Coming—In Technicolor "CARNIVAL IN COSTA RICA" Coming — "THE LOCKET" star- ring Laraine Day & Brian Aherne Mat.: Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 p.m. Mat: Sat. and holidays, 2.30 p.m. Novelty events of various kinds will lend variety and provide thralls in the aquatic events at the. Canadian National Exhibition this year. One of the exciting features will be water skiing in .which the performers' will be towed iw fast motorboats. LONDON ROAD R. P. Waldron and Herman Ferris, Essex County, visited their cousins, Mae and Byron Waldron, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Longwibh, Windsor, visited at the home of Mr. and Ups. George B. Cameron on Sunday. ' Our New oil' ticl ICE CREAM 4111111111111/ Makes you smack your lips and call for. more! Nourishing. Refreshing, Frozen fresh right at the fountain, Fresh fruit, nut and standard flavors. Sample them yourself. Come in. to- day. CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM BAR 'Rattenbury St. E. Clinton �III11Ul1tIlHI111111Ij11I Ill Illi Illll Ilh Illi ill Illlllllllalllalllrl urn trmrmru�m�wrwrlgF • le W Ilncmmmirltlr(tlrcumut lil■MIR11I®I111111 t•IIIIIII®II.•111111111•l1111H1•11111111111111111 I 1/1/11140 Our New Coffee Shop is expected to be open for business SATURDAY, AUG. 9 The Main Dining Room has been, re -decorated and is open for business, CATERING to Banquets and Wedding Receptions OUR SPECIALTY .Rotel Clinton W. G. COOK -- Proprietors -- L. F. COOK PHONE 793—CLINTON M 32-b KEEP YOUR TIRES Young . . protect them from deebructive "mu.'bber-rot" caused by grease, oil, air and sun. PROLATEx RUBBER SAVING SYSTEM is the new scientific way to preserve rubber. Prolatex penetrates — filis every crack and pore .— forms a perfect seal against rubber's natural enemies! EXCLUSIVE TANK -DIP PROCESS! I N TODAY? Di1V'E Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSE GASOLINE and OIL Phan 460 ` VICTORIA ST. ' CLINTON EARLY INDUSTRIES OF TOWN RECALLED BY EX -RESIDENT (Continued from Page One) Railway was opened between London and Kincardine: The. only railway touching Clinton at that time was the Grand Trunk, now CNR; and grain and dressed hogs were hauled by wagon and sleigh for many miles from the north ,and south to Clinton. and deposited at Srvin's elevator for shipment. This meant business for the merchants. A common• sight dur- ing the fall and winter was a queue of farmers' teams extending from the elevator back to near the post office waiting their ;turn to unlead. With the opening of the L.H. & B. this business diminished; as Hume: - field and Kigxpen on the south, and Londesborough and Blyth on the worth, became outlets for the pro. duce of the farms. In the early days, mail Teethed Clinton from ,the north and south by stagecoach. At one period my brother drove stagecoach between Clinton and Exeter, snaking 8 84 1adhlll'iii 1111!111 1 the rotund trip each day carrying mail and passengers. Horses were changed at each end of the journey. First Organ Factory Another contributor to the up. building of Clinton during the last quarter :of the last century was Wil- liam Doherty, organ manufacturer. The first organ factory was located in the vicinity of the Collegate. lit• was, burned to the ground toward the end of January, 1808. The new site, now the -Sherlock-Manning fae- tory, was chosen because .of its greater shipping facilities. At the opening of the present century his factory employed over 200 men; and its output found a market in every civilized country of the world. Dining the summer of 1901, Mr. Doherty visited the Old Country .to inspect his foreign agences. While in England, he noticed that fre- quently men whom he met on the street lifted :their hats; and he was at a loss to account for it until his attention was d4.vvam to his remark- able resemblance to the Prince of Wales, later. King Edward VTI, for whom he was mistaken. iiRiillmillmlifll(nlliiifiElona( moIOomi@ IlemomUIIIluNnII8uomMEMMEIME ' Mid - Summer SALE 20% OFF DIAMOND RINGS WRIST WATCHES (Bulova, Elco & others Necklaces - Brooches and Earrings All Silverware, Dresser Sets, Billfolds and Wallets CLOCKS (Mantle and Wall) W. H. HELLYAI ,TEWELLER Albert St. NI11111111111 o11111i111111111111111111111111111111111i1oII11111111lllllllllllllllllillllllll 1111181111llllll11111lllllllllllmili 1011lViiI111VIIII1111181610✓imll ffill Clinton 32b Illi Special Sale LAWN MOWERS 10% OFF Reg. $11.95 Special $10.75 Reg. 12.45 Special 11.20 Reg. 14.90 Special 13.40 HAWKINS HARDWARE Albert St. PHONE 244 Clinton hi jsaI11 Baffin alAliintillMalimIlliIlllNllIl®Ill1111M1iI1 nrit irtnrlitrlutaalrairim. lr Have Your Furnace VACUUM -CLEANED This is the cleanest method you could imagine—no dust nor dirt—and you get the job done- very efficiently. DON'T FORGET! WE WHITEWASH AND SPRAY WEEDS! • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 JACK LITTLE. Phone 335w 'TO :I!•i•11111111111iIl1.111111111U11111111a11.11111111.111111111IllI9111I1111(1C1I1LI11111IN1:11111N1®1IIDI Earn while Learning Clinton Knitting Company Ltd. HAS OPENINGS IN ALL PHASE OF HOSIERY 'MANUFACTURING KNITTERS, LOOPERS WANTED ESPECIALLY 44 -HOUR WEEK. — GOOD WAGES :REST PERIODS ` >.e.e.ora.oeawoaww...o.rec.,,urv�ue.ocwaoa..owwo.wmewow„a,.