HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-31, Page 6PAIGE Sax CLINTONNEWS-RECORD TFILIRS117AY. JULY 31, :lean Interesting Items From News. -Record's Riira1 Correspondent NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 afr. and M. J. Ii. Lambert spent s few :deals in Detroit recently. Mr. +and !Mrs. 'Lawry, Windsor, are visiting Mr. and airs. ;Spencer Ervine. Mrs. G. S. Atkinson, London, is the guest of Mks 'C. W, Brown, "The Briars". Lloyd, Pease, London, is spending a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Berry. Miss Alice L. Hastings is in Vic - 'Eerie Hospital, Landon, undergoing treatment. Miss .Ethel Finnigan, •Qromai'iy, is visiting Ma and +Mins. A. S'aotohmer for a few days. J. L,• Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon, Brantford, ,spent ,the weekend with Mrs. F. H. Paull. Fred Potter, London, is spending a vacation with his wife and family at. "Shore ,Acres:" Mr. and Mrs. R. Bricker and IJlavid, Katehener, +were at the Langford cot- tage over the weekend. 'Mrs. 13. Amtognuini, New York, came last week to occupy her cot- tage "Antogmini Acres." QVIr. and Mss. Fred Poth and son, Glenn, New Dundee, visited Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Forth on Sunday. Clarence Larson, London, is spend- ing a forMniight's holidays with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson. Harold Weston, Detroit, is spend- ing the week 'with this wife and fam- ily at the home of his father, George Weston. Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson, Sr., Mr. ,and Mrs. John Pearson, Jr. London, are spending a few days at their cottage. Mrs. G. Koehler, who +spent last week with her sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowlie, returned to her home in Zurich on .erunday. •Lawrenee Fewlie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowlie, London, arrived Satur- day to spend a fortnight with Missee P. and E. Fowlie. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and child- ren have returned to their home in Detroit after having visited Mr. and ;Mas. Charles Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Widcomlbe, Windsor, are staying wth Jr. and hies. ;Alf. Scotchmer, while spending a vacation in the vi.IQage. Mr. and airs. G. Patterson, Miss Robb. Patterson, Miss V. Paull, Swansea, are the guests of Rev. and pairs. F. A. Paull „this week. Mr. and OVLrs. Walter Grierson, Charles and Anne, Waterloo, are spending this week with Mrs. Grier- son's aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Mr, and +Mrs. (Daniel 'McArthur, Guelph, William Wank, Hartford, Conn., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. were !Scott over the weekend. Misses Doris Morgan and Dora Woodall, Watford, are the guests this week of the former's hrathor, Rev. L. Morgan and Mrs. Morgan, The Rectory. Mr. and airs,. Sam Widcombe cal- led an friends in the village on Sat- eirday on their way to Colborne Township, where they are spending a vacation. R. J. Watson, Broadview, Sask., arrived on, Monday to spend his vacatimi with his wife and son at the home of her mother, Mrs. P. A. 13dwards. • Miss Lola Elliott, Detroit, is spend- ing a vacation with her mother and brother, Mrs. M. Elliott and Leslie, who drove to Monet .Clemens, Mioh,, to meet her. Mr. and Mrs. John Arpfelbeck, Harold, ,Grace, -Dilly and Babble Tavistock, visited friends in the village on Sunday. Mrs. Apfelbeck and the twine remained for a longer Mrs. 'Malcom Toms was in Sarnia on Friday where she attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. A. Reid. Her nephew, Billy Johnston, Wind- sor, accompanied' her upon her return home, to spend' a fortni'ght's vaca- tion. here. Mr. and Mrs. Canal Gloin, 31i'. and Mrs. W. H. Clark, St. Thomas; Mrs. Hattie Clark,. Flint, Mich.; Mr. and Mos. W. H. Little -and family, Brant- ford; A. Little, Seaforth; were the guests at +the }loin of Mr. and Mrs Charles Toms over the weekend. . Receant guests at The Albion Hotel` include: Dr. Arnold Bernstein and Mary. Ann, Mss. • R. Randall, Mrs. L Dant, London; Mr, and Mrs. H. M Seeger and son, Royal Oak, 'Mich. Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Henry, Barrie Mr. and Mrs. H. McCormick, Indian apolils. he the Jowett cottages this weel are: ,Mr. end Mrs. B. B. Pocltlington end family, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs' D: Kellerman and daughter, Kitchen- er' Mr. and Mrs. Serymgeour and dawg Iter, Welland; Mr•. and Mjis H. Tester, Toronto; . Miss Shirley Schroeder ,and Miss 'Kathleen Smith Debroiit. Carnival Gross $1,696 The success of the Lions Club Frolic held on Wednesday of last week was• due to good organization and teaainwork on the ,part of +the members and visiting- Lions. In charge, of the booths were: Bingo, Lea Elliott; bunch. counter, Maynard Corrie and Ernest Hovey; Drawn and anchor, -Speneer Maine; ring game, Hugh Gilmour; easy money, Ken Meaner; 'horse race, Lloyd Q17alaes; paddle • game, Lloyd Scetchnier; dance • floor, John and Charles Scatch.mer; pony rides, Elgin Porter; ticket booth, Charles Gemeinhaed. The gross receipts of the carnival were $+1,696. St. Andrew's Anniversary Anniversary services in St. And- rew's United Ohurcb, Bayfield, last Sarnndaiy was quite successful, in spite of the very wet and .stormy weather. Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, Ontario St. United Church, -Clinton, was 'the visiting minister and his morning sermon was based on the s`$ory of David bringing the arlc to Jeru- salem, the theme being '•Reverence." In the evening his subject was"Christian Love," nuabich he offered es the solution for many of the world's troubles. - Mies Comma Wendori, Clanton, was guest soloist and sang very sweetly, .two numbers, "Green Pas- tures" and "He Smiled on Me." In *re evening a male +ootette from Zurich Evangelical Church delighted the congregation with three numbers rendered in their usual splendid style. A. large thankofferine was re- ceived. :•:nr STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell and Mr, and Mrs. Victor Taylor and Irene, spent a few .dabs in Parry Sound, and other places. BRUCEFIELD A report the Nmris Piro is published on Page Ono of this issue: Misses Eldna and Marjorie Mustard spent a weekend ab G-oderioh Sum- mer Camp. - Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Matheson, Port Colborne, pent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Aikenhead. Mieses Donna McBride and Marg-. aret Zaphe have retuned from the Junior girls' cams, at Goderich Sum- mer School eirte. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pennywitt and Bobbie, Don Jones, Detroit, Mich., spent the past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs..1. W. Aikenhead. Preaches Here ,Rev. Jack Passmore, Heansall, who has spent the last four years at Melita; Man., has occupied the pul- pit -of Bnucefield United Churoh for the last two Sundays. Rev. Mr, Down, Fecetter, will offieiate for the next two Sundays. Brucefield WA Meets The group of the WA of. which Mrs. Berry is convener met at her home on Monday evening for a busl- ness meeting. At the eonelusion of the meeting +bhe hostess served de- licious refreshments. ANA::. Evening service and holly- mundon in +St. John's Anglican Church +Stnlday at 7 pan., August 3. Liable Shelia Soper, who !spent the past :two weeks -lith friends at Slaaffordrille, returned ilioane Sun- dlay. Mr. an'd Mas. Weiner and child ren, Exeter, were Sunday;guests at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Chutor. Mr, and .laws. John Dawson, in campamy with Mas. W. Hart and Mae. i31. Reid, visited with friends in Goderich Tuesday. UCKERSMITH Ladies' Clab. to Meet Tuckersmitlu Ladies' ,Club will bold its next regular meedbing al the home of Mrs. Eldwin Jahns, 4Seafooth, on Wednesday, August 6, with group one in charge. The roll call will be answered with "Why ani 1 a .C11ub Member:" Arlinirelarsupir B,LYTH Injures Ankle While helping to more a manure - spreader at a local impalement shop, Donald McNall, received painful in juries to his ankle when- the imple- ment apparently rolled back and a part of its anechandsm struck Mr. Me Nall on. the ankle, opening a wound requ eimg medical aid and several stitches to clam. Fair Grounds Improved A volunteer group of members of the local Agricultural Societyheld a bee and have greatly improved the fair grounds. The old board fence has been replaced by a new 'wire fence, much grading has been done, and a great deal of work has been nut en the race track, getting the grounds shipshape for the fall fair, Which takes place September 10-11. Minister a Hitter Rev, W. J. Rogers, the new min- ister of the United Church here Proved he could da more than .preach a good sermon while playing for the "Old Tiers" in an er.'•hibition baseball game against the Blyth In- termediates. He laced out two hom- ers, and was responsible for four of his team's eight runs. Dr. Toll Well • Relatives of !Dr, C. Fl, Toll, for- merly of Blyth, received a cable from him starting that he was "fine and well eared for." He was one of the 60 . passengers aboard the Arctic supply steamer Nascopie, which ran aground on Baffin Land- in 'Hudson strait, Dr. Toll was aboard the vessel to take care of the dental nedds of northern inhabitants, and had visited his sisters -and brother here just be- fore making the-+trrip. His wife and daughter Jill are new visiting reia- +lives here. Sunday School Picnic About 150 members of the con- gregation and -Sunday School of Blyth United) Church had a very en- joyable picnic .art Lions Park, Sea - forth, Thursday afternoon. Several intrepid birthers tried .the chilly wat- er, but without , much enjoyment. however, the sun shone brilghtly. Bates were held tvith The following winners: ghee six and under, Paige Phillips, Linda 'Sinus, Jeanne Hod- gins. boys six and under, Bennie Wasnnan, Frankie Armstrong, Elgin• McNall; girls nine and under, Yvonne MoNall; boas nine and under, Garth McKnight, Freddie Harnm, Alvin Armstrong; a rle 12 and- under, Betty Tait, June ;McNeil, Bernice Johnston and Janice Wasman tied; boys 12 and trader, Donald Armstrong, Mur- ray Hamm, Wayne Purvey; girls 16 and ,under, Gloria Slbthorpe, Rhea McNall, Lois Doherty and Dolores McNall tied; boys 16 and under, -Car- nem MacDonald, John Sibthorpe, George McDonald and Donald Arm- strong tied; married women, Mrs. F. Brenton, rs. J. 'Swans, Mrs. B. Walsh; girls' three-legged race, Lois Doherty and Irma Wallace, Doris Johnetan and TL'hea McNall, Jean Mc- Donald and Bernice McNeil; boys' three-legged race, Wayne Turvey and Carman McDonald, John Sibthhospe oral. Ronald Philp, Jack Kyle and Kenneth Hamm. LONDESBORO Mare Helen Ball, 'Clinton, visited with Miss Gail 'Manning, recently. ars. Jim Webster spent a few days` with MTs. L. Webster last week. Miss Norma Haines; Dresden, visited with lMiss Velma Hesk last week. • Norman Alexander -and David spent the ;past week ab Wasaga Beach, Mr. and Mrs. -Sidney Lansing spent the weekend ,with friends at Sauble Beach; Mr: end Mrs. Bert Lobb visited with Mr.. and Mrs. Harry Durnin on Sund{sy. Mrs. Grierson, ,Sunderland, is vis - tang her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland-• Miss Isabel Alexander, Bensall, is holidaying with Mrs. ti. N. Alex- ander and family. Mr. rind IMrs. Wes. tShobbrook, Clinton, visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shobbrook on Sunday. Roy Duncan, Detroit, . and Miss Jessie Duncan, Paris, visited with Mrs. L. Webster on Tuesday. Mr. 'and Mrs. Elgin Josling and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Younghlutt •en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wall and David, Kincardine, spent the weekend with the latrter's nether, "Mrs. H. Riley. Mx. and Mfrs. Cecil` Griffiths and family, Brampton, visited with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crniffiths last week. 'Mrs. Oharles Quennell, Taranto, and Mrs, Ed. Johnston, Clinton, spent" Friday, at tike home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Crawford. Mr. and alms. Herbert Qresford and Sandra and Muss Betty Craw- ford; Landon, visited with Mr. and ales. E. J. Crawford 'recently. Mr. and Mis. T. 'Barker and baby daughter, Diana, .and Miss Beth Cai+twndght, Toranthn, accompanied. by ,Mr. and Mrs. C Wtaymouth, Lon- desbono, vietted with .Miss L. tMe- Tavish .and !Mrs. C. 'Stewart, Strat- ford, who are both very ill. Next Services Aug. 10 As the minister is on vacation, there will he no :service in the churches of dine Losideshoro Pastor- al Charge of the United •Church of Canada until Sunday, August 10. NEWS OF AUBURN Mas. Fred. Ross, Representative Mr. and ,Mrs. ,Clifford Caster and baby, Woodstock, are visiting rela- tives here. MT. and +Mrs. William Witch, Clin- ton, visited Mrs. John Arthur last Thursday., 'Mess Harry Goviten 'die visiting her granddaughter, .Mrs. Ed. Sillery and Mr. Sa'llary, .Exeter. Ms. -and Mas. J. C. -Stoltz have returned home after a week's visit M Toronto and Aurora. Mies Fenno Lawlor, Galt, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and •Mars. George Lawlor. Visitors over +the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Houston were Mr. and Mars. Jack McIntosh and on, London, Mr- ward Mrs. Ben Hamilton and young son, Tomato, are visiting the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. David Tiamill on. Mr. and Mrs. H. ;R.inderlcnech.t, Sr., and Mr. and airs. 11. Rinderknecht, Jr., spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. George Beadle. Mies Frances Houston, RN., Lon- don, who has been holidaying with her ,parents, has resumed her duties at Victoria • Hospital. ,Mus. Stanley ,Strasser . and daugh- ter, Bambara Ann, Sault Ste. Marie, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Graig. Baby Baptized • At 3d. Mark's Asigii:caai Ohureh Rev. 11. J. L. Henderson administer- ed the zoites of baptisen.to+Susan Ann Gail, daughter of Mr. and M•rs. CClif- tord Carter. Mae and Mrs. John Carter were bfhe godparents. Moves to ,Lucknow. Rev. Robert Macconhell, who was pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church here for two years.,,before resigning at New Year's, entered' his household effects fast week to lauc:cnow, where he will reside. Knox Ohuroh is na+w prepared to hear ministers with a view to extending a "Tall, -and on Sunday Rev. Andrew McKenzie oc- cupied the pulpit. V. Yungblut Injured Victor Yungblut received a 'severe shaking up when the -scaffolding on which he and Ids brother Aathur were standing on brake aid they fe11 about 10 feet. They were putting siding on Gerge Beadle's house when the ,accident occurred. Victor was taken into Mr, Beadle's house and Di;. Weir was called. He was taken by ambulance to 'Alexandra Hospital, Gaderidh on Sunday for an X-ray. Arthur escaped unhvmt. Harold Carter Injured Haarald +Carter, a farmer of West Wawanosh, lost: the tips of the rtthnrmb and first finger • of his left .hand 1 when a fuse exploded as he was examining it Wednesday. Mr: Car- ter was at ilhe aaam -orf a neighbor, Harry Armstrong, end Harold along with Rabat Armstrong, were in the driving shed, when they chanced on some old fuses that had been lying in a box for ten. years. Mr. Carter picked it up to- inspect it, and for some ruanexplaiiled reason it exploded in his hand. Ile was taken to Alex- andeaH apitai, Goderich, where it was found necessary ,to amputate his left thumb and index finger at the dirat joints. 500 Attend Fete ,Some ':600 people attended the'. garden party en Wednesday night, July 23, sponsored . by Auburn Com- munity Association to help raise funds for ;the proposedmemorial hall here- • A brief report was published in last week's NEWS -RECORD. The supper, held in Knox ;United Church, was .aponsored by ,the Wo- men's Institute. One of the features of the evening was a 'baseball •genie beliween Alamein and Teeswator, re- sulting in a 8-2 win for Teeawater. t Owing -to ere coal weatther, he program, which was scheduled to be held on the Anglican Church lawn, was presented in the United Church' sheds. Harry L. Surdy, president of the Assooiattion, presided for tiro prae am which opened with a num- ber from +bhe orchestra. -Clark John- stone, Winghann, accompanied by Mis. Van Camp, contributed solos. L. Elston Cardiff, Brussels, MP for North Huron, gave a short addres's expressing his pleasure at being in- vited to take part and wishing the coannettee every success in their undertaking. Other numbers included: solos, Ralph Henderson, ,Goderich, accomp- anied by Mrs. R. J. Phillips; bagpipe selections, Tam Bogie; speech, Dr. Hobbs Taylor, MLA, Dashwood; Wil ldann Watson, Nile, -spoke 'briefly on the need of a new hall in the village; duet, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay, ItintaiI; speech, John W. Hanna, MPI?, Winghani; solo, Audrey Toll, accompanied by Miss Dalrymple; Ar thur-Grange, a veteran of the Second Great War, gave a short talk, stating', that a memorial 'hall would prove beneficial to the younger genera - *on; duet, by Betlhc and Bill Stratig- Iran,.aecoanpanied by Vivian Straug- loan. Charles Asquith, .secretary of the Community Association, thanked the officials of tate United Church for the use of tine church basement and the 'sheds, also the Women's Insti- tute for ttlheir splendid eo.operaition. Poldbwing the concert a dance was BEEN It HUES RADITIONALLY, Ale has always been distri- buted in green bottles but owing to the present shortage of green glass, some. Ale is being bottled in white oramber bottles. This is a temporary measure and: does not in any way affect the quality of the product. Publislleri by THE BRE IN INDUSTRY (ONTA 10) 'JY e''1 F rt'. B01710,, 10,, FIENSALL Bill Campbell, Guelph, is visiting this week with Bengali friends. Mei .Irene O'Connor, _Auburn, visited on Sunday , eviijth Mrs. al'. Hearten. Bpi1 Tuelbey, Bader, spent a few days last weekend' with .Ball Miekle a t Ronde u Park, ,Mr. and hits. W. Elliott, Guelph, visited the past week at the home of Mr. G. Pybws. Miss Bernice Jinks is Vending two weeks at ;Rondeau Park, guest of ,Miss Betty aVfielde. GODERICH TOWNSHIP IMr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller, Par- ent, visited- on Sunday with Mr..and Mre. A. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kemp and+ Mr. and Mrs. George Temp, London, visited on .Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. David Easonn. CONSTANCE Erect Riley +and Miss Sha irl awn, Kitchener, event their .two week's hoiicilays ant +bhe home of ,Mr. and Nims. C. W. Riley. • Mr. and Mos. Bernard Riley and baby Dennis, Kitchener, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. ,and !Mrs. C. W. Riley. Me. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth and daughter Jane, Wallaceburg, are holidaying at the hoarse of her pair - Parents, Mr. crud +Mrs. William Bribbon, In Hospital Mr. Britton is en Seatt Memorial Hospital, .Seaforth. He was operated on Thursday last. We hope for a speedy recovery and that lie velli soon be Name again. held .in the Foresters .hall with music for dancing supplied by a ]Deal or- chestra. It is the aim of the Community Assooiation toerect a memorial hall to honor the servicemen of the First and ,SecondGreat .Wars. The hall is expected to cost 315,000, and the committee hopes to raise the money during' the next five years. rloddio. Ferguson is spending about a week at Rondean Park with Clh.axles tend. Bobby a/fickle. Mee. Vernon Spray and Martha, Iioiederi Linde . Geiger, Toronto, are, Welting at the Geiger +residence. The many friends of John Forrest will regret to learn he is i11 at :his ihame.. A speedy recovery is hope for:. Mese lailld -id Pybus left on Satan day by mater with London friend: for a holiday to Calgary and Banff Alberta. • Miss Audrey Walsh sang a plea Mg solo, +e, titledi, "God is Near," a the anorning service at the U ' Church +Sunday lash. IMir. and 'Mrs. Keinnebh, Manaus and little• eon retna+sed home to Toronto Sunday easter spending a two -weeks -Mention- vial Mrs. F. Manns, .Albert •Sthirray has returissd home from at. JbeepbIs Hospital, London, where he underwent a serious- op - elation for -an emergeiisy appendix United Church Supply Rev, Robert •Bazemore, Melita;. Man., wall occupy the pulpit in Hen - United Ohureh in August Mg the the absence of the minister,. Rev. R. A. Brook, who will be on holidays. Bride -elect Feted M'a'ss Mew Goodwin 'usa hostess at lier home - Monday evenitog• for ,aa ehower an honor o£' Miss Jerre Saund' e -cook, brde-elect of +this Sattuiday, August 2. tauter a s'ociai evening in wtvich music and contests were enjoyed, and a siingasong directed by ,Miss Gladys Luker and Mrs. C. Iletrnedy, !Miss Ruth .Hess and Misa Jennie Doily made the presentaltion of numerous lovely gifts to Miss iSaundeneock. Dlainty refreshments, were served by !Miss Goodwin, as- sisted by her mother, Mrs. Goodwin,. and 'their assistants, Misses Marg aret Shepherd, Margaret +McGregor• anct Ruth Hess. Miss-Saundereook's marriage to R. W. Donaldson, Lon- don, takes place alt leer home, Sat- urday, August 2, at high acorn.' GODERICH WINS T:IOPRY GODERFOH — The much coveted' membership award of the Interna- tional Association of mans' Clubs for District A, which embraces the provinces of Quebec and Ontario, east of Port Arthur, ]las been won by Goderich Lions Club.. During the past year the club here :•rereased its membership by 24, making a total of 100 members: CLINTON MOMMMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS OR BY Al?POlINTNIENx WITii Mr. J. ZAPITEII PHONE 103 MEMORIALS AND CEMETERY WORT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORT}I ,„„ �,„.IIntl.'I.„..II IrdtIR,t1111111II®11,111,11I1111,11Illi,I11111111111A1ItIR,I11,l..IIRII111U, ,-... Attention, Farmers A . . t F. Are the Flies Bad at Milking Time? a Then drop in and get a gallon of lily Spray. ii iii We also stock: 11 Milk Motor Oil w Coal Oil Stove Oil \larenl (r1ry cleaning fluid) i a We have NEW and USED TIRES vi almost aaAll Atlas Batteries and Accessories OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS sizes, ' Ray Cartwright YOUR IMPERIAL DEALER,; e Phone 5031.31 31-b -_ alliallial lgulleleal aluRll,RUUMtl,rtllll,n.1111111111(11®11,Rum,nsu,emRl11121M ,I,RIuRuliali