HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-31, Page 5CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SIHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 69 -td' g rati111m1111IIllllllll111111lllll111111111111111111111I11MIIlf1!411Ir!lllrIMIlA!Nr!Hllf_ Have Your Furnace ✓ JACK LITTLE Phone 335w URISIDAY,'. ULT 31, 1947 QMNfTON .NEWS-1tEC&R19 PACE FIVE News -record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results CASH RATE--.(Ifn-paid. by Wed- nesday following date of insertion). 'One cent a word first insertion (min - mum 30eons) subsequent inner ctions, one cent a word (minimum 25 'cents); 10 cents extra for box num- bber or for direeting to NEWS - RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -20 cents extra. D iADLIIN4J- ,9 p,,m., Wednesday. FOR SALE RUBBER -TIRED WAGON $75, half ,cash. Apply W. B. Thompson, two miles west of Minton on No. 8 High- way. 31-p T44REF 4 BURNER GAS;011 E :stove in good condition.' Apply T.E. Reword, Bayfield, phone'' Clinton •6224r81, 31-32-p 001118 ipX-4O:OlT-GUrr DEERING bander; one nix -foot -eon Mass'ey- 'Jlarris 'binder; .one anew rtnlbber=tire •wagon, H. W. Cniarlesworth, phone 199W. 31-82-p 'CERTIFIED RASPBERRY Plantes— 'Waite Box 754, Campbellford, Ont. 'for illustrated fodder and -growing -"know how." Don't delay. Stopply invited. • 81-32-33-34-p 'CLYDE TEAM OF HORSES, SIX -and test/ years; eine yearling Horse e'olt; one set "brass mounted breech- liryg harness, nearly new; one Fleury Bissell 34 -plate tandem disc; one ,13 - run International seed drill; one Massey-Ilacnns team .bean seuffler; sone Massey -'Harris side delivery rake• one Masseyt-Harriss four -fur- row disc plough, power lift. Charles "Brandon, H.R. 4, Clinton, phone `fi33r5. PROPERTY FOR SALE "FRAME HOUSE ON [ALBERT •ST. Apply dVIrs. Harry Johnston, Box 280, Goderioh. 30-41-b 'EWE -ROOMED HOUSE with mod- -ern conveniences end garage, Early. tenancy. Apply Box "R", NEWS- •ItEC002ID'. 30:31-p 1%, STOREY FR)AIVIE EIGHT - room dwelling in village of Hayfield near lakefront. .Suitable for sum- 'rner dwelling. For further partiou- lars apply to R. C. Lawson, Real *Estate Broker, 01'!nton, phone 251 w. 30-btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NINETEEN LITTLE ['IGS, SIX nweekts old. Apply Ross Fitzsimons. 31-b 'FIVE CHURNS OF PIGS; also -man's; bieycle in good condition. 'Phone Clinton 908r25. 30-311 `FtIG4IsT LITTLE' PIGS, SEVEN 'weeks old. Apply Lewis Dempsey, 'R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 911r5. 31-p 'TEN EWES, ONE AND TWO - year old, one ram, all Lelcesters. Appilyi Elden 013rien, 'R;a1. '5; Olin - ''ton, phone 615x25, 31-32 p AUTOMOBILE'S FOR SALE • 1940 CH+EV4I,OLET 00A,CH, eon- dition like new. Apply Miss Irene Pease, phone Brussels 55X. 30-3'1-p WANTED TO BUY ICE' BOXES, ANY CONDITION. Write or phone C. Woods, second hand store, 12 East • St., Goderich, phone Godeiieh 242j. 24-btfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANrr4D POR k ''P>IST of Septembe'r, room and board for lady High School teacher. Phone 93 (St. Paul's Rec- tory). 25-32-p HOUSE. OR APARTMENT, at least three rooms, unfurnished, wanted as soon as possible. Apply P.O. Box 467, Cthiton. 30-31-b LOST AND FOUND 'STRAYED TO THE P4IdMI'S1ES of the undlersigned, half a mite :north of. .Brweedheld, young black and 'white dog. William Henry phone 629x2. 31-b FOI N:D1-,WORV4ANIS GOLD WED- diang band 4n Hayfield. Owner may have .samne by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Phone Clinton 615r14. 31-p FOR RENT CABIN TRAILER BY THE WEER. Enjoto your holiday. Ferg. Van- Emend, anEgmenndd, phone 187. 31-p HOUSE WANTED ROUSE WANTED 11MM:EDIATELY in Cli!nton by .airman on permanent staff of RCAF Station. Has wife and four children. Would be glad to buy if house is in good condition. Apply _Box "P," NEWS -RECORD. CO'RD. 31-p MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Penn'ebaker's Drug Stare. 31-b FREE! 'SAMPLE --Send 4c stamp for Personal. Hygiene (rubber goods) imported product, hermetically seal- ed, electronically tested, Free price list. (Mailed in plain sealed envelope. Adults only. W. Norman, Box 72, Station J, Toronto. 28 -35 -lo WANTED TO BUY -01d horses and dead animals, siutable for mink feed. If. dead, phone at once. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21 or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, •Goderich. 25btfh ASTHMA 3Ur It esRERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write P. Howey, 144 Catharine St, 3., Hamilton. 28 -tab COMING—A DAY OF RECKONING "Vengeance is mine: I will repay, saith the Lord." Rom. 12:19 BE ACCOUNTED W0R.TRY TO ESCAPE THE JUDGMENT TO COME -HAVE FAITH IN CHRIST, N 0T • in good works • in any living man • in Mary or any saints • in joining any church or organization HUT iri HIM who alone ern save. TUNE 1N—Pilgri[m`a Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS In keeping with our policy to sell summer goods in the. summer time, we are offering, while they last, at slashed prices, the remainder of our summer stocks, including: MEN'S ALL -WOOL 'SPORT COATS in diagonal weaves or checks. Just the 'ticket for year-round wear with your odd slacks. Replier $21.50, 17.50, 7.95, 9.75 SPECIAL AT $17.95, 13.95, 6.50, 7.95 MEN'S SLACK SUITS, brown and sand shades, sizes 30, 36 and 38, Regular 10.95 each 'SPECIAL AT 8.95 each MEN'S and BOYS' BATHING TRUNKS—Pure yool, good quality, SPECIAL AT 20% OFF 'MEN'S and BOYS' SUMMER PLAY SHORTS, suitable for beach or sports wear Regular 4.95 per pair SPECIAL AT 3.95 per pair NOTE—Our Stock of Shirts is rapidly going down, so if you are in need of a new shirt, see us now while there is still a choice of colours and sizes. Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott McHale Shoes PHONE 25 CLINTON OPEN SUNDAY AUGUST 3- a n d Every Night Neil Week. Your Friendly — McColl - Frontenac Service Station Clarke Stanley," Proprietor Phone 205j Clinton BIRTIS BLEZEOIKA.—tn Clinton Community Hospital, on Tuesday, July 29, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bleze'eka, - Clinton, a son. TI3OIMPS(X\--+7n Clinton Commun- ity Hospital, on Thursday, July 24, 1947, to iMr. and Mrs. Palmer Thompson, Clinton, a son ((Chris- topher Alexander). STAI14—,Mr, .and Mrs. Harald Stade (.nee Dorothy Shipley), Zurich, are happy to announce the -birth of a son on July 24, 1947. TIG'IRE -- l!n Clinton Community [Hospital an Tuesday, July 29, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. William Tighe, Clinton, a daughter. DEATHS THOMPSON — Orn Friday, July 25, 1947, Christopher Alexander Thoanpsonn, infant son of MT..and Mrs. Palmer Thompson, Clanton, aged eight hours, CLINTON RCAF SPLITS A PAIR WITH STAFFA During' the Past week, Clinton RCAF played two games with Staffa in the Huron -Perth Baseball 'League, lasing at Staffa by 15-5 Friday even- ing last and winning at home Mon- day evening by 5-4. The victory firmly eseonsed the Airmen in fourth place in the League standing with a percentage of .250. Their next game is with the league - leading Clinton Colts on the Radar School diamond tomorrow (Friday) evening. Staffa 15—RCAF 5 Two bad innings spelled defeat for the Airmen at Skaffa Friday evening last when they lost 15-5. Ted Hainstock pitched his wildest game of the year, passing no less than 12 Staffa batsmen. Evans, Hen- shaw, Laurin and Harustock each had two safeties. Clinton RCAF 010. 002 2— 5 10 5 Staffa . , . 060 10.1,7-15 8 3 Line-up: Clanton RCAF: Perry if, Logan c, Evans es, Philp 2b, Smith ef, Hen- shaw 3b, Smile rf, Laurin ib, Hain - stock p. STAFFA: Costello cf, Houghton lb, Balfour as, 'Sadler p, Dearing c, Whetham 2b, McKellar ld, Allen 3b, MaeDonald 41. * * « Clinton RCAF 5 Staffa 4 The Airmen bounced through to a 5-4 victory over Staffa on the Radar School diamond Monday evening be- fore a large crowd, outhitting the visitors 11-5. Paul Moroney pitched nice ball for the winners, striking out nine and allowing only five hits. He walked three. The RCAF scored the winning run in the last of the eighth with two out on singles by Smith and Senate, and a f'ielder's error thrown in, Gord Evans was leading batter with three sing.Ies, while Philp and Smith had .two hits each. Evans played his best game of the year. Staffa 100 200 010-4 5 4 Clinton RCAF 100 002 11x-5 11 7 Line-up: Staffa: Costello of, Ross Hough- ton p, Balfour ss; 'Sadler lb, Dear- ing c, Allen 313, Len Houghton 12, Hamilton nf, MaoDonald lf, Whet - ham 1f. Clinton RCAF: Laurin ib, Giroux c, Evans es, Philp 2b, Snaith cf, Smale rf, Hainstuck 12, Henshaw 3b, Morency P. Umpires—Thorndike, Gaunter, at plate; N. Livermore, Clinton, on bases. AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and PROPERTY of the Estate of the late Alfred E. Erwin, from Edwards' Store, Bayfield, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 at 1.30 p.m. sharp (DST) the following: Piano; Atwater Kent electric radio; oak combination china cab- inet and sideboard oak combination book case and writing desk; oak lib- rary ,table; oak dresser •and wash stand; 2 spooled beds; iron bed, 'springs and mattress; wash stands; 2 slay ''beds; White drop -head sewing machine; arm chairs; rocking chairs; kitchen , chains; small tables; hand washing machine; wash tubs; Beach range with warrrning oven; box stove; li'nolewtn 9'x14'; odd linoleum; .ashes and ,numerous other articles. At the same ,time and place there will be offered' far sale subject to reserve bid (if not sold previous to sale date), the lot Na. 153, consist- ing of n4 •acre of land, more or less, and situated 00 Ohinquy Street, Bay- field, TERMS—CASH FRANK M. ERWIN, Administrator EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 30-31-b NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS All weeds are to be cut at (once and if not, the Town will have a man employed for this service and charge the account to . the owner of the property. By _ Order, Town of Clinton, D. ELLIOTT, Inspecit;or 30-31-b CALIFORNIA'S SMITH NEW .PRESIDENT OF LIONS CLUBS (Continued from Page One) 1947. These meetings are atoned to take place dining the foxthcomx rg session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, and we expect to have an opportunity to participate to some extent an the nieetinge of the General Assembly; to acquaint the Lions attending these meetings with seineof the inner workings of that body` and, in turn, to have the delogmtes to the General Assembly to become'aepwainted with our Lion leaders. "I feel confident that you in this great audience today, representing as you do the business and peofes- sional people of 19 nations will stand solidly behind the program of world peace which your Association has adbpted, and that you will act as one in advocating that your respec tive governments take a definite stand against any nation or anyone who would disrupt the peace of the world." Smith is 'a charter member (1923) of the Ventura Lens Club. He is also a key member and has served his Inions Olwb in many capacities, In- cluding the offices of director and president. He was elected a member of the Board of Directors of Lions International at the International Convention in Havana, Cuba, in July, 1940, and since that time has held the offices of third vice-president, second vice-president and first vice- president a the Association. Lion 'Smith was born in Alamosa, Colorado. He attended grammar and high schools in Colorado, a pri•• vate sohoo'i ihn St. Louis, Missouri, and the University of California. His interests cover many fields, among which are education, land, securities, banking and packing. He is a mem- ber of the California State Board of Education, having served as Presi- dent of that Board for three suc- cessive terns; Trustee of Pomona College, Claremont, Calif.; President of Hobson Brothers Packing Comp- any; President of :the Salinas Land Company; Vice -President of the Saticoy Rock Company; President of the Ventura ,Securities. Company; VieePresident of the California Or- chard Cganpany; Director of the Ivy Lawn Cemetery Annotation; Member of the. Advisory Board of Ventura Bank of America; ,and is the owner of independent oil and ranching properties. Lion Smith is married and has three children, 4114 'hobbes are home movies and ,iris wood shop. He is affiliated with the Ojai Community Church and is a member of the CARD OF THANKS The Bayfield Lions Club wishes to express its thanks •to all those who assisted them in the fhoothe at their recent frolic, those who loaned materials and those who patronized them so well. They appreciate your kindness very much. 31-b Your te will tell you that our Delicious Freezer -Fresh ICE CREAM is the best you ever ate ! Try it to -day CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM BAR RATTENBURY ST. E. CLINTON 31-b ROXY THEATRE C L I N T O••N Now Playing (July 31 - Aug. 2)— "LADY LUCK" with Robert Young and Barbara Hale 'Mon.; -'Tues., Wed. (Aug. 4-6) "CARNIVAL IN COSTA RICA" Filmed against baolrgrounds of , . breath -taking- natural beauty, captured at their beat lily Teohni- eolor, .comes this merry fiesta of entertainment staining — Dick Haymes, Vera -Ellen and Cesar Romero Thur„ Fri., Sat. (Aug. 7-9) Randolph Scott, Robert Ryan and Anne Jeffreys --An action -packed romantic, brawling saga of .the fearless men and 'their loyal wo- men who carved a great agricul- tural domain, out of the wilds of eatery Kansas. "TRAIL STREET" McKEE BEATS SHACKLADY Fit,alh. Bob McKee, sports officer, RCAF 'Station, Clinton, defeated LAC Shaelclody, also of RCIAF' Sta- tion, at 118 pounds, in the Goderich Lions Club's first amateur boxing show under the lights at Goderich Fridalyl evening last. Success of the event assured that it will be an annual affair. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC L am not responsible for Watches, Clocks or Jewellery of any kind left here with my predecessor, 11. H. Johnson. If not called for within 23 days, they will be disposed of to meet charges. A. M Jackson JEWELLER Albert St. Clinton 31-32-h ....-00.....41.. USED TIRES WANTED Highest Allowance on NEW DUNLOP and DOMINION TIRES Greasing Washing Polishing NO WAITING We Pick Up and Deliver Your Cor Inkley Service Station PHONE 784---CLINTON NOTICE Machine Shop Open this week 7.30 - 3.30. Next week 4 p.m. - 10 p.m. Tuesday all day. Emery work off all kinds and s'mhall lathe work Norman Tyndall PHONE 348J 31-p KEEP YOUR TiRES Young! , . protect 1ihem from destructive "rubber-roit" mused by grease, 'ott, 'air and sun. PROLATEX RUBBER SAVING SYSTEM is the new scientific way to preserve rubber. Prolatex penetrates — fills every crack and pore - forms a perfect seal against rubber's natural enemies! EXCLUSIVE TANK -DIP PROCESS! DRIVE IN TODAY! Harry Davies Tire and Battery WIIITE ROSE GASOLINE and OIL Phone 4.60 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERI CH Now Playing—Roy Rogers in "MY PAL TRIGGER" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing—William 'Elliott in "THE PLAINSMAN AND THE LADY" MON., TUESS., WED. James Stewart; Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore and Thomas Mitchell Frank Oapa•.a's great wonderfilen, telling the story of two human souls whose steadfast devotion became an epic you will not forget. 44IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE" Thur., Fri., Sat. Ronald Reagan, Alexis Smith and Zachary Scott-JI'ake ITS to the rangihng West for a tale of e, horse and the mann who loved him, "STALLION ROAD" Coming—Joan Crawford in "HUMORESQUE" Mat.: Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 p.m. BOWLING BITS by MWS The Twilight Rinks Tournament, sponsored by the local Men's Bowl- ing .Club, Monday eventing, proved to be a huge success with a lull out- side entry. Rinks were present from God'erieh, Wingham, Brussels, Sea - forth, Mitchell, Ebeeter and Clinton. Prizes . went to the following:, first, Wdnghanr, skipped. by W. Miller; second, 'Mitchell, skipped by F. Rus- ton; and third, Mitchell, skipped by 712. Ologhin. The (Minton ladies pro- vided a lunch booth. * e * Despite threatening rain practic- ally .the entire afternoon and early evening, the Ladies' Trebles Tourna- ment held here yesterday, was a. big success. Ladies from Goderich, Winghaxn, Stratford, Forest, Mitchell Thur., Fri., Sat. WALT DISNEY Presents his unusual musical treat, the blending of real life ohmmeters .and cartoon animals into. the appealing story of Uncle Remus. "SONG OF THE SOUTH" Coining—James Copley in "13 RUB MADELEINE" Mat: Sat. and holidays, 2.30 p.m IS and 'Clinton participated. First prize went to a Wingham rink composed of Mrs. 0. A. Armitage, Mrs. F. Il. Sturdy and skipped by Mrs. A. 11. Duval. Second was a Forest rinds 'skipped by Mrs. Robert Lawrence, and third a Goderich rink skipped by Mrs. J. Baker; and' fourth a Clin- ton rink, composed of Miss Eileen Sutter, Mrs. J. Innes and skipped' by Mrs.. 'R. B. Sutter. Congratulations to these three ladies as it is the first time this season Clinton Ladies have won a prize. The 'host club, under the convenership of Mrs. Wil- liam Jervis, served a dainty lunch at the 'close of the tournament. * * * Attention all members!! A mixed jitney will be held on Friday evening at 7.30. Ai good •attendance is re. quested. Proclamation Town of Clinton Pursuant to the usual custom here and throughout the Province, I hereby proclaim MONDAY, AUG. 4 as a CIVIC HOLIDAY and Cali upon alt citizens to observe it as such. (Signed) A. J. MCMURRAY, 31-h Mayor VACUUM -CLEANED This is the cleanest method you could imagine—no dust nor dirt—and you get the job done very efficiently. DON'T FORGET! WE WHITEWASH AND SPRAY WEEDS! !® CLINTON 1111111111111.11111111111e11!r11111a t!I11111unti111111umitI1HI1111i1i1111111IIlill clia1I1 mii OPEN SUNDAY AUGUST 3 and Every Night Next Week REG. BALL'S SHELL SERVICE STATION Goodyear Tubes --- Shell Products Ontario St. PHONE 5 Clinton 31-6 Summer Time Is Furnace Time! Place Your Order NOW for A Reliable HECLA FURNACE for installation before cold weather sets in. HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING ]Rhone: Business 244; Residence 470 Here It Is, Giris! Your Chance to Join The Happy Family who work at Clinton Knitting Company Ltd. APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT .,.a.wo,.ee..0,11[M a....«•1.a...ew.e110.ow.oaew.n.,.u..u..,...0.1.11 asewI,n.a