HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-31, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1 omen' and Church Affairs in Clinion and Distric )Joint Meeting of WA's In St. James Church yA, joint meeting ,of the WA mem- bers' at Bayfield, Varna and +Middile- ton, was held Thursday •afteinocn, jolly 24, in St. James' :Church, Mid• tile/ton, -with a splendid attendance. The newly decorated dhurch wen further .enhanced for the occasion by beau+tful bouquets of seasonal flow - The IPresid:ent, Mrs. John Middle- ton warmly welcomed the members and opened the meeting by all re- peating the Members' Prayer and stinging the WA hymn, "The Love of Moist Constrainebh," MTS. Plow - den ,den att the organThe chapter was then read by Mrs Melton SteePe. ' Mr's Emerson Heard of Bayfield, gave an interesting account of her day at the annual WA conference, ing mo+thersna eainer'S Day, to Mre grans. Robert Fairservice's, Londesboro. Clinton WI Meets At Seaforth Parke The 'regular :meeting of Clanton Women's Institute was held at Sea- fort'h. Lions, Park on; Thursday, July 24, with the president, Mrs. M. Bat- king +in the chair. The meeting open- ed by singing the Ode. Mrs. 0. Nelson- read the minutes of the last meeting, and reports were given by standing committees. Mrs. R. E. Holmes reported on the "Stone Posts," that are being do- nated to Ooanniainity Park by the W.P. and are finished. The meeting was turned over then to the 'Spoebs Committee, consisting of Mhs Leppi: to n Mrs. Groves,VtS, Mrs, Sturdy and Mrs. I7alooiie r. The meeting 'closed with a lovely picnic lunch. The next meeting, be- heldin London. Mrs Mi 'cloton then expressed ed great ,pleasure in introducing a Diocesan officer and former incum- bent of the parish, Mrs F. H. Paull, who gave further highlights of the annual, and W.A. work in general, urgnig all to make their maximum contribution. Mns. Stewart Middleton gave a timely topic based on Sir Philip Gibbs' philosophy of life as revealed in "The Pageant of the Years." The hymn "Unto the Hills" was sung and Rev. F. H. Paull pronounc- ed the Benediction. The members then repaired to Mrs. John Midd'ieton's beautiful home, where a delicious tea was serv- ed, Mme. William Wise and Mrs. Fred ,Mddlleton, former presidents, poured tea at the beautifully ap- pointed .dining room table. A pleas- ant hour was spent in social inter - coarse and all present voted this an- nual event a great sueeess. • Presbyterian WMS Had Enjoyable Meeting IlpSIIIDI ,VIII t gnu n n n'o'iIu'td'Piu l' l ��olllll� If you have guests or have been or are going away, let The NEWS - RECORD know. Phone 4. * q * Mias Agnes Combe is spending a vacation in the Muskoka district. Miss Mary Bovey, London, is +obs guest of Mr. sand tMrs. Fred 0, Ford. week Emma Levis s Miss p M D ens last visiting relatives in Detroit, Mich. )Miss Nellie Ucy, Toronto is visit- ing isaing relatives in O1i ntoar and Gadervck. Miss Dorothy Cornish, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. Garnet Cornish. G. D. Robeaton returned on Sat- urday after spending a fen days visiting in Toronto. Billy and Jimmy Monaghan .are spending this week. in ,Detroit with friends and relatives. Mrs. William Robinson, Exeter, visited Mes. G. E. Saville and other friends on Friday last. Miss Hattie Turner is spending a two week vacation at Camp Wana- pitei at Temagami, Ontario. Miss •Mlaatbelln Mackenzie has returned from a holiday spernt at Hamplton Vdll:a. ISoutbhaenpton. Mr. Ralph Tiplady, Thannesville, is visiting his sister, MTs. W. T. Henry and renewing acquaintances in town. Mrs. H. B. Combe is visiting in Toronto with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Troop. Mrs. Elizabeth 'Snyder, London, formerly of Clinton, spent the week- end with M. and Mrs. Harry Fitz- simons. N.Y., Dr. H. F. Potter, Brooklyn, is visiting this week at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. O. W. Potter. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison' and family are vacationing at Wiarton and other points in the Bruce Peninsula. Mrs. Charles E. Quennell, Tor- onto, spent the past week at the hone or her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson. Misses Barbara Thompson and Eleanor Chambers, Washington, D.C,,.,pre visiting the former's grand- mother, Mrs. Martha Peckitt. Mr. and MTs. George Gould and small daughter, Toronto, are spend- ing this week with the former's par - ants, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. H. W. Gould. Fred Rumba]] has returned to his duties in Montreal after recuperat- ing from a broken leg at the home of his another, Mrs. Clara Rumball. Guests over the 'weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dia Cornish were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cuisuley, London, and Muss Lucy Barrede% Grosse Point, Mich. Miss Lorna Plmnsteel and Karl D'Aubiaa have returned to Toronto after visiting several days last week at the home of Mr. and :Mrs. Charles Brandon. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Dale have returned to Ottawa after visiting for the past two weeks with the former's farther, iAt'thur Dale. Hur- on Road East. Elwin Merrill and Harold Wise have returned after a pleasant ten - clay brit to Manitoulin Island and Sault Ste. Marie, returning via bhe United States. DI. S. J. Gibson and Mrs, Gibson, Mission City, B.C., spent the week- end at the home of the former's brother, Edgar Gibson and family, Ontario Street. Mrs. Hardy Corley and daughter Miss Gwen, Selby, are visiting at the home of the former's brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mos. Frank Finglaud. Mn. and Mrs. Emory Addison, San Francisco, Calif., have been recent guests at the homes of Mrs. J. Ad- dison, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison and Mrs. William Walker. Benson 'Sutter spent Sunday on theNAshfield charge of the United Ohurah of Canada when he had charge of ,the services in B'ake's, Hackett's and Zion Churches, Misses Evelyn MacDonald, Doreen Elliott, Jeanne Garen, Edna Bayley, Kathleen Gtlew and Phyllis Shanahan, chaperoned by Mrs. A. Matthews,. spent last week at Grand Benin. Mr, and tMms. T. H. Barker and daughter, Diane, and Miss Beth Cartwright, Toronto, accompanied by Mrs A. Caetwnight, Cayuga, are spending their vacation in this district. John Cook visited last weekend in Ingersoll where he acted as guest soloist at ,St. James' Anglican Church. During his visit there he was the guest of Mrs. Helen Zur- brigg 'and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart, Per. gas, formerly of Clinton have been visiting the latter's brother and TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC RESULTS The following students of A: E. Gook, &lyth, were successful in pas- sing the Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations which were held at Wingham and Kincardine recent• ly under the direction of Margaret Butler, the eminent Piano teacher earl member of the Conservatory Faculty: Piano IY—Wilfred Black, Lucknow. Grade VISI Honors—Don- all ,McKenzie, Ripley; Paass—Kath- rine Liddle, Ripley, Eileen Purvis, Lucknow; Ivan Lloyd, Lucknow. Grade VI Honors — Ronald Philp, Blyth. Grade V Honors—Mildred Gook, Belgrave, Betty ,Kempton, Riip• ley. Grade W Honors—Rhea Hall, Blyth, .Robert.,Reid, Lucknow, Lorne McKenzie, Riplely. Grade FIS Hon ors — Janis :1Vlowritt Blyth, Olene Dundee, Blyth, Jim Hackett, Lucio- now; Pass -Joanne Hodgins, Blyth. Theory: Grade I First Class Hon- ors—Marguerite Hall, Blyth; Noreen Kilpatrick, Lucicnow. The Presbyterian WMS held an enjoyable meeting at the home of Mrs. R. W. ,MoKenzie. After a hymn and a meditation onthe words "For• give us our debts as we forgive our debtors," given by Mrs. Allan Max- well, passages of scripture were react by IMrs. J. Wlilson, Mrs. James Making and Mrs. G. W. Nett. Ms's. Lane followed with prayer. "Give Me," a beautiful poem, was Western Ontario WI Plans for Convention Program for the 'Western Ontario'. Womenik Institute area convention will be planned alt a meeting of the area officers and the federated rep- resentatives on August 28 in London. The eonvention will- be held in London, October 28, 29 and 30. 'Special speakers listed to date ex- clude Dr. Hobbs Taylor, MLA., Dash- wood, and Robert Mo0ubbin, MP. for West Midd'lesex. Tit, is probable that the former will dealwith some phase of health; the Satter with agriculture. Mrs. Fred Oster, Blyth, will pre- side over the program planning 'ses- son. On her •executive are: Ms- Elmire d Hamsill Tavistock, , and Mrs. ' Fred Gallie, Catmlachae vice- presidents; Mrs. Stanley Simpson, Bayhaan, treasurer, and Mrs. New- man Trickey, I(:oanolca, secretary. Engagements Announced Moa II. Sivertson, Winnipeg; Maur.,. wishes to announce the engagement of .his eldest daughter, •Chaistina Marie, to Sgt. Everett M. Lobb, Trenton,' younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lobb, Clinton, the mar- riage to take place in Toronto early in August. ter from the Study Book entitled, "Facing Op'p'osition,' was ably re- viewed iby Mrs. Charles Twitchell. Plans were made to attend the Pres- byterial Rally in Seaforth Septem- ber 9; The hostess and her daughter, Mrs. Cooper, were assisted in serving re- freshments by Mrs. J. Wilson. The president, Mrs. G. Roberton, thanked MTs. McKenzie for making possible read by Mrs. John Snider. The chap- a pleasant and profitable afternoon. STRIPED SHIRTING We have just received a shipment of striped cotton Shirtifig in an assort- ment of colors. Only .45c per yd. We have also on hand a supply of Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting, Factory Cotton and Flowered Flannel- ette. R. V. IRWIN L. Q:—Is a ceiling ng pr1C e en goose feathers and goose down. A:—No. Both ,have been removed from price ceudin'g regulations. THE TOT SHOP INFANTS' sand PRE-SCH'OOL WEAR Mid - Summer Sale Summer Dresses Sun Dresses Sun Suits Bathing Suits and Trunks Summer Pyjamas sizes: 2 - 8 yearns Nina Inkley Ethel Cooke 31 -32 -Is Where Everything's Good Everything Is goad„ ,alt our fountati'n. Drinks, cold or ,hot; ice cream., light lunches, pies and cakes are me'allly goad . . and good for you! Our service i5 — SPEEDY, SANITARY and COURTEOUS BAR.TLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS Phone 1 Clinton Siirerwood's Ice Create RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar - preserves 526 to IS56 and Y1. to Y10. Four coupons become valid in August, two on August 7, .and two August 21. Happy Workers Hold' Interesting Meeting The July meeting of the Happy Workers' ,Club was held at the home of Mrs. ,Cliff Glazier. The meeting opened by ,singling "Wlhat a Friend We Have in Jesus," followed by the Lord's Prayer. The ,treasurer's and secretary's report was given. Th roll call was 'anwere'd by "Househel Hints"; next month's is tube answe ed by the name of your farm. The lucky ticket was drawn Allen 'Durnin and won by Mrs. Ern est Vwnderburgh. The next meet'' is to be held at the home of M Albert Glazier. sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cox, and other relatives and friends in Clinton and vielesity. Guests' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nott for the weekend were: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bickerton, Woodstock; Miss L. &I. Nott, Tor- onto; and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gar•. sioeh and daughter, Sandee, Wind- sor. Mrs. Gar'riooh and •3andee are remaining for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mair, Mimico, spent two weeks visiting their Bon- in -law and daughter, Mr. and MTS. George Dvernechuk, Goderich, as well as visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Mair, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Picot, Porter's Hill, and 1VIr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert, Goderigh. J. George MeLay returned' home Tuesdaly night from Sit. Marys, Mrs. McLay and daughter, Katherine, re- maining fon a longer visit with her parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. B. F. Lancast- er. During 'their vacaton, they spent a week at Southampton, Lake Hur- on, and visited Mr and Mrs. E. E. Paterson, Wiamton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Disney, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Potter. This is the first time Mr. Disney has visited in this district since his father died in 1919. The Patters are now re- siding on the Disney homestead and Mr. Disney found several things about the place which greatly re- minded him of his childhood days. Those attending the Mair family reunion which was held in Harbour Park, Goderich, on,Saturday, July 26, included: Be. and Mrs. Carl Mair, Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mair and son Kenneth, Sarnia; Ms. and Mrs. Norman Mail` and daughters Misses Melba and Beta and son Gor- don, New Hamburg; Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Glazier and son Keith, Tor- onto; Mr..and Mas. James Mair and son noughts, Clinton; MT. and Mrs. Lloyd Picot, ,Miss Eleanor Picot, George Picot and the twins, Garth and Garnet Picot, Porter's Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert and daughter, Sylvia, and Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Dvernechuk and son Robbie, all of Goderidh. "t911illllllll�l111111111!IINIIIiIIIIIiII�IIIIIIIIIIIIII�IVIIIIIN�IIIIIIVIIIIIIIIII�IIII�IIINII��II�N�'" E very mother wants a picture record of her baby, and the sooner it begins the more • precious it will be. Make an appointment for your baby's picture today .` owle't f Moe. PHOTOGRAPHERS PHONE 84 McEwan's CLINTON �allllllllllllllllllllllll!!l!u1119111111iIIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINh CHURCH DIRECTORY (All times are Eastern Daylight Saving) St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frenilin, Organist Ars. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 10.00 AM.—Sunday School 11.00 AjM.—Mourning Service Mr. G. A. Hamilton There willl be no evening service during July and August. The United Church of Canada CLINTON UNITED CHURCHES will worship together during the month of August in Wesley -Willis Church HBV. IACNIDiREW LANE,, Minister (Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Olrgalnnst and 'Choir Leader SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 11..00 ANL--+1VTo'raving Service 12.10—Sunday Sdhool 7.00 P.M.—Evening Worship Baptist lam C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 Bible School -11 AM. Evening Worships -7 PM. God sent His Son, Jesus, ,as a gift to you. What are you do- ing with this gift? The Church doors open to help you understand and accept this greatest gift of the Heavenly Father. Yon cannot insult the elders ,or preacher by staying 'outsi'de the door. What about God??? ? Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister ared Mrs, Bert Boyes, Organist Ohoir Leader 'SUNDAY, AUGUST 8 0.45 A.M.—Service alt Bayfield 10.00 A.M.—Sunday ,School 11,15 1A,nM. Divirue Worship Subject: "The ,Christian Vision" All Welcome • MID --SUMMER Clearance Sale CHESTERFIELD SUITES Starts Friday, August 1 Ends Saturday, August 16 1 Kroehler 3 -piece CHESTERFIELD SUITE Reg. $287 Sale $255 ]. Kroehler ' 3 -piece CHESTERFIELD SUITE Reg. $215 Sale $190 1 3 -piece CHE.STER,FIELD SUITE Reg. $285 Sale. $245 1 3 -piece CHESTERFIELD Reg. $250 SUITE Sale $220 1 3 -piece CHESTERFIELD SUITE Reg. $177 Sale $150 1 3 -piece CHESTERFIELD SUITE Reg. $170 Sale $145 Other Specials I SOFA BED1 SIMMONS STUDIO COUCH Reg. $82 SALE • $73 ( Reg. $88.50 SALE $77.50 1 Kroehler Recliner Chair with Ottoman Reg. $95 Sale $85 SEE THESE WONDERFUL VALUES TODAY! BALL BROTHERS Furniture and Hardware Funeral Directors PHONE 195 CLINTON