HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-24, Page 6PAiG]'r], sax C'LI•D1I 1 NEWS -4E001 THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1947 Official Opening OPEN CHURCH CAMPf GODEIRICH The Presbyterian vamp for girds, 1age 12 to 16, opened at tKiritaia .Monday morning. The camp is underthe supervision of Miss Jessie Scott and her assistant, Mies Margaret Webster, both of Tor- opto. ':;About 90 girls from the synod of Hamilton and London are en- rolled. Canada's premier horse show will be held at the Canadian National Exhibition as usual this year. This event :attracts, the aristocrats of the equine world from the stables oft many prominent owners, The jump- ing events promise tobe unusually exciting. The show will be field in the ,Coliseum, largest exhibition building in the world, Sept. 1-6. oAiIitim UNIinsi ilaiIuIsistiuIImisIis IISIIIlmulu Irina I xtINUlollhllmui When You .Want Good 1 1 � •v Plumbing and Heating = TRY US ! 1 it i i i G • it 1 111 HARDWARE PLUMBING and HEATING 1 11 PHONE 14'7 CLINTON 11111 m11ul•nISII lit aila•MININIusuliiiISmaiii•l•Wrmt•m1lU11UI11U•m1i. 01iNIIIEM IIMMIIrlII•IIILII111111iIIIYIIIi11•111 111l11111111111E11,111111i1III11i11,111W i • CONCRATULATIONS Cl CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM BAR We Installled. All the Plumbing Fixtures in. Use in the New Building. SUTTER PERDUE 1 i i Clayton's Bar Is a BrightSpot! • i ii We had the privilege of supplying the I very efficient fluorescent lighting,, as well as electrical wiring used in the new building. o i _ CONGRATULATIONS! is o e i o ■ 1 11 Clinton Electric Shop W • +^ WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS 1 • D. W. CORNISH — El PHONE 479 RES. 358 1 111 _1 1 laicallelII Imon Iim ma imiII mum 1aim ICUISIIISIiIntlIlollIn EVERY HOUSE NEEDS WESTINGHOUSE 30-b e .ream LAYTON'S ICE CREAM 1BAR will make its bow ' to the public at the' Offr�crel Opening Saturday pon S lam y g next, July 26. Clinton's newesit business is located on Rat tenbury Street East, opposite Public Ililpra - Park, on the site of the former Jtckson'Menufaic.wing Company. c piny. The new' building has 20 feet frontage, with a depth of 36 feet, and 1s one storey' in height, o,cement bloCk construction. The front is of crystallite and plaster, and with lamplate witidoWsl' large p g adding to the attractiveness and lighting qualities. • The interior is finished in white plaster, witch four foot birchpanelling in natural finish and green trim. The floor is inlaid linoleum'. in light green and cream squares. Fronting the Bar itself are handy stools trimmed ;n chrome. Lighting facilities include two large fluorescent lamps in- laid in the ceiling. A Gilson -Traylor counter freezer of the latest design is installed, and it is the intention of the management to sn+anntfateture various flavours of ice cream daily right before the eYes of the customer. Soft drinks and light snacks also will be carried. Born and Raiised Here The proprietor of CLAYTONI'S TOE CREAM BAR is Clayton Francis Dixon, who was born and raised in Clinton, a son of Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Dixon. He attended Public School and 'Collegiate Institute here, and then spent two years in the degree course at Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Later, he took a special course in ice cream making. For three -and -a -half years, Mr. Dixon was foreman of the ice cream department of Canada Packers Limited, Har iiston. Enlisting in. the Royal Canadian Artillery, he served overseas as adjutant of No. 5 Repatriation Depot, Aldershot, England, with the rank orf Captain. He was discharged from the service February 5, 1946, and re- turned to Canada Packers Limited, remaining there until Inlay 1, 1947. Mr. Dixon is married, his wife being the former Clare Brunsdon, daughter of J. H. Brunsdon, Clinton, and the laae Mrs. Brunsdon. They have no children. VIIMOSIMIMMINIE BLYTH Fair List Revised - The Fall Fair prize list has ,been greatly revised to include 25 entries for amateur needlework, and a list of prizes, for school children. Bible School Held The Bible vacation school which opened in the Orange Hall last week with an enrollment of nght pupils, has increased in attendance each clay. The school continued all this week. Decoration Service The annual decoration and memor- ial,,,services were held Sunday after. noon in Blyth Union Cemetery. The speaker was Mr. Moores, Belgrave, assisted by Rev. W, J, Rogers, Blyth. Convalescing Mrs. Harvey Robinson,. who has been a patient in Clinton Community Iios- pital for the past four months, suff- ering from a fractured hip, the result of a fall on icy pavement, is conval- escing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. G. Augustine. New Industry A new industily for the village is being formed and will be known as The Huron Tile Co., owned and oper- ated by William and Dan Richt.. brothers, and Blyth boys. They in- tend to erect a :building near the former brickyard and have all the necessary equipment for the manu- facture of concrete drainage tile. The GiIsonwTag1or Ice Cream Freezer its installed in Clayton's Ise Cream Bar to supply Fresh Ice Cream PURE CREAM Frozen right at the fountain! See it Made! FRESH DAILY using only CANE . SUGAR FRUITS 4 ND NUTS CONGRATULATIONS! INSPECTION INVITED GILSON MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITLD GILLrON PRODUCTS "Matte Many Warm Friends" GUELPH ONTARIO AWARDED CONTRACT ZURICH — Henry Lawrence and Sons, Zurich, have been awarded the contract to supply filling for the new bridge being built west of Exeter. The contract calls for 150,000 (yards of earth. * * * r Saturday, July 2 GODDERICH ` TOWNSHIP Miss Ruth Middleton is holidaying this week with Miss Norma Tufts' at: Dew Drop Inn, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Aitkinson and family, Stratford, are holidaying this weep. in 'West ISE" at Lane O'Pines Beach. Mrs. A. Thompson, Toronto, is a guest of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. A. L. Thompson, on the 16th con- cession. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunbar were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dun - ,bar at their summer home at Lane O'Pines Beach. Mr. and Mrs.Dempsey and baht', Mr. and Mrs. Howe and baby, Clin- ton Radar School, are spending the season at Deer Lodge, LUCKIEST MAN e GOD'ERILCIH Wilfred Greenwood, local tinsmith, believes he has a right to the title of the town's luck- iest man. He was placing eaves - troughs on a house last week when up came a sudden electrical storm, a lightning bolt struck the house and .bits of broken rook end plaster. showered on ,hien from the chimney. He was unhurt. Greenwood pre- viously escaped death by inches when, a building fell on lnm in a Windsor cyclone and at sea when the ship on which he was a gunner, was torpedoed. Mr, and •MTs..E. F. Reed, London, motored ap from their summer home Or, River at. Clair for .a visit' with Mi. and. Mrs. Arthur Welsh. Rev. John R. Thompson, Trinity Chunk, St. Thomas, will conduct servviees in ,St. Paul's Anglican C'hureh, Clinton, on 'Sunday', in the absence of the rector, Rev. R. M. P. Bolted, Holidaying at Deer Lodge last week were: iMr, and •Mrs. C. Houke, Detroit; Mr. and MTs. A. L. Carnp- bell, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Rabrock and Mary, Toronto; 1Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Douglas and family, Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Powell and family, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. John Snell and family, Chatham; Mr's. I Jones, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Kelly, Windlsoi; Mi. and Mrs, James Pettit and fam- ily, Melbourne; W. J. Freer, R. Sang- ster, 111. Sidtwell, Clinton Radar School. Vacationing at present in their summer homes in. Deer Lodge are:... Mr. and &2s,, S. L. Jones and fam- ily, Windsor; Mr. and Mos. E. Lester and friends, Toronto; Mx. and Mrs•, L ,Marsden and family, ,Stratford;, Misses Helen and Jean Whitely and Miss Marion Holmes, Toronto; Mr,,. and ,Mrs. R. Thompson, M. and Mrs. A. W. Harris and family, all of'. London; Mrs. G. til. Rose and family, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs P. Pritchett. and family, 113x•. and ,Mfrs: E. E. Bel, ritt and family, London. Kicked liy Colt Joe Storey had the misfortune to be kicked in the face by a colt he was leading. Hfs nose was broken, and he was badly •shaken up. Prof. and Mss. Cole, London, spent, the weekend with Nlr. and Mrs.. Rob. eat Cole, No .Job Too Large! leo Job Too Smalls HEARTY COMPLJMENTS to CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM BAR We were glad to act as General Contractors. for This Fine New Building! MITCHEAL MCADAM General Contractor Princess St. E. Clinton 1=zo ®moo 0='oz=xoo=Q ®l 'o q 011 O , 11 0 ANNOUNCING CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM The Richest and Finest Ever Made! y0U9LL say it's the most delicious ice cream you ever tasted — and you'll come back for more —• again and again. Because it's the richest and finest ever made. Frozen fresh at frequent intervals right before your eyes. Rich, creamy, velvety beyond compare -- flavor that tickles your palate all the way down — our new Taylor -made ice cream surely hits the spot. But there's really only one way to find out about it -- and that's to come in and sample it yourself! Then you'll surely want to take some home and give the family a real treat. Never before has there been such a tasty ice cream as this -- yet it costs no more than ordinary commercial ice cream. Try It Today! CLAYBAR 0 Rattenbury St. E., Clinton