HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-24, Page 5i -THURSIDA1i;' JULY24, j 47 T.. News-Record_Classifie4 ABring. ONNTON NEW§LXJ3CGIt1 PAGE 'SIVE er CASH RATE --(If paid by Wed- rreeday following date of insertion) Ohne cent 4 wo'icl first insertion (min strum 30 cents); subsequent &neer- a aures, one" cent a word (minimum 26 ••cents)•; 10 cents extra for box num- ber umbet or.: for directing. to NEWS- . MCOQLD Office. IF CHARGED -20 cents exbra. DDADi'UNEi—J p.m., Wednesday. FOR SALE McCLARfY EL 6CT•R1C RANGE in good coin M hon, Phone 169. 80-b ONE PAIR NEW GOOSE Feather Piullonv , Apply IMics's M. Proctor, 0hrton. 30-p PROPERTY .FOR SALE FRAME HOUSE 01' (ALBERT ST. App1iy Mrs. Harry Johnston, Box .280, Godeltrh. 30'311-h FIVE -ROOMED HOUSE with mod- -ern conveniences and garage, Early tenancy. A'ptply Box "R", NEWS - 'RECORD. 30-31-p 11/z! STOREY FRAME E:IGHT- •xoom dwelling in village of Bayfield near lakefront. ,Suitable far sum- mer [)welling•. For further particu- lars: apply to H. C. Lawson, Real :Estate Broker, Clinton, phone 2511-w. 29-h LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 20 LITTLE' PIGS', SIX WEEKS old, Apply T. Booth, R.R. 3, Olin - ton, Rhone 91111.6. 30-31p FIVE :CHUNKS OF PIGS; also mar's bicycle in good condition. Phone C4initon 909r25. 30-31-p LOST OR STRAYED -YEAR OLD long ng shaggy yellow -haired Collie 'ONE SHEIRLING.SUFFOLK RAM [withibh longwhite-tipped p e d tail. Last seen proven breeder. Apply Ftancas Saturday evening, JIuQy 12. Anyone 'Powell, phone Clinton 907r4. 30-b knowing whereabouts of this dog please contact Fred C. Cook, R.R. 3, ,Seafarbh, phone Clinton 417r21. Re- ward offered. 30-p WANTED TO BUY COTTAGE OR BUNGALOW in Olin. ton. Earliest,possible possession re quiued. Box "Z", NEWS -RECORD. 29-30-31-x IOE BOXES,, ANY CONDITION, Write or phone 0. Woods, second hand store, 12 East St., Goderich, phone Goderieh 242j. 24-btfb PROPERTY FOR RENT EOIOIMS! TO RENT, use of kitchen. Central location. Phone 4631. 30-p, POULTRY FOR SALE FIFTY EA12:1,Y PULLETS, Red Hampshire x Rocks, laying. A. E. Finch, prhone 231. 29-30-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED WA.NTED FOR FIRST of September, room and board for lady' High School teacher. Phone 93 (St. Paul's Rec- tora), 25-32-p HOUSE OR APARTMENT, at least three rooms, unfurnished, wanted as soon as possible.. Apply P.O. ri'ox 467, Clinton. 30.81-b LOST AND FOUND LOST—BLACK WALLET between Riley's Grocery and ONR Freight sheds on Monday. Reward. Leave :at NEWS -RECORD. 30-b LOIST—YEIAR! OLD ROAN HEIFER strayed from Lot 13-14, 5th conces- rsson of Hullett. Any information will be suitably rewarded. Apply Orval Dale or Ken Stewart. 30-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1926 'STANDARD CHEVROLET Coach. Phone 498w. • 30-p 1VIODE1.f T, FORD SEDAN, top run- ning condition, good tires, phone '&19r32, Clinton, 30-p 1940 CHEVROLET COACH, con, ditien like new. •Appliy Miss Irene "Presse, phone Brussels 55X. 30-31-p 2929 PCNTIAC (SEDAN in fair con- dition. Priced right for quick sale. A. E). Leihold, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone `910r13. 30-p FOR SALE OR RENT 'OA•BSN' TRAILER, FURRNISIHED with bed and built-in cepboards, in - Mutated, ,wired for hpdrv, tires size 16x600. Apply Ed. Florian, Huron `St,, • Clinton, •back of Mel Crieh's Barber' Shop, between 5 and 8 p.m. 30-p ACCOMMODATION 'PRIVATE 803001 FOSE AGEDOR convalescent people, all modern eon- veniences, and practical nursing. 'Ph'one 284, 29=30-b HELP WANTED (STENOGRAPHER WAlNT0D. Apply in writing to C. Lloyd and Son Limit- ed, Wingham. 30-p MISCELLANEOUS "FOR FEET THAT FEEL LIKE Wings of Song, use Lloyd's Corn Salve right along," 50c at Penne baker'a Drug Store. 20-b FREE SAMPLE—Send 4c stamp for Personal Hygiene (rubber goods) in:pos-bed product, hermetically seal- ed, electronically tested, Face price list Mailed in plain sealed envelope. Adults only. W. Norman, Box 72, Station J, Toronto. 28-35-b WANTED TO BUY--.O'ld horses and dead animals, siutable for mink feed. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21 or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, ,Godericli, j 25-btfh ASTHMA SUN 'N'1' MI'S — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing, For free information write F. Hovey, 144 Catharine St. S'., Hamilton. • 28-tfb Shirts Shirts Shirts and More Shirts 15 DOZEN OF THEM Any size, any color, and quality plus. Men's fine 'byoadcloth shirts in sizes 13%n to 17. Men's (Broadcloth Pyjamas, while they Last. Pickett and Campbell Agents for ArroW, Tooke and BVD Shirts PHONE 25 CLINTON Girls Here's Your Chance To Earn While You Learn * s: Apply for Particulars To the Superintendent Clinton Knitting Company Ltd. ANNOUNCEMENT I am prepared to sharpen all kinds of •Knives, Plow Shares,etc., also small lathe work. Have a good stock of bolts up to 4" for repair 'work. Open all day this wL:ek. Next week from 7-3.30. Watch this ad, for hours I •;Will :be open. • Shop located one block" from Main Intersection on Huron St. - PHONE 348J • NORMAN TYNDALL BIRTHS BOOTH—In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, (Seaforth, os-pital,ISeaforth, on Friday, July 18, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Booth, R.R. 3, Clinton, a son, (Paul Thomas Hartford). DURE1N` In Clinton CoamnunitY Hospital, on Saturday, July 19, 1947, to Mr. and :Mrs. Ralph Dur- nin, 11.1. 4, Olinton, a son, (Gerald Ralph Edward)). FITZSIMONS-In Clinton' •Cornnmun- ity Hospital, on Thursday; July 17, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Norris Fitz- simons, :Clinton, a son. IrOOVEIR In Clinton Community Hospital, on Saturcllay, July 19, 1947, to Mr. and .Mrs. Norman Hoover, R.•R, 3, Bruissels, a daugh- ter. IiYLE4—In Clinton Community Hos- pital, on Friday, July 18, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. William Kyle, • ICip- pen, a son, (Albert Norman). LIVEIRMORE--bu Clinton Commun- ity Hospital, on Monday, July 21, 1947,.to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Liver- more, Clinton, a son,- (James •Percy). M,cLEAN — At Stratford General Hospital, on Thursday, July 17, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. McLean Seaforth, a daughter, McPII0R30'N--.Mr. and Mrs. Harold McPherson are happy to announce the birth of a son, Douglas LeRoy, on Thursday, July 10, 1947, in Clinton Community Hospital. MATTOON•• In Nipawin, Sask., on Wednesday, July 16. 19.17, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mattoon, (nee Geraldine Denomn-te), a daughter. 41/LURCH — In Clinton Community Hospital, on Wednesday, July 23, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. William T. Murch, Clinton, a daughter. SMITH — in Clinton Community Hospital, on Wednesday, July 23, 1947, 40 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith, Clinton, a daughter, (Susan Elaine). TRIEiBNER—Sn Clinton Community Hospital, on Wednesday, July 28, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. David Trieb- ner, Kippen, a son, (Brian David). MARRIAGES FQISJIEIR-GLNN — At "Maple Row Pam," the home of the bride's p,arents, R.R. 2, Clinton, on Sat- urday afternoon, July 19, 1947, by Rev, Campbell P. Tavener, Phyllis Maxine, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George C. Ginn, Goderich Town- ship, to Leonard Mervin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Col- borne Townshp. MURRAY-HUNT—ITI Clinton Pres- byterian Church, on Saturday, July 19, 1947, by Rev. David J. Lane, Edith May, de -tighter of the sate Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunt, Clin- ton, to Russell Clark Murray, Toronto. MARTYN-BIAILLACH'E3Y -- On July 12, 19411, at Zion United Church, Brantford, by Rev. W. C, Almacic, Margaret IssabeIAa, daughter of Mrs. P. P. Ballo-alley and the late Dr. Baldachey, to Edward Howe Maven, ran ,of the late Mr. and Mrs'. G. H. bfartyn, Welcome, Ontario. The bride has been a member of the teaching staff of ,Clinton Collegiate Institute for the past two letters. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of • MELVILLE G. RANSFORD ALL PERSON'S having claims against the Estate of Melville G. Ransford, date of the Town of Clin- ton, deceased, who died on or ahout. the 20th day of ,March, 1947, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of July, 1947, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributee) amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exelhrsion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or an' part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 9th day of July, 1947. H. G. MSIR, Executor, Seaforth, Ontario. 28-29-30-b YOU, TOO CAN W' « LK r 01„7011 use cooling, rc(reehiok ICa.M(NT m riyour fee[ of aching, burning callouses and corns, Tired Muscles respond quickly en tete lits[ appl;carion of soothing, creunywhite medicinal ICENINT The refreshing, dn. sling sensation as you apply rhe t rerun [ells you that it's going right to work on tele foot pains thar put the wrinkles in your brow.. Get 1 int today -- So. dl ,ice 5Ily, 4 on. economy ,ire 81 no At Pennebaker's ani) All Druggists CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS , For Every Occasion C. V. COOKS FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves. Permanents, ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 586 ee..•" (li,. 69-tf HENSALL LEGION BRANCH PRESENTED WITH ITS CHARTER Mensal) Branch No. 468, is now ono of the active members of that great organization for veterans . of two wars—the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League. The new Branch received' its charter at the hands of the Pro vincial President, Erle Blngess, St. Thomas, at a largely attended meet- ing in the New Commercial hotel, Hiensail, Monday evening. He was assisted by Zone Commander Nor- man W. Miller, Ceder/eh, who pre- sided. The latter will take over his new duties as District .Commander in September. Hensald Branch commences bus- iness with a membership of 40, and a fund orf 32,000 handed over by the Exeter Branch as Hensall's share of their joint activities in the Exeter- Hensall Branch. Visitors were present from Exeter, Goderich and Clinton Blanches. Dm. II. A McIntyre, Aleg E. Redtdy, George Wilson, J. K. Cornish and' Abe Zaphe, from Clinton. Branch. Following an initiation ceremony of 18 new members, conducted by Comrade Burgess with installation by Comrade Miller, the former pre- sented the new Branch with its charter. This was received. by the president, 'Sarin Dougall. Refresh- ments were served and a social even- ing spent. Officers of the Branch are as follows: ,president, Sam Dougall; 1st vice-president, Sydney McAa-thur; 2nd vice-president, William Brown; secretary -treasurer, W. 0. Goodwin; chaplain Rev. P. A, r r son; serg- eant -at -arms, Byron Kyle; executive —,J. Peebles, Jack Tudor, P. L. Me - Naughton A. E. CIark Wesley Jones. The Branch has purchased the Petty Block and plans to remodel it as a Legion Hall. Olean and oil furnace ,pipes fin summer to prevent rust and cor- rosion. CARD OF THANKS The faanily of the late Mos. Elden Johnston wish to take this opportun- ity of thanldng their many neigh- bours and friends for flowers, cards received and cars loaned, and all other acts of kindness and sympathy shown during her illness and their recent bereavement, 30-b CARD OF THANKS 111r. James Livermore is very grateful to all his kind friends in Clinton, for cards, flowers, fruit and cigars sent to him bath at the hos- Mel and the home of his son. These kindnesses will never he forgotten. Mi. and •Mrs. 'James Livermore and family". 30-b CARD OF THANKS Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Carter wise to extend their. hearty thanks and appreciation for the presentation by the MIR employees and kindnesses shown prior to their leaving Clinton to reside in Newton, • 30p, FISH SPECIALS Smoked Fillets .. , 35c Red Snapper Fillets 35c Cod Fillets 35c FROSTED FOODS BROCCOLI pkg. 30c BLACK CHERRIES, pkg. 40c CUSTOM KILLING Clinton Locker Service "Frozen Foods are Better Foods" Phone 335-j Clinton AUCTION SALE . of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of the late Fred Leon- ard, eonard, at his late residence, Townsend,. Street, Clinton, (back of the Public School) on SATURDAY, JULY 26th ae 1.30 sharp (DST), consisting of: Dining room table, buffet and 6 chairs; 5 other dining room chat`s; 3 beds spaungs and inner spring mattresses, dressers and wash stands; 2 roll-top couches; 5 reeking chairs; 2 library tables; hall table; card table; floor lampe bedrooan lamp; Iarge chest of drawers; Ax- minster mug 9'x12'; rug 9'x12'; inger sewing machine; 2 kitchen tables; 2 kitchen chairs; arm chair; Quebec style range with waaming oven; 2 eigtht-day clocks; alarm cloak; set of dishes; carpet sweeper; ironing board; blinds miwore; electric iron; eleetmdc toaster; oil lamps; odd dishes; kitchen utensils; lawn seat; step ladder; garden tools and num- erous other articles. TERMS --CASH ALVIN K. LEONARD, Executer EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 29-30•b ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing --(July 24-26) Errol Flynn in NEVER SAY GOODBYE" Now Playing --John Garfield in "NOBODY LAVES FOREVER" Now Playing—Dennis Morgan and John Garfield in "THE TIME, THH PLACE, AND THE GIRL" Mon., Tues., Wed. Dick Haymes, Vera Ellen and Celeste Rohr& -•It's a Technicolor musical packed with talent and guarantee[) to entertain you, "CARNIVAL IN COSTA RICA" Man., Tues., Wed. Rosalind Russell, Alexander Knox and Dean Jagger - Telling the story of a courageous nurse and her,Eight to control a dreaded scourge• S][ sTI R KENNY" - Mon., Tues„ Wed. — (July 28-30) "TILL THE END OF TIME" The ,touching Lorre story of a war widow., and a returned G.I., a pie- ture you won't forget -- Dorothy McGuire, Robert Mitchum and Guy Madison. Thur., Fri, Sat. Roy Rogers, King of the cowboys. "and Trigger, 'smartest horse in the •movies, with Gabby Hayes, Jack $ort and Bob Nolan and the Sons of - the Pioneers 10 a musically treated western "MY PAL TRIGGER" Thur., Fri., Sat. William Elliott, Vera Nolan and Gabby Hayes — :Romance en bhe ,plains set to 'the tempo ing hoofs and the of gallop - liar)` of the six�-,gun. "THE "E PLAINSMAN AND THE LADY" Thur., Fri., Sat,—(July 31 -Aug, 2) Robert Young, Barbara Hale and Frank Morgan --- What happens when a gal who hates gambling finds her new husband rolling dice? See "LADY LUCK" Coming—James Stewart in "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE" Coming --Lionel Barrymore im "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE" Matinees: Sat., holidays, 230 pen. ■ Mat.: Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 p.m. Mat: Sat. and holidays, 2.30 p.m. VARNA Goshen WMS Meets The July meeting' of Goshen WMS was ,held at the home of Mrs. David Stephenson, Egmondville, Mrs. Rich- ard Rubinson opened the meeting with paayer, and Mrs. Frank Mc- CQinchey read the scripture. Mrs. Russell F,irratt gave a reading, "It must be done by ane." A piano solo was given by Miss Jean rMoKinley, and) a reading on Rev, (Martin Ntiem'oe ter was given by 'Mrs. John Keyes. Mrs. R. Erratt and Miss Helen iErratt sang a duet aecomp- i arced on t he'ono byMrs. B.err Keyes. pr A readriavg on Temperance was given by `Mrs. E. •McKinley. Rev. Reba Dern led in. prayer, It was decided to hold to ,picnic in August at the Lions Perk, Seaforth. Mrs. Nelson Keys gave •a talk. The leymn "Go Labour .an Spend and be Spent" was sung. Rev. Reba Hern gave the .Benediction, at the close of the .meeting lunch was served, LOST AND FOUND WILL PARTY WHO, FOUND BANK pass book In Roxy Theatre Friday evening, July 18, please leave at NEWS•+RE'COIRD Office. 30-x AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and PROPERTY of the Estate of the late Alfred E. Erwin, from Edwards' Store, Bayfield, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 at 1,30 p.m. sharp (DST) the following: Piano; Ainvater Kent electric radio; oak combination china cab- inet and sideboard; oak combination book case and writing desk; oak lib- rary table; oak dresser andwash stand; 2 spooled beds; iron ted, springs and mattress; wash stands; 2 day beds; White drop -head sewing machine; arm chairs; rocking chairs; kitchen chairs; small tables; hand washing machine wash tubs; Beach range with warming oven; box stove; Iinoleum 9'x14'; odd linoleum dishes and numerous other articles. At the same time and place there will be offered' for sale subject to reserve bid (if not sold previous to sale date), the lot No. 153, consist- ing of '4 acre of land, more or less, and situated on Chinquy Street, Bay- field. TERMS—CASIf FRANK M. ERWIN, Administrator EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 30-31-b We're Not Li -on When We Say You'll ahvays be entirely satisfied with the quality and service of the printing jobs we do to your order: NAME THE JOB WE'LL DO IT Clinton News -Record Phone 4 Clinton. Special Service For Farmers! Have your tractor tires serviced right on your farm, saving you valuable time in a busy season. TIRES FILLED WITH FLUID USING PORTABLE MACHINE Just Phone DAY 460 NIGHT 469 Tire Road Service 24 Hours VULCANIZING (24-hour service): Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSE H7 T VICTORIA. ST. and OIL , GASOLINE Phone 460 CLINTON • 29-30-b 0OMING -- A DAY OF RECKONING Rom. 12:19 "`Vengeance is mine: I will repay, saith the Lord." BE ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE THE JUDGMENT TO CAME—HAVE FAITH IN CHRIST, NOT • in good works • in any living man • in Mary or any saints • in joining any church or organization BUT in HIM who alone can save. TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR ALL PARENTS HAVING CHILDREN FOR KINDER GARTEN LASS IN TERM COMMENCING IN SEPTEMBER MUST REGISTER SAME BY LETTER NOT LATER THAN JULY 31st WITH H- C. LAWSON, SECRE- TARY, PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. i To be admitted, pupils meet be four years, night months old, by September 1, 1947. of must be s uabmitted to enrolment Principal of the Public ember, definite School f Owing to limited accommodation it is necessary that these regulations be strictly adhered to. Signed on behalf of the Clinton Public School Board, IL C. LAWSON, Secretary NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS All weeds are to be cut at once and if not, the Town will have a man employed for this service and- charge the account to the owner of the property. By Order, Town of Clinton, D. ELLIOTT, Inspector 30-31-b OPEN SUNDAY JULY 27 and Every Night Next Week Used Car Specials 1942 DODGE SEDAN, in good condition 1935 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1936 CHEVROLET COACH J. P. MANNING DODGE AND DESOTO SALES AND SERVICE RED STAR SERVICE STATION Albert St. PHONE 345 Clinton 30=b Beauty and Color with "DECAL" TRANSFERS For •Barthroosn, Nursery and Ititchen Furniture Per Pkg. 19c and 29c HAWKINS HARDWARE Albert St. PHONE 244 Clinton v.cexe!2»ieXefgea eeavam A414k.E-..Aciri,:l+ivot..: Canadian legion Picnic The Legion Picnic which was postponed from Wednesday, July 23rd, will be held on WEDNESDAY, JULY 30th, at, Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. The Softball Game to have been held on 'July. 30th, will be played at a later date in August. `w 30.3,