HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-17, Page 4PAGE FOUR
mien and Church Affairs in Clinton anti Dislricl
Wesley -Willis WMS
Holds July Meeting
The WSVLS of Wesley -Willis Church
met in the Church Parlour Thurs-
day evening last with Mrs. Addison
in the elrair and, iMrs. Cooper acting
as Tidiest. The meeting was opened
with alemn "Thy Kingdom Came,"
followed by prayer by Mrs. Addison.
The ,meeting was then taken over
by Mrs. J. A. Sutter. Hymn "Jesus
shall 'reign" was eung. The. Soripture
lesson was taken by Mrs. N. W. '1're
waatha. The Teport of the annual
meeting of the Dominion. Board' was
read by MTs. A. E. Reddy. This was
followed by an interesting talk en
Rand, by des. Sutter.
efts. A, .T. Cooper read the min-
utes of the June meeting, Twelve
friendebi'p calls were reported and
Mrs. Trewartha reported for the
Mission Band. Eb was decided not to
$rave 'a meeting in August
Bring your children to us today
for the photographs you, and
they, will treasure through the
3 for $4.50 and up
12 for $9,00 and up
3owlet ✓ f
Four are Baptized
At Union Service.
The sacrament of baptism was
pierformed by Rev. W. J. WoolfTey
at aha union services of Ontario St.
United, and Wesley -Willis United
Churehes, Sunday morning, in the
former church. Receiving the sac-
rament of baptism were Fanidin
Donald and Sandra Diane, children
of Mr. and Mts. Donald Switzer;
Bambara Ann, daughter, of Mr. and,
;Mrs. eriervin Nett, Toronto, formerly
of Clinton; Melvin Harold Raymond,
son of Mr. and Mas. Harry ,Crich.
Mrs John Fraser Feted
Before Leaving g Town
• Mrs. John Fraser was feted by her
Mends, when 'Mrs. Bruce MIcanougall
was heetess_ at a "going .away"
shower Thursday evening last. About
25 friends ,and neighbours presented
Mrs. Fraser with a table I'aml and
bed lamp. Mrs. Ronald I'daoDonald
read, the address while the presen-
tation was made by Mrs, McDougall.
A pleasant ,social tune was enjoyed
by the guests and the hostess served
delicious refreshments.
M. and lMrs. Fraser are leaving to
take up residence in Bayfield.
St. Paul's Friendship
Club Closes Season
The last meeting of the season be-
fore Ilia holiday period of St. Paul s
Friendship Club was .held at the
home of the president, Miss Madel-
eine Hawkins, on July 2.
This was a social evening and all
the members enjoyed a very happy
gathering. Mrs. Evelyn Brown as-
sisted Miss Hawkins in serving de-
licious refreshments.
Popular Bride -elect
Honored at Shower
Miss Phyllis Ginn, popular bride-
elect of this month, was the guest of
honor at a miscellaneous •shower at
the home of Mrs. Frank Yeo, God-
erieh Township. The guests, number-
ing 25, spent the eveninghemming,
dusters and do contests.
The contest , winners were the
bride -elect and Mrs. D. Gliddon.
Little Cathy Potter pulled a 'wel'l-
filled decorated wagon into the living
room .and placed it beside' Mise Ginn.
Refreshments were served.
Hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. Frank Yeo, Mrs. Jack Yeo, Mrs,
Edward Grigg, Ma's. William Nor-
man, and Mee, Frank McCullough:
The Home ,Class' report of Wesley -
Willis Sunday School for quarter end-
ing June 80, showed the following
readers as .having won credits and
were worthy ref honorable mention
dllesd'ames W. J. Nediger, G.
Saville, W. J. Tough and Miss Laid
law; M. Emerson, 3. Turner, A
Currey, MT. and Mrs. Bruce Holland
Mr. 'and Mrs. Noble Holland, Mr. an
29-b Mrs, Adams Stewart, Mr. and 'Mrs
:William Bender, Messrs George Jef
''IIIII4.'4d'I RI111:14ndr,1lKefee!IIiIIIM1111(111111111i111111IIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIINIUIIIIhe` ferson and H. E. Rorke.
Calling All Girls!
Earn While You Learn
A New Trade
Clinton Knitting CoLtd.
BROWN--NEWiMAN scene of a prettly summer wedding
At a ceremony p enfonmed q metl5
in St. Andrew's United Church, Sud-
bury, at two o'clock, on Wednesday,
June 25, A'ili Fathom Newman, only
laughter of Ms. and Nils. 0. R.
Forbom, 904 Coniston Road, Suabney,
,became the bsicle of LeRoy George
Brown Olinton, yonngest son of Mr.
and Mrs, J. D. Brown, Claim. Rev,
J. A. 0. McTeennitt. officiated.
, The bride wore a ;powder blue af-
ternoon dress in crepe with a square
neelclline trimmed with a lace panel.
Her headdress ''was of rose velvet
flowers and veiling and she wore
rose gloves. She wore pearl ear-
ring's, the gift of t'he groom.
Miss ITeu:e I indberg, as maid -of -
honour, chose an afternoon dress hi
rose crepe made on. lines similar to
the br'ide's gown. She wore a powder
blue headdress and matching gloves.
Both carried bouquets of pink roses
and lilies -of -the -valley.
R, X. Forbom, brother of the bride,
was best 'man.
After a luncheon at the bride's
home, the couple lift on a wedding
trip to Ottawa, Orono and Lake
Rosseau, Muskoka Lakes District.
The beide wore a burgundy gabardine
suit with navy blue accessories for
travelling. Her corsage was of Talis-
man roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown have returned
from their post -nuptial trip and are
now residng in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George H. Jefferson, Townsend
St. Mr'. Brown is Agricultural
Representative far Huron County,
'when Rev. Harold J. Snell milted in
The 'Sterdy family reunion was
held .Saturday at the farm of AT-
thur Sturdy, Goderidh Township,
;eat. 2, Clinton, which was cleared
more than 100 years ago by Hugh
Sturdy, who with his five brothers
came out to Canada in 1831.
The reunion 'was attended by 110
members of the family from God-
erich, Godeaich Township, Alberta,
Toronto, and London. A distinguish-
ed guest was Hon. John Sturdy,
Minister. sof Rehabilitation ad Recon-
struction in the .Saskatchewan Gov-
ernment, IMns. Reynolds, London,
formerly Miss Jessie McGee, who is
in her 80th year, was also present.
She was the teacher at the school
at Taylor's Corners 52 years ago
and happily renewed her asaooiation
with many of her former pupils,
Telegrams were read from members
of ,the family in Pennaylvamia, Way -
brat, Sask., Toronto, California, and
John and Christopher Sturdy also
settled on farms in Goderieh Town-
ship in 1832. The older brothers
went to the United States. Three
sisters married early settlers .and
remained in the township. They 'were
Mra. Ginn, Mrs. ,Rutledge, and MTs.
Andrew Wiu 'tel * a.
The following officers were elect-
ed: Past president, A. F, Sturdy,
Goderieh• president, Harry L.
Sturdy, Aaubmen vice-president, Geo.
C. Ginn, ,Goderieh Township; treas-
ure', Howard ,Sturdy, Godauieh
Township; secretary, Miss Gertrude
S.(iurdy; historians, Norman Kernig-
han and 0. W. Sturdy; Goderieh.
The annual !Mdtohell Reunion was
held at ,Springbank with 150 mem-
bers 01 the clan from Detroit, Lou-
den, Leman, Centralia, Exeter, Hen-
sail. .Sports were run off and a
hall ,game featared. Dr. S. J. T.
Bean, London, president, gave an
address. A two -minute silence was
observed for members 'who had paid
the supreme sacrifice in the wax, 'and
tribute was paid to four for dis-
tinguished service. The family tree
of over 400 relatives is near com-
The Mitchells built the first house
in Centralia, some .members of the
first femily living to be nearlYy 100
years old. Cldest one now living,
and who was at the reunion, ds John
T. ,Mitchell, Hens'ali, 80.
Smillie Reunion
The seventh annual Reunion of the
Smillie Clan was held at Jowett's
Grove Bayfield with a large attend-
ance from Toronto, Hamilton, Lond-
on, Oahawa, Inwood, Alvinston,
Myth, Zurich, Kippen, Hensall, St.
Catharines and London, England. A
fine program of sports and games
was enjoyed by young and old. A
very interesting part of the 'after-
noon was spent in the study of a
family tree .prepared by Lorne Elder,
Hamilton, showing the dates of birth,
marriage and death of over more
than 500 members of the clan, over
half of whom live in the United States.
He traced bank through six gener-
ations to 'Stewart Smillie who fought
in the battle of Waterloo in 1815,
and who /migrated by sailingship
from Ireland. to Canada, wife and
child in 1821 settling first in Quebec
areal' Montreal, when they raised a
family of five sons and five daught-
ers the yos nger members of the elan
being school mates oe Sir Wilfred
Laurier. ;Reference was made to a
prominent member on the. elan Rev,
Ben dtrillie, •since the last picnic who
spent 32 years, as a Missionary to
India and in whose memory a Mem-
orial ,school is being erected in Ras.
alpine, India in which friends of the
family in Canada are assisting. It
was decided to meet again at the
same grave In 1948.
Officers elected were: R. G. Smillie
I•Ie:mall, President; Dr. Jennie Smill-
ie, Toronto, vice-president; James
Smillie, Hensall, Mrs. Grace Peck,
Kippen, Mrs. Harold Shepherd, Tor-
onto, .and Lorne Elder, Hamilton,
members of the executive..
o •
Eileen 'Glidden is to be congratulat-
ed on receiving first-class honours in
her Grade ItI Theory,. receiving a mark
of 90- Also obtaining .honours in
Grade VISIT 7riaaroforte examination
with a mark .of 78. She is a pupi'1
of Mrs, E. Wendorf, Clinton.
Ontario Street
* * *
MILLS' SWIMMING SUITS—sizes 2 - 8 inclusive
BOYS' SWIMMING TRUNKS—sizes 2 - 6 inclusive
Sun Dresses and Sim Suilto
Nina Inkley
Ethel Cooke
The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Horne
are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the
Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ axe
Not the Least.
There is No Extra Charge for Services Held
Here Under Such Ideal Conditions.
PHONE 361W Ambulance Service PHONE 3613
Listen to the "Messiah Quartet" over Radio Station OKNX
Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.30 p.m.
marriage Irene Catherine, youngest
daugdater of Mr. and iMrs. J. C. Rolla.
Melon of Donnybrook to Douglas
James Williams, son of Mrs. B. E.
Williams, London,. and the late 1VIr.
Williams. The wedding elude was
played by Miss Elaine Bamford,
• Givers in marriage by her father,
the bride looked' lovely in .a flan -
length gowns of white taffeta with
sweetheart neckline. EST only orna-
meat was rnatchirug loelceb and expan-
sion bracelet, thegift of the groom.
Ber :floor +length. veil was trimmed
with 'white velvet ribbon. and was
gathered into a white velvet braided
headdress. She carried an arm
bouquet of rad Aanericau Beauty
roses and fern.
etrs. Jack" A. fMelautos'h, London,
was bridesmaid, wearing a floor -
length gown, rose corded silk, With
pale blue ostrich feather headdress.
Her arra bouquet was deep rose car-
nations and %rn. Jack A. McIntosh;
London was the best man.
Feliowing :the ceremony, the min-
ister, on behalf of the congregation.
'presented the bridal couple with a
white Bible. as the first couple marr-
ied in the clench.
A reception was held at the bride's
home. tMes. Robinson received in a
black two-,pieee figured silk dress
with black aecessories and a corsage
of pink roses and fern. She was
assisted by the grooms Mater, wear-
ing a grey two-piece 'crepe •gess with
black picture .hat and white access-
ories. Her corsage was dark red
roses and fern.
A wedding dinner was served by
.Masa G. Naylor. and Mrs. Charles
Jefferson aunts of the bride, also
Misses Margaret Jefferson, Elaine
Bamford and Mildred Fitzpatrick.
The home was decorated with pink
and whnite streamers 'and summer
flowers. The brides table was cen-
tred with a three -Story wedding cake.
• Later, 'Mr. and Mrs. Williams left
for a wedding trip to Niagara Falls.
Buffalo, and Toronto. For travelling
the bride damned a two-piece white
jersey dress with white accessories
and blue top -coat and corsage of red
roses and fern, They will reside in
Landon. The groom's gift ter the
bridesmaid and best man were initial-
ed billfolds. Guests were present
from London, Elmira, Camp Borden,
Wiugham and 'Auburn.
(By .our Hensall correspondent)
St. Mark's Anglican Church, Ham -
Man, was the scene of a lovely wed-
ding Saturday, June 21,' 19.17, wber
Nona Frances, daughter of Mas.
Alice Garratt, Mehta, Man., became
the bride of Carl Fiederisk Le:crs,
son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Daters, Hen -
sail. Rev. W. A. Henderson officiated.
Given in marriage lryl her bother,
James Garratt, the bride was lovely
in 'a fooa' length gown of Chantilly
lace over taffeta, fashioned with
tight fitting bodice and yoke of net,
the null peplum falling into a fish
tail back effect. Her long veil was
caught witch a seed pearl headdress
in orange blossom effect, and her
cascade bouquet was oe pink roses,
]!lies-af-:the valtley and white eweet
As bridesmaid, Miss Barbara
Paton was gowned in pink
net aver
taffeta, with matching headdress and
in her nosegay pink sweet peas,
Briareliffe roses and blue iris.
James Fhnuoane was groomsman
with Wilfred Garrat„ brother of the
betide, acting as usher.
Miss Mary Baker was soloist, and
dining the signing of the register
coloured frocks. With flounced loaf- sang "0 Peugeot Love."
fent 'skirts and 'wore matching halo A reception at Rycrost Inn was
hats. Their flowers were o water-
fall design of sweet peas.
William Freeman; New York and
Toronto, was best .mean and the ush-
ers were A. G. Bonnett and Alan
Craig, both .of Toronto.
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion was held at the Club Top Hat
where the bride's mother received
wearing ..a gown of navy blue lace
over blue taffeta with ma thing halo
For a motor trip through Ontario
and Quebec the bride donned a white
ensemble with navy accessories. On
their return they will reside at 197
Dunn Ave.
Among the out-of-town guests
present included — •1VLr. and Mrs,
Stewart McLaren, !Shawinigan Falls,
Que.; Mrs. Jean Freeman, New Yore
Crty; MTs. F. E'. Loveday, Ottawa;
Ido. and Mrs. W. F, Saunders, Miss
Gail Saunders, Goderieh; Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Glen. Robert Glen, and
MT. and Mrs. Mervin Elliott, all of
(By oaar Auburn correspondent)
Donnybrook United Church was ,the
The marriage of Mary Blanche
Broadfoot, daugther of Mr. and Mis.
James Broadfoot, .Seeforth, and Wil-
liam Robert Dalr•Iymple, Egmomd-
vibe, was quietly .solemnized in Eg-
mondiville United Church manse en
Saturday afternoon, July 12. Rev.
A. W. Gardiner officiated.
baof s gown. was Nylon with matching fiat and
she carried a bouquet of Johanna
Hill roses. Her bridesmaid, Miss
'iVynnifred MacFadyee, of Toronto,
wore rose Nylon with matching brat
and carried a bouquet of 'white car-
nations, Robert Dalayrnple, cousin of
the groom, was best man.
After a reception at the home of
the bride's parents, the couple left
on a motor trip to Northern Ontario,
the bride wearing a grey crepe dress
with contracting accessories. Upon
their return L. and Mrs. Dalrymple
will reside at Brucef'ield.
A wedding of interest in Clinton
was solemnized in Parkdale United
Ohnech, Toronto, attractively decor=
ated with pink and white carnations,
on Saturday, June 28, 1947. at three
°•cloak, when Margaret Jean Elliott
became the bride of Joseph Guy Mad.
dock, Toronto, formerly of New-
foundland. The bride is' the daughter
of Mrs. Maury Elliott, 197 Dunn Are.,
Toronto, and the groom is the son
of Mr, and Mrs, Austin Maddock,
Carboneal', Newfoundland. Rev..
Keith McMillan was the officiating
clergyman while Mrs. R. 1C. Williams
played the wedding music. Miss Joan
Brabant was soloist.
The bride, given. it marriage by
her mother, was lovely in a gown
of white satin with a three-quarter
train, fitted bodice, full skirt and
dolman sleeves. :She wore a floor -
length veil :and carried a bouquet
of .red roses.
Attending the bride wore Mrs.
Alan Craig, as matron -of -honour and
Mrs. John 'Elliott as br'iclesmaid.
They were gowned alike m fuschia
Anniversary Services
in connection with
St. Andrew's United
Church, Bayfield
will be held on
Rey. G. Hayward, minister of Ben-
niller United Chinch, assisted by
Rev. H. J. Snell, Exeter, officiated
at the funeral service at her late
residence, near Benroilier, W'ednes-
de,y afternoon, July 16, for Mrs.
Jacob Eilsley. Interment was in
Colborne Cemetery.
Mrs. Illsley died Sunday, July le,
at the home of her son , near Ben -
miller, Colborne Township, in her
80th year. Formerly Mildred Ann
Snell, she was born in liuliett Town-
ship, daughter of the late Mr, and
Mrs. George-Sriell. For the 'past
54 years she had resided in Colborne
Township. Her husband died in 1910.
She was a member of Benmi:ller
United Church,
Surviving is en son, William Ri-
sley, with vahem she made her home.
Mrs, Elizabeth IKennedy received
word, Tuesday. July e 1, that her
brother, Herbert W. Coiquhoun, had
passed away in Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, dSeatforbh.
Surviving as well as his wife, the
former Alma Kerslake, are two sons.
Fred and Donald, both of Toronto.
Also surviving are four sisters: Mrs.
Elizabeth Kennedy, Mrs. Harry Fitz-
slnuons, and Iles. M. T. Corless, all
of Clinton, .and Mrs. Frank .Brooks,
Winnipeg, Man.; and one brother;
William T. Colsiuhaun, Mitchell,
A private ft,nen.'al was held from
his late residence, ,Seaforth, Thurs-
day afternoon, July 3, with Rev. R.
H. Williams of First Presbyterian
Chureh. officiating. Interment took
place in Maitiandbank Cemetery,
Seaforth. Pallbearers were all
Those attending from Clinton were
Mrs, Kennedy, Mrs. Fizsimons, Mrs.
Corless, A. J. McMurray and Ben-
son Corless.
noon, Jeune 26, for Mrs. Thomas
Kernirlc, who passed suddenly at her
home in Blyth on Tuesday, June 24.
She was in her 84tth year,,
Pallbearers were Frank Sloraeh,
Herbert Kirkby, Thomas EcLvgsrds,
William Thuell, Harold Sellers, a.tad
Robert Watt,
The late Mrs. Keeniek, formerly
Maty Bentley, was a daughter of the
late Jahn and Jane Bentley. She was
bort in, Ushorsre Township, and mov-
ed with her parents to 'East Wawa -
nosh some 60 yearn ago. In 1908
she married Themes Remick, who
pred•eeeased' her in 1944. The ,ample
farmed in East Wawanouh until 27
years ago When they moved to Blyth.
Mss. Kernick was a merirber of the
United Church. She was the last
member of a family of five.
'S'urviving are one son. Armand L.
Kerniok, Blyth, one grandchild, and
several nephews and iia;es.
Rev. R. A. Brook, minister o` Hen-
salt United Chuneh, conducted a fun-
eral service in Bonthu'on's Funeral
Home, Hensall, on Friday afternoon,
July 11, for Mrs. Catherine Dayman,.
who passed away eini 8± Joseph's
Hospital, London, Wednesday, July 9.
'During the cervica two hymns, "A
Few More Years shall Roll" and "AS
the Way My Saviour Leads Me,"
were read by MMr. Brook. Burial
was in Exeter Cemetery. Deceased's
grandsons and granddaughters' hus-
bands were pallbearers and flower
The late Mau. Dayman was born
Catherine Makins in Grey County in
1866, the daughter of HenTy and
Sarah Makins. In 1885 she married
John J. Smith and they farmed' in,
Stanley Toumahip, where they lived
a ndmber of blears. Later they mov-
ed to Hay Township where they
farmed until retiring to Zurich, Four
years later she married James Day-
man and moved to his. farm in
Tuckersmith. From there they mov-
ed to Kippen and then to Hensall.
James Darman passed away. June
24, 1946. Mrs. D'ayrnan had been
in poor health since then.
Surviving roe three sons: Herbert
Smith, Exeter; Ehnmerson Smith,
Kippen; Melvin ,Smith, Zurich; one
daughter: Jvirs. R, J. Green, Port
Stanley; three brothers: Ed. Malcins,
Powassan; George Makins, Spring-
field; Levi Makin, Seaforth; two
sisters: Mrs. Norman Patterson,
London; MTS.. T. Johns. Hen sall.
Lightning Strikes House;
Saved by Neighbours
held for 40 guests. The groan's
mother tvore a shark silk suit with
pink c'ar'nation corsage. The bride's
mother 5,vas unable to attend. Tne
couple left for a honeymoon trip to
New York, the bride travelling in a
medium bllue wool• suit, with black
accessories and. Briarcliff 'rase nose-
gay. They will reside in Hamilton,
Clinton Presbyterian WrMS will
meet Wednesday, afternoon, July 23,
at three o'clock at the home of Mrs.
R. W. iMcKenzie.
Coupons now valid are. sdgar-
preserves S26 to 856 and Y1 to
510•, good for the purchase of
either sugar or molasses, the
only two foods now rationed.
Clinton Women's Institute will hold
its regular meeting at Seafoa-th Lions
Park on Thursday, July 24, in the
foamy of a plonk. Everyone please
come, bring lundh and old dishes,
and look 'after own transportation.
(All' times are Eastern Daylight Saving)
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BUI13BEL, Rector
Mrs, Theodore Frenslin, Organist
,?xs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader
8.30 A.M.—Ho'ly Communion
10.00 A.M.—+Sunday 'Sehool
11.00 A.M.-Morning 'Service
There will .be no evening service
during July and August.
Sunday, July 27 lF
at 11.15 am. and 8 pm.
The guest preacher will be Rev.
W. 3. Woolfrey, of Ontario Street
Church, Clinton.
Miss Coranrea Wendorf, Clinton, will
sing at the morning, service
A. group of singers from the
E'vangelicaJ Church, Zurich, will
have charge of the music at the
evening service.
The United Church of Canada
will worship! together 'during the
month of July in
Ontario St. United Church
REV. W. .1. WOOLFRE'Y, Minister
B. J. Gibbing's, Choir Leader
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
1100 A .--- Meritng Service
"Religion an adventure in Under-
12.15 P.M.—Sunday School
7.00 P.31. --Evening Servide
"Call to Higher= Levels"
NEV. C. 0. ANDERSON, Minristet
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader
Bible School 11, A.M.
Bring the children. They will
thank you in years to come..
Evening Worship 7' P.M.
The min'ister's subject will be
"Who Then Can Be Saved." An
increase ih nnunbere last Sunday
was encouraging. Come and sing
the obit songs. Pray for a re-
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyer, Organist and
Choir Leader
9.45 A.122. --,Service tub Bayfield,
10.00 AM.--Sunday,School
11115'AM.—Divine Worship
Subject: "Inspiration For Service"'
All Welcome
The funeral of Mrs. Robert Bean,
whose death occurred at her home,
Colborne Township, Monday, July 14,
was held from the Cranston funeral
home, Goderieh, Wednesday) after -
110071, July 16. The service was ton -
ducted by Rev. Robert 1VicOonnell,
Auburn, assisted by Rev. .Richard
Stewart, Goderieh. Interment was
in Colborne •Cemetery.
Mrs. Bean was in her 95th year.
She had been ill for the past four
weeks. Formerly ,Sarah Alan Hes-
seaweed, sire was born in Huila&t
Township. Since her marriage in
1876 she had resided in Colborne
Township. Her husband died 35 years
ago. She 'was a life-long Presby-
terian and was a member of Smith's
Hill Presbyterian Church.
Surviving are four sons, George
F., Saltford, William, at home, Rob-
ert and David, Carlow; three daugh-
ters, Mrs. Hugh Hill, Benmiller, Mrs.
William Cory, Aubrn, and Mrs.
William Doak, Goderieh.
Rev. Harold J. Snell, Auburn, con-
ducted funeral services at the resi-
During a severe eleetrie storm
which struck Auburn district at
seven o'clock Thursday evening last,
the house on the farm of Mr. and
Mrs. Carman Feagan was struck by
The lighting struck the east end
of the house and flames immediately
swept into a bedroom.
Prompt arrival of neighbors help -
ore serious
dance of her son, Thursday after- da to put
the fire out before
damage was done.
Malde of Good Sturdy Quality Bleached Circular
Pillow Cotton, 40" width x 28'1/2:" long
We were fo'rtun'ate in procuring these from the War Assets
'Cosrporettdon tint s, price Oar below normal.
Extra Special Sale Price , . $1.00 pair
* *
and BATHING SUITS will continue
another week.
Help Yourself to the
Staff of Life
Bartliff's Milk Loaf
Phone' 1
Silveiwvood's Ice Cream