HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-17, Page 1Use
News -Record
No. 29 -69th Year; Whole No. 6262
,New Track Record Established
Aid Your
The Home Paper With the News
at Clinton's Keen Race Meet
cadets, Fired Kirby, George Durham
and Jadk Petrie, are reseresenting
the school ata ten-day Army Cadet
Camp at Ippetnvash, Lake MLuran ..
Their training 'will be about half of a
recreational nature.
tate and Public Sehoel Board held
their regular July. meetings
The former discussed renewal of con-
tracts for traeej orbation of puplis
during the coming year, and th
latter decided to ptublieh •a node
advising parents of u14 children in
tending to :enter kindergarten i
September, to register by July 31
will not (happen again for some
(time! . . an conversation with
Warden Brown :Smyth, His Worship
happened to• mention that one
the largest ratepayers of his - own
Township oaf West Wawa.iosh was
Walden Joynt of the County of
Bruce ... Warden Joynt: represents
the Village •af Lucknow in Bruce
County Council . , Quite a coin-
Bans Refuse
Dumping On
Goderich Township .Council met onnt
Monday, July 7. -
A'representative from the Depart-
ment of Agriculture asked the coun-
ciI to remove all thorn trees within
300 feet of certified orchards, Coun-
cil agreed to co-operate by cutting
those on the roadsides:
The Department of Agriculture
sent its appaoval of contract to pay
50 per cent. of cost of spraying cattle
forwarble fey during 1947 and 1948.
Road insurance was renewed with
e J. E. (Toward; premium $100.
- e J. A. Coombs, District Enginesent 'eppi'oval of the Levis eons*n tion Oa. .tender to deliver erase
gravel on Township roads.
The Clerk was instructed to pre•
pare a bylaw to stop dumping of
any refuse on the roadsides; a pen-
alty of $10 will be inflicted if caught.
The Line Fences Act was discussed
o1 and 'Council agreed to have an up-
to-date bylaw pa.•epared to apply to
unoccupied land as well as occupied.
The Clerk was instructed to pur-
chase 150 bags ofcement, if passable,
for the repair 'ae bridges daanaged
by the recent flood.
County Clerk N. W. Miller sent
a statement of County rates which
are much higher than formerly.
The following accounts were paid:
3...E. Howard, premium on road in-
surance, $100; Print Shop, assess-
ment notices, $5; telephone system
loan, $200; 'Miss Acheson, use of
house, $5; Reeve and Councillors'
services, as road commissioners, $200;
G. E, Nelson, grant to Clinton Sprint;
Show, $50; Superintendent's pay roll
Met 7,' $2,300.56,
Council then adjourned to meet on
Tuesday, August 5, at 7.30 p.m,
ed another of its delightful concerts
from the bandstand of Community
Park Iast evening, with Bandmaster
A. C. Robinson in charge: , . A good
crowd+ enjoyed a fine concert which
consisted of the following numbers:
"0 Canada,"; "Salutation"; "Thunder-
er"; hymn; "Land of the Shamrock";
"Anaconda",'On Parade"; "God
Save the Ki;ng."
:k N: 5.
that Clutton willbe the scene of the
•annual Orange Celebration on the
12th of July next year, as the del-
egates at ,Milverton on Saturday put
out plenty of propaganda to this
effect. , . Among the thousands tak-
ing part in the "walk" at Milverton
were about 80 members of Murphy
Lodge LOL No. 710, Clinton, under
Worshipful Master B111 'Fulford, and
a fair-sized group of members of
Huron .LORA No. 824, Clinton, with
the Worthy Mistress, Mrs. Wesley
Vanderburgh in charge . George
Vanderrbu rgh, • 83, was the oldest
Orangemen from here to attend the
celebration.... From all reports, the
locals made an excellent showing in
the parade... Trowbridge LOL 652
won doral honours for being the larg-
est on parade and also the best dress-
ed, whit' Varna LOL 35, a perennial
winner, again copped the distinction
of having the best banner.
* * *
called it to our attention that in the
report of the Town Coouncl meeting
in last weeks issue, we slipped up
slightly when we .stated that "Aid.
Hattie, was the only member to vote
in ,Savour sof the motion" that a dog
bylaw be not passed, when we should
have said that he was ..`•`the only
meinber to vote against the motion"
. ,In other -words, the majoriby of
members were placing themselves on
record as being in favour of the can-
The NEWS -RECORD, a new Canad-'
inn ensign has arrived in town from
Ottawa and naw flutters bravely in
the breeze from: 'the Post Office mast
As far as we know, this is the
.first time in the -history at the town
that a nag., other than the Union
Jack, has flown fronn that iposibion
It is part of the Post Office
Department's new policy to fly the
Canadian ensign from the (buildings
under its control.
wondering what :happened to the
County oil that. Reeve Vic Falconer
told (AIM Sanest Brown at last week's
Town Couucie meeting, was available
for •Clinton streets .. Some of the
bonal streets are still very dusty, and
coal( stand' an application a oil.
project, involving 50 new houses, is
progressing as quickly as seems Iposs-
eine, and 4s now awaiting the visit
of an official oe the Crowaz=owned
company to give his' olceh to the re-
maining 13 building lots.
Old' Age Pension Board
Hears 25 Applications
Tweeti:I-five applications for 01d
Age Pensions were considered by
Hunan County Old Age Pensoaz Board
at its last meeting in Goderich. .0•f
these, 19 were recoina vended for a
full pension; two, ,aeoomniendee sub-
ject to investigation oif transfers of
property; one subject to residence;
one, refused recommendation because
of too anany,assets; and two because
of residence regulations.
Members of the Boardpresent
were: W. It Aachibabd,; Seafort'h,
chairman; J. L. McEwen, Wroxeter;
R. J. Bowman, ,Brussels; Mrs: F. 1?.
Reddlitt,, Goderich; Mrs. N. W. Tre-
wartha, :Clinton; N. W. Miiier, God
meth, secretarv.
The Week's s
1947 1946
High Law High Low
July 10 79 61 88 56
11 76. 59 91. 61
12 78 55 b3 8.7 60 46
f 71)46.
14 81 65 84 6
15 81 .64
1e 77 61
Raxivfati�, .35 'h sties.
harvesters from Western Canada
placed by National Employment
Office, Goderieh, Ross Pennington,
employment and claims officer, . in
conjunction with Ontario Depart-
ment of Algrioulture, Clinton, during
the past two weeks, totalling 21, out
of 130 applications, were placed with
the following Huron County farm-
Allan Armstrong, It.R. 1, Varna;
Wallialn Alooek, R:R. 2, Godericb;
Clarence Ball, R.R. 1, Clinton; Ern-
est Bogie, Port Albert; Robert Boak,
R.R. 3, Lucknow; Andrew E. Croz-
ier, R.R. 2, 'Seaforth; 'Hobert J. E•1-
gie, 1.,R. 2, Kippen; Del Gardiner,
R.R. 1, :Goderich; Elton Goudie, R.R.
4, Sealer*.
Harvey Hayter, Varna; William
Haunter, R.R 1, Varna; Wilson Mc-
Cartney, R.R. 3, .Seaforth; William
McLachlan, R.R. 3, Kippen; ,Robert
R. McAllister, 11.11. 1, Zurich; John
Ostrom, Varna; Harold Peck, R. -R. 1,
Zurich; John 5. >Slhannon, R,R. 4,
Walton; Allain Wescott, R.R. 1, Cen-
tralia; Thomas Yellow, R.R. 3, Ex-
etet;- William L. Young, R. R. 5,
o .
82 Children Attend
Camp Near Bayfield
(By our -Bayfield correspondent)
The first euatior carr ,of 82 childc
ren between the ages of nine and 12
years, was in full wing at the Angli-
can Huron Diocesan Camp on the
Blue Water Highway, three miles
south of Bayfield.
Those in charge of the camp and
its varied gpuogram of activities,.
were: Director, Ted .S'outhgate, Sea -
forth; associate d rector, Rev, H. A.
Seegmilier, Pelee Island; Dean, Rev.
L. J. Patterson, 'Sarnia; eamp moth-
er, Mrs,
rSeegeniiesr, Pelee island;
dining room staff, Mss. Moore and
(Mrs. Sparks, London; kitchen staff,
Mrs. Methsei and Mrs, Porter, Lot -
don nurse, (Mrs. Berry, Woodstock;
tutorng, ' Rev. Phil Harding, London;
handicraft, Mess M. Styles.
This ramp: terminated on Saturday
Two Clinton girls—Joyce Hawkins,
daughter of •Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh R.
Hawkins and Mary iScribbins, daugh-
ten• of Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Scribbles,
were -among those attending the
Bert Gliddon Plans
Dry Cleaning Plant
In order to keep pace with the
demands •orf an expanding business,
Wilbert Glidden, proprietor of .Glid-
don's Press ,51haP, Glenne, plans, the
erection of a modern, new try
cleaning and pressing establishment
as soon as -materials cam 'be secured.
lee has received a permit from the.
Town Council in the amount .of
The building ''wit' be erected cn a
varant lot .recent:y purchciscd from
Phoanas II, Murphy on Teem Street,
opposite V, D. Falconer's office. It
will be 40 by 20 feet, one storey in
height, concretecon striae; ion, with
George Glazier as the contractor. it
is ho
t on r
hoped that c star tr>n wet start
M. 3, Snicker Goderich, son of Mr.
and Mae. J, S. Snider, Clinton, has
been appointed principal of Meaford
PtebJle SehoS! at a salary of $2,850.
He succeeds A. B. ,Small,* who re-
seemed to accept a position with
Jarvis contenarationr school at4ber 25
73 45 years as principle. 1117. Snider has -
75 43 riser} Iia, Goderich three years asain-
.44 inches creat ++e Dietoria :aehov 1. N
Typical of Clinton's 50 New Rouges-
French Girl Cares For
Grave of Ben Churchill
1VIrs. B. W. Churchill, It. R. 2,
Clinton, read an interesting letter
she received from a young French
woman, who had been taking care
of the grave of her son, Ben, who
was killed in action during the Nor-
mandy campaign in 1944, to the
rnembers of S.S. No. 4 Goderich
Township Community Club at the
regular meeting, held Wednesday,
July 11, at the bonne of Mrs. M.
The letter is as follows:
"I am glad to know that %you re-
ceived my little letter. I am writing
you these few lines from Folkestone,
England, where I am presently stay-
ing until the middle of July. My
mother sent .Inc back your letter and
I got it this morning. I am so pleas-
ed: to know that you are a little
comforted thinking that sonnebody
goes and visits your son's grave. I
expect to go to the cemetery when
I go back hone in July.
I should be very pleased to hear
from you again and if you tell me
about Ben and send me a picture of
him, if you have one, I shall feel
that I go on the grave of one very
known friend. Vire have certainly
seen your dear son, because his regi-
ment, the Royal Winnipeg Rifles,
stationed in our village for about a
fortnight before the great battle of
Carfiquet where a lot of these boys
were killed on the '!th and 6th of
July, 1944.
"Our parents, one of rye sisters
and two of our brothers were refug
ed at this time, with three other girls
and some other people in two cellars'
in a big (rouse not very far from our
own house in the same village. The
garden of the house was full of sol-
(Mers and also the horse in the day-
time. We used to aft down with rhe
soldiers on a stalecase in front of the
house, when there were not too many
shells. \
"Ore day F remember we were
sitting as usual with some of our
soldier friends when ene of them
called:. a boy who was in the house
and he shouted 'Hello Churchill', i
asked to joke to one of the soldiers,
and thinking of Mr. Winston Ohur-
ehill, I see you have also Churchill
with you, and he answered me, 'ides,
we have got also Churchill with us'
end I remembered this name one day
going to the cemetery to visit some
friend's graves, Just in front of Inc,
I saw on one of the little white
crosses the name of Churchill and
from the name of R.W.R. and date
of his death," Iwas sure that it was
the same boy, and I was so sorry
to see that he was, him also, killed
that I asked to adopt his grave. Yon
can be sure, dear friend, that Ben's
grave well never be :forgotten as we
can never forget our dean Canadian
friends, who gave their lives far aur
"Since 110no nearly "h •ee years I
used to go, with my sister and
friends, as •often as we can to the
cemetery and put some flowers en '
the grave. Ben is not very far from ing
Orli house, and .Oarfignet, vvhere the ern
battle was so dreadful, is only at ass
about two miles from our village. ori
"As for we, dear friend, 'T am wil
now Shirtier years old and not married, los
We were ten children and now wo rga
are nine., one died when he was only
a small baby, Two of my live broth-
ers are married and livinl4 in the
country. Oer father was a 'French
officer:. My sister and myself are in
E:ngla)nd to improve, our English. We
need to earn 000 own living now. The
war was very bad fora lot of French
families and life is really to much
expensive now, We - expect to some
back still one more year in England.
"You are very kind to ask nye if
you can. send me .something, but deem
friend I don't want anything to re-
pay rare a rl
P Y r your fns r
ti rd
Y e set,
ire -
so"glad to repay you a little
Sol? all you die far us, giving veer
dear_ son ,for our freedom. We wilt
never repay you foe' that, we can't
Olt. anything only assure you shat
your clear son, will have always some
friend's to go and visit his grave.
"Norw, dear•frienc1 I have to close
this letter. L do hope you will under-
stand my poor: English, and I' send'
you any love. My best regards to
ail of yours."
(Sigeted)-.i'°nor French Feicne,
Mailing List Correct
Up Until July 16
Subscribers are requested to
note tate date of the label attach-
ed le this issue of The NEWS.
RECORD. The mailing list was
corrected up until last night,
JulY .10, so that if any errors
have occurred, they should be re-
ported to this office at once.
All stebscrlbers in arrears re-
cently were sent their accounts.
If bhe date ole the label reads any
month prior to J•oly 1947, that
paper is in arrears and settle-
ment should be made at the earl -
lob opportunity.
Several Are injured
As Two Cars Collide
(By our HenwaIl correspondent)
An accident took place about 11.45
Saturday night, July 12, two utiles
south of Hensall on No. 4 highway
when a car daiven by Dalton G. In-
gram, 1069 ;Frances St. London, trav-
elling south collided with a new sedan
owned and driven by Walter Burrell,
Cargill, both were going south tele-
phone poles were knocked off. Bus
going north driven by Glenn Smith,
Owen Sound, almost crashed head.on
into the locked cars which were in the
path of the bus as they took to ditch,
Brakes applied by driver averted a
very serious accident.
In the Ingram car w20e: William
Black, London, face lacerations, body
bruises; Patsy Murphy, London; Bar-
baque Inn. legs injured, may be ser-
ious; Sihirbey Walters, London; Ing-
raan, bad head bruise, could not re-
member anything, all taken to St.
Joseph's Hospital, London. In the
Burrell car were: Ruben. Guien, Ay-
ton, face lacerations. Donald Welch,
Frank Kunkel, Frances Lehmen, all
of Cr'agill, slight injuries.
Recent Rains
al To
Spring Crops
.� g
"The cherry mop in the County is
light, but prices are very good," Le-
Roy G. Br°we,, Clinton, agricultural
representative for Huron County,
stated today.
"The recent rainsbave i ve caused de-
lay in haying operations in various
parts of the County, but. ]rave been
very beneficial to spring crops and
pa snares,
'Recent ennnnunicartio5 s concern
the delay of t'he'ar'rival of West-
harvesters ase rather vague, but
mane has been given that the
ginal quota of workers asked for,
I be coming without any further
s .of trine, Mr. Brown said. "Or-
I ka'g,1,iB1111114a:,11 Unna lllHoriilnd'I
r._ .. ,rU lllenn
If you have guests or have
been or are going away, let
The NEWS - RECORD know.
Phone 4.
w * *
bliss Frieda Schoenhais has return-
ed after spending a few "days \in
Toren to.
airs. 0. E. Erratt, Auburn, visited.
during the week with Mr. and Mrs,
le R. ankles.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Draper and Miss
Jean :Snaith, Brussels, spent Sunday
last with Mrs. David Steep.
Mr. and Mrs. Norhet Boss and
family, London, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Hass on Sunday.
,Miss Irene Snider,' London, spent
last weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. S, Snider, Albert St.
Mrs. George F, Elliott and son
Barry, are holidaying with Mr, and
Mrs. Olaeenee Ball, Grosse Isle, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Totten, Wind-
sor, are visiting the latter's parents; Construction of 42 new war -tine
Me, and Mrs. T. E. Mason, Sumner- houses lies been started at Exeter
hill. by the Parker Construction Comp -
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Reiter and any, Port Stanley.
small son, Weston, have been visiting The houses will consist of 17 two.
the lady's mother, ,Mxs. Harry bedroom houses, 22 three-bedroom
Glazier, houses and three four-bedroom
Dr. and Mrs, G. B. Jenkins .and houses, costing from $4,000 to $5,000
children Ted and Elise, London, visit- each. The rents, controlled by the
ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Wartime Housing, will oe $22, 626
and $30 a month.
Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Rands and Returned servicemen with families
chldren, Joy and Harry, ars visiting will have the preference of renting
the formers mother, Mrs. Jaber: and may purchase later if they so
Rands, Sr, desire.
ITC, M°Gowen, London, is visit Cover Four Blocks
ing at the home of Mrs. W. Thomas The houses are being built in four
Hawkins and with her marry friends blocks on the west side of town and
in Clinton. at least 7,000 square feet of land is
Miss Winniifred Stevens, Hamilton, required for each residence. It is
spent last week, the guest of Mrs. expected that some of the houses will
Thomas W. Hawkins and Miss be available late this fall.
Madeleine. The band and septic tanks are to
Mr, and iMr;st ,Clarence Bail, Grosse be provided :by Exeter, and the vil•
Ieee, Mich., leave returned home af• Inge also will build the eecessary
ter visiting with relatives in Clinton roads as well as extending hydro and
and Godericb, waterworks lines.
Benson :Sutter is attending Goder
ice :Summer ,Damp. this week where Improvements Noted
he is acbing in the capacity of
Business Manager. In Bank of Montreal
Mr. and Mi•s. T, R. Jenkins spent .� _
Sunday at rAubuen with Mr. and Mrs. "We awe .having .the lighting ,syst-
Amos Andrew. Miss Mary Andrew em of our office here a:eplaeed by
returned with theist for r. visit. modern fltuorescenvt fixtures in order
Mr. and &r.t . hared I -I. Chant. Pitts- to provide mole pleasant conditions
fief M Mass., M s: a e :•
le th guests One week' for our customers and the staff,
of the forret is brother -ins law and W. H. Robinson, manager of Clinton
;istcr, Mr, nevi Mrs John A, Butter. Branch Bank of Montreal, anneui,sed
The branelt, which was fuanashed
with the (bank's new hold-rp alainr
eystein last year, will:, be equipped
with nine four-ttrlbe ;Fluorescent fix-
tures. These replace the four lights
aww being eased. Stet ,in two rows to
give ,the :maximum lighting effect,
the new lights well give the office
a bright,, airy appearance and will
be :a great imeprovement over the
former system of illumination.
The eontraet for re -wiring the off -
Forty -four Horses Give
Big Crowd TopShow
Despite a heavy shower of rain e� ast,.as Toronto and St. Thorns—
which fell about .the time the events, were loud in their praise of the
were due to get under way, Clinton treatment meted out by Clinton Turf
Horse Races yesterday ended up in a Club officials,
blaze of glory. The rain helped to - 17 Entries in 2.28 Class
lay ,bhe dust in Cominunity Park,
and, in that respect, proved a boon . Due to •the fact that there were
rather than a drawback, no, less than 17 entries in the 2.26
It was around three o'clock when trot or pace, the race was divided.
the first heat got started, and before
into "two divisions. Sam Ha, two.
the last winnerwas declared about London,ld colt owned by W. J. Hyatt,
seven o'olcok, 2,000 fans were treated and daevse by Hughes, witho
to one of the finest racing cards ever the show g. the seepeddivisions
seen in this district. No less than two straight heats and then was
44 horses were in competition le five withdrawn from the third to abide
events of three heats each, while by Canadian Racine Association
one or two other equines on the nem
grounds, did not start, through in- Pace—First
juries or for other• causes,
Starting. Gate Used
The atellonnell mechanical starting
gate, with Thomas McDonnell in
charge, was used for the first time
in this district and proved a great
boon to the race meet, speeding up
the starts a great deal, Tice horses
broke in front of it only once, neces-
sitating; a call-back. Officials and
the public were well pleased with the
efficiency of this contrivance
Barney Lee, J. Bannerman,
Stratford . . 7 1 1
Arlon Grattan, W. Janes
St, Thomas 1 2 2
Rosedale Grattan, McWil-
liana Bros,, Dutton , , , 2 3 3
Harry Van, K. Thompson, 3 4 4
Elora '.
Grattan Volo, Leo. Charles-
worth, Str•athroy 6 5 6
Mies Luciana, R. Ruthig,
New Hamburg 4 r 7
Track Record Broken Pony Boy, P. J. McMillan,
The track record of 2.16 for 'the Teeterville 6 7 6
mile was broken when Dillon Flaeka •
Lee C Brewer, L. W Laves,
a beautrfu4 four; -year-old mare (Will-
ed and driven by Eke. Arthur; Otter
vitae, paced 3013 the first and second
heats of the 2.17 race in 2.15, Besides
taking first in all three heats, Mr.
Arthur cleaned up on the special
prizes, by winning $10 cash donated
by Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clinton, to driver
with best turnout, and also 510 cash
donated by G. W. Nott, Clinton, to
the driver of the fastest heat of the
Two or three minor aeeidents oa
cura'ed on the track, and although
two or three sulkies were damaged
or ruined no driver or horse was
badly hurt. 0. Cuningham, Clande-
boye, (raving Miss Corporal Grattan
in the second heat of the 2.28 second
division, was dumped at the turn into
the stretch, but was able to walk
past the grandstand on his way to
the stables, with the cheers of the
onlooker's in his ears.
The horsemen—present from as far
north and east as Collingwood and
Owen Sound, and as far. south and
42 Wartime Houses
Commence at Exeter
Mr. and Mr.'s, .Marvin Nott anti
daughter Barbara, Toronto, are
spending a fortnight 'with the lady's
parents, 111,'. and Mts. A. W. Groves.
Mr. anal Mrs Wesley Heade. Lon-
don, were ata .n:r•l guests at the
homes of their parents. blr. and Mee.
A. E. Reddy, nil Mr anon Ars. T-. W.
Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy G. Brown
have returned from their post -nuptial
brip and on oeaupying Mr. and Mrs.
George H. Jefferson's hone on Town-
send ,St.
leer. and ales. Nelson Hodgins,
Shirley and Ivan, and Mise Joyce
Carter, Landon, spent Sunday at .the
home of the latter's :parents, Mr: and.
Mrs. •Normatn Carter.
Me. and Mrs. F. W. Joimston and
nally the men were scheduled to Niro. Brady were in Goderich and
to arrive in the 0Onnty clueieg the Lucknow attending the funeral of the
first week of July, To date' only 11.
Western men have been placed in the
County, and there is still a very large
list et farmers waiting fox help."
Mr. Brown reported that a number
of Junior °Club mu -tinge were held
throughout the County last week.'
The Blyth Baby Beef -Calf Club :net
on Taesday evening at the faun of
Edwin Weeds; Blyth, with 11 mein-
berg present. The Smith Huron Jun-
ior F
armers, num
utt 1
s1penta very enjoyable day at
picnic in Queen's Park, t Sirs
tfor: o
Q d n
sday last.,The 5°eafm ria Swine
Club reeanbers Met at 'William Terre
bull's farm, at Brussels, on Tears.-
Jay evening, July 10, with 15 en at-
tendance. The Clinton Grain Club,
sponsored by the Minton Junior Far,
'mens, met in the Agricniturel Office
on Friday evening, with 13 members
At each of these alter meetings,
inetruction is given in judging of
livestock 01' glean, whichever the
case may ,be; and discussion is held.
relative i'o the particular project.
late Mrs:. W. T. Johnston, Windsor,
which tools place July 8.
Mr. and Mrs. P, Emil„ also n Mr.
and, Mrs. David Meltger:, London,
were weekend guests at "Royce -
Name" the summer home of Miss Is,
1L. Ceminrghamc, Blue Water 'Highway
Master Salm Shaw (toss, ,sou of
Me. and'., Mrs. Goedoe Ross, has ar-
rived home after spending the past
month with his 'uncle and runt, ]17r,
and Mrs, Clarence 13aIl, . Grosse Isle,
'Mn. and Mae. G. R. -Mason, Monc-
ton, N.B., are visiting their parents:,
1YIr, and .Mrs. T, E. Mason, Summer-
hill, and Mr. : :and Mrs, Lorne Wilson,
Benefield, and other friends in the
IMr. and Mrs. ICie'l Quaiser, Mrs.
M. Devine, Buffalo, N.Y., Mr. and
Mrs. Earnest Brady, Niagara Falls,
were guests of Mrs. M. Brody and
Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Johnston during
the past two weans.
Mise +Madeleiaie Hawkins leaves,
Stabtu'rla(yr morning ora a three-week
eeortor trio with Mr. and Mrs. , W. V.
8 8 8
Times, 2.20, 2.20, 2.25
2.28 Trot or Pace—Second Division
Sam Hi,'W.J. Hyatt, London 1 1 dr
Peggy Axworthy, J,R. Burns,
Seafoeth .. 5 2 1
Golden Ohillo, J. Bannerman,
Stratford . 2 6 13
Miss Corporal Grattan, 0
Cunningham, Clandeboye 3 9 2
Scott Talbot, A, C. MCI{ean,
Callangwood 6 3 5
Patricia Volo, Thos: Yearly,
•Crediton 7 4 4
Miss Riebaa+d, H. Fleet, Lon-
don 4 5 7
Lee Dale, R. Kirby, Walton 9 8 6
Lee .Direct, E. Fritz, Han-
over 8 7 dr
Times: 2.17'3.%, 2.22, 2.221/2
Teddy Chilcoot Wins 2.22
Teddy Chilcoot, owned by L. Guy,
Seaforth, and driven by LIoyd Tur-
vey, was first in all three heats in
the 2.22 trot or pace, but he took the
second:by•less han a nose from Ruby
Ritz, evened by Ie. Ruthig, New
Hamburg, and driver] by Brough
Twelve horses started,
Teddy Ohilcoot, L. Guy, Sea-
forth . • 1 1 1
Reby Ritz, R. Rubhiig, New
Hamburg 3 2 5
Frisky Rose, L. Charles-
worth, Strathroy 2 4 d
Lady Victoria, C. Greenlee,
Toronto . 411 2
Lassie Lee, Ted Hughes,
Orangeville 6 3 7
'Miss May Rickards, A. And-
Tews, Drayton 7 8 4
Sandra Dillon, Neil McLean,
Paisley . 510 3
Peter Ohiulo, • Albert Engel,
Waterloo . 8 6 8
Bob Lockhart, J.. Broome,
;Seaforth . 9 510
Midnight Express, Frank
Taylor, Exeter 10 711
Bab Wilkes, H. Farrington,
Brantford .12 9 9
May Direct, William Cud -
mole, Seaterth 11 dr dr
Times: 2.16, 2.16, 2,191,4
Super Vole in Three -Year -Cid Class
Super Volo, owned and driven by
Cyril 'Morrissey, Crediton, finished
fifth in the first .heat in the three-
year-old colt .ease, but came back
strongly to take the second and third
heats in fast time.
Super Volo, 0. Morrissey,
0rediton • 5 1 1
Pat P. Lee, A. Parsons, Lon-
don . 1 5 2
Peter Mac, P. Jr.' M•cMiJians
Teeterville 2 2 4
Mary,' Vole, D, R. Campbell,
Atha Craig 3 3 3
Barbara lAlne, Edgar Litt,
Cebringvilbe 4 4 6
Dandy Patch, Dan Patch
,Stables, Owen Sound7 7 5
Dixie Lee His W. 3. Hyat,
London . 6 6 dr.
'limes: 2.15, 2.17, 2.18
Dillon Plicka Takes 2.17
Dillon Flicka, owned and driven
by Edd. Arthur, Ottervilie, was an
easy winner of the 2:17 trot or pace
in straight heats, the best time being
2.15, a new track record.
Di111on Eureka, Ed Arthur,
Ottervalle 1 1 1
ice and installing the lights has been Jack Grattan, Jr., E. 7r.•itz,
.awarded to 1?. W. Cornish, who ex -Hanover .. 3 5 2
pytsretoavdtave of tthemonth: eontpleteri Betty Todd, Hugh McLean,
Poi's; Elgar 2 2 7
Ex Ray, A, G. M!eleean, g'Col-
z linwood .• 5 4 3
Nancy cy Budiong H. Farling-
arr.•ing -
Addie .Grattan, II, Bleck,
ord 6 3 6
4 8 5
Miss Billie D'ir•ect, W. J.
Hyatt, London7 7 4
Cavalier Grattan, L. Gay,
•Seaforth ,' 8 6 3
Tunes: 2.15, 2.15,2.17
Officials --- :Stater, Thomas 'Mc-
Donnell, ILainilIon; announcer,
"Tory" Gregg, Wingham; judges—'
G. S. Litt, Sebringville; Joe Shelton.
Kincardine; Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clinton;
timers * Percy Johnston, Goderich,
Holmes, Ray s
afor h
, Se t clerk, David
Wilson, Seaforth,
Rays They 'will visit Quebec, the
Gaspe, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia
and the New England States.
' Mr. and Mors. Roy Wheeler sailed•
from England on Tuesday for Can-
ada and aro expected to arrive at
New York next Thue'sciay •and in
Clinton :a week from Saturday, They
will visit the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Sloanan.
Mr, and Mrs, F. W. Johnston and
Mars. Brady attended the Johnston re-
union .picnic held at Goderich, July 5.
The clan presented Mr. Johnaton with
an address and handsome gift, he
being the last remaining member of
the Arch
nubalci 701
< he,
s n ' family of
sh{tel .
Among the le'iencls and relatives
attending the funeral of the late Mrs,
H. Pennebakee, on Saturday, were:
Thomas Watts, Mr, and Mrs, I. E.
Elliott, Mrs Richard Newell, Miss
Verna Watts, 13111 Watts, and Har-
vey Scott, all el Oshawa; Ma, and
Mme. Harry Jones, New Toronto;
Mrs. Thome Pryde, Henan; Mrs.
W. +G. Bu•owe and Mrs. Robert Zo-
om, both orf Strafford; .Miss Maude
Seamen, Toronto; Reg. and John Ber-
eave, David, 17een. and Miss Belle
Groan, and Mrs. Jack Stewart, all
of Goderieh.
A Smile fear Today
Quite a
On her Devicee
forst visit to the city, little
Macry, who had ,always lived on a
saw a sprin•Itling• cart for the
first time.
"Mummy, mummy, tome here
gulilok," she called excitedly, "see what
this mar has fixed on the back of his
wagon to keep, the icads'from hookin
r,. g
a iidal