HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-10, Page 6NTON IsTIEJWS.RECGRB .nter�sting Items' From News -Record's NEWS OF BAYFIELD ods Phone Clinton 631r31 eL Miss LucyR. Wo Representative Billy Elliott, Hensall, is spending a few days in the village. Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, Godericb, spent Tuesday in the village. Dr. and Mrs. N. 13. Alexander, London, ane at their cottage, for the eea'son, (Miss Alice Dow, Landon, is visit- ing herr sister, Mrs. Charles. F, Rogers. Mrs. J, Rourke and family, Lon- don, are occupying ane •of the Box cottages. Mrs. S. Lavine and baby have ar- rived (home from Clinton .C'emaounity Ilaspital. Dr. and Mrs, Mitchell, Birming- ham, Meeh., are occupying A. L. T•routis cottage. Mrs. Allan Aylesworth and three children are at their summer home on Huron Terrace. Fred Hess, Richert, Indiana, spent a few days last week with Misses' M. and El, Reid. L. Wasman, Cram -arty, spent the weekend with IN Ir, and Mrs. H. Ah,.' Hens, "Trail Blazer." Miss Lena S'hortt, London. was the guest 'of Mrs. G. D, Oharrchward last Week at her cottage. 1VTr.. and 1VIrs. R. Stone and'fam- ily, .Detroit, have taken bhe Brisson cottage for the season. Mass E. CliurehiVl, Toronto, ac- companied c- com p anied byher mother, m psat her , cottage at The Poplars. 1VIr. and Mrs, Harry Ahrene, De - teat, spent the weekend at then cottage, "Trail Blazer." .Mr. and (Mas, Bonar Aust and two children, London, were guests at The Little Inn for a week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hayes and fam- ily, Detroit, are occupying William L. Metcalfe cottage for July. Mr, and Mos. S. Wilson, Me. and Mrs. L. Wiel are spending this month at the Metcalf -Miller Lodge. John Pearson, 'Sr„ and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearson, Jr., spent a week- end in the village recently. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ronald Parker and son, London, are .spending a fort- night at "Dingleton" cottage. Mr. and MTs.. Douglas ,Stoteebury are visiting the farmer's father, Rev. F. G. ,Stotesbunjy at the Manse. Mrs, R. W. Stephens and family, London, are at "'Shangri-La" which they have opened for the season. Mr. and /Mrs Lester Life Lor i The uality Tea SALA ORANGE PEKOE i Applications Wanted • • • THE TOWNSHIP OF IEULLETrr will receive applications for an operator for the Township power mower to cut weeds on ail Township Roads at 50 cents per hour. All applications are to be in tike hands of the Clerk ori or before Tuesday, July 15, at 13 p.m. (EI)ST). (Signed)—G. W. COWAN, CLERK, LONDESBORO 28-b '"1111/r' Ca.e "CONS TRUGT/ON q, a 111111111$ 1111111 11111 111Wuunit" Ff �'I11111 JIllF. 11, /111,4II,: h1lt',, s9 HARRY r 0 BRIEN Manager `a1 I�1.."11llj ' i`,1" 'CHI 1 t '4 i I DETROIT'S `tFIRST" IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT. QUALITY In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, mai shopping area, Friendly, courteous service to make your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory. The Tutler Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel- lent Food modestly priced. The Hotel Tiller, Detroit's largest, is the place to stay. VISIT OUR eaCktaif,Cvur1ge ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST, 900 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM E275 Rotel Zer!!er FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK 011rio, visited the latter's cousin, Mrs. and 11VIais. ,aarl; Daviels, Jr., and N. W. Woods a week ago Monday, daughter:'tSiusie, MTs. Laney, and Mr, and MTs. V. C. Quarry, Ham- Mas, Billiard, Birmingham, Miele, iliton, are at their home in the vil- are at The Little : Inn. lige, "Llandudno" for ,the summer. • MT. and IMms. T. Orr, Jr., and Tom ,Miss Margaret Ferguson is spend- HI, Mr. and Mee J.Orr and far- ingsome time with her brother, ily, Stratford, Me. and rMrs. Bruce Charles Ferguson and famly, Sud- Stapleton and famine, Toronto, are bury. holidaying in the village. Mess Alen Brandon left last week Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cook and for Heaniltore where She is taking a daughter Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. 1T. summer ,course in Kindergarten Gray and son Don, are holidaying with the;former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. CreeCoo Cook,"Lochame. " Mr. and Mea Harold S'cotchmer and two children, Toronto, left on Wednesday, after having spent a week with the dormer's parents, Mr. and Mls', Robert Seatchmer. Miss ;Elva Dewar, Toronto, arriv- ed on ,Satuavlayy to spend the summer Reith her parents, Me, and Mrs, D. Dewar, lifter having enjoyed a boat trap up the Saguenay River. 1VIrs. Robert Clark and Roberta, Cleveland, arrived on Saturday to spend a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berry. Mr. Clark. who also spent bhe weekend here, returned to Cleveland. Da. and Mrs, K. Gingrich and small .daughter. Donna, IRiidhneond, Minh., Ali:. and Mss.. Robert Hag- gerty, .Memphis, ;Mich., were the guests on Sunday of Herbert and Miss Maude McGregor. Miss 'Sandra _MacKay, ,Detroit, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. MaoKay. Mr. and Mets, Garden •MacKay, Gordon Jr., and Thane, Detroit, also visited them over the American holiday. Dr. Et P. Lewis returned to Toronto on Wednesda!yl.ofla'stweek after hav- ing spent the weekend and holiday with Mrs. N. W. Woods "The Hut," Mrs. Lewis, 'who accoanpanied him, remained with (Mrs, Woods. John Apfelbeek, Se., Tavistock, was in the village a week ago Friday having coma for Grace who was staying with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake until after she had written h'er Entrance Examinations. _ Mrs, William Gray and Miss Alta Gray, Grosse Pointe, Mich., are spending a vacation with Mrs. James Ferguson. Mr. Grp, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Grace and 'small son were also here over the weekend. Mrs. Victor Burt, Howard and Ronald, Misees Peggy and Mary Lou work, iMa and M rs. Alex R ae and. dau - ter AlYs, left Saturday moining to spend July and August at Redvers, ISask. Mr. and Mrs: Rex Cluff and daugh- ter, London, occupied Mrs. R. Mc.' Ewen's cottage for the :last week in June, Mr. and Mrs. Harald Patton, Gail, Pat and Garth, London, are oecupy- ing :Mrs. McCarthy's cottage In Lake- side Paa•k, Charles MoIlhershead, and small son Garry, Washington, D.C., arrived on Monday to visit his aunt, MTs. H. W. Bristol. Mr. and rMrs. J. :Stewart and J. Stewart, Sr., Hamilton, came on Mon- day to spend the season at their home here. - •Mrs, George Collins. .and Charles B. Lyall, Toronto, were recent guests at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Gordon C:uninghame. Guests at The Albion Hotel are: Miss MaylLu Truett, Iaaenene Shaw and Phyllis Hureomb, Royal Oak, Mich. Prof. L. a' Hudgins and Miss M. Hodgins, Toronto, arrived last week to spend the summer et their cottage, '.Stonehaven." Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and Barbara, Toronto, 'Miss Ada Bingey, Detroit, are at their hone in the village. Mrs. Reach and two children, Tor- onto, are visiting her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. William Higgins, Blue Water Highway. Mi. and Mrs•,' Jacob Merner, De- troit, came on (Monday to spend a few days with their niece, Mrs. Grant Turner. ' Mi. acrd Mrs. Frank Peter and children and Mis. H: Peter, Strat- ford, are •occupying their cottages for the summer. Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Toms, De- troit, sent the Aanerrloan holiday and 'weekend with the former's moth- er, (Mrs, J. Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Rourke, Southamp- ton, and Miss Mae Ervine, Goderich, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. S. Ervine. Tiles. F. B. Sehafherbhen and twin daughters, :Suss and Judy, Niagara Falls, are visiting her parents, ffdr. and Mrs, W. J. Robinson. Mr and .Mrs. F. Jenkins, Toronto, arrived Saturday to spend a fort- night with Mr. and Mrs. William Greig, "Bali -Acres" cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Stapleton, Toronto, will occupy "JKJ", ithe Ouninghame cottage, during the months of July and August. Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Furter, son Bid, and Lee IMeBatn, London, spent Dominion Day with Mrs. Furter's mother, Mrs. W. J. Stimson. Mr. ands Mrs. William Greig and daughter Jean, Toronto, arrived the end oaf June to spend the summer at their cottage in "The Poplors," Miss Jane .MacGrigor Stephens, Shelburne, is spending a fortnight with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook, "Loehame" cottage. Mrs. William Howard returned home last week •after having visited in Toronto when she attended the wedding tote her ,grrandcdaugthter. Mr. and Mrs. Harald Weston, De- troit, and two children, came on Friday to spend the summer with the rtormrer's father•, George Weston. Miss ,Catherine Rankin attended the 'Centennial Celebrations of the Town of Dundas held recently, and also visited at Niagara -on -the -Lake. Mr. and Mas. Gilbert Knight and daughter, Mary, Toronto, spent the Dominion Day weekend with Mrs. Knight's mother, Mrs. F. C. Gemein- hard. ' e Mr. and Mrs. .Stuart B. Sturgeon, have returned to Preston after hav- ing spent a week's holidays with bhe former's parents, ,Mr. and Firs. Ed. Sturgeon. Mr. area Mrs. Fred Davison. De- otrit, and Mee. Robert Heath, Titus- ville, Penna., were the guests of the former's mother, ales. K. Davison, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davies, Sr., Mr. GOODIO guArEpitEn raVily trnctiTing v l}eels Shell Service Clinton, Ontario Phone 5 4 TI ERSIDIAMM',, JUL 10, 1942 ural' Burt, .Leedom, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker. Mazy Lou remained to spend the vacation with :her grandp'are'nts, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson IMcC'onkey and John, North Bay, are at their cottage in Huron Terrace. Mr. Mc- Conkey 'hae sold his cottage to : S: Granger, London, who will occupy it about the middle of the month, Mr. and Mre. Ernest Rehm De- troit, spent the American holiday and (weekend with the iatteres par- ents, MaNes. a . and Ms , D. Dewar. w r. On their return they were accompanied by Mee. Dewar, who Will visit with them. Mas. L. 'G. Bassett spent -a week in Woodstock 'before opening her shop for the summer. Her guests over the Dominion Day weekend were her sister, Mas. George Davison, Wood- stock, and Dr. and Mrs. E. Butt, Toronto. Mr. and leers. T. W. Oates, Hamil- ton, are at their cottage in .the vil- lage. Visiting them over the week- end were •their two sons and their wives, Mr. and Mrs, John Oates and Mr. and Mrs. Don Oates and daugh- ter Joan. Me. and (Mrs, W. G. Morley, Bloom- field Dills. Mich., MT. and Mrs. Fred Erb, Ann Arbor, (Mich., were the guests of Miss L. Morley, "Birch - Your. Radio will be repaired promptly and efficiently at DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH 25-26-27-28-b Correspondents cliff" over the 'weekend. Miss Pat' ., Morley, Birmingham, came to spend Hbghway,. a vacation with her aunt. Mr, and- Mrs, Brisson and daugh- ear' and leers. John Brant, Billy ter, Irene, Grosse Pointe, Mieee are Suaan, Toronto, are occupying oorar14)101g the lower apartment Longvue cottage. • Wlth them over .thea flarmnee Tippet residence on the weekend were 1Di. and Mis, W. Mafn .Sir.'e'ot, which (they (have re - J, TiIDman, Dr, W. Tillmamm, Jr., novatedi. Mise. M'snethie-•Brisson wars. Dam.' J. Mo'har and Barbara, London, with them over :the American holl- and 'Peter Tiuum'an, Toronto, day, at the Guests over :the 'weekend) °lVIisses ,Ruble basher and Barbara Albion Hotel included: Mr. and liras. Pelieele, Kitchener, Were With the L, W Porter, ffr, and (Mrs. farmer's aunt Mrs. F. A. Edwards, Port r ea• Br ma , n ham o . erg e Mach • v h g rMx. and t weekend aril Domiauinn Day.. Mrs• Fredertok E, Gould, .D'etroit; Rev and Mas. F, 11.' Paui]' spent a •Melisse Truitt, Betty Lou Bender, day in the village en route from Royal Oak, Milch,; Gordon i{untz, Windsor, where they spent Dominion Howell, Mich.; MT, and Mrs. 11. H. Day. Ormond. Deailborn,Mich.; Misses rMrs. R. H. F. Gairdner arrived Pat (Murphy .and D. Banton, London; from Lake Geneva, Wes., a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stone, Richard! anel Friday and has opened her home for Mary Anne Stone, Detroit, the summer. Her daughter, NI•rs. J. L. Dixon, Brantford, was in James R. Scott and Mr. Scott, Tor - the village on Saturday onto, joined' her on Friday. Their MT. and Mrs, Ted Hart ,and two guest over ' the weekend was Teti- ehildren, London, are occupying the Rice, St. 1VLarys: family • cottage .an Huron Terrace. &2r. and Mms. George Herd and 1VIr, and Mrs. J. Dey and family two hildren, Delores and Eddie, and' are in their cottage on TuyII Street. nephew, 'Tommy Howard;• Detroit The !Misses M. and IR', Kruke have spent the E'oaua'ih of July weekend' opened "The Village Guild," a gift with the forrner'd another, Mrs. Wm. shop in their home on Main Street. Howard. Delores- and Tommy re - Mrs. Lamb and daughter Alice, maimed for a longer visit and Beer - Sault Ste.Marie, are visiting her den Lynn, Toronto, is also the. guest: uncle, Frank Keegan, Blue Water ,orf his grandmother NOTICE Township of Hull'ett TENDERS will be received for the digging of ..the tile portion of the Yungbhttt Drain in the Township of lfillllett. All tenders are to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before Tuesday, July 15, at 8 p.m. (EDST), (Signed)—G. W. COWAN, CLERK, LONDESBORO 28-h oe.wru•+a repom.+r000mmou.o..aaroa.w,vea.,mo... ONTARIO TNT MESSAGE T M TORIING .P, BL1C Re: 1947 Amendments to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act Every motor vehicle owner and driver should become familiar with the new 1947 amendments to the Highway Traffic Act. The pbrpose of this legislation is to encourage safe driving and to assure the collection of damages awarded by our Courts for personal injuries suffered or property damaged. On and After July ' 1st, 1947 On and after July 1st, 3947, your driver's license and all motor vehicle permits registered in your name will be suspended if, following an accident in which any person is injured or any property is damaged, you are convicted of: (a) Any violation of a provision of the Highway Traffic Act- or • (b) If, upbn conviction for a violation of the Act even though no accident occurred, the penalty imposed by the Magis- trate includes suspension or revocation of your driver's license or motor vehicle permit. (c) • or If you are convicted of a criminal offence involving the use of a motor vehicle. After July 1st, 1947, your driver's license and all motor vehicle per- mits registered in your name will be suspended if you fail to satisfy a judgment secured against you for damages on account of injury to or death of any person or on account of damage to property. Such judg- ment must be satisfied at least up to the limits of $5,000.00 for personal injuries to one person, $10,000.00 for two or more persons and $1,000.00 for property damage arising out of any one accident. Application of Suspensions Where o suspension is applied following the registration of a conviction, same will remain in effect until proof of financial responsibility is filed. Where a suspension is applied for failure to satisfy a judgment, same will remain in effect until the judgment has been satisfied or arrangements made for its pay- ment by instalments and proof of financial responsibility is also filed. Proof of financial responsibility may be fled (a) in the form of an insurance policy certificate; (b) the bond of a guarantee company; (c) the depositingof money or securities to the value of $11,000.00. Application of Penalties The penalties for a person operating a motor vehicle while his license is under suspension include a fine up to $.500.00 and imprisonment up to six months, also the impounding of the motor vehicle operated. The penalty for the operation of a motor vehicle, the permit for which is under suspension includes a fine up to $500.00, imprisonment for six months and the for- feiture of the vehicle to the Cro-wrn. arseatemesweasszeze E, C.. °� F rLir .�, V .` , '. E f TS li � sfE�'7a4S.1' :3Y DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. 11. DOUCETT Minister cravoman i1N 147 {