HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-10, Page 5'THURSDAY, JULY 10, •1947 gJ NTON NEWS -MOR• PACE FIVE News -Record Classified Adieti Bring Quick Results CASH RATE -(If paid byWed rt;unesday following date of insertion)- ' One cent a ward first insertion (min - mum 30 cents);subsequent inser r tione, one cent a word (minimum 25 emits);; 10 Bents extra for box num- ber or for directing to NEWS- eetRICORD Office. 11F CHARGED -20 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m., W'ednes'day. FOR SALE . BLIGHT 0I0ITH1S!, !COUNTER AND • Stools. .Apply Frank ,Rains, phone ..1.75. 28-p S;ECONID HAND. "New Suimysluds" Washing Machine. Also double bed coil bedsprings. Apply Mrs. Joe Becker, phone 341-w.' 28-p ONE 38AISi,SEY BtAPiRtI;S' B'BNDER, seven foot cut, in good running order. Apples Earl Lawson, phone $9,1r12, Seaforth, 28-p HAY LOADER IN GOOD REPAIR. Apply William Fothergill, phone 02 cal, Clinton. 28 p COLEMAN THRtEE - B.UTiINtER Gasoline stove, complete with oven. (''hone 617e34. 28-p MVIAISS'EiY-I1MtRBS No. 5 Six Foot Binder. Also ,heavy work harnese. (Apply David Campbell, Bayfield Line, phone 909r31, Clinton. 28-p .ONE SEVEN FOOT -GRAIN .. l?tN;,-rebber tire wagon with spare' tire, $55; also a few good wagon :tires. Apply W. B. Thompson, two . miles 'west of Clinton on No. 8 High- - way. . 28-p MAN'S USED %CYCLE FOR SALE, $20. Phone Clinton 906e25. 28-b WFJ HAVE Al FEW. 16 -GALLON metal cl(nuans, wooden barrels and' ,kegs Lor sale. Bartliff Bros. 28-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1940 °Id) MOBILE( !SEDAN. Phone -580. 28-b • 1922 BUICK Fi GOOD' Condition. Phone 901r24, Clinton. 28-p 1936 FORD, mileage 33,749 miles, geed condition. Apply Box "II" NEWS -RECORD. 28-p 19.311 FOIRiD ROADSTER with rumble seat, good condition. Apply ::Harold Grew, phone 835-j, 28-0 1930 MODEL "A" FORD COACH, in good condition. Priced reasonable. Apply Ivan Carter, Phone Clinton 903r14. 23-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 30' NICE CHUNKS OF PIGS FOR sale. Harald Adams, Clinton. 28-p 11 PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OLD. Harold Tindall, phone .Clinton, 905x2, 28-b PULLETS FOR SALE 200 PULLETS, STARTED TO LAY, •Sussex X New Hanipshires. John Keees, Varma, phone Clinton, 630r12. 28-p •.225 NEW HAMP58118186 PULLETS, 14 weeks old.. Phone Zi nice 91r13. 28-p NOTICE WILL TAKE IN OLD PEOPLE needing a home, or those eonvalesa ing• nursing care provided, Mrs. Dube, R.R. 1, Londeeboro, phone :87r6, Blyth. 23-btfb TENDERS TENDERIS WILE Ble !REBOlOSVEU up to July 20 to have pupils of SS. :No. 8, Goderich 'Township. off Blue Water Highway, hauled to Bayfield 3Publie Se)hool. Tenderers must en- ..elose certified 4heque for one-tenth of amount, Charles Wallis, R.R. 1, 133ayfieid, secretary -treasurer. ?,8-29-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED F0:11 FIRST of Septemlber, room and board for lend,' high School teao'her. Phone 93 (St, Paul's Rec- tory). 25-32-p 11101UlSE! OR APARITMEINT IN Clinton for permanent business people. Would lease for long term ea parches*, if satisfactory.. Box "Z" NEWS -RECORD. ' 28-29-30-81-x WANTED TO BUY ICE! BOXES, ANY CONDITION. Write or phone C. Woods, second hand store, 12 Bast Se, Goderich, phone Goderich 242j. 24-btfb TEN OR 15 AORB$ Ole IDAY with a good percentage of clover. What have you? Phone 326, Clinton. 28-p HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE WANTED, to do pant time cleaning at local Bell Telephone Office; steady employ- ment; applicants axe asked to con- tact the °hied Operator, Miss Helen Taylor, at the Clinton Office. 28-b WANTED. AT ONCE MAN, cap- able ,of a.eting a -e blacksmith, car- penter and carriage maker in small woodworking plant, Permanent Position for right men. Apply M. M1eAdaln, Box 448, Clinton, after 6 PM. 28-29-b LOST AND FOUND LOST -CAT, !MEDIUM SIZE, Male, colour .ginger and tan,, ttvhite feet and chest. Reward offered. Mrs. R. W. Molenzie, phone 633r42, Olin - eon. 28-p PROPERTY FOR RENT IA1I LAII6E. OPINES BEACH, three miles north of Bayfield on Lake Huron, new furnished two-bedroom cottage, available by week or long- er, on and after July 19. Apply to Arthur Welsh, R. R. 2, Bayfield, phone 906r,34, Clinton, 28-x FOR SALE BY TENDER OPEN SHED, SIZE 20' x 69', at Hotanesville United Church, Tenders to be forwarded to Elmer Potter, R.R. 2, Clinton, •by July 19, 1947. Highest er any tender not neces- sarily accepted. 28-9 PROPERTY FOR SALE 1IN STOREY FRAME EIGHT- roohii dwelling in village of Bayfield near lakefront. Suitable for sum- mer dwelling. For further partiou- lars apply to H. 0. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, Clinton, phone 251-w. 28-b GRASS FARM, 100 ACRES, Lot 21, Concession 7, Hullett. Apply Norman Ball, Clinton, phone 236, or Fred Lawson, 878 King 51, W., Toronto, 1. 26-27-28-29-b MISCELLANEOUS "WALK A BLOCK OiR WALK A revile, need% for your feet will bring a smile." Lloyd's Corn Salve, 50e a Pennebaker's Drug Store. 28-b FREE( SAMPLE! --Send 4e stamp for Personal Hygiene (rubber goods) imported product, hermetically seal- ed, electronically tested, Free price list. (Mailed in plain sealed envelope. Adulte only. W. Norman, Box 72, Station J, Toronto. 28-35-b WANTED TO BUY --01d horses and dead animals, getable for mink feed. 1.1 dead, phone at once. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 986e21 or Fred Gilbert, 926r82, Glodestioh, 25-btfb ASTHMA SUFFERERS -- ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb Worsted Trousers AT LAST! MEN! Worsted Trousers! Yes, we have just received a small shipment of Worsted Longs in blue and brown stripe, fine quality, just the right weight for year round wear. All sizes front 30 to 44. Don't hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity to make up a suit with ',that odd coat you have. Slack Suits If it is something cool you are looking for, you need not look further, just drop in and see our stock of slack suits, just right for scanner wear, comfortable and smart. Swim Suits We still have a few swimming trunks left in sizes 6 to 36. If you still haven't got yours, get it while the supply lasts. `SPECIAL -(Wag Assets Cotton Sheets and Pillow Cases) Pickett and Campbell Agents for 'Tip 'Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott -McHale Shoes PHONE 25 CLINTON Notice to all Owners of Dogs Nunte0eits complaints ha el been !coming in to the Town- Council from the Citizens of Clinton that dogs running; at large are causing a great deal of damage to flower beds and gardens. "The Council, along with myself, hesitate to pass a by-law prohibiting dogs running at large, so make this appeal to owners of dogs to see to it that their dogs do not molest or continue to trespass on other citizens' property. I do not think that the license issued for dogs allows them the freedom of other people's flower beds and gardens. As a great number of citizens take a great deal of pride in beautifying their property and others have same 'as a business and receive a remuneration for sane, kindly put yourself in their position and see if you would like your garden end flowers destroyed by your neighbours' dogs. (Signed) -A. J. 1YIeMURRAY, Mayor 28-29-b .4119;.999.999491994.19199919.091 JJJJ silo,,n"nn"inn,,n,nnuq,u,unn,p."ub"wunuu,,,,"W,,, lll,llll I lllllllllll 11.1111191"t BIRTHS BROWN - In Clinton Coanmunity Hospital, on Thursdaly, July 3, 1947, to Mr, and Mrs, 'Murray Brown, R.R, 2, Clinton, a daughter: CORIRSVEATT--,T n 'Clinton Commun- ity Hospital, on Friday, July 4, 1947 to Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph .Ooimiveau, R.R. 2, Zur ieli, a daugh- ter, (Elaine Deanne). E8VBNE - In Clinton Community Hospital, ,on Monday, June 30, 1947, to Mn'and Mars. Spencer Ervine, Bayfield, a daughter, (Mary Elizabeth). t RGUISON--In .Sudbury on Thurs- day, June 26, 1947 to Mr. and INRs, Charles Fecgnvson, a daughter, (Kaltharine Rae.) HIl3'ALY --- In Clinton Community kLospibal, on S'atiirday, July 5, 1947, to Mr. and +Mrs, Sarto Healy, Blyth, a daughter, (Donna Marie). 180GGABT In Clinton Community Hospital, on Sunday, July 6, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Iran Doggett, R.R. 1, Clinton, a son, ((Morris James). MIDDLE+1011-In Clinton Commun- ity Hospital, on Wednesday, July 9, 1947, to .Mr, and Mrs. Ross Middleton, R;R. 3, Clinton. and Sault Ste, Marie, a daiighter, (Sandra Dawn). NLCKLE - In Clinton Community Hospital, on Wednesday, July 9, 1947, to Ms, and !Mrs. W. J. Nickle, Clinton, a sen, (David ,Tames). RANNSEI - I•n Clinton Conimunity Hospital, on Saturday, July 5, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam :Ronnie, Hensall, a daughter, (Irma Suzanne). SALISBURY -Mr. and Mrs. C. A. !Salisbury (formerly Ruth Lavis),- announce the birth of their son, James, Clayton, (Jimmy), on Sat- trrdlay, June 28, 1047, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. SMITH In Clinton Community Hos- pital, on Sunday, July 6, 1947, to Mr. and Mee. Jack Smith, R.R. 2, .Goderich, a daughter. SPENCER -In Clinton Community Hospital, on Friday, July 4, 1947, to -Mr. and Mrs, Sam Spencer, R.R. 3, Clinton, a son. TOMLLNSON - In Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Saturday, July 5, 1947, to ,Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Tomlinson, formerly of Clinton, a son, (John Aired). TOWINSIEEND - In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea£orth, on Wednesday, June 25, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Townsend, R.R. 3, See - forth, a daughter, (Ivy June). TURNER - In Clinton Community Hospital, on Monday, June 30, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Hayfield, a daughter, (Sharon Gail). CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Thomas E. Mason wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for their very kind gesture in the recent presentations made to them on the occasion of their retirement from business in Summerhill. 28b CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Ernest Adams and son, Lloyd, wish to take this opportunity of sincerely thanking their many kind friends• and neighbours for all flowers, cards sent, all cars loaned, and all other acts of kindness and sympathy shown in there recent sad bereavement. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of MELVILLE G. 'LANSFORD ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Melville G. Ransfore, late of the Town of Gun- ton, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of Marcia, 1947, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of July, 1947, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will .be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable be any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seafonth this 9th day ad July; 1947. H. G. 7VITSLR, Executor, Seaforth, Ontario. 28-29-30-b 'Men, Women! Old at 40, 50, 60! Get Pep Feel Years Younger, Full of Vim *on t ttlwny$ biome 0 bnneted. worn•out, run-down feeling on your age. rb0,senos 0mneed at what is !line peppin • up web Detroit w111 do. Contains tante Otte, 000400 atter 40 - when hotly 7sweak, old lust Nome 1101,1pgiron also supplements of 00!,00, 0rft vitot1 to vitamin y0010 Results a wore nue;dbetor Get Introductory size 00,,, 'roolo Tablets today for only Ssc. Why feel oln? Try osteo. to feel popper, fact now, vin, turd feel yet rs younger, this very doy. (Fur solo at ill tlruu srnres .rya/hank CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion. C. V. COOKE • FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf MARRIAGES BEBYBRS-+SII" - In St, Paul's Anglean Church, Clinton, on Mon- day, June 30,-1947, by Rev. R. M. B. Bulteel, Mrs. Frances Helen !Steep, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RIi. B. Fitzsimons, to Frederick Arthur Beevers, only son of MT. and MIs. W. A. Bsevees, Goderleh. !CIRiAJGG-TBSCIFi'01R-+In St, Patrick's lOhnvrah, London, by Rev. at. B. GY.Domnei1l, on Tuesday, June 24, 1947, Anna Mary, da cghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Fischer, Saskatoon, Sask., -to Samuel Wilson, second son of Mr. ,and Mee. Edward Craig', Clinton. TYNDALL-MSDDLFTON -- In St, James Church, !Middleton, on IS'atrday, July 5, 1947, by Rev. Laverne Morgan, rector of -the church, Phyllis Evelyn, daughter of Mr, and 'Mss. John Middleton, to Loren Keith, younger son of Me. and Mrs. Frank Tyndall. DEATHS ADAMS -In Clinton, on Saturday, June 28, 1947, Ernest Albert Adams in his Goth year. Funeral front This late residence, Albert St,, on Monday, Jeune 30, to Clint- on Cemetery, BALL -At his late residence, Regent St„ Goderich, on Thursday, July 3, 1947, John Edwin . Ball, formerly of Tuekersmith Township, in hie 80th year. Funeral from Wheeler Funeral Home, Toronto St., God- erich, .on !Saturday, July 5, to .Clinton 'Cemetmy. MASON -At the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. W. H, Hellyar, Clinton, on Wednesday, July 9, 1947, Har- riet Johnstone, !beloved 'wife of the late George Mason, Wingham, in her 87th year. Funeral from the Beattie Funeral Home, Rattenbury St. E„ Clinton, on Friday, July 1r1, at 2 p.m„ to Wingham Ceme- tery. PIENN'EBARER - In Clinton, on Thursday, July 10, 1947, Marg- aret Burrows, 'widow of H. Penne- baker, in her 88th year. Funeral from in Brothers Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, en Saturday, July 12, at 2 pm. to Clinton Cemetery. b Mr. & Mrs. T. E. wMason Honored by Friends 'What a Party! Fociends from far and near gathered at Londesboro Hall, Thursday evening, July 3, 1947, to wish Mr. and inks. T. E'. Mason, Summerhill, all the best its their new home. The guests of honour were presented with a beautiful walnut chest of flatware in Coronation pal - tem. Dancing comprised the greater part of the evening. :Speeches were made by two prominent personnell namely Jack Armstrong, reeve of Hullett, and Dr. H. A. McIntyre, dentist of Clinton, on whose birth- days the big event was held. The stage was tastefully decorat- ed with baskets of peonies and orange blossoms. ;Mel Oriah acted as mast- er of ceremonies and the music was supplied- by Collins' Orchestra. For the occasion Mr, and Mss. Mason's daughter, Marion, Mrs. Kalpii Totten, Windsor, and their son, Ray, !Moncton, N. B., went pres- ent as well es many relatives from Detroit, IVLiele The address was read by Jack Armstrong and. Fled Lobb made the presentation. Mm. Mason spoke a few words very lettinglly on behalf of Mrs. Mason and himself and Mrs. Totten %peke on behalf of herself, Ray, and her sister Madelon, who is in England. -0 Presbyterian WMS Hear About Work in India The Jame meeting of Clinton Pres- byterian W. M. S. was held at the manse. The Call to Worship was- given asgiven by the president, Mrs G. D. Roberton, and a meditation on "Give us this day our daily bread" was tak- en by Vbs. Charles Clifton. Mrs. Lane read the 5erapture and Ms's. M. D. McTaggart offered prayer. Mrs. Allan Maxwell reviewed the chapter in the study book on "The Ministry of Health and Healing". The Church exists to continue the week Chrrist began. Ludiama College Hospital .in India was a venture in fattih with an initial expenditure of fifty -pounds and now serving thou- sands every year. Nurses were few for such a vast ,country and such a dire need. Mrs. Maxwell's remarks were listened to with rapt attention. The secretary, 'Mrs. John Snider, reported the value of the bale to be almost twenty-five dollars. The visiting committee stated that many. callhs were made on the seek and shut-ins. After singing the hymn "Pass me not, 0 Gentle Saviour" Mrs. Lane closed the meeting with prayer. Mesdames Maxwell, McTaggart and !Misses Sterling and Shaw assist. ed the 'hostess with refreshments. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mee R. W. McKenzie. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GGDERICB • REGENT THEATRE SEAPORT)/ Now Playing - (Julyy 10-12) ,- Gary Cooper in "CLOAK AND DAGGER" Now Playing - Walt Disney's "SONG. OF THE SUUIB" Now Playing -Deanna Durbin i "I'LIJ BE YOURS" MON., TUES., WED, Rosalind Russell .Alexander' Knox and Dean Jagger Biased on the life and endeavours of :a woman whose fight .against became an epic "SISTER KENNY" MON., TUES., WED. Gary Cooper - Lalli Palmer and Robert Alda Sauspsemse .and fastemovihvg action abound in this dramad;io tale of the diplomatic corps "CLOAK and DAGoGIDR" Mon., Tues., Wed., = ONE WTIOLFJ WEEK . Thus, Fri,, Sat. ti JULY 14 - 19 The Jolson Story"disease Filmed in glorious Technicolor comes the scintillating story of a man who made musical history, •Al .Toison. The greptest musical drama of all time! The Sirs!, showing of ,the above £eature will be at 7 P.M. ewil evening THUR., ane, SAT. Henry Fonda - Linda Darnell ll and Walter Brennan with Victor Mature and a star cast •in the tyhinisical story of the ,c lady in the song. My Dangling Ciomentiofc" THUR„ FRI., SAT. Errol Flynn - Eleanor Parker and 5. Z. Salxall A rtppiing comedy -romance eon_ corning a modern day •naerimoniai 'alliance "NEVER SAY GOODBYE" Coming -Humphrey Bogart and L"T au(en Bsci11 10 July 21 -23 -Adult E'ntertainmen Coming -"THE BIG SLEEP" Adult Entertaiarment g�r. Coming -"THE THD BIG SLEEP" Adult Entertainment Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 pan Mat.: Wed. Sat. holiday,, 2.30 P.M. Mat: Sat. and holidays, 2.30 p.m., VARNA 1Vliss Hoffman, Zurich, visited with Mrs. A. ,McConnell last week. !Mrs. Miller visited weal her sister, Mast W. Johnston, and 1 -amity. Nes. Tufein, lShaffa, spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. John Aldixsgbon. Freta !Davidson, Detroit, called on Mrs'. M. G. Beatty and Miss Mossop Saturday. Mr. and (Mrs. Argo .and family, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. A. McConnell. INN. and Mrs. le. Orator spent Sunday wilbh relatives and friends at Springtbank, London. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McOoruiell and NIr. and Mrs. W. R. Stephenson visited friends in Welland. The W. A. of -St. John's Anglican 'Church met at the home of Mrs. M. G. Beatty and Miss- Mossop. The ladies quilted a quilt in the Township Hall. The meeting was closed by the Rector, Rev. L. Morgan reading a passage of scripture and the menilbers praying in unison. Supper was served by the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. John Harnwell, God- erich, and David Hodge, Toronto, visited friends in the village one day recently. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of the late Mrs. C. F, Clarke, at her late residence, Elgin Ave., 'Goderich, on SATURDAY, JULY 19th at 1.30 P.M. sharp (DST) Consisting of a full line of mod'eln furniture; electric washing machine; dishes; out glass and hand paintings, Numerous other articles. MISS MARY CLARKE, Administrate rix; S. B. CLARKE, Administrator; EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, 28-b AUCTION SALE Ole HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the late Fred Leonard, at his late residence, Townsend St., Clinton, . (back of the Public School), on SATURDAY, JULY 26th at 1.30 P.M. sharp (DST) F.ull listing in the Clinton News - Record, the next two issues. TERMS --C AiS&H ALVIN K. LEONARD, Executor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT. Auctioneer. 28-1) AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at the home of Mrs. N. W. Woods, Bayfield Terrace, HAYFIELD, on WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd at 1.30 p.m. sharp (DST), the following: Large pedestal walnut table (an- tique); oak secretaire; large oak davenport; dining room table, side- board 'and chairs; 2 square tables; 1 small table; 1 bureau; 2 wash stands; 2 small *hest drawers; 1 steel cot; 5 bedsteads and mattresses; 2 walnut settees; 1 loveseat; rocking chairs; kitchen sideboard and chairs; oak monis and odd chains; rugs;• steel engravings and other pioturos; ml.Tors; antique brass chandelier; hanging lamp; stoves; window sashes (various sizes); doors; piano box; bag truck; tools and articles too nuneroue rte mention. Furniture in- cludes painted walnut and cherry pieces. TERMS --CASH MRS. N. W. 'WOODS, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, .Auctioneer. 28.29-b YOU, TOO CAN WALK ON AIR If you use cooling, refreshing ICE -MINT to rid your feet of aching, burning callouses and corns, Tired Muscles, respond quickly to the first application of soothing, rceamy-white medicinal ICE -JOINT, The refreshing, tin- gling sensation as you apply the cream tells you tient it's going right to etorl: On the foot pains that put the wrinkles in ynar brow. Get t lar today - Small size 50e: 4 in. economy nu. SI On At Pennebaker's and All Druggists Hof Weather is ard on Tires ! They need constant checking for cutis and abrasions. Be sure .to have us do this before tmtkin'g any trips. VULCANIZING. is our specialty 24-HOUR SERVICE Harry Davies Tire WHITE ROSE and AIL GASOLINE and Battery VICTORIA ST. Phone 460 CLINTON C O M I N G- A DAY OF RECKONING "Vengeance is mine: I will repay, saith the Lord." Rom. 12:19 BE ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE THE JUDGMENT TO COME -HAVE FAITH IN CHRIST, N 0'1' • in good works • in any living man • in Mary or any saints • in joining any church or organization BUT in HIM who alone can save• TUNE IN-Pilgrim'a Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR A Few Good Pea Pickers WANTED Apply F. W. ANDREWS PHONE 38-CLINTON 26tfb ALL PARENTS HAVING CHILDREN. FOR KINDER- GARTEN CLASS IN FALL TERM COMMENCING IN SEPTEMBER MUST REGISTER SAME BY LETTER NOT LATER THAN JULY 31st WITH H, C. LAWSON, SECRE- TARY, PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. • * * * To be admitted, pupils must be four years, eight months old, by September 1, 1947. On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age must be submitted to the Principal of the Public School. Owing to limited accommodation it is necessary that these regulations be strictly adhered to. Signed on behalf of the Clinton !Public School Board, H. C. LAWSON, Secretary OPEN SUNDAY JULY 13 and Every Night Neat 'Week Dominion TRUCK T -I -R -E -S CAR Dunlop WASHING -- POLISHING - GREASING INKLEY SERVICE STATION Bill Inkley, Proprietor ONTARIO ST. PHONE 784 CLINTON Don't Leave . Your Furnace Until Fall to be Cleaned and Repaired • • • ORDER EARLY HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and. HEATING PHONES: Residence 470; Business 244 Specials Red Snapper Filleti ......... , . per ib. 35c Cod Fillets per lb. 35c Broccoli per pkg. 30c Black Cherries per pkg. 40c Fruit Salad per pkg. 30c Sliced Peaches per pkg. 30c Clinton Locker Service "Frozen Foods are Better )Foods" ALBERT ST. PHONE 3354 CLINTON'