HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-10, Page 4PAGE POUT C JINTON NEW RPM" PIIURISIIAAY, JULY 10, :i047',, ' nnen80 and Church Affairs in Clinton and District Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johns Mark 35th Anniversary Among the 50 friends ,and relatives • who gathered for a •.rinyprise party at the am -fie of Me. and Mee. A. F. Johns, Newmarket, formerly .of Clin- ton, to honour thein on ,the occasion of their 35th. wedding ;anniversary were six relatives off 'Mrs. Johns, all from Rockwood, who had been pres- ent at the 'wedding. The .couple were presented with a purse of enoney and they also re - edam' several bouquets. An address was read and it was replied to by Mr. Johns and George Pearsen, Rockwood, who gave his sister in marriage 35 years ago. Refreshments were served atthe close of the evening. n, * a RATION COUPON DUE DATES 'Coupons now valid are sugar -me - serves. S20 to 855 and Y1 to Y10. ""il!i416 '; T1'.1;!111181311111111111;1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111g111111IIIIII115r E very mother wants a picture record of her baby, and the sooner it begins the more precious it will be. Make an appointment for your baby's picture today 9owIe't Atai. Wesley' -Willis WA Hold Successful; Meeting 'llhe Woman's Association of Wesley -Wallis United Church met in .the church parlour on the after- noon of Thursday, July 3, with the first vice-pr'esid'ent, Mrs. J.• Addison, in the chair. The opening hymn was "For the beauty of the . earth," after whioh Mrs; Addison offered prayer. Mrs. Charles Nielson read the minutes of the June meeting and also the fin - medal report. Correspondence was read thanking tine WA for flowers and cards sent to those who were rid.. Mrs. John Nediger, Jr., gave the report of the Flower Committee. Seven were remembered during the month. Mee A. T. C'o'oper was ap- ])orated to take charge of this work during J'allyi and August. The ,Mizpab Benediction brought the meeting to a close .after which a 'delicious picnic tea was served in the. oluurolr hall. No meeting will be held in August. Engagements Announced Mr, and Mrs. George C. Ginn, Goderich Towpship, ,announce the engagement of their daughter., Phyllis Maxine, to Leonard Mervin Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Fisher, 'Colborne Township, the mar- riage to take ,place July 19. PHOTOGRAPHERS PHONE 84 MeEwan's CLINTON ..1i111111ailii'.64R;rii,iill'i +:iiiiriiildlllll!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111e. MANICURING and FINGER -WAVING Machine -less Permanent Waves our specialty PHONE 786 for appointment Gloria's Beauty Salon Over Clinton Grill Victoria St. 28-30-32-+b St. Paul's WA Members Hold Garden Meeting Members roof Sit. Paula W. A. were entertained in the lovely 'gard'en of Ma's. L 'McKinnon, Huron iSit, on Tu'es'day afternoon. The weather was agreeably cool. Manny members and. several visitors were present. Mrs Hudie• presided 'and was assisted in, the .opening ,servile by Mrs'. F. Ford and Miss Holmes. Repaorbs were gilven of supplliies sent to tine Indian School. at C'ardrton Alta., and of bales sent to Endeavor, Sask., and to the Mohawk Institute, Brantford. Mrs, R. Thompson took the tepie, .a resume of -an article by Dr: IL E. Fosdick. Mrs, alieeKinnon served refresh- ments. Mrs. A.tleinson•, a visitor and former member, poured tea. There will be no meeting in Ang'ui t, es many members are on vacation. Bride -elect Honored WEDDINGS TYNDALL—,MIDDLETON St. James Ohuroh, Middleton, with eandlelight and standards of white and pink peonies, foamed a pleasant setting for the double zing ceremony at three pan. Saturday, July 5, unit- ing in marriage Phyllis Evelyn, daughter et Mr. and Mss. John Mid- dleton, and Loren Keith, younger son of .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tyndall. Rev. Laverne Morgan officiated. Mise Eunice Milne, Goderich, play- ed the wedding music eancl )Edwin Tufts, Ktrkton, was soloist; singing "Through A11 The Years" and dur- ing the signing of the register, the bride was lovely' in a gown of white sheer over white satin. • Heb finger-tip veil was caught with a headdress of white rosebuds and she carried a cascade bouquet of white gardenias and roses. The bride's . only attendant was Miss Betty Preece, who. was gowned in pink net over satin with a large picture hat. Bruce l\$itcheli was best man, and the ushers were Jack Sage and Bruce Watson. - For the reception whioh followed, the bride's mother received the gues,bs wearing a blue crepe gown Because." land a corsage of cream roses. The bride, given in marrage by' The 'bride is the niece of Mrs. her father, wore a beautiful gown Fergus VanEigmond, Clinton, and has of white duchess satin styled in fit- visited here on many occasions. Mrs. ted Princess lines sweeping into a VanEgmond attended the wedding. At Pre -Nuptial Tea full train. French lace farmed the yoke, high necic'line, and capelets. CRAIG—FISCHER Honouring (Miss Phyllis Middleton, Sleeves were fang with .points over A. pretty wedding took place in St. popular bride of Saturday last, Miss the hand: Her long veil of illusion Patrick's Church, London, on Tues - Phyllis Manning entertained .at a de- embroidered net was held by a dutch day, June 24, when Rev. R. B. lightful pre -nuptial tea at her home headdress of lace matching that of O'Donnell' performed the double ring on High St. on. Satamday afternoon, gown. She carried white Killarney ceremony whioh united in marriage, June 28. • roses and gardenias with IAidiantum Anna Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McIntyre presidedat fern. Mrs. J. AFischer, Saskatoon, Sask., the tea table which was centred with As maid of honour, Miss Phyllis and Samuel Wilson; second son of piny rosolnrds, orange blossoms and 'Manuring wore a floor -length dress Mr. and Mas. Edward Craig, Clinton. n marriage by her brother - {flanked forget ene-nots in a crystai swan, 'of Queen's blue net aver brocaded Given iby tall .,pink tapers in silver 's'atin with matching -headdress and in-law, G. Mohart, the bride looked holders. Assisting the hostess in 'stiould'er-ierngth veil and mittens. lovely in a floor -length gown of the tea roost were Misses Jean •Mor•• She carried Talisman roses. white slipper satin, the skirt falling gan and Wilma Radford: Musses Ruth, June, and Lois Mid - Pink 'and white roses, peonies and dleton, sisters of the bride, were orange blossoms banking ,the fire- charming bridesmaids, wearing sim- ilarly for the iliily styled Door -length' -length taffeta place made a lovely presentation of the gifts to the bride- gownsof rose, turquoise, and, peach, electThese were presented in a ,respectively, with matching head- piuulc, and -white wagon drawn by dresses and shoulder -length veils and dainty little Phyllis Pentsiey, small (mittens. Each carried Johanna daughter of M2. ,and Mrs. W. M. Hill roses and Bouvardia. Pentney, Port Dover. Miss Middle- Harold Tyndall was his brother's ton ;thanked her many friends "dbest man. received their good wishes. a The ushers were Ross Middleton., Among the guests wPltyilisere• MHeimrs. J. anR. brothel of the bride, and Loren Middleton, � to isses , Tyndall, con§in 01 the groom. was held Catherine Jefferson, Helen Gael's, at "Rose reception fLawn,or 70 guests bride's Lois Middleton, Pat Morrison, Sltir- ley ,Snrtter, Ruth Middleton, Helen Parents. etre", rs'. •Mildd6etonl wore an Ann - Herman, Kathleen Miuidleton, Mrs. er'rca�t Beauty dress with blaelc and D. M. Pentney and Mrs. R. E. Smith. whiteacdessuries. The gtdoom's moth- er wore Queen's blue with a becoming black lace hat and accessories. Both PERSONALS wore corsages of white ICillarney roses. A wedding breakfast was (continued from page 1) served by Helen Videan and Alma marl visiting with the farmer's broth- Davis, Goderich, Kay and Elizabeth er and :sister-in-law, Mr. ,and Mrs- . Middleton, and 'Muriel and Harriett Wise. 0. L. G. Atkey, Petrolia. ,Mfrs. ,Maude -Bateson, Haileybury, For the wedding trip by motor, and her the bride wore a white suit with ,grandson, Barry Bateau,neva New Liskeard, lit for their homes aniZ accessories, and a corsage of on Saturday last after spending the Talisman roses. week with .the farmer's two Guests were present from Toronto, pastH'anaton, Detroit, and Goderich. aunts, Mrs. David Steep -and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall will reside Jabez Sanas, +Sr.in Hallett Township. L. J. iSheppard,' Macklin, .Sark., is visiting his cousins, James Thomp BEEVERS—STEEP son and :Mm. and 'Mrs. Dick Ellwood, St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clin- Glinton, and 'ether relatives in the tan, was decorated with pink and vicinity. 'Mr. Sheppard motored down white peonies and mange blossoms from the West ,and intends beings here about a month. for the quiet wedding at 11 o'clock, Professor Harry R. Shaw left by Monday morning', e 3D, when Rev. Jeun ONR train this afternoon to assume R. 'M. P. Bulteel united` in marriage, duties in connection with a stammer, M. Fiances Haien Steep, youngest course foe naval officers at Dart- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Fitz- BRUCEFIELD simoms, and Frederick Arthur Beev- mouth College, NH.,after visiting ers, oath, son of Ms. and Mrs. W. A. his parents, .Dr. and Mrs. J.W. ,Shaw, Beevers, Elgin Ave., Goderich. A very enjoyable afternoon was for the past month. The bride wore a becoming two- spent at ,S.S. No. 10 when the annual Mr. and Mrs. J. George McLay piece turquoise crepe suit and car- picnic was held. There was a very and daughter Katherine, loft ,est- sage of medium red Briarcliffe roses. good crowd present. erdray to spends a vacation at South- Her accessories were brown and The following sport events took amptoru In Mr. ;MroLays absence, white place. Olnildren's race under seven A. E. Douglas, rho accountant, is in' Attending the bride was Mrs. years -.Johnnie Mere, Mattie LeBeau; charge of Clinton Branch of the James Corrin who chose a white and girls' race, eight or under—Ina Tay - Royal Bank of Canada, black silk jersey dress and a cor- tor, Barbara Taylor; boys' race, Mrs, E. in f is spending the sage of .pink and charm carnations. eight or under—altuaray Hill, Ken month of July in Toronto where she Her :accessories were white. Caldwell, girls .velve and under -- is taking aa summer course at Tor- James Curran was best man. Donna Taylor, Thelma Baird; boys' auto Conservatory of Music. Dur- Follow in•g the .ceremony, a lunch- twelve and tender—Jahn ,Moffat, Wil- ing her St United absence, heisrrbeing suppliedan a mat Mario eon aiss.sCorecl at the home Halmesville,of Mr.ere utndierer J haston; ay Baird,'Donnafifteen Taylor by Mrs. J. W. Treleaven. the dining room was prettily elecorat- boys, fifteen and under --Leonard 0' - Guests of Dr. and ,Mrs. J. W. Shaw last week included Dr. and Mrs' with pink and white streamers, Rorke (tied) Morels Taylor and .Rob - Milton Shaw and daughter Elinor. white bells and summer flowers. The err ,Mustard; young ladies—Audrey table was centred with a three- Baird, Blanche Zapfe; young men -- Ann, and Harold Shaw, 'all of Lan- tiered wedding cake and a candelabra J. Pritchard, Leonard O'Rorke; three Mae Mich., Miss Mae Stanley, SVtor- of•ed and white candles, Mrs. legged e + race (boys) George Baird ris, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Harold p ggg Kiltho and Elizabeth, Toronto, She Sheila -abgnod, Galt, se and Miss and Wilmer Johnston, Arnold Taylor Miss .Pearl Elliott, on -the staff •of Sheila the w d, Galt, served. and Morley Taylor; three-legged St. Joseph's hospital, Satmia, is re- For the 'wedding trip, the taide race (girds)Donne Taylor and And- St. Jotin,g fromt a serious 'illness at chose a brown carried crepe dress, res Baird, Donna Taylor and Leolo cupher home in town. Her mother, -M-m. flower hat, .and carried a brown wool Taylor; Wheelbarrow race —Arnold George H, .Elliott, who ,had been gabardine coat. Her 'accessories Taylor 'and iMorley Taylor, George g were 'brown. The happy couple left Baird and Wibmer Johnston; Sack with her -daughter during her illness amid showers -of 'contotti and good race girls—.Ruthie Woolley, Blanche maimed with her on Friday last, wishes for a honeymoon -at Bala and Zapfe; Sack rase (boys) Ronnie Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Andrew and the IMieskoka District. They will Johnson, Leonard O'Rourke; Kick the slaughters, Heather and Janet, lADids- reside in Godeeieh, slipper girls—Donna Taylor, Leolo ton, were guests of 'Mliss Greer, Bay- Taylor; kick the slipper buys—Mow- field, and other friends in Gunton AITCHISON—GILLJES is Taylor, George Baird; kick the this week, Before enlisting, Mi. A 'wedding of wide local interest sliaper, -ladles' BElanehe Zapf% Mar Anvdrow 'was minster of the Presby- was solemnized recently in College ion RBI, 'Mrs. T. B. Baird; kick the terian churches at Clinton and Bay - St. Baptist Church, Toronto, when slipper — 3. Pritchard, J. Aikenhead; fields Marione Angelina Gillies, only dough throwing rolling pin- .Mrs. A. Japfe, Guests at the home of Mr. and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fredeaiok Gil- Mrs. A. Mustard. Mrs. W. H. HelLm. over the 'week- lies, Toronto, became the bride of Deming the afternoon, tickets were end were iMr. G. T. Gregory, Cooks- Charles Douglas Aitchison, eon of drawn on articles made by the child - town, Mr, and Mrs. J. Mason, Wing- Norman IA,elel dtehison the late Mrs. ren. Quilt—won by Arthur Dutton; ham, Mars. O. B. Moffatt and two Aitchison, Woodbridge. Rev. Robert Lunch cloths—by Mrs. Woolley and children, Ingersoll, Mr .,and Mrs. W Hamilton. performed the ceremony. Miss Mary McDonald; Apron -by A. 'Campbell, Toronto, and iMr. and Given in marriage by her father, Mrs. J. Aikenhead. Mrs. T. T. Field, 'California. Mr. and Mrs. Dia Cornish cele - Earn while Learning CLINTON KNITTING Company, Limited HAS OPENINGS IN ALL PHASES OF HOSIER' MANUFACTURING KNITTERS, LOOPERS WANTED ESPECIALLY r, 44 -HOUR WEEK — GOOD WAGES REST PERIODS THE TOT SHOP Ontario Street INFANTS AND PRESCHOOL WEAR * * * GIRLS' SWIMMING SUITS—sizes 2 - 8 inclusive BOYS' SWIMMING TRUNKS -sizes 2 - 6 inclusive Sun Dresses waved Sun Suits Nina Inkley • Ethel Cooke ,/3G• Builleialune4cdoliasse HIGH STREET, CLINTON IC ■ KAM The Fine Appoint'me'nts of this Funeral Home are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are. Not the Least. " There is No Extra Charge for Services Held Here Under Such Ideal Conditions. BALL BROTHERS WM. N. BALL D. G. BALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS PHONE 361W Ambulance Service PH•ON' l 381J Listen to the "Messiah Quartet" over Radio Station OKNX Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.30 pan. Mothers' Club Holds Its Closing Meeting The closing meeting of the Moth- ers' Club of Wesley -Wallis 'United cluarh for the early .spring and summer was held at the home of 'Mrs. G. Braithwaite, Albert tat,' ivrith a ,good attendanee. ,Mrs. Dales, Townsend) ,Sit., was in .charge of the evening's programme, which opened with .a beautiful poem "Let not yam heart be troubled", followed by the use of appropriate hymns and Bible reading from the Psalms. Minutes at the previous meeting were read by Mrs. A. E. Douglas and approved, ages. McGee, Rattenbuey iSt, W„ 'extended an invitation to the ;elute to meet at her .home for floe opening fall meeting in 'S'epteneber; Mrs, A. 'Griffiths. will be in charge. The .members were reminded of the •planned aid to China for 'September when eadh mother will eontri'bute an article of clothing new or second hand in good wearable condition. A. yery interesting feature was the reading ,and lively discussion on. -the themes "Little Breeches", A+ Real Bedtime ,Story," "Home a ;Refuge,” "Orderliness" and Please ,Let me tell you," taken respectively by Mesdames Douglas, Dales, 'McLaren, Addison and Braithwaite. Mays. Ray Fitzsimons assisted Mrs, Braithwaite in serving a very had been associated. dainty and. much enjoyed lunch, v _ bringing a very helpful and sociable Mrs. E. Keened y ' Feted evening to a close, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, on behalf into a short train. A full-length veil of the • mothers present, expressed fell from 'her Queen. Ann headdaess'theie appreciation to ,Mrs. Braibh- and she ,carried an arra ,bouquet of write for the use of her horns and white roses. to .Mrs. Dales for the evening's Mrs. H, Johnson, Clinton, -sister of programme. - the groom, was matron of honour, wearing a floor length gown of white sheer with net skirt and, a flowered skull eap. Miss Helen Bolway, St. Thomas, as btidesmaid, was gowned in blue taffeta with glass fabric headdress. Both caauied nosegays of roses, carnations, anti sweet peas. The flower girl, Donna Mae Mohart, and the train bearer, Brenda 1Viohart, were gowned alike in pints satin with floral wreaths in their hair and car- ried nosegays. During the signing of the register, the officiating organist played "Ave Maria." Bob Gorrnan, London, was best man. • A reception was held at the Bel- vedere Hotel where the bride's sister received in pink silks jersey with white accessories and a corsage of roses and sweet peas. She was as- sisted by the groom's mother wear- ing a grey figured ensemble with white accessories and a corsage of sweetheart roses. Mr. and Mrs. Craig left for a motor trip to Western Canada, tite beide travelling in a blue bolero suit with white accessories. On their return they will reside in London. The groom's gift to the bride was a double strand of pearls, and to the bridesmaids and best man pictures of bhe wedding. Trousseau Tea Held Popular Bride -elect Mrs. John 1Vldddletom entertained at a d'elightaui trousseau. tea on Wednesday ,afternoon and evening, July 2, for her daughter, Phyllis„. Evolyn, a bride of Saturday last. Mrs. F, Tyndall, mother of the groom -elect, received the guests with the hostess and . her dtmghter. Peonies, delphiniums, roses and summer flowers, were attractively arranged throughout the 'house for the occasion. Those prouring tea were Mrs. R. J.. McMullan, Mrs. Hattie Stewart, aunts of th.e bride; Mrs. Harold Tyndall, sister-iu-Iaw of the groom; and Miss Rena Pickett and Mrs Blanchard, aunts of the groom. As- sisting in the dining room were Misses Ruth anal Lois Middleton, sisters of the bride -elect; and Mrs. Stewart' (Middleton. Trousseau. and gifts were shown by Miss Phyllis 'Manning, Mfrs. F. Powell, Mac. Orval Lobb, 'Miss June Middleton, . and Miss Kay Middleton, • Mrs, P. 1Vliddleton assisted in the living room. Miss Helen Videan, Goderich, was hostess at a miscellaneous shower Tor the bride -elect at the former'c home on June 25, when the friends present included a number -of •school teachers with whom the bride -elect berated their 15th wedding annivers- ary on ,Sunday, June 29. They had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. William Neal and daughters • Dora Jean and Loretta, Har.'ristn City, Fa, and Mac. Coranish's uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. William Burnie, Goderich. Miss Helen ,Sbaddoek, 'Olinton, and Mr. 'and Mrs Albert Willert and son Bev., Sarnia, returned on. 'Sunday from a meter trip to Bracebridge and North Bay. Miss Shaddook left yesterday to spena the rest of the week with, her uncle and aunt, Me. and ,Mrs. Harold' .Scnuton, Port Dover. Joha R. Gook, Public School staff, Ingersoll, spent lass: week -with his mother, Mips. Luella Goole and grand- mother, Mrs. William MoClinchey. He left -on Monday to attend S.uim- mer 'School at the University of Western Ontario, London, but plans to spend his 'weelcends at his home here. Includecd in the 1947 graduates of the Faoulty of Medicine, University of Toronto, was Dr. Helen Wasman, daughter of &MIr. -and Mr's. Leslie' J. Warman, Toronto, formerly 'et, Clin- ton. She will be remembered by natal•,) townspeople as, when a child, slue visited here frequently with her patents. Me. and Mrs. W E. Perdue return- ed home Monday might, after attend- ing the .Lions' District "A" Conven- ton in Windsor and visiting relatives inDerri Their DetroitMeh.Thi d Bay City, daughter-, Mrs. Sylvester Tatereynski and child Anne Marie, returned to their Thome in Milwaukee,Wis., after spending several ;months in Clinton. CHURCH DIRECTORY (All times are Eastern Daylight Saving) The United Church of Canada CLINTON UNWED CHURCHES will worship together during the month of July in Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WO0LFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 13 11.00 AMI.—Morning S'ervi'ce "The Prophetic Church." The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered.. 12.1.5 P.M.—Sunday School 7,00 P.M.—Evening Service "The Ready .Man" St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULfiEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremvlin, Organist ,irs, J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SSUN(DAY, JULY 13 10.00 AM—Sunday Scshoo] 11.00 A.M.-Morning 'S'ervice There will ,be no evening service during July and August. Presbyterian REV. D. J. LA,NJ3, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JULY 13 9.45' AIM. --Service at Bayfield 10.00 A,M.—Sunday'Scchool 11.18 AM.—Divine Worship "A Wondlerful Dwelling Place" All Welcome Baptist i 7V. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mss. Ernest 'Aidaans, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JULY 13 Bible ?School 11 AM. Evening Worship 7 P.M. The minister, message will he "when Jesus: wrote on the ground." You and your friends are always invited to attend' the Baptist Catholic the most Catholic 0.Chruroh bo the world. Every member by virtue of their membershp is expected. Pray for a meal revival. Don't dis- appoint your Lord. The district is sorry to learn that Miss .MicClenaghan who bas .taught SO- efficiently at No. 10 is giving up her school. Miss alcOlen'agiran was made the •recipient ,ot a lovely blanket from the school children and the Grade VIS class presented hes with a pair of towells. Morley Tay- lor read' the address and Ruth Woocl- ey presented the blanket while Aud- rey Baird on behalf of the Grade VIII class presented the towels. Miss McGlenagdian made a fitting reply and all sang "She' a Jolly Good Fel- bow, The +trustees 'have engaged Miss ;McBride for the coming year and we welcome her to the district. The following 'students have been successful in passing thei exams at Western Unioversity, George Must- ard, Stewarb 'McBride, Cameron Henry. At Birthday Party A very pleasant birthday party for Mns. Elizabeth Kennedy was ,planned by 'Mrs. A. J. McMurray and took place at the latter's home. A eonsid- erable number of guests assembled and later, when Mrs. Kennedy arriv- ed, to her great surprise she was greeted by the company as they rose and. sang `Happy Birthday". Goocl wishes were then extended and a social 'hour spent. Later, the 'hostess •served a dainty lunch whioh included a beautifully decorated birthday cake. +Mrs. Kennedy expressed her app- reciation and thanked all for their gifts. Later some pictures were taken of the group. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Can- adian Legion will hold its regular meeting in the Legion Home, Mon- day, July 14, at 8.15 pan. All mem- bers are asked to be present. Away TheyGo + Summer Dresses and Sport Togs Substantial. Reductions Marked Clearly on Each Ticket INCLUDED IN THIS SALE ARE— Children's, Misses and Woman's Play Dresses, two and three-piece outfits, Children's shorts, Slacks, and Bathing suits, Misses' and Women's Bathing Dresses, Misses' and Women's Shorts, Slacks, and Beach Capes, DRESSES — A number of Dresses Clearing at One -Half of Original Prices. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER R. V. IRWIN Help Yourself to the Staff of Life Bartlif f's Milk Loaf Phone 1 BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS Sitverwood's Ice Cream Clinton