HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-10, Page 3III!Ill JJ!IlIIl14p1 TI- T.7TSi1YAY, JULY 10, 1947 MINTONNFWS-RECORD SPRING FLOWERS By "PEG,, m.•1•11•1611011110 Is it possible for us to ever tell really to transplant when the weath. er and ground are ,sti table. It may be our home is new and: how pleased we ,etre when' a neighbour offers us his overflow of perennials. Filially our garden is. completed mad daily we walk through the narrow :david- ing paths watching the tiny green sprouts beginning to dhow above the ground. Of course, they need eaxe, wee-dinig and watering but at last through them, lAlt tante some seeds the results of our labor is evidenced. ere planted i!n window boxes ,and'aire If we have ever thus planned a ■HI■III111III■IIIlIIl111l11N111■Illilll■11■111.111■Hl■N!■IMI ENnin!jrrmrwmanu mnnm■IL $1,400 in Purses CLINTON the true value of flowers? It may be we have secured a home of our own: During the winter we have planned the payout of our garden. This is done chiefly through -a win- dow which overlooks ,the plot of ground which we must divide into a vegetable and flower garden. Then the seed catalogues come out and what a joy it is to look HORSE RACES Wed., July 16 • ,• • Classes: 2.17 Pace or Trot . $400 2.22 Pace or Trot . 300 Three-year-old Pace , 400 2.28 Pace or Trot .... 300 All Mile Heats - Trotters Mowed Three Seconds BETTING PRIVILEGES ALLOWED Congo and Enjoy an Afternoon of Real (food Ilarness Racing at CLINT N COLVIUNITY PARK ADMISSION: 60c ancludimg tax] Oars 25c Children 10 years and under, accompanied by parents, 30c, with free admissions to Grand Siband. ar ■ ■ i 1 A 1 2 2 N 2 r 2 i 2 L. W. LAVZS, President A. M KNIGHT, Secretary ez 26-27.28.b ailltlINIII■NiIIIII®IiI■IIi■HIRIII■1 IWill111.111■IIIYII lilllf111■III4IH■III■III■II I■III■111■11I1111110 garden the memory .of it will stay in our fair )Dominion who have no with ,us as long as we :have the regard for God nor for His day, power of :thought. Should we have One' of the officials reeenty made felt this was a waste of time, let .the remark that probably our fall us 'realize that the greatest pleasure would be later and we would have wehave in life is ,obtained by work, the ffulll crop time. We spend so and if we once plan a garden and much time complaining ,about the watch it grow we will never regret weather 'and yet :after all we can it, do •nothing• "about it. Let us put Row ,pleased we are when it is our oust in • our Heavenly time to gather Father.. from g ,the fresh vegetables Let .us read the eighth Chapter• of our garden! We can buy them Genesis which ends with .the verse: from the ,greengrocers or the mar `While the earth remaiaeth, seed ket, but they have not the • same time and harvest, and cold and heat, flavor as' those grown under our and 'summer and ,winter, and day care. Perhaps they have not the and night shall not cease." Can we. same joy for ue as the first flowers. ,doubt ,Glad's word. , Uefontunately, Who of lis can watch the growth there are some who ,believe part of of a garden and believe there is no it and not only doubt brat disbelieve Grad? We often wonder how people . ether parts. We're getting to the state of that belief explain the wonderful where we believe just the ,part which mysteries of nature. suits us and pelta great doubt on At the present time we ase in a pants 'which we would rather not stun posoh overlooking a beautiful 'believe. Take for instance the oft - garden. lin the ceintre there is a discussed story of Jonah and the gold fish pond which it surrounded whale. Oculi the Gad who made by what will later be a large number the world not make a fish big enough of rose 'btishes. In dull bloom, a to swallow Jonah? pear tree a magnoita, and three As we look at flowers we many ch magnificent horse estnut trees, ,times bhnnk these is nothing so have come from bare braivcheg to beautiful in all God's world, unless wonderful foliage and. blossoms. The it be •a dinaset. When a ,patient re- gress in beautifully green. In the eeiives even one flower how happy flower beds the early plants are are the iaesoeietions which it brings. showing their colors. Away in the From ills beauty our minds wander die:tance Lake Ontarin• stretches off teethe loved one, • or the interested into the holiaon. Again, who can friend who hag sent it. If we have look ahnto such a picture ,and believe ever visited their. home 'we can there is no God? visualize the garden from which it ,Sonnetimes flowers come from the was taken, then we go on and ponder clear old district of Auburn and the happy times we have..spent to - Clinton. At this season of the year gether. The different shades in one among them are those beautiful individual flower work in so beauti- ereet Lilies -of -the -Valley. They are fully and ,penfeotly as to make it a indeed some of God's beauties of thing of wonder. In it we can see nature. Wliy God gives these things God?. to us to brighten ,our lives is more Flowers easry 'wtith them a res- t'ban we can fathom. They are among sage of love :and 'also a thought of the millions of blessings which He .symiathy. They bring to us a real- hes so graciously bestowed on us ization of ithe ,goodness of our and yet we take it for granted that Heavenly Father towards us, for if it is our right. We look at the He etalres for the 'flower of the growth of the springtime. If we field' how much more will He care have too much heat we grumble and for us. He mode the flowers in if the rain comes down' and soake order ,that they might • Ming cheer the ground we grumble. This, year to those who ,are well, also to those has been ;exceptional for rain. Marry who are raid aside. have wondered about the crops. It The beginning of many flowers is may be we are imagining ourselves very small. A tiny seed ,planted in. in the same condition as the people God's earth may grow to be a picture of Great Britain and Europe. What of ,beauty, either in shrub, flower right have we to expect more from or ,trees, but •wiehoutt God it would God than they? There are many be nothing. One could go on endlessly writing about flowers and the beauty of na- ture but the most important thing tion us is God's ease over us. Do we !apl eciate it? No, not even the best of :us do not at times forgot Ills great goodness and we fail to thank Hiin for the care which He bestows on us and which we should acknowledge. How disappointed lie must be -ashen we fail to accept Him. What a great love God must have had for us when He sent His :only begotten Eon to die for us, Sohn 3:15 says :nothing about us being worthy ;of His 'mercy towards us. We :are indeed thankful for that, otherwise none of us would ever be able to enter eternity with Him and our loved ones, but Ise does say that "Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." What a wonderful privilege that is for usl Will we throw it carelessly to one tide? The choice is ours. Do we want it or For the Finest Body and Fender Repairs and Re- finishing bring your car to DA.Y'S GARAGE SEAFORTH NO JOiS TOGO SMALL NO JOB TOO LARGE 25-26-27-28-b :Y•J+raFY 447 PAGE THREE! HAYFIELD .111•11.mvogiV Miss ;Stella Burns is staying with Misses A. M. • and E. J, Stirling.. ,Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heim and Patsy, Preston, iMac. William Quirt and daughters, Joan and Elia, ,Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs, William Speed and children, Detroit, were the ,guests of Mrs. Henrys McOlinchey over the weekend. 1VIiss Merle McC'linaohey who ,had bpen visiting her grand- mother; returned to Detroit with cher parents. lA!mongst those who are occupying theilr outages in Lakeside Park are; Mr. and IMac. ]d. Pounder :and cnn, Stratford; Prof. R. K. D. and family, ,London; Mr. and Mrs W. ,Shannon, Toronto; Da. P. G. Beechley and family, Seaforbh; W. Rolfe and Mrs. Cawston, London; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chapman and family,: London. Recent guests at The Little Inn include Ma and Mrs W. W. Stew- art, Janet and Beverley Stewart, Sarnia 'Mi and IMr s O. C. Smith, Hamilton; Dorothy Pow, Toronto; Margaret ,Garlick, Humber Bays; Toronto; Nellie and Velma Fluker, Detroit; Minnie, Lulu and Katherine Schneider, Detroit; :Mr. and :Mrs. R. G. D. .Anderson and Sheila, Mrs. Nash, sun and wife, London; Mr. and Mrs, 1MeGibbons, Detroit; Sadie Hagedon, Port Huron; Alicia Ele- ment, London; Gertrude Stone, Lon- don; Vera lltePherson and Maude Hanson, Windsor. Lions Clean Beach Hayfield Lions Club turned out on Monday evening and cleaned the beach from the pier to the point. They are to be greatly commended for this work as the beach was tittered with brush and debris wash- ed in, following 'the floods earlier in the season. They are busy pre- paring for the Frolic on the evening of July 23. Trinity Guild Meets .A. meeing of the Guild of Trinity Church was held at the home of Mrs. N. • W. Woods on Thursdayevening of last week. The president, Mrs. E. Heard, opened the meeting. The sec- retary's and treasurer's report were read ,and approved. During the business session plans were made to hold a salad plate :supper on July 17 for which Mrs. J. H. Lambert kindly ,offered her lawn. bfra. Lloyd Scotobmer was appointed convenor. It' was also decided to ask the ladies of St. John's Church, Varna, to join the GuiId in a bazaar do we not? Let vs make our choice now. A. moment from now may be too late. "He who Gareth for birds and blossoms:, Frail and fleeting that pass away, :Shall He not ootnnt us of 'much more value', Made in Bis image to live alway? Faithless child of a loving Father, 'Hew munch more' shall your :need be met! Be not anxious - your fears. dismissing, ' Trust :Elie prommise rind cease to treat," • • 13?"07847 Goodyear wivost for your %psis, On ole Gide Pr°Vel u itie'tortuire lestt . . Ana ®n the tb5cId fie 1151 . on ypur rte ok as. rePtacerreent5 N•474.0 '[WHAT is the Torture Test? 'WHAT tires ... a Goodyear . . and another slake... are clamped in running position against a motor -driven drum. The surface of the drum is studded with thick, steel bars. The switch is thrown! 'Round and 'round spins the drum...grind-. ing with equal force against both tires... pounding, punching, pum- melling . 24 hours a day. Simultaneously, both tires are given the same terrific, smash- ing punishment.. Finally, one of therm gives way. But one rolls: on and on! The winner? Test after test dis- closes the same result: Goodyear UTH 011 Y tires are superior in performaice to all others! In addition, Goodyear tires are successfully performance- checked against all others ,on a huge test fleet of cars and trucks. Of course, the final test of Goodyear superiority has been made by millions of motorists like yourself right on their own cars. The result? For 32 consecu- tive years, , Goodyear has been Canada's first choice tire. You don't stay first unless you're best! Put new Goodyear tires on your car. You'll get more mileage ... more safety .. more value for your money. WNND More People Ride On Goodyear Tires Than ON Any Other Kind .i t. "PEG„ BLYTH Mr. •and Mrs, Leslie Hilbert] have sold their property on Mill St., to Ma's. James Woods, Auburn. andl sale of hoanemadeb c al i ng to be held in Malcom Toanit' shop on Aug. net '2. Following the . close of ,the meeting, refreshmnentS were :served by the hostess. Rev • and ;Mrs, Kenneth MI etched, Betty and Karen, Goodalls, Mich., visited with Mr, and Mrs. A. Taylor. Preaches First Sermon Rev. Wilbur J. Rogers preached his first •sermon as minister of the TJnit- ed! Church here Sunday morning. Has theme was "The Task of the Church." The choir sang an anthem with ,Miss plana Wallace, eonba-alto, taping the solo parts. :ountain Heather A New Line by Daggett & Ramsdell COLOGNE - $1.50 BATH POWDER - 1.50 FACE POWDER - - 1.25 SKIN- LOTiON � - 1.00 TALCUM - - - - .85 CAKE MAKEUP - 1.75 LIPSTICK - - - 1.25 SHAMPOO - - - - 1.00 SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER— NEW DRENE - 15c Size Free with 67c Size FOR SUNBURN— TAN JEL UNGUENTINE CALAMINE LOTIOI NOXZEMA • GLYMIEL JELLY ICE MINT KKOVAE SALTS 19c and 79c ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS 59e WAMPOLES GRAPE SALTS ..... , 50e PH o of F. B. PENNEBAKER SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14 LAKEVIEW CASINO • GRAND BEND DANCINGNIGHTLY GORDON DELAMONT and his Orchestra b e t M Ht MIDNIGHTu DANOE—JULY 14th -12.05 3..M. SUNDAY, JULY 13th, 9 P.M, "VARIETY ENTERTAINERS" A free show for young and old; Plan a Sunday at "The Bend" and see these d grand entertainers! THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 9 P.M. Mart Kenney and his Western Gentlemen Featuring his great Royal York Orchestra, heard so often over C.B.C. radio. Listen to Iovely Norma Locke and Kitchener's own Roy Roberts. This is an orchestra you'll enjoy, It's Canada's No. 1 Band: Whether you are a dancer or non-dancer—come out to hear them. Admissitan $1.00 eat BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL IL T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC FIIE59E INSURANOE AGENT Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Albert St. Clinton ARTHUR' E. PARRY COMMISSIONER, ETC., erre. By Royal Warrant H. C. MIR EARRISTER-ATLAW Solicitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner Office: MacKenzie House Hours: 2 to 5 Tuesdays and Fridays CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES, D.C. CHIROPRACTIC. FOOT CORRECTION Huron St. Phone 207 ACCOUNTANCY ERNEST W. BUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 5.7 Moor St. W. Toronto ROY. N.II,I&TL'a0'Y INCOME TAX — (Business, Private or harms Reports B'oolekeaping Sorvioes—(()We,ekly or :Monthly) Typing—(Private or Commercial or 36 Regent St., ''wBoxk). 58, Phone 231J, Goderich, Ont. drirOimmitX....., A. F. COLE, R.O. OPTONLETRIST Byes Exainuned and Glasses Fitted C,Qder i1i Phono 33 ��grmme� m. mmwnrnr.a DENTAL D11. D. C. GETNuS DEN''XST iovett Brock Clinton Noun's: 9-12 east 1.30-6 pan. Telephone 170 MEMORIALS Cemetery Memorials T EKII1D,'E Sc Seat Chasten Shdgr:d&ms t i4san : 'gidaya Zee J. J. Zae,4e, Phone103 AI7CTIONE]EIRING TT LICENSED AUC'TSONe Correspondence promptly answered, Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at Clinton News-•Iteootd or by phoning 203. Cherg'es moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED tin FarmnHosales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties, Prices reasonable, satisfaction guaran- teed. For information, etc, write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. 4, Seafortdr. Phone 14-661. GHT LICNSED AUCTIONEER F Household, farm stock, implements and purebred sales. Special training 'and eer you salleeslience service that is most efficime to ent and satisfactory. Phone 90r22, ilensall. Off w , INSUR,ANCH For Life, Oar, Fire, Sickness and Accident Insurance sec G. D. ROBE]RTON Clinton , EIsENRaMPAFIRANY Head Office, Seaforth OFFICEils, 1847—Pres., Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton R.R, 5; Vice -Pres„ Managerand Secy.-Treas., M. A Redd, Seaforth. DIRECTORS—Harvey Fuller, God- erich, MR, 2 Chris Leonhardt, Brod- hagen; E. J. 1'rewao the Clinton; W. R. As chibald, Sea.torth; Join If. Mc3,wdng, 131ythq Frank McGregor Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton; J. L. Malone, Sea - forth. AGENTS—John E. Pepper, Bruce - field, R.R. 1; Geo. A. Walt, 131yth RR. 1; R F. Mcltercher, Dublin, R,R. 1; J P Prueter Brodhagen. Parties desiring to effect insurance or transact other business will be promp by' attended• to on application• to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. Losses inspected the director riving near- est the point of loss, PISSIOVAIGMMISCS DR. G. S. ELLI TT 4'hoao SOS 'PS`d }RINARI (lEnten