HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-07-03, Page 2?AGE TWO LINTcN NEyP,S-RII »RD Clinton News -Record The Clinton New Era The Clinton News -Record Established 1865 Established 1876 Amalgamated 1924 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT OLLNfrON, ONTARIO, CANADA In the Heart of Huron County An 1mdepentent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District M.EMBFaR: Canadian Weekly Nawspapers Association ' SUHSCREPTION RATIOS: Payable in •advance — Canada and Great Britain: $2 a year; United States and Foreign: $2.50 a ,year. Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa • Advertising Rate and Detailed Circulation, Cards on ReCntest R. S. ATICEY - - - - - - - Editor and Publisher Ontario -Quebec Division, MYNA THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1947 EIGHTY YEARS OLD BUT STILL A YOUNG NATION Cl omfeder'artion of (tile Canadian Provinces was achieved by the British North America Act, which came into effect just 80 years ago,,on Judy 1, 1867. This union was brought about only fter . a long 'straggle in which the genius of compromise played an important part. Canada its Still a young nation—as nations go—with much on Which to look back but even more to which to look forward. . Eighty years sago, our problem was to wrest from the untamed Wilderness, suffi'ci'ent food, clothing .and shelter to keep us ,alive in a rough life !arid hard circum- stances, it is pointed out in the Monthly Letter of the Royal Bank of Canada, the current issue of which deals rather 'exhaustively with the history and future of the nation. Today's great problem is to find uses at home :for the abundance of goods produced in factories formerly busy with war goods, or to find markets abroad in Which to dispose of them. These things are necessary if our :living standard is not to be reduced. They also are ::necessary if other nations, once they have 'settle'd down, `.are not to (become jealous of our natural wealth. We are 'seelcihng a way to make economical use of our resources, spz'eadnng them around the world where they are needed. Canada stands between the grealt and the small .powers --too limited in population to forma menace to 'any nation, even if she were belligerently minded, but too .]highly developed as an Industrial ,and trading nation to rank with the ,small powers. Our ananpower weight is :sight, but our economic weight—not alone because of our natural resources but because of our ability to process them efficiently—entitles us oto a 'seat near the top in world pllaamnling. Canada has made wonderful progress in her 80 years of federation, and has (ah least as good prospects of an equal share of advancement in the next 80 years. She has broken through frontiers of geography and clilinalte and philosophy and custom to reach her present position: today she is leading attempts to breach old- time prejudice 'and selfishness and insularity, so that world economic reconstruction and stability may march Side-by-side with .political eai peace. This country, of ,all in the world, has a good chance to make good in ilts constructive efforts, and in this .Country, if anywhere on the globe, is opportunity: not alone because of the natural resources of which we are so prone to boast, but because here, of all places, there is a sane, balanced wary of l4fe in which to develop nalture's—and our individual—gifts. As the Monthly Letter states, we cannon Took back, this 80th birthday, on the padt as as pageant which calls merely for 'applause and graitifioa>aoun. As the procession of the years passes in review on our National Birthday, each year decked with laurel leaves for achievement and its chaplet Of rosemary for memories, we must not forget that 1947 will take its place in the cavalcade. This year and years :to came must not he unworthy. EDITORIAL COMMENT Thought for Today — It is much easier to be critical than to be correct. Twenty-five years ago. the Town Council passed - a bylaw restricting the Sunday hours of the local cafe to 7 'a.m. to 9 a.m,, 12 noon to 2 p.m., and 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. Today, the (attitude of the townspeople seems to be just the reverse. Get Brand New GOOD EAR TIRES Today! REG. BALL, Quality is built into every Goodyear tire. The finest materials ... the skill of long' experience , .. are combined to create a tire that gives you more miles of safe, carefree service for every dollar you invest. Get the most for your money— drive in today for brand new Goodyear$• ��YOUR E GCOODA'DEALER Shell Service REG. BALL Phone 5 CLINTON, Ont. NOTICE TO FARMERS Mr. Dave MacKenzie has been appointed "FARM TRADE AGENT" for Imperial Oil Ltd. in the Townships of East Wawauosh, Morris, Mullett and Goderich FOR ALL YOUR PETROLEUM REQUIREMENTS PHONE Blyth 137-2 Clinton 803-31 Goderich 232 DOMINION OF CANADA SAVINGS BONDS The 1946 Series Bearing Interest at 23/.% MATURING NOVEMBER 1st, 1956, IS STILL AVAILABLE TO THE LIMIT OF $2,000.00 PER INDIVIDUAL PRICE: -100 and Accrued Interest • WE SUGGEST TO ANY NOT HOLDING THE FULL MAXIMUM TO CONSULT .OUR REIPRIEISENTATWR :A;GENT: W. J. PLUMSTEEL - CLINTON - Phone 201 JENNINGS, PETRIE & Co. Ltd. Huron and Erie Bldg., London, Ont. 2'7-28-b BRUCEFIELD Plans are being made to hold the annual Strawberry Festival at the. church on Friday, July 4. Following' the,supper the choir will repeat their play "Happiness ,Ahead" which has been very well received both at home and several places throughout the county. Brueefield United Church was well filled on Thursday evening for a splendid concert ,given oy George Lethbridge, organist and. chow - master of St. Paul's Cathedra, LOP and some of his boy chorister i and other assisting aruasts. The r'st'- gramme was very pleasing to all renewal' tastes containing numbers of Troth seearlar and sacred nature Pro- ceeds were for the new Hammond. organ which Mr. Lethbridge played both for accompaniments and organ sel'ections. GODERICH eTOWN SIIIP Mr. and Mrs. Fred .'Middleton and Mas. James Johnston visited, Mrs, T. J. Salkeld, Lucknow, on Friday. Miss Elizabeth •Middleton, student at University of Western Ontario) London, was successful in obtaining her Third Year with second • class honours. s'. CLINTON AND DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A general meeting of members of Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce, will be held in TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBER Tuesday, July 8 AT 8 P.M. for the purpose of receiving reports of committees and consideration of other business. G. R. FOSTER, B. B. POGKLINGTON. President Secretary -treasurer 21-b ■ .HIT THE ROAD THIS HOLIDAY! Spend your vacation in the open, whizzing over scenic highways, picnicking in some out-of-the-way treasure . corner of nature. Pack the whole family into the auto. BUT BEFORE YOU DO — See that your car is running perfectly by having it checked for LUBRICA- TION; TIRES, RADIATOR, BATTERY, MOTOR TUNE- UP. Murphy Bros. Garage Huron at Orange Hudson and Willys SALESPHONand E S405EICE RV Clinton a A Few Good Strawberry Pickers WANTED Apply F. W. ANDREWS • PHONE 33—CLINTON 26tfb ■ Notice to Owners or Harbourers • of Dogs in the Township of Tuckersmith Owing to the excessive damage being done in the killing of poultry by dogs running at large in the Township of Tucker - smith, the Municipal Council requests the co-operation of the rate- payers in curtailing such damage. It is suggested that owners keep dogs tied from sunset to sunrise and under proper control at all tithes. ' If such co-operation is not forthcoming, it will be neces- sary for the Council to enforce Sec. 9. Part 2, of the Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, RS.O 1937, which provides that any person may kill any dog (a) which is found killing or injuring livestock or (b) which in a township or village is found between sunset and sunrise straying from the premises where the dog is haibitually kept or (c) which is found straying at any time and not under proper control where livestock are habitually kept. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk 25-2.6-27-b For Your Electric Household Needs Stop At Westinghouse - Radios - Appliances EVERY HOUSE NEEDS WESTINGHOUSE Clinton Electric Shop WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS T. W. CORNISH PHONE 479 RES. 358 For Your Vacation Have Your Car Washed and Polished by experts Inkley Service Station Bill Inkley, Prop. Phone 784 Clinton Your Radio will be repaired promptly and efficiently at DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH 26-26-27-28-b THE TOT SHOP ONTARIO STREET Clinton's Now Store Exclusively fos' INFANTS AND PRE-SCH0[06 AGES FREE BABY BOOK 'For Babies Born in Clinton Hospital The Month of July Nina Inkley Ethel Cooke Our time -tested Experience relieves you of all troublesome details The Beattie Funeral, Home (An institution fox Community Service) Good Old Summer Time Calls for Care * * First Aid Supplies — Sunburn Creams Mosquito Repellants — Comfort Powders etc. ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS — 59 cts. W. S. R. HOLMES YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE. THAT 44 INCOME TAX SAYING MONEY •IN THE. BANK... • NEXT pay-day your pay cheque will be bigger ... because the re- duction in your income tax will be effective. Think of that increase as a raise in pay—as money in your pocket. Whether your income is $2,000 or $20,000, it's something extra to use in your own design for living. For some people it's going to mean more money to spend—an easier time in personal financing. That's good for most of us. But is that all? Not for the wise ones. Wise folk won't let all that money slip through their fingers • . . Some will save 10%—some 50% ... and some will save it all. Plan your finances now for 1947 • . figure out your tax saving and see that a good lump of this money yoac Pee SHS in your packet is labelled "money in the bank". For many people that's goiag to mean "money in My Bank." .. . where more than a million Cana- dians—sound citizens who know what saving means -do their per- sonal financing. You will be very welcome in this good company. I Sofae 411444 Ape et, „ Don't just leave your income rax saving with the rest of what you have re- maining after pay-day. You're apt. to lose•track of it too easily. If you're wise you'll open a special savings account for it and do •a real dollar -building job. Call it your "Income Saving Account" and make it live up to its name. Later, you'll be glad you did :: : you'll be able and ready to buy those ' things you want most. It's an opportunity to start saving really systematically, and a B of say. ings account will help you. Open one at your nearest branch today. •'9>i.;.�,.,e:; Har .fj�•fr j . { BANK !O MONTREAL "MY BARK!, tp A NII1/0N CANADIANS Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday -- e WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1811 0075