HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-26, Page 6PAGR tlX CLINTON aTENVS-IlECORD TI1U131SODAfar, JUNE 26, 1947 Interesting Items From News -Record's Rural Correspondents NEWS OF BAYF1ELD Representative Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 Miss,- Jean Sturgeon, Preston, was home over the weekend. Miss A. Pernelte, Detroit, is at her cottage for the •season. KISS Janet 1Vaanson left Friday to nend a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Aikenhead, Lon - were at their cottage over the weelcend. Mr, and Mfrs. R. Bauer and family, • Waterloo occupied their cottage over the weekend. Misses A. and A. Drouin, rfafX0i1", are at their corbtage, "mu Crest," for the season. Mr. and Mrs. El J. Bauer and fain- ily, Waterloo, were at their cottage over the weekend, Mas. Raby and Roberta, Detroit, are occupying a cottage in Jewett's Grove for the season. M. and Mrs. Hayman and family, Lordon, tine ooeupying W, 1VIeVittle's cottage in Jewertt'e Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwaxds, London, spent Sunday with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. T. C. Bailey. Williaa-n P. Blucher/earn, Dunnville, visited his eister, •Mrs: N.W. Woods, The Hut, over the weekend. Misses M. and J. Mellor and, Miss Jessie Metoale, Detroit, are at the r holne in the village foe- the summer. Revs and Mrs. P. 11. Paull,. Lisa were sub their eatbage sn the village on Thursday anct Friday. Mr. and Mrs, El. C. Fitzgevald, Kitchener. were at their 'summer licane on the Elliott survey over the weekend. • air: and Mrs, Ken Bares land Mr. and. Mrs. Williaan Thompson, St. Marys, are 'spending ten datm in Jowett'e Grove. M. J. M. Atkinson, Si. Clear Shores, spent the weekend with Mrs. Atkinson and Manion, win) have been here for a fcatnight. Miss Florence Cuninghame, -Clin- ton, and Charles A. Lyall, Toronto', were weekend geests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Oinneghaele• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter 'and three obildiren, •and Mrs. A. Cook, London, were at their summer home "Shore Acres" over the weekend. Me. and Mrs. H. Lamen and Christine, Pert Elgin, were with Mrs. 1VieLaren'a sisters, Misses A.M. and ES. 'atirlings over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Baker and amity, MINS6 Viotor Burt and family, --"eases•-•••••••seseeee.„.,,, Notice to Owners or Harbourers of Dogs in the Township of Tuckersmith Owing to the excessive damage being done in the killing of poultry by dogs running at large in the Township • of Tucker - smith, the Municipal Council requests the co-operation of the rate- payers in curtailing such damage. It is suggested that owners keep dogs tied from sunset to sunrise and wader proper control at all times. If such co-operation is not forthcoming, it will be neces- sary for the Council to enforce See 9. Part 2, of the Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, R.S.O. 1937, which provides that any person may kill any dog (a) which is found killing or injuring livestock or (b) which in a township or village is found between sunset and sunrise straying from the premises where the dog is habitually kept or (e) which is found straying at any time and '• not under proper control where livestock are habitually kept. E. P. CHESNIN, Clerk 25-26-2'7-b 11 11 A Complete Canvass of Clinton and Surrounding Country is being carried on this month for a MAMMOTH SALE OF HOUSEHOLD. EFFECTS to be auctioned of in Clinton Lions Arena (PROCEEDS FOR HOSPITAL AID) Sept. 25-26-27 Please meet the canvassers with a ST. ANDREW'S WARD Mrs. Mrs. ST. JAMES' WARD . Mrs. Mrs. ST. JOHN'S WARD Mrs. Mrs. II ST. GEORGE'S WARD . Mrs. • • Mrs. COUNTRY Mrs. CONVENER donation land a smile. J. A. Sutter B. B. Pocklington C. H. Veinier (Dr,) 11. McIntyre A. Matthews C. U. Epps A. M. Knight W. N. Robinson C. Sturdy Miss 1Vinnifred O'Neil 26-b n o=o=====o1=to2 Liono o=cn 0 You Can't Find It Anywhere Else! Week in, week out The NIEWS-RECORD brings you local and district news, news of your club, your ;church, your friends. That news just isn't 'available 'anywhere else! If you're Ione of the few who are not getting The NEWS -RECORD every week, drop into the office, Two dollars buys you 52 issues. ($2.50 in USA). P. S. — Our advertisers Snly The NEWS - RECORD brings them real returns for their in- vestanent, Have you found out the low cost? Clinton News -Record ALBERT ST. PHONE 4 GODERICH TOWNSHIP eseeseseaseassase........ Miss Jacqueline Chaff is visiting her mint, MTS. Alf Scolichnser, Hann. ilton. Mr. and •Mt•s, fired Wallis and children and Mr. and Mrs, E. J. We/sh visited On Sunday 'with •111r and Mrs. Arthur Welsh. Miss Catharine ,and Master David Welsh have been with their grand- parents, llae. and MTS. Oliver Welsh, for •the past three weeks Mies Helen Welsh ands Mr, John Wilson spent the weekend with Mr. lend Mae. Oliver Welsh. Mr, end Mrs, Gamanage, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Osiloaldeston end Ronald, of Godeeich visited at the ,home of Mr. and Mus. Robert Smith on Sun- day. Mr. and Mao. 'Stewart Middleton spent Sundaly with_ Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brown, Brantford. London, were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. 1V. Baker over the weekend. Mr, cued d Mrs, Lloyd Edighoffer an ocoupied their cot- tage over the weekend, Mr. Edighef.- for has opened The Wo -ellen IShap for the .seananer season. Mrs. R. J. Watson and Master Edward Watson, Broadview, 'Salsas, arrived -on Thursday to spend Lame time with her mother, MTS. P. A. Edwards. George Bell event several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, pelt The S.S. "Quedoc," on which he is sailing is in aryclock at Col for repairs, Misses M. and It. Eruke, Dearborn, axe 'arb their home on Main Street wheat, they purchased arora the Al E1. Elwin Estate and have bad renovated. Guests at the home of Mas. L. G. Baesett last week were: Mae. Geo. Davison. MTS. Roy Davison, Wood- stock; Bill Butt, London; Miss Mild- red Butt, Ypsilanti; John Hertiey, Munro, Mich. -Squadron Leader Debnis, RAP, of R. -and O. Sehool, Clinton, with Mrs. Dennis and IIVIastere Rodger and Bruce spent a recent weekend in Bayfield. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Goddon •Cuningliame. Mrs, , A. •Suppnick and danghter, Holley Louise, relearned to Detroit on Monday after having spent •sev. ea al days at "Holley Lodge," with the former's another, Mao. S. Holley, who accompanied them -to the vil- lage and remained fiaf the season. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eckensevil. ler, daughter Audrey end son Buten, Stratford; Mr. •and Mrs. Walter Les- ter and. baby, Port Huron, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Russel York, and baby, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bit- bacic, Clinton; were the guests of Mr. and Mae. Edward Sturgeon on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. Oc Hughes and MTS. Hughee, Sr, and Bill Caartier, Detroit;ivr 1_1%. and Mas. 1. Traaner. Mr. and MTS. Roy Tremor mid D'avid, Kitchener, and their guests, Mr. .and Mrs. A. Magee and family, Wateadoce Mr. 'and Mre. Clark Daly and daughters, Loralon, occupied cottages inn Jo-wet:Vs Grove over the weekend, Attended Banquet Rev. LMorgan, J. It Lambert, Maynard •Corme, Willioun MeDool, Charles Gemeinhard, Leslie Elliott, LtloydIStotehmer, and William E. Parker attended the Deanery of Huron Laymen's Banquet in St. George's Church, Goderich, on Thurs- day evening of last week. A. E. Vanstone Surprised A. E. Vanstone was greatly sea prised on Sunday, June 22, when four 'automobiles from London drove up to his home to serenade him with birthday greetings and numerous useful gifts. They tendered him a birthday dinner 'and supper which was held in Clan Gregor Square. Those present included, his four daughters 'and their families — Me. and Mrs. °hares Ritchie •and two children, Douglas and Joy; Me. and Mao. -Clayton Storey and two bays, Myron and Dyri; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- iam Marion and son Paul; Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and rbwo daughters, Elaine and Maxlene; his sister and hi.' huebarnd,. am% and Mrs,. E. B. Hale; his niece, 'Miss Hilda Ring, all of London, anal a great-niece, Mrs. Alvin Diabot, Mr. Ducat and two sons, Fred and Kenneth, Godetich Township. The day was filled with pleasure from beginning' in end' for Vanstone. IF YOU DRIVE OVER 30 MILES A HOUR YOU NEED THEY TURN BLOWOUTS INTO SLOW LEAKS WM/ IFWVAROS LIFEGUARD Ordinary tuba has but one air clamber. If tire blows, tube blown too. • INSTANTLY both Lire and tubo go frequently throwing our out of nootrol. 1 The ,bileCitinni Eta air elianilan, If tiro blows only oaf, &umber 'flail on, LI CIOCUASO in' Id Air in 2 -ply rosemn air oltainbar nupporla • oar for a galb, gi a - dual doll. SEE US l'ObAY ABOUT rffi‘,„ mich, Presbyterial president, who Rla911.1, gEtii4 ftta gave a oplendid account of the synod- .' teal meeting held in ,Srtratford April m R., fry James A. atearson ant Mao. B. Es go 14 t9 10. Pponowesg. semi:satires% aerie S. G. NICHOLLS S.G. Nieholls, of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Clompany of Canada, Limited, who has teen appoitted Manager of the Mechanical Rubber Goods Department. He bas returned to full time duty with the Company from the Rubber Control Division at Ottawa where, for some time past, he bee sowed as Deputy Rubber Con- troller. In thio important office, Mr. Nicholls rendered invaluable service to the Government and to the Canad- ian robber industry, 0—.—. TUCKERSMITH Ladies' Club to Meet Tuckeeernith Ladies' Club will hold a special ehildreree meeting en Thur- sday, July 3, on Mac. Fear's lawn, Clinton. The roll eall will be "The talent of the person to msr right." The eticial eommittee charge of the programme. A. pot luck supp- ef will be eerved, HENSALL Good Sale Prices The auction sate of the late Mrs. Centelon was held Saturday last and was very successful, splendid prices being eealized. The property was sold for $2,200 to Thomas Riebardson. Ed. Corbett was auctioneer. - Decoration Service Hensall-Exerter Branch of the Can- adian Legion, and the IOOF will held decoration services Sundese July 6. They will meet at the cenotsph at 2 p.m. sand then proceed to Hensel]. Union and MeTaggarias Cemetery to decorate the graves. Annual. Picnic The choir of the United Church will hold a Mcrae Wednesday, Jnly 9 to Tturnbull's Grove. Each member is ,asked to bring members of their families 'with them. The congrega- tion and Sunday School of St. Paul's Anglican 'Church will hold their an- nual picnic on the ehureh Imes, Wednesd-ay, July 2. Herman Wins At the ball game played at Staffa Friday evening last, Masan were the winners with a mole of 12-5. Pitching for HensaR were Ivan Kip- fer and Donald joynt, -while Bert Beaton caught—Roo S•taffa. Carter Kerslake pitched and E. Kerslake was catcher. Between 150 and 200 fans witnessed' a real good- bland of basebalL Successful Anniversary Annivereary services were observ- ed in the United Church, Sunday, June 22, 'large congregations were present. The &larch was lovely with summer flowers, and the vest apeaker, Rev. A. B. Irwin, James St, United Church, Exeter, delivered two inspiring sermons. Rev. P. A. Ferg- uson, minister of Carmel Presbyterian Church, assisted with the evening service'their service withdrawn in ir favotof this anniversary. The large choir was under air:ft-ton of S. G. Ronnie, with Mise Greta Lanimie at the organ console. For their morn- ing anthems the -choir rendered "Hark, H•ark, My Soul," •and "The Seraphic Hymn," soloists were Mrs. Russell 13roclerick, Mrs. Hugh avfo- Ewan, Mrs, Mame Hemen, Mr. Ren- nie rendered -a olo, "Consider the Lilies." Pot' the evening selections anthems •sang were "Send out Thy Light" and "Tel iTy Fathers House, soloists, Miss Florence 'Welsh, T. J. Sherritt, S. G. Remade. Me. Carey Joynt rendered a solo "The Lost Chord," (Intended for last week) Auxiliary Picnic The laminas lawn•s the home of Mrs. E. IShaddick provided a lov- ely setting for the annual .Evening A.uxiltiary pionic, which event was held Wednesday afternoon, June 11, with many mothers 'and childeen, members •and ,guests, in attendance. Mies Jena Brandon •and Miss tuna Kinder, spoets committee, arranged the following entertainme•nt, A de - Haloes plena luncheon was enjoyed preceeding the sports. Running pace, ,six to seven years old, •Connie Corbett; three-legged race, ten years and 'older, Jean Lave ender, Margaret Stephan; five years and under race, Stevie Kele; hopping race, 8-9 years old, Bob Lavery; kick treasure hunt • winners, Audrey the slinpeas Miss Barbara Michie; Walsh, Judy 'Shatidick, Gordon Lav- ery, Orion Stephan. WMS Birthday The sal-mei/nom of Carmel Pres- byterian Church, -lovely •with ,profus- ions of spring flowers, was the sea. ting Thursday afternoon, June 12, for the annual birthday panty of the Woman's Missionary • Society. Mrs. 0. S, Hudson was in the chair and openecl the meeting with Psalm 19 "The Lora is my Shepherd)," using the eld eovenanters' tune. Mrs. Mc- Kenzie lea in prayer, and the Serie- tulle lesson P,salan 91. was read by MTS. L D. Cameron. Mrs. ,Simpeora Exetee, (the &Mar MiSS Dorothy Deters, Hensall, contributed a lovely vocal ,solo "My Cathedral," Mrs. Malcolm Dougall accompanying at the piano. Mrs. Hudeon intro -diked eh.e guest speakee, ,Mrs. Gordon Biesebt, God - 00 wards leo-vest a hearty vote of thanks S FE" TUBES to Mao. JB. contributed a pleasing solo composed by a lady 94 years' of age. whom Mrs. Bonelerom REG. BALL, at whilp vacationiaag in Floridas IVIes, M. Dougall w,ae her n- Rill TELEPHONE COMPANY Shell Service Clinton, Ontario sat, The closing beano "0 ally %v. tray Liated" and the Lord's Prayer. OF CANADA Phone 5 essa eseaaseaseess seeeed, 6 • szer/ztameemmanzno./.3,,xstravia.1106.1221/11111BANI LONDESBORO Me. and tallee. Piokete•Clintori, call- ed on -Mrs. Nellie Watson on Sunday. air. and Mrs. Harvey Welle visited with Mies. Elizabeth Mains on Sun - Feed Johnston has returned home after visiting his sister in Cleveland. I d Bert Lyon, Binserath, Mane is visit ing his se:resins an and mound Lona- arrdl alars. William Wells and Douglas visited with ale, and Mrs, Robert Yowngblett •on Sunday. . •Me. and Mass. George Etiobardlson, Hullett Council Orders Payments • Hulled Township Council, aat its June meeting, authorihed payment et the following: Account&e-Gemge W. Cowan, part salary, $70; Ray Tyndall, rebate -on telephone $12; Min:taloW a' orld, supp• :'os, '210.19; Provincial Trot:sus- ea, :n.• 11:u 34 el; Beseard Tighe, snow, $4.50; Frank Flynn, snow, $4.50; Samuel Spencer, snow, $4.50.; RayenontL Pinch, snow, $4.50; Joseph Quigiery, snow, $4.50; Jacik Medd snow, $4.50; Lloyd •Medd, snow, $4.50; Wes. Vodden, washout, $1.50; Sidney Doi -mage, snow, 412; Glen Carter, road repulse $1; George Elliott, road repair, $180; Oliver Wright, road lights, $13.10; Wan. Livingston, road lights, $9.25; E J. 'Crawford, road lights, $2; Bert llunking, road lights, $2; William Carter, road 'sup:mire tendent, $00.60; George Radford, snow and washout, $270; Kenneth Rapson, washout, $1.50; Aathur Wey- mouth, grader operator, $126; Geo. Aberohant, gravel, $15.60; ,ThIhn, Bach, grader repair, 0.30; Armoo Metal Co., sewer pipe, $163.06; George Goode, oil, $1.90; Gordon Radford', gas, oil and repairs, $107.57. For the Finest Body and Fender Repairs and Re- finishing bring Your ear to DALIPKGARAGE SEAFORTH NO JOB TOO SMALL NO JOB TOO LARGE 25-26-27-28-b We know . being team captain has its responsi. hilities. But when you're rounding up your team, will you try not to make too many calls at oneer Remember -some. grown- up niay need that party Inc in a hurry. ... Thanks a lot! PARTY LINE COURTESY IS CATCHING... putting it into practice on every call you make is your hest guarantee that others will do the • sante for you. 1. Keep calls brief. 2. Space our calla 3. Give right-of-way to urgent calla 0a22110,11 and Donald, Se, Thomas, called on Miss Bina Ifiric oss Sunday, Miss •Marilvn IShaddiolc, Clinton, is .ispending ar few days with her grandmother Mrs, Tom Pari"rservice, Mrs. William talon mut Miss Bina Kirk left on Monday foe a two months' vacation in Vietoria and VemeolaVerr. Mr. and Mos. •Straughn and Bobbie, Goderich and Oliver Lamson, Auburn visited Mae and Mae. Willis 1VIoune- ain on Sunday. Undergoes Operation The friends and neiglibiusas ora Tam Fahaervice wish him a speedy treoov• ery after having undergone an oper- ation .in the Clinton Public Hospital •on •Saturday. NEW TIRES lst Quality 4 -Ply TRANS -CANADA List Your Size Price Cost 440-450/21 ..... 13.90 11.15 475-500/19 ..... 14.70 12,25 475-5091/20 . 15.25 12,20 525-550/12 17.60 14.10 525-5501177 19.35 15.50 600/16. ,. 21.55 17.25 We Do Vulcanizing MOTOR OILS! ONEIDA 5 -gal: sealed $5.55 SPITFIRE 5 -gal. sealed $4.55 'MOM 5 -gal. sealed $3.55 Frank A. Callow. PHONE 599 14 NORTH ST. Goderich, Ont. 26-p Cream Producers During the present busy season, have our truck call and pick up your cream. Just call 580 Clinton, and we will be pleased to send our truck. Our paying price this week is 54 cents at your farm. Clinton reamery CANADA PACKERS LTD. 14, A Few Good Strawberry Pickers NTE ;-e• Apply F. W. ANDREWS PHONE 33—CLINTON 26tfb (1 ..... llllllllllllllll 1 llllllll (111/1(11//11 llllllllllllll //m1111111111 llllll (111111111/1 llll FOR SALE ONE 60 -WATT AMPLIFIER — 25 -Cycle, with built-in Phono motor and pickup; complete with speakers and cone Projectors and Microphone. ALSO 20 -WATT, A.C. D.C., 6 -VOLT D.C., 11.0 -VOLT, 25 -Cycle Amplifier and Speakers and Cone !Projectors and Microphone. B. R. MUNDAY RADIO AND SOUND PlIONE 598 — GODERICH Suitable for Hall, Skating Rink or Outside Use, etc. etc. 26.b 1 American Oil Company will help erect suitable Service Stations in your community. Interested persons write giving full particulars to BOX "S", CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. 24 -2a -26-b I 110 1 1111111111111110111111111 000111111 111 111 bilionum lll 11111110 ji 0110 S • ' e•ssaie- DETROIT'S 'FIRST" IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT. QUALITY In the !leapt of the downtown, office, theater, tad shopping area. Friendly, courteous service to make your stay -in Detroita pleasant memory, The Teller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel- lent Food modestly priced. The Hotel Tuller, Detroit's largest, is the ploce to stay. V I s o u R Cocktail ,Couve , ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM $275 Rotel "Culler FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK o, HARRY F..0112 EN Manager ',t tOIlj "l5 )11111""