HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-26, Page 5''I HUS2,5DAY, JUNE 26, 1947 OLINTGN N'EWS-RICOILD j'Gl�lrr PAGE FIVF1. News Record CASH RATE—(If 'paid by Wed- eineedayfollowing date of insertion) ',One cent a word first insertion (Dun - mum 30 cents); subsequent inser- ' leans, one cent •a word (minimum 25 cents); 10 dente- extra for box num- ber or for directing to NEWS- ' .RECORD Office. IF OHAIRGEID 20 cents extra. , DEADLINE -9 pan., Wednesday. FOR SALE ,,'SMALL COOKSTOIVEy $9. Phone 9.1, 26-b COLLAPSABLE BABY ,STROLLER, Phone 216, Clinton. 26-p CHILD'IS FOILDIING GO-CART, con- venient fou one, Phone 176. 26-p :8'RU'!ST AND WOOD' ISIx-FOOT mower, Apply Bert Irwin, phone 61 ern. , 26-p • 'OLIVER TWO -FURROW S'cuffler with bean puller attachments. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 901r15. Albert E. Bond. 26-b 'TWO WINDOWS, 15 LIGHTS, 12" x 16"; two windows, same height, ten rights; one set double store doors; --one large piano box. Apply Mrs. N. ''W. Woods, Bayfield, phone Clinton 03'1x3'1. 26-x AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1928 PONTI!AICSEIDAIN, IN FAIR condition and four• good tires. Priced :for quick sale. Box "G': NEWS -RE - 2 6 -p CABIN TRAILER, WIRED AND insulated, 16x600 'tires, covered by fire insurance. Apply at Horner's ',Garage. 26-p '1936 'CHIEVROiLET Coach, standard. motor :newly overhauled, new clutch, rear end, •baitteay and one new tire, ;the rest fair. This ear can be seen "Saturday evening. Apply Box "H" NEWS -RECORD. 26-p 1937 DODGE COACH, in good con- dition every way; low mileage, :hot waster Metter. Reason for selling, have one ear too .many. Can be seen from 7 to 12 am, Price $750. Box "B", NEWS -RECORD. 26-27 7 •p PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO STOREY BUILDING, 12'x30'. Apply Frank Glew, Clinton, phone 355 j. 26-p COMFORTABLE FIVE-R9C1VI Cot- eitage, small barn and hen hone, good garden, on Albert Sit. .Apply Box M" NrEW'S'-RECORD. 26-27-p ''GiRIASS FARM, 100 ACRES, Lot 21, Conees'sion 7, Hullett. Apply Norman Ball, Clinton, phone 236, or Fred 'Lawson, 578 Icing .St. 1r., Toronto, 1. 26-27-28-29-b 'TEN -ROOMED FRAME house on 'George St., ,Seafoath, freshly painted lin first class condition. Contains upetaiRs iapairtment consisting of four rooms and ;bath; diawns!tairs has hared- -weed floors and all conveniences; 'furance and bath 'almost new. Mrs. Alex Stirling, Seariortih, 26-p Classified Adlets Brig Quick des :a ��s WANTED WELL TO. BE DUG—Would like a well dug at my farm home. W. H. Johnston, No. 8 Highway, five miles west of Clinton, phone 90142; Clin- ton, 25-26-P HOUSE WANTED HOUSE WANTED IN Beticefield er Iiensall. Cash proposition. Write Box "S" 1'87 S-RED:ORD. 25-•26-p PROPERTY FOR RENT AT LANE 0''P +RIS BEACH, three miles noaibh of Bayfield! on Lake Huron, new Iurni'shed two beda'oom cottage,.available by the week or loisger, en ;and (after. July 19th. Apply to Althea' Welsh, RR. 2, Bayfield!, phone 906r34, Clinton. 26-x ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED FOR FIRST of September, room .and board for lady High School teacher. ;'bone 93 (St. Paul's Rec- tory), 25-32-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2.1 LITTLE PIGS 710111 SALE. Apply Feed Wallis, Phone 909r33, Clinton. 26-27-p ELEVEN CHOICE PIGS, SEVEN' weeks old. .Apply Joe Postill, phone 906x23,"Clinton. 26-p MISCELLANEOUS "YOU'LL WAJLK ALONG ON happy feet, when corn or callous with Lloydte you treat." Lloyd's Corn Salve — 50e art Pennebaker's Drug Store. 26-6 WANTED TO BUY—Old horses anti dead 'animals, siutable for mink geed. If .dead, phone at once. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21 or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderi'o'h. 25-btf ASTHMA SUe li ERRERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep'without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St, S., Hamilton. • 28-tfb FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME with Blown Rockwool Insulation; perman- ent fire -proof, more comfort with less fuel, modern equipment and ex- perienced crews. For free estimate and terms phone NEWS -RECORD, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 2btfb NOTICE WILL TAME IN OLD PEOPLE; needing a home, or those convalesc- ing; nursing care provided. Mrs. Dabs, R.R. 1, Londesiboro, phone 27r5, Blyth. 23-btfb ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots 41, 51, Tuckersmith Township, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by Order of the Own- er, A, E. Parry. May tri, 1947. 24-25-26.27-p WANTED TO BUY ICE BOXES, ANY CONDITION. Write or phone C. Woods, second hand store, 12 East St., Goderich, phone Goderioh 242j. 24sbtfb as 4 7/< I elc age! Pre -Holiday Suggestions Schools close thig weekend for the summer season. If you plan on loading up the family car and hitting the holiday trail, why not do it comfortably? Drop in and see our SUMMER WEAR for Men and Boys. SPORT SHIRTS and SLACKS or a Matched Slack Suit are tops for your summer wardrobe. BATHING SUITS are a MUST, all sizes from 2 to 42. T Shirts and Shorts make a smart outfit for casual or beach wear. CANVAS SHOES for knock -about wear. Kiddies! .lust arrived a shipment of kiddies' play overalls in cool cotton, just right for summer wear. see them today. (open Wednesday andrnhtgs) Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott -McHale Shoes PHONE 25 CLINTON Town of Clinton ---Taxes First Instahnent of 1947 Taxes must be paid by • 12 o'clock noon, MON., JUNE 30 If not so paid, arbitrary penalty. directed by -bylaw ander. statote, is %a per cent per month or' portion thereof. (Si'gne'd)—J. W. MANNING, Tac Collector. 26-b ■ wl GREEN CROSS Products Modem Protection Against Insect Pests — Fungus Diseases— Weeds "garden Guard" Pump Guns , , . each 50c Bug Killer 5 lbs. 30c 2-4-D Weed Killer for lawns HAWKINS HARDWARE BIRTHS CIA111TWIR7IGOIT — In Clinton C'mn- munity Respite", on Tuesday, June 24, 1947, to efr, and Mrs. Cele' !Cantwriglht, Lon ds boro, a son. CAIAfPWRRI(GIl•I1T In Clinton U'om- an nityl Hosppltal, on (Saturday, June 21, 1047, to SIr. and Mgrs. Ray 'Cartwright, Clinton, a daughter. HOINEGGREIR—lhi Clinton Commun- ty Hospital, on Friday, June 20, 1947, to Fit. Sgt. and Mrs. Walter Honegger, R.R. 5, Clinton, a'soak, (Gary John), ,SOA'NLOIN--,In Clinton Community Hospital, .on Tuesday; June 24 1947, to Mo. and Mrs. James Scam Ion, Lonclesbono, a soar. MARRIAGES MER'RILL-TYNDALL—.At the home of ,the bride's patents, R',10 3, Clinton, oat Saturday, June 21, 1947, by Rev. W. J. Woolti e 3, Lulea •Eliy(abeitln; second ¢laughter• of ,Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tyndall, to John 1Sanmel, youngest son of Mr, and Mxs, Ira Merrill, R, R. 2, Clinton. S iv ELL-MoC'ALL—Qtuietl y; a ii; Aub- urn, on Saturday, June 21, 1947, by Rev. Harold. J. Snell, Harriet Letitia, youngest daughter of W Ham McCa11, and the late Mrs. McCaul, Walton, to Harry, elder son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Snell, Londesboro, DEATHS 1VFILLER—tA.t his home, Clinton, on Wednesday, June 25, 1947, Robert James Miller, in . his 87th year. Funeral from his late residence. King 'St., Friday, Juane 27, at 2430 p.m. to Clinton Cemetery, (SMITH —• 7nr Blyth, on RSssturday, June 21, 1947, Alonzo P. W. Smith, beloved !husband of Ruby D. Gib- son', in his 80th year. Funeral to Blyth Union Cemetery June 23. a OBITUARY ALONZO P. W. SMITH The funeral! took ;place Monday afternoon, June 23, from his late residence to Blyth Union Cemetery of Alonzo P. W. !Smith, one of Blyth's oldest 'busdness mon, who died unex- pectedly of a heart seizure on June 21 in his 80th year. He had suffered from a heart condition for ;almost a year. Deecased was born in Norfolk County iln February 13, 1878, a son of the late Elbridge Clinton Smith and Mary Agar Smith. About 1914 the family purchased' the Jacobs farm, two miles east of Blyth, on tho East Wawanosh boundary, where they resided until 1032 when ,they retired to Blyth, purchasing a home on Dinsley S;t, ,Mr, Smith was a machinist rind plumber. He was a member of the Blyth fire depart - 'rent for 14 years and .acted as fire chief for a number of "years. He was a member of the United Church, In 1936 Mr. Smith was married to Miss .Ruby D. Gibson of Blyth who survives with .one brother, Olin - toe E. Smith, Seaforth and one sis- ter, Mrs. L. (Gertrude) Butt, Kippen. Gordon R. Hearn OPTOMETRIST Will be at the home of Mrs. B. C. Hearn Mon., June 20 until Wed. noon, July 2 PHONE 69 25-26-b We Naive a few cell'oph'ane bags for your fruit cartons Strawberries H,S., per pkg40c Fruit Salad Ii,S 30c Pie Cherries H.S. 35c Blueberries 35c Peaches 30c Garden Fresh Frozen Peas 30c. Fresh Frozen Corn G.B. . 30c We Buy Hides BATKINS CU/ lL'4W�oJ<L 10.1415i$ 11.11Mir:12=1.4.1,111011 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo ! Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East, • Phone 685 69-tt Huron Old Boys Hold Successful Picnic Favoured with fine weather, the 41!th annual' pienac of Huron Old Boys Association of Toroai!to tut High Park, Fraday, June 13, was a big success, Old tillers from all over the County of Huron were enit in large numbers. E. J. B. Duncan, 'who was President of .the Association in 1900, took part in ,several of the games; Mr, Duncan complained of lack o8 'competition, RSeftball, horseshoes ,and games for all ages were avni off in fine style by Wes 'NlcGutoheon, chairman of 'the .Sports'Committee. A qubzz contest on the question: "What time is it now in Vancouver?" brought a difference in guesses of 11. hours from the 20 contestants. A fine hunch was served, those in charge'being 'Mrs. George Young, Mrs. David Thompson, Mrs. C'. Hol- lingshead, Mos, W. D. Spriniles, Miss Vera Gardiner, 110as Eiva. Bryans,'Mis. Robert McKenzie, Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Mrs, Doris Parton. The men's committee in charge of !sports were B.. H. McCreath (presi- des), Wes MoCutoheon, Fred Elliott, H. B. Stowe and Ed.,Floody. 0 GODERICH TOWNSHIP MT. ,anpd Mrs. Bill Stirling and NNaincy spent the weekend in Toronto. Ma',. and Mrs, Lloyd. Mead and family visited with Mo. and Mrs. John M.4leGludre. VARNA Mrs. H. Soper returned to her home Monday after a two weeks' vacation. Floyd •McAsh is holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John !MAW Mr. and Mrs. Ross Latham and family, London, .spent the weekend with Mn.sL. Beatty. 111r. and Mrs. 'Morton Elliott visit- ed their son, Alvin E. Elliott, wife and family, Brantford, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Reid, in company with Mr. and_ Mrs: Anson Coleman, have gone on a motor trip to Indiana. Service Withdrawn The service in St. John's Anglican Church will be withdrawn on Sunday evening, June 29, owing to the Orange Service being held in the United Church. IN MEMORIAM STEEP—In loving memory of a dear father 'and grandfather, David Steep, who died Sunday, June 23, 1940. In my chest nt chersihed memories, I've locked up tholtnghts of you; Your smiling face, your tender love, And the little things you used be do. And now and then, when I'm alone, I open up this chest And spend a while just thinking of you Because you were one of the best. —Always remembered by daughter Sadie and family. 26-b YOU, TOO CAN WALK ON ASM 0 you use cooling, refreshing 1C&MINT to rid your feet of aching, burning celtuusc,, and corns. Tired Muscles respond quickly o clic first application of soothing, ere:inn-white mcdicinnl ICE•MINT. The refreshing, i n- gling sensation as you apply the cream tells you that its going right to work on the foes pains that pus the wrinkles in your brow. Get t jar today—Small inn• 504•: 4 an aconomi' aixe 51.511 \` tk1 IIIf/j f For Your Vacation Have Your Car Washed and Polished by experts Inkley Service Station Bill Ilkley, Prop, Phone 784 Clinton ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE G, O. D 17 R. I C II REGENT THEATRE 1 SEAVORTH Now Playing -Henry Fonda and Linda Darnel in "MY DARLING CLEMENTINL'" Now Playing—,Deanna Durbin in "I'LL BE YOURS" Now .Playing "IILONDIE'S LUCKY DAY" and "GALLOPING, THUNDER" MON., TUES., WEA. Errol Flynn, Eleanor Parker and Lucille Watson — Warner's great. big hit with the great big laughs, including Cuddles Sakall in the east 'NEVEERSAY GOODBYE' MON., TUES., WED. P61Philip Dorn, Catherine Mc Leoyl William Carter—You'llternthrill to Mte magic melodies rom rhe pons ie age m^ -the, p masters and you 1- delight in the tender, touching story of a grant love. "I'VE ALWAYS LOVED n MOM, TUES., WED. Yvonne de Carlo - Brian Donlevy and Jean Pierre Aumont Rated! one of the greateslt Tech - nicoloe' productions! of all time and feabua•ing the best -loved music of Rimsky Icon^saicaff +UR., "THE SONG OF SOI RAZADE„ R., FRI., SAT. THUYOU' THE SONG OF SCI IIIERAZADE” Don't say it, breathe it. It's a Technicolor sensation with the music of Rimsky Korsakoff Yvonne de Carlo - Brian Donlevy and Eve Arden THUR., F1.11., SAT. Deanna Durbin, Toni Drake and William Bendix — Popular songs, fhibarious comedy and youthful romance . It's all yours in "I'LL BE YOURS" T1TUR. FRI., SAT. Henry Fonda Linda Darnell and Victor Mature Being a new t'neatment to an old thcnme in the 'drannattic success "MY DARLING CLEMENTINE" i Coming — Yvonne 'de Carlo in "SONG OF SCIEHERAZADE" In Technicolor Conning — "THE LATE GUORGE APLEY" with "BLONDES'S LUCKY DAY" in Coming—Ronald Coleman in "TILE LATE GEORGE APLEY" Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.ni. Mat.: Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 p.m. Mat: Sat. and holidays, 2.30 p.m. MEW PORTER'S HILL Play 1Vluch Enjoyed The play presented by Bnucefield choir Friday evening, was well at- tended! and much enjoyed. Those taking ,pant did their parts excep- tionally well. Club Meets The 'Carnniainity Club held its June meeting on Thlumsday afternoon, 'June 19, at the ,'home of !Vb.'s. ,Addie Lockhart with 22 ladies present. A quilt was quilted. Mrs. John Tor- rance opened 'the meeting with the singing of "My Old ;Kentucky Home," followed by the Lord's Prayer. ;Mrs. George Greensl''ad!e read the minutes of the last meeting. .Mrs. Bert Harris gave the financial report. An invitation is to he extended to Ebenezer !Society to join the club at the home of Mos. John Torrance on July 10 for an afternoon to. gether. It was decided to have a baking sale in Bayfield early in August. A very ,pressing invitation was read from Dick McClenen to visit his'summer home on Lake Huron sometime .during the summer; the club will consider this latter. Mrs, Don Harris read two letters of thanks from a young .college girl 6 Greece which had 'been received by Miss Mary Torrance for articles of clothing that had been sent. The July meeting' is to be at the Thome of 1Vllrs. Jim Cox, July 17. The hostess served! a delicious hunch. (Mr. ,and, Mrs. John McConnell .and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson. Dundalk, visited with ,the Lockh'art's. Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart, Sr. accompanied them back to visit friends. BRUCEFIELD J. Pritchard. Toronto, visited with Mrs. Ham last week. The annual picnic of S.S. No, 10, Stanley, was a very pleasant event of yesterday efteimoon. The YPU are holding their annual weiner roast at Bayfield on Wednes- day, July 2. Everybody is welcome. Moi.+ley Taylor .of SS. No, 10 has been •suecessful in passing his en- trance examinations without writing. The fo1Io'winig (roan Brucefield at- tended the funeral of Mrs, Doan, In- wood. mother of Mrs. R. Dawson, B•rucefield, last week: Cecil Simpson, Mrs, H. Dalbjyhnpie, Mrs, H. Zepfe, Mrs. J. Cairns, Mrs. A. Ho'hner^ ) Played at Thames Road The Play "Happiness Ahead'," presented by Brueefield choir, was staged in the Thannes 'Road Church on Tuesday evening. There was a large crowd attending .and, the re- turns were very laatistractory. IOOF NOTES Huronie Rebekah Lodge No. 306 held a special meeting on Monday everting when six i'mclidntes were initiated into their own Lode and Tour initiated for Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter. Another feature of the evening was the splendid report of the Assembly ,held last week in Hamilton, which was given by the delegate, Mrs. Manly Sloman. Re- freshments brought a pleasant even- ing• to 0 close. e n, a Clinton Lodge No. 63 observed Atlantic Charter Night at their meeting on Tuesday evening. 'Phis was instituted by the Grand Sire of the Sovereign • Grand Lodge to try and cement the friendship already existing between Canada and the United States, The speaker of the evening was G. H. Jefferson who gave an excellent aldvess on the tlanttic Charter. E. E'. Gibson, the delegate to Grand Lodge in !lentil ton, gave a brief report. These two meetings' were the final regular nneetdnge, until after the summer months. It is expected both Lodges will reconvene the first week in September. THE ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE of Balls' Cemetery, Base Line, Hullett, will be held at the Cemetery on SUNDAY, JUNE 29th, at 7.00 p.m. The Rev. C. C. Anderson, of the Baptist Church, Auburn, will conduct the service 26-b 0l11111111i1111111111111111111.1fI1111.1111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111II111111•II11n e Have Your Furnace This is the cleanest method you could 1 • imagine—no dust nor dirt—and you get i the job done very efficiently. ; 1 •DON'T FORGET! WE WHITEWASH . 1 eAND S''.t?RAY WEEDS! in i 1 i Phone 335w CLINTON II VIIIII111111111111111•111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•iII•IIIA0 r VACUUM -CLEANED JACK LITTLE Gold Medal Awarded To G Ernest McBrien The Governor -General's Gold Med- al, awarded annually to the most distinguished graduate of all the Colleges of the University of Sask. atchewan, went this year to George Ernest McBrien, Sasleatcon, son of Mr, and 'Mrs. W. A. •McBrien of the same city. Ernie," as the is better known to his friends, spent several months at the Radio ,School here in 1943. He and his wife had rooms al; the Clint- on ,Inn. Ernie .is a nephew of Mrs. Mel Crich, Clinton and Mrs. T. E. Mason, 'Summerhill, and 'a grandson oIf Mrs., E. J. MoBrien, Summerhill. He attended school in Saskatoon and graduated from Saskatchewan Normal school in 1935. He taught in the Loon Lake, ,Seott and Princess Schools and in 1942 he resigned to enlist in the Royal Canadian Air Force. 'During his military 'career 'he did some University studying at both McMaster and Dalhousie Universit- ies. Following his discharge from the 'service in 1945 he resumed his studies at Saskatchewan in January 1946. 'Mr. efeBrien made unusually high marks in his +science classes, majoring in biology. He has finished the pre -medical course and hopes to continue in Medicine. TBE BIG E'VEINT OF THE YEAII will be held on SATURDAY, JUNE 28, at Waterloo, Ontario, in the beautiful natural park. There will be music all day and evening, with Scotch 'D'ancing and Piping Contests in :addition to the Band, Bugle Band and Instrumental Contests. Monster Musical Tattoo in the evening. 50 Bands. Spectacular fireworks clis- pla.y. Come and stay all day. RAIN OE SHINE 26-6 THE FIRST COLUMN (Continued from Page 1) guiding hand, on The Examiner, that this writer learned the rudinneants of editing a. weekly newspaper ... We wish him many more years of stetive participation in his profession! w * * RONALD EVERSON IS AN'OTH'ER of our old friends of many years' standing, going back to college days, who again 'was on hand to renew friendships with has . many pals in the weekly field . . , For `some yearns, Ron has ,been a partner in the public relations firm of John- ston, Elverson and Charlesworth, with offices in Toronto and 'Montreal He was accompanied by his brilliant colleague, Colin Haworth, also a partner in the firm .. , Both Ran and Colin look after the Mont- real end a the business, while George Johnston, Jack Charlesworth and Warner Higgins are in Toronto The firm publishes a monthly journal of opinion, The Printed Word, which is the last thing in Publications of its kind in Canada, and is a welcome visitor at our desk . George Johnston also was supposed to 'attend the convention, but the stork decided differently at the last moment v * s< SPEAKING OF STORKS, SAM Curry, Tweed, the new 'president of the Division couldn't be on hand, either, and was forced to miss his installation . However, he sent the following telegram which was read at the convention: "Sorry can't be there; busy chasing the stork but should 'oath the big bird soon. Wish us luck" . . . Which all the delegates did. Fearless Freddie Employer hiring new man: "Not afraid of early hours, I suppose?" Young man: "You can't close too early for me." 0OMING -- A DAY OF RECKONING "VeBE ACCOUNTED WORTHY repay,eluice is mine: I will " 12:19 saith the Lord." Rom. ESCAPE THE JUDGMENT COME -HAVE FAITH IN CHRIST, N 0 T • in good works • in any living Ivan • in Mary or any saints • in joining any church or organization BUT in HIM who alone can save. TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR OPEN SUNDAY JUNE 29 a n d Every Night Next Week Reg. Ball's Shell Service Station GOODYEAR TIRES — SHELL PRODUCTS Ontario St. PHONE 5 Clinton wnuu""munuunumnn„m"umun,nn,un 1.111; llllllllll nn,innuuu"nmmn,u,,nn,u,un, ICE DELIVERY IN CLINTON Monday Wednesday Friday Evenings Delivered to your Refrigerator M. and M. ICE DELIVERY PHONE 185,j CLINTON Hot Weather ,s and on Tires ! They need constant checking for outs and abrasions. Be sure to have us do this before taking any trips. VULCANIZING is our specialty 24-HOUR SERVICE Harry Davies Tire and Battery WIIITR ROSE GASOLINE and OIL VICTORIA ST. Phone 460 CLINTON