HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-26, Page 4PAGE POUR
William Hyde Wins
Oldtime Fiddler Contest
The dance held Wednesday evening
vast, in Exeter Arena by Hugon
Comely Federations of Agriculture to
the•inusic of Norm Ceanegie end his
orchestra, IStratfotd, was a decided
success. Door prize was won by
Henry Dyck and elle elimination
dance by Miss Joan Wells and l3ob
(Brown, The spot dance peize went
to Miss Mae Schroeder and Ganem
iMoagan, while the most graceful
waltzing couple were •Miss Grace
I&:,sery 'and Glen, Sage,
The Old Tirane Square Dance Con-
test was won by the set orgapieed
by Fred: Harburn, Staffa. The Old
Time Fiddler •Contest, for those over
80 years of age, was won by William
Hyde, Hensell, who also won the
contest a year ago, .and the second
prize went eo Mark Harte rn, 5taffa,
In the same contest for those under
60 gears of age the prizes went to
Fred Harburn and Ward Allen, both
of Sthaffa,
Mrs. Robert Webster and Miss
Susie Powell have returned from a
vosit with the formet's brother, John
Watson, London, et his cottages at
Salable Beach.
All members of the LOBA. who
wish transportation to Milverton on
July 12 are asked to notify this de-
sirre to the Worthy Mistress by Sat-
urday, July 5.
'4 11$11!itiil!lIIN9 ll1II111111 i 11111lllllilllll1111111110IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIINIIIIIIIIIIIII v
Your b'a'by is growing up --
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photographs will keep biut, as
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in a year or less. You'll prize
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rid Church Affairs in Clinton an Distriel
� .^ � 'y;':. air • x ,s.
Teachers. Re-engaged
For Public School
Clinton Public (School Board rheld.
its Jeune meeting with all members
present .and' Ghtea+man A. F. Catdmore
ptte eding.
Primeval G, H. Jefferson reported
an en1almerit of 279 for May, and
an, average attendance of 255 or 92
per cent. L. McBee was abseil; one
clay dewing to the death oPhis lather
at Tara.
Grant iRaeh, was awarded the eon -
bract for painting the interior of the
wheel downstairs, includling four
rooms, hall and tenet. The Property
Committee was authorized to pur-
chase •add!itrional desks,
'Ilse teachers have ,all •been re
engage(' at increased salaides far
1947-48, wroth a schedule in effect.
G. H. Jefferson, L MefKee, Miss E.
Jamieson, Mies D. Adams, Miss L.
Johnston, Mars, Dorothy Beall, ,Mrs,
Bes.4ie Falconer, Miss J. Webster.
0' ---
Happy Workers Hold
Their June Meeting
The Happy Workers' Club held its
Ante meeting at the home of Mrs,
William Glazier. The meeting open-
ed by singing "Abide With Me",
foliowe'd by the Loads Prayer. The
secretaay's• report was then given.
The roil earl ,was answered by "Your
Favourite Grocery," next month it
as to be answered, with "household
The lucky ticket was drawn by
Mrs. A. Desek and wan by MIs. Wil-
fred Glazier. The next meeting is
to be held at the home ad Mrs. Cliff
The afternoon was spent in quilt-
ing, after which a dainty lunch was
served by Grotttir Four.
Old Copy of New Era
Brought to Office
Mrs. G. A. Walker has brought an
interesting paper to this office. It
is a copy of The Clinton New Elia
dated July 9, 1874. The paper was
published at that time by E. Holmes
and ,Son; it had been established in
Among the names which appear in
(rite papier are those of John Ransford,
J. H. Combe, J. McGaae'a, John Camp-
bell, N. Robson, John Leslie, W. H.
Cooper, Jr., Peter Grant, John Steep,
Samuel Fowler, Thomas ,Stevenson,
H. Hale Searle and Davis, S. G.
Zealand, O. Oruickshank, W. W. Fer-
ran; George Diehl, Hodgins end Pays,
T. G. Marshall, G. C. Dobie, Harland
Bra's„ John A. Nelles, Thomas Fair
and many ethers.
This, paper was only a four page
issue and contained the usual advert-
isements, ,a temperance etoty, ,news
from far and wide but seemed to be
lacking in a supply of local news.
You are cordially invited
to visit
Ontario Street, Clinton
Olinton's New Store Exclusively For
Nina Inkley • Ethel Cooke
tae 4t?..
CQ'mp�#NY' 11p
ALMATEX is a "PLA"STIC FINISH" surfacing
material for the care and maintenance of WOOD and
LINOLEUM floors.
On Hard Wood and Linoleum floors it gives a
high gloss natural finish, which eliminates the
necessity of WAXING.
ALMATEX is not a paint or varnish.
It is impervious to water, oil, grease or alcohol.
A' quiet •summer wedding was
sc'lenmuzed ,at Auburn, ,Saeurd;ay,
Jeune 21, 1947, when Harriet Letitia
1VIoCaIl.',R.N., youngest daughter of
William 'MoG'all and the late Mrs.
MoCal1, Walton, Was united in mac -
eine to ILarry Snell, eller son of the
late Mr. ,and &nos. William ; Snell,
Londesboro: Rev. Harold J. Snell,
cousin of the groom, offieiated. The
Medal couple were unattended.
The bride wore et steeet-length
dress of white sill( jersey and her
corsage was of red roses. lion
travelling she donned a white and
black cheek suit with. matching ac-
cessories. .Amid shoiwea•s e8 'confetti
alai good wishes the couple left on
a bonen:oon trip, motoring to Wind-
sou', Winnipeg and Victoria, B. C.
On their return they will reside on
the groom's 4acm•dn Hallett.
Prion• to her maautage, the beide
was entertained at the home of her
cousin, Miss Isabel McCall, wheel:
she was the recipient of many useful
end lovely gifts.
0 •
Bride -Elect Honoured
Miscellaneous Shower
Mata. R. Roy Fitzsimons, 'Albert St.,
entertained . more than 30 ladies
Thursday 'evening last, June 19, at
a miscellaneous shower ie. ,honour of
7rer sister-in-laav, ,Mrs. Frances
Steep, whose maaruage takes place
at the sad of this month to Fred
Beevers, Goderich. -
Little 'Sydviia Fitzsianons, ,assisted
by Dennis Steep; with a 'decimated
wagon, for the occasion, drew tee
wagon loads of gifts, into the living
room and presented them to Frances.
Atter the opening of the gifts, and
the bride -Ave -be thanking evetiyone for
such a surprise, a dainty lunch was
served by the .hostess, assisted by
Mae. George Braithwaite, Mis. Jack
Leiper and Mrs. Eur ns Jerry, God-
Friendship Club Fetes
Popular Bride -Elect
The Friendsehip Club of ,St. Paul's
Anglican Church met for the busi-
ness meeting of the month on June
11, at the home of Mrs. E. Ellwood,
with the president, Miss M. Hawkins,
in change.
The meeting was opened with the
Club Pra!yler and ,the Lord's Prayer
repeated in unison. Lt 'was decided
to trend :a 'shipment of pilloav cases,
towels ,and quilts to ,the Mohaavic
Indian :Scheel 'at Brantford which It
was pointed out, was in need of
such eatnmodities.
After the business of the meeting
was concluded, a bride -to be, Mas,.
Frances Steep was asked, to stand,
and after a few well -.chosen remarks
from Mts. M. Elliott, Miss SI, Haw-
kins ,presented the popular bride-
elexit with a beauldful end -table, a
gift from the Club. Later refresh-
ments were served by the .hostess.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of :Miss' 54. Hawkins, Wed-
nesday, July 2.
Thrilling Letter
Of Thanks Received
Mrs. M, T. Carless, Princess St.,
recently received a letter of thanks
from a woman in Greece who ,had
received a parcel sent by Mrs. Con.
less some time ago through the Red
It was from .Mrs. Anna Toavidou,
1Contoturisten, Nna ,101,' Athens,.
Greece, and was' signed . "yours af-
fectionately." Translated, the letter
read as follows:
"Today I received your black coat
and I found your note. You cannot
imagine my joy. I thank you and I
am very eager to make your
acquaintance. Let me tell you,that
I have two little children who have
lost their mother and I am their
grandmother. If you have anything
for .dhda•em which you don't know
what to do with, I beg you to send
it to them- The mother of the ehild-
ren died. in 1944. I am •a poor woman
and am .not able to, go out. J am
suffering 'much. I have a grown-up
daughter. I 'don't imagine that you
will be annoyed by my .letter if you
wish to answer me so that we may
become friends."
Tie square milk bottle, saving from 20 to 50 per cent. in refrigerator
storage space, will be introduced into Canada when certain faults
have been removed. A spokesman for The Borden Company Ltd.
recently stated that chief "bug" blocking its use in Canada was
inability of square sboaulders to withstand pressure when milk
freezes, but that his company was working on changes to eliminate
this fault. The square bottle is now in use in sections of United
States where 'env temperatures are not a problem. Here Holly-
wood starlet Dusty ,Anderson demonstrates the compact feature
of the square bottle.
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs. James Broadfoot,
•Seaforbh, wield to announce the en-
gagement of their younger daughter,
Mary Manche, to William Robert
Dalrymple, son of Robert Dalrymple,
E•gmondville. The marriage will take
place early in July.
Archbishop Seager
At St. Paul's Sunday
A special service will be conducted
in St, Paul's Anglican 'Church on
Barclay evening when Arrclnbishop C.
A. 'Seeger, London, will be present'
and bring the message. Archbishop
,Seager also will content ten mem-
bens sf the xthurrrh, The public are
cordially invited to this service.
-o —
Kenneth Carter Wins
Prize in Art Contest
Recently, Robin Hood Flour Mills
Limited held' a contest when junior
artists were .asked to paint the "Arch-
er" figure of Robin ,Hood and send
this painting in to be judged.
Kenneth Carter, ten-year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter, Clinton,
was one who tried his luck. He is
now in receipt of a letter telling him
he has been placed in sixth place 'in
his age group. The letter reads as
"You will be pleased to know that
the judges of the Art .Association of
Montreal have placed your entry in
our Amateur Art Contest as sixbh
prize winner in your age group. In
view of the ,thousands of entries re-
sieved, you are to be congratulated
on •tete excellence of your painting of
the `Archer' figure of Rabin. hood. In
the judges' opinion your entry show-
ed great talent and we feel sure 'that
should you decide to make art your
career you should be successful. The
millers of Robin Hood Oats are very
pleased to send you this ehequa for
$2.50 with their compliments."
Instal Clark Fisher
As Oddfellows' DDGM
Clark Fisher, Exeter, was in-
stalled as District Deputy Grand
Master of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, District No. $, with
ju isdiction over lodges at Seafortie
Goderich, Exeter, Clinton. 11s'ucefield,
and Hensall at Hamilton on Friday
of. last week. Mr. Fisher took
over the office immediately following
the instaIlatian of J. W. McCarthy,
St. Oabharintes, 'as Grand Master for
E'. E. Gibson and Mrs. Henry Slo-
man attended from here as delegates,
Delegates from 400 subordinate
lodges throughout Ontario, number•
ing approximately 1,500, are meeting
in Hanvilton this week at the Royal
Connaught Hotel for :the 128th an-
nual four-day sessions.
Coupon now valid are 326 to 853
and Y1 to Y5. The balance of the
easvnin.g sugar coupins Y6 to Y10
good for five pounds of sugar be-
come valid in Jloly Si
Try Our
Hair and Scalp
Machine -less
Permanent Waves
our specialty
for appointment
Gloria's Beauty Salon
Over Clinton Grill St.
Family Reunions
The sun reaI!y shone for the tenth
reunion .of the Stirling family, eeie-
braA:ed ow Sabunday, June 21, at liar
Lour Park, ,Godetrioh. 'Phe day was
perfect, with a lovely breeze blow-
ing off the lake and nealy 100 t egist-
ered befrose t'he picnic was over,•
Dinner was •served at one o'clock
and Get Ache conclusion of a very en-
joyable meat, all ,carne to order for
the business pant of the programmne,
with •the ns'esildent,. James Stirling,
7 s-esicling. A minute's silence was
observed in memory of four of the
members who bad passe;] on since
lair .year's reunion tea president,
James 'Stirling wase -elected, for the
coming; year and 1VIes, Lindsay Stirs,
ling wss elected secretary -treasurer.
Tl e sports ceimnittee was re-elected
for the conning year with Mr's. J.
Mr.Nevin as their leaden•
Fire spares committee then took
charge of ,bhe programme and a num-
bee of enjoyeb•.e :aces were run off,
.the winners of w illi. wc•e Girls 6
ane ander, Cathor.r.e Werne., Heide
Emerson _ boss 6 and under. Donald
McKenzie, C. Stirling;. girls 8 and
under, Grace Ilai,•is Ct.herino War-
ner; boys 8 and tended 'I,vin Thur-
low George Webstot; girls 10 and
limier, Yvonne Harris, Grace llnrris;
buys 10 env under. Billie Jewel, D.
McKenzie; girs 12 and under, Yvonne
Barns, Doroet McKenzie; boys 12
and under, ii'.!ie Jewel, David Wob-
ster; girls 11 and under Audrey
i3•,rris, Yvom:c Harris; lroys 14 and
lar:, er, Bele Jewel, D. Webster;
young ladies race, June Miller, Berle
Castle. young men's race, George
Warner, Ha :••••• Warner. married
ladies race, 'Mrs. 1. Lockhart, Mrs.
B. Jervis; married men's race, A.
Lockhart, Bert Harris; three-legged
race for boys and girls, Jean War-
ner and Audrey 1Iarrie, Jeune (Miller
and Mrs. Charlie Durni,.t; coat rase,
Bert Harris, and Audree Harris, Jean
Wanner and Harry Warner; kick -the-
ripper race, Gwen Miller, Jean War-
ner; plate race. Bert Harris and
Audrey Harris, Mary Stirling and
Jean Warner; peanut scramble,
Doreen McKenzie, Jean Warner; eat-
ing coolie race, Mrs. Charlie Durnin,
Audrey Hands; thread -the -needle
race, Jean Warner and Doreen Mc-
Kenzie, Bert H'a'rris and Audrey Har -
see; clothes in race, Yvonne Harris
and Doreen McKenzie, harry War-
ner ,and Jean Warner.
The oldest lady present was Mis.
Anne Campbell who was oval: 90,
end the oldest gentleman present
was Andrew E'mscsou from Bervie.
who was 'also over 90. The youngest
chid was little Bryne Gammie, great
grandson of Ms. Anne Campbell.
The peerson coming the farthest
was Mrs. Frank rMoPlwain, daughter
of ,Mrs. O. Jervis, Clinton, and her
daughter Jean, from Lindsay, Ont.
The annual Merlon Reunion was
held en Saturday, Jeune 14. Gut Har-
bour Park, Goderich. Due to the
(Continued frost Pegs 1)
Douglas G. Ball of Ball Bros.,
Funeral Directors, left yesterday to
ettend a refreshed: oouree in em-
babning at the University off Tor -
into Thnesday and Friday.
Mrs, A. P. Addison and two child-
ren, Iroquois Falls, and -Miss Wilhsi
mine Trewat'tlta Vilna, Alta., are
holidaying with thein parents, Mr.
and Mics, N. W. Trewartha.
George B. Bealttie is, taking a post-
graduate course in plastic demi-
surgery and funeral management at
Ranting Institute, University of Tor-
onto, Thursday and kis vday of thio
Dlr. and ,Mors J. P. Manning mot •
Dred to Belleville Friday to baring
back Miss Phyllis Manning who has
been a imernbee of the beaching staff
of Albert College in that city for
the past year,
Dr. and Mns, C. W. Mewhort and
baby Gordon, Lake Cawichen, B. C.,
left foe their home on Monday after
spending the past two weeks with
Mrs, 'Mewhos t'.s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Derwin ,Canter.
Mr. an.de Mrs. Frank McElwain and
daughter, Jean, Lindeay, visited' Mrs.
liecElwain's robber, Mrs. Carrie
Jervis, aver the weekend. On their
return they . here accompanied by
Ms. Jervis who will remainfon a
visit with ethane
Mr. and Mire. J. Frank MacDonald
visited with Mr. and was. I•I. L.
Tomlinson, Barrie, . alst week, en
co'''re to the Royal Muskoka Hotel
Where Mr; MacDonald attended a
convention of the Metropolitan Life
insurance agents.
Mr. and 'Mrs, R. M. Sperling mov
ed their household effects to their
new home at Peat Elgin on Friday
last. Their former residence at the
corner of leattenbusy and Gibbings
Sts, is now 'occupied , by Me. and
Mrs, Joseph haat.
(All times are Eastern Daylight Saving)
St. Paul's Anglican
Mrs. Theodore Frentlin, Organist
sirs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader
10.00 AAL -•Sunday School
11.00 A,M.-Morning Service
7.00 PAL--Eavening Service, .
,Confirmation by the Archbishop
of Haden.
F•t•ielay-.Confirmation Class at 7.3
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs, Bert Boyer, Organist and
Choir Leader
0.00 A.M.--+Sunday School
"Strength for Difficult Rotas"
11.00 A.M.-+Divine Worship
2.30 P.M. -Service at Bayfield
All Welcome
REV. H. K,E4Nlbi1LOK, Pastor
'SUNDAY, J'(1NI' 29
2.30 P.M. -,Sunday Selhooi
3.30 P:IV1,- Worship Service
7.30 P.M. -Evangelistic Service
Sunday Services at home of Mies
Laura Jervis, Princess St. E.
Thursday, 8 pen -Bible ,Sender
Behold, now is the accepted time;
Behold, now is the Day of 'Salvation.
d1 Oar. 6:2
very Grainy day, tine ettendanoe was
much smaller than usual and the
sports pgogaamsne was much 'shorter.
The following races ware run: Girls
and boys, five years and under --
Ralph Harrison, Betty Harrison; nine
and under -Clive Ailcenhead, Jimmie
Harrison; 14 end r under - Chester
Hackett, Lorne Hackett; single ladies
-4Bstty Woolley, Amy Aikenhead;
married ladies --Mrs. Peter Harrison,
Mrs. Eas:old Willett; single men -
Bili Adams, Eng Harrison; married
mon-Harold Willett, Stan Collins;
three-legged race -+S. Collins and H.
Willett. Joyce Wnllert and Arne IAM•.
wheat; bean guessing contest -Mrs.
S. Collins. Lolls Harrelson; kicking rthe
slipper - Amy Aikenhead, Anna
Motehmer; clothes pin eontesb-Mrs.
S. Collins, Lois Harrison; kicking the
person present -Mrs. Is adiore Har-
rison, J-Iolmesville; youngest present
---iLeroy Hardison, young son of Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Harrison, G'odexicit.
Elliott Harrison, Guelph, came the
longest ,distance.A peanut scramble
for the small children concluded the
'sports. A ibali game and m bounteous
suppler, provided by bhe ladies, con-
cluded the day.
etlilbV. C. C. ANDERSON, Ministet
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
liars. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader
Bible School 10 aim.
bborning Worship 11 • aatn,
The minister is conducting the An-
nual Memorial Services at Ball's
Cemetery at 7 p.m. All mem-
bers and friends are asked .to
co-operete in bhis change far
this one day. Get the children
ready an hour earlier ,and come
Ontario St. United 'Church
BEV. W. J. WOOLFRB•Y, Minister
B. J. Gibbings', Choir Leader
Mrs, E. Wendorf, Organist
11.00 A.M.--Mornetg Service
Communtien rServdee
12.15 P.M. -Sunday School -
7.00 P.M. -Evening Service
Wesley -Willis Church
Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
and Chb'ir Leader'
SU'!N15Ai!', JUNE' 29 ,
11.00 A.M.--M'&ornimg Worship
The ISaoranvent of the Lord's
12.10 --Sunday •,Sdhool
7.00 P.M -Evening Worship
"The Trinity"
The picnic will be held next year
at the same place en the second Sat-
urday in, June... Jack Aikenhead was
appointed 'president, with Mrs. Peter
H,av icon as seeretary-treasurer for
Love -Forrest Clan
Holds Fine Reunicat
The Love-Foaxesit Reunion, an ann-
ual event, was held at Bayfielkl', an
Monday afternoon mid evening, June
9. A craved of over 150 members of
the ,elan, present from Hensall, Zurieh
Grand Bend, Exeter, Londesiboro, Sea -
teeth, [Stanley, Clinton, and Saskat-
chewan, enjoyed the event which was
an outstanding success.
•Sporbs were featured,, resulting as
follows. Races -Girls six and ander-
Norma Love. Katherine Love; Boys 6
and under -Gerald Love, Russel Dis-
jardine; Boys 9 and under -Billy and
Tom Lavender; Boys 12 and under -
Ronald Webb, Alex Love; Boys 15 and
larder-ICeibh Bianshard, Bob Lave;
Young Ladies - Audrey Campbell,
Betty Love; Young alene-Keith Elan
shard, Ross Keyes; Married) Mens -
Percy Oampbell, Ellivsoni Whiting.
Kick the slipper --Mas. C. Moir, Betty
Love; Clothes pin race --.Audrey Cam-
pbell, Keith Whiting; Necktie race--
Garnet Patterson, Nola Love; Relay
Race -Ferguson Tursibull'•s side; Step
in the plate-Mrs.P Campbell. ergus
Delicious meals were served Jure
ing both dinned.. 'an'd supper hour,
after wltich ,officers were elected for
the coming year. President -Ross
Love, Hensall; Vire-president William
Love, Grand Bend; Secretary -treasur-
er --Hugh Love, Hensel'. It was de-
cided to, hold this reunilon at Grand
Bend in 1948 on the Icing's Birthday.
SPECIAL • 75c yard
We are offering a number of pieces of pretty floral and stripes,
suitable for dresses, gowns, playsuits and
children's wear.
The normal price of this material is 89e
Approximately 35" wide 75c yd.
Can lee found the latest in playsuits, Bathing Dresses, Shorts,
Slacks, and Pinafores for both Misses and
Bathing Dresses in sizes up to 44
Fine Wool Slacks in sizes up to 4.4
When Dowiit wn Why Not Dem hi
Tole a
They are a Real Treat these Warm Days
Phone 'I.'
Silver"avood's ice Cream