HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-26, Page 3'1.IU1ASDAY, JUNE( 26, 1047 RESPONSIBILITY By "PEG" Fourth Spoke of Umbrella So often in taying.to defend some action of pans we say, "1t does not make any difference what I do, .no come. needs to follow my example, I am not responsible for what any One else does." Iai Genesis fourth chapter we have the story of ;Cain and Abel. Abel was "a keeper of sheep" and Cain "a ?tiller of the ground;" Both seen brought their offering to the Lard. The Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering, but untoCain and his offering lie had not resrpeeb. Cain was verse angry and later, in the field, he slew Abel. Then the Lord said unto Cailn: "Where is ?Abel, thy brother" And he said; "I know start: ane 1 any brot'her's keeper?" As we read on in the chapter we realize that God proved to 'Gain 'that he Was his brother's keeper.' Ars it wase in those days of so long ago, so it is. ,today, God holds us air our brother's keeper, We are responsible for anuytkieg. We dog which will he an influence for good or for, evil in the life of any one else. As we look ?back over the doings of ;our day we can readily see how our actions ;have either hindered or helped some one. We so gften question this respen- sibility and yet we are constantly doing things which awe proving that we leave'nv interest in roth.eres. When there is eilckn'ese in, a home we hurry to ;see if we can be of any help; when +bereavement comes ° our sympathy is offered` now •at .the trims of so meeee graduations we are 1 Clinton Knitting Company Ltd. Girls --Here's Your Chance To EOM While You Learn Apply for Particulars To the Superintendent Clinton 'Teen Town Strictly Inforrrial FAMILY DROP-IN NIGHT CLINTON COLLEGIATE Friday, June 27 8 p.m. to 11 p.m, Parents and members of the fa,nJili'es of 'Teen Towners are cordially invited to attend this season's • closing 'event. SEE WHAT THE ".LEEN-TOWNERS ARE DOING! 26-b AGIIMitamelieitriamemememamtetsorsoismorammor aitress anted Collegiate . student for part or frill time work, during .summer lion. CLINTON GRILL "YOUR ROST IN CLINTON" Victoria St. PHONE 297 Clinton 26-4b IFollow the lead of snore than a million Canadians who I save for tomorrow... open your B ofM account today. Vieedi FOR TOMORROW...t041# at '111Y HAN ' 701 N) WION CMO; Nitworn Igi BANK OF M O N TR FAL ,corking told, Conadia"r da! eon" walk of life ai"5a 1817 aoet j CLINTON laEWS-RECORD sending congratulations. We must acknowledge there are times when t,, the disappointment of our friends we forget all these things. How little we &realize how much we owe to ,those who have trade peat of our lives! As we walk along oua• streets we so often ;see instances of hoar: even ittele children realize that they have a duty to ethers." The other day over the radio there came the quot- ing from the old second reader of how an old, body stood trembling at the edge of the sridiewai(, waiting for an epporrnumty to erose to the other side, A group of school boys came running by but noire ?stopped to hell) her. Finally one manly lad Baine along and .'baking her by the arni helped her safely to the opposite side therm hastened on to catdli up to the other bolls. The gratitudei of the elderly lady was almost pa- thetae. We believe throb our boys are just. as manicer today as they were in tale Plast but there are tiniee when we wonder if they could mot be more ohougihteel gartioularly of these who are gold and grey. The younger ?people ;seem to be ;able to look after themselves rout there are many cid. erly people who need ;our help nand for whom we are in a sense respoe Bible.. The other day a man who. now well on im his mrimrety-seven year, was asked df he ever had t stand lir the street carr. "Oh, yes, the .said, "I often do." Cant we imag- ine ;such discourtesy to Allo aged. is true parents, have to pay for a •child when -rhe beeomes a certain age, but even if they are paid foe what true mother aa• farther would allow bins to 'occupy a seat while an eke, erly ,person stood. It' deeidedliy shows haw a child has been tonight in the home. There axe -many children who look back -with pleasyyaae to the little aets of politeness wlv!eh have been taught them even in a very humble hone If we were to visit some of our Sunday Schools we would find boys and girls to whom discipline means nothing. lit is at time little wonder that teachers are Tooth to iinde2•take to ,teach a elass. Axe parents trot responsible for their children while they aa'e -away from home? Would it not be a good idea for parents to enquire from the teacher of their boy oe girl just •how they behave when away from home foe we ail know that a child's actions 'while away front rheic parents reflects on their home training. In regard to our *Christian relig- ion *before Christ died He commis- signed His disciples to preach the gospel to. all people. Fortunately far us the good news came east in- stead of west for had the western People sent the gospel the way we have sent it to them, in all probabil- ity we would still be without the good news of the sacrificial death of Christ for us. The disciples felt their responsibility and followed the instruction ,of our ,Saviour. That !responsibility meant ' a martyrs deabh to those men who determined to do what Christ .asked them to do. They knew ;they were likely to face that but stile they shouldered ;ibis responsibility. There is nothing that will help a man, woman, boy or girl on in Life like responsibility. Give a child something ee do, let him know yon will help bins to get started but that you expect him to carry on with it, bake an interest in what he is doing and that child will accept that responsibility. He will go on from one thing to another in like fashion and he will grow to be a dependable man, but in the same way ask a child to look ;alter some daily job and pay no further heed• to what he is doing and nine times out of ten his interest 'will be diverted into some •chanmel -of amusement and the task assigned to him will be for- gotten. Why? 'Became the mother or father who asked him to do the work in the first place ;tact no sense of tresppneibility and why expect a young lad or lass to follow instruc- tions of an irresponsible person. There is no one more interested in wanting to help "mommy" or "daddy" than a little ,boy or girl. 'Why rat give them the responsibil- ity of doing different things hint be a helper to them? A young man was facing the elec- tric chair. One day the was handed a photograrph of his mother: by the dal .guard, with the words "Your another sent this photograph of her. self to you" The young man looked at it sadly rand said: "Send that • back to any moths and tell her that I nevem want to see either her or her photo again If it was net for her I would not be here. She taeght me to play ,cards in our own hoane. From that one thing led to another, until I ;am where yoke see me today. My mother is responsible largely for it. ;She and my father' used to at - bend card parties and dances, and taught their family to do the same. We had adew sister who went down to her ruin through the dance. An- other sister became converted and tried to bring the religion of her Saviour into OUT home but my par- ents just liaughed at her and even forbade her to go to religious meet - Wins Judging Contest MURRAY ROY Londeeboeo, who won first place in the senior section of the Livestock Judging Competition coivd,ueted by OMama Deparotment of A.ga;ilulbure fs at the Euawn Oouney Federation th Field Day *at Exeter last week. He a eoored 473, points out of a possible ,,500, and took the intermediate ,title a year ago. Murray also won the et tamesha!f'enile race. logos. However, ;she has been a standby to one through thio awful total. She is oosustantly prayieg for me and I am beginning to see the light. How I wish I could persuade fathers and mabhers never, to con -1 sent to have the card table anti dance in their homes. They claim that if ohildfren .do not eeaan these things in ?their own homes they will go elsewhere. That may be so but wherever they are learned they are wrong and will lead to destruotiot. What a .shame it is that parents break the commandments of the Lord in this way. It may be, I will feel differently •towards my mother but ;at late Present time T cannot." ,Such a pathetic talk from a young mast who might have done a great deal better an life! Does it carry any message to parents? There are :many worldly things in which ,par- erts indulge and they are followed ke them by their children. God bas given the ehildeen into homes and Parents trust take the responsibility for them. God will require an ac- counthig for them. by the parents at the bar of justice when ell things an earth have rolled away. Oertaiely we are our brother's keeper. It was. because Jesus felt He was our keeper that He left His heavenly home and came down to earth to die for us that we might enjoy eternal blessedness with Him. We ;have the oppoaitunity and priv- ilege of co-operating with Him and also aotinug as our brother's keeper. le911 we not believe in Him today. Accept Him as our Saviour and then try to behe -others to Him. "Others may do a greater work, But you have your pant to do; A.nd no, one in all God's heritage Can do it as well as you." TOWN COUNCIL PAYS ACCOUNTS TOTALLING $1,873 Clinton Town Council at its June meeting on recommendation of Fin- ance 'Commiiitee, ordered payment of the following amounts ' totalling $1,872.75 for May. 1ST'HEB '-•--Lleves Coeitrachtieg Go. gravel, bulldozer, Grading $459.90; Jo, Carter oat ditch (Apace) $2; L Hunter with team (April grading) $13.; R. Freeman, drains $36.40; H. Pickett, Drains $18.20; A. Plecard, Drains $5.85; II. Durnin, Drains 120,40; Wm. Fulford; cleaning streets $16,05; W..Burbon with teamhaul tig, file 11. STREET LIGHTING - Public Utilities; Gomimiseion Lighting streets $228. PROPERTY Public 'Utilities Com - 'Asian Lightning Rest Room 79e Light- ing Town Hall $16.68, Lighting Stock Yard 76e; Mee. L. Tideswell Care of hest Room $5; Jas. .Iohnsron, coal $34; A. G. Grigg, coal $3.40; Sutter and Perdue, furnace repairs $7.35; Hawkins Hardware, Light bulbs' $1.80. CEMETERY - Levis Comtruetion Oa, Bulldozer $30; id. McEwan, Sal-. any $100; Ed Steep, $84. loss Ins; $1.05, $82.95; Murphy Bros., Gas and Oil $2.30; II. Watkins, Gas and Oil $3.85; Feed O. Feed, Grass seed $1.50. FIRE AND WATER - LaFrance Elise Fingine Co.; 1, Gas Mastic, 2 Can - nesters **3.1.90; Sutter and Perdue, 1 Vice and general hardware $18.55; C. G. Lobb, Six rubber coats, and hats $65.50, DRY BARTIi CLOSET - A. Ful- ford, May 1 to 15 pd. $50. bal. less $1 H. d. $49. 'POLICE PROTECTION - J. Tho- mpson, a+alaay $100. less 1L C. $1.50 $98.50; D. Elliott, salary 87.50 less H. C. 11 $86.50; -G. Craig, Balmer $87.50. SALARIES - M. T. Coriess salary $120.85 less H. C. $1.50 $119.35; J. W. Manning, salary $41.67; Ontario Hos- pital Associartiont H. Orme paid $5. HOSPITALIZATIOflt - Dept of Health, Iitsullim $7.74; Indigent paid $20.58; J. Johnston Fuel paid $12.35. INSURANCE -- Metropolitan Cas. Co. (;Rorke) Prem. Light Truck $31.05 Imperial Guarantee (Lawson) Prem. Fidelity Bond $12. POISTAGE Etc - Clinton News. Record, Tax Demands, Adds. etc. $39.45; G. R McElwan Co., Postage and supplies $12.54; Bur roug'bs Add. Mach. Co. •Service la year $6.75. GENERAL MUNICIPAL EX- PENSE: --- Bell Telephone Co., Gener- al $8.47; Postmaster G. M. Counter, Das. Excise Stamps $9.15; Bank of Montreal, Excise stamps said $12..31. T. Goners, ,Stenographer $3.25, Exp. aceowst attached $0.02. Total expel -Attlee $1,872.75. REVENUE - Stock ,Scales 121.80; Licenses $270; Rentals $69; Cemetery 5259.50. Total revenue - $620.30. 0 Leisure "Daddy, what is leisure," asked the small boy.' "My son, leisure is the two minutes rest a man gets whi•1e.'his wife thinks vp something for him to do." CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS OE BY APPOINTMENT. WITH Mr. 3. 3. ZAP c t PHONE 103 MEMORIALS AND CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTH sl•l elffit10E111111111 111011011111111011lil l l•1I ISI I11111101111111IEiI il011111111i1I IMI I I11I I IRI m1111II I IOI I I.1E $1,400 in Purses t0 CLINTON WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS BUS SCHEDULE Effective Sunday, June 22 Lv. for LONDON and EXETER La for STRATF,ORD KITCHENER GUELPH TORONTO HAMILTON Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 7.25 am Daily 9.4.5 .am 12.50 pin 4.50 pm 8.50 pm Daily. Ex. 'Daily Ex. Sun. & Iiol. Daily Daily Sun, & Rol. San. & Hol. Daily 7.40 air 9.45 am 12.4*5 pen 4.45 pm 6.45 pm 7.4.0 pm 8.45 pni Lv. for WING1HAM XINCARDINE Otit'N SOUND Daily Daily Daily 11.05 am 8:05. pan 9.05 pen - Daily Ea. Deity Ex. Sun. & Ilo]; Daily Sun. ee idol. Daily Daily Sen. & ilial. Daily oily Lv.,for G,0I3ERICII 14.10 am earne 3.10 pat .7.10 pm 9.,10 pm 11.10 pm 1:2.10 am Clanton Depot; BARTLIFF'S RESTAURANT, Phone 1 67 • 10 HORSE RACES ed., July 16 at 1.30 a.ln. [DST] • 0 • Classes 2.17 Pace or Trot $400 2.22 Pace or Trot 300 Three-year-old Pace 400 2.28 Pace or Trot 300 Atilt Mile Heats Trotters Allowed Three Seconds BETTING PRIVILEGES ALLOWED • • '1LIIEIIIIIaI Come anel Enjoy an Afternoon of Real Good :'R<a.met s Racing at ITY PARK CLINT ADMISSION: 60e Einclucling taxi Cars 25c Children 10 years and under, accompanied ;by parents, 30c, with free admission to Grand Stand. -• . L. W, IeAVIS, President A. rM4 KNIGHT, Secretary 26-27-28-b I01.00111011511110111011till111111141.11103111•lOil 1101Ilita it Q, -I .bought a jar of strawberry jam this week and paid five cents more than I eves' paid,before. Has there been a price increase allowed? A: -Yes A3:1 jams, jellies and PAGE THREE mairmalades were given an increase/ in legal ceiling price o£ 10 per cent on April eighth. This increase was al- lowed to offset the ;increased eogla of labor, auger, containers, pectin' and other materials. * CLEANS TEETH * FRESHENS MOUTH +TASTES SWELL >� EB COi.OG1* p1 �RtEtkea Le USUALLY $2.09 too S. GT' co'cm Vti $1.00 sh five denertial sG�•�netn e'?hoS dish. f1 d dainty ihro da On Rose Geranium an5cdr Eou9uet a ;a,1mos`.' ,,,eef 5i'i y,,ern Niageatia Poe . i.iWgfdD Ivo oral ....ate? 1VIOSAUITO REPELLANTS SIfEETER MATTER 85c GABY 35c SKEETOPAIbC 25e and 50c• OIL CITRONELLA 23c N,OXZEMA 30c a dS60e GARY 35c and 60e SKOL 53e SUNBRELLA 75c DOROTHY GRAY 1.00 DR. WEST TOOTH BRUSH 50c /e 154 tL 6.v � SHAVE (REA UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE 37'" MORE LATHER t ai k' I F. R. PENNEBAKER 'HONE 14 DRUGGIST • LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND D A N C I NG EVERY NIGHT GORDON DELAMONT and his Orchestra -- Vocals by Vina Smith - Hear r Pat Raeburn-voted Canada's No. 1 tenor Sax player -in the "All l Star Orchestra -one we are really proud to present * * for ac second season! SPECIAL HOLIDAY MIDNIGHT DANCE JUNE 30th - 12:05 A.M. • 0 * 0 * * * "VARIETY ENTERTAINERS" SUNDAY JUNE 29th - 9 PM. L0O1i AT THIS PROGRAMME! • Edgar Wilkey, Violinist; Ernie Hewitt, The Singing Troubadour; Cliff Kelly. Pianist; Jesse Argent, Trick Banjoist; This is the first appearance of the special "Capital Theatre Hillbillies" and don't miss them! - Silver Collection. • * * * 0 • SPECIAL JULY 1ST TOURNAMENT Ladies' Softball Gaines start 2 o'clock sharp DST. - 3 Games - Thedford, St. Marys, Brussels, Dashwood. Winners of lst two game meet in final. O e r * * * * • WEDNESDAY, JULY 2m) - 7 P.M. DST LADIES' SOFTBALL LEAGUE GAME Exeter Vs. Dashwood at Lakeview Casino Ball Diamond 26-b BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC' FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Albert S. Clinton ARTHUR E. PARRY COMMISSIONER,ETC., ETC. By Royal Warrant H. C. MEIR, BARRISTER -AT -LAW Solicitor Supreme Court: of Ontario; 'Proctor, in Admiralty Notary Public acrd Commissioner Office: MacKenzie House Hours: 2 to 5 Tuesdays and 'Fridays CHIROPRACTIC • D. II. McINNES, D.C. CHIROPRACTIC, FOOT CORRECTION Huron St. Phone 207 tame ACC,OUNTANCY ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Moor St.: W. Toronto ROY N. BENTLEY INCOME TAX-. (Busrinese, Private or Fenn Reports)) Bookkeeping Serviees-.(Weekly or Monthly) Typing --(Private -or Commercial work). 36 Regent St., Box 58, Phone 2313, Goderieh, Ont. OPTOMETRY A L. "COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST • yes Examined and Glasses Fitted exoderich - P , one 33 DENTAL DR. D. d. Gnomes DENTIST lbovete Bleck - Clinton leburs: 9-12 am.; 1.20-6 pen. Tcle�xlxope 1H0 IVATIML1LS, Cemetery AFentorials T. RRYDE & SON Clinton telbdweiooms Open F`nideys, See J. 3. Zapfe. Phone Atte AUCTIONEERING EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICBNSISD AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at Clinton News -Record or by phoning 203. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. LICENSED AOLD UCTIONEER JACKSON Specialist in Farm and Household sales, Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties, Prices reasonable, satisfaction guaran- teed. .yon information, etc. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R, 4, Seaforth, Phone 14-661. PERCY O. WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Household, farm stock, implements and purebred sales. Special training and eeperience enables me to offer you sales service that is most efficient and satisfactory. Phone 00r22, Hensall. INSURANCE Fon Life, Oar, Fire,; Sickness and Accident Insurance see G. D. ROBERTON Clinton THE MoKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seaforth OFFICERS, 1947 -Fres., Frank Mee Gregor, Clinton R.R. 5; Vice -Pees„ Chris' Leonhardl, Bornholm, R.R.. 1; Manager and Secy.-Treas., el, A. Reid, Seaforth. nDIElECTOStS-Harvey Fuller, God - each, RR. 2; Chris Leonhardt, Brod hagon; B S Trewartha, Clinton; W. R. Archibald, Se:eart'h; John FI. 1VIcEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor Clinton; Hugh Alexander; Walton; J. I. Malone, Sea - forth: AGENTS --John 11. Pepper, Bruce - field, R.R. 1; Geo, A, Watt, Blyth; R.R. 1; R. e'M'cKercher, Dublin, R.R. 1; J F. Prueter, rodhagen. Parries desiring to elfeet Inset -awe or transact other business will be promptly attended t,o on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. Losses inspected by the director living near- est the point of loss. VJETEMEINTRaN ext. G. S. EL IOililr VEEDRINA•RRON 'Rhone 203 l'> uftsu