HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-19, Page 7VTIVIISDA,YY, ' J:UNE, 1.9, 'i 4'7 HURON O •ea O i NIt'+!YYs"'.,.otom PAGE +SFJVEN COUNTY FARMERS' OWN NEWSY PAGE FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR THE, ROUND TRIP Good going all day Monday, ' June 30th, until 2 p.m, Tuesday, July let, RETURN LIMIT; Leave destination not later than midnight Wednes- day, July tad. Standard limo Co»sult any Railway Agent, i Your Headquarters f o r Grain and Feeds Seeds Grain and Feed are in very short position. However, we are taking orders and will deliver as soon as possible. We have a large supply purchased and expect deliverer soon. FREDO.FO1tD Phone 123w Clinton VARNA (Intended for last Week) The WEVIS of the United Church enten,taiaied the ladesofGoshen and Blake in the, United Church ,Several of the school, sections were represented at the Atgrsonitural Pic- ture demonstration held in the Town- ship Hall, Varma, • i". Protect your �,�investment svw is built for Western Ontario needs --and Roe vitgmized feed for one pullet (to laying age) costs only one dozen Fall eggs. Feed Roe ... watch your pullets grow. Gyo KNOW . . that sufficient roosting space is very important. Light breeds from six weeks to tan weeks need five inches; heavies seven inches; From tela weeks to laying pen: light breeds six inches, heavies eight inches. Roosts to be apacod twelve Inches ,apart. AT W OO D. ONTARIO. FREE SERVICES FOR FARMERS For the purpose of assisting the farmers of ,Canada to meet the economic problems with which they are constantly confronted and to carry on the industry of Canadian agriculture to the advantage of the nation as a whole, the Dominion Government has several millions of dollars invested in free services and facilities. No other industry has at its disposal such a wide and varied range of services and facilitie,s provided by the Government. They include the Dominion -wide system of Experimental Farms and Stations, the divisions of Dairy Research, Botany and Plant Pathology, Chemistry, Entomology .and Plant Protection of the Science Service, the divisions of Health of Animals, Plaut Production and Livestock with their field services 'of the Production Service, the Marketing Service, in which is centralized the administration of all grading services of livestock and livestock products, dairy products, poultry, eggs, fruit, vegetables,. canned goods, maple products andhoney, and the Division of Agricultural Economies, which serves as a fact-finding body concerning production and marketing. Results of the research work and experiments of all these services of the Dominion Department of Agriculture are made known to farmers and the people of Canada generally through free publications, the press and radio, exhibits and other ways directed by the Publicity and Ex- tension Division, Those engaged in the industry of Agriculture, whether directly or indirectly, are invited to make full use of the services and facilities as outlined. They are free' s, etee Dominion Department of Agriculture Ottawa -- Canada RT.. HON. JAMS G. GARDINER DR. G. S. H. BARTON Minister Deputy Minister 25-1 LONDESBORO Mrs, Minnie Anderson, - Exeter, spent the weekend with her niece', Mas, Will Lyon. Misses Beth and'Elva Goyim. spent Sunday . with 'their parents, Mx, and Maas. Will Goviea'.. A number from this community attended '{album Anniversary ,Ser- vices on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Pipe spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Pipe anct family, Brussels. Miss . Mary Eden Prest, Mitchell spent the weekend at the borne of her parents, 'VLa. and Mr,t. Fred P1•est, Mac. Walliann Breen, London, spent the 'weekend at the home of her par- ents, .Mot and Mrs. William Griffiths. ,Mr. and Mrs: Jack Sprung and daughter, London, called on Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Saundeacock ora Sunday. Dar. .and Mas. E'. K. Lyon, Leam- ington, and Dr. and MTS., A. H. Lyon Windsor, were Wednesday visitors with their mother. 'George Fowles, Linudlscy, and Bruce powles and son. Douglas, Stratford visited, with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shob- brook on Suatdlay, Ma. 'and Mme. Tames McCool and Phyllis and Mr. and Mrs. George XeVittie visited friends in Hamilton over the weekend. Mr. and Mas Sidney Lansing and Miss Mina Hunter attended the Silver Wedding anniversary 'of Mr.mad Mas. Ed. Ball, Gileton, on /Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Radford returned home from ;St. Catherine on Sunday after spending the past two weeks with their son Carl and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Younngblashb Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mountain and Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Josling and family. spent Sunday with Mr. land Mrs. William Wells, Clinton. •Mr.'and Mas. Will Lyon, Thorn - dale, Gordon Lyon, London, and Me. and 'Mrs, Bill Riley, Goderich, visited with the ferrules mother, Mac, Eliza- beth Lyon. Ma. Riley takes over his new ,dltuties iso. leeneall next week. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mao. J. H. Shohbrook were NIr. and .Mn s. Lorne tSlita)ybaoolt and famiy, Osh- awa; MT, and Mts. Norman padford and 'Shirley, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Slhoibbrook, Thelma and tMuriel; Mr. end Mee. Peony Gibbisiigs and family; Mx. and Mrs. Clarence 'Craw- ford and :fancily; Mr. and Mre. Cliff Sanundteroock and Mts. Latta Saund• er cock. ' Showing.. Pictures The Federation of Agriculture is showing piotures in the Oommnnity H ll; Lonelesboao, on Wednesday af- teainoon and eveaning, Juin 25, at 2.50 for school children and nine foe adults. All are welcome. Attended Graduation Among 'those attending the grad - nation of .Miss Laura Stell at the convocation exeroises of the Univer- eity od Wasters Onntaaeo, at London, on Wednesdial c last, were Mrs, Edgar Snell, Ma. an,cl Mrs, Heughan, Wing. ham, 'Mrs, Gordon Keys, Brucefielcl, 1VIns. tAb. Vocitden, Miss Hattie Mc- Call, MTs. Mae Marl{innon and Grant and Harry Snell. Receives Degree 'Congratulations to Miss Stats 'Snell who at the Graduation ex- eroises of the University of Westeru Ontario, London, .on Wednesday, June 11, received her B A degree. Miss Snell was one of ,a class of .498 to reeeive this degree. She has obtain- ed this degree extramurally, doing 12 years week to attain it. In ,the full she •will retuen to Welland to teach. where ieihe has been for five years having had a year's leave of absence this ,past year. Another graduate well known in [(hie district was Fraser L. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mee. W. C. Thomp- son, Guelph, former residents in this community. Fraser is. now working in a law firm in Guelph. Mission Circle Meets The Aimaveil 'Mission Circle held A Full Line of FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS and COMBINES 1 MILKING MACHINES 11 CREAM SEPARATORS 11 BINDERS and MOWERS 11 Tractor Repair Service 1 J. H. Brunsdon FARM SALES AND SERVICE Phone 15, Residence 320 Rattenbury St. E., Clinton DUI'� Best* Test Costs Less To Operate Because D[JRO'S exclusive features permit greater softening capacity and ,regenerating facilities—it actually costs less to operate a DURO. Your first cost with DURO is really an invest- ment . . , paying dividends not only in better living .. but in reduced soap bills . longer life for washable clothes, sheers, towels . elimination of costly repairs to your heating plant . , reduced fuel bills for domes- tic water heating, �7 64.4AA4 ad - Yet DURO Softeners are not expensive. There is a DURO price, and size to fit your budget. See your local plumbing contractor today and learn bow easy it is for you to enjoy DURO softened water in your home, PUMPS AN LONDON PRICED AS LOW $64.00 F.o.13. LONDON, CANADA 611RO water softeners a re "Made -in -Canada" from the fin. est materia is obtainta6le, giving high quality performance with long trouI1e•free service, 4RS LIMITED ONTARIO their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, June 19, in the basement of the church, with Mrs. Sidney Lansing acting as president.. The Devotional exercises were taken by 'Margaret Good and 13eVh Lansing. The roll call was taken and minutes of last meeting read and the treas- amee's aeponit given. Business was then discussed after which Helen Radford gave a temperance reading. Hyanun No. 41 was then suing, follow- ed by the Study Book, which was given by Beth Lansing, Margaret Good, Helen Badfoa d andFrancis Lyon. The meeting then . closed by singing Hyanan 562, followed by all reheating the Benediction. Lunch .then served by some of bhe girls, WMS Meets The W1vr,S met in the basement of the church, Thursday, Tune 12, 'with the president, Mrs. Townsend, an the Chair. The meeting opened by sing- ing }iymaa 254 followed by prayer. by MTs. Will Lyon. After the•busi- nese had been dealt with readings were given by Mrs. Penman on Stewardship and Mrs, Lily Webster on Temperance. Mrs. Will Manning, C,0 -OPERATIVE MEETINGS Huron County Cooperative Medical services will hold a meeting for all interested, both urban ;and rural people, in Exeter Town Hall, on Wednesday, June 25, at 8.30 pan,; in the Ags ieuitural Board Robin, Clia., ton, 'on Thursday, June 26, at 8.30 p.m. and en Wnngham Town Hall on Friday, Janie 27 at 8.30 pan. The speaker at these meetings will be William G. Nicholson, president of the 'County Co-ropeeetiye Union. A short programme will be arranged featuring local talent. Everybody welcome,' leader of group three then 'took charge of the meeabing, the theme beingthe Church Conies Back in Asia and was ably taken by Mrs, Will Manning, Mrs, Edwin Wood, Miss Lois Wood, ,Miss Gail Manning 'incl Miss Frances Lyon. The .Scrip - tura lesson was read by Miss Flos- sie Jamieson and Miss. Phyllis Mee Cool sang a hole. The meeting closed Nei singing Hymn 377 and prayer offered by Mrs. Will Lyon, Hog Concentrate Dairy Supplement Quality Feeds They Pay Phone 114 Poultry Concentrate Laying Mash Hogs are worth money to you but worms are not Worm the safe easy way — use PIG -TAB GRANULES — mixed with the feed, the pigs do the rest. POULTRY PROFITS begin with elle Baby Chick . Strong, vigorous (Jllicks, good feeding, along with good clean ranges Good Pullets — Larger Profits. FEED THE QUALITY WAY QUALITY FEEDS FOR ALL LIVESTOCK Feeds - Seeds - Western Grain ., Concentrates - Mixed Feeds Reduced Prices on Truck Loads SAMUEL RIDDICK (S DONS (CONCENTRATES GRAIN -- FERTILIZER — SEEDS — MIXED FEEDS For Body and Fender Repairing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 5 C. R. Crossman Body Shop Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 694 5HJJR-GAIN rjrad___Li Your Pullets on Range Need Plenty of Water The nnportanee of good feed is constantly stressed by Poultry Authorities. The importance of water is just as great. A plentiful supply of fresh elean thinking water should be available at all times. IT IS IMPORTANT ME WATER BE FRESH IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT THE FEED BE FRESH Shur -Gain Feeds are Made at Our Mill Each Day and are Always Fresh Drop in at the Mill for Your Shur -Gain Feeds CLINTON FEED MILL YOUR SIIUR-•GAIN FEED SERVICE MILL PHONE 580 CLINTON i