HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-19, Page 4PAGE POUR OLZNTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE 19,• 194 men s and Church Affairs in Minton and District Wesley -Willis WMS Plans Joint Picnic The WMS of Wesley -Willis United ..Church met in the dhuroh parlour, Thursday evening, June 12, with Mals,,112cGill's grou Making charge of the first part of the meeting. IIIymn.361 opened the meeting with MTS. Adams at the pilano. A short reading was given by •Mrs. 'Hearn. Mrs. Saville read the Scrip- tare lesson and Mrs. McGill offered ,prayer. Miss Brigham gave a short temperance tall: ,and Mrs, Laidlaw gave a current event telling of a wedding in ;China. A very interest- ing talk was given by Miss ,Dell O'Neil on Church Life in St. Peters- burg and also on "Birch Bark Talk - Ing by Dr. Elvins, a missionary of Hudson Bay Depot. The business part of •the meeting was then conducted by the president, Mrs. Hearn. Repents were given of IOO'F NOTES A carload comprising Mrs. W. M. Nediger, Miss Aphra Steepe, Mrs. E, C. Nritekle, Miss Moewenno Judd and Mrs. J. A. Sutter, were in. Exeter last evening aubtending a meeting oe the newly -organized Pa•i!cie of Huron Rebekah Lodge, A .special meeting of Huronic Be.. beke h Lodge No. 306 has been called fon: Monday, June 23, foe the purpose of hearing the repomt of the Assembly which is in session this week and also for the initiating of candidates, St. Paul's WA. Hears Reports on Deanery The WA of St. Paul% Anglican Church held their June. meeting at the home ,of Mrs. W. H. iRabiarson, withh 15 members and one 'visitor present. Mao. Bulteel presided. Mrs. M. M'eeKinmon read the Scripture pas- sege. The delegates to the Deanery meeting, held last; week in Gorria presented reports. •Mils. Budde spoke on Mrs. Smith's address, a highlight fwhich was "Elolp people to het) 0 themselves." Mrs. L. McKinnon Say you saw itin The NEWS- brought a request contained in Ms. Calder's address to the delegates for supplies for the Mohawk Institute. The WA's quota of towels and bed- ding was accepted. At this meeting the members were sorry to say,goodbye to Mrs. R. M. Sperling, a willing member of the organization, who leaves soon for her tvew home in Port Elgin. The members were grateful to Mrs. Robinson foe refreshments aaad a cheery social time. Weather per- mitting, the July meeting . will be held in Mrs. L. 11'LcKiinnon's garden. RECORD. all oonunitteese It was decided t a have a picnic for the Mission Band and: the Mothers' Club on Tivunsda;; ft aernoon,- June 26, at the church. The Mizcpah Benediction closed the meeting. CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS OR BY APPOINTMENT WITH Mr. J. J. ZAPFE PHONE 103 MEMORIALS AND •CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE . & SON GLINTON - EXETER - SEAFOR7'H You are cordially invited to visit THE TOT SHOP Ontario Street, Clinton rr on our opening day Saturday, June 21, 1947 Clinton's New Store Exclusively For INFANTS' AND PRE-SCHOOL WEAR GIFT SETS YARNS TOYS Free Balloons for Children on Saturday Nina Inkley Ethel Cooke ■ L. Lavis Honored On Father's Day Mr. Launcey Levis was pleasantly surprised on .Sunday, which was Po•ther's Day, when a family dinner was tendered him by his ehildren at Clinton Grill. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Castle; Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas, Hamilton; Jac:, Levis, Toronto; Mrs. Wesley Reddy, Landon; • Mr. and ,Mus. John Cooper, Kippen; and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bowen, Mr. and Mos. Jahn Wade, Mr, and Mrs. William Levis. and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lavis, all of Royal Oale, Mich. Mr. Lavin Was the recipient of a lovely gift from the family. Later, ;fancily group pictures were taken at the home 'of ,Mr. and 'Mrs. Lavin and a Sunday night supper served. Ontario St Girls' Club Holds June Meeting ■ 23-ttb NOTICE • • • The Town of Clinton is anxious to procure properties on which WARTIME HOUSES may be built. Citizens who have vacant building hots for sale please contact the Town Clerk for further particulars. TOWN OF CLINTON, - M. T. Corless, Clerk and Treasurer Evening Auxiliary Plans Vacation The June meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of Wesley -Willis United' Clhan'dh was -held et the hoarse of Miss M. Rudd, Goderichh, on Tuesday even-. ing, J rrue 17. The president, Mrs. Beattie, opened the meeting with a poem •and ,the singing of a ,hymn. The roll call was answered by a seasonable verse. The Scripture reading was given by Mrs. McLaren, followed by prayer by Muss Helen Nediget. A reading entitled "You" was given by Miss Ruth Potter, During the business discussion 11 was decided to dis- continue the meetings until the month of September. ,Miss Ferrol Higgins was in charge of ,the study period. A dialogue showing the conditions the mission- aries to Japan, Clhina, and Korea found on returning to their 'work was presented by Mrs. Florence Ship- ley, M's, AdeIle Jervis, Miss Grace Addison, Mrs, Florence Chowen, Miss Gladys ' Addison and Miss Helen Necliger: At the erose of the meeting the hostessserved a most delicious Lunch. PRESBYTERIAN WMS The Presbyterian WMS will meet on Wednesday, June 25, at Three ,dclock at the Manse. The Shanley ladies are cordially invited to attend. MOTHERS' CLUB MEETS The ,Mothers' Club of Wesley - Willis United Church will hold its Tune meeting at the home of Mrs. G..Braithwaite, Albert St., on Tues- day evening, June 24. This meeting will be the last till after the 'summer holidays. Mats. D. Dales, Townsend St., will be in charge of the meet- ing•. .Mothers are urgently invited to be .present at this 'meeting which promises to be a very happy gath- ering. The June tweeting of the Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church was held Thursday evening, June 12, at the home of Mas. Norman Tyndall. Mrs. • Farnham presided. The meet- ing opened by the reading of a poem by Mrs. Farnham. After the singing of a hymn Miss Courtice took charge -of tate devotional period, Reports were given antd business discussed. Mrs. Woolfrey gave a reading "The Life ,of Ahneda Adams" which told of her seeing mind and her life of service for others. Mrs. Farnham and Mrs. Woolfrey eaoh conducted a contest. A. reading "Why Teachers Cry" was given by Mrs. Watt. The meeting closed -with the Mis- rlah Benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess and a social hour spent. Legion Auxiliary Initiates Members The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Can - adieu Legion held its regular meet- ing in the Legion Home on Tuesday evening, June 17, with a good at- tendance. The president, Marc. A. E. Haddy 'was in the chair. Four new membens were initiated Mrs. Jean Cotusinal. Mrs. G'. 11. Crossman, Mrs. Edith Moore and Mrs. Mona Hawkins. A very enjoyable talk was given by Miss Hoyle, Stratford, the Zone representative, which clearly pointed out the. duties and aims of the or- ganization. 'Several Goderioh ladies were present at this !meeting. A social half ihour ibrought a very pleasant evearing to a close. 0--- WESLEY-WILLIS WMS The WMS of Wesley -Willis United 'Church will entertain the Mission Band, and the Mothers' Club on Thursday arfternoen, Jame 26, at 8.30 o'clock, in the Church hall. Every- body come, 0 Counter Check Books at The NEWS,REiCORD. SUMMERHILL Engagements Announced- Nur, and Mrs. Wallace Agar, R.R. 2, Bluevale, annuonance the engagement of 'thaia daughter, Leila Mae, to Obarles David Hay, son of Mr. and Mas William J. Hay, Zurich. The. marriage will balee place the latter part of June. The engagement is announced of Harriet Letitia McCall, P,;,N,, daugh- ter of William McCall and the late Mrs. McCall, Walton; to Hari'y .Snell, son of the late Mr. anvil Mrs, William Smell, Londesbaro, the marriage to take place the latter part of June. Mr, asnd Mrs. Roy Tyndall wish to announce the engagement of their second daughter, Lula Elizabeth, to John Samuel iMerrill, youngest soon of Mr. and Mas, Ira Merrill, all of Godeeich Township. the marriage to take place in June. New Book ➢ Added To Public Library Juvenile: A Child's Book of Hymns, The Story of Barber, Barbar the King, The Travels of Barbar, Barbar and Zephir, Barbar and his Child- ren, Bedtime ,Stories, Famous Fairy Tales, The Little Dog who' Forgot how to Bark, Randolph; the Bear who said No, Old Granny Fox; Adult non fiction: Faees of Des- tiny, by Knish; Happy the Land, by Louise, iDicl inson Rich; The Egg and I, by Betty MacDonald; Adult Fiction: - Mrs. Mike, by Benedict and Nancy Freedman; Wind .Without ,Rain, by ,Selwyn Dewdney; Who has Seen the Wind, by W. O. Mitchell (son of Mrs. O. S. Mitchell, nee Maggie McMurray, Clinton); Until the Day Break, by Louis Broomfield; Pavilion of Women, by Pearl Buck; Return to Jaln:a., by Mazo De La Roche; Beauty for Ashes, by Grace Livingston Hill; Sunset Pass, by Zane Grey; With Banners, by Emilie Loring; Ghost of a Chance, by Kelley Roos; An- other Woman's House, by Mignon Bberhart; The Trees Went Forth, by Wafter O'Meara; P. Moran, Operative by Percival Wilde; The Silver Leop- ard, by Helen Reilly; The Unfortun- ate Fursey, by Mervyn Weill. The Case of the Silent Partner; by Erle Stanley Gardner, The June meeting of the Summer- hill Ladies' Club was held Wednes- day afternoon, June llth, at tha. hone of Mts. Wes. Vodden. Mrs. Bill Jenkins, the new v esiclent, was in the chair. The meeting opened by singing the hymn "Rescue the Perishing" followed by the Lord's Prayer. The secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting. There were 20 members and seven visitors pres- ent. Members answered the roll caR by paying their fees. A quilt was quilted during the afteancoon. After the !business'session, -the afternoon was brought to a close by the ladies of the .social committee serving a very delicious lunch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. 'Ellis. Those on the lunch committee will be Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs. Crich, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. T. Mason, and en the program committee will be Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. C. Ball, Mrs, Cornish and Mao, W. Merrill. c3.. FOR. P4111111 ORCH- ` A 1A D L AWN' IN' a - i��, ,r/ "-,i 1fj\ Garden Chairs, folding type, hardwood frame, Perfect for relaxing outdoors, each $3.25 with footrest and canopy, each $5.35 * * * TUBULAR STEEL GARDEN CHAIRS, strong and sturdy, will last each Lawn Folding a lifetime, Chairs, unpainted, each .. , $4.50 and $5.95 Verandah Chairs, each $2.75 aw-..e... very 411 i /� $6.75 i°7 `�,. � /� -'/%�1I HAMMOCKS each $9 and $10.75 '_ -' BALL BROS. Wm,l N. Ball HARDWARE and FURNITURE DEALERS D, G. Ball Phone 361W FUNERAL DIRECTORS PHONE 361J PORTER'S HILL Owing to the absence of our pas- tor, a song service was enjoyed on Sunday. Miss Mary Torrance con- ducted' the service reading announce• meats and giving hymn numbers. To Present Play A. play will be presented in Grace Chunoh on Friday evening, June 20, under the direction of Brucefield choir, "The Way to Happiness" This play comes highly recommended and is being ,put on by the ladies of the WA. WA Meets The WA held its June meeting en Thursday afternoon at the home of Mas. Arlie Lockhart with 14 ladies present. The president opened the meeting with hymn and Scripture reading followed 'by prayer, Miss Diener Cox lead the minutes of last meeting. It was decided to have a play in the near future. The meet- ing was closed after quite a lot of discussion regarding well.; for the summer months. The hostess served a tasty lunch. The July meeting to be at Mrs. Wilmer Inaerison's, VARNA" Weddings W s COWL'ES-PEA.RSON A pretty wedding, was solemnized at the Ontario- St. United Church Parsonage Clinton, on ,Sattirday, June '7, ,at 2 p.m ., when the minister, Rev. W. J. Woolfrey united in marriage Betty Lou Eileen Pearson and LAC Howard Liman Cowles. The bride is the yaungear d4uaghter of Mrs. Le'nero Pearson and the late William Pear- son, Clinton, [and the groom, station- ed at the .ROAF [Station, Clinton,. is ,the only son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Claire Cowles, Prince Albert, Sask. The bride was prettily dressed in a King's blue jersey dress with matching hat' and black accessories. She was attendedby her sister, Mrs William Lee, Clinton, who 'wore a line green crepe dress -with match, ing hat and accessories. William Lee, Clinton, brother-im law of the bride, was best reran. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion for 35 guests was held at the hoarse of the bride's mother. The iyoung couple will reside in Clinton. The gr'oom's gift to the bride was a string of pearis and to the brides- maid mei best man an end table. 1VIILTON-RAPSON A pretty wedding was solemnized an Saturday, June 14, 1947; at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Orval Rapson, Londesboro, when their daughter, Hazel Eileen, became the bride of Murray Edwin Milton, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Milton, Drmrnbo. Rev, Harold J. Snell of- ficiated. Goren in marriage by deer father, the bride was' gowned in ivory satin, with finger-tip veil caught with a sweetheart ,halo trimmed' with seed pearls. .She carried a cascade bou- quet .of Peerless Red roses and Stephenotns. Her sister, M.iss Lois Rapson, Lon Mr. and Mrs, John Aidinn spent Sunday with relatives in Staffa, Mrs. J. F. -Snaith spent tbo past week with her daughter, Mas, L. Elliott, Walton, Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas Allington, Seaforbh, visited on Tuesday with their ears, John Aldington .and wife. Mrs. George McOlimohey, a resident of ,Stanley passed away at the helm of her daughter, Mrs. Ivan ,Steckle, on Saturday moaning. 1VLiss Helen Psrroav, Boston, Mass., an old college friend of Mrs. Lloyd Moffatt, was her guest in London last week. and spent a short visit with her at their country home at Varma. Varna WMS Meets The Varna WMS entertained the societies of Goshen and Blake in the church.. The meeting was opened with quiet •music followed by sing. ing hymn 309. Everyone joined in repeating the Lord's 'Prayer. The president, Mrs. Lee MoConnell, wel- comed ,the visiting societies. A trum- pet solo played by Mrs. Clare Mc- Bride, Goshen, 'was imach enjoyed. Mrs. ,Sherlock Keyes read the Scrip- ture after which .Miss Hera led in prayer. The audienee were favoured by a solo by Mass Herm. Mrs, Haugh introduced the guest speaker, Miss Bowey, Brumfield. She gave a very interesting. account of the Presby- terial held) in Alyllmer on May 6. A duet, "A Moment of Prayer" was ably rendered by Mrs, Russell Eeratt and Mrs. E. A. Keyes. Hymn 252 was sung after which Miss Hern pronounced the Benediction. A dainty lunch was served by the Varna ladies. Mas. Russell Erratt of Goshen moved a vote of thanks to the Varna society and' to the speaker, Miss Bowey, for an enjoy- able afternoon. This was seconded by Mas. T. Dinsmore of Blake. CHURCH DIRECTORY (AU times are Eastern Daylight Saving) St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist 4rs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE • 22 V.00 AM. -Sunday School 11.00 A.M.-Morning Service Archdeacon W. A. Townshend Soloist -Beverley 110c••es 7.00 P.M. -Evening Service. Monday -'Confirmation Glass at 7.30 P.M. Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyer, Organist and Choir Leader SUINDiAY, .DUNE 22 0.00 A.M.-,Sunday School 11.00 AM -Dime Worship "Strange Things in Life" 2.80 P.M. --Service at Bayfield All Welcome Pentecostal REV. H. KEINDRICIC, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 22 2.30 P.M. -Sunday School 3.30 P.M. -Worship Service 7.30 P.M. -Evangelistic ,Service Sunday Services at home of Miss Laura Jervis, Princess St. E. Thursday. 8 p.m: Bible Study Read E Gluon, 7:14 Baptist itI2V. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mss. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader den( as maid of honour, and Mrs, Clare ,1VLcBridle, Zurich, as brides- maid; were gowned in periwinkle blue nylon net over .satin, with mist. • tens and headciress'es of - nnalxnhing net.. They carried colonial bouquets of •pink' Bria neliffe roses. Roy Milton, brother of, the groom, was best man. (Art the reception, the bride's moth- er woreturquoise blue and the gro'onn'e mother wore aqua blue crepe. Both wo/0s corsages of prink roses. Foe travelling, the bride chose a powder bliue gabardine suit, grey (hat,. and black accessories. Her corsage was of red' roses. Mr. and Mrs, 1Vlalton will reside in Toronto. Bride -elect Honored By Girl's' Club Group, Miss Margaret Bailachey; a bride-, elect of this summer, was honoured by the Girl's' Club of Wesley -Willis, 'United' Church at a pot luck supper, Tuesday, June 10. Miss Ballaohey was presented with a handsome picture and .an ,address whioh sires sect the esteem in which she is held• by members 'of the Ciu'b. The Presi- dent, Mrs. C. M. Shearing; read the addressand the pgesentatien was made by Mrs. Gordon Miller. Miss Ballachey's group had' charge• of the meeting fallowing the supper. Scriplture lessons were read by Mrs.. A. E. Douglas and Mrs. Ldrne Jer- viS, with Miss Ballachey leading sirs prayer: Miss Margaret Holland snug 'L'ife is Sweet"' ,and "In the Garden of To -morrow," with Mrs. Morgan Agnew accompanying her: The rest of the evening was spent playing^ several' amusing games, • NEWS RECORD for fine job printing. iSUINID!AY, JUNE 22 Bible School -11 AMM. The best civilization is based 'ea !Bible teaching. Help your dhild- ren to. get the best. Evening Worship at 7 P.M. The subject will be "Life's Com- pensations." The Baptist Catholic Churches are willing to unite with any body of people on the basis of the New Testament but rust on tradition, , Jesus, not Mary or any man- made .creed must be central. Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendell, Organist SUNIDA.Y, JUNItI 22 11.00 A.M.: Morning Service "holding to the Essentials" 12.15 PM. --Sunday School 7.00 P.M. -Evening Service "Standing By" Wesley -Willis Church Roy. ANDREW LANE, Minister Marc.. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader ISIUiNDIA.Y, JUNE 22 11.00 A.M.---Monning Worship 122.10 -(Sunday ,School 7.00 P.M. -Evening Worship r 1 1 Holiday Sport Togs * a r "NOW" is the time to prepare for those hot summer days ahead. See our complete line of SLACKS - SLACK SUITS - SIiORTS - SUN DRESSES - SUN SUITS and BATHING SUITS. Choose now while there is a selection from which to choose. This Store will remain closed Wednesday morning until further notice. c?)? R. V. IRWIN Here Comes the Bride The happiest event of your life -your wedding -calls for a portrait. You and your friends will treasure it through the years. Make an appointment today Phone 48 7owlei PHOTOGRAPHERS McEwan's Clinton When Downtown Why Not Drop In for a SODA, SUNDAE or MILK SHAKE They are a Real Treat these 'Dari Days BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS Phone 1 Silverwood's Ice Cream Clinton