HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-19, Page 31P114311S7MY, JUNE 19, 194.7 CiLItNTON NEWS-ILFCOP,.D Q: ---Will you.•aylease tell me if there are any revisions in the regullations, gtoveaming the ':serving of sugar hi sostauranits ? If not world you please list the restrictions, 1111:---,Srugar may be nerved ..i public eating places only when it is request - end. The limit of each :serving is three lumps or two teaspoonfuls far any beverage. .at any one sitting and two teaspoonafuls for any one food: Per- forated slnakens for serving granntlalt• ed or fruit auger are prohibited and containers, of .sugar ma;yi not be left in any ,place +availeble to :the public, MOTORWAYS TRAVEL SYSTEM New Summer :Schedules Effective June 22nd On All Routes • London -Owen 'Sound • London -Hanover • 'Lemon Falrcierston • L•ondou-•-Goaerjh • Stralt>Fard-Goderich • Si 'altforcl-Woodatoeck • K•itdhener-KzbtArdihie • Guelph--Soutklahnptom Consult Your Western Ontario Motorww.ys Agent for Complete Schedule Information Frequent depauen convenient With wall Motorways. t meld connections noels way to go.--whereit the 4you like -.-• when you like - in easy riding coaches - - •MotorwaYs low fares to all parts of 11V eaten! Ontario nukask a on the mighty budget. The WesternOntario Motorways LIMITED HEAD OFFICE - 318 COLBORNE ,ST„ LONDON 25-b 1 PAGE THREE “There Were Ninety And Nine" By "PEG" Perhaps one of the most beautiful of aril church hymns is "There were Ninety and Nine that safely lay in the shelter of the fold." The history of the hymn unfolds a very pathetic Story, I have beside me a snapshot of a very old tomb stone, symbolic of the time, which was taken recently in a cemetery at. Fergus, Oalsaro• It gives the fol- lowing 6nfornnartion: In Memory of George elder son of Andrew •Olephane ehearirff of Thifeshire, Scotland' on 2, May, 1851 age, 32 To read it one . would naturally think that a young man had passed on in 3i1•s early life and: nightly so, but we learn that although he was born in a keine where he might have• had the advantages of a good life yet he forsook his God and went astray. As was quite often the case of young men of like sort in the. old land he was sent out to 'Canada in cadet- that +his disgraces might not reflect on his family and prob- ably •alsothat his parents felt that he might get a fresh start away from oomplani,bns -which were probably equally es bad as he was. However, as fair as the world knows he continued his wild life in the Scotch settlement where he .'lived and one day he was found lying be- side a railway track. His life had eparted• We have no right to judge or it may be, like the penitent thief, rte met his (Saviour before his life ere on •earth was finished. It was matter between shim and God. So often we are inclined to judge people Ito pass away without any outward expression of their love of God. God -nowt their hearts. We do not. George Cleptliane was evidently a net loved son and brother in the oonee from which he had come in Esq, h a w k m h WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS BUS SCHEDULE Effective Sunday, June 22 Dv. for LONDON and EXETER Ln'. for STIRATFORD KITCHENER GUELPH TORONTO HAMILTON Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 7.25 am 9.45 am 12.50 pm 4.50 phi 8.50 pin Daily Ex. Daily Sun. & Inca. Daily Daily Daily Ex. Sun, & Ho], Sam. &Hol. Daily 7.40 am 9.45 am 12.45 pm 4.45 rpm 6.46 inn 7.40 pin 8.45 pm In'. for W.INGIIAM KINCARDINE OWEN SOUND Daily • Daily Daily 11.05 sin 3.05 pas 9.05 ppm 1.v. for Daily Daily Ex. .Sun. & Hol. ;Daily Daily Ex. Sun. & I101. Daily Sun. & Hal. Daily • only GADDER/ICH 11.10 am 1.20 pit 3-10 pre 7.10 inn 9.10 lam 11.10 pm 12.10 am Clinton Depot: BARTLIFF'S RESTAURANT, Phone 1 PROSPERITY FOLLOWS IN !pt€al FOOTSTEP5 It springs from the rich earth furrowed by your plough. It is born of the wheat and the coat and the barley and all the food you produce, Yes, your crops are the very foun- dation of our nation's prosperity, because food Wan absolute necessity for every man, woman and child', . , because the growing of food is Canada's most important primary industry. And the greater your'har.- vests al the more solid is prosperity's foundation, • DANK OF MONTREAL :whine with Canadians in every way of life since -1812 Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager lLotxdesborough (Sub -Agency) : Open Monday and Thursday The food you grow is also helping • to build a lasting peace by warding off famine in the war -ravaged coun- tries of Europe; during these years of reconstruction. indeed, yottre is a :tremendous re- sponsibility , , • to the nation and to the world. But Caneda is fully con- fident (bat you will continuo to pro- duce all the food you possibly can , that your foot- steps will never u falter in the van- j� BAI17 . guard of roS erlt• TORN i555eWMNs 6 p' It V• THE B. of Al as worked with Canadian farmers since the clays of its foundation, 130 years ago - providing' financial aid and helpft 1' advice. 11 you need a loan to improve your farm, drop in and talk it over' with your nearest B of 14 manager, Ask, too for our folder "Quiz for a Go•Aread Farmer". AIMS 01059 Snobland, and we often wonder tf some of •his dean ones, made the trip to Oasod to see' his last resltin place. We are sure of two things, one is that they marked his grave with what at that time would be a nice head spire and the isle: is that his sister Elizabeth ;Cecelia Clephane wrote in (his memory that beautiful hymn "The Ninety and Nine," ,Sonne;:time ago.we wrote on "God's defeat" which, it is reported the hymn waiter said when the word reached them in far off Seel:am l that the son and brother had passed away. Some of the though ; could bear re- peating. In answer to that ex tres- sion "•G+od's defeat" we lank lour- selves "Can God ,be defeated?" The ansnver moist -be "No, defeat has no pant in the life of our Saviour." In replying to the question "In world affadoa today is the defeat of Chidst• not imminent?" No, mem may go on in ;his •ewn foolish way he may .even ant in such a way that there will be another world war• - God grant that we may be spared that -- but if ,such a thing should happen man 'will be to blame, If we will persist in doling what is wrong Christ will very often give us oar own way, but that does not by any means, say that we have -defeated Christ. No matter what we do or 'how low we sink ,in sin and refuse to conte to Hca, Christ is not •clefeatedy for Be will have the lash word. It will either be "come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepar- ed for you from the foundation of the world" (Mata, 26:34); or else that' dreadful sentenee will be oer lot, 'Depart from me, ye cussed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels" (.Matt. 25:41). �A;nninister of authority in speaking in one' of our larger cities recently emphasized that the ohurch is power- less against ,the forces of today and he also brought out the fact that the world needs repentance in her programme. We may think that we can get along without Christ, that we 'east defeat Him. How foolish we are to for .one instant entertain such a thought. Christ will never be defeated. One can utaderstand the heart ache of ,that dear sister when she uttered the words that her dear hrother, for whop doubtless they had offered many prayers, was "God's defeat." We know not how that young man went to meet his Master. He appar- ently was alone when death overtook hirci. For all we know Christ may have told him: "Today shalt thou be with Inc in Paradise" We may say it is never too late to repent, That we know is not so, for nary many have been taken without: an. Instant's pushed aside from us all the (hap.. nese.'of eternity. We enay say the tempter•.. le t strong for us, we cannot wiblistan iris attacks. Never perhaps in history of the world has there be so much tragedy. Many of our your people and also those who are old have no regard whatever for o, Heavenly ;Father?. One young m o" Ionce said "We are peaying, but for one, wonder "why God answe the prayers of time who conte t Odin only do the hours of ddatr. "God will never allow the tempter !(defeat us if we ask fore His daii sin er gth to help us on our way. 'beautiful story is told in refer.enre this. A little child when asked wha • did when the tempter carne rep' ed that Jesnls answered.the door an when' ;bhe devil saw hint he said' ltd not know that you 'lived here; have come to the wrong house and h goes 'away. How much happier t would be if wehadthe faith of th little child. There may be some who read th' w ho do not know that beautiful h "The Ninety and ,Nine". If you dot please :bake time to look it 'up. is found in almost all hynm books an with the back ground as given her manfully and, •prayerfully study • The ;authoress passed away also i her thirties, How ,many of us wows have been as faithful to a waywar who has found his last earth ly resiting place in a land far from home and countriy? • If you are one of the ninety an nine who are safe 5a in the fold, than God that through some influence, eith en: home or outside, you have bee brought to Him and if you are th one who is out on the hills away' before it is too late realize the hear ache you are causing those who ar near and dear to: you, the agony the, are going [through while searching for you, for we know that no matte]. how low out- own sink in sin we are still '.doing everything • possible by prayer and personal ,effort to bring them back. Christ will never be eon - tent until He :has done all He possibly can to biting us date the fold, but we mist come of our own free will. He will not force use. Will we not believe on the Lord Jesus Ohrist who died for us that we might spend eternity with ]Tim and oar loved ones. C • Q:--nilave jams and jellies been re- moved from price ceiling regulations? Ai -Except cept those containing straw- berries or raspberries all jams and jellies have been removed from ceiling regulations but raspberry and straw- berry jam and jellies are not rationed p ne td the ener' ng ua• an 1 rs est. to to a& In d R T e ve, at 19 d' Tt a e xt,' is d rd m d k V D r a warning. They have lived a gay life R believing that they will have a chance 1 to repent before God calls them, but the angel of death ,has come so quickly that they have been gone be- fore they knew what was happening. to them. In olden times it Was quite =astral for at person to pass en into eternity in any other way butt lying in their beds but stow in the stren- uous days in which we ere living there are many who have no warning that ,the messenger of death is ap- proeching. What an awakening it will be' for some of us end why will we persist .in our life of wrong doing, We believe 11 is the plan of God that every ane of us will enjoy eternal life with Him, .but .when we were created we were made free will agents and as such we still exist. We are told and re --told of His won- derful salvation whdoh is free to es, but we are just as free to put it to one side and go on with our worldly li'e and -thus earn our well deserved sentence of "Depart from min" We will not be "God's defeat, we will have defeated ourselves, we .will have . OBITUARY WILLIAM DAVID PIPE The funeral of the late William avid Pipe was held from his late esidenee, lot 23, eoncession 6, Mor - is Township, to Brussels Cemetery n Monday afternoon, June 2, with ev. G. A. Milne . offioiating. A very arge crowd attended. Pallbearers were Chester Rantoul. George David, Clifford Marks, Jack Clarice, Watson ,Shouldiee and Ivan Marten • Flower -bearers were Den- nis .Duquette. Jim .Davies, Ross Car- diff, Jack Jordan and Howard Smith. There were many beartiful floral tributes.. Deceased passed away very sud- denly at Ids late residence early Friday morning, May 30, in his 69th year, Ile was born in Morris Town- ship August 23, 1878, a son of the late David Pipe and Etlizabebh Find - later, and fanned there most of his life. He was a member of the Pres- byterian Church. His wife, Eliza- beth' Craig Fairsetvice, died in Jan- uary 1925. aSuiviving are ,three sons: John, Londesboro; Lloyd, Londesboro; Mervyn, on the homestead; five brothers: George, Mount Clemens, Mich.; James', ,Goderich; Robert, Viewfield, Sisk.; Taylor, Haileybury; Lyon, Calgary, ,A14ba„ one sister, Mrs, Pearl Shaw, ,Sea£orth; and three grandchildren. Compliments o f C. J. Livermore We desire to continue finding farmers the best possible illarket for your Eggs and Poultry. Livermore Egg Grading Station Phone 214 Clinton In the Hearit of the Business Section on Guaranteed Trust Certificates IESSIIED for any amount. , for a term of five years .. , ., guaranteed both as to principal and interest . , . Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 36 years In Business MA CLEAN YOUR TEETH DAILY rea;crae rhe EA Ns A4 Tp{.rHPA5t1 �.FEP J 1 J a. Vacation Needs :t SUN TAN OILS --- N,OXZEMA 30c & 60c GALT = 35c & hoc SKOL :_ 53c SU.NBRES.LA= 75c DOROTHY GRAY --. $L00 FOR BURNS TAN JEL - 50e TANNAFAX - 25c NOXZEMA - 39e - 59e - 98c LEG DO ---- DURATION-4J 49c TON - 75c LADY ANNE - 0.00 DOROTHY GRAY -- 61.00 MOSQUITO RE+PELLANTS SKI:BAI,'R MA't'!`'ER -- 35e SKEETUFAX - 50c GARY --- 35c SKAT - 79e SUN GLASSES --• 29e - 39c - 50c - 59c - 75c $1.00 - $1.50 - $1.95 o 1:4 klOG akt GLORIFIES HAIR esyyk \`LEAVES NO DULLING SOAP FILM i• P OR E. B. PENNEBAKER SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE - 14 4♦Y %"'"r'"'N a..+.n..•..u.n.:.•+.o.n..n..,..w.es..+u..ru..,sa.,.u.M1 LAKEVIEW+ CASINO GRAND BEND SUMMER SEA SON OPENING SATURDAY JUNE 21ST DANCING EVERY NIGHT GORDON £ELAMONT and his Orchestra Vocals by Irina Smith • ,8 W .k x, B d, • • This is undoubtedly one of Canada's finest 11 -piece orchestras, and the 'best that Gordon Delmont has ever led. m Come out and welcome hack •this outstanding m,usteinn. • ,k * +k :1 M x, • MIDNIGHT DANCE TRIS WEEKEND • J U' N E 23RD - 12:05 A.M. • .k 4' ,N * w ,k ADMISISIOIN e Mon., Tues., Thurs - 50e Wed., Fri, Sat., Midnites and Holidays - 75c • k x * * HERE'S A REAL TREAT! SUNDAY, JUNE 22ND AT 9 P.M. "VARIETY 1 Y ENTERTAINERS" You know hoav grand these slows were last year -this year they're better than ever - Silver Collection. 25-b J - BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Representing 14 Fire insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton FRANI& FINGLAND, R.C. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Albert St. Clinton ARTHUR E. PARRY COMMISSIONER, ETC., ETC. By Royal Warrant H. C. MEM BARRISTER -AT -LAW Solicitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner Office: Mackenzie House Hours: 2 to 5 Tuesdays and Fridays see CHIROPRACTIC 0, It McINNES, D.C. CHIROPRACTIC FOOT CORRECTION Huron St, Phone 207 AUCTIONEERING EDWARD W, ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly answered, immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at Clinton News -Record or by phoning 203. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specialist in Farm and Household saxes, Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable, satisfaction guaran- teed. For information, eta, write or photse Harold Jackson, R.R. 4, Seafort:h, Phone 14-681. PERCY C. WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Household faun stock, implements and purebred sales. Special training and experience enables me to offer you sales service that is most efficient and satisfactory. Phone 9002, Hensall, antmealevaresmotrozaamoseammanstlaskesgmein INSURANCE For Life, Car, Fire, Sickness ACCOUNTANCY ERNEST W. RENTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bloor St. W. Toronto 110Y N. BENTLEY INCOME . TAX- (Business, Private or Farm Reports) Bookkeeping Services -(Weekly or IVIontbly) Typing -(Private or Commercial work). 36 Regent St., Box 58, Phone 2311, Goderich, Ont. OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R . OPTOMET iJs Fiyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Coderieh - Phone 33 DPAL DR, D.C.sISyDES Lovett Bleak DENTIST Clinton Roars: 9-12 axe.; 1.30-6 p.m. Telepitene 110 Cemetery Measorsials '11. FRYDE & SON Minton Shewroorms Open Fridays See- J. J, Zapfe. Phone 143 and Accident Insurance see G. D. ROBEII:TON Clinton THE A20IfILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seafortit OFFICERS, 1947 Pres., Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton, R.R. 5; Vice -Pres., Chris Leonhardt, Bornhohn, R,R. 1; Manager and Seen-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seafortlr, DIRECTORS -Harvey Fuller, God- erich, R.R.2' Chris Deonhardt, Brod- hagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; John 11. McBwint�, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hug Alexander, Walton; J. L. Malone,' Sea - forth; AGENTS -,Toon E. Pepper, Brian: - field, 11.11. 1; Geo. A, Watt, Blytln; 11.11. 1; R '. McKercher, Dublin, RR. 1; .7. F. Prueter, Brodhagen Parties desiring to effect insurance or transact other business will ,he Promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. Losses inspected by the director living near- est the point et loss rosestasszeseamoomstemenareasamommeamorrae 9F71BibINARIAN • DR, G. S. ELLIOTT pkonc 203VETBRIN•ARIAN OlA:font