HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-12, Page 8it PAGE F]1GIIT CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1947 Colts ' Capture Home Opener From RCAF By 15-1. Count Clinton Colts captured tbeir open - big game ,at home in the Huron -Perth ' Baseball League, an OIBA intermed- iate series, by defeating Clinton RCA F 15.1 as pal•t of the Canadian Legion celebration here Monday. The game eiet sited ant reasonably well, but lifter developed into 'a 'rout, as the Airmen threw out extra *itch- ers to stem the tide. The brand of. 'ball was fair, considering the earii- aness of the season and lack of pract- e_ ;BOD Carrick twirled six o>k the tevem innings for the Colts, Gard Stock finishing it off. Cairick fanned eine and yielded eix hits, while ile Stock Whiffed one and, allowed one hit. Ted iiiaihsi»ch, formerly of Portage la Prairie, stacked foe the lASrmen and lasted for five frames, giving way to a soutlepaw, Nash, who stayed one iararing, ito be follewed by Lidwel?, another southpaw, for one inning. Minato* yielded eight hies and five runs. left handers were wild as march hares, however, and walked and Mt players with abandon. Two, incidents 'worthy of note occur ed. "Bud" Selwenvhals came in to bat for Ken Miller in the sixth, but did not sport to the umpire so wan called out after the first ball 'was pitched aerosis the plate. Fred Mac. Donald, while batting in the sixth, threw hie bat and was banished for the rest of the game. Neilane was the leading batter with three safe hite in four tries. Draper, Foley ,and Tiller, had two each. Clinton RCAF 000 000 1--- 1 7 6 Clinton Colts 410 013 6---15 0 4 Line-up: Clinton RCAF -Evans s!s, Smaie 3b Foley if, Laam^in. 2b, Ti+ISer cf, Philp 13, •Iverson if, Walsh c, Giroux c, Hainistack p, Nash p, Lidweld P. Clinton Cohrs--tMaciDanald 1b, Stock p,Wbife 2b, Neiians lf, Draper cf, L. Colgnrliaun cf, Woodcock 3b, Carrick p, lb, Bentliff se, Miller esf, Schoen - hats ad, Boussey o. 17mpires---4Sahilbe, Zurich, at plots; Yuugblut, Zurich, on bases. Clinton Colts Take Staffa by 9-3 Count I , 'Clinton Oaks started off the Huron Perth Baseball League season with a 9-3 victor .over Staffa at ,Staffa • Phnusday evening last. Willliam "Nome Cook, after recewv. ing his .DEC •medal from the leeut- enanteGovernor earlier in the day, WWI cert on'dhe mound for Colts and set the opposition dawn with faux Chits. He was given geed support by his motes. Clinton Colts 000 701 1---9 10 l iStaffa 000 003 0---3 4 : 4 Line-up: 'Math= iCblts--,MacDonald lib White 2b, Neilams if, S'ehoenke's if, Draper of, Woodcock 3b, Bartivfe ss, Miller If, Id Coiquhoun a+£, Bouseey c. Cook p Staffa-Houghton le Saddler Ib, M. Dearing lb, Kerslake Ib, Balfour es, C. Kerslake c, Warden rf, McDon- ald rf; 'Costello vf, B. Searing Zb, HERE'S TO YOU, DAD ON FATHER'S DAY i ai• Gift Suggestions COCKTAIL SHAKERS $2.25 WINE SETS 5.50 BILLFOLDS . .... PEN and PENCIL SETS AIJTODEX-Telephone Index FISHING REELS FISHING POLES BOOKS $2.'75 to $8.50 $2.95 to 22.90 $4.00 chid 5.50 $1.25 to 14.95 $2.75 to 14.95 Oh1ESB WATER FISHING MANUAL INCOMPLETE ANGLERS FISHING, LAKE and STREAM TOP SECRET by R. Ingersoll $3,75 3.00 2.35 3.75 ' McEWAN'S •i`°�roo� Fixing Stops free qii01 Fretting! ...Have repairs made soon.. Save further damage to parts "on the blink" and to your already -frayed nerves, GOODRICH TIRES - HART BATTERIES Specials: 1947 MERCURY ILM4F-TON TRUCK, new • condition, 3,000 miles 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN 1936 • FORD COACH Horner's Service Station Expert Mechanical Repairs on all Makes of Cars Phones: Garage, 783; Night, 483J HURON STREET CLINTON STAVES for FATHER $1.95 to $5 f Open porous weave pro- vides niaxi£num ventilation durixlg the hottest ,suminer days, lets cooling breezes sweep through your hair. Broad brim shields your eyes. It's blit asa feather to .wear, and styled for your bent shits. Pinch front, narrow basad, for real streamlining. STYLISH COMFORT FOR .ALL SEASONS Davis & Herman ti wf .."PN,IMNr►. Curtain and Drapery Materials Now in Stock also CURTAINS , MADE ryUP .. BROWN'S One door north' a£ the Royal Bank LOCAL WINNERS . I Richwears Lose Pair ARE NUMEROUS , To Goderich, Centralia AT SPRING SHOW (Continued from Page One) 51. W. Sltap'leten, Seaforth; Rey F. Pepper; ,Seaforth, R. R. 2; W. 10.'. Parker and Sony Deerfield; buil' calved in 1946-W. E. Parker and ;Son, 1 and 2; M. W. Sltalrle'bon; Elpli, Snell and Son, 'Clinton; cow three years old and over -W. E. Parker and Son; Fnph. Snell and 'San; heifer calved in 1945-W. E. Parker and Son, 1, 2, and •8; Elph'. Snell and Son; Melvin Taylor Belgrave; .heifer calved in 1946-W. E. Parker and Son, 1 and 2; Key Peppee; get of etre--W. R. Parker and Son, 1 and 2; Special, Melvin Crich, Silver dish for champ- Shoth Parker non t' r� ora female --•W. E. Pa • x and Son, Herefords Bull ealved in 1945 or previous -- O'Neill Bros., Denfield; Warren Brock, Granton, R.R. 1; George Ken - reedy, Luoknow, R.R. 1; H. 0, Wright, Gsomenity; John McGregor, Hensall; bull calved in 1940--O'l ei11 Bros.; John aeleGregor; -George :Kennedy; H, C. Wiright,' 4 and 5; cow 3 years old and over O'Neill Bros.;- H. C. Wright, 2 aid 3; George Kennedy, 4 and 5; heifer calved in 1945 -- O'Neill Bros., 1 and 4; H. 0. Wright, 2 and 6; John McGregor; Warren Brock; !George Kennedy; 'heifer calv- ed in 1946 -O'Neill Bros., 1 and 5; H. C. Wright, 2 and 6; John McGreg- or, 3 and 4; Warren Brock; get of sire-A''thTei11 Bros., H. C. Wright George Kennedy. Aberdeen Angus Bull ealved in 1945 or previous - Edwards Bros., Watford, 1 ;and 2; Dnokie Bros., Elmwood, R.R. 2; bull calved in 1946--•Eldwasds Bros. F.G. Todd and Son, Luck/tow; Fhnkie Bros., 3 and 4; cow 3 years old and over -Edwards Bros.; Ehnlde Bras., 2 and 3; heifer calved in 1945-F.G. Todd; Etned.e Brost, 2 and 4; Edwards Bros.; heifer calved in 1946 - Ed- wards .Bros., 1, 2 and 4; 13mkie Bios., 3 and 6; F. G. Todd and Son, 5 and 7; get of sire-Elankie Bros.; Ed- wards Bros.; Sweepstakes Bull (Shorthorn, Hereford 'and Aberdeen Astgus)Ehnlne Bros.; Specie) (Rob- ert +Simpson Co.) silver tray for champion beef sherd -Edwards Bros. Market Cattle . Centralia ,RC,IAF trimmed Clinton Biehwears 15-8 in a seheduled fast ball game ab Centralia Jest night. Twirling dirties for C !non were Shar- ed by Ross and Crew. Clinton 102.003 11--8 14': " 2 Centralia 161 103 3-45 17 2 Line-up: Clinton-Gaew ss, 'Cutler lb, Hay 11, Ross p, Vanderburgh 33, rLivermore ef, Mair ?if, Crew p, Bab Miller 2b, Ilanly e. ,Centralia-Jaudaey rf, Coleman ss, Shaw cif, Miller lib,',Cherpeti of, Ham- Allton o, /liubber 23, Rhode p, 54c- Daugad 31b. Umpire --,W. Vanderbuagih, Clinton; GOODRICH WINS Goderieh defeated Clinton Rich - wears 18-7 in a scheduled football mat= of Goderich Preclay evening last, the issue never being in doubt. Cllintan 001 000 330 7 Goderich i' 100 394 10x '18 Line-up. Clinton -Cutler 13, Bab Miller c, N. Livermore of, Clew es, F Taylor 2b, Roy 4 Iltanly 01, Don Milder If, Matthews 33, Calelaagh p, Vendee - burgh p. !Senior baby beef :Warren Brock; Edwards Bros.; Robert Hern, Grant- on; Roy Pepper; junior baby beef --- Warren Brock; F. G. Todd and son, 2 and 6; W. E. Parker and Son; MtwaraBros.; H. C. Wright; Special (Master Feeds, Taroivto) Campion baby beef senior and junior -Roy Pepper; finished 'beef steer --W R. Parker and Son; Edwards Bros.; Special -+best exhibit of livestock - Roy Pepper; Themes J..MeMiehael; John Treesneer. Jr., Kippen, Dairy Class Holstein 'ball, 2 years and over- Howard Trewartha and Son, Clinton; Les Jervis, Clinton; Holetem . bull 1 year ,and under 2-G. R. McNeil, Clin- ,ton; J. W. VanE:gmond, Clinton; Howard Trewel:Mha and Son; Holstein Cow -J. W. VanFlgniond: Holstein heifer, 2 years and under 3 Tdoward Trewanrtha and San; J. W. Vanidg- mond; Jersey heifer 1 year and und- er 2-1Ernest Roze11, Clinton; Thomas ii,abhwell, Clinton; 2 and 3; Jersey cow,Thomas Rabhsvell; Ernest Roz - ell; ,Special (Rothtein) Best heifer 1 year and under 2--dloward Trewar- tha and son. Swine Bred sow, littered since July 1, 1946--•W. Turnbull and Son, Brussels 1, 2, 3, and 5; A. H. Warner. and, Son, Bayfield; open sow, littered since November 1, 1946---A. H. Warner and .Son; W. Turnbull and Son, 2, 3, and 4; ,serviceable aged) bean littered since October 1, 1945-W. Turnbull and Son, 1, 2, .and 4; A. H. Warner and Son; ,boar over 1 year-andrew Hicks, Centralia; W. Turnbull and Son; A. H. Warner and Son; sow over 1 year Andrew Tliclrs, 1 and 3; W. Turnbull and Son, 2 and 5; A. H. Warner and Son; Andrew Turnbull Brussels; champion sow W, Turn- bull and -Son; Special -best purebred sow over 1 ,year -Andrew Hicks; T. Eaton Co. special -lien of fear bacon 7ioge-Warren Brack; Douglas Far- quhar, Clinton; (purchased by Can- ada Packers @ $22. per 100); T. Eaton. Co. special -pen of two bacon hogs -Arnold Jamieson, Giinion; Douglas Farquhar, Warner Brock; T. Eaton . Co. Special -champion single bacon hog Warren Brock. Light Horses 'Stallion, trotter or paee"r--,A. B. 'Weber, Kitchener; hackney stallion- Wallace Mucro, ,Ernbro; . Single hack- ney or carriage in harnees-Wallace Munro, 1 and 2; Dr. E. Foster, Galt; Single hackney or'carriage under 16 -2 --Dr. E. Foster; Wallace Munro, 2 and 3; William Mayburnny, Weod- stock; Single roadster in harness, 15 -2 and over -•J. S. Wright; Listowel, 1 and 5; Fryfogle and Woods, Wing - ham; Wallace ,Munro; William May - burry; Single roadster in harness,; 15 -2 and under -!Dir. Et Foster; 1 and 8;- Wallace Munro, 1 and 2; Dr. E. Foster- William Mayberry. Carriage team --+Wallace Muna'o, 1 and 2; Dr. E. Foster; .William' May- burry; Roadster teams Dr. E, Foster J. S. Wright; Fryfogle and Woods; Wallace Munro; Currie and Tervit, Wdngham;.2 year old roadster on line -Wallace el rnro; single hackney on line -Wallace Nevem, 1 and. 3; ;Dna Foster; William Maybuiry; 2 year old hackney or carriage on line-- Williaan Mayburry; Hackney tandean -Wallace Munro; 4Villisrsn Mayberry Ds. E. Foster; Gentleman's .t tannin -Dr. E. Foster; Wallace Munro; J. S. Wright; William tMaynburry lady driver, single -'Thr. E'. Foster; Wallace Munro; William Maybusry;. S'adde horse ridden by lady or gent �C ci1 Asheon, Clinton; Alvin MoGee, Goderich, 2, 4 ,and 6; Arnold ;Merrier, Zurich; 3 and 5; single pony in liar.. ness--,L. ,Shantz, New I ambiu•g, I and 2; team of ponos in hartress---L. Shantz; hurdle jumping, hor.•se ridden by. lady ar• gena -,Alvin McGee; Arii- old Merner,'2 ,and 3; Gentleman's half mile road race single-Cusric and Tervit, 1 and 2; Fryfogle and Woods; Wallace Munro; J. S. Wright; Jerey Lomgway, West Monkton; Gentleniah'.s :half mile road race, team -En E. Foster; Fryfogle and Woods Wallace Munro; Currie and Tervit; half mile humming race -•Alvin ,McGee 1, 2, and 3; Cecil Ashrton; ,Saddle house -Alvin Mc Gee; Cecil Ashton; Arnold Merner, , ACCEPTS▪ ' CALL DiJNG:ANNON .-- 'Rev. W. J. Rog- ers, Who has been pastor of Dun., gaiiaon United Ohurch for the past two years,,has aecepted the pastorate of Blyth United ,Chua'ch. Godeeich---Seriengeour c, Kingswell se, Dvernechule if, Leistoh 23, Biseit 33, iVfnePhy 1b, Mero If, Westlake c Bedard af. T177mpiras- W. Vandenburgh, Clinton at plate. Duekwoeth. Goderich on bases. -1 Games Sched>aled In Coming Week HURON -PERTH BASEBALL (6.30 p.m.) 11hurscl ay, June 12 -.Clinton Colts, at Hensall-Zurich. Monday, .Tunic' 10 -,Clinton RCAF at Mitchell - Tuesdby, Jame 1.7--+S4affa at Clinton Colts'"; Thursday June 19 --Clinton Colts ti t Clinton 'RCAF Friday,-'JStaffsune' 20-Hensall-Zurich it WOAA BASD13ALD Friday, June 20 -Ripley at Auburn WOAA FASTBALL Fridley, JRuinch. w2ea0-e fon th at Clinton Goderich Township Defeats Union 17-16 Goderich Township softball team defeated Union 17-16 in at WOAA in- termediate softball match June 4 on the Township diamond. lefellwain and Bab Harris had. homers for the winn- ers, and A. Johnston for the losers. Umdon 034 800 100-46 18 Goderich Twp. 301 041 71g---17,,23 Lime -up.: Uvien--Study 23, P. Ginn ss•, G. Johnston p, R. Johnston c, G. Ginn 33, K. Sowerby cf, El. Haa'reson 1i, 1V1. Jbhnwton, C. Orr rf. Godorinh Tawnship-, Gibson ss, Bob Harris rf, B. Matthews 23, 'Mo- llwain 2b, A. Bell c, T. Arkell 3b, B. Harris lb, II. Torrance ef, K. Arkell P, G Waa'rener. Umpires -Bell and Orr Port Albert Wins Port Albert defeated Goderich Twp. 11-1 in a league softball match at Port Albert, the first of the season. Goderich Twp. 010 000 0--1 7 7 Port Aubert 002 621 x--11 8 4 Line-wp: Goderich Township -le. Gibson ss, Bill Harris p, Arnold Bell e, G. War- rener 11, Bob Harris 33, H. Torrance • Aubhur Bali 23, L. Sowerby 1b, K, Hanes, cf. Peart Albert -•G. idaban c, L. Drap- er p, H. Tigert 1b, T. Koviiak 3b, G. Martin if, II. Adams af, W. McCarthy es, J. McGee el, E. Draper 2b. Umpire -F. Bell Results of Games In Past Week HURON -PERTH BASEBALL Clinton Colts 9, Staffer 3 Clinton Colin 15, ,Olinten RCAF 1 Hensall-Zurioh 3, Mitehell 2 Staffa 20, Olintton RCAF 0 WOAA FASTBALL 'Gaderich 13, •Clinton Ric/wears '7 'Centralia RCAF 15, Clinton • Riehwears 8 Londesboa•o 17, Teeswater 5 Londlesirard 18, Luoknow 13 Godersieh Township 17, 'Union 16 Hensall Girls Win From Clinton 13-7 Hensall girls defeated Clinton lass- ies in an exhibittbn softball match which 'formed pant of the leing's Birthday ,Clelebration in Cosnneunitiy Park here Monday afternoon 13-7 inn Which boibh teems, showed marked improvement over last year. Hensall 141 324 2•--13 . 15 0 Clmntin 000:240 1--- 7 10 6 Line-up: Hensall---Shirley Dietz c, Ellen BeII p, Betty Maar 2b, Marion Peek cf, Margaret Glenn if, Joyce Brodea.ick 3b, Audrey Russell ib, Doris Brahma an els, Edna Petzke a '. Clinton -Jeanne Garan as, Dolores Moore 33, Mary McDonald rf, Olive Canter p, Ruth Neilans c, Corinne Davies 3b, Betty Lampnnan 23, Mary Fulford cf, Helen Dixon if. 0 VARNA avlas, M Reid has returned to her home after visiting with relatives in Toronto, Galt and Guelph. .Mrs. H. ,Soper left on Monday with her sister and friend for a two weeks' motor trip to •Sudbury, Tam mins, Toberinory and other points of interest. ler. and Mrs. F. Schell, Detroit, spent Sunday with the latter's moth- er, Mrs, A. Austin. The Tatter, who is not enjoying the best of health, returned with ,their, jele1Iidlllflll11111111131101(11111111111111116oSiII111l131111111111W111111111111111111/111111111tH•II111IIIeIIIr111!•L Have Your Furnace VACUUM -CLEANED r This is the cleanest method you coud imagine -no dust nor dirt -and you get the job done very efficiently. JACK LITTLE Phone 335w CLINTON 71111111111111I11111111111f10111111Mi1111111111li111111It1li1111111RI1N11,111111l111IliONI11111O1111111•iIIN1110 RED AND WHITE SPECIALS SAT., MON., and TIUES. Texas GRAPEFRUIT ' zrzrr ARROW JUICE .. 2 tins 23cPEAS . 2 tins 25c ^it GOLDEN BAli CHEESE nkg. 20c FANCY LOBSTER fin 69c QUICK QUAKER OATS .. pkg. 25c No, 1 MEPHISTO CHICKEN tin 39c Mephisto CHICKEN 1 BURNS LAMB HADDIE , tin 290 17116217 STEW . tin 19e WHEN AVAILABLE Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CALIFORNIA JUICY 392's Oranges 2 doz 33c CHOICE LOCAL - Asparagus 2 for 29c TEXAS SEEDLESS 126's Grapefruit 5 for 23c CALIFORNIA JUICY 300's Lemons .. 6 for 19c SHEARING'S Phone 48 =-- FREE DELIVERY - Clinton Sum Electrical er :;uggesti v � HOTPLATES each $4.50 to $12 HOT PLATE, two plates and oven, each $24.35 RANGETTES each $49.50 CROSLEY RADIOS each $37,95 to $49.95 IRONS each $4.50 to $12,95. TOASTERS each $4.95 to $18 SUTTER-PERDUE C. of C. SEEKING IMPROVEMENT OF BAYFIELD ROAD Clinton and District 'Chamber of Gonvanerce held its moirtly general meeting in the Town Council Cham- ber Tuesday,evening with the presi- dent, G. Ralph :Foster, in the chair, A motion was passedthat the Chamber approve the action of dfhe Town .C'ouncil in ,auhor,izing an agree- ment with Warbilme Housing Limited far the ereeton of 50' houses in Clin- ton, and than a copy be forwarded to Council. ,Ellwood Epps submitted a compie- herysive repast of a recent meeting of the Tourist and Publicity Com- mittee, arid several recommendations a s were adopted b)yl the meeting. Sit was decided to send •a depute - ton to Huron County Council at its Friday afternoon session, requesting the county to re -surface the county road from Bayfield to Clinton but not change is route. President Fos- ter, ,Chairman Epps, N, 'W, Trewar- tha and Reeve V. D. Falconer, ege- etittute the deputation. Lt also was d'esidei to, have thee Tourist and Piebecity Conviimitttee wait an the Board of Park Manage , - merit at ies meebibg newt Tuepday evening regarding plans to beautify Oonrlmunity Park land possibly pre-- vade overnight tourist traileranomie maderion,.A ,sunken garden also was • suggested. A contest to ohoase are approp- riate slogan for Clinton will be con- ducted with at prize of $25, dotedls to be worked out by the Tonivo anuli Publicity ,Committee. Maps of ne wen, shawingCMaion's imponbaneen will be used .on )stationery. Mileage earths well be printed' far clmstrubntiorrt to (tourists. Jnformalt-on will be.- obtained on' erection oe a sign on the Bine Water Highwayat Barfield I . All-night gassage and restaurant. service was suggested as an ,altrao-- tion for tourists, ,Atraeugements will. be made for estaibishment of a tour- ist information bureau. For the bene, fit of the toanist trade, the con» mittae crewmen:Wed' that stores be: open Wednesday 'mornings during the: antman'er, months., 6'0 ih • be your own boss .. come a::d', go as you please ...up into tie. hilts .. , down strange roads. , e 'Meer' r Here's the newlhigb In travel comfort and convenience. ;4_01 Complete iruuIe living regardless of weather. Plenty of room. for cooking, eating, lounging, Clothes and utility stora5c galore Full size coil spring divan by day becomes soft ld double heel by nicht, You've just got to see the CsbinCar to believe the !aside living arivantagesand roominess prac- +� tical designing has accomplished. Streamlined station wagon iYP ' style ion You beauty. get to hter theeouttof the wayn con. places. with a CabinCar...and fa.rcr. Take ever}•f?hind* yin tion,,,, 6 be completely comfortable and save money while' hat itis. the 1 best lam of lour life. The Fleet CabiuCar is an display at.. Lorne Brown Mentors Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service PHONES: Day 367W, Night 367J AmentmarsoMmorsow Just Received A few New Samples in rich colours and sturdy fabrics. SEE THEM TO -DAY! These lines are knanediately available alaktalek JACK'S UPHOLSTERING W. L. 11100R1 Proprietor o WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Huron and Orange Sts. PHONE 62 Clanton 11 Popular Records for Father HERM+ AIM A FEW SUGGESTIONS: At 75c each "Chi -Baba Chi -Baba" a, "then You • Were Sweet Sixteen" -Perry Como with Lloyd Shaffer and his Orchestra. "MI Through The Day" "Prisoner of Love" :Perry Colpo with Russ Case and lois Orchestra. ai:' * e.F "I Believe" "'_)rime After Time" --Frank Sinatra. "Manz'selle" "Stella by Starlight" --Frank Sinatra. At• $1 each "Dear Little Cafe" "The Can of Life" "11 You Could Only Conte With Me" --Nelson Eddy. "Jests, Joy of Maurs Desiring" "Gigue from Fifth French Suite" -Myra! Hess. CLINTON oo4 Errs ,ONTAR 1O SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY PHONE 42 CLINTON ,a6