HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-12, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1947 CiLIN1ON NETS-Rt.FCo11,D PACE FIVE News-Recor'd Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results CASH RATE --'(If paid by Wed IIesday following date of insertion)— One cent •a word first insertion (min- mum 30 cents); subsequent inser- -bions, one cent 8, word i(minimum 25 cents); 10 cents :extra for box num- •ber or for directing to NEWS- +dRtE:CCNRID... Office. 8F CHARGED -20 eents extra. D10ADLENEi--9 p.m., Wednesday. FOR SALE 'WHITE DRESSER; BON'S WAGON with rubber tires; Boy Scout hat. size '7; violin; Phone 282. 24-6 GIT'JEEN BROADLOOM RUG, new, 71/2'x9'. Apply Mrs. ,Drubs, R.R. 1, Londesboro, phone 27,r5, Blyth. 24-p ''QUEBEC SULKY, NO, 21. Would ,'exchange on a 14 -plate in-bhnaow disc harrow. Apply Joseph Clegg, phone 510r13. 23-24-p BABY CHICKS BARGAII'NIS IN 'CANADA APPR,OV- ed chicks for this weer; and next. Barred (Rocks, New Ilampshires, White. Reeks, Light Sussex, Black Aaustralorps, non -sexed 9,95, pullets 12.95, cockerels 8.95. Assorted. Heavy breeds non -sexed 8,95, pullets 11.95, cockerels 1.95. White ..Leghorn X Balled !Rock, IAlustra Whites 8.95, pullets 17.95, cockerels 3.95. White Leghorns 8.95:, pullets 17.95, cock- erels 1,00. Assorted Light or Medium breeds non -sexed 7.95, pullets 16.95, Two week old add 6.00, three week old add 11.00 per hundred. Shipped ID C'O. This .per mast ac- company your .order to receive these special prices,. Also pullets eight weeks,,tc laying. Top Notch Chi,ck- eries, Guelph. Ontario. • PROPERTY FOR SALE ONE, ICEBOX; ONE' FULL SIZTi Simmons bed; one four -foot bed, :all in good condition. Apply Bayfield Highlands, phone 909r24, Clinton. 24-b RUBBER -TIRED WAGON; TWO 'Collie pups; also one set wagon wheels, ;axles and tires; one seven - foot grain binder; would trade for six-foot cut; one hely rake. W. B. • Thompson, two miles west of Clinton ,on Highway. 24-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE (RIX; GOOD' YORK CHUNKS, 10 weeks old; 10 York pigs, six weeks old; two choke Aysreshire calves, 'Charles Stewart, R.R. 4, Clinton, 'phone 805r12, 24-b AUTOMOBILE WANTED AUTOMOBILE, REASONABLE, 'private, cash, prefer light oar, carry fair, describe fully, state make, year, mileage, license number, price. W. Edwards, 216 Roslin Ave., Toronto, ,Ont. WANTED TO BUY ICE BOXES, ANY CONDITION. 'Write or phone C. Woods, second hand store, 12 Eat St., Goderich, 'Phone Goderioh 242j. 24 btfb WORK WANTED HIGH :SCHOOL BOY, 16, WOULD like job for the summer months. Phone 377. 24-p WANTED BUSINESS GIRL OF TORONTO, ,,desires room and board on quiet farm. 'Good meals essential. For spending occasional weekends during bhe sunt - •.mer months. Write Box "C" NEWS - RECORD, 23-24-25-b LOST AND FOUND LOST — SMALL BULOVA WRIST Watch with leather strap, in the evening of Spring (Show day. IlMO:Il- od on back "LATS". Finder leave atd NF3WS-RECORD and receive reward. 24-p LOST —FRIGHTENED AWAY BY Firewories, 'Mondaynight, small brown Fox Terrier with gray nuzzle, meted Brownie. Ire you know of this pup's whereabouts, dead or alive, please phone Mrs, Charles Elliott, "326, Clinton. Reward if found alive. 24-h SEED FOR SALE t,>}UANTITY GREEN MOUNTAIN Potatoes grown from certified seed. 'Apply Morgan Jones, R.R, 2. Clinton, phone 902r4. 22-23.24-p 16 5 ACRES, BIA,YFIIELD LINE. Godcrioh Township; lots of ,shade and 'water. !App'ly G. T. Flewitt. R.R. 3, iSeafonth, phone Clinton 614r11, 22-24-p BRICK DWELLING IN BLYTH with barn and garage combined, 7/sths of an acre of land, bard and soft water in house. Apply to Mrs. Neil Leslie, Blyth, 23-24-p STUCCO !SIX ROOM DWELLING in Blyth, garage, one block from No. 4 Highway, pleasant surroundings, good well and: cistern. Apply Leslie Hilborn, Blyth. , 23-24-p IN VILLAGE OF BLYTH, WHITE brick seven roomed house, hardwood floors, furnace, insulated, hard and !sofa water in house. bathroom being installed, one quarter acre of land, .garage. Immediate possession. Ap ply Bert Marsh, phone 69, Blyth. 24-25-p HELP WANTED • BOY OIL GIRL FOB LIGHT FARM Work. Apply Box "P" NEWS - RECORD. 24-b MISCELLANEOUS "FORGET YOUR FEET — WALK on air, give them Lloyd's Corn Salve care." 50e ,at Pennebaker's Drug Store. OLD HORSES, WILL PAY $1,50 per hundredweight. Will call and pick up same. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21 or Fred Gilbert. 936r32, Goderich. 46btfh ASTHMA SIMPERERS -- ENJOY A goodnight's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine Si. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME with Blown Rockwool Insulation; perman- ent fire -proof, more comfort with less fuel, modern equipment and ex- perienced erews. For free estimate and terms phone NEWS -RECORD, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 2btfb NOTICE WILL TARE IN OLD PEOPLE( needing a Thome, or those convalesc- ing; nursing :care provided. Mrs. Dubs, R.R. 1, Londesboro, phone 27r5, Blyth. 23-btfh ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots 41, 51, Tuckersmith Township, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by Order of ;the Own- er, A. EI, Parry. May 15, 1947. 24-25-26-27-p FATHER'S DAY JUNE 15 Yes, Sunday, June 15, is "Dad's Day," ' the day when Dad is King of the house. Why not make this Father's Day a memorable one for 'him by giving him something useful as 'a gift. • • We know that any Dad would appreciate a smart Sport Shirt or a pair of Tropical or Worsted Slacks, but these are only two of our many suggestions. Choose your gift from our array of sweaters, ties, jackets, socks, belts, braces, (handkerchiefs, underwear, sports eoats and many other ,items. SHOW POPS THAT HE IS TOPS Pickett and Campbell 'Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes & Scott -McHale Shoes Phone 25 Clinton .........•........y OPEN SUNDAY 'JUNE iS a n d Every .Night Next Week J. P. MANNING RED INDIAN GASOLINE Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service $ Albert St. PHONE 345 Clinton ni„tt„r,tIon ,,,rt„r,n,,,,,,r,,, "n, tt,,,nn,,,,,",,,, ICE DELIVERY IN CLINTON Monday Wednesday Friday Evenings Delivered to your (refrigerator M. and M. ICE D4. LIVERY PHONE 185j • CLINTON •,°a„f'l,ltll ttttt llllllllllllllllllllllllll l llllllll llll Mut Y tttttt, tttttttttt 1 tttti,i„nrt,.,,,r Itttttl tinea rr103,,,,1„11 BIRTHS BALL --Sm Clinton Psbuie Hospital, on Monday, June 9, 1947, to Mr.. and Mas. Stanley Ball, Auburn, a daughter, (Sharon Christine). COjX--Inu ,Citathaen General Hospital, on Tuesday, June 3, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cox, Chatham, ,s son, (John Eric), CU.IVI1VfINGS In :Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, June 1.1, 1947, 90 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings, 01inton, a soon, (Francis Henry). HAINES—In Grace Hospital, Ottawa, on Friday, June 6, 1947, to' Me, and Mas. Lyall Hanes, Ottawa, nee iMaa+garet Lockwood, Clinton, a daughter, (Dlawna Cheryl). HUNTER —;In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, June 11, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunter, Clinton, a son, (John Garry), LE'X'BURN- In Clanton Pubic Hos- pital, on Friday, June 6, 1947, to Mr. andMrs. Arthinr Leyburn Clinton., a daughter, ,Wendy Diane) McBRIDE:—In Clinton Poblic Hos- .on Wednesday, June 11., 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McBride, R.R. 1, Varna, a son. ROGNEY — in Clinton Public Hos- pital, :on Monday, June 9, 1947, to Mr, and ',Moe. Leonard Mooney, RR. 1, Blybh, a daughter. ROSS—Ted, Don and John Shaw, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. •Ross, would like to announce that they got .that baby sister in Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, June 12, 1947. ,SEMPLE--.Jn Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday. June 11, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Semple, R.R. 2, ,Bayfield, a daughter, (Bar- bara Ann). MARRIAGES BUIRROWS-MAIIR—Tn Metropolitan United Church, London, on Satur- day, June 7, 1947, l y Rev. Dr. W. E. McNi'ven, Berea Mary, only daughter of Mrs. John Mair, Lon- don. formerly of Clinton, and the Sate Jolm Stewart Mair, to Ken- neth Ciilver, youngest soar of Mr. and Mrs. William Burrows, London. JVIeNALL-OES'Cti--In Goshen United Church, on Saturday, June 7, 1947, by Rev, Reba Hern, Mae Marie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oesoh. to Clarence Ray McNall, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Rob- ert .MoNall, Lucknow. OAKLEIY'.LIAW.SON--Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson, Burlington, formerly of Clinton, wish to announce the. marriage of their daughter, Thurza Helen, to Lewis Oakley, R. RR., Woodstock. SCOTT-FOiWLFJRoAt the P•res:by terian Manse, Clinton, on Saturday, June 7, 1947, at 1.30 pan., by Rev. D. J. Lane, Lorraine Eclilth, (laugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fowler, Clinton, to Kenneth Andrew, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott, Brucefield, DEATHS MACLEAN — in Detroit Mioh., on Thursday. June :5, 1947, Georgina Jackson, beloved wife of Ross Mac- Lean, formerly of Hensall, in her 52nd year. Funeral in Detroit June 7. FERGUSON—At her home in Hen• sell, on Wednesday, June 4, 1947, Annie Anderson, wife of the late George Ferguson, in her 95th year. Funeral from ,her residence to Hensall Union Cemetery June 6. McEWAN' -..At her home, west of Hensall, on Saturday. June 7, 1947, bliss Catherine Isabella McEwan, in her 81st year. Funeral from her late residence to Hensall Union Cemetery June 9. WELSH—,A.t her late residence, Sault, Ste. (Marie, Mieh., June 3, 1947, Annie Wallis, beloved wife of the late Sidney Welsh, in' her 82nd year. Surviving is an only; son, Willard. Sault Ste: Man.'ie; a sister, Mrs. Ainthu>ti Fisher, Goderich; four brothers, Walter, Goderich Town- ship; Herbert„ DiAscy, Sask.; Fred, Pickford, Mioh., and John, Rudyard, Mich. RATION COUPON DUE DATES :Coupons now valid are sugar - preserves .S26 to 551 and Y1 to Y5 and burster B35 to B54. We have a •few cel'loph'ane bags for your fruit cartons Strawberries H.S., per pkg. 40c Fruit Salad H.S. 30c Pie Cherries 11.5 35c Blueberries 35c Peaches 30e Garden Fresh Frozen Peas 30e Fresh Frozen Corn G.B, . 30c We Buy Hides BATKINS CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasionn, C. V. COKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE. Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone � 585 59-tf PORTER'S HILL No Sunday Services There was no.service or Sunday School at Grace •Ohuroh on Sunday last, owing to toad conditions. Sev- eral bridges and advents were wash- ed out with heavy ran Saturday, a large tree on the concession 6 ,block ed the road near Joe Wilson's four several days. IVir :and Mrs. Thomas Fast and son Leslie, . accompanied by Goclerie'h friends, ware at Srtratford satagclay attending :a wedding. Community Club The Comtmttnity Club of P'orter's (Hill will hold its June meeting at the ham of Mrs. A. Lockhart Thurs- day afternoon, June 19. A; good tiun out is asked for, LONDESBORO Mfr, :and Mays, Spence Hann, Kitch- ener, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Govier. Misses D, Lilt'tbe. Mary Caldwell, Fern Watson .and Elva Govier, were home for the weekend. Mrs. Laura Sundereock spent the weekend with Mr. and ,Mrs. L. Austin, Wingham. Miss Mary Grainger, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sisters, Mrs.:Riley and Mrs. G. Cowan. Mr. and' Mas. Fred Youn:gblut and family, !Springfield, .and Mr. 'and •MIs. Russell Good visited on Sunday with Mr. :and Mrs, Joe Youngblut. WA to Meet The WA twill :hold its monthly, meeting on Wednesday, Tune 18, at Mrs. Bent Shobbrook's, commencing at 2.30. All the • Iadies are invited to attend. There are two quilts to be quilted. The hostesses are .Mrs. E. J. Crawford, Mrs. Clarence .Craw- ford, Miss M. Young and Mrs. F. Prest. Dislocated Shoulder We are sorry to report that Mrs M. ,Manning fell and dislocated her shoulder. No Service Here There will be no service in the United Church on Sunday. it being the anniversary services at Kinburn. Rev. R. G. Hazlewood, Walton, will be the guest preacher. I 4,000 X-RAYS GODERICH Four thousand X- rays were made of citizens of Gode- rich 'and adjoining townships at the five-day clinic in Mackay Hall. This is close to 95 per cent. of the population. CARD OF THANKS .Mr. Harry •Hayter and family 'wi:sh to thank their many friends and neighbours for their kindness during their recent sad bereavement. 24-h CARD ,OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe ravish to take this opportunity of expressing their sincere .appreciation for all flowers and eards sent and other acts of kindness shown in their recent sad !bereavement. 24-p For Summer Months Those Wishing Sanding Done Please phone 347 M or write Box 103 J. CREE COOK 24-u Old? Get Pep, Vim With IRON: plus supplements ,M CALCIUM, VITAMIN. B5 , • MEN, WOMEN vor4 ori.! x” nnusted. Take ostrex, Contains tonic eaten needed atter 90— by bases old last becalm mak- ing Iron: plus salalurn. Vitamin B,. Thousands now feel{1ennY, Yeas younger, Try Ostrax'ronic Tablets TODAY. (ot introductory size now for only 35o. a or solo at all erne stores everYwbera, ROXY THEATRE !CLINTON • Now Playing — "SONG OF THE SOUTH” Walt Disney's all-time best prodoctiion—Tri Technicolor MON., TUES., WED. "CENTENNIAL SUMMER" A Technicolor treat of love anis laughter featuring lilting tunes you etn't forget stung by Jeanne Orain—Corner Wilde, Linda Dar- nell and Jeanne Crain THUR., FRI., SAT. Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson and Janis " Paige — Those two funny mon are back again to unload a new carload of Iaughs in this Technicolor musical "THE TIME, THE PLACE . AND TII'1+) GIRL" Coming—Rosalind Russelll as "SISTER KENNS, Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m Mat.: Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE G D "E RI C H Now Playing—Gene Tierney and Henry Fonda in "THE ItET [IR.N OF PRANK JAMES" PLAYING ALU WEEK! The "THE JOLSON STORY" A Technicolor Cavalcade of Glorious Enter tabun ent The story of Al Jolson is an epic of the mtusical-comedy stage and this production is rated the year's high in screen enjoyment Starring LARRY PARKS as Al .Tolson with Evelyn Keyes, William Demarest and Bill Goodwin. Coming—Gary Cooper in "CLOAK AND DAGGER" TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings—Province of Ont. SEALED, TENDERS' addressed to the undersigned ,and endorsed "Tender for Goal" will .be received until 3 pen. (E'.D,S.T.), Thursday, June 19, 1947, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the (Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the' forms suppled by the Department and in ac- cordance with departmental specifi- cations and conditions attached there- to. Coal dealers' license numbers must be given when tendering. The Department reserves the right to demand -from any: successful tend_ ever, before awarding the order, :a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, trade payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Pubic Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or j of the '.Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent comp- anies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Do- minion of C'anad'a, or the aforemen- tioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. :Such security will serve as a guar- a.ntee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J. ,M..S.OMERVILLE, Department of Public Works,Secretary. Ottawa, June 2, 1947. 23-24.9 GIVE YOUR FEET AN iCE-MINT TREAT Wonderful, cooling relief for your tired ach. inp feet with ICC-hIINT. Burning callouses, painful corns, and all the foot pains that take the joy out of life can be forgotten if you use creamy, white medicinal ICC -MINT. You can feel it start to act while you are still applying it— try ajar today and loin the dmosanat\ who keep foot.happy with ICS MINT. Small rat 504-4 oz. economy ear — 51.00 AT PENNEHAKER'S AND ALL DRUGGISTS . For Sale In the Village of Bayfield -1!= ,storey dwelling, full basement hydro, two car garage, hen house, 1/4 acre land, immediate posses- sion. • • • Four Bedroom, two storey frame dwelling, bath, furnace: and gar- age, sold subject to present ten- ancy. • b b. H. C. LAWSON REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone 251w Clinton, Ont. HELP WANTED Have openings for two or three young hien as beginners ,where ' employment will be pleasant and :permanent; also • have employment for a few men •willt experience in woodworking industry. APPLY: Sherlock -Manning Pianos, Limited CLINTON, 'ONTARIO 23nb CHEK CHART Motorists do you know what this means? An ;automotive lubrication • guide for passenger cars and light trucks. LUBRICATE FOR SAFETY EVERY 1,000 MILES — OR EVERY ;30 DAYS! Approved by Car Manufacturers VULCANIZING (24-hour service) Harry Davies WHITE ROSE GASOLINE and OIL: Tire and Battery VICTORIA ST. Phone 460 OLINTON 41111011.11... REGENT THEATRE SEAPORTII Now Palying .— "TIIP+, JOLSON STORY" with Larry Parks — A Technicolor presentation MON.. TUES., WED. Adult Entertainment Olivia de Haviland - Lew Ayres and Thomas Mitchell Xaur. favourite star playing the role of twin sisters in n drannatic romance "THE " DARK MIEROR" THUR., FRI., SAT. Randolph Scott Peggy Ann Garner and Lynn Bari There's plenty of excitement and a,clash of mystery in this tale of a modern family "HOME SWEET HOMICIDE" Coming—"MON AND DAD" Adult Entertainment . , , . Matinees: Sat & holidays, 2.30 p.m. OPEN SUNDAY JUNE 15 Every Night Next Week Watkins' Service Station Huron St. SUNOCO DYNAFUEL Phone 18 Clinton "STAND UP FOR THE FAITH ONCE DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS" JudDON'T LET MODERNISM ROB Y'OU OF YOUR FAITH THE OLD-TIME' GOSPEL IS 'STILL THE NEWEST THING ON EARTH TO -DAY, Repent of your sins—Believe Christ died for you—AND BE SAVED TUNS IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR Earn while Learning CLINTON KNITTING Company, Limited (IAS OPENINGS IN ALL PHASES OF HOSIERY MANUFACTURING KNITTERS, , LOOPERS WANTED ESPECIALLY 44 -HOUR WEEK — GOOD WAGES REST PERIODS 20-b ►A111111111Ilrl1111I,1,1,llwllTilIlalIDTIII(1,1IlugIISIIlelu111uTruMIIUIurnIrw11- wll ,, ;. i illi 11 i _ i �t • li i i 11 i 1 i r i i an 1 i it i i i i Y Im ii N ii i m !Victoria St•. PHONE 297 Clinton RI 51• IISA(sighsn■iMII E11111lI111II1111I1l1IIUINNIllellIA11111111IwI11iII11A1ITriHA111111IIw1111111K1191 r"ia New Hours for Clinton Grill i li !.7 Open Daily 11.30 a.m. to 12 Midnight SPECI"AL DINNERS SERVED ALL DAY SUNDAY CLINTON GRILL "We welcome the Guests Who Demand the Best!" For Father WHY NOT A Billfold, an Item of Luggage or a Pair of Shoes SEE OUR SELECTION AIKE N 'S PHONE 2 CLINTON Just Arrived A New Up -To -Date Shower and Cabinet • • • Be sure and have the pleasure of a Shower in the Hot Weather! HUGIL R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING PHONES: Residence 478; (Easiness' . 244