HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-12, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECO -RD THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 194i1 anti Chinch Affairs. in Clinton and Districl School Children Raise Funds for [-hospital A v,ery successful bazaar was held int elle Town Couneal ,Chamber on Sat- urday afternoon, in spite sof the in-' clement weather. when the pupile of S.S. No.5 Hullett, sponsored a sale' and afternoon tea. • Considering the fact that there are only seven ,pupils in the school who are of the age that they might be able to help and could do the wood- work etc., it was thought that the pupils did exceptionally well to raise $225 at this event and from the sale of a quilt which was raffled off at the bazaar. This went to Miss Phyllis Wilding, teacher at Porter's Hill school, The money thus raised is to go toward furnishing a room in the new wing of Clinton Public Hospital. It is fel that since ales. M. E. Jacob has shown her interest in the project by donating a mattress for a bed Wee Presbyterian WA Holds June Meeting The WA of .Clinton Presbyterian Church met on. Wednesday afternoon, June 4 in ,the S. S. room with- 15 present,. The .president, Mrs, Twit- chell, was in the °hair and Mrs, Snider at the piano. The meeting opened by tinging Hlyarrn 454 followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The president read ibhe 14th chapter of St. John's Gospel.' The minutes of the last meeting and ereasua'er':e report were read ley Mas. Maxwell. Routine business was discussed and the meeting closed by singing hymn 475 followed by a prayer by the president. Mrs. McTaggart and Mrs, Gibson were tea hostesses at the social hour which followed the meeting, that the nnondy raised at the bazaar will almost eover the other fiunish- ings for the robin. SPECIAL for FATHER'S DAY 20% off O N SIGNET RINGS WATCHES and PEN SETS A. M. JACKSON JEWELLER Albert St. Clinton ■ 23-tfb NOTICE • • • The Town of Clinton is anxious to procure properties on which WARTIME HOUSES may be built. Citizens who have vacant building lots for sale please contact the Town Clerk for further particulars. TOWN OF CLINTON, M. T. Carless, Clerk and Treasurer ■. WATOH FOR THE OBEN'IiNG OF THE TOT SHOP Clttvton's New Store Exclusively For INFANTS' AND PRE-SCHOOL WEAR YARNS TOYS GIFT SETS Nina Inkley Ethel Cooke ■ ■ Engagements Announced Ma•. and Mrs, J. J. Tischer, Sack- anion, Sask., announce the ,engage ment of their daughter, Anna 11'Iarie, to Samuel Wilson, second son of Mr. and ;Mas. Edward °raig, Clinton, the. marriage to take place the latter pant• of June in London, Ontario. Mr. and iM•ac. John 7L Middleton, Goderich Township, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter. Phyllis Evelyn, to Leann Keith Tyndall, yoemgeoe son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J, Tyndall, Hallett Township.. The marriage will take place in St. James' Chuaach, Middleton, on Sat- urday, Judy 5, at 3 p.m. Wesley -Willis WA Holds June Meeting The June meeting of the WA of Wesey-Willis United Church was held in the church parlour en the after- noon of June 4. 'Phe president, Mas. W. A. Oakes, was in the chair, Mrs. H. Ohaelesworth was pianist. The opening hymn "Take my life and let it be, eoneecrcuted Lord to Thee". 1VIes. Oakes offered prayer, 'rhe min- utes were read by Mrs Gordon Mil- ler in the 'absence of • 2s Jefferson. S01. Mrs. R. S.tAtk eY, treasurer. gave the financial report. The devotional period included an- other in the series "Women of the Bible," when Mrs, John Innes react the story of 'Mary and Martha. Mrs. Saville offered .prayer and Mrs. N. Trewarbha gave "Thoughts an the lives of Mary and Martha". Mac. John Nediber, Jr., reported 19 had been remembered width flow- ers during the month. Mrs. Wilfred Jervis repeated one quilt completed, and :another on the 'way. The Jolly meeting will be held on the lawn •of the church, "Picnic tea" will be served. A ,hymn, and the Benediction brought the meeting to a close. after which te'a and sandwiches were serv- ed by Mrs. Frank Andrew's group. 0 IOOF NOTES Attend Church Clinton Lodge No. 83 and Minnie Rebekah Lodge No, 306 in good num- bers, with visitors from Seaforth and Brucefield, attended) Divine Worship in Clinton Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. Both lodges were headed by their Noble Grands, J. 3. Cook and ,Mrs. Mabel Nickerson. The service was in charge of the minister, Rev. D. J. Lane, who gave a very inspiring address on "Good Santaritaniship". Mr. Lane said that this parable teaches us 'drat no ,man ter what •our race, creed oa• colour we 'should all try .and pull together for the good of Ile world. He pointed out that so frequently the people who help •others the most are the ones who can 'least afford it, but somehow when they die these nets of idndness they seem to get the wherewithal that is necessary. He felt that the member of the lodges ought to be ever ready to practice. their teachings and do their best to make the world a bebter Christian place in 'which to live. The inusi,c was in charge of the organist. Mrs. Bert Hayes-, who led the choir ittani appropriate anthem as well as accompanied- her son Master Berevley Boyes, boy soprano, in his solo, "Bless This House." New Lodge Instituted A good number of members of Huronic 'Rebelaah Lodge as well as representatives from all lodges in the Stratford district wore present on Monday evening at a large gath- ering in Exeter, when Pride of Huron Lodge of that down was instituted. The degree was put on by Eidelweiss Lodge, Seaforth, and Mac. Mary Nediger, District Deputy President, and her team from Clinton, installed the new officers. Mrs, Nediger is to be highly congratulated on the fact that she is the dust D.D.P. to institute two 'lodges during her term of office. Late last fall Mrs. Nediger instituted the Lodge at Listowel. -Two Initiated Clutton Lodge No. 83 met on Tuea day evening for its regular meeting. Special work of the evening was the initation of two new candidates. A third new member signed the mem- bers book, having ,become a member by transfdr. I Refreshments- were served at the close of the meeting. Garden Chairs, folding type, hardwood frame, Perfect for relaxing outdoors, each .,.,.. $3.25 with footrest and canopy, each .. $5.35 * * * TUBULAR STEEL GARDEN CHAIRS, very strong and sturdy, will last a lifetime, each ......... ............ , $6.75 HAMMOCKS each $9 and $10.75 Lawn Chairs, unpainted, each , .. $4.50 and $5.95 Folding Verandah Chairs each $2.75 BALL BRO Win. N. Ball Phone 361W HARDWARE and FURNITURE DEALERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS D. G. Ball. PHONE 361. June Weddings SCOTT -FOWLER A pretty wedding took place at the Presbyterian Manse, Clinton, 00 II Saturday, June 7, at 1.30 p.m., when Rev. D. J. Lane, in an interesting double -ring cereinonly, united in mar- riage, Lorraine Edith Fowler, daugh- ter of Mr. and 'Mrs. H,aary Fowler, Clinton, to Kenneth Andrew -Scott, only son 04 .1VIa, :and Mrs. ;Ross Steen Bruin field. The beide looped charming in a fltooa-length gown of white embroid- ered satin with sidrt of net, She wore a three -quanta! length veil of matching net, caught to a 'heart shaped halo and :canned a cascade bouquet of yellow roses. Miss Ruth ,Scott, 'only sister of the groom. as bridesnnaid, 'was gowned in ,pink net with natohing halo -and mittens, and carried 'a bouquet of White eanmaitions. Leonard Fowler, twin brother of the bride, was ,best roan. The par- eruts of the :betide and groom were the only attendants at the ma nse. Following the wedding, a reception was 'held at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother receiving in a charming :grey flowered dress with brown accessories ,and wearing pink eaimations. She was ,assisted by the groom's .• soother wearing navy with white trimmings and her cor- sage was of plane, carnations. The blouse was ,prettkly decorated with pink and white streamers and lovely spring flowers. The lunoh was served by Mrs. John Fraser, Miss Man Dixon, Miss Denis Weymouth, -and Mrs. ,Carlyle Cornish, with Mrs. David Cornish pouring tea. For travelling, the bride donned' a white e'y'elet dress with matching accessories and with it wore a cor- sage of yellow roses. The young couple left on a honeymoon into Northern Ontario -and on their re- turn will reside in Baucefield. • BURROWS-MAIR Cathedral tapers in tali candelabra sonny lighted Metropolitan United Church, London: on Saturday, June 7, (the brides birthday), for the marriage of Berva Mary, only daugh- ter of Mas. John ,Mair, London, for- merly of ,Olinton, and the late John Stewart Mair, to Kenneth Quiver Burrows, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiilluani Burrows, Oxford Su., London. The church was •attracti'vely de- corated with ferns, palms, snapdrag- ons and carnations with white satin bows maekng the guest pews. The double -ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. W. E. tMeNiven. Bridal music was' played by ,Ma. T. C. Ohaltoe, and the soloist, Mrs. How- ard .Ferguson, -sang "Love's Corona- tion." • The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Warevick P. Cole, Detroit was lovely in -a 'gown of blush ivory satin with nylon nook yoke, outlined with Swiss 'lace and long pointed sleeves. The bodice was made with long torso, the full skirt extending into a slight train. Her long em- broidered veil was held ill place by a pretty crown of beaded pearls and caught to .the train' of her skirt with two single easel: ads. She carried a cascade bouquet of Btitterfy roses. The bride's only ornament was a double strand of ,pearls. the gift of the groom. Miss Eileen McDonald, Washing- ton, !D.C., cousin' of the bride, was ,the only attendant. She looked charm- ing in a floor -length gown of blue, designed with lace bodice and net skirt, with blue :net :halo )rat and gloves. She carried a cascade bou- quet of Johanna Hill roses. Allan Burrows,Galt, was best pian, and the ushers were Jack Sprung and 'George Hargraves, both of Lon- don. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held :aro Knotty- Pine Inn. The br'ides another received in a grely crepe dress with matching as cessoriec and wore a corsage of pint roses. Mac. Burrows; mother of the groom wore -a grey crepe dress with carmine -accessories.--She wore a .corsage of Better Times roses. After the :reception the bride and groom left on a•;'trip to. the USA. w•PraH•►H> For travelling the beide diose a pale biege ear -trimmed suit with black accessoriesand wore a corsage of •plink roses. On their return the 'couple will reside in London. Out-of-+bown guests were present (roan Detroit, Windsor, Toronto, Hamilton, Stretford, Clinton, Londes- boro, Galt, Lambeth, Brussels, and Wyoming, McNALL-OESCH (By OUT Bayfield eorresponident) A pretty Jmie wedding was •soleen- nieed at Goshen United) Church, Sat. urciay, June 7, 1947, when Mae Marie, yo;ingest daughter of MVIr. and Man. Somite Gesell, became the bride of Clarence Ray 'McNeill, son of Mr. and Mae. Robert McNeil, IJucltnow. Rev. Raba Hetn officiated in a matte setting of white lilac -anid tulips, .Miss Kathleen Hess, Zurich, was organist and Mise .Doreen 'McOlinehey, Varna, rang "0 Perfect Love" during the signinug of the register. The .bride, •enteeiaig the church on the atm of her father, was charming- ly harmin • ,g- ly gowned in. white satin, embossed with a feather and lover's knot de- sign, fitted )bodice with full nylon over taffeta skint. She wore s. finger- tip veil caught with a halo of orange blossoms and carried a caseade bou- quet -of Peerless red rises. Her only otnvaanent were two strands of pearls. gift of the. give= Miss Sylvia Vincent, London, the bridesmaid, wore a floor length gown of blue lace with fitted bodice ex- tending to a full skirt, snatching shoulder length veil and .gloves and carried a ,bouquet of pink roses. She wore gold earrings set with seed pearls, gift of the bride. Russell Oesch, Varna, brother of the bride, 'was best man. The ushers were Earl Flaxbard; Zurich. and Cecil McNeil, Lucknow. The reception was held at ,the Little Inn, Bayfield, following the ceremony. Mrs. Desch received the guests in a grey frock with navy access'o'ries and corsage of white car- nations. The' groom's mother chose navy with brown accessories and corsage of white carnations. For travelling the bride chose a blue snit with bustle and white ac- cessories. On their .return from a honeymoon to Niagara Falls and Buffalo they will reside in Mivertou. Mission Band Takes Charge at Meeting The WMS of Ontario St. United Church met in the sehooI room on Tuesday afternoon, June 10. The president, ,Mrs, W. J. Woolfrey, ex- tended a very hearty welcome to the mothers and babies -of the Baby Band.. and to the Mission Band ,and thein -leaders. The first part of the meeting was as usual, with the devotions in charge of Mrs. George Shipley. Various -re. polite were given and business dis- cussed. Mas. Treleaven played a piano solo "The Palms" At four o'e'lock the Mission Band took charge of the .programme which was ae follows: Solo, Margie Ellen Lawson; piano ;solo, Betty Woolfrey; chorus, 'Mission Band; reading, Olive Petrie; duett, Barbara Neeson and .Marie McLeod; recitation, Margaret Piekaed; chorus, Mission Band; re- citation, Shirley Ashton; solo, Mar- lene Jervis; mecitattion. Margie Ellen Lawson; chorus, Mission Band Pic- tures were then shown to the child- ren showing a trip of seven peonies 'to Africa. A social half hour was enjoyed by all, ohocolate milk, sandwiches and cookies being served to the children. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxivary of the Cana- dian Legion will hod its regular meeting in the Legion Notre on Mon- day, June 16, alt 8.15 p.m. Miss Hoyle, 'Strahfordd Zone Representa- tive, , will be present, ONTARIO ST o GIRLS' CLUB The Gins' Club of Ontario St. United Church will meet at the ]carne of Mfrs. Neiman Tyndall., to -night, (Thursday), at eight o'clock. CHURCH DIRECTORY (All times are Eastern Daylight Saving) Pentecostal Rh)Y. H. KEINDRICK, Pastor SUNiDIA,Y, JUNiE 15' 2.30 P.M. -Sunday School 3.30 P.M. -Worship Service 7.34 P.M.--,Flvangellistic Service Sunday Services at home of 'Miss Laura Jervis, Princess .St. E. "The Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, eleansetlh us from all sin." 1 John 1:7 St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTI:EL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frenilin, Organist Ars. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY. JUIN.7I'15 8.30 A.M.-Hoy Communion 10.00 ASM.-tSuuday lacteal 11.00 A.M.-Morning Service 7.00 P.M.- 11l eningg Service. Monday -Confirmation Class at 7.30 P.M. Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister. Mrs. Bert Boyer, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 15 0.00 A.M.-Sunday School 11.00 A,M•-Divine Worship "Words) of Jesus" 2.30 P.M. -Service at Bayfield All Welcome Wesley -Willis Church R'E'V. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 15 11.00 A.M.-Morning Worship Children's and Flower Service 12.10 -Sunday ':Sdhool 7.00' P.M.- il3menin'g Worship Baptist ti,SV• C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader. SUNDAY, JUNE 15 Bible •School 11. A.M. Evening Worship 7 P.M. The minister will conduct the service. Phan to 'be inyour place. 1Uf not you will be missed. littler said Jesus and His love story was out of date. Jesus still reigns and will continue. You are for Ham or against; there is no neutral in this war. Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLPREY, Minister B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wender$, Organist ,SUNDAY, JUNE. 15 11.00 A.M.-Morning Service "The ,Old; and the New" 12.15 P.M. --Sunday School 7.00 P,M.-Enrening Service Rev. It. V. W'arkartan, S'eafont'h, will be tihe guest preacher. SOUTH HURON WI ANNUAL A SUCCESS (By our Hensall Correspondent) The District annual of South Hur- on Women's Iuistitutes was held Tuesday, May 27 in Thames Road United Church. It was built around the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Women's Institutes. Mrs: A. Rundle, Hurondale, gave the weloome and replied -to by Mrs. Norman Long, Kippen. The aedlitors stated that they lion checked the books and found then in excellent order. The presid- ent states) that the ambition of the disteiot is to have 16 branches in .ries years. Reports of standing committees were presented: Agrioulltitre 'Mrs. Ray Nott, Seaforth; Citizenship, -Mrs. A. E. Munn, Hensall; Home . Econom- ics, Mac, John /Sihnclair, Kippen; :Sosial Welfare, Mrs. Fred Beer, Hensall; Publicity, :Mrs. Newell Geiger, Zurich Historical Research ---Mrs. Paul Doig, Seaforth, Mrs. Elsner Cameron of :Seaforth contributed a piano solo. The demon:- station emon-stration was capably handed by Mee. ;Al. E. Munn, Ilensall, who displayed hand made plastic aprons and pre- sented new ideas concerning plastic and their uses. She also made a plastic place neat and stencilled it in C0101% and painted flowers on ,some which were very pretty when finish- ed, Mrs. Archie Morgan, Hurondale. directed community singing after which Mrs. Fred Oster, chairman of London :Conference brought some in- teresting facts that the executive confront in carrying out their duties. At the banquet ,tables weee artistic- ally ,arranged blue and gold stream- ers and the Institnte colours were. well carried out: A lovely birthday cake, made by Mrs. Percy Passmore„ Hva:ondale, .topped with fifty candles centred the head table the candles were lit by two pioneer members of the -South Huron W. I. Miss. Nettie Kedd}y, Exeter and Mrs. E. Rey, Zur- ich. Mrs. A. Meir presented the hist- ory of the South Huron women's In- stitutes t s which started from a farm- ers' organization which was held at Exeter. The president acted in the capacity of ,toastmistress and called upon Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, Hensall, president ref Hensall W. I. 'who pro- posed a toast to the King. Mrs. H. Rose, Zurich proposed a toast to- "0 Canada". ,Marg Hendren( giving the. reply. The toast to the institute was given by Man.'Gauche with Mas. A. Morgan, Ilaarondale, making the reply the ,birthday cake was served and much enneyed. The •e,teranoon session opened with Mrs, 'Morgan in: charge of community singing. Miss Jean Brock, president of the Junior girls gave an meow - aging report of this newly organized Junior Girls group in Exeter. Mrs. G. Fipple, .Seaforth presented some highlights of the London convention which she attended as a cldstrict de- legate. Mrs. Janes Lateen provincial dir- ector, brought :news of the board- meeting held in Toronto, she encour- aged the members to read "Our Moine and Country" and to keep up the work to 'win the peace, Officers for the coming year are; Hon, President -Mrs. Glenn MacLean, Kippen; President -Mrs. Gordon Papp- lel, ,Seafik,th .Vice4president-Mrs. -R. Elgin, Kippen, Mrs. James Kirkland, Ilusondale, ,Secretary-hreasuree, 1V1as. A. Mena Hurondale• r Aud2to•s-M s. t Cornish Mrs, I s. H. Strang; Conveners of :Standing committees:Agricultuse-• Mas. Ray ,Nott, •Searforth; Citizenship Mrs. IAL E. Munn, Hensall; Home .E4 bnomieo-Mrs. J. 'Sinclair, Kippen; Social and Welfare -'Mrs. Fred Beer, Hensall; Publicity -Mrs. Newell Geig- er, Zurich; Historical Research -Mrs,. P. Doig, Seaforth; Junior convener - Marion Rundle; District delegate -Mrs A. Meir, Alternate Mrs. Schenk, Ore- ditosi; Federated representative= Mas. G. MacLean, 'Clipper., alternate Mas. R. Elgie; Convener of resolut- ions- Mrs. A. Rundle. Mrs. Edith Collins, department representative. who will sail shortly for England and Holland to represent Women's - Institutes end impressed upon the members that they must learn to love each other and .hasten the better -day. Miss Flora Dau•.nin, Horne Ec- onomics coach, presented an insight into the work of the junior girls.• Miss Uttley, Zurich, favoured with a pleasing vocal solo. 11,1111•414=r0 =MOO .0•110.0.11-em.11.mea DRESSES For Warm Weather Wear Misses' and Women's Sizes Be Cool and Comfortable in one of these Smart Tub Frocks Priced at $2.19, $2.75, $3.50, $4.50, $7.95 and $9.75. Children's Sizes -98e and $1.95 Print Dresses For Maternity Wear Sizes 14 to 20 Made of Good Quality Colorful. Cotton Prikvts, and so rea'son'ably prilced $3.39 R. V. IRWIN JUNE BRIDES Wedding Portraits by Fowler Bros. provide a permanent record of your Wedding Day Careful attention -to posing of the gown and flowers plus pleasing exrpres'sions, characteristic of Fowler. Bees. Photos, assure you of wedding ,portraits you will be prwtud to own. Jowle' &o3. Phone 48 PHOTOGRAPHERS McEwan's Clinton a The W.A. of the Presbyterian Church will hold their ANNUAL BAZAAR SATURDAY, JUNE 14th; at 3 p.m. APRON - FAKING - NOIVEIJFY & TOUCH and TAKE BOOTHS * * * AFTERNOON TEA Menu: Salad Plate, Meat Loaf, Pile and Tea * * * ALL WELCOME 23-24-b Hot Weather is Here ! Take home a brick of Silverwood's Smoother than Velvet Ice Cream for dessert. It's a Treat for the Whole Family BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 CLINTON